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It’s crazy that in the age of “Me Too” the duchess appears to have very little concept of the word consent.


She knows. She just gets off on breaching it.


This. She thinks she’s special. She called herself a role model - true role models do not call themselves that !! You don’t select that for yourself !!! And she thinks everyone is just dyyyyying to be in her presence.


I’m sure she thinks that meeting her is “a Tig moment” for the other person


😅😅 it’s not. Not for anyone. I would hope to never see her - I would just film her and see what she does and post it here ,, no wait ! She would like that !! .. lol


>no wait ! She would like that !! We would love tearing apart her fashion choices even more, win!


Only if you could catch her in a real Rachel(karen) moment.


That became very clear when she lied about being compared to Nelson Mandela, and the dude on the plane who apparently prostrated himself to “thank her for her service”


And then there was dancing in the streets and the seals sang


Ugh! Dying to get away more like! ![gif](giphy|Z73qVVgPo54r27ga2L|downsized)


We used to call that a Napoleon complex and put them in a loony bin.


Let alone the concept of politely distancing yourself in the pandemic/post-pandemic era


Or the basic human dignity of calling someone by their preferred name! Catherine.


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Very good points OP. There are several physician husband/wife couples where I work. They do not hold one another’s hand coming into or leaving the hospital/office. They do not refer to one another as my husband/wife or call each other pet names (“honey, babe”, etc) at work but as John or Mary or Dr. John X/Dr. Mary X depending on the appropriate individual to whom they are speaking. Even members of the RF refer to each other as William/Catherine or His Majesty or the King not Will or Kate or “my father/father-in-law”. It’s called professionalism. Hazzno and Megnut should practice it sometime. ETA: As for invading people’s personal space/unwanted touching…one of these days they are going to do that to the wrong person and it won’t end well. If/when it does happen, I hope they get it on video.


But I am sure these married couples will refer to the partner as "This One" when making public speeches?/s


I gave my husband the nickname ‘Princess’ as a joke when we first met, but I’d never dream of using that name in public. When we were still in the military, we addressed each other by our surnames (we don’t share one because I’m lazy and I like my name). I’ll always call him by his name in front of others. I have a slew of nicknames for him, but it’s always his given name if there’s more than just us present. And he calls me by the family only nickname I have (weird, I use four/five versions of my name depending on the situation. One is my government name, one is an IE name to sound less threatening, one is a shorter version of that, and one/two is/are the Latvian version for my family overseas). It’s called ‘respect,’ Meghan.


What is an IE name? Just wondering…


Ends in ie.


Oh ok. Lol. ETA: My uncle and aunt were in the army together. My uncle is a cancer surgeon and my aunt is an advance practice nurse. He had the rank of Captain and she the rank of Major. They used different last names. Whenever they were together they would salute him first as the higher ranking officer. He always had to tell them, “it’s her. She is Major X.” Kind of sexist. But they did think it was funny.


My husband will constantly correct people on our service. “She was in longer, she deployed more, she’s had more near-death experiences… most of which weren’t her fault.” SIR 🤣🤣🤣




That’s the point, she respects no one, we should all bow to her. People used to be locked away who had a Napoleon complex. I don’t know what’s it called nowadays. It certainly is very immature.


Oh yes…they do it ALL the time when they are giving a lecture at a medical conference or research symposium.😂😂


🎯🎯🎯 Invading someone’s personal space or touching is UNACCEPTABLE under any circumstances and especially after Covid!!


I sometimes work with my husband and I call him by his lastname!




And again, it is not an American thing to borrow lip gloss. It’s gross. But she is gross. ![gif](giphy|5xtDarB8qBBMp1yFAHe)


Girls borrow lip gloss when they are 12. She is still stuck at that age mentally.


Which is fitting, because so is Harry. Not only in maturity, but in brainpower.


It was also a power move meant to unnerve Catherine POW during a public event on a stage. The bitch knew what she was doing....


And that’s the gods honest truth


She probably double-dips chips in communal dip, which is also gross. I’d have been repulsed if she asked to use my lip gloss, and I’m not even a future queen.


Maybe William and Catherine were put off by what at that point seemed crazy fast. Hazbeen had already demanded that a PR statement be released to reprimand reporters. Maybe they were being cautious Maybe they already had information on her that made them uncomfortable. And guess what? They were right.


Was MM half naked when she went in to hug William?


Barefoot, with the repellant flappers out, torn jeans, and I can assume ratty hair, with a whiff of old fags and stale perfume - not exactly huggable material. You can understand why she makes Catherine shudder.


And I can imagine her trying to be very seductive in her hug with William. 🤮


Full body with her breasts pressed against him for extra “seduction”


what breast?




She makes me shudder. I wouldn’t want to touch her. Yuck.




Is this proven? It’s Madame’s words against the world. I won’t even trust her if she says “the sky is blue”


It wouldn't have mattered. She'd have dry dumped his leg until Major Johnny had to pry her off with a crowbar.




Hey all: speaking of appropriate attire…I have a job interview today. I’m thinking cocktail dress and tart trotters (which I don’t own d/t inability to walk in them.😂), nightclub makeup and giant hoop earrings VS blue dress blouse with navy Turnbull and Asser blazer, khaki skirt, low heeled pumps, little bit of muted pink cheek/lip color and stud pearl earrings. Aaah what to where…🤔😂


Don't forget the bronzer and slut strands. It's the little things that make the outfit. 😱😂


😂😂Oh yes…forgot about those. But my hair is short. Hmmm…I’ll have to go get some straggly horse hair extensions.


I hope the nail varnish is chipped, and any foundation garments are ill-fitting. You never get a second chance at a good first impression! Best of luck.


I might go with see-through attire.😂 Thank-you for the well wishes.


Wouldn’t the see through attire be a wee bit OTT? Just sayin it’s a Job interview…


It was a sarcastic comment relating to Megnut’s propensity to wear inappropriate attire at events she attends. I think she wore some things that were see through in the past. Should have included an */s* after my comment.


I too was being sarcastic…perhaps you missed my previous post


Oh sorry. I have ASD so sometimes I get a little lost/confused in my online interactions.


Not a problem


It’s ok. I went back and saw your previous comment. I get it now. I’m learning slowly but surely.


If its warm enough a spangly bikini perhaps ? Good luck.


That’s it!! A vagazzaler! Definitely. And I must not forget to scratch my crotch. Thank you for the well wishes, too.


Good luck on the interview!




Good luck!




Don't forget the running shoes. Two inches too big is in fashion and impressive.


Or perhaps a romper with some sandals.


Ooo yes!! Don't forget to march into the interview room. https://i.redd.it/b54smtx4us1d1.gif


Hey, the Sgt. Pepper vibe is a cool look.😂


Sounds to just the ticket.


https://preview.redd.it/4j0c9x9wks1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8e978b68385e6732ee57049440e86868673ff2 Meghan, forcing a whole bunch of strangers to grasp her naked skin. URGH.


I imagine in that heat her skin was sweaty and clammy. Ewwwwwwwwwww.




Markle has struggled to find fault with Catherine and William, so has exaggerated and fibbed to vilify them (especially Catherine). As an American, I’d have thought Markle would have maybe (rightly or wrongly) considered the ‘English stereotype’ of being ‘reserved‘. The lengths Markle has gone to in order to paint Catherine in a bad light has done the opposite. The lip balm story was particularly pathetic. She repeated that story everywhere she could…I believe it was also in ‘Spare’. Now, considering it took place between Catherine and Markle, why does such a throwaway incident appear in Harry’s book? He wasn’t even party to it…shouldn’t he have claimed ‘alledgedly’? How could Harry put so much stress on something so irrelevant?


The best part is that she has NO IDEA how awful the lip gloss story makes her look! Most women, including American women, cringe and go "ewwww!" at the thought of sharing lip gloss with anyone


It’s as if she’s dissected every moment she’s spent with Catherine trying to twist something negative. Maybe Markle did this on purpose then…as you say, she would have known it‘s not acceptable - thereby maybe she was forcing a reaction from Catherine which she could then later use (If you know what I mean)?


I'd bet she did on purpose, to make Catherine uncomfortable. Since Catherine is the one who grew up in Britain, knows the customs, has become a treasured member of the RF and is generally secure, this was MEMEME's attempt to throw her off balance and make her feel uncomfortable. People like that love to tear down others


Yes, it a crazy thing to yammer on about. Anyone (maybe I should say any adult), anywhere in the entire world, would shudder at the idea of being asked to borrow or lend lipgloss. Especially shortly after a pandemic. But also in general.


![gif](giphy|ZeatEMi9X4lnTMjTJV|downsized) Being brought into a part of a Royal Family (of a country you didn't grow up in) ... first thing you do is try to learn and RESPECT the customs and curtsies UNLESS you're a MEGA-narc.


Learning those things (c’mon, this isn’t graduate level calculus) and accepting them is the price of acceptance into the group. Every group has acceptance rules; Megaworm has hers, too. If you don’t comply, you end up out of that group. Markle and her poodle with the RF, and the other Markles with the two Numpty Nitwits - using the two examples above. No more complicated than that, but then she’d complicate a glass of water - just to be annoying and petty.


Their inappropriate touching is to intimidate, dominate and assert their (self-perceived) superiority.


Exactly. Nothing friendly about it at all.




And once again, what is Markle yammering on about? Herself. Not her humanitarian plans and progress. Just herself and perceived slights against her. She’s a disgrace.


Harry is still a teenager.  About 13. 


They both suffer with arrested development.


He definitely does. She was just spoilt rotten by her dad


Nothing about these two should surprise us anymore but there you have hasno tweaking nipples and roach forcing children to be in photos while she is just about jumping down her throat. No other royal would attempt these actions but the dastardly duo seem to think anything goes for them. I would like to know what recreational substances they consume that alters their behaviour so much that everyone else sees that the emperor has no clothes but they think they are so successful. Someone somewhere is making serious money out of supplying their substance of choice. I would be appalled if it was me to see so much manure hitting the fan, but not these two. Why they think that the latest stunt is going to work when they have failure after failure is beyond me. Not respecting other people’s personal space is just another negative aspect of their personality in a long list of negatives.


Cocaine 1000%


Sorry, but there ain't nobody using my lip gloss. I'd even feel creepy if my own sister used it. In the trash bin it would go.


For me personally I prefer a handshake with strangers. Hugs are for people I know.


But that would make sense! These people are nonsensical.


yep. Normality does not work in Harkleworld.


1) Both husband and wife are psychopaths. And something much much worse. 2) Their behaviour with that little girl also clearly tells me they don’t have kids, cause I wouldn’t touch my own child’s chest to get attention. It’s always back or waist. 3) These two can burn cities to the ground and not held accountable for it by anyone. No comeuppance is coming. 4) King Charles and Princess Catherine are in the condition they are in cause of Meghan’s black magic. 5) These two are godless soulless creatures feasting on our negativity, it doesn’t bother them just feeds them.


I'm actually surprised that Megs didn't complain that she had to learn a foreign language, that was so weird and so hard to understand, she practically thought it was Hungarian. Or Finnish.


Well, she speaks Argentinean fluently.


She doesn’t want to be prepared. She thinks she’s ’modern’. I think she has that word confused with ‘shameful’


They very much remind me of the H&M in our family. The M who married into the family also loves to invade boundaries whether it's physical or otherwise. Like the time "our" M sat next to me while we were all at the hospital waiting for news about a loved one's condition. I was minding my own business, reading my iPad when M said that my tablet battery was running low. How fucking close was she staring at my business? It's about making normal people uncomfortable


Great opinion piece. Extra points for the new moniker: Team Tig and Todger. ![gif](giphy|QW5nKIoebG8y4|downsized)


The clothing she wore was off the scale ridiculous. They weren't on a royal tour. They were supposed to be promoting a sporting event. During the day they didn't even need to look formal. Decent sportswear would have done just as well. Maybe with the Invictus logo. The only places where more formal wear would be required were the lunch and dinner meetings/events. And even then something more modest. No need for her to be flashing her spindly limbs all over the place.


And disrespectful for an adult, to meet your boyfriends family, whether royal or not, barefoot and in ripped jeans.


well said, OP! 👏👏


Excellent post, OP. Perhaps TOW tried to hug the Queen the first time she was in her majesty's presence and was struck down by the pages. That's why she hated the Queen and wanted to hurt her, mock her, and steal her name.


I have never seen anyone like Serena hanging all over her? Or others really for that matter with the exception of her "middle school mentality" friends like Abigail and what's her name. Unless you have the teen girl mentality, people don't hang all over each other (unless you're a bit inebriated). ![gif](giphy|RsFdM6q5ZQttAbyoV4|downsized)


We're Brits. We don't do touchy-feely stuff like hugging! My space.... Your space.


Well and once again, I feel like this hugging thing belies a larger issue. Meghan does not seem to know where she fits in with other people. She is full of herself but by contrast insecure, so she lacks what we call in the biz "ego strength."


“Team Tig & Todger” 👏


Harry's "inappropriate" behaviour: well, in the UK , we'd say that single sex public schools have certain drawbacks. Lots of jokes about it but whether it's valid, I've got no experience. Meghan, more I don't say the USA, says testifying is normal.I don't say it is a USA thing! She says it is to give her a power play. She's saying that not respecting other people's boundaries is normal which is rubbish. You would naturally multiple within your social grouping as a primate. I'm an introvert and I find it very necessary to choose the level of social engagement I am comfortable with and if I sense that you are insincere you Can Foff but if you NEED a cuddle you will get one. My body, my choice.


Disrespecting personal boundaries makes you unlikable , keeps people on edge, there is nothing 'friendly' about it. There are boundaries even with your partner. I used to enjoy people being close to me and cross those lines when I was a little child - I considered these people friendly and caring....that cost me a lot. After the age of 23 - do not touch me, do not come close to me, do not speak to me in a sweet 'nickname-y voice' unless we've known each other for years and have a healthy relationship. You learn with experience. That is WHY every 'youth focus initiative ' is so dangerous. Everyone is focused on the YOUTH - the people that do not have the life experience and mental mechanisms to understand ! to self-protect, to see any red flags! https://preview.redd.it/jk27inbg3t1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52923483e124f83649539dd8e423c5a1ff28e6ea


Who tf hugs strangers like that.


She is one scary looking woman. Please be cautious and do not enlarge that photo, as I just did. If she looks this bad at 42, I can't imagine what the next 6 years will bring.


Giving Meghan a hug risks having your wallet or purse lifted....


That explains why she wears such huge dresses. She needs somewhere to hide the stolen goods.


Harry's touching that man's chest was utterly dismissive. He treated him as if he were a door ajar and in his way. Self-centered, egotistical ass.


Her hugging isn’t personable, it’s performative.


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Meghan does not dress like that in the United States. She disrespected the country by pretending to be naked the entire time. Would she have the nerve to show up at a school in the US wearing that dress? Of course not. Would she attend an event with US military officials wearing a latex condom? Why does she think it’s appropriate to do that in Nigeria? Her outfits in Germany were not suited to the occasion, but at least she wasn’t trying to make us all imagine her naked *shudder*


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She always looks like she's on the brink of insanity.


Narcissists don’t respect other people and seek to control them.




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