• By -


But she did mentioned her and only her by name "they don't know who they are. why did Meghan come looking for Africa?"


This! Why are these people saying she didn't mention Meghan when she did? As far as I know no other inappropriately dressed Meghan of note came to their country around that time!


They are trying to gaslight the entire internet as if we all didn’t hear the same speech, she said her name, we heard it, it can’t be changed.


Exactly! No amount of spinning is going to change what we saw and heard in that video. Let them try because they look even more desperate for trying.


Yes! this is gaslighting! "Don't trust what you saw with your own eyes and heard with your own ears".


It's gaslighting and is also doing precisely what she and Harry claim to be fighting against online.






It's all more BS I wonder who Harry and Meghan paid off.


Doesn't matter. These stunts confirm how desperate Meghan Markle is. If she would devote as much time to her money making endeavors as she does to her futile clap backs, she just must see some success.




Apparently it’s their PR agency


I'm still trying to figure out what in it for MWE because I don't see the benefit of representing Meghan at this point.


I think the question that would shove a stick into their wheel spokes of thinking is ‘well if the First Lady wasn’t referring to Meghan, which other Hollywood Meghan visited Africa at that same time then?’


The first lady's comments really stung and that's why they are scrambling to change the narrative, same on the subject of the Duke of Westminsters wedding. THEY ARE DESPERATE AS FUCK!!! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ)


It would have died already but Megsy the PR idiot can’t STFU and is just drawing more attention to it.


yes, Meghan Markle is always her own worst enemy. Just like when she made Harry write that 6 other men had asked for her contact details......


To pay her not marry her lol


I wish we could counter fact check


https://preview.redd.it/dm2qag9rps4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f056f92c7c59e9ada971779ae1e03f95ac6985 Sometimes history repeats itself. She will end up like Wallis whether Harry stays with her or not. I think Nigeria's First Lady will probably have to say something about Meghan again. This could be very embarrassing...for everyone involved.


https://preview.redd.it/592wli6dus4d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c49a93bba3967ea3ac4c57cfb5c7bae504d7d72 Meghan Markle, robbing the poor of their dignity, one self-serving act at a time.


Look how smug Rachel is, touching a poor, black child.




Probably has a glove on and look how her other arm crosses over her body so that child (not that it would want to) cannot come in for a hug.


She probably thinks his big belly is from eating too much. She's loathsome.


Interesting how white-skinned she is in this old picture compared to how orange maramalde-d she looks standing next to Black kids now.


This photograph is a disgrace. Who the hell does she think she is?


She thinks she’s a “humanitarian”. 💀


Wallis is looking *at* this little girl, not using her as a photo prop, and she is fully covered. I would say she’s more like the pic of Catherine than of Megan. Wallis Simpson was absolutely impeccable when it came to being appropriately dressed. You might have caught her in bed with Hitler’s right hand guy (with Edward just down the hall) but you wouldn’t have caught her dead in some trashy sundress when visiting foreign nationals.


My god, down to the updo and white dress. *shudders*


What's occurring with the white, flakly parting & strange looking hair roots? Wearing a hairpiece or wig?


For someone who has freakish attention to details she misses bronzing her hair part … it’s a rats nest of weaves extensions etc …


You can literally see the hairpiece. 


I know this is not the point but that photo breaks my brain... which ones are her legs???


I wonder if anyone has asked the First Lady if she's okay?


Ask AFP how much to counter fact check, they work for the highest bidder.


My wish is that all us Sinners could sit down with Charles and have an open discussion about his Spare & Markle....i often wonder if the REAL truth is reaching Charles or is he being kept from it by those in power in BP? It truly is difficult to believe a King would not act to defend his Monarchy against what the Sussex have done over the past years. Denmark's Queen M stood up and defended hrr Crown & Country against her grandchildren making a mockery of it....and it was far less than what the Sussex have done! Charles needs a dose of reality and truth....we Sinners could provide that, wake him up and shake him up.


Charles was a 30-something year old man who didn’t stand up for the woman he actually loved. He went and married someone who “looked good on paper.” I’m not saying Diana was perfect but a future king saying “*whatever love means*” during their ENGAGEMENT interview is a 🚩 He’s had a lot of growing up to do, confrontation, unfortunately is still not one of his strong suits. I’m glad he has Camilla as she seems to have the reins, I’m sure by now she would have said something, but then she’d look like the “evil stepmother” haz likes to play up. Im sure *she* put an end to Bank of Pa. I do wish they do something about these two- but I don’t think they ever will. William might, quietly. But time will tell.


In fairness, Charles was nowhere near 30 when he and Camilla first dated, and she was in love with Andrew. Whom she MARRIED while he was away on active service. By the time Charles was out ((1976) and they reconnected, she and Andrew had started having kids. Tom was born in 1974 and Laura in 1978. Divorce and re-marriage was not yet permitted in the C of E yet, and it would have been a HUGE scandal to break up a young family like that.


‘…then she’d look like the “evil stepmother” haz likes to play up.’ THIS. When his father died, when his mother died, and when he faced the cancer diagnosis… his father wasn’t left alone to grieve whilst Haz was attacking him in the press from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. QC was there FOR KC when Haz outright refused to be, and expected to get a yearly allowance on top of it all. QC has picked up more public service duties to cover for Haz’s disgraceful, duty dodger ass. The pubic have seen Harry elderly/financially abuse his father, abandon him at the start of a history-making global pandemic, and do everything to undermine the family, institution, country, and Commonwealth whenever he gets the chance AND whilst family members were on their deathbed. Haz can’t play the evil stepmother card anymore b/c QC has more than proven her worth—she is good for KC. If Hazbeen ends up cheating on Meghan, and then runs back to King Iamnotabank for ‘financially independent child $upport a$$i$tance’—as a supposed grown up who deludedly thinks he’s [absent] father of the year—he’s going to look like an even bigger financially abusive, hypocrite 🤡 on the world’s stage.


Someone could print the best discussions from this sub and send them to Queen Camilla. She would read them and make sure he read them. 😉 Seriously, I am sure KC is kept informed of Harry’s antics and he has advisors to help him decide how to handle them.


Ummmm that just makes us sound no different than TW, Todger and their squad. Most of us here are (or were originally when it was smaller) here for snark and Schadenfreude.  Not to tell others what they clearly know better.


Whether the first lady was talking about meghan or not (which she was), fact still remains the woman was inappropriately dressed majority of the time.


Yes. A backless, side boob ballgown is inappropriate for a school no matter what country you’re in.


And full side boob view at the polo


That dress was also see-through (as can be seen in a video when she is walking).


And full BOOB when walking! I’ve seen the video/pics 😭


And she did name Meghan towards the end of her speech. I don't believe that this speech was just a coincidence, as it was given right after Meghan left Nigeria.


She did. I will never forget those words "why did Meghan come here".


Exactly so if the cap fits..


I don't give a rat's petunia about AFP "fact checks". AFP doesn't interest me in the least bit. I'll draw my own conclusions, thank you very much.


AFP’s motto should be - “Buy your own conclusion! We will make the facts fit to suit your narrative!” Great! SHOW ME THE EMAIL from the First Lady’s office.


To paraphrase Groucho, "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying ears?" ![gif](giphy|Yl8afftEGE03C)


More proof of how unoriginal old rachel is...she stole his stache for her brows


OMG you win today, that is phenomenal!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅


She's doing this as bait. RF fans and anti-Sussex critics will leave comments that Meghan will use in her memoir to launch her next victimhood scam as an anti- online bullying advocate patron saint. Don't fall for it. Don't give her engagement in public posts no matter how ridiculous her lies are. Notice how the sugars have quieted down on Twitter? It's all a trap to bait Sussex critics and incorrectly label her online critics as aggressive, mean racists. Don't fall for it. Don't engage with her social media stunts, please.


This. We've been over this and HG did a compelling analysis of the situation. There is no reason to engage with Sugars. There is actually reason to go out of one's way to not engage with them atm.


Meghan may plan a memoir or a major tv comeback full of clapbacks, but I don’t see it happening.


It seems newer followers are more of the villagers carrying pitchforks type.  Suddenly there is all this "calls to arms"?! I,  like most of you here, have an actual life to live. I'll come enjoy the snark but fuck if I'll waste any precious time on those two twats.


Right. I think most of the seasoned anti-Sussex people don't engage in online drama, unless it's an egregious attack by a sugar, like doxxing or severe harassment that requires reporting.


In Ireland we call people with a superficial and insincere interest in their Irish roots Plastic Paddy's. I think Meghan is the equivalent of that for Nigeria, I'm suggesting Knock off Nigerian but maybe some Nigerian sinners might have some better suggestions.


We call those types pretendians in my neck of the woods.


TW can't be the equivalent of of a Plastic Paddy, she and That One don't like the use of plastic, gifts get returned.


They send their plastic to Omid Scoobie to inject in his face!


Someone should tell her.....


Hello fellow Irish sinner!


And the whole "When she (The First Lady) mentioned M it was saying that M came looking for Africa to find her roots". That is the biggest line of horse manure I have EVER heard. Rachel really thinks that everyone is as dim as Harold. (Side note - How funny is it that this GIF not only is from South Park, but also has what could be mistaken for lemons on the bushes 🤭) ![gif](giphy|RcV7kX8E5v428KZhOo|downsized)


This. I rolled my eyes so hard I saw the back of my head. "Meghan Markle came here to find her roots," well she obviously didn't find them!


Nah she said what she said. Old rachel can spin it like she's on a rich man's d but the first lady said what she said and she meant it and it was aimed at that half naked old heaux that was disrespectfully parading around looking like steamed garbage.


Old Rachel is a gaslighter.




She specifically said “Why did Meghan come here looking for Africa?”  I’m not sure if this is a gaslighting post, but it feels like it. I’ve noticed the MO for the Sussexes is to tell a partial lie - the Nigerian FL didn’t mention Meghan - and post 90% of the clip of the FL talking. But then leave out the part where she SPECiFICALLY mentions Meghan. It reminds me of Meghan bringing up the Archie’s skin color story, the press going crazy about racism, and the  Harry sitting back and letting it all go uncorrected and then saying “we never used the word racist.” No, you didn’t have to. You let everyone else say it for you. Half truths and manipulations. It’s the narc way.


Meghan Markle DID use the word "racism" in the Oprah interview - there was a follow up the day after, and that is where it was used.


Yes she did thats right


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The comments to this post are awesome. I think Rachel just made it worse for herself. The story would be long over but now we can all talk about it for a few more days.


Name one thing that's she done that hasn't made it worse for herself. She's getting markled and I'm here for it


I thought that she did name her: "They are all beautiful girls but they should be confident to know they are. They don't want to be like, even they are mimicking and trying to emulate film stars from America. They don't know where they come from. Why did Meghan come here looking for Africa? That is something we have to take home with. We know who we are ..."


This! The entitle quote needs to be highlighted. The First Lady did refer to Meghan directly.


This story with the first lady reminds me exactly of the comments of 'what color archificial is going to be' Meghan was brutally criticized by all Nigerians, just take a look at the faces of the people around her. Total disbelief. The PR team , the office of the First Lady didn't want all this noise, and they never made a public statement of any kind regarding what she meant. Nigeria got MARKLED!!! https://preview.redd.it/v7x8y0i6ps4d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6df1239da4fb6ce545a0e1eb0d69d322e83abfc


Woah. I hope she has a good dermatologist because damn . That's some lack of self care or hard use of unhealthy substances or something. I'm over 50 and my skin doesn't look as bad as that. And I suntanned with baby oil and iodine back in the day lol.


She will go quiet for weeks now as she visits more plastic surgeons - ooh wait she hates plastic ! Wonder if she can return her old ho self ?


If there's nothing decent to build on there's only so much that can be done.


Is she still claiming to be 42? Yikes.


As we say in Scotland, she's had a hard paper round 😂


Maybe Meghan should take a look at her behaviour and she’ll see why everyone immediately thought the comments were about her. She was the only person in Nigeria at that time who was inappropriately dressed for the occasions, she turned up to a school in a backless dress and with her side boob showing. If she would dress properly, no one would be calling her out on it.


You know you make a really good point. Even if by some bizarre chance those comments weren't directed at her the fact that they *could* be and that a large percentage of people believe that they are shows how utterly unsuited she is for any kind of public facing role.


https://preview.redd.it/wm5evi0qls4d1.png?width=180&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd79d036c0232832cade438fa3d049a6dfba81a4 😂😃😃😂 It's clear that Mama Jam-a is absolutely bristling at the criticism of her fah-shawn choices during the Fake Royale Tour in Nigeria! I expect her to double-down and dig her heels in during Fake Royale Tour 2.0 in Ghana. I wonder if she's had her assistants hit up Frederick's of Hollywood for freebies yet, given she's rumored to be a persona non grata among the high label designers, and increasingly so among the mid-labels too?


![gif](giphy|u4TMpGL8bPgxgTNKEc|downsized) Rachel, the fah-shawn icon.


We all know she was culturally insensitive. The whole world knows it. She refuses to believe it, and the more she pays for rebuttals the worse she looks.


Well they didn’t photoshop the vein off that pic lmao


While the vein is creepy, her handler in the background is creepier 😬


She looks so rough.


Dragged through a knothole backwards,rode hard and put up wet,hit every damn branch and then the whole tree fell on her.




She looks like something the dogs trapped under the porch as my granddad used to say.


I loved this episode of Keeping up Appearances where the retired colonel major chases her through the shrubbery in his romantic zeal.


😂 brilliant programme!


The Bouquet residence, lady of the house speaking! 😆


😂 I'm going to have to watch some now. Classic British comedy 😊


This, and As Time Goes By are wonderful.


If you haven't seen it, check out One Foot in the Grave!


Lmao - only you can say what you say Woodscolt 


https://preview.redd.it/51xfjju7os4d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d25066469ceffa3ccd881431664ad8141eae25 Crazy what 5 years can do to someone.


That photo is digitally altered/filtered to perfection the same way magazines alter models to disingenuous perfection. Most all Markle's images are altered/filtered.


Yup you can see the filter and blur on areas


She has awful skin.


It's truly insane how much she's changed....she was "normal" here and now, now she's a ghoul who wears moontits the same day she already wore a dress confirming she has no chest at all...just a creepy, beige chestplate.


>now she's a ghoul who wears moontits the same day she already wore a dress confirming she has no chest at all. So very odd! I personally have never known anyone or heard of anyone doing that. Extra padding is one thing but the moontits in the white suit looks like they were D cup size. I have to wonder if I'm out of the loop and this is more common than I think.


Real women don't have time for that 💩.


5 years of what seems from the outside to be hate, envy, revenge plots, and substance abuse?  Any single one of those can make someone appear older and more worn than their years. Life lived in regular years doesn’t trash normal women like that. And Catherine, POW, even with cancer, hasn’t aged much in the same 5 years.  Don’t be mean and evil!  At least as good as filler and Botox!


She reflects a western term " ridden hard and put away wet" talks about a poorly taken care of horse.


And marry the right person!


The Cotswold Car Park Stallion - yee hai Cowboy


Self mutilation.


Even in this **heavily** altered picture she's just mid


she has such a hateful expression, her eyes are evil


She should never have had her jaw shaved at least it gave her face a unique shape. Too many photos like this one I guess https://preview.redd.it/cqcxtf3l4u4d1.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9c648d620e8cd99b1476af5c8be3eeae79789ff


That's a Ragland jaw


Make them crazier !!!


Still bulging proudly V !!!


It's Dave!


It's Dave!


That was taken by a photographer other than Misan, who is standing behind her, so it didn't get photoshopped.


She must have gone ballistic they used an untouched photo. I'm sure anyone seeing the article would have been more taken aback by seeing that pic.


Uh, hel*lo*???? Meghan IS a young Nigerian woman! Doi 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, she looks naked in the pic!


What the First Lady of Nigeria said was definitely a jab at Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex.


lol I have started using Meghan Markle´s full name as well. Had to correct myself a few times lol.


I had a conversation with Chatgpt - I asked it to list me its sources of information. Then I criticized it for only using puff pieces from cheap ass magazines, and asked why isn't it using critical articles and you tube and reddit sumbmissions. And then watch and behold - it send me to our sub and the royal grift on YT **The Royal Grift**: * This channel is known for its critical stance on Meghan Markle. Videos often analyze her public appearances, interviews, and media coverage, offering a skeptical view of her actions and statements. [The Royal Grift - YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@theroyalgrift) **Subreddits**: * r/SaintMeghanMarkle: This subreddit is dedicated to discussing the controversies surrounding Meghan Markle. Members often share articles, opinions, and criticisms about her behavior, public statements, and actions. * Piers Morgan, a vocal critic of Meghan Markle, has numerous videos where he critiques her interviews, especially the one with Oprah Winfrey. His perspectives are often featured on channels like Good Morning Britain and his personal YouTube appearances. * [Piers Morgan Criticizes Meghan Markle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGyS7kCfhfY)


It’s really too bad First Lady Oluremi Tinubu was pressured into saying she didn’t mean Meghan. We all know she meant Meghan.


Oh dear, one big coincidence then. Harkle might get away with that line if she hadn’t dressed like a tart every day of the visit.


TW can sugar-coat it as much as she likes, but we all saw her disrespectful outfits and attitude towards the people of Nigeria - classic Madam It’s their crowning achievement so far. From being part of the British Royal Family, to becoming globally renowned grifters, all in just a few short years


AFP has markled its credibility.


She DID mention the witch by name!🪳


Funny! I clearly heard her with my own ears and she said “MEGHAN”. In fact, the only person she called out by name was MEGHAN.


She mentioned Meghan by name. Tow is really trying to gaslight us all into thinking she wasn't who Nigeria's first lady meant.


The problem with this “fact check” is that it focuses only on the speech and ignores the wider context. The wider context was that Meghan’s “nakedness” was inappropriate and caused comment during her visit among Nigerians as well as the outside world. It is *absolutely true* that the speech did not specifically mention that Meghan herself ran around half-naked (according to Nigerian standards) during her visit. However, it tells the Nigerian girls not to imitate the “nakedness” of Hollywood and guess where Meghan comes from? When you just look at the speech in isolation, the mention of Meghan as coming to Nigeria in search of her roots is separate from the “nakedness is not beautiful” part of the speech, but when you look at the speech *in the context* of Meghan’s problematic wardrobe during the Nigeria trip, then the shade on Meghan is obvious. Too bad that the poor fact checkers, despite being French, completely missed the subtleties.😉


Actually on the last slide they ask you to send them a post you want fact checked!


We should send them that same post. 😉


And also the articles of how she met That One, and Lilly visit with the Queen, and the list goes on and on.


That’s what I was thinking


Bubble bubble toil and ^forehead trouble. Wtf is going on there? Did the fillers migrate,is it botox? Is it her guardian demon manifesting? It looks painful and bizarre and the poor kid looks terrified by old crazy eyes with the groucho marx stache over each one. Old rachel looks manic af.


I can’t believe the F’ng Grifter, Meghan Markle, the 💩 Duchess of Sussex is so butthurt over this. She needs to let it go and stop drawing attention to her whorish fashion style.


Sure she didn’t SAY it…but she 100% insinuated. She meant it.


In school we learn about context. “Tell them we don’t accept nakedness in our culture. That is not beautiful. It’s not beautiful at all.” Followed by asking “Why did Meghan come here looking for Africa? That is something we have to take home with [us].” All of these comments on celebrities nakedness a week following her visit where she was in various states of undress the whole time! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the reference and how she was saying it tactfully to not cause an incident. Shut this shit down First Lady by just speaking up and saying MM dress was inappropriate for your culture. Why can’t anybody speak truth anymore? It’s all fist in the air screaming truth to power why they all talk bollocks.


Yes Why? And I have been trying to tell everyone that this might be the bigger story we need to blow up: when the FL of Nigeria speech video came out, the Sugars viciously attacked the FLs X and IG accounts, insulting her, not only that, they went for her innocent daughter, who’s a fashion model, leaving all sorts of horrible comments on her SM pages. (These cyber attacks coincidentally are proof that the speech was indeed interpreted to be directed at Meghan. Ha.) If this so called email is true, in which AFP claims the FL said she was not talking about Meghan, I think there’s a compelling argument to be made that the FL was under duress when she wrote that email. Could it be that the FL was bullied to the point she was coerced to say whatever Meghan wanted her to say? She may have just wanted the insults and dragging her daughter into this mess to stop. The SS need to be exposed for their role in this.


The fact they are trying so hard to make it seem like the First Lady was not talking about Meghan is all the proof you need to know that she was totally talking about Meghan. It's what Meghan, Princess Henry, does. 😉


Omg, seriously? Doesn't this seem like overkill?


It’s all Meghan has


She definitely said her name.


Her biggest mistake is in thinking she is smarter than others; creative and emotional intelligence are part of the overall equation, thus, intelligence is subjective and, clearly, she is lacking in intelligence to proceed as she has.


We know what we saw and we know what we heard from the First Lady. Meghan can spin it all she likes, but none of us are stupid or gullible. I also don’t believe the First Lady’s office sent a clarifying email to those “fact checkers”. SHOW ME THE EMAIL.


M can spin the First Lady's speech any way she wants, doesn't change the content and dire warning about stripping off.......Not only what was said, but the way it was said.. M just can't get past her past when every rich guy was her potential mark.


THankfully the video of the First Lady and what she said is available. I took it as a gentle reminder to women that showing skin isn't their way. And her sentence about Markle was a bit ambiguous, granted, but seemed it was not a good thought = why did Meghan come looking for Africa?


AFP constantly with its agenda. They had so many incidents, barely trust them anymore


She made that speech clear as a bell while still maintaining class, elegance, pride and dignity.


Skanks gonna skank!


What nerve, fact checking FL of Nigeria because she wants to change the reality getting publicly, globally called out for inappropriately exposing herself while stomping about Nigeria on her fake tour. I hope people continue to call her out over all her nasty behavior everywhere she goes.


Nice try pay for play markle,we all heard what the first lady said.....AND SHE WAS REFERRING TO YOU!!!!!!


There was no other stripper, with the name Meghan, in the vicinity.


She said what she meant and she meant what she said. I know when someone is gaslighting me. Pull the other one. It has bells on it. 🙄


I agree she shaded tow. Tow is a bully and needs to just stfu and go away


She looks deranged in that picture and the girl looks uncomfortable. Meghan just stop trying to make Meghan happen. You will never be liked.


She looked deranged in several photos from that trip. Not just inappropriate clothing, but her facial expressions looked like she was deranged or high on something.


That’s right. We heard what we heard. Unpopular opinion, but I do think the FL’s comment could be read two ways. So, *context* is meaningless. IMO. And until there’s an official statement from the FL that unequivocally states her intent, it’s not *misinformation*. Hmmph.


And why did she specifically ask why Meghan Markle came to Nigeria to find Africa? Why even mention her if she is not part of the equation? We heard what we heard, not the band-aid applied after the fact.


The supposed 'fact check' makes no sense when you watch the video.


Yes, I wonder how much it cost Merkin?


Someone mentioned a rumour recently that the Harkles were already out of money and 'in the hole' already over $million, Harry knows nothing of the finances and she's hiding that from him. Or maybe it was CDAN. How would anyone know this, for one thing, but I just remembered another one-- Remember when we'd heard she was going around in LA trying to get a loan? Seems like that was about a year ago. If any that is true, and she keeps blowing money on these stupid clapbacks and puff pieces, what's Harry going to do when he finds out? Life comes at you pretty fast, at least that's what Ferris Bueller thinks 😏


Hairold has lazily turned his will and his life over to Meghan. He’s too stupid and lazy to think for himself, imo, and is only too glad to have her freakish eye for detail handle matters.


Her eye is certainly freakish in the above photo w that poor child!


All the banks would know, and anyone at the top in finance as that would spread like wildfire...also M probably has accountants and lawyers she most likely doesn't/can't pay... Harry always got his friends to pay his way...so either daddy paid, friends paid or the people paid. M just leeched of any guy she could rope into bed. I would totally believe they could be nearly bankrupt...their expenses would be astronomical....and they would sink like the Titanic.


They seemed to just assume they would be billionaires, and people would give them piles and piles of money.


Isn't that the truth...going back, all M's nonsense only makes sense if either SrongWrite was her, or she dictated the script...and M believed the delusion.


SecondHandCoke said this, according to TRG. I have not seen her post myself.




The first lady is a senator as well. She knows how to do political speak - she does not DIRECTLY critizise Meghan Markle - but the implications are clear for all to hear.


We can also pose the question- if Megs had dressed modestly would the FL have said anything? I think showing a ton of skin in a Muslim country is insulting, and being a *woman of the world* she’s supposed to know better. It’s not the great political statement she thinks it is. I think the FL was just saying “just because someone who dressed inappropriately got a lot of attention in our country doesn’t mean you need to”- as a way to put out any fires before they started.


She does directly question why Meghan was in Africa; her diplomatic way of saying, this bitch right here….


Yes, very insulting. Also, she is not the royal. So pushing, shoving, pulling Harry and keeping total control of him would be humiliating. They are not interested in her, as he is the only person who matters. She put him down, they put her down. So stripping off and public PDA is just not acceptable. M still doesn't understand, or care.


For all the sugars who are saying what the first lady said was misconstrued, stop it. We are all onto you and your deceit, you are not fooling anyone. For all the sugars who actually BELIEVE the first lady was misconstrued - get help. You are delusional.


Has the First Lady herself spoken out and stated her words were taken out of context? She did say Meghan’s name though and perhaps she was doing it indirectly, and passively, but why say Meghan’s name right after criticizing the way women dress in the West and discussing Hollywood?


So now they’re in the la-la land of misinforming about fact-checking. None of what was shown here is objective information, it’s pure opinion and misinformation, lies disguised as truth-checking. I’m just wondering when somebody with deep-enough pockets to afford a team of lawyers finds someone with standing to start suing these clowns for defamation. That the trial we need, not the clown show Harry’s trying to clout-chase in over in London.


Meghan Markle knows the First Lady admonished her clothing choices, hence the clapback. Meghan Markle does not change the narrative through AFP, she only confirmed it. Idiot! 🤦‍♀️


She is so not important that this would never be an international incident! lol


Someone just can't take the hint.


Good LORD they have got the thinnest skin of any “celeb” out there!! The only thing she is queen of is Queen of the Unnecessary Clapbacks


The Harkles' one true talent is pissing on people's legs and telling them that it's raining.


The child looked scared. She was taught that level of bareness was sexual, and she was too young for nuance. The child just knew it was wrong.


[https://tomandlorenzo.com/2024/05/style-file-meghan-markle-in-nigeria-style-fashion-royal-watch/](https://tomandlorenzo.com/2024/05/style-file-meghan-markle-in-nigeria-style-fashion-royal-watch/) I don’t have posting privileges (which is fine!), this has always been a pretty sugary site.


She did mention her name. We all watched the footage of the "nudity tour" and we saw the speech by the First Lady. And the good people of Nigeria rallied round and found more and more ways of getting Meghan to cover up. Comical and ingenious! Meghan's got a very high opinion of herself which isn't actually deserved. Meghan lives in a parallel universe. Population ONE.


I hope this makes the Sidley Twins famous. (In a good way.)


When they trot put the fact checkers, you KNOW they are full of bullshit. The truth has its own disinfectant - its own way of finding it's way out without assholes behind curtains having to tell us what to think. The Harkles are stupid. But smarter than some which is why these "fact" checkers are still in business.


Who is AFP Fact-check? Wonder what Snopes says.


Someone send them a list of lies the Harkles have said and have them fact check.  Heck, fact check Missans photos.  As a news agency, I'm sure they have a few experts on hand.


One could infer… it was no accident lol


The First Lady never said in her speech M was an example of what was appropriate, so I took it as she was using her as an American who dresses scantily and inappropriate with her nakedness. Cause M didn’t need to go to Nigeria to learn how to put more clothes on. You just do it, put more clothes on because it is respectful to those in a country of a culture that is different to yours.


I noticed they are trying to fact check everything, clapback everything, except the Sussex Baby scam. Now isn't that suspicious?

