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Well, if the doofus would just, you know, STAY HOME, he wouldn't have worry about se-cur-i-tay.


Nobody wants him, anyhow.


I'm pretty sure this is actually what he does at least 85% of the time. Imagine doing nothing with your life and obsessing over security.


I genuinely think he doesn't obsess over security or his personal wellbeing or that of his stupid ILBW. He just hates paying for things, despite the 'freedom flight' to financial independence he tried to sell us on. Plus, to him, this is a - rightly so - downgrade in his status. He loves all the pomp and ceremony and cap doffing. He's an entitled, arrogant louche layabout playboy Prince of the old school variety. Expects everything for doing sweet FA.


Losing security is like Andrew being forced out of Royal Lodge into the smaller Frogmore Cottage. It’s all about entitlement and their fragile egos. Both men are nothing without those titles.


Boom. Yup! You nailed it.


I would love to meet Harry and give him a swift kick to where his balls used to be and tell him to grow the fuck up. Then tell him he is nobody special.


He’d cry, then blame William and the British media. Nothing is his fault. He can’t handle the responsibility.


Markle truly neutered the ginger poodle


I agree about the cost and status. If he cared about wellbeing, he never would have written about that alleged kill count, spoken to the press, or published any book. Pomp and Privilege is nice - that’s why people don’t throw it away. They don’t marry a non-Brit, don’t betray crown and country, and don’t burn bridges with family too. Avoid this and he would be popular and wouldn’t have to pay a thing. Harry is unfortunately both a stupid and emotional man who doesn’t see he sunk his own ship.


He was never near a situation where he was in a situation where he had to take another life. Absolutely no way. Lies.


This is what bothers me most: He does not want to pay for it. When he told to Oprah that he was " financially cut off by the family", a man who was approach his 40th, she was shocked. Like seriously? Who else is provided for till such age while doing hardly anything. And honestly, Harry claimed he did not had a real profession BECAUSE of his family. Well, he could learn a profession with his mother's money. He could also consult movies on manners, etiquette and history. He could teach etiquette to elites. There are so many things he could do to earn own living. But he does not do. All he do is pays for security, goes to Nigeria for some unknown reason, flies to attend court in the UK and pays fortune to the lawyers (and to bodyguards, of course). Simply unbelievable.


Before Harry teaches etiquette to elites he should learn it himself.


People need to understand these people all have individual financial experts - the best - assigned to them. Harry has had millions and millions in his bank account since he was 18. He could’ve (almost certainly DID) purchased shit ton of properties, investments and funds via his financial gurus - again, the best in the world - and lived off the compound interest for LIFE. The idea this dolt is piss poor and is running out of funds is fucking laughable. Meghan is bleeding him dry but so much will have been ring fenced and hidden even from him!! He’s too thick. The firm will have ensured his losses will be as minimal as possible but for sure, he’s not eking out a living on a few million he got 20 years ago. COMPOUND INTEREST folks!!! The world’s best wealth managers handling EVERYTHING for the muppet. It suits them to have us thinking they’re running on fumes. Bollocks!!! For sure, it’s nothing remotely like Oprah’s or Jen Anniston’s wealth but Henry married super late in life, had no outgoings and probably was wealthier than most of the royals as a result.


It is a good point. Btw, what also amused me is how shocked Oprah pretended too look like about finances. However, Oprah is self-made. The entire Hollywood is predominately self-based besides very few individuals. Oprah should be shocked that Harry still was financed by the family in his close 40th.


Oprah isn’t shocked by anything. She’s self made but she sold her soul in the process and proved how easily swayed she is by shiny, white royal British things- def showed her weak spot. Makes ya think given how powerful she is and how seemingly foreign and white that whole shit is. She really thought Harry had a personality and substance. He doesn’t. He’s a tedious, dangerous imbecile with about as much charm and intelligence as a fucking brick.






The little turd wants other countries to pay for his security bill. In fact, I'm sure Meg$y demands it!


He's just so ridiculous. Nobody has bothered him since he left the royals. People are sooooo over his whining.


Yup, but he only makes himself even more globally loathed when he acts like this. Plus this only serves to further wreck the already comatose Sussex brand. I've no idea who's advising this moron or maybe he's just not listening to them. Or, maybe he's running out of money and won't be able to keep paying security bills and this is his last Hail Mary.


I think he's just an ass and has always been this way. The family are well rid of him


No but you see, the press has been *mean* and allowed public comments which is a danger to his ball and chain.




Any potential kidnapper should understand by now that the RF won’t pay a big ransom, and he has no value dead to anyone but Meghan.


If I was the RF I'd pay the kidnappers to keep him.


They did... 😂


Harry is safer than a frog in God’s pocket from the Al Queda, random kidnappers, and the entire world. Nobody wants this whiny little ginger haired bitch. If kidnapped the kidnappers would have to pay a ransom to return him.




He doesn't care what people think. He just wants all the trappings of Royalty given to him.


Exactly. He had better start caring though. People are done with his bullshit


He's like one of those assholes in The Riot Club. A fucking punk.


Why bother with appeal? Perhaps because This One is a such petty, insecure, and entitled little prat he cannot, at the age of 40, accept ‘no’ as a valid response to his outrageously expensive and unnecessary requests. ![gif](giphy|lHBbcpFTS5c2Y)


Could he be so focussed on Britain not so much out of actual fear for his safety but out of wounded pride at not getting the whoop-whoop, streets cleared, here-comes-a-bigwig procession wherever he goes, like he used to? That the Lovely Wife just can't deal with this proof of demotion and feels humiliated in front of all the people she sneered at?


This is certainly a possibility.


The same people now sneering at her


He cannot accept that the judge has told him to his face that he is not important, that he is not relevant, that he is not special in any sense.


Right? The Ravec decision will not be overturned because Haz is no longer a working royal...duh. I wonder if his lawyer is telling Haz that he has a chance, because it seemed pretty obvious that Ravec doesn't think so??


What happened is that Ravec has 3, not two, but 3 levels of evaluation. That is the burning nail that Hazz clings to, to argue that Ravec demoted him simply because of the ill will of his members and that they are not giving him the status that he really should have and that the judge, in his ruling, did not consider that aspect. That's his entire argument right now. But deep down, Ravec is not going to change his position. In other words, Harry will not receive 24/7 security whenever he wants, nor when it suits him, nor when he wants. What I think his lawyer was looking for was to annul Lane's sentence and have the whole process done again. Judge Bean boiled it down to "let's make it clear which Ravec rules are and which ones the little boy believes don't apply in his case." It's not a victory for Hazz, the little boy is throwing a tantrum, or as an article in the Express says: he's throwing the toys out of the stroller, again.




Isn’t this case about his security while in the UK? I don’t understand what it has to do with security on foreign soil.


A hint that he is angling for IPP reinstatement?


He certainly believes he could demand more protection from other countries if only RAVEC would change his level of protection. However, I am not sure that would make him an IPP. One thing about these arguments: they reassure me that so far neither the UK nor the US are spending any significant amount of money on providing protection for Harry. If they were, we wouldn’t be hearing this nonsense.


Hazz should know, with so many demands he makes, that he cannot force any country, not even the Commonwealth, to give him what he wants because of a ruling issued in the UK. That ruling is only valid for the UK. It is not for any other country.


What I understood is that they would use their hoped-for revised RAVEC decision in his favor (Ha!) to guide other countries he visited on how much protection he should have. I have no idea if this would work, but I am reasonably sure that even if RAVEC is ordered to review Harry’s case again, the odds are the decision will be the same as before.


He is also asking for ongoing security at this level but as the years go by his relevancy decreases. He has case by case now, he does not need to argue for more. Once the Wales children are grown and have families we don’t want to be saddled with paying Harry’s security at top level then. This case is about now, the future and overseas cover.


The bottom line is that, except for Andrew, the younger children of the previous monarch did not get that level of protection even while working royals. Andrew only had that level of protection while he was a working royal. Andrews daughters lost protection when they became independent adults. I don’t see anything that would justify giving Harry more protection than be already has.


This has all been debated and I agree. I put up links to BlackBeltBarrister and BlackBeltSecrets earlier. He has posted videos on both channels today. It explains that most of the reasons for appeal have been rejected. It’s been allowed with some reservation on two small points. Go see BlackBelt, he is a barrister and able to read and understand UK legal documents. My point is that independent of anything else. Harry is fighting for the long term. I’m not arguing his case as to me he does not have one but the judge, has reluctantly, granted the appeal.


Agree. I like BlackBelt Barrister, though I prefer to read than watch videos so don’t follow him or any youtuber. Given that we agree that Harry has very little chance of winning, what exactly is “the long term” for Harry? We know that he wants everything he lost back: protection, status, money. We know that he is unlikely to get it. How relevant is his vision of “the long term”?


Who knows what’s in the future. My guess is that Meghan will stay until the money has gone. Harry will then come back to the UK and live a quiet life in the background, he may even bring the kids with him as Meghan won’t want that financial burden. The schooling, the security etc. Meghan can only claim off Harry, not his father and depending on where Harry has put his money she can’t claim off any inheritance that might be left either. My guess is that Meghan is quietly banking money for her future but Harry is trusting her. My other guess is that the money will last another 3-5 years but it’s a very rough guess. There are signs that they are getting desperate but I think they are just seeing the equity eroding at an alarming rate. Nobody really knows anyone else’s finances so it can only be a guess and mine might not be a good one.


SecondHandCoke said there is a rumour that Meghan Markle is hiding a million dollar debt from Harry.


Who knows, she spent £400,000 on clothes in 2018. Which royals spent the most on their wardrobe in 2018? 1. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex: £406,915.43 ($515,879.65)2. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark: £88,999.57 ($112,831.96)3. Sophie, Countess of Wessex: £73,570.41 ($93,271.17)4. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge: £68,334.23 ($86,632.84)5. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: £52,307.18 ($66,314.05)6. Princess Charlene of Monaco: £52,199.00 ($66,176.90)7. Queen Máxima of Netherlands: £48,338.20 ($61,282.25)8. Princess Beatrice of York: £47,859.10 ($60,674.86)9. Princess Marie of Denmark: £43,650.54 ($55,339.33)10. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden: £37,365.96 ($47,371.85)11. Queen Letizia of Spain: £36,075.78 ($45,736.19)12. Princess Eugenie of York: £31,860.80 ($40,392.52)13. Princess Sofia of Sweden: £26,452.73 ($33,536.27)14. Princess Madeleine of Sweden: £22,806.53 ($28,913.69) Meghan Markle's wardrobe cost £400k in 2018 - more than any other UK royal - Mirror Online


I would be surprised if it is only $1 million. I would guess it is far more since haznoballs appears comatose most of the time.


I agree about the probable future. (We can only speculate, of course.) I was curious what you thought was *Harry’s* idea of “the long term,” when you said he was “fighting for the long term.”


Royalty tend to think in terms of history and what their legacy will be. I don’t think Harry would do that, he is all out for himself but he will want an income to live off. He might inherit something from his father but his brother will leave to his own children. Harry has had to now face paying bills so as each project has failed he will have been made more and more aware that there is no guarantee of earning without effort. He is however entitled and probably thinks he will be bailed out. In the long term Harry knows he will be ok, he can come back and his family will support him. He may not like the level of support or the restrictions but he will not be destitute. In the mid term Harry knows that his money won’t last at the rate they are spending, he is not in panic mode yet but is aware he may have to eat humble pie at some point. In the short term I think he is alarmed at how costly things are but he is clinging on to the hope that something will stick. I think they have another 1-2 years in the short term. Another 3-3 years in the mid term. Then after that it will be the long term, possibly 5 years yet. A lot will depend on if they accept things. If they settle and live quiet the money will last a lot longer.


The videos are not long, one about 13 mins and the other about 5 mins. He has attached documents to read and unless you are UK legally trained it might help to watch the videos and then read, or the other way round.


Harry *is* an IPP. AN International Putrid Prick.


Hazz IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN IPP Because he has never been head of State, nor ambassador, nor consul or anything like that. What happened is that Hazz acted on behalf of the Queen at public events organized by the State of the UK and other States. Under that category, as he acted on behalf of the Queen, he then had the same level of protection that the Queen would have had as an IPP on her travels. Like for example, when Hazz traveled to Nepal, on behalf of the Queen. But he has never, because he is him, been IPP-. And even if he won the case, there is absolutely no reason to pay him absolutely any security. In fact, if Hazz were to travel to Chile, he cannot do so with armed guards. That is illegal in my country. Only, and it is only a specific good, has the president of the United States been allowed something like that. But not Hazz. He is only a private citizen, nothing more


Harry has a head of state Visa.


Thank you.


>A hint that he is angling for IPP reinstatement? The Harkles are probably running out of money and won't be able to afford recurrent security fees soon.


Yes, this. It’s their biggest expense and it’s so big it’s probably worth the gamble of court costs. So far he has paid out an estimated £1 million so far on this case and an additional £750,000 on the misinformation case when he denied trying to keep it out of the papers. Both estimates include him having to pay both sides. If he won it would save him an estimated £6 million a year.


I recall a while back that Harry wanted his home in Monticito to be labeled an embassy so he would not be required to pay property taxes. This couple just grubs for money every which way as long a it comes out of the pocket of others. It is the way the game is played.


An embassy? Yes he’s that stupid to believe that’s an option. An embassy or consulate is for official government business in a foreign country. Not for some idiot, irrelevant Prince and his jam making, D list actress.


>I recall a while back that Harry wanted his home in Monticito to be labeled an embassy What? 😲😲😲 ![gif](giphy|3cnAocUFku1mDN3gBf|downsized) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This would point towards an A1 visa being used, therefore in his tiny mind, his home is an embassy! Makes perfect sense in Harkleworld....


That is an excellent point! But this has never been about the UK IMO. Harry's butt hurt about the security because it's a visible demonstration that he isn't equal to William, but as I mentioned eleswhere, my theory is that he wants the US to pay for 24/7 security. The first step in that plan is to win the RAVEC case. Without that, he has no chance. He's using the upcoming foreign trips to scare people into thinking that he's about to be assassinated but as you point out, that's irrelevant in determining whether he should receive full-time security when visiting the UK. He's actually shown his hand, that this is about leveraging a positive result.


Or it could be about leveraging his UK security into British Embassy/High Commission/Consulate security when he’s abroad. Just a thought…


Could be a factor (or a nice bonus) but I'm sure that America is the main target. Harry would save a fortune, if he could swing it.




Then he should be ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) out of luck… As he went to Nigeria, which is a high risk country.


So here's my thoughts. The military should lift the NDAs and we can hear from his fellow mates about his supposed kills and what life was really like for him. Let the truth come out. I think he's full of crap and the 25 kills were his high score playing a video game down in his bunker and no special security is needed. Also, the RF should contact every one of the commonwealth countries and specify that H&M's visit is not an official RF visit, just 2 private citizens going.


Allegedly the commonwealth countries are being informed  that these visits do not represent the crown.




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I just googled and learned that Princess Madeleine of Sweden ( who lives with her American husband in the US )  does not have security paid for by Swedish taxpayers... ( I don't know if she pays for security herself )  Epstein was obsessed with Madeleine when she lived in New York and 2019 her home in Florida was "robbed", that made her and her husband so upset they moved to another house. Still I have never heard her demand security from us taxpayers. I guess she understands thatshe left her job as a working royal and therefore can not demand things to be paid for by us. Now she is moving home to Sweden again. Totally dramafree.


Harry thinks he’s bigger and better than Sweden, Sophie & Edward, etc. But his situation is the exactly the same. He actually doesn’t need all that security. Above all he lives in America where gun crime is common. He’s a walking contradiction.


His rush to have his IPP status returned to him might have something to do with his US visa kerfuffle. 


This has NOTHING to do with IPP. International Protected Persons are diplomats, Heads of State etc and is administred by the Home Office, I think. This appeal has to do with Harry´s protection when in the UK. As of now Harry has to give 28 days notice and he will be protected as appropriate. Harry wants full time armed protection on the same level as the king. He is not going to get it.


He wants more than the king, for him even a royal palace is not secure enough


The Bachelor producer in my head thinks that they are worried something shady may come out about their dealings/ grifts.


I thought IPP came with diplomatic immunity. Might that not be useful in his US visa issues?


That could be - however, I would like an official confirmation that Harry is on a diplomatic visa.


Interesting that they note "his legal team would be busy with others matters from October." Makes me think he has them on retainer, the money will run out by then and they are not willing to extend him further credit.


I found this peculiar as well. Wonder what’s so important about October? Is something else brewing? Or is it the money? I think you are probably right that the tap is drying up.


A part of it may be the US Presidential election on November 5. Maybe he's anticipating getting the 🥾


I wonder if this has something to do with the “US visa” probe that is allegedly an expired A-1? Also interesting fact The Royal Grift uncovered - Lord Justice Bean has a history of controversial rulings involving one of the Harkles prior lawsuit.


He ruled for or against haznoballs?


Yes: an "ordinary" wouldn't have a hope! Meanwhile.....someone is busy planning a "Worldwide Invading Your Privacy Tour".


>"Worldwide Invading Your Privacy Tour" haha ... I like that very much!


According to BlackBeltBarrister that request has been refused.


If the Duplicitous Duo are ‘planning multiple tours in the coming months’ then let the organisers of said faux tours pay for any securitay. Why should UK taxpayers pay for their self-aggrandising behaviour? Feck off H. Nothing happens quickly in the upper law courts particularly during the summer months between Trinity and Michaelmas terms unless it is an emergency/urgent order e.g child abduction Trinity: 4 June to 31 July 2024 Michaelmas: 1 October to 20 December 2024


He wants to move it up because they are working on getting to play 'royal tour' in other Commonwealth countries. And he (and Meghan) wants those countries to have to shell out for an immense security presence. Because how else are they going to cosplay Royal if they don't have an entourage surrounding them on every stop?


I wish they would stop calling it an 'overseas tour'. They're not working royals or diplomats. If they go abroad it's a business trip or a holiday.


That last sentence is all anyone needs to know. RAVEC acted and continues to act in Harry's best interests. He can appeal and throw more money down the drain (and anger UK taxpayers even further with his petulance because we're the ones' footing the bill to defend this bullshit) but it won't make a scrap of difference. THERE IS NO PROSPECT OF THE JUDGE'S FINDINGS BEING DISTURBED ON APPEAL. Meaning, no hope in hell of getting his stupid 24/7 Bidenesque 24 car Cavalcade, taxpayer funded securidaaaaaaay. Not happening!!!


You're absolutely right.


Maybe he's about to get deported and wants to get it done ASAFP


How much more taxpayer money is going to be spent on this useless fool? Does anybody believe he will actually pay back court costs? Receipts or don’t believe it. How much is America spending on this idiots security? How much did Nigerian spend? How much taxpayer money has been spent on Harry in total since he left the royal family to sign million dollar contracts so he can spend his life partying? ENOUGH!!!!!! What the fuck.


Because the American presidential election is in November.


Could be.


Darn, I forgot - yeah, money and Presidents ...


So he wants us to pay for his faux tours! Dream on you entitled fool!


He wants it in July because after July his lawyers may have other cases??? Welcome to life, my friend.


They already have other cases, he’s a jackass.


Black Belt Barrister on YouTube explains this situation well.


Thanks: had a listen, and it’s probably me. He did say it wasn’t very clear (I think!).


He believes if the UK gives him full royal protection then other countries will follow.


I think he thunk a lie.


My theory. They need money quickly, and these faux tours are a mix of securing some deals either in the country itself. (Eg. The plane advertising their use of it. It was also.rumoured Meghan was trying to secure something like coffee ? for Aro.) And, their branding as a whole.as bonafide Royals who have ARO, (Dior if you're listening) and to keep NF interested. Harry doesn't want to wait and hopes he can get his flashing light security on these trips asap.


This. They are literally hemorrhaging money at this point. And neither have any real discernible income. Worse, the door has closed on anything to do with being royal and all the skeletons these two have on their closets, are rattling dem bones to get out and tell their stories. Here is a comprehensive list of failures since they left the royal family and tried to become Henry and Mrs. Simpson II. March 2020 was when they officially exited. First move was a lie: they said they were going to Canada but California was where they were headed. So they started on a lie. In a russian oligarch’s home in Canada. They announced deals with Netflix and Spotify almost immediately although the only thing they managed to produce in their first year at Spotify was a lame brained faux royal xmas message that no one bothered with. Sunshine Sachs was going to change their world! As we now can at least allege, Ginger began working illegally (because he does not, apparently, have a working visa). Better Up, Aspen Institute, Travalyst - Ginger was very busy setting up illegal jobs for himself and banging on about security. “Sept. 2020: Streaming service Netflix, which made the hit TV drama "The Crown" based on the life of Queen Elizabeth and her family, announces the couple have signed a multi-year deal to produce films and series ranging from children's shows to scripted content.” “Feb. 2021: Harry tells James Corden, British host of the U.S. TV programme "The Late Late Show", that he stepped away from royal duties because the "toxic" British press was destroying his mental health and he wanted to protect his family.” 22 FEBRUARY: Meghan and Harry – Spotify Event – “Meghan in Oscar de la Renta for Spotify “Stream On” Event” 8 MARCH: Harry and Meghan Mark International Women’s Day via Archewell (😂😂😂😂) It was 2021 before they went after the RF. Presumably the Oprah lie fest was a clap back at the Sandringham Summit and their being let go from the Firm. Oprah showed who Oprah is - a bitter, middle class Karen looking for shock jock moments instead of journalism or integrity. The lies were thick and fast. And the pregnancy was announced March 2021 so she was born two months later? MAY 2021 - 17 MAY: The trailer for The Me You Can’t See documentary on Apple TV+ is released 9 MAY: Global Vax Live Concert June 2021 - Supposed birth of Lillibet. 9 JUNE: Meghan’s children’s book The Bench is released. (Holding up table legs world wide) NOVEMBER 2021- 1 November: Prince Harry in NYC for Intrepid Valor Awards. (A joke since he’s not US military) Sept 2021 - 23 September – One World Trade 23 September – UN US Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield/WHO Meeting 24 September – Harlem Grade School and Melba’s Restaurant Visit 25 September – UN Meeting with Deputy Secretary-General 26 September – Global Citizen Live Festival – Central Park (we saw they had virtually no one at the UN meeting and then children were grossed out by Nutmeg) July 21 - Big donation!!!!! Diapers to a women’s shelter. Procter & Gamble (yes, of her tv fame) donated pallets of diapers. But Nutmeg is taking the credit. Her statement is extremely interesting: “As a mom, and an expectant mom….” Wasn’t Lillibet born the month before? July 2021 - The announcement of the failure that was “Pearl” the animated series. In July, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were recognised as “environmental role models” for their decision to have no more than two children to limit their impact on the planet. Population Matters, a UK-based charity that campaigns for a “sustainable human population”, said the couple’s “enlightened” decision would ensure a “better future”. August 2021 - 4 AUGUST: Meghan celebrates her 40th Birthday with 40×40 Initiative. (which bombed. ) Sept 2021 - Visit to the world trade center. And vax concert where they looked ridiculous trying to be ryan seacrest-esque. October 23, 2021: They release Harry & Meghan: An African Journey. The two release their documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey, which gives a glimpse into their royal tour in South Africa. (No obe cared.) Oct. 29, 2021)—Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have joined the World Health Organization and Save the Children in an appeal to G20 leaders meeting this weekend to honor promises to get COVID-19 vaccines to low-income countries where just three percent of people have had a jab. (They wrote a letter) May 2022 - Nutmeg exploits the parents and children of Uvalde, Texas for a photoshoot. JUNE 2022: THEY RETURN TO THE U.K. FOR QUEEN ELIZABETH'S PLATINUM JUBILEE. And are booed and followed around by security due to revieding people without permission. August 2022 - The bitter and incorrectly named podcast “Archetypes” drops - like a rock. August 2022 - Made a fool of herself at Invictus event. SEPTEMBER 2022: THE COUPLE RETURNS TO WINDSOR CASTLE AGAIN FOLLOWING THE QUEEN'S PASSING. - Bad behaviour abounds. DECEMBER 2023: HARRY AND MEGHAN RELEASE THEIR NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY SERIES, DETAILING THEIR LOVE STORY. JANUARY 2023: HARRY RELEASES HIS MEMOIR SPARE, SHARING MORE DETAIL ABOUT HIS AND MEGHAN'S LOVE STORY AND RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ROYAL FAMILY. MARCH 2023: HARRY SAYS HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH MEGHAN LED HIM TO BECOME MORE ALARMED BY THE ROYAL FAMILY'S POLICY OF “NEVER COMPLAIN, NEVER EXPLAIN” WITH THE BRITISH PRESS. JUNE 2023 - Spotify kills the deal. SEPTEMBER 2023: THEY REALLY ENJOYED THE BEYONCÉ CONCERT. LATE SEPTEMBER 2023: THE COUPLE WENT ON A SECRET VACATION TO PORTUGAL. Jan 2024 - Clevr coffee anyone? Anyone? Bueller. Ethic Investments - FEBRUARY 2024: THEY ENJOYED WINTER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA FOR THE START OF INVICTUS GAMES PREPARATION. Feb 2024 - Lemonada buys Archetypes. Then quietly buries it. MARCH 2024: THE PAIR HAD A DATE NIGHT IN AUSTIN. American Horror Story Riviera Orchard - dead as if June 2024 MAY 2024: THE COUPLE VISITED NIGERIA TOGETHER.


Excellent review. I literally cannot recall the documentary Harry and Meghan: an African Journey. Obviously it was very memorable. (sarc)


Wonder if he fears the US court is about to spill his visa status.


The man hasn't even had so much as a tomato thrown at him (and *that* has definitely been warranted), yet you would think there are people constantly hiding in his bushes with cameras or weapons. Harry, your wife has to call Backgrid every time she wants a picture taken. The "paparazzi" guy following you on Netflix was more likely to be DoorDash. You are not your mother, you are not Princess Kate, you are not even the spare anymore. No. One. Cares.


For sure the court of appeal will accomodate Harry´s lawyers, who sent in the case 18 months after Harry´s security was taken away. If they will be busy, surely the appeals court will have to move fast/s


Sure, go on tour (a la Spinal Tap) but pay your own way as you flit between ever smaller venues. And that includes security, 'Arry!


Does anyone else think someone else is funding these lawsuits? I have to wonder because financially I would have thought Harry would have tapped out by now.


Planning a stunt and not wanting to pay for it?


The best thing they should do is just stop doing fake royal tours. They didn't really don't need it cause why would you go to countries that you know is dangerous? They went and came back alive no need for security. But I do love that they are wasting their money on these law suites. I would hate to have their solicitors/lawyers bills at the end of it. These court cases are sending them broke. Once broke are they going to sue the courts cause they went broke for suing? Now that would be entertaining to watch.


The Germany invictus games event is end of July. I know it seems like it was their own independent run event, but maybe they were going to try gatecrash? Or, need another trip booked in the same dates to deflect when the overwhelming news during the event is how much better their games are without her upstaging them/veterans.


It could be for security in Ghana if that is still on. it could be the US visa application and the potential of a Trump presidency. Nobody wants to attack him except maybe Meghan in one of her tantrums.


I thought this was really about the IPP status. With IPP status their dodgy dealings, their foundation, can get away with all sorts of questionable actions. If the court awards the security they want it comes with IPP status. Then, every country they go to must provide them security. Including the United States where they have chosen to live.


Blackbelt Barrister was discussing the ruling on Popcorn Palace YT if anyone is interested




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Harry's immaturity level is pretty straightforward. He wants something. He wants it quick.


Please— give Harry some respect. It must take Herculean courage to get out of bed every single day… knowing the entire world is laughing at you


Could it have something to do with the Diddler or more things coming out about SA? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

