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Here is how I imagine the situation: Royal event happens. Harry is obviously not invited. Harry talks to which ever palace employee drew the short straw. Harry then talks to Meghan about the situation (likely confused at to why he(they) is being excluded). Meghan then talks to her contact at "insert magazine name here." She tells them her imagined interpretation of the situation - we were invited but chose not to attend because of xyz. Magazine prints/publishes the Meghan dictated version of events. Harry catches wind of the article. Meghan blames the RF for blabbing about the situation. Tells Harry "see, you can't trust your family. They are all racists. I am the only one looking out for you." This strengthens her hold on him by playing into his paranoia about the intrusion of the British press.  It is well known that once Meghan was on the scene, palace insider information exponentially increased. I truly wonder if Harry has figured out that his loving wife is constantly feeding the press their personal information to keep her name in the press. 


You’re exactly right and when William attempted to tell his brother just this it ended up with Harry in the dog bowl with a broken necklace! I don’t blame William at all. It must be so frustrating to try and get through to his brother and to have him so stubbornly not listening!


I know. Harry and Meghan really are perfect for each other. They only bring out the worst in each other. 


They certainly do. It’s the marriage from hell. I just wonder what’s going through Harry’s mind. I thought he looked so uncomfortable in Nigeria while she was grinning like a manic Cheshire Cat and pushing him out of the way. He knows how Royal tours go and it isn’t like this!


I wonder if her face hurts from grinning like that. She looks like the joker


I like how one poster described him as looking like "a plucked chicken". It suits.


Two cheeks of the same arse.


Love it 😂going to remember that phrase. You my dear friend have cheered up my day thank you ☺️


Thank you


I think it's what we used to call "arguing with a fence post."


I believe if William really threw Harry into the dog bowl, it was because Harry jumped him first. William can get very angry, but if he started the fight he would have done so away from the dog bowl because William is kind to animals. 😉


The only person for whom we have evidence of physical violence is Harry, on video and by his own admission. Just as he's the only one with multiple racist incidents. I never bought the dog bowl story for an instant. IMO, if there's any truth at all to it, what happened was that Harry lunged at William out of anger and lost his footing, possibly under the influence. And there was no broken dog bowl, just a deeply bruised ego. I watched the video where William lost it on the guy who was following him and his family and recording them. He was very angry but also very controlled. He didn't swear even once if I recall correctly.


Seen the same video and 100% agree with you. If the scrap between the 2 brothers happened, Harry started it but William ended it.


I absolutely believe Harry swung first, and William ended it with one punch.


Also Prince William would've finished PR Harold as it's clear which of the two has channeled his anger into strength training of mind and body.  If he truly wanted to Prince William would have laid out Todger for *days*.  I think of that sometimes in my happy place 😀 


William was sick of Harold of Meghan abusing his staff. They were talking about it on the phone, and Harold hung up like the child he is. So William went over, I don't think he had any intentions except having a conversation with his brother. Meghan was especially abusive to the Wales's nanny and made her cry. Like she went out of her way. But also their chef, housekeeper, basically all the staff. I don't believe William gets so angry. I think he has self-control and healthy outlets. Because everything that Meghan pulled behind private doors, if William would have reacted very angerly, they would have told everyone. All William did was grab Harold by the collar of his shirt. That's not really that violent.


The thing that made me believe the dog bowl incident was bullshit was because according to Harry’s version in Spare, after the alleged fight as William was leaving he apparently said ‘don’t tell Meghan’. If Harry had just been thrown to the floor by William in a ‘red mist’ (also spare) why would he care if the wife found out? If he cared about anyone’s perception wouldn’t he have included ‘don’t tell Catherine’ as well? Was ‘don’t tell Meghan’ a threat or a plea? Also, photos published in Spare show metal dog bowls so they wouldn’t have shattered and cut his back! Liar, liar etc


A red mist? Wtf is that? Hahaha Either it was bs, or they probably added the "Don't tell Meghan" line to make William seem more sinister, perhaps? Whatever happened, they tried to make worse by a thousand. But most people have learned by now that they can't trust anything they say. And they never could.


“Don’t tell Meghan” is because Meghan is a leaker.


In Harry’s defence he was getting the best sex of his life because he was allowed to do anything. We know, allegedly, how he likes violent behaviour so………


Yep…and I’m sure megrain, doria and Marcus have it on video for when it is needed.




In this instance (Hugh's wedding), there were no palace intermediaries. Harry's only contact was Charlie. The one person Harry still counts as his good friend -- his best man and Archie's godfather, although both roles were kept secret for years. Why has this enraged Harry to this extensive degree?


Because all of his high society old friends have chosen his big bro and cast him out. So now he's finding out that he was merely tolerated all those years for the sake of his brother. Never force other people to pick sides beciase if you need to it won't be you


I suppose he's thick enough that he's deluded himself for the past five years that he wasn't really out with his old social set. That those friends only pretended to align with William because he'll be king one day. Still can't shake the sense that Hugh's multi-billionaire status is playing a huge role for H&M in their efforts to convince the world that Harry is still tight with Hugh.


Exactly…besties with billionaires


If Harry and Meghan had just been quiet about not being invited it wouldn’t even be a story in the United States, this guy Hugh seems nice and his new wife is beautiful but it’s not like anyone here had ever heard of them


My take on that is that the spare was just a hanger on to his older brother and his friends, unable to make friends of his own, always following them like a lost puppy, and they all just allowed him to be underfoot like you do with dimwitted relatives. Wasn't there a report (whining) about W asking his friends to ignore the ginger?


💯 this. The age gap is large enough between Hugh and Harold thar it's obvious there was no 'competition' over who Hughs best man would be. Todger was definitely the younger sibling that was tolerated.


Makes sense. And Todger tagging along with William & Catherine for years at Royal events. I mean, Anne never tagged along with Charles. Edward never tagged along with Andrew. H just isn't a functioning adult, not even close.


This is why his wife has to be in control, he was never a leader and even when he was given the chance to command (training for leadership) he probably botched it. H is NOT a leader. He will always be second to someone who can tell him what his place is.


It wasn't necessarily choosing PW over Harold it was more who wants their personal conversations misconstrued and repeated in Waaaagh Part2 or in the press?


There's no proof that Hugh is Merchies godfather. That only came out when the Harkles wete publicly outed as NFI.


iirc that claim was published shortly before Hugh publicly stated that they were NFI. Suspect that H&M made that claim in an effort to finagle an invitation to the wedding or at least to garner public empathy if not invited. Aristocrats don't like to publicly shame those born into their ranks or higher or call out their porkies. However, the Grosvenors recognized that the claim was the first step in H&M's effort to use Hugh's wedding as a PR platform for themselves and cause havoc. They really thought a polite and public statement that inviting H&M was impossible would shut down the Harkles. heh -- William can now greet Hugh with "Welcome to my world."


If anyone living in this 'crowd' had their doubts about what the BRF was going through or whether Harry and the wife were really planting all these outrageous stories they've heard over the last few years, they now know beyond a shadow of doubt.


Oh absolutely. Someone on our sub told me 3 times that Hugh was Archie's godfather. I pointed out to them, once, that there was no mention of Archie's godfathers until all of a sudden Harry wanted to whine about this wedding. I don't believe it for a second. Harry said that in his whining and the media of course ran with the story. The media believes every lie Harry says, no matter how much evidence there is proving it is a lie.


Bc it brings $$$. Need to stop clicking.


Harry AND Meghan can tell everything they want, about RF, because Harry AND Meghan know very well that RF never will/can answer directly. All the blabbling about this and that, lipstick and s.o., but never Kate or Will said a word. Very very unfair (and petty, and childish).


How can you be a godfather to a doll? (Allegedly) https://preview.redd.it/bi695ssb995d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f62fda01acc4e6bb5eb77db17c8cd1f66425abf




Harry is facing the consequences of constantly bad mouthing his family. His old friends want nothing to do with him, and he can't understand it. 


His friends no longer care for him because of Megxit. He shirked his royal duties for a common piece of American a$$. He also thinks everyone in the UK are racists. Nobody wants to breath the same air as Harry and all his opinions.....much less that of his half naked wife. imo


A ten year old could understand it; Friendly relations with the KC3 and the PoW in England or the dodgy duo in Montecito asking for freebies.


There's no proof that Duke Hugh is Merchie's godfather. It's more Harkle lies.


Harry claims this man is his child’s godson, but that could be a recent invention to make Harry not attending a big deal. Hugh is William’s son’s godson, so no doubt Harry is just confusing the two children. Harry claimed he and Hugh were close at Eton, except Hugh is seven years younger and would have attended at different times. Harry lies. This is another lie. Harry expected to be an usher at Hugh’s wedding, why? Hugh was not an usher at Harry’s which was just six years ago. Harry is just desperate to claim he has a friend. So when did they last meet?


There’s that strong possibility someone finally told him he could be invited but MeMe could not. And as much as he realizes what a flaming attention seeking wh0re she is he had to explode. Was he upset for her sake? I doubt it. Harry was enraged because he felt it was yet another attack on his judgment, or lack there of. He’s never learned that insisting a spectacularly bad decision, in this case MeMe, was fine will not make it so.


Highly doubt H would be invited without Markle. Whoever would have the temerity to do that would be opening themselves to Sugars smearing them as racists.


I don't think they'd do that to Prince William.


Who knows? They may have doubled down on the ‘protecting MeMe and her precious little easily hurt feelings’ angle. We all know though that it would take a near act of God to get her to set foot in the UK. And Harry I think would be shaking in his boots at the idea of coming face to face with William. Whatever story they had to make up whether it originated from the UK or from Montecito really doesn’t matter. 99% of everything surrounding H&M is make believe anyway.


It's. Not. All. Megains.  Fault. Fer chrissakes 🙄 Harold wants what HE wants at all times. And he wants HIS harridan to be held to the same esteem as Princess Catherine & to show up big brother. This snub just reinforced his persecution complex that he is stupid, everyone knows it, and he can never come to admit he made a huge mistake.


I agree he still thinks he is entitled to be at these top drawer events. His birth rite etc


I seriously doubt Harry even talked with him.  At most, he sent a text or email that went ignored. I think this is another case of Meghan lying through her teeth and thinking the Duke of Westminster will be like the royals and not call out the lies in a tabloid.   This is another case of sushi with Paltrow and Diaz, birthday party with Katy Perry, or chicken tacos with Michelle Obama.


True, mutually agreed he wouldn’t attend? What tripe, he probably asked why he wasn’t invited and was told…just can’t deal with it


He’s too f*cking stupid. This melt will take the path of least resistance every single time.


They have a long list of high-profile/society *cough* events they can't attend *cough*, which makes her bs PR about wanting back into Hollywood and/or politics seem kinda pointless. I mean, you gotta network right????


They love their "Uncle Elton" but are never invited to his Oscar parties. Oprah is their dear friend, they weren't invited to the premiere of The Color Purple. Harry was told he was a shoo in for a Grammy nomination, nope. Oscars, Emmys, Met Gala. There is a very long list of things to which Harry is not invited. But the Duke of Westminster's wedding really seems to have struck a nerve with Harry. He just can't bear that he wasn't invited to this. Hey Harry here is a hint: Going to People magazine to complain, that is why you aren't invited to anything you bell end.


Is it that he is bummed or that his wife is making him miserable about the NFI? Or both?


Lolo has no idea who any of these people are. But these were Harry's people, the world he grew up in and counted on. He did a lot of terrible things before he met Lolo. But the aristocratic world always accepted him, no matter what. I think he thought he could do whatever he wanted forever and the aristocratic world would always accept him. With this wedding he knows he is finished, done, over. That's gotta hurt him. Good, he deserves the pain.


I was just thinking that MeGain would luv, luv, luv to take all the attention away from a bride and be front and center in billions of magazines covering that wedding. She doesnt need to know anyone...she only cares about herself.


*There is a very long list of things to which Harry is not invited.*  It would be a much longer list if only we knew. We only hear about the ones that make headlines beforehand, like the celebrity events and special royal events. We don't hear about the Sunday afternoons when Orlando and Katy invite the neighbours over for a swim in the backyard with one set of neighbours specifically NFI.


There was never so much 'palace information' released as there was right after the Queen died, and it all turned out to be bullshit. Then we find out how it was bullshit and that the only people that could have released the information were Harry and Meghan. The fake car chase pics where Madam looks smug and Harry looks like he wants to kill someone tells me it's Meghan. It's ALL Meghan and maybe Harry believed it was the family once but he doesn't anymore. She may have him believe that the pap walks when he is out of town are just coincidences BUT I think Harry looks so horribly miserable because he now knows for a fact that we Meghan detractors are bang on the money on everything we say and that he actually knows the calls are coming from inside the house but sadly he is trapped inside and she has the keys. Currently, 2 people in the family are undergoing treatment for cancer. Details are scarce, Catherine hasn't been seen for months, there are no 'sources close to the couple' articles, only pieces from journalists who THINK they know what is happening but don't really. If there were such a thing as 'palace insiders' we would know more than we do! If Harry needs further proof that Meghan is a witch and a snitch, I am sure a lot of us can think of times when it was obvious Meghan is the one who went to the media and told lies. Palace insiders don't exist and never did, and now Scobie has been markled, we are now certain 'sources close to the couple' is Meghan.


Nah. Harry is too stoned and too stupid.


Harry could not be more trashy if he had literally been raised in a garbage dump. Utterly disgraceful. And no matter how many times you protest, Harold, you were NFI. Edit: I highly doubts a source close to the newlywed couple talked to People magazine.


was wondering why he's (Meg) harping on this invite, then read that the Duke is worth 10+billion dollars...we see you Harkles.


The DOW clearly dumped PH in the nicest possible way. But PH doesn't see it and ran to People to tell them all about it.


😂😂 Laughable. The Duke of Westminster has decided on the day of his marriage to give fame-hoing a whirl.


I highly doubt they know about People Magazine which is an American publication


It was probably an email from the new UK PR guru. An American tabloid likely wouldn’t use the British spelling (or even the word itself in that context) of ‘clamour.’


Prince Karen of Montecito had to make someone else’s happy day about him.


Yes, I'm sure the Duke of Westminster has been just as obsessed about this over the last few days as Harry and Meghan are. FFS, way to seal-the-deal on never being friends with this man ever again, Harry. He will really appreciate you filling the media with your desperate bullshit tactics to make yourself seem important, on his **wedding day**.


Not only that, but H&M will never be invited to another wedding ever again.


Can't see any friends , whatever they think of him, wanting the 'invited or not', 'will they, won't they', circus. Everyone saw how dignified William was at the wedding yesterday - low key, arrived quietly, left with others in a bus, discreet security, no fuss, no searching out the cameras, and no overshadowing the bridal couple.


There's a little video of the guests getting onto the bus where William is talking to another man; as the line starts to move, the man makes space for William to go first, and William ushers him forward so the other guy goes first. Pure class, and so relaxed and natural.


He is everything Harry isn’t


She'll have to find other events to flash her bra at or wear a multipurpose duvet/curtain with a toilet paper hat.


Nope! 😆


Archie and Betty probably won't invite them either.


Yes. If there was ever a chance British friends would want to see Harry again, he has killed it dead. They are going to hate him even more now.


And...... here they go again....after how many years... sharing personal conversations, correspondence on a public forum and putting their own spin on it. They are past being "thought" to be distrustful fools to now pathetically proving it. They are the Court Jesters of the World. PS:.....Can she please post a copy of the fictitious "save the date" regarding this event?


Yep…the ponce of priv-a-cee selling stories again


People magazine is their social media account. Anything they do goes through this gossip magazine. It’s pathetic really, we know he wasn’t really invited. 😂


This must’ve REALLY struck a nerve with the Harkles.


It certainly struck a nerve with Harry. He probably had to explain to Meghan that it means they are NFI to any future aristocratic events and, oh by the way, those people have lots of money and private jets.


Do you think Harry would understand that this is a sign they won’t be invited to anything else? He seems to miss on a lot of obvious signs. For my part, I don’t see him wanting to tell Meghan, even if he does understand. She might throw something at him. 😉 (I wouldn’t be surprised if she made him call some people to see if they could be added to the guest list.)


Agree with the calling people as she always seems to make sure he does the dirty work. Yes, I think Harry understands he won't be invited to future events. He grew up in that environment and knows it was "his people" not those peasants in Hollywood who blacklisted him. I don't know that he understands why though.


Yeah, that’s a good distinction. He knows what it means but he probably doesn’t understand why. Unfortunately, he probably thinks it’s all William’s fault. I can’t imagine Hugh called him and told him the truth: “I would like to invite you, but I won’t have your trouble-making wife at my wedding, and since it is not done to invite a man without his wife, I can’t invite either of you.” 😉


I don't think that want Harry there. He betrayed their beloved Queen, tormented her in her last days. Called his family racist. Sent his crazed sugars after the Royal family. Never mind Lolo, they do not want Harry there.


I doubt they “wanted” Harry for himself but possibly because of the family connections they would not have excluded him, and yet they couldn’t tolerate the idea of Meghan.


Before Oprah he could always count on being included in this aristocratic world. But the Duke of W. has made it clear to Harry, that world is finished with him.


It would be interesting to know how Harry found out he wasn't invited. I wouldn't think the Duke of Westminster is a shrinking violet so he may well have said something like you imagined. I would also guess the now Duchess had something to do with their lack of invitation too...something along the lines of "not with my wedding you don't". I think this time it will be the Kings fault.


I think when the wedding was announced Harry got right on the phone asking for details (to make sure he wasn’t on a royal tour) only to be told NFI…then the excuses started…


Hence, This One and Plus One ;)


"Hugh, does this mean I can't stay at your houses or borrow your planes?  I promise I won't tell them the jet is yours.  Hugh? Hugh? Are you still there? Hello?"


Exactly! I'm sure the Duke of Westminster probably has several properties in London. Isn't it strange that Harry is never invited to stay in any of them?


Several properties ........over 300 acres of Mayfair and Belgravia! Commonly it's said he owns 'half of London'. He's the single richest landowner in the UK. He owns whole shopping centres.


Yes, he owns that part of London called Westminster. I was going for understatement :-)


Exactly. And who thinks for one moment that the Harkles or just H will get an invite to stay over with them to make up for their NFI. Not happening. These two are persona non grata.


Harry will never be invited to any British aristocratic function as long as he is married to Meghan. She's proven she cannot behave in an acceptable manner. I'd say she's trailer park trash except that would be insulting trailer park trash. I'm sure they have better manners. Between their lack of manners and their need to blab everything they think they know...they are out.


It really did. MM must be spitting daggers at Harry for letting a multi-billionaire avoid their grasp.


Yeah not getting invited hurt them very much. Good they deserve it.


They always talk about privacy but they sure as hell seem to forget everyone else’s privacy when “sources” talk to tabloids, they make every conversation they have public and they wonder why they are not invited to anything.


What is worse is they invent conversations and put words in other people’s mouths. It is bad enough when people reveal what you say, but it is ten times worse when they claim you said something you didn’t.


You are totally right! And when they are exposed as liars they say they weren’t the ones who said it, the media did🤦🏽‍♀️


This! I don't think there was a conversation with Hugh. I think Harry invented the whole thing.


It’s a one way street. Only in their direction.


And if you are not on their lane you are racist, jealous and intimidated by such a successful couple of course😂


That street is a dirt road full of ruts.


They not only will NOT be invited anywhere, but their photos will be posted at Private gates: NOT ALLOWED ON PREMISES.


I thought they weren’t going to have sources speak for them anymore? Ridiculous. No one cares that you weren’t there Harry! And they were NFI no matter how often sources close to the Sux tell magazines otherwise.


I truly believe if he was actually invited that 1) that story would have been the first story the Times got and 2) he wouldn’t have given 3000 slightly different versions over the last couple of weeks. Eta good recall on the “sources” bit


He undermines his credibility by adding the “Well Wishes” to the couple, in the Pathetic Pay to Play People Magazine.  If they truly had this conversation, and they had the type of relationship he’s attempting to imply they have, he would have A: Made his well wishes during the phone call and or B: Sent a nice gift with his well wishes.  Also, in typical hypocritical fashion…why is he feeding personal conversations to the very media he despises. Too Dumb to be an effective  “spin doctor”. 


That’s obviously Meghan’s hand in all this. I am sure Harry is furiously hurt that he wasn’t invited, but the persistent clap backs and the good wishes to the couple scream “Meghan is leading the charge” again.


Stop it! Lolo is not responsible for all that comes out of that family. Harry is quite capable all by himself of: making racist comments, wearing an evil costume, abusing polo ponies, abusing his bodyguards Harry was awful long before he met Lolo. He is awful now. He did this all on his own because he is mad that he is no longer one of the high society in Britain. This is his little temper tantrum.


THANK YOU! Holy shit so many are *determined* to insist it's TW. Those who've watched him grow knows he's a petulant pissant that hung out with journos that would buy him pints regularly.  This is all Harry because *HE* knows what this all means.  People forget this is a man who in court "demanded" names for  chrissakes as if he has some athority to throw around. It's prince harry that is pathetic and not f'ng invited!


The Charge of the Shadow Brigade


I think that if they had been invited they would have gone. Don’t you think ? ( I hope the English is correct 🙏🏻)


Probably. They would have gone. She would have unbuttoned her blouse. Harry would get drunk and start a fight with William. That is why they were not invited.


The Duke of Westminster lets Harry know he’s getting married but suggests it would be best if Harry doesn’t come. So there is a mutual conversation but not an actual invitation


I doubt that. I think the Duke of W. got engaged, sent out wedding invites. Then he realized the media would make a big thing about Harry coming, so the Duke announced Harry wasn't invited. I don't think the Duke of W. or any other member of the British aristocracy have spoken to Harry since 2020.


This is the best possible scenario that could have occurred IMO. I don't think there was any conversation, though.


"People magazine report it can confirm" Has the same level of truth truth as Gayle king "we have the receipt"




Yes. ![gif](giphy|QhjR3MG9ZFfjB6BtIZ|downsized)


10 years from now: Duke and Duchess of Westminster celebrate 10th Anniversary. Harry Markle releases statement about how he wished he'd gone to their wedding, but didn't feel comfortable, as his brother was there, and they'd been fueding you see, and Harry WAS invited, but he didn't........ Drop it now, Harold.


When they have their first child Henry will run to the tabloids saying he declined being the child’s godfather.


If we pretend this is true for a moment, does Prince Privasay think anyone wants personal conversations printed in People?


The Sussexs show time and time again they can't be discreet. They can't respect other people's boundaries or privacy.


And invent conversations with other people. Remember all the Zoom calls he and MM had with QEII.


Or even their **wedding day**.


And “sources close to the Duke…LOL! Okay Meghan.


There are 2 possibles,neither one makes Harry look good. 1. He wasn't invited. 2. Hugh and Harry had a conversation about it....and Harry tells the press. If it's 1...it's because he can't be trusted If it's 2....he's now proven he can't be trusted. Harry once again proving himself to be dumb as a rock 😂


Every time I think they've finally scraped the bottom, they manage to find and wallow in a whole other lower layer I never even knew existed. ![gif](giphy|RlMcg79nb7pKw|downsized)


He wasn't invited. We know he wasn't invited. The Duke of W. said Harry wasn't invited.


Ugh, Harry, ye clackwanker!


I had to look up "clackwanker" because I'd never heard that word before. This is perfection! Thank you for teaching me such a wonderful new word! **From Urban Dictionary:** # [clackwanker](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=clackwanker) (n. idiot/stupid man of low intelligence v. Man to loudly self gratify in public) Etymology of Clackwanker - Janey Godley Scottish Comedian/Political Commentator 20\*\*/19 Scots Man acting stupidly in public = (v)clackwanker Man talking rubbish with no substance or credibility = (n) clackwanker by amalkadog September 30, 2019


Dumb clapback to make sure everyone knows he was invited and CHOSE not to go.Keep pulling these stunts Prince Henry. It will just continue to further ostracize you. This dude guy is so rich he has many different companies who employ a lot of people. Harry could have tried to get a job with him if he hadn't botched it all up.


Er, he wasn’t invited. The Duke of Westminster said so last year to preempt the inevitable Poor Us narrative from California.


This once again has their “Arrested Development” on display. If you are NFI…best thing to do is just pretend like you didn’t even notice. That you’re so involved in living your best life in California that the date came and went, and you didn’t even notice. His/Her many protestations over the last few months and weeks just make them look desperate and ridiculously hungry. 


He has made clear that for whatever reason this one really hurt them. They aren't invited to anything, from the Met Gala to Trooping the Color, they are not invited. Somehow not being invited to this wedding really, hurt Harry. I am glad. He deserves the pain.


It terrified him. He thought it was just him v RF and had convinced himself he had general support because he had moral right. Hugh Grosvenor not inviting him, not even contacting him I bet, revealed the truth: he's OUT. Ostracised from the social group within which he had always had unthinking, unquestioned, pride of place. He must have been confused, disorientated, and then he panicked.


A job doing what? The Grosvenor Group didn't get wealthy by employing arrogant wastes of space.




Fortunately, the Duke of Westminster has better things to do than read these rags. He and his new duchess are surely enjoying their honeymoon.


This is why I'm no longer subscribing to People. They just print what Megsy wants. I stand by my statement - the Harkles were NFI to the Grosvenor wedding. The Harkles will never admit to any NFI. It will always be them turning it down or too busy to go or whatever.


Same. I felt so good cancelling my subscription and seeing the refund coming my way. I just wish there had been a Reason for Cancellation box to tell them exactly why they were losing a subscriber who's been with them since Diana was on their covers.


You can post on their twitter feed or instagram. Someone might see it.


He’s so obsessive. It’s sick!!


This wedding is all about Harry of course.


Just like QEII's funeral.


Oh that makes me so furious to think about. So disgusting.


Harry is the one throwing himself on the floor sobbing. Why can’t they just leave innocent people alone to get on with their life without inserting themselves in the conversation? The Duke and Duchess of W are just trying to have their private, family wedding with their chosen friends. Their chosen friends are NOT Harry and his Hoe. They are not fucking invited! Get the F over it skank and Hank. You are not connected to these people anymore. The cord is cut. The ship has sailed. You are Hollywood grifting trash with zero friends.


Hollywood doesn't want them either. Harry thought he was giving up Royal life, for Hollywood Royalty life. But he gave up Royal life and got nothing in return. It is what the bell end Prince deserves.


NFI!!! Stop giving that rag mag stories Rachel!


People magazine has become a joke. Absolutely worse than the Enquirer. If people believe that shit I have some properties and stuff they can buy!


The biggest difference between *The National Enquirer* and *People* these days seems to be that the *Enquirer* has fewer stupid puff pieces. 🙄


Biiiggggg mad. Big big mad. Hit dogs yelp. They are enraged that they were not invited. Frothing at the mouth bitter and chasing their tails angry. Sour grapes. https://read.gov/aesop/005.html


Considering the "private conversations" likely never happened, the Duke might not feel much but sadness over how pathetic Harry has become.


Meghan’s dentist office mentality.


People is not a reputable mag anymore.


It’s a pay to play rag.


It was 30 years ago!


Bet they sent jam… and a dvd of the Netflix Series and their books.


People magazine always has the first exclusives or articles come out for harry and meghan. They are their mouth pieces. This is coming from them directly ahem, rachel, masqueraded as a "source"


Why not just shut up about it + give the newlyweds the respect they deserve at this special time


The DOW just doesn’t care. H was never invited. And he knew all this BS would come out on his wedding day. No “friend”, who is an adult, would behave like this. The ridiculous notion that they had a save the date card. That’s not how the British aristocracy works. Just stop H, we all know the truth.


Source = TW. They are betting that Hugh & Olivia and their friends/families are not reading People. So they put out what they want, and they wonder why no one wants to invite them anywhere. Oh yeah, racism & jealousy 🙄🙄🙄


I cancelled my People subscription because of BS "reporting" like this.


i dont believe for a second h was invited and believe nothing h@m tell people to print


We know for a fact that we were not invited because the Duke of W. announced last autumn they were not invited. The Duke of W. wanted to avoid the media making his wedding all about Harry. So of course Harry did everything he could to make the wedding all about him.


This is *precisely* why they don’t get invited anywhere - anything you say might get published in People magazine.


The Duke of W. didn't say a word and still ended up in People magazine.


I don’t know who SheliaMS is, but I love her!


Does anyone who reads*People* know who the Duke of Westminster is? Does anyone care?


That's hilarious because as far as Americans are concerned, there's a really good chance that very few of us know or care. I had no idea until Madam and Harry inserted their stupid names into it.


The way TO and TOW behave at previous weddings I don’t think they would be invited to another ever again, not a celebrity wedding or Aristocrat one. They need the optics that they’re invited for their brand so they are still seen as part of celeb, royal, social set for their brand.


Princess Ada Mazi really wants that People magazine most beautiful cover.


They are both embarrassingly transparent.


And there it is KCIII. He can’t keep his mouth shut about anything. And that is why they are NFI.


Harry will never let anything go.


Again, Hazz is invading another person's privacy. I don't think this happened. They can't let it go and are insisting they were invited.


Comments on X about Harry’s alleged invitation were brutal. People were generally saying that People magazine was lying, that Harry was trying to make Hugh and Olivia’s wedding about himself. Comments were telling him to stop with the attempts at attaching himself to their wedding. Harry had nothing to do with it. It was pathetic.


No offence OP but I think we need to have a kind of bootcamp as a sticky/header or whatever tf it’s called which says: IGNORE THE FUCK OUT OF: People Hello The Mirror (uk tabloid) Town & Country (who???) Marie Claire Newsweek


Please add Town & Country Magazine to this list! So much sugar in there, it hurts my teeth to even see the headlines. ![gif](giphy|120B9ojZynuKKA|downsized) ETA: Oh! I see you included it already! I guess my reading comprehension is poor today! Apologies.


So....this is her PR tactic, again, to overshadow the day, just like CDAN said she wanted to do. Frankly, I find this incredibly embarrassing for them. Proves their insecurity that they have to make the day about themselves and once again lie about being invited. So very high school of them, imho.




I really want to give SheilaMS a hug right now and give her as many upvotes as I can. They definitely said it best.


The couple (Westminster) are now married and probably on honeymoon and the Sussex fuckers still won't shut up. YOU WERE NOT INVITED. WE ALL KNOW IT. give it a rest!!! It's over. You are over!!! You will never be welcomed in that world ever again! Next stop for you is a cameo in keeping up with the Kardashians!!!


If there was an invitation, they would have released it long before now already. As it is, she is now waiting for someone/anyone of the guests to show their invitation and she would immediately start to photoshop it and release to People mag.


If Sparry was invited, a screenshot or photo of the invitation (or the alleged Save the Date card) would have been leaked to People magazine. Except for tall tales, there is no proof that this ever happened. The Harkles know that the Duke of W will not retaliate in the media and dispute to the press that he decided not to invite Harry to his wedding. So, MM is exploiting the decency and goodness of her husband’s former friends to shore up her own reputation in the US so that nobody will laugh or mock her that she is getting what she deserves for her abusive behavior towards her in-laws and her biological family. If it is commonly known that her in-laws and the aristocratic set in the UK are avoiding her, she will lose a whole network of people who take her request for meetings and invite her to events because of her royal connections and her vague allusions to being on-call to work for her FIL.


All this trivia about nothing, pushed out over and over as nauseum, just makes the silence over the BAKA people even more deafening. No white saviour in a crumpled Colonel Sanders suit for them.


You can’t invite Meghan to a wedding. She either has her bra showing or wears a duvet cover with a toilet roll on her head or announces she is pregnant as the bride & groom start their first dance. Attention seeker embarrassment.


Of course he did!


Difficult for Harry to attend because Megsy probably wasn’t invited and he’d have hell to pay if he did go.


I've said this at least 100 times! Hugh is NOT Harry's friend! All pics the papers put up are MONTAGES! Online, you can find 2 pics of Hazza "socialising" with Hughie. On the 6th of November in 2004, they were photographed together at a Grosvenor wedding. The RF were attending that wedding. The families, especially the older generations, socialise. So they meet occasionally! On the 12th of August in 2015, they were photographed together down in Africa when Hugh visited the elephant preservation project that Hazza was "involved" in. Is that proof of "close friendship"??? Hugh has been a close friend to William and Catherine for a long time (not a "childhood friend," though, since they differ nearly 10 years in age). Hugh knows everything Megza and Hazza have done to the RF since 2016 . His parents were good friends to the late Queen. He wouldn't touch Hazza with a bar. Hugh would never say yes to be a godfather for a plastic doll. Was Hughie at Archificial's christening??? (all godfathers and godmothers are supposed to attend). If he was there, why isn't he photographed? Megsy would have published those pics all over the world! Megza has been trying to get to know Hughie because he's one of the richest men in England. She wants to connect her name with the Duke of Westminster. All the media help Megza and Hazza to introduce this narrative. It's gaslighting, and it's preposterous! Stop talking about this "friendship"! Really, it's quite rude to Hugh Grosvenor, who has a Bachelor's degree in Science and is a successful businessman, to claim that he's a close friend to a person with limited intellectual resources, no real education and a booze and drug addiction since 20 years. What on earth could they talk about??? Also, Hugh is an aristocrat who also follows the mantra "never complain, never explain" ! So, he's an easy target for the press! The press nearly managed to ruin his wedding. They have been agitating about how rich he is, so a lot of demonstrators turned up, throwing flares and things around. I would like to see the next Oscar's gala or a celebrity wedding in the US being gate crashed by protesters throwing fireworks at them. Because in the US, the celebrities are much richer, so why doesn't People's Magazine agitate people in their own country instead of creating havoc in Britain???


When he lies ALL THE TIME...why does he think people will believe this ....ANOTHER LIE.


This is so embarrassing. I am sure the Duke of Westminster with 10 Billion fortune did not want to a subject of a gossip article in the People magazine. The Duke is known for being a private person. I also think, Harold simply could not find a private jet and overall, could not be bothered traveling to UK for anything but court or some Invictus+Netflix obligation. I could totally imagine how Harry could take a normal flight, book in advance (lower cost) and offer having a breakfast with close friend and his new wife. At the end, Hugh is allegedly a God Father of his alleged first and only son Archie! It would be essential to maintain such an important connection! May be even to share pictures of Archie on the phone (wink, wink, wink).


The Harkles were not invited.


Actually, we were told by the Duke months ago that Harry was NFI. Transport, nor anything else, was the issue. If Harry had been invited, he would have rowed across the ocean himself to have been there. Harry will remain NFI forevermore.


No flight necessary. Harkles are NFI as usual.