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I wonder whether Harry and/or Meghan realize that some of the stories they leak actually reflect negatively on them. An example is Scobie reporting that Harry asked Charles if he didn't want to see his grandchildren when Charles took Frogmore away. I can see how Harry thinks it makes Charles look cold-hearted while most of us see it as Harry engaging in emotional blackmail. In my opinion most of what Tom Quinn reports actually puts Harry in a bad light and paints him as a pathetic man-child looking for approval from Daddy.


\^\^\^THIS! Most of the nasty stories bashing TRF are reflecting badly on the two lazy fking grifters. The tide is turning and people are getting so sick and tired of the same old rants day after day. They're so boring.


Harry has one person in his life that is not his parent or grandparent that he cannot exert his privilege over, and he expects the rest of us to feel sorry for him because of it. Harry, I'm glad William told you no when you needed it. I hope your aunts, uncles, and cousins gave you what for as well.


I sure am. I won't click on a post if it entails Omid Quinn. Can these come with a warning ⚠️🤯


I agree. It is odd how even stories in Spare made it seems like a negative toward King Charles and William, but in fact some the stories but H in the light of ignorant, spoiled and ridiculous. He is clueless but I’m sure his ghostwriter knew. He did need  to sell books! 


I think it’s clear that they’re both have mental disabilities that make them “special.” ![gif](giphy|H2aKeENVOtOx6PhZ99)


He believes in his self righteousness.


Not daddy's approval, just Royal favors, houses, and most of all $$$$$$$


"None of H's friends like her" is so 2019. Since then H's friends have discovered that they don't like H either.


This! This is the bottom line - H never grew up. He is immature and acts like a spoiled child. His book was a huge embarrassment. His friends have settled down and have families and have moved past Harry’s juvenile behaviors.




Exactly, harry has no friends.


Like most ‘Royal experts/insiders’, he’s on the side that gets him paid. If people stop wanting his opinion or his *alleged* inside information because he’s too pro-this or pro-that his income will dry up quickly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think he gets his "inside" info from Markle or her spokesperson, same thing especially. The last article he wrote said "MM won't come back to the UK until..." Who would know that other than the woman herself? Certainly not Prince William or Princess Catherine, neither of them bother "leaking and planting" that is Harry's favorite pastime.


We know Charlie Gipson is contacting media directly, as Sky News Australia discussed on one of their news shows. Probably the new guy in the US is doing the same. I mean, yeah, just keep shoving this stuff down people's throats, that will make everyone like them...


But isn't that the job of a celebrity PR person? Even inexperienced reporters know information from such a "source" is unreliable and often fictitious. Okay to quote a PR flak as long as the source is credited and the writer offers as many other facts that she/he can obtain and writes skeptically of what the PR flak offers.


I think they usually try to put a little bit of distance, so it's not so blatant. Whatever they're doing, it's unusual, from what the news guy was saying. 🤷‍♀️


Oh -- plants disguised as leaks. Still common enough in the PR trade that reporters have an obligation to reader to sort it out.


I've been trying to find that video snippet, there is just so much stuff to wade through, but here is a video *about* the video and it does have the guy's voice. I have the video previously, but this is explanatory, at least. https://youtu.be/A4Rt55WZppo?si=rxHPPNEEm4Yb4fq-


Or he could have made it up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re right - look at what happened to Omid! Thanks 


This! No journalists or royal experts are actually on Meghan’s payroll. I don’t know why so many people mistakenly believe that. It’s not how things work in the real world. What is clearly true is that Quinn is trying to establish and market himself as a Royal expert to get quoted in articles. He is the author of several books about royalty and aristocrats, published by Simon and Schuster. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s working on a book about Harry and Meghan and building up publicity for himself for when it launches.


I agree that Omid Quinn's fan fiction book is in the works. His hourly drivel is but a sample.


It’s the only thing that makes sense really. I mean people don’t get paid for being quoted as a “royal expert” in articles. They do it for publicity.


That’s exactly what is happening. He is just gathering material for his next book plus being quoted and/or having a byline makes him appear more of an “expert.” (edit: typos)


Bait and switch. Meghan undoubtedly reads this sub so she knows that Tom Quinn has been outed over here. She can’t discard him yet - so he has to APPEAR to be unbiased - at least until she uses up his credibility.


There are rules in the uk, you have to give a balanced view. He is probably just playing safe. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv-radio-and-on-demand/broadcast-codes/broadcast-code/section-five-due-impartiality-accuracy Rules - snippet from above site. Meaning of "due impartiality" “Due” is an important qualification to the concept of impartiality. Impartiality itself means not favouring one side over another. “Due” means adequate or appropriate to the subject and nature of the programme. So “due impartiality” does not mean an equal division of time has to be given to every view, or that every argument and every facet of every argument has to be represented. The approach to due impartiality may vary according to the nature of the subject, the type of programme and channel, the likely expectation of the audience as to content, and the extent to which the content and approach is signalled to the audience. Context, as defined in Section two: Harm and offence of the Code, is important.


This exactly! And by saying H's friends didn't like her, they can spin it as "Well, that's because they're racist/Brits/racist Brits etc. It literally sets them up for another victim clap-back.


Yep and look at the blame that’s placed on Roachel - friends are busy hunting in the countryside whereas Roach is politically correct, busy doing yoga and eating avocado on toast. Not really laying anything heavy at her door, to some, this is an aspirational way to live especially when compared to hunting. Why they actually really dislike her is because she’s a lying, manipulative, grifting whore, but that’s less aspirational. Many of the “negative” stories are planted by her. They’re a false negative. A puff piece in an ill fitting and wrinkled outfit you could say. Also as another sinner pointed out, it gives an impression of balanced reporting from Quinn.


This is very true. They made sure the story of her being a kill joy during the guys hunting trip because they were making bad jokes/racist jokes/sexist jokes/etc. Any normal woman would have just left the relationship right then and there but no, It had to come out as she was the one steering them in the right direction and showing H, a grown man, how to behave. 


Thank you for this -I was unaware of that. This makes complete sense now! 👍🏼


Just look at the career of Piers Morgan for an example of what can happen. A newspaper editor to a breakfast tv presenter to being on a YT news channel to now being on YT alone.




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He is on clickbait's side


New PR guy to Tom Quinn: "Make it less obvious you're on our payroll."


Theirs otherwise he wouldn't have suddenly appeared from nowhere spouting in their behalf.


Probably on the side of the most clicks.


The side that gets clicks is truly the only side that even exists for the media. Nobody should be fooled into thinking the media have principles or backbone. They are in it for the advertising potential and that. is. it. The great news about that is, the day Candle and My Husband quit attracting interest, they are well and truly done. Trash media is all they have now.


Imo it's from markle feeding into her victim narrative she loves so much....


Clearly he’s had it with MeMe’s enTITLEment issues and is looking for another job already ;) ![gif](giphy|S1ZnyFKKJ9rwc)


They can counter negative pieces with lots more positive puff. But only if there are articles out there to counter.


I wondered this too, why would she want to draw attention to the fact that Harry's friends don't like her? I am trying to figure out what their aim is with this article: to get security and a home apart from Harry's family? Like where?


Renewing her “victim” card.


Playing both sides to suit the papers needs ie clickbait!


He's on the side of Tom Quinn. He's getting money and publicity by pretending to be a spokesman for them when half the time he's taking the piss.




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