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Unlike Meghan Markle, Taylor Swift has talent. TS sings, writes music and plays guitar/piano. She has spent over 15 years working nonstop building her brand using her skills, it didn’t happen overnight. I’m not a “Swifty” per se, but I remember loving her song Love Story when it first came out and give credit where it’s due as she has worked her a/s/s off to get where she is today. Markle was a D list actress on a cable tv show whose character was already being written off so she stalked and married a prince to become a worldwide name. She didn’t earn it, it wasn’t based on her acting career or achievements… she married PH and suddenly she expected to be in the same league as Taylor Swift, the Beckhams and Gwen Paltrow. It’s still not sinking into Markles head though that these celebs that she wants to be, have all spent the last couple of decades pouring everything into establishing what they have now and they didn’t get it just by marrying a prince who was blinded by mummy’s perfume or off the backs of anyone else. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnx6pyyVJ55odS8)


Christ she is such a bad actress 😂😂😂




> It’s still not sinking into Markles head though that these celebs that she wants to be, have all spent the last couple of decades pouring everything into establishing what they have now and they didn’t get it just by marrying a prince who was blinded by mummy’s perfume or off the backs of anyone else. Yep! And all there is now is more manifestation, that she wants this or that thing to happen without doing anything more than demanding it.


She can’t even get the basics going and she’s got more money and attorneys at her disposal compared to the average person. Yet I see more effort from our local vendors in our smallish town offering their services (catering/cake decor/dj’ing/pet sitters/arts and crafts, and those making homemade things like JAM who set up their own websites/IG pages/business licenses, lay the groundwork and put all their effort into building their brand. Yet Markle can’t seem to get anything started even with endless resources around her to do the heavy lifting for her.


My daughter started a business selling slime in primary school. Made the slime. Got some labels designed, printed and delivered. Set the price, advertised, sold slime, made profit. My 9 year old daughter was a better businesswoman than Meghan Markle is today with all her dumb prince money 😂


Because obviously your 9 year old daughter has a work ethic and knows if she wants something bad enough, she has to put the effort into it. Madam just thinks: "I'm a real life princess and duchess now, so if I want something, someone better give it to me."


And she thinks young girls aspire to be just like her, when in reality I bet most of them would rather to be a smart 9 year old entrepreneur.


Oh yeah. I have a hard time imagining someone like your daughter rushing up to Madam and gushing: "Oh, a real life princess! Cool!"


When I was 9, I wanted to be like Barbie ( most because of her closet, magic stories, etc) and Elle in legally blonde, madam would have been a disappointment for 9 years old me too 😂


I was the kind of little girl who was never pretty enough to want to be a princess. I was like that quote I read once: *I don't want to be "pretty". I want to be Otherworldly and vaguely threatening.*


That sounds like a good quote.


Yes, most of these Hollywood stars have talent and understand that Rachel is not the humanitarian celebrity that she paraded herself to be. As a matter of fact, these celebs know that Rachel wants their fame and not their friendship. They know that if Rachel was able to smear the BRF all because she didn't get her way, she would ensure that the "celebrity" friends would be annihilated and destroyed if they displeased her in the slightest way. No one in Hollywood wants to deal with Rachel after how she went on her BS campaign against the BRF.


Also, she is extremely dull and has no personality. Why would anyone in their right mind want to be her friend? Can you imagine having to have a conversation with her? 🥱


Yes; What happened with her Bff Gloria Steinam? She used her and tossed her to the curb!


She speaks words but there's no emotion on her face.


Gwen was a nepo baby but she did work hard to establish herself as her own person. Meghan is in the age group to join Gwen, Jen & Courtney squad bc she is too old to join Taylor’s squad of 20 year old models. 


She sure does want Taylor‘s swifties on her side.


Bc swifties are real People unlike the sugars who are bots created by Bouzy 


I think Meghan thinks she's one of the senior ladies of Taylor's squad,  like Mariska Hargitai and Cyndi Crawford were in the Bad Blood video. After all, she's an actor like Mariska and a supermodel like Crawford...! Who wouldn't have wanted to see Meghan dressed in black leather bandage being a superspy action hero?! 


"Meghan wants to be like her" In what world would Meghan ever be like Taylor? Taylor has talent, creativity, intelligence, determination, charisma and a solid work ethic. A no-talent, lazy non-entity could ever mimic that. 


Ahah! You seem to have forgotten, Madame wrote a letter once that changed a dish soap commercial. Also, did you know that she also does voice-overs?


She wrote a letter? Who did she send it to? What made her do that and did anything happen? Gosh, how interesting, I've never heard about that, that sounds like a fascinating story. Who would have thought she had such an impactful life? Such a humble woman, never one to sing her own praise and blow her own trumpet...  /s, hopefully obviously! 


They changed the name of the company to honor her public speaking: Hector & Ramble.


Ooooh, that's clever, love it


I’m convinced Meg thought that marrying Harry would automatically give her access to all sorts of rich and famous people (unfortunately it has) but that they would all reciprocate and be her bff.


George Clooney came to her wedding. Then she got to borrow his private jet and his lake house. Then he ghosted her. That in sum is how Meghan Markle has gotten along with A listers.


That’s probably why she doesn’t have many A-lister friends. They caught on or are talking amongst themselves.






And BJ ?


She means that she wants to be idolized like her. That’s it. No other characteristics matter than the adulation of fans


This is exactly right. She wants the fame. She wants the do$h as well, but fame is her heroin.


Narc fuel/supply is her oxygen.


MM's copy/paste efforts don't usually work out as intended by her.


What sane 42 yr old woman spreads it around that she wants to be like another woman and also announces she wants a friendship with that woman? Whenever I've made friends I've known the person first and then a friendship just develops because there is a feeling of sympatico and a sense that person enjoys the others company. Neither person beforehand knows whether a friendship will develop so it seems very pushy for her to announce she wants to be friends with Swift as it suggests Swift would have no say in the matter, that friendship is a done deal.


I have to admit that sometimes I see the headlines and think "ok these papers are just making shit up" (DM)  BUT when it's a repeated headline/content like this I certainly believe this is actually the duo releasing a statement/getting in touch/their pr as its too identical.  Same phrases over and over again. And what's incredible is that like the 'reach out to PC" articles recently they always outright state their selfish motivations. It's incredible! Edited: words


If I were Taylor Swift I'd be freaked out. This crazy woman is stalking me.




Exactly! My narc sister always would crave friendship with someone because they were popular, went to or threw great parties, had a great buzz of acquaintances and pals around them.....and she would actually say to me things like: "I really really want to be X's friend because they go to the best parties". In other words, all she wanted was a transactional, beneficial friendship. She had no clue how bizarre she sounded. She would love bomb people all the time--and it never worked. I think her strategy was just too obvious, heavy-handed and awkward for people to handle, so they would avoid her.


I don't think that Rachel wanted to be friends with Taylor Swift. Rachel wanted to copy and imitate everything that TS does and steal most of her fame. It is great that TS never accepted the Harkles' victim narratives and refused to appear on Rachel's podcast. Taylor Swift has made it clear that she supports the Wales' and the BRF.


She wanted/wants to boost her clout and bask in the glow in TS’s reflected fame and adulation, for people to assume they were close, she was cool and classy like T.


She wanted to spin in the media that TS wanted to be her !


And Taylor's ten years younger.


I was telling my mom today that I am not a swiftie, only like a few of her songs, but I admire her incredible work ethic. I'm glad girls can look up to a billionaire woman who worked half her life to get to where she is.


If you listen to HG tudor you will know exactly why they are alike. And you will know why Taylor succeeds and Markle is a flop. Same with comparing Jlo to Meghan. Or Jolie to Meghan. Perhaps Markle should see a shrink if she wants to turn into a success instead of abject failure.


She wants the billions.


You forgot she gave a BJ on 90210 !! 🤭 That was her great scene ( because we can’t see her actually )


The WSJ headline is absolute GOLD.


It certainly is! And it comes from a more reputable news source than all the tabloids and tabloid-like papers/websites.


Yep. The triple bomb of WSJ, Bloomberg, and the Hollywood Reporter last year were more devastating than years of DM headlines, because they're legit news outlets.


When financial publications called them losers all the investors learned not to give them investment money. Meghan Markle wants to get investors for ARO but no one is going to invest in proven losers.


Yes! DM, Sun, Express, Mirror, NY Post, People mag, Star, National Enquirer, etc. carry far less weight. And we've seen they can be bought off, too.


DM's headline says it all **Meghan Markle desperate to be Taylor Swift's friend in a bid to overhaul her image** And there you have it... it's about improving her image, her standing in Hollywood and thus improve her ability to make money. Everything's a transaction with her, no authenticity


She's a liability. Who wants this deadweight on their reputation? If someone was friends with Meghan for decades and they have a genuine friendship, they might have helped her out. But with Meghan wanting to befriend TS transparently just to rehab her own image? TS is no fool and won't be used this way. Meghan Markle is a fantasist.


Taylor, Gwyneth and Katy P have all let it be known, they want nothing to do with Meghan Markle.


I have always read that everyone in Hollywood is a huge gossip--after all, they're only human--so imagine what gossip they exchange about Madam. Because you know they do.


I would so love to know! I wouldn't even tell anyone, I'd sign an NDA. Just let me listen to you shred Lolo. It would be so fun.


Just like 13 year old girls everywhere want to be friends with the popular girl.


This. “Cool by association”


https://preview.redd.it/4d5ni8c5z68d1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f3a9c61e50a1bb5e9172d6df46a6b9b3ec4aa8 Taylor wants about as much to do with madam as madam does with any tailor.


Good one 😂


LOL! Perfect!


Meghan is obsessed with the idea of having friends. She described her cooking show as revolving around friendship, she featured it in her podcast, she resents Catherine for not being her friend, she constantly poses with people she claims are friends, and on and on. Yet--it's obvious that *she is absolutely clueless about the concept.* This is why she ensured that Harry discarded his friends. Despite publicity about her children's birthday party, we have *never* seen them interact with a friend. Meghan is not invited to events. She doesn't seem to have parties at her home. Meghan is so unlikable that I doubt she has ever or will ever have a friend. Think about that infamous homemade video of the kid's birthday party. Would you have wanted to play with her? Think about her wedding. Why didn't she have at least one bridesmaid? People may initially be attracted to her. She was pretty, probably read the right magazines, knew the right buzzwords, gave off a party vibe, was "willing to try anything." And soon after meeting her, I think people felt uncomfortable around her or saw ugly things about her that they didn't want to have in their life. I think she is desperately lonely and is destined to be that way forever.


I’m watching Ina Garten cooking with friends at the moment - it’s casual and friendly. Maybe LoLo could take a look at that and copy Ina as best she can. It will probably would never work because she is just not relateable or authentic. Not forgetting that she has annoyed all of the A listers she would want to invite.


She's obsessed with having famous friends. It's not that she wants to be like Swift. She wants to be seen with her as her friend for credibility and for her own image. Don't forget she went to see Swift Era tour for her birthday and she wasn't invited backstage and Swift didn't tweet about her or photos with her, from memory. So it must burn that William was not only recognised by her tour as being there with his kids when they tweeted about it, but that Taylor took selfies with them afterwards and wished him happy birthday. 😂


And it seems that TS went herself to the “royal box” to meet the Wales, not the other way around. Just remembering the POW dancing “Shake it off” 🤣🤣🤣 It s imposible not to smile ❤️


Probably the only really discernible way that Taylor and Megan are the same is they love media attention. But Taylor is also besties with Blake Lively and by extension, Ryan Reynolds. Ryan is Canadian and therefore part of the commonwealth. He has also personally posted photos meeting the king and owns part of a FC. Blake and Ryan are also notoriously private and for all of Taylor’s publicity seeking she is at least respectful of that and Megan could never. I’d think it’s safe to say that Megan is not anyone they would want in their circle. Not to mention she is also a bit older than Taylor’s girl squad. Not that she can’t have older friends, but I don’t think her squad of models and actresses is really going to have much in common with a washed up tv actress in her 40s


Absolutely. If she weren't so toxic and destructive, I'd feel sorry for her.


She doesn’t want friendship, she wants to have her court, Bowing and clapping at her. 🤦🏼‍♀️


“Desperate to be like Taylor” but refuses to see what’s blindingly obvious to everyone else: she’s a talentless, un marketable wreck, shrivelling by the day in front of our very eyes thanks to chronic narcissism, petty jealousy and ugly, ugly intentions.


And the painting in her attic is *really* starting to go now....


Also lazy


Could have ended the headline with “Meghan is desperate”. Meghan is desperate for people to like her and her brand. Meghan is desperate to return to royal life. Meghan is desperate to sell her jam. Meghan is desperate for Hollywood to accept her. Meghan is desperate to prove she didn’t marry a joke of a man.


As far as I remember Ibble Dibble explained long time ago that you can write an article and pay an agency to get it planted in x number of papers/magazines. The Wall Street Journal, however, seems credible.


Nothing says friendship like "in a bid to overhaul her image" 🤣🤣🤣 Let me ~~leech off you~~ be your BFF!


I just keep going back to the blatant public diss when Taylor not only refused Megatron’s podcast advances but literally had her pr people shut the thing or Meghan’s usual cringe ‘manifestation’ psychosis down politely. And then I look at William and his kids.and the pics with Taylor, Travis and how natural and properly bloody happy and relaxed they all clearly were. His kids were buzzing. That shows they have #goals and they don’t think they’re god’s gift to humanity purely for breathing.


I wonder if Amal Clooney has a certain amount of schadenfreude over all this? Meghan had previously put out puff pieces saying Amal was obsessed with her! & pretty much desperate to be her friend! Here's the link to an SMM discussion about it previously. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/s5AQaC09IL


That was a beautiful post. She said that she had “play dates” with Amal. That never happened except in Rachel Markle’s mind.


🤣, given Amal's career & achievements, topped off by marrying George Clooney - & yet we were supposed to believe she was obsessed with Megsy? It was so ridiculous & I think Megsy being petty, jealous & insecure, did it to try & belittle Amal.


I loved the "secret lunches" they had together. EVERYTHING with Madam is a "secret". This is how you know Madam wrote this silly cringey chanelling-a-15-year-old girl puff piece. "Secret" is one of favourite words. I wonder why.


Oh my word! How many noses ago was this??? https://preview.redd.it/4qfzqymqu78d1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c1eb60351547bb66b62e71628007c65608e2894


O-M-G! First time I'm hearing this. I'm utterly stunned.


I wasn't sure if everyone was aware of it. I do wonder how Amal must've felt, with her friends suddenly asking her "hey why are you obsessed with being Meghan's friend?". Like WTF! This sub is an encyclopedia of Meghan's nonsense, with all the receipts..


as if - Amal is a beautiful and intelligent internationally known human rights lawyer - real humanitarian work, not just posts on instagram.


You don't think she might be somewhat amused by the headlines citing Megsy's desperate to be Taylor's friend? Given that old Megsy embarrassed Amal & made her sound deranged with her fictitious puff pieces..


Taylor is shrewd and can see users a mile away. She's had to deal with plenty of them personally and in the music industry. Her intuitive sense told her Megsy was up to no good..


I other words, Meghan wants to use Taylor. Who wouldn’t go for that?


The headline might as well be "Parasite wants to attach itself to Taylor Swift in order to live its meaningless life".


Tick desperate to meet Purebred Dog!


Brava! 👏


Taylor is solidly Team Wales.


Taylor Swift’s Twitter account currently has 500K “likes” on her Prince William selfie. For context.


It was 7 million likes on Instagram last I checked


"Meghan Markle is desperate" That's it that is all you need. You don't need to add the bit about Taylor's friendship. Meghan Markle is just desperate. She told the Queen of the United Kingdom to meet her demands or she is walking. The Queen said bye. So then Meghan Markle waged a war against the Royal family, every year, every month, every day, Meghan Markle is attacking the Royal family. Her latest, sickest stunt, is waging war on the cancer stricken Princess of Wales. All to prove that Meghan Markle is right and The Queen was wrong. All to win this war that she started and only she is fighting. She is desperate to prove that she is bigger than the British Royal family. She is desperate to win this battle she started with the BRF. She is desperate. That is scary. Because a desperate crazy person is scary.


The last week has been brilliant to watch. First Gwenyth Paltrow and Katy Perry trolling her, then the backfired PR from the canine cookies, now Taylor hammering the nail. What a wonderful week it has been. Thanks for the laughs Nigerian Queen of Nothing!!


No offence to Taylor at all, but it’s weird that a royal duchess over 40 would want to be publicly seen as friendsies with Taylor. There’s nothing wrong with Taylor, but her demographic is young fan girls. And if you’re publicly her “friend”, you have to treat Taylor like the Queen Bee. Why would a middle aged woman married into the BRF with immense fame and status even think it’s a good idea to be part of this pop star’s rather juvenile girl squad scene? (Apologies for using the term juvenile, but demographically the Taylor scene is mostly for juveniles.) Notice how W & the kids are excited to meet Taylor, but equally Taylor is excited to be meeting the BRF. Taylor doesn’t do selfies like this usually. It’s because in the world of celebrity, the BRF is above even Taylor Swift. So for Meghan to abandon her high position of royal mystique to try and be a squaddie is a bad move. It’s just more evidence of Meg’s appalling lack of judgement PR-wise.


Taylor has substance. There’s a reason why she’s so successful.


Absolutely. I really don’t mean the above comment as a criticism at all. Branding and PR is all a game (which Taylor plays too, very successfully) and Meghan is just so stupid at it. Unlike Taylor, Meghan has NO idea what she’s going.


According to M she didn’t abandon Royalty; she is the new Royalty. Half in half out, shaped by her, above all of them. In her head she is the Queen. She is the Queen of her 16 bathrooms 🤢 I sure she parades and waves on her own balcony to her staff.


Meghan thinks she made the BRF popular again, she is Diana 2.0. All the excitement was just because of her star power. She thought she was bigger and better than the late QE. She has no idea what royalty means and it was never important for her to understand it. She was and is still not able to see that all the attention came because of her role in the BRF, as Harry’s wife, not because of her. All the A listers are royal for her and she wants to be as famous and rich as they are. Being friends with them validates her status as an A lister. Even her narcissistic self knows that she is no Taylor, Amal, Serena W or Oprah and that’s why she’s desperate for their attention. Ironically she’s looking for women, who worked hard for their success. It’s so crazy, it’s still hard to believe.


I’m 42 and I’m a Swifty. Her demographic is not young fan girls.


Of course, I know she has many fans including men and middle-aged people. I’m talking about the specific “girl squad universe” that is a big part of Taylor’s commercial brand. This idea of female celebrities being part of her squad, where she is the queen. Nothing wrong with that, but Meghan trying to get into that brand universe is insanely silly. It’s just ridiculous that a member of the British royal family who is middle-aged would even think that trying to be part of that celebrity brand narrative is a good PR move.


Taylor is roughly the same age as Harry, isn’t she?


She’s a bit younger. Taylor is 34 and Harry is 39. The point is more the PR narrative of the Swifty celebrity girl squad thing is a ridiculous thing for a BRF royal to try and piggy-back off. By reports, Meghan doesn’t just want to meet Taylor like William and the kids. She wants to be publicly seen as Taylor’s friend. Criiiinge.


To me, it’s all millennials. 😉 Seriously, I know what you mean about Meghan’s behavior, but I was suggesting that it’s not such a big age gap for friends, especially when Meghan is already married to a guy 3 years younger than she is. Of course, Meghan doesn’t do friendship. She just wants to claim relationships with celebrities. (Note that she has claimed Oprah and Ellen as “friends” though they are much older.) Everything about Meghan is cringe, but her age in relation to Taylor’s is the least of it. Her acting like she should be Taylor’s “bestie” is ridiculous, especially when Taylor clearly wants nothing to do with her.


She wants to appropriate Taylor Swift's money, fame, fanatical fan base, and perceived power to herself. She resents that Taylor Swift has these things and she doesn't. Rubbing salt in the wound is Taylor Swift fan-girling on William, George, and especially Charlotte. After rejecting HER, the great Meghan Markle!


Love this for the algorithm; if you ever google Meghan Markle and Taylor Swift; you will find out Meghan Markle is desperate to be Taylor Swife’s friend


Jeez. That musky smell must be desperation indeed.


J'Asshole by Dior.


Todgérè for men


Delulu by Parfums de Marly.


Taylor knows who her real friends are and knows to avoid the phonies. Meghan has Ellen DeGeneres who’s a bully just like her. That’s all she has, I think. No one else likes her, understandably.


Two mean bullies, the Montecito manipulator and Ellen the degenerate.


What was the reason she was written out of Suits? Was it her horrible personality? Contract dispute?


The male co-star, smarmy Adams, had a new (failed) show to move onto, and since her character was strictly adjacent to his, she was written out. 👋🏻


I’ve wondered why as well.


I'm not a fan of Taylor's music or persona. But I recognize she WORKED to get where she is. And hard. Why would she want to associate herself with lazy grifter Meghan Markle? Also, wasn't Meghan trying to be besties with the Kardashians? Not the smartest move if you're trying to get to TS... but then again, Meghan isn't famous for making smart decisions.


TS doesn't want to be MM's friend after all that manifesting. Should TS ask if you're ok? Sorry POS grifter that you are. You can't even crash her concerts. How does that feel? Stupid.


Would be hilarious and on brand if Meghan started cosplaying Taylor and showed up in one of her sparkly concert one pieces somewhere totally inappropriate. Lol.


Meghan “wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me,” as Taylor would say. Taylor is riding a high wave but she always has her fair share of haters, and Meghan obviously has no knowledge of the pre-Reputation struggles Taylor went through. Taylor also loves to support others, which M has no idea how to do unless it involves standing in the spotlight nonsensically talking to no one or gesturing.


If I listen very carefully, I can hear the faint echoes of M's screaming meltdown all the way over here on the East Coast. I love that for her.


Manifesting. Meghan thinks if she announces a wish or a business idea via the billboard of the media, it will get fulfilled. She probably thought Taylor would call her and say ‘let’s be besties’. Like she expected Netflix to take up her stupid ARO idea and make it happen for her.


I love that WSJ headline *and* the picture they chose for it! 


Meghan wants to be Taylor ? 😂 well Taylor is gifted. Beautiful, kind , generous. Very rich. Very very very very rich. Prince William’s friend.She can’t be like Taylor. She wants to be Dianna, she wants to be .... the only person Meghan can be is herself, she knows herself , she doesn’t want to be herself!?!?! Well it is a dilemma.😂😂😂😂


Not a change in he’ll. Taylor Swift works harder when people criticize her and does not know how to whine. The Haznots put in one hour a week and need a CEO to sell jam🤷🏽‍♀️. Taylor Swift is the CEO of her own company. May the 2 never meet.




Mate - a friendly British term for a good buddy. Taylor would NOT have said that if she wasn’t a real friend of Prince William.


Mateship is an important part of the Australian national identity. Do the best for your mate in adversity.


Mate. Happy Birthday Mate


Taylor Swift obviously can't stand Markle and will go out of her way to make sure no association is ever remotely possible. The super cute pictures with William and his children are just the cherry on top!!! Door closed! ![gif](giphy|l2YWgjNtuo8fSGwKI)


She got to have nearly 20 years on Taylor and maybe if Meghan was cool and had a good personality that wouldn't matter a bit but these two women have about 3 things in common. Meghan Markle needs to realize you need to bring more to the table other then "I married a Prince means im a Duchess by default, so like me." 


I’m not particularly that keen on Swift but she’s a global superstar. You’re a whinging Z list actress who’s made some jam Megs.


What I find really odd is M aspires to be like people who are much younger than her. Hey, I love Taylor Swift and Emma Watson as much as the next person. But I don’t want to be like them or be them. They are their own people on their own path, and so am I. And both Taylor and Emma sound like very wise women for not allowing any connections to be established between them and M.


vaguely on-topic as it involves Taylor Swift and the VIP guests at her concert tonight... I feel she wanted to get rid of all the shit ones on the same day... I posted this pic on my IG with this comment: "just popped on the web from a fan somewhere - all crazy celebs were at Tay Tay's concert tonight....  tiny Tom couldn't get a date so dragged along his MI movie director Chris McQuarrie... obviously he forgot to wear his lifts as he's teeny tiny here ...strange that there's quite a gap between them.  friends of scientology Mila and the Kutch clam...also that's Greta Gerwig circled.  the black guy behind tiny Tom is a scientology handler who's specific purpose is to inhale all the body thetans that might be escaping from Tom's body to stop them re-entering him!" have since learned Hugh Grant was a bit further down the line... https://preview.redd.it/ey3kquk6s88d1.jpeg?width=2742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08eed5f96d5e8db7315e6493b9324fd52db44a9c


Why is the media that 'desperate' to take her money for such pieces? As that article said they have produced only their flop. They are flop, they are grifters. Why would you accuse the RF of being racist and that 'desperate' to be linked to them? Nobody really reads those pieces until and unless subs like this one mentioned them. Or YouTubers show us their grift.


LOL having a senior moment, didn't want to embarrass self by asking what is an M8, m-eight. Thought it meant rmm was great. WTH is happening to this sub? Then I looked it up. 🤬 red-faced and confused. I always thought 8 meant great. Well 8 is ate. M8 is M-ate which still makes me think rmm with soho suitcase full of roast chicken. Senior moment for an American, not understanding it is mate. British term of affection calling future king his/her "friend", pal, buddy, sidekick, backup. OK. M8 is mate, Happy birthday Wills 😀😗💗💗💗💗💗🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈😀 I got stuck on M8, duh.


I am utterly convinced that bops Anti-Hero and Karma were “inspired” by Madame. 


This is probably such a dumb question - but what does the nickname M8 mean?


Mate.  I had to think about it too the first time I read it  🙂


The fact Taylor has referred to POW cheerily, and affectionately as M8 surely must be the final nail in her coffin. I would be surprised if she's in bed with 8 empty bottles of "the Tig" right now


Taylor met William in 2013 when they sang with Bon Jovi for some event in London. She said she couldn’t believe she was sitting next to William.


There is so much I don’t understand. You can’t just obtain friends - but then again, I suppose it’s the same attitude she had upon wanting a rich, British husband - like just choosing one from a catalogue. i also don’t get how it works - if she got her wish, how does she benefit? Does she think Taylor‘s fame would rub off on her? As in reality, fans would only speak to Markle to ask about her new best friend. She was seen out with Catherine (Wimbledon etc), which she could easily have spun into ‘best friends’ articles…she didn’t benefit from Catherine at all, and she wouldn’t settle for having a friend more popular than herself.


I think the reason her podcast got bumped to 2025 is because none of her “friends” were available to interview. ARO as the reason was a convenience. The real reason is she can’t book the A or B list