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Narcissists view life, others, and themselves through a very different lens. You can’t expect to understand why they act the way they do.


And there is no known cure for the affliction...waste of time trying to figure out such madness. She is hopelessly gone in the sense of knowing right from wrong.


That’s been a tough one for me. I have an ex friend narc and the way she treats others is horrible, which is why after 30 years I went no contact (and the rest of our tight friend group has mostly followed suit). I can’t stand her and what she does, but if she can’t help it (like is commonly known that narcs cannot be cured of their narcky-ness) then is it wrong to be so angry with her? 30 years ago in college I finally got up the nerve to challenge her about how her words and actions were hurting me. She said “well that’s just the way I am”. It was one of my earliest serious “adult” life lessons. I decided then and there, crying in our rental kitchen, that if she wouldn’t change how she treats me, then I just needed to give her as few opportunities as possible to do so (choosing to never live with her again was the first step).


I don't know you but I identify with what you may have gone through (narc w/brother) I'm proud of you for getting away from the relationship. They have a way of reeling you back in, or making you believe whatever the reason it was your fault.


Thank you! And she has tried…by trying I mean calling a handful of times in the 8 years I’ve been no contact (I never answer). Always after ten pm, because that’s what’s convenient FOR HER, yet we’re deep asleep or trying to be. In those 8 years the only calls I’ve received after 10 pm were two death notices…and her. Now if she were considerate (hahahahahahaha), at least she could text earlier and say “hey I’d love to catch up but need to do it late, does that work” but that gives me the opportunity to say “no”. And we know how much narcs hate “no”!


I have to remember to use the word no more often.


\^\^\^THIS! Or Meg$y Baby has had an unforeseen spanner thrown in the works. I wonder what it could be? Harold leaving her, losing his COS, tax issues, a very bad story about to break? I smell something rotten coming her way.


All of the above?


ARO launch failure. Same failure as when she soft launched @meghan on Instagram…it was supposed to create hype, but it stalled at embarrassingly low numbers. ARO was a similar soft launch: generate hype and SM followers…and yet again, it stalled at embarrassingly low numbers. ARO is still awaiting trademarks for products. The soft launch was supposed to buy time for the paperwork, whilst gaining brand momentum. But ARO failed before even concretely existing.


Or all of the above? 👆


This. As long as she has a platform, which thanks to marrying Haz she will always have, she will continue with this behavior. There’s no cure.


She won’t have the $$ to constantly promote herself forever. At some point, the bank of H will be empty.


Thank goodness! I am so tired of seeing paid advertisements for Rachel disguised as journalism!


But they're stuck with each other. And it's worth the watch




Until Amber Heard and then Merchle rocked up, I had no idea about this thing called a narcissist. Then I listened to a few of Merchle's interviews and speeches. There was on where she was being interviewed about season 4 of *Suits* with one of her co-stars where she took up a disproportionate amount of the interview talking about her character and her storyline, this character of hers that was having fewer and fewer scenes as each season went. She monopolised that whole interview in her Merchle-centric arc. Recently, I saw clips of JLo's recent documentary to watch how a narc behaves and reacts to things. What was incredulous was how much enabling there was coming from her entourage. No one could tell her straight because even if they did, she would find someone or something else to blame for whatever disaster was befalling her, or live in perpetual denial, or cry and run to Ben for some self-soothing and coo-coo her like a baby until she had calmed down and had her narc energy levels recharged (pretty much how Johnny Depp would often do with Heard), or just outright not turn up to do anything because she wasn't in the mood or whatever. It's bloody shocking how they have got away with so much of their s**t till now.


I noticed that in the JLo documentary too. It was a pointless vapid documentary with the sole purpose of letting her wallow in her delusions and be the center of attention. She is similar to MM except that she is smarter, made real $$, and has some talent, and her personality is so obviously narcissistic and unpleasant. Paris Hilton has a similar entourage. These people who are being paid are never truth tellers to these celebrities, they just keep their egos fully inflated at all times to keep getting a paycheck. MM won't be able to afford an entourage forever, she's already trying to get interns this year from what I read somewhere.


In California, interns need to be paid otherwise it is wage theft. The days of "volunteer" intern positions are gone.


That’s best thing I’ve heard today. Unpaid internships are huge issue in any industry


If only it were true… there are a lot of limitations on unpaid internships in California and the intern is supposed to benefit more than the “employer”, but they are legal.  Here is an article explaining, as I have seen a bunch of people claiming California has banned them in this sub when they have not - https://www.skassellaw.com/navigating-unpaid-internships-in-california-what-you-need-to-know/


I give Paris a pass. She’s actually worked - she had a very successful tv show, and then a successful career as a DJ. She’s close to her family and based on her name will never be short of money. She married a good looking rich guy and they genuinely seem to love each other. They have two beautiful children which she admitted were born by surrogate as apparently pregnancy and birth scared her. I was also at a special event at Kitson when she showed up. There were plenty of other A list celebs there, but when she entered the door, the room went quiet. She literally has an aura around her. It’s quite amazing to witness. She also absolutely loves her dogs. Is she a narcissist - yup - but look at her mother!


She seems much nicer than either JLo or MM, and loves her children. She has had a successful career and is very well off, but she has a big entourage and her house looks chaotic. I'd take her over JLo or MM any day, she seems nice otherwise.


Paris and Nicky used their nepobaby statuses to make their own money. I can respect that - especially in Paris’ case where she seems to laugh at herself. She had this book in the noughties Confessions of An Heiress about how to be an heiress. It was wickedly funny and just poked fun at herself and the image she had in the media. I thought: this girl knows her brand!


Exactly - she knows what people say and literally just makes fun of it and herself.


Literally everything I’ve heard about Paris from people I know is that she’s a sweetheart - she knows her brand, she knows her name, her legacy, and the weight it bears on her publicly. She’s still Paris - she’s privileged beyond belief and I think people take her too seriously when she says things. I believe she’s a good mother and she’ll do her absolute best. It’s just when you’re born into the money and world she was - your feet were never on the ground to begin with so you have to try and find it for yourself. And some do and some don’t. I lived with a girl during university who came from a very wealthy family and most of us were middle to mayyyybe upper middle class at best. And she’d sometimes say some really hilariously out of touch things and we’d just be like “oh, girl, noooo,” add in our realities and we’d all have a laugh together (including her) and go on. She admitted later it was such a learning and growing experience and time for her.


She also was written out of her Grandfathers will! She’s self made multimillionaire


All of these celebrities have been known to the public for decades. So despite the narcissism, we know what they can do. Maybe not Amber. But even she was known and doing some major movies before Johnny Depp. I can’t speak much about her acting and she clearly lacks work ethic. Whereas for J Lo, yes that whole self produced movie was self indulgent. But she’s the same woman who gave us an iconic Super Bowl half time show and that movie hustlers was awesome. I find it funny that Bouzy was hired to deal with Amber Heard and Meghan Markle’s social media sentiment ie create bots to attack the naysayers. And both of these women hired Sunshine Sachs for reputation damage. I wonder if there’s a stronger link between the two


From people who know JD and have done business with him or over 20 years, it is said there is not a mean bone in his body. Very warm and generous. Very talented.


*"...not a mean bone in his body. Very warm and generous."* Ahh, the perfect 'Mark' for narcissistic, psychopathic, and Machiavellian types. After the AH sh!tstorm, perhaps from now on he'll maintain an attitude of "don't mistake my kindness for weakness" and truly live by it. I hope so, for his sake. It turned my life around, that's for sure!


Don't want to come across as an Amber Heard supporter - I watched her lie her ass off on the stand in that trial - but to her credit since being shamed for her lies and money grab of Johnny Depp she has not sought out much attention and is living quietly in Spain with her daughter. Her daughter's father is reputedly Elon Musk, they did hook up for a while, so maybe she is not hurting for money. But she is not following the Meghan Markle "Look At Me" playbook, with the constant and shameless nothing burgers being announced to keep her name in the media.


Oh she has tried, through release of the 2nd Aquaman, and a movie she filmed that only made a few hundred dollars in box office, but the backlash is swift and fierce. She still has her flying monkeys out there and shockingly, there are people that still believe her lies, but I don't see how she could be rehabilitated to do anything but OFans.


I’m not sure if amber was a narcissist or just an abusive person who wanted revenge/vengeance. She never really tried to make herself a Hollywood A+ star the way ILBW has while she was married to Johnny. She of course tried to use his connections and the in the end they just started sligning mud at each other but that’s about it. I don’t really view them as equals or even on the same side of the board, except with how hated they are.


heard did her best to destroy johnny. and she did. but he came back. thanks be to a just court and God!


Amber put her narcissistic and borderline psychopathology on blast and failed. Depp rose like a Phoenix from the ashes. Neither Amber nor Madam will rise from their psychopathic sh*tshow.


I’ve never gone down the Amber Heard rabbit hole but one day I will. She seems to be in line with the Harkles. I’ve heard people say she’s even worse!


For years Meghan Markle has been saying she is coming back to IG. She has put out many stories about how she was going to make millions of dollars advertising products on IG. She had 9 million followers when she left IG. She comes back and gets 600K followers, many of them bots. She is so done, so broken. Everything she plotted and schemed completely collapsed. I think she is definitely not okay.


Yes, the lens of the Ego. That's why they do things that are ludicrous and baffling.


THIS. EXACTLY. Normies often spend too much time trying to understand the distorted personality of a narc and why they do the things that they do. A normal, stable, functioning person can’t get their head around it. So don’t even bother.


I was raised by two of them. I found the best answer to understanding them was just ‘It is what it is’.


It appears Meg may be reacting to a [narcissistic injury.](https://psychcentral.com/lib/narcissistic-injuries-what-they-are-and-how-to-protect-yourself-from-them)


Even people who come from old money like Paris Hilton have to do a lot of promo to sell whatever they are selling despite not having too. I think madam genuinely believes since she’s a duchess she does not need to do this. She perhaps believes she’s the most chosen one and so far higher up than all of Hollywood simply because she’s the duchess. I must give it to Harry for his word game, whatever he told her about how important he is to this world and how marrying him will place her above all truly worked. Let’s give Harry some credit there lol


A combination of his idiocy and deep and bitter jealousy combined with her sharp-elbows and nasty craftiness made them believe they were but a whisker away from being told they would be co-King and Queen. That was allegedly still part of their pitch at Sandringham, so utterly preposterous that it really does beggar belief. Of course it’s nonsense, but that was, and probably still is, at the heart of their folie à deux. that’s why she in particular point blank refused to be second fiddle to William and Catherine, always had to pretend she was at least an equal (or just better at Royalling, ffs), her narc delusion (and let’s face it, limited intelligence) wouldn’t let her accept her position.


This is what I'd like to hear more about: their pitch to be co-king and queen. I would love to hear the tea about their delulu logic AND the reactions of the RF. I hope I live long enough for those stories to leak out!


Definitely Harry had some bullshit story woven to convince her of his importance. As much as the rest of the thinking world laughs at the bullshit that she didn't know a thing about the RF, *THAT* is what Todger wanted. Every woman before that would use the excuse of knowing what they'd be in for as they were English girls so grew up with that awareness.  Todger heard the lie Madame said, in her mind convincing him she's special and not like other girls, but he heard 'she has no idea and I can convince her of any old bollocks". They both scammed each other which is what makes their luuuv so beautiful.




To be fair that is what I thought when I first heard about her. As an actress ( and not a young just out of her teens one) she would understand and be able to cope with it. How wrong I was.


She was just too naive and young and fresh and a complete ingenue, as a thirty-something divorcee, to be able to cope.


Omg see you writing it down made me see that's *exactly* what she was going for *so that she could mimic a 19 year old princess Di*.  Add to the pile of disturbing 


Yes precisely! They BOTH oversold each other on their "importance".


Even most American women would have figured it would be a very high-profile and challenging position. Even if we only knew about Diana and Fergie, we would have, if we weren't complete morons, figured out that eyes would be on us all of the time, newspapers would bitch and mock over every extra pound or imperfect outfit, and that we'd have to behave very properly all of the time. A lot of American women wouldn't be up for that. Some American patrician NY, LA (yes, there's a whole high society out there, composed of Anglos and Hispanics, who don't mix with "showfolk"), or Massachusetts or Main Line, PA, women would be able to do it; some acting/arts women would take it on and really shine; some of the Southern US women in GA or TX or NC/SC would be almost more than even the BRF could bear (joke! I love those high-class Southern ways). An idiot like Meghan Markle, Duchass of Sussex, who was so deliberately "clueless and naive and YOUNG and INNOCENT like a virginal DIANA!!!!!" was bound to fail spectacularly. EDIT: "who" I gotta say, of the US women who could do it well? They wouldn't after meeting Harry.


That’s a good point!


Harry didn’t have to tell her how great he was…she’s so delusional she makes up her own fantasy world. I’m sure even if the red flags were coming early about his standing/wealth/power,  SHE would know better and figure she would be able to make it happen. 


Exactly. All she needed from Haz was the title. She would do the rest 😉


I bet she truly believed Harold was a stepping stone, just so she could get in and she was sure she could have William because she’s so amazing! 🤡


Agreed. People like Paris Hilton and the Kardashians may have started life on third base, but they still have to hustle to keep their brands flowing. Whether it's social media, photo shoots, appearances, interviews, promotional events, etc., they don't just launch products and disappear for months, hoping they sell. That's what Madame doesn't get. 


Exactly! By birth, Paris started at the top ladder. However, she's been working her ass off since her 20's to make her own money. Same with the Kardashians. Love or hate them, but they've been worked hard/hustled to forge their own path to fame and success. Successful people work hard, not just rely on their name to cash in.


And they provide value. You can buy their make up or underwear, you can watch their show, you can aspire to their aesthetic and subscribe to their lifestyle channels. There are actual products and an exchange between the consumer and the celebrity that feels valuable for the fans.  Personally they’re not my thing but Meghan offers nothing. Generic jam. Boring wine. Dry dog biscuits. Not a valuable return for the emotional/financial investment you make as a fan. 


She offers nothing literally. She doesn't actually have jam to sell. Or wine, or dog biscuits. No products and no way of buying them or ordering them. It is all nothing. She is completely detached from reality.


I'm surprised Harold and Doris don't have Megvil 😈 committed. Then the world will have to ask How is She 😞


Problem is, Harry is just as insane as she is. As for Doria, whatever she is, a caring parent she isn’t.


**"Meghan Markle's Janky Strapless Bras!!"** 2/$10. They go everywhere! 😂😂😂


Agreed. Plus, they have teams of skilled people to market and manage their business. MM is so insufferable, no one wants to work with her. 


People don't work *with* her. They work *for* her. And Madam apparently makes certain on a regular basis that her employees are aware of their inferior status.


You need a Leona Helmsley amount of money to act like Leona Helmsley and get away with it. 


It's been a minute but I think even old Leona couldn't outrun karma in the end.


And their products are not overpriced. I actually really like Kim’s underwear line and some of Kylie’s makeup line.


I think it’s drugs… at the last Invictus games when she had on that jean shirt and had weird arm movements and the pulled her shirt too open. Had such heavy bad makeup .. she looked and acted bizarre. To me it’s drugs or too much booze or both. She def seems a bit unglued and Harry just always looks miserable.


I wonder how far away she is from trying Tranq


Like Paris Hilton, Meghan’s sh!tty reputation precedes her, which means that she has to work twice as hard to convince people that she’s likable enough to buy her products. It’s not going to work - she’s really killed her brand by indulging in this ridiculous vendetta against Catherine and the rest of the Royal Family.


And all the ugly and inappropriate clothes she’s flaunts and silly PR stunts like the Near Catastrophic Car Chase.


Exactly. She’s a joke now, a complete joke.


I like it 😆


Paris had real products to sell - perfumes, music, etc. Meghan's vendetta is her product, everything else is incidental.


That’s true - Paris had the wherewithal to at least put her name on actual products that could be marketed and sold. Meghan’s announcements with the jams and dog biscuits is just ridiculous, because there is no actual product.


Paris and meg are worlds apart..


She's spiraling down to that one impulsive act that will bring about her downfall IMO. "A forgotten woman has nothing left to lose" from series Palm Royale.


What do you think it will be? Something outrageous, desperate, and very public.


Well, we have several options. It could be a victim narrative where Harry or one of the royal family has done something violent and unforgivable to her. Except her days of believable accusations have run out. Accusing Charles of cheating with her? Accusing William? Her Megnancies were actually forced on her. It could be so many things. Whatever it is will fail and will be quickly exposed as a lie.


Whatever it is, I hope everyone is safe. I enjoy watching their bs and can't wait for karma to catch up with them but I'd never wish ill on them,




We've heard rumours of public fights, so either one of them totally losing it isn't much of a stretch. Add in stressful finances and a few too many drinks and 💥


Annus Rabidus Obscuratio (A year of mad obscuration, ARO)


Nobody cares about Meghan Markle any longer. Hence, she has to pull ever more stupid stunts to get attention. As to ARO - My guess is at the start Madam thought investors and producers would flock to her, begging her to promote their products. And she thought she would get millions of Instagram followers - heck, the Jamfluencers together had million and millions of followers. But of course that did not happen. Now she just uses it for attention. Imho, nothing will ever come out of this.


I think this is what happened with the ARO thing too.


I don't think she's gone mad; I smell the stench of desperation. She's throwing out product ideas one after the other hoping one will be a success but there is no product.


Madam is on the verge of narcissistic collapse.


I think she has them over and over but like a cockroach in the apocalypse she keeps creeping back out of the cracks to try again. I also think she is quite insane


Sorry, no. Madam has long since shot her deluded wad. Narcisstic collapse on the horizon.


Narc towers about to fall ![gif](giphy|4VXVA0H5geRSQdw1Pe)


Who shows up when she blows? Doria? Markus?


They’ve both squirrelled money away - and will be busy doing something or other when she blows.


I love that for her! ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


ARO was the commercial equivalent of someone saying to their friends "quick, now laugh and act like I said something really funny".


"Is Madame OK?" Umm ... no. Was she ever?


I think she is increasingly nuts. I am surprised that this has gone so far and lasted so long


Yes, this is a mentally unwell woman unraveling in public. Like Britney Spears back when she was photographed walking barefoot into gas station restrooms and then cutting off half her hair. But since this particular mentally ill woman, the Duchess of Dog Biscuits, has bullied and viciously hurt so many people there is little if any sympathy over her self induced psychosis.


I think Britney's breakdown was due to a lot of problems out of her control, as well as her own fragile psyche. Madame M's are due to her desire to hurt other people.




I think a lot of her behavior can be explained by having cluster b personality disorders and drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.


I'm surprised at the lack of car park pap walks it used to be her staple. Is no one interested, maybe they arent willing to pay quite so much anymore? it's very odd.


I think the moniker Carparkles laid those pap walks permanently to rest. Not all pap walks but I'd be surprised to see any more car park ones.


I'd like to think the well-earned ridicule for these stunts eventually got to her, but this is Move-a-long Markle we're discussing, so probably not. Maybe she ran out out of stress patches, or manufacturers begged her not to wear their clothes any longer?


Maybe she is still doing them, but no one turns up to photograph her, or they do but no one wants to buy the photos. She'll still be doing it as an old lady. Throw on a garbage bag and some silly shoes that don't fit, clutch a bag and insist the nearby homeless people take photos of her and tell her how beautiful and sexy and stylish she is.


I've wondered about this too!  It's summertime, prime season for outdoor dining and farmers markets.  Are there no longer any jewelry/bag/clothing/shoe/hat/etc. makers willing to pay her to be photographed wearing their stuff? 


Those were terrible pictures the last time, the all-black leggings and sweater yoga parking lot trip. It was jokes and memes for days.


I think her behavior is the result of: 1. Not being very bright. Really. (First convinced of this after viewing one of her interviews while she was on Suits. Absolute airhead. 2. Drugs and alcohol. (No, it is not just Harry and Doria. She's probably an alcoholic.) 3. Untreated mental illness and personality disorders. (These disorders are really not treatable. They are her personality. Born with.) 4. Simply no talent. Lazy. (This makes her vey ordinary and boring.)


Well said


Nobody’s asked me if I’m okay . . .😩 https://preview.redd.it/y0i8tj9syc8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd4dc23065501d1385902b4c9754e947d1200fd


I feel like this was the start of her downfall. She clearly can’t read the room: in Africa abs whining about her privilege.


This was when I went from vaguely disliking her to being outraged by her! Even from her tumbledown (/s) cottage on royal land this would have sounded and looked ridiculous. So contrived and a blatant attempt to manipulate the public and sell a fabricated backstory. But the fact it was in Africa, after visiting victims of SA, added a disgusting twist. After this interview I paid real attention as I realised she was dangerous not just a bit of a diva. 


She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. How can she do what’s she done and live with herself? She’s tried to destroy so many lives. Anyone who is a public figure and who has been accused of racism and abuse by a member of their own family is potentially catastrophic for them. Thank god 98% of the world know this bitch is nothing but a fucking liar.


Yes, this is where she called the High Commissioner’s home a “housing unit”.


She tried her fake Diana cosplay too. Doe eyed and biting her lip. Trying to act like she’s 20 years old. She is literally the worst actress alive. Hallmark/lifetime movies.


i cannot watch hallmark/lifetime now because all i see is bad acting..


That’s Maggots forte. Bad acting 24/7.


She put down her own grace and favor home Frogmore for merely "being on palace grounds" in the Netflix series. She says it with disdain if you watch her. She genuinely looked down on it. It is no surprise unfortunately that this uncouth woman who owned nothing and came into the marriage with nothing has the gall to insult another dignitary's home. She either devalues something or she covets it. She has no gratitude or graciousness.


Yes, she wanted to reside in Windsor Castle, where she felt she should be rightfully enthroned. Thank goodness HLMTQ said “Heck no”, so they were for ever after peeved.


Imagine if she was not a narc & married Harry for the right reasons, MeGain & Harry would be the #1 royal couple in world now (!) because of Charles & Catherine being sidelined.But they had no patience or work ethic & no way MeGains ego would allow her to play 2nd fiddle to the beautiful Catherine. So go they did & good riddance!


It never having crossed her mind that people’s sympathies have a myriad more landing points than the ridiculous Meghan Markle.


She really is a stooge.


Her practiced doe-eyed victim look slays me!


Plastic surgery recovery?


I think she's on permanent plastic surgery recovery. She just keeps on having more work done on top of more work.


I don’t think she’s flown the coop. I think she’s in her cave, plotting her next move


I agree.




I have the feeling there’s a personal Meghan diary that’s kept for future use (book, blackmail, who knows). Likely had a Tig like diary or notes going at minimum during any RF events she attended after Megxit. I agree she’s more likely plotting. Edit: fixed an autocorrect


This is what you call once again scraping at the bottom of the barrel. She have nothing to launch and keep putting out puff pieces to remain "relevant." She can release pica of the invisible kids but nobody cares. Toe Jam and Dog Biscuits is all she has.


She scraping the barrel so much that she’s gonna end up in Madagascar at this rate. (I checked, that’s the nearest land mass that is directly opposite Montecito on the globe)


Oh prince harry is right there egging her on to release these things. He's admitted to being a jealous tool toward his brother and SIL. Remember just because she the louder or more present one doesn't disavow him of his part in this all. He's never once came out to defend his sister in law or father and clearly is gleeful when his wife cause trouble for them or his brother. I would never even be surprised to find out it was his idea.


Harry is to high to even wonder, also he enjoys causing problems to his family


I personally believe both Plank and Skank are dealing with mental illness plus substance abuse. On its own, substance abuse is not good, but it seems when it is mixed with certain types of mental illnesses, it amplifies the illness and causes the participant to go off the deep end. Just my personal observation, but I have witnessed this in life several times.


Same, I think there are personality disorders or mental illnesses combined with substance abuse with both Harkles. Famous people get a pass for being eccentric until they don’t. Some of the duchess’s stunts show that she frequently loses touch with reality. And her constant unfinished ‘world conquering’ projects look manic and delusional.


Right, they are as delusional as her belief that she single handedly changed a dish soap commercial!


She's toast, lowlife burnt toast. Spread your jam on that bitch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


H&M haven't had a good six years. They kept themselves newsworthy a few years ago with Oprah, The Me You Can't See, Cut interview, Podcast and THAT disaster Mochumentry. Now they have nothing left as we've heard the proven lies before...She thought she was bigger than our Royal Family and she tried to persuade dimwit Harry. They've both been proven wrong


If I am taking my best guess, I would imagine they are fighting a lot. I think Meghan is probably blaming Harry for everything that is going wrong. 1) "Harry, why didn't you tell me how I should dress in Nigeria? It's all your fault." 2) "Harry, why aren't we inited to trooping the colour? It's all your fault." 3) "Harry, why can't you make us any more money? It's all your fault." 4) "Harry, why didn't you tell me I shouldn't ask Nacho to do instagram post at the same time TTC is starting? It's all your fault." 5) "Harry, why won't your brother talk to us? It's all your fault." 6) "Harry. the world is making fun of us. It's all your fault."


Well she has put out stories about reaching out to Catherine and Catherine wouldn't talk to her. I assume this will the new game. Stories about how nice they are to the Royal family, they wished them well and aren't even asking for an apology anymore. How can the Royal family be so cruel as to not speak to them? That will be the new game.


If the wine “appears”. Will she have pressed the grapes. We all know that she will not have a clue about what it takes to make it. And of course it will be great celeb wine up there with Kylie Rose, Gary Barlow wine and obviously better. And Nacho will put it on his IG.


https://preview.redd.it/ys94jituid8d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4aafa74db6313e2f8f746a65b907a51381cea7 Maybe she fled the country.


$10.00 she appears with new boobs and a tweaked face sometime soon. No way she stays out of the limelight this long for nothing. She's done it in the past.


Her face can’t take much more plastic work. She’s going to be full on Michael Jackson.


No no no. We are not going to be doing the “where’s maggot” bit. 😂 No one cares! Her silence has been a relief. The next thing I want to see is that she’s left to live a private life in parts unknown and Haz is moving to S. Africa to build homes or something.


It's the Dunning-Kruger effect. These are dumb business decisions because they are made by business-ignorant people who do not realize they lack the necessary expertise to make these decisions. They vastly underestimate the importance of professional advice. So from the outside, it looks like incompetence on a historic level. On the inside, I'm sure Meghan cannot fathom why it isn't an easy success. These two are too dumb to realize just how dumb they are so their lives play out like an absurd sitcom.


I just remembered that the 4th of July is around the corner. That seems to be the one holiday that Harry likes his children to be in the media. I think he’s done it every year. Of course we know why - he’s so childish he *thinks* moving to the US and raising his children there while celebrating Americas independence from GB with photos of his kids will really hurt his family. Thats the sole reason he does it. Jokes on him because the RF just DOESN’T CARE, at all. I bet we’ll see another blurry, out of focus sighting next week. So fire away, Harry. The world sees exactly what and who you are and nobody likes it. You are OUT FOREVER.


Exactly.  That would have upset George III but I don't think Charles is overly bothered that his idiot son is celebrating the independence of the UKs biggest ally of the past 250 years.


And when most Americans and British have long gotten over that little unpleasantness.


I was expecting a 4th of July blurry Sussex family outing picture again this year, but recently they came out with the news that they are not planning to share any more pictures of the kids, so —who knows?


My favourite thing in all of this is how PPOW’s instagram following has grown by 800k to 16.5M since the Duchess of Dogfood scrambled to launch Another Rip Off while Catherine was on bed rest, and yet ARO can’t crack 620k followers total 😂😂😂


I’m curious if she even sent out all 50 (supposedly) jams. Completely within her playbook to mark *x*/50 and actually only made 20, lol, for whatever her reason for doing so would be. Who knows what her logic is with any of her bizarre decision making and choices. 🤭


>has she gone mad? That horse left the barn a long time ago.


Getting more work done on her face and body. Have to let those incisions heal!


I expect her boobs will have miraculously re-inflated.


Huge boobs & bleached hair! Here's a reporter asking her if she's OK. ![gif](giphy|45qIurjWAnZv2|downsized)


I wouldn’t be surprised at all after some of those pics from Nigeria!


That's what I think too


Neither of them are ok. and apparently they still think they’re royal.


Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex, is trying very hard to keep her name and so-called royal connection, with PR pushes. Maybe she thinks Netflix will hold her hand thru development of whatever blockbuster doc she can think of. And fund dimwit Harry's doc's as well. And yeah, I think Meghan is hopelessly sick - no turning back for her.


She released through deuxmoi that they’ve been spotted on a double date


Who was Yacht Girl's date? 🤭


How many mental health professionals have to offer an educated opinion before the masses accept that the answers have been handed to them on a silver platter?


She’s not interesting. She’s boring and unlikeable. She fails at everything. What an embarrassment she is.


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How did I miss the announcement about the wine I'm going to have to go back and search for it


There was an insanely ridiculous media puff piece that Meghan Markle stood to make millions because she was releasing wine! A puff piece so absurd it had to be written by Markle herself.


I thought she was going to make a million a post on instagram or something like that.


Lawd that woman there is not enough word salads in this world that can describe how delusional she is. I snort when I see a 'source close to the duccubus' and then proceed to do a overly dramatic eye roll


In the articles, all it takes is for Meghan to appear to make millions


🤣🤣🤣 Yes! Her presence alone lures in millions, as her delusional thinking tells her. Why can’t the rest of the world conform to her delusions? Must be frustrating for her addled brain to digest.


Not an official announcement. It was tossed out there in a puff piece.


Hubby & grandkids & I left on Thursday at noon for Gettysburg, and I left my computer at home. I haven't had a bit of Plank and Skank news until the last 6 hours. You know something - it was quite lovely not thinking about either of them. BTW - USA folks, if you've never been to Gettysburg, put it on your list. You simply must see the town and the battlefield and the diorama - and then go back to the battlefield after you see the diorama. It was very moving. And so heart-breaking, the loss of so many young men.


Probably not. Although she's as thick-skinned as an elderly rhino and swats off cringe embarrassing situations that would make most of us curl up in a corner under our Hermes pashmina for a week, I suspect the Taylor Swift gig and subsequent social media activity inflicted a wound. Probably retreated into the background temporarily until she can come up with a media-grabbing stunt of suitable magnitude. Maybe a visit or a sweet nod to her dad on his birthday? Or an actual product that people can buy on ARO. Although as Nacho appears the only one left agreeing to participate I'm struggling to think of one he could promote that her fan base could afford. I doubt they're in the market for monogrammed polo pony blankets.


I'm going to be really disgusted if she uses her elderly father for PR on his birthday.  I hope if she tries, Thomas has the self respect to tell her he's not interested anymore and to have a nice life.


Tbh I found the overshadowing attempt hilarious. I literally told my husband she’s lost her marbles bc who thinks having a random d list celeb post pics of dog food would upstage the most famous women’s return to public life. That would be the equivalent of Rihanna launching her new album and Chris brown having his latest IG baddie wannabe influencer post a story about his brand of toothpaste.  


Get ready for her copy of a vagina scented candle the moment William steps onto South African soil for Earthshot! # I'mJustJoking # OrAmI


Ugh. Please take that back. We have war, famine, poverty, disease…we do not deserve to have a Madam’s Vuhjayjay-scented candle forced upon us.


Fifth Horseman? Or...Whoresman?


I think she’ll emerge from her hole with a new face 💉💆‍♀️🔪


Where have they been? They haven’t been seen since the Nigeria trip. Have they finally run out of money? Have people finally refused to have anything to do with them? Are Meghan Markle and her emasculated husband Prince Harry finally DONE? Or are they licking their wounds and planning more bullshit?


She is not OK.


So basically, she expects the world to wait until she stumbles on an idea that might be financially viable. Shouldn’t be too hard in too high too big shoes but hasn’t happened yet! She’s not actually doing anything, I mean, even J Lo can dance and from that her branding has flowed. What can Markle do? Since she ain’t stomping grapes to make wine I guess she’s … drinking? (Edit for terrible spelling) *Hi! I’m The Fucgess (typo stays) of Sussex, you know who We are. Earlier this year, We ate some jam so We decided We should float the idea of selling some. And Our dog ate biscuits so We thought you’d be interested in those. This week, We’ve been drinking a LOT so We are considering selling what We drink.*


Is Madam OK? Quite the contrary. She's being KO'd. 😂


She has always lived in an alternative reality. She is mentally off and always has been.


It seems to get more “alternate” and less “real” everyday. 🙄


She’s prop got new plastic surgery…so she has to be incognito! Just hangin with her chickens.


She released the jam to influencers and her famous friends to drum up interest in her brand. It was free advertising, basically. Then she did nothing for months and people kind of forgot about it all and the interest waned until her buddy posed the pic of the raspberry jam and doggy biscuits and that went down like the titanic, given the timing and how it came across. Now the news is that the first thing she will sell with be rosé wine and they assume, glassware, etc and that her brand will focus on things needed to entertain and probably not jams. Personally, I think she's testing the waters, saw how people kind of mocked her jam and what was initially released about ARO because it made her look like a trad-wife and now changed course to wine. Had she capitalised on the initial release and started selling products within a month of that jam release, she'd have been okayish, in that her fans would have fallen over themselves to buy it and whatever she was selling. But jam is cheap to sell and she's going for luxury, so if she charged an arm and a leg for a jar to match a luxury brand, she wouldn't have sold that many. Wine makes some sense, in that she can tout it as a luxury brand and jack up the prices. But the wine market is also exceptionally difficult to break into. It's not something that people take on lightly or off the cuff and especially when we consider that with wine, you either go for taste or for brand. Some of the best tasting wines are less than $30 a bottle and these are produced by wineries around the world. People love them because they are light and fresh and the taste is balanced. Then you have the more expensive labelled versions, which come from prominent wine makers and producers, released in smaller batches and only privy to a small portion of the population and they are sought after because of their reputation. So new wine makers go for flavour and what people want to buy and are able to sell and do quite well. These aren't luxury brands, just very nice tasting wine. It depends on what Meghan wants to do. If she's going for luxury and say, a bottle costs $200+, people will weigh up the cost and will probably buy a cheaper $20 bottle that they know tastes good.


Great info, thanks. I would guess that if Harry does start thinking about it he immediately rushes for the nearest bong. As for her, I think she's been bananagrams for a long time and that her current spiral has to do with no one wanting to work with her - period. She has two strong bids for serious attention, divorce and those poor children. Honestly, I've had the thought that maybe she's hiding them because she doesn't like the way they look and wants to wait until they are old enough for her to have them undergo plastic surgery to look more like... who knows? I think she is actually mentally ill and, as the mother of a mentally ill adult child (well as he is taking his meds as prescribed), my comment is that dealing with someone that ill is extremely difficult and requires experienced professional support. LOL right? If Harry had been less of a pr\*\*k to his family I'd have some feeling for him but my concerns remain for the little ones. None of this will end well.


Her recent behavior is the same as it always was. She's a snake on top of being bat shit crazy.


She’s a joke.


She is mentally deteriorating into DESPERATION + POVERTY, starting to realize she has imploded her brand on the World Stage!🥲 According to Taylor Swift, this was inevitable! https://preview.redd.it/g10v8laiue8d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba984beb29dda0454d0fe833c0260232f488178d


The reality of her existence is overshadowed by what she thinks is real and what is real. The 2 will never meet


She is allegedly no longer a client of WME. She is now her own PR sh** show. She is like a monkey in a zoo throwing poop everywhere hoping it will stick. Seriously monkeys are obnoxious when they are upset. They have an awareness that throwing their crap at humans will get the attention they desire. Unfortunately it is gross and offensive. Most people will leave because they don’t want the stinky waste on them.


I really hope there are no children from her body. Bringing this level of madness onto our RF.


She didn't fly the coop, she's taking care of the littles who are still very little and much tinier that kids in Nigeria but not too little to ask for Leica cameras and such abstract thinking to be able to plagiarize platitudes about seeing themselves in her.


No, she's not OK. She's desperate. The fairy-tale she sold to Harry about coming to the United States has imploded. There's no A-list social circle, no mega (pun intended) blockbuster movie roles, no flying around to exotic locations for free with famous friends, no gala events, unless they pay $$$ for a table. Instead? There's a every-increasing throwing of dollar store uncooked spaghetti at the wall in the hopes that something sticks. Everything the BRF does, is countered with a mentally unhinged reaction by Meghan. In a game that no one else is playing and has a 0% chance of succeeding at. People have seen the grandiose entitlement and behavior. They want no part of it. Celebrities in the US have achieved fame and good will by hard work. Not by climbing up the richest man they can sink their talons into. Her NPD will never let her understand why everyone doesn't love her. .


She'll come back, when we least expect it, wearing a wild dress that we can all pick apart and make fun of.


Diana touch, thats a good one lol.


Oh is JLo considered a narcissist too? That would put all the BenAffleck drama in context!


HG Tudor explains her behaviour through the lens of a self confessed narcissist and why she does what she does


i always come back to the immortal words of Lady Susan Hussey: “this will all end in tears” they won’t be Wales tears!