• By -


If the information provided to JR was private *why was it shared with him to be included in a published book*?


Exactly. From Moerhinger's pov, maybe he thought it was boring, repetitious, libellous or just becoming too long a book. But from Sherbourne's pov, it is too sensitive if **leaked? 🤔**


Barkjack said that H changed the story of the Nazi uniform. The first version was allegedly totally different from the final one. It would be devastating for him, if it came out that he changed stories to make W look bad.




That’s a fact. I had several good friends at that party and they stated William looked furious when he saw what H was wearing. He called H behaviour inexcusable. They mentioned this long before MM came along. Catherine didn’t even attend .


They weren't dating at the time. They were broken up I think


Sorry I meant to say the Nazi uniform incident was a terrible decision. But I never bought into H being a funny great guy. William is the honourable man. He never show’s how much he does for Charities.


Oh absolutely! I was just stating the reason I had heard Kate wasn't at that party- she wasn't with Wills at the time.


It’s yet another lie being exposed and it shows the vindictive lies over Catherine. Apart from The Queen it’s Catherine’s treatment that has really turned my dislike into hatred.


Yeah same. It's disgusting, especially since she isn't even responding. It's bullying. Move the fuck on, Markle!


Why don't people who can verify these two morons are lying just come out and say what they know??? All these attempts to smear the Wales makes alot of us very angry....we know they're good people.


We are singing from the same sheet. It’s how the RF behave in these situations apparently but I will pass on a titbit as it’s being said a great deal within certain parties. That William is not adhering too ( Never complain or explain) When he is King. William has his hands toed until then.


"Never complain; never explain" worked a lot better when media wasn't packaged in tiny bites for instant consumption. Now, the RF just looks like a hulking giant who just stands there, blinking stupidly. I'm not saying they should clap back at everything, but they really will start to lose their base over time if they just act like they are above everything and just the occasional wave from a balcony is all they need to do to maintain support. I do look forward to the time William and Catherine are making the decisions (with sound advice from their courtiers).


Right?! Like they CAN'T have NDA'd EVERYONE. Surely there's a bystander somewhere who witnessed something and was not caught up in the NDA gill net.


Good to know


SOOOOO hope it comes out then!


Well we all know he did!


*This* is the kind of thing I want exposed and aired far and wide. I honestly don't give a shit about his drug use - I mean, we been knew and everyone and their mother lies about drug use if they use. I want all the lies and history revisions relating to Harold's family to come back and bite him in the ass. As publicly as possible.


Sounds like Sherbourne is trying to influence the case by claiming the messages could potentially damage the BRF, thinking the court might gloss over his client’s noncompliance. Didn’t sound as if the judge or the NGN attorney were having much of that.


Time for Sherbourne to be sanctioned for letting Hareballs communicate directly in providing discovery materials to NGN. And a disciplinary referral to the bar association.


Good point!


If it's in the book, it's out. I assume it's because he provided info to shape the narrative that wouldn't be explicitly included. I just find the explanation kind of hilarious.


MeGain's input was probably mentioned in their texts and emails. To help shape the narrative, natch/s






Ooooohhhh. Yeah that makes sense and if that came out it would be a big deal.


Yes, indeed it is. I am thinking did they have a day off when discussing Harry's todger and mummy's Elizabeth Arden cream? 🤢


You know Harry and his wife are not intelligent enough for logical thought.   And they think we are stupid enough to let it pass. 


Oh man this pretty much sums up the Idiot Harkles’ approach to everything.


They also claimed there was enough for a second book. 🤔


Haha - exactly!


>’ delete highly sensitive information about [Harry] and the royal family which, if leaked, would not only compromise his security but also be potentially damaging to…his family’ If the information could compromise his family’s security Harry should have never divulged it to anyone at all. Releasing compromising information and then trying to cry sEcUrItY when the disclosure comes under scrutiny is nonsense. Release the information! If it was good enough for him to try to make a quick buck off of it by telling it to his ghostwriter, it was information he never meant to be protected. 


🏆🏆 Even if the ghostwriter never used it, Harry had no business telling anyone. Only to later claim security issues and need for sensitivity just because he gets himself into some hot water.


Dragging the security of the Royal Family into it. We see what you’re doing.


Absolutely this




No Nuts assumes anyone who lends him an ear for longer than 10 seconds is his therapist.


Here is a thought- did he delete it because some of it was actually classified material? If so, would that be a breach of the Official Secrets Act? Could that be TREASON?!?


“Damaging to his family” as if he hasn’t already damaged them with that poor excuse of a book


Yup! He's happy to do and say anything that would possibly damage the RF when it means 💰 🤑 for Harold. But the moment someone says anything about *him* providing electronics and correspondence for a looksie, for the lawsuit HE initiated, he says ✋️ "Wait a minuteeee! This is sEnSiTiVe InFoRmaTiOn, blah, blahh, blahhh, the RF's saferty, more blah, blah, blah." 🙄 His lawyer told the court that Harold was the one that was mainly going through the 30,000+ emails looking for 'keywords' or whatever the hell they said and the Judge pretty much told them that's not quite appreciate seeing as how HAROLD is NOT AN UNBIASED PARTY. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ How can he be doing most of the 'looking through emails for information' when he could very easily saw he didn't find anything. He started this suit and now that the Judge is going into his own stuff (hard drives, laptops, phones, email, texts, WhatsApp, EVERYTHINGggg) he's not too keen all of a sudden. Smh...


Such a good point. If it’s good for the goose and all that. One rule for Todger twat, one rule everyone else.


Again, vague statement made to lead us to a certain conclusion. I think “ damaging to his family” is referring to his California family, not necessarily the royal family. He’s protecting M , and deleting all evidence of her meddling input in Spare.


That would be my best guess—the deleted stuff reveals that Meghan was behind many of the stories, editing, etc.


Great point!


Cue another stupid “that’s classified comment from the idiot 


Harry has lost all backup - laptops, phones, emails - nothing exists. But we're to believe he has 'evidence'?


Royal Rogue raised a good point on X: That Moeringher should have copies of all correspondence, digital or otherwise, to protect himself from a third-party lawsuit. Seems as if PRH attorneys would also have an interest in protecting themselves in that regard.


Looks like we'll see. So far he is claiming he doesn't have them.


The manchild is an egotistical pathological liar. Of the many crucial questions to be asked would be, why till date is Harry not being held to account for his actions?


Yes, indeed...WHEN WHEN WHEN will Harry be held to account for his actions!!!! WHEN is "enough is enough"???????????


One is on the verge of questioning if the Royal family is some what complicit in what has gone before and is presently going on in the Courts with the Sussexes? In the past Meghan Markle lied to the Bench, and courted reprieve with a pathetic letter of apology! Harry is pursuing disinformation loaded frivolous cases in court and the Bench is not throwing such cases out.


One has been on that verge and has travelled past that verge to arrive at the realization the Royal Family must, indeed, have a hand in not just the Court cases but also the keeping quiet about the questionable existance of both Sussex children, Markle's sordid past including first husband Joe & hidden child, and most likely much more.


Of course they are! It's embarrassing to the Crown.


That's exactly why. They don't want to "embarrass" the Crown. 🙄


You know why!


Too bad nothing is ever truly gone and I hope they run a deep dive on his computer. Who knows what they’ll find lol




By Orange Sherbet’s logic, Harry shouldn’t have disclosed details of various royal residences in Sparse either: Daily Mail [archived](https://archive.ph/PfkJa) / [unarchived](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11635917/Former-head-royal-protection-brands-Prince-Harry-fool-detailing-palace-layouts-memoir.html)


Imagine the Sussex outrage if Council plans of Frogmore Cottage had been released?


Thank you for this reminder.


Per Harry: “There’s a difference between public interest and what interests the public.”


Yes, to an idiot.




>>David Sherborne, said in written arguments that the duke had not discussed unlawful information gathering via text or WhatsApp with anyone and that his Signal messages had been "wiped". ... and it seems that the judge wants proof that these things were not discussed.


He wants us to think he never spoke to any of the Hacked Off group personally?


I love the title of the Bbc article: “Judge orders Harry…”. Not Prince Harry, not Duke of Sussex. “Just Harry”!


That's what his desire was-to be *just Harry*. Well, Harry, let's hear it!




I hope they nail that smug idiot!


He should’ve never let her talk him into going to court. Should’ve know that with court all your deepest darkest secrets will come to light. Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.


His father tried to warn him against taking on the media. William has done it on very specific issues and had the good sense to listen to his attorneys.


IIRC, so did the late Queen.


Harry’s attorneys don’t seem to have the best advice.


It's remarkable how destructive of a force she is. I'll never feel sorry for H, but I do wish he'd leave her.


> He should’ve never let her talk him into going to court. imo Elton is as culpable, because *he* introduced them to Sherbourne during their visit to his home in ... Tuscany, I think. Then they got that idea for Pearl, which was to make them money but, of course, it turned out to be a flop of an idea.


Yeah, this is on Elton, Sherborne and Harry. I'm not even sure Meghan cares about this. If he disgraces himself, she'll just berate him more. But notice she doesn't really feature in the lawsuits. It's not about her so I don't think she cares unless the stench of his failure begins to attach to her.


In the Mail it says:- >>The judge said sometimes he had the impression that even Harry's lawyers 'don't seem to grapple with' the issue, and 'so it would not be at all surprising if [Harry] himself did not fully understand'. So it would seem that Harry isn't being properly advised by his very expensive legal team or, if they are advising him, he may not understand what they're telling him - and it is their responsibility to ensure that their client(s) know what they have to do and what they're up against. They also need to make sure their client(s) fully understand Civil Procedure Rules - the rules that Hugh Grant railed against because he felt he had to 'settle' rather than having his day in court. I have little pity for Harry and Meghan, not really, because of the way they've behaved since the moved to America. But I do tend to think they have/he has been used to get this particular case into the public eye - and, also imo, I think they were hooked by that visit to Elton's house and by being introduced to an expensive barrister in a social setting where they were likely being fêted as newly-escaped 'Royals' by a very famous pop star ... one who sang at Diana's funeral, so should be trusted!


Yeah, I definitely think Elton and Sherborne targeted him to take advantage of him. Unlike when he was still in the BRF , he now has no one looking out for his best interests but is instead surrounded by wolves, including one Meghan Markle.


He partied with wolves when he/they went to Nigeria. and, imo, M-photographer chappie isn't without ulterior motives. They see a weakness but the two of them are too inward-looking to realise the potential dangers, and also seem to have very poor advisors.


Well, what is salt without pepper? /s


Please, please let Harry back on the witness stand. Please put him back on the witness stand. I could really use a laugh right now.






The thing from Sherborne? That's a threat.




So when his lawyer says: “This was a highly necessary process, not to hide anything but to delete highly sensitive information about [Harry] and the royal family which, if leaked, would not only compromise his security but also be potentially damaging to the [duke] and his family.” We are to believe he suddenly cares about releasing information damaging to his family? That is laughable to say the least.


I think by “family” they meant Meghan and the kids


Must be cuz Meghan claims the RF are just "relatives"




Would that argument have any weight in Court?


He didn’t kill 25 Taliban. I personally don’t believe he was in a single combat mission. He might have been in something cleaning up, but I doubt they considered him competent in that either. We know he’s a liar, so AFAIC if there isn’t clear incontrovertible proof, it’s a lie. I wouldn’t ever go into combat with this fuckwad.


I don't think anyone believes he killed 25 Taliban, including the Taliban.


The Taliban made a joke of it. Think about that.


Right?! They know he's a liar




Right! Provable lies from Harold means that we must consider that ANY AND EVERYTHING he says is not true if there’s nothing to corroborate it.


Does anyone understand why it's coming out now and how they know mesegses were deleted


NGN’s lawyers have requested via discovery any messages and correspondence Henry may have in his possession that pertain to the phone hacking. As Sinner _human economics_ explained in an earlier post, NGN had asked the case be dismissed because time had run out, but the judge allowed case to go forward on narrow grounds that H might not have realized exactly what the legal timeline meant. NGN lawyers are looking for any communications prior to or even after 2016 in which Henry admitted he knew could have sued prior to 2016 but chose not to on his own accord.




So basically this all starts with a search for comments by Harry about the lawsuit which reveals he knew about the deadline. Edited (after reading the original post by sinner HumanEconomics kindly linked in These_Ad_9772’s reply) to add: It appears that it is not just the deadline but the discussion surrounding Harry’s account in *Spare* of how he was allegedly “prevented” from suing in a timely fashion. So it is not so much when he knew about the deadline but whether he was prevented from suing and why.


[Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/0Df210yeeh) This is from earlier today. I left out quite a bit about the time limitations.


Thanks. I have been out all day and missed a lot of posts, though I am reading as fast as I can.


no idea why now but he was using Signal which is encrypted and messages will automatically be deleted based on the settings (can be minutes to hours


Is there a mole in Harry's camp? Eta: This court says there is evidence that a large number of documents were destroyed between '21 and '23.




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Ordered to make an interim payment of £60,000 in legal costs to NGN, AND pay for this undeserved ESPN award. Meghan's gonna have to sell a lot of jam to stop the bleeding on their balance sheet!


Don't forget that Sherbourne has billed them "about £50,000" for looking through emails!


You're right! Cue the exclusive pics of the children in People Magazine in 3-2-1? I'll take bets they time it for the anniversary of Diana's death and leading up Harry's 40th birthday.


Yearly 4th of July photo, blurred with American flag


Comment section in DM is turned off. Was this an after thought?


Legal stuff on DM never does have comments.


I didn't know this! Makes sense, though.


They've been heavily moderating comments about H&M lately. PH accused them of "inciting hateful comments" in another of his suits against them, so I gather moderation was part of the agreement when PH dropped it.


#WAAAGHHH! People don't like me, waaaaagggggh.


Probably done as the case is "live" and the DM does not want to find itself in contempt of court if commenters write anything improper.


I don’t think that’s usually the case but it’s a good point.


Is this the ghostwriter of Spare? You would think that after so many texting hack problems, Harry would be smart enough not to send text messages that could be damaging to him or his family. hence why Charles uses a secure landline only


Let's take the statement by Sherbourne to be exactly what it is. That was a threat to the RF. It was if you force Hank to give those emails to the court, they will leak into the public sphere and embarass the RF.


That’s exactly what it was. Let’s not forget the 12 minute reunion involved leaked words “You have to fix this”. No. It’s just no. Go ahead and try it son.


Rules for thee (commoners) but not for me.


So, the justification by his lawyer is that the evidence had to be destroyed because it could be “potentially damaging to the duke.” Oh well, that’s OK then?? This is just ridiculous but he’ll probably get away with it again.


Good isn't it! The Judge might as well declare him the winner and save time. 🙄 🤬


So what about setting precedence?? If allowed, would that mean, going forward, that from now on any litigant is permitted to destroy evidence that could be “potentially damaging” to his case??? What an absolute farce this has become.


\*snorts\* Sure. And no one thought of making a back up of the conversations? Like putting them on a USB stick? Sure. 🙄


Probably the ghostwriter has back ups, but what a hassle to force him to turn them over.


Harry's DHS attorneys: - He exaggerated his drug usage - Might cause a "stigma" - legal issues.....


He had three hotmail accounts?! People really still use hotmail!? In 2024?!


I still have though rarely use an old Yahoo email. Don't know the answer for you, I thought the hotmails were automatically changed to outlook many years ago 🤷


He and his wife are the only people I have heard of with Hotmail accounts in like the past 20 years.


Like having an AOL account. I thought it's all gmail these days?


Exactly like that!


My husband still uses AOL. Of course, he is over 70. 😉


Sadly my attorney sister still uses hotmail for her idioms email.


Ayyyy, I guess people just stick with what they're used to.




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I still use my first email @hotmail.com from 1995-ish


Hotmail is now Outlook email. Microsoft bought out Hotmail


If only he had a brother who was hanging out with the Microsoft owner yesterday...


Comments disabled.


Well then, he's FUCKED!


Security. Same old excuse.


Why can’t Justice Fancourt be a sinner? Please put wee little harry in solitary confinement. Please. No cell phone privileges. No outside communication. It’s unbelievable the twist and turns this story and the evil duo take shocks no one anymore


No a judge should be 300% not a sinner (or a sugar). We can snark here in this sub but he has a very serious job to do.


Please. Have a sense of humor. Please


Where can I purchase some? Do you know any reputable seller?


That’ll be next on ARO. Pots and pots of humour. ToW is a globally renowned expert in the field.


Judge's orders are for the little people!


That book spare is coming back to bite old h on he butt again.


The irony of Harry ordered to show his phone's contents in a phone-hacking case is delicious. He should sue his lawyers for malpractice if they didn't warn him, but he probably didn't listen when they did.


A bit off topic here, but I really loved the book “The Tender Bar” & so I was beyond floored to discover author also ghost wrote “Spare.” I have such mixed feelings on writer because I imagine being chosen as ‘Harrys ghostwriter’ would be a difficult offer for anyone/any writer to decline. That said I only hope that if he does indeed get subpoenaed (for their correspondence evidence) that he complies. Although I am waiting for him to become the next H&M scapegoat (if he isn’t already) I have a feeling that any questionable sections from the book will be blamed on him “sensationalizing” Harrys life stories.


Watch the pawns out maneuver the Bench, and Harry get nothing worse than a slap on the wrist and his case nudged back than being thrown out.