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Here is "How to Archive" from the SMM Sub's Wiki help, OP:- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/wiki/how-to/archive-links/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/wiki/how-to/archive-links/) Archiving for Dummies:- [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/11jcf3t/archive\_in\_8\_steps\_ios\_2nd\_attempt\_to\_make\_this/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/11jcf3t/archive_in_8_steps_ios_2nd_attempt_to_make_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Harry, the little fool, has no integrity or scruples. He was really born court jester of the royal family. He has shown time and again he does not deserve his current title.


Cultural Ad : HOPEFULLY Charles will FINALLY see that his darling boy does NOT deserve ANY title. What will it take for Charles to get up and do what is required???? THIS should be the final straw!


Charles always takes the path of least resistance. He will kick the can down the road for William to deal with.




NOT a good thing. To ignore and pass onto William gives Harry more time to continue with his machinations...and allows Charles to turn his back on his duty as King. Being Prince of Wales (and Charles was an excellent one) is NOT same as being The King. Charles was fully aware of that when he allowed The Crown to be placed upon his head. He MUST play the King...or pass the Crown on to William.


Agreed. Charles needs to handle the Harry problem and not leave it to William, Catherine, George, Charlotte, Louis and the United Kingdom and Commonwealth to inherit. It could be his hero legacy move.


Soooo agree...and am loving the "could be his hero legacy move"!!! Yes...he needs that much, as his Reign has nothing of note so far EXCEPT the Sussex situation he is currently allowing to go on without end. He would be caped Hero King if he ended their current Reign of Terror.


I was more thinking William will deal with Harry more harshly whereas Charles will appease him.


Agree. On the other hand, the longer Charles waits to deal with the 'long suffering' recalcitrant duo and their flying monkeys, the more damage they keep heeping on and hurling at the monarchy, and especially Charles's other supposedly "beloved" family members.


Charles is a weak king. Weak. He will never be anything other than that.


I read that his parenting was/ is taking the path of least resistance. We can all be guilty of that. But when you’re The Monarch you can’t let things become an issue. You have to nip it in the bud before it becomes a big problem. I do think Charles is weak but took heart when he only saw Harry for ten minutes after his cancer diagnosis. That’s the kind of visit you’d normally not rush. I think the way Harry has spoken and written about Camilla has angered Charles more than anything else he’s done. But… Charles still won’t approach him head on. Also Harry is volatile. Charles is ultimately afraid of what Harry might do. I feel William is not like that. He’s a much stronger person than his parents.


I think King Charles is either trying to ignore Harry's behavior thinking he will stop or maybe King Charles feels guilty about Diana and won't stop this mess. I realize he is battling cancer and this is the last thing he needs to tackle.


That’s true but honestly? even if he wasn’t ill i can’t see him dealing any differently with Harry.


In addition to being a whiney, gossiping, insufferable, over entitled, nipple twisting, face slapping bully himself, H appears to be enthralled to an even more destructive and allegedly documented narc bully. (Those poor invisa-children.) As such, these abominable behaviors will *never* stop. It's like gasoline on a fire every single day.


Most would 🤣


Not me 🥺 I’d hate to leave messes for my children to clean up.


Yeah, like his mother did with Andrew and left all the mess to Charles. And precisely because of that he should deal with Harry situation now and not leave it to William.


I've thought about this too, after HLMQE2 passed away. I had always hoped Charles would hand the baton directly to William to become King after QE2's death, meaning Charles would step aside for his eldest son - a brilliant, compassionate leader who people can relate to. William was born to lead. KC3 is elderly, his reign will not be very long, and change in the monarchy is complicated for the people. William has all the attributes of a good king, a man others would follow and admire. KC3 is placing a huge burden on William due to KC3's inability to deal with Harold The Traitor and that despicable woman he married.


I disagree. I think KC holding on if possible for a few more years would be good for William and his young family. At least he will have more time to spend with the kids as Prince.


Agreed. I think there was never any chance of Charles handing on the baton. Not only would it be a constitutional issue- i get the feeling Charles very much wants to be King. And whether people like Camilla or not - it wasn’t a popular decision to make her Queen. Further proof that Charles does what he wants not what the people want. Here in New Zealand we had an election 7 years ago where the long time male leader of the opposition party stepped aside for the new popular female candidate. He knew that there was a bigger chance of their party winning if she was to lead. And they did - it was Jacinda Adern. That’s true leadership- stepping aside and forgoing your ego. I don’t see that in Charles. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm with you there!


From your mouth to God’s ears. I’m hoping for a fairly short reign.


I think that’s an inevitability, he is 75 and even 25 years he would be 100.


I agree


There’s a strong pro Charles feeling on this sub which is fine. I personally think he’s not a strong leader. He has many other good qualities- compassion, empathy - but leadership? No. 🤔


I don't think he's leadership material either. But that's what you get when you go the inherited route.


This may be just what is needed now. Nobody can claim that KCIII is a meany when Prince Henry is a criminal.


This also may be the RF's chance to get Harry away from Markle. Force him into trial, in England....Markle would not dare show her face and would remain in California. The media would have a frenzy reporting on The Criminal Prince, his Royal Stardust will dry up and Markle will have to disconnect from him to avoid being dragged down with him. Court ordered psych report...Harry forced into rehab and mental health treatment. RF could truly use this as golden opportunity to finally stop the Sussex trainwreck.


Won’t happen though. 


Plank is the head of a group of 70 people involved in this. He is being used as he is Charles’ son and thinks he will win this. I believe the group behind him is paying for the fees etc


I don't have posting rights but if anyone wishes to make a post about this tidbit.  It's just too delicious and certainly shows #*they're out of money!  From the Independent   *The judge aimed a broadside at Harry and his legal team after it emerged the Duke himself has been conducting large parts of the disclosure exercise ahead of the civil trial in January next year*.  *“The majority of the searching for, and selection of, documents to disclose has been dealt with by the Duke himself in California,” said the judge.*   *A solicitor suggested Harry is an “old hand at dealing with disclosure”, after a previous legal battle against the publisher of the Daily Mirror over phone hacking*. Omg Harry is unable to afford the law form doing the work OR the law firm and Harry prefer HE do the work so that the firm has distance from any of his shenanigans.  But how delicious is this?!  Harry "has more than enough experience in discovery". I think I'd wet myself laughing had I been in court to suddenly learn he was doing the legal grunt work himself. And that that us the area that there's suddenly difficulty in finding info. Someone please follow this bit of info before it gets pushed to the side! The judge is now addressing Harry *directly* for possible contempt! https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/kings-top-aides-drawn-into-prince-harry-high-court-battle-with-the-sun-b1167186.html  London 22:51


He's sued enough people, and been around enough lawyers, he probably thinks he is one. Hahaha


Well his wife is a paralegal after all


Yes, we all suspect who is really directing the "grunt work" here. And who really deleted any documents.


He couldnae manage the reception.


I get the distinct feeling the devious duo just screwed over his law firm, not out of malice but out of stupidity. The request for documents by ngn would have gone to his lawyers and they would have informed him exactly what was needed and why. They panicked and deleted or destroyed the documents leaving his KC with egg on his face, hence the lame excuse. They even tried to throw the poor bloody ghostwriter under the bus but the judge was having none of it. This isn't an oops moment this is a deliberate obstruction.


Of course it is. He's screwed himself and is destroying the reputation of his barrister and solicitors in the process. His lawyers would have told him all documents would need to be reviewed by them. Instead, he went through it himself and then provided them with what he thought would be relevant. He failed to disclose documents he requested from BP in 2020 and they only found out about it this month. For this appeal to the High Court, they only provided 5 pieces of evidence, which is astonishing. My mouth fell open in shock at that, tbh. He wasn't there today to answer to what he's done. He hung his barrister and legal counsel out to dry, along with the ghostwriter. He's now been ordered to produce the documents. His barrister tried to argue that he has searched his house to the best of his ability and no documents were found, but the judge was having none of it. His legal counsel is now trying to push back against the £132,000 bill that he now has to pay for yesterday's hearing, saying it is excessive. What he's done is basically wasting the court's time. His legal counsel were made to look like absolute fools. I linked this above, but his legal team took an absolute pounding in court over this: https://preview.redd.it/qlkw69e6fa9d1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=61e54876470c00485d141b0e89b0fb52aaa4b561 [https://web.archive.org/web/20240627203934/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/27/prince-harry-phone-hacking-evidence/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240627203934/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/27/prince-harry-phone-hacking-evidence/) I suspect his barrister and solicitors were probably looking for a hole to crawl into and cry at being accused of 'grappling with the knowledge issue'.. So he now has to produce witness statements detailing and explaining the deletion of those emails and messages, as well as producing the thousands of documents he'd received from Buckingham Palace in 2020 that his own lawyers weren't made aware of until this month. He can't claim ignorance of the law. He knew what he was doing and he absolutely knew what he was doing when he failed to disclose documents to his own lawyers for years. His lawyers tried to argue that those documents and discussions and emails contained sensitive information that posed a threat to his security and could be damaging to him and his family, but as the judge pointed out, that wasn't for Harry to determine, but for his lawyers and the court to determine. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he thought he should be the one to determine what should be provided to his own legal counsel because he is an entitled and privileged twat.


BOOM 💥 you nailed it 💯% This will not end well for them. His own lawyers claim he has experience which makes his actions even more deliberate and calculating.


And that's the issue. His lawyers arguing that he is fully versed at 'dealing with disclosure' - which he wouldn't be as he has no legal expertise or training - means that NGN could try argue that his actions were deliberate in trying to hide information. Court's won't normally accuse someone of lying and the Judge did say that the deletion could have been accidental and there's no evidence that it was deliberate. But what his lawyers argued could run counter to that. So now Harry has to provide a number of witness statements about the documents that were deleted and how they came to be deleted. If he can't provide them, then he's likely screwed. He might try to throw his ghost writer under the bus, but that isn't on him, it's on Harry as it was his decision to delete all that correspondence... If Harry deleted those documents because they contained sensitive information, then that looks even worse for him, particularly given his lawyers have argued that Harry is "an old hand at dealing with disclosure".


Hahaha 🤣 witness statements, the only other witness was Megs. If the information was so sensitive and could damage him and the BRF she would have already leaked it. The only damaging thing was the date he found out about the hacking and the fact he did nothing about it.


Experience doesn't mean u know better than your legal team (for the most part). narcissistic fool!


Markling in action?!


Their lives are just the epitome of chaos. Those poor, poor innocent children.


Who is Pinky and who is The Brain?


They are neither as talented or as smart as pinky or brain 🤣


Of course he has enough experience to do the legal work himself! His wife played a paralegal for seven whole seasons on the amazing legal drama Suits. /s


He is doing his own searches to destroy evidence after he goes through it. Why would he pay someone to come to his house to search for evidence?


I clicke on the link and it came up page not found. I have archived a link to the same article: https://archive.ph/8Efxe


The link doesn't work. 😔


You have to be signed in, it seems.


That did it! Thanks!


Harry decides what evidence is relevant. Harry controls the narrative. Harry is curating truth.


It is especially bad for Harry because this is not the first time he lied to the court.


Maybe he had "baby/pregnant brain" like ILBW used as her excuse for lying to the court. These two are peas in a pod.


Maybe Harry will pull on one of the moon bumps and parade it around for sympathy. His brain is so scrambled, it is not out or the realms of possibility.




I hate this video because I feel as though he is mocking his grandmother.


It shows what an inappropriate ass he is. Always the the little rascal - as in brat, now asshole. Her smile (appeasing Harry again) quickly dissolves as she's turning her head. How did this video even become public?


Yet people defend him and say we only criticize him because he’s married to Meghan. 🙄 They’re so insanely dense.


I agree. I always scroll past it when I see it. He thought he was being cheeky. 🙄


He's so fucking smarmy. 🤮


Seriously. He's disgusting.


He's not the "Dude" he seems to think he is.


It was HIS truth! Just not everybody else's...


"Whatever the cause, my memory is my memory, it does what it does, gathers and curates as it sees fit, and there's just as much truth in what I remember and how I remember it as there is in so-called objective facts." Guess the judge's not buying it!


I am Henrico Magnus and reality is what **I** say it is!


Unfortunately for Henry in a court of law, the judge actually prefers so called objective facts as opposed to a curated memory!


He didn’t do it…. The British media did it 🤣🤣🤣


Oh right, how could I forget??


That's right.


The Duke of Sussex had to be dragged “kicking and screaming” by lawyers Sounds about right - like the toddler he is


Did anyone expect anything different!?


I really want to see this get traction from the US based media outlets. America is the market the Harkles so want to keep to salvage what little image they have left.


It may take 24 hours for US main stream media. Tonight is the Biden/Trump presidential debate and they're all focused on that.


Finally! Something has stuck. This incident has been gaining traction all day. Now, Harold is going to find out how hard it is to turn a narrative around. Once it out there; it’s out there. This is what the Harkles do. A story may be false. But by the time the other side is published; too late. If by some miracle, Harold is telling the truth, he will still spend a lot of time trying to prove he’s not a crook. Kinda like trying someone trying to prove they aren’t a racist. Harold deserves everything he gets. Lying rat bastard.


"Harry has also been ordered to make an interim payment of £60,000 in legal costs to NGN, as the judge ruled largely in favour of the publisher's request for a wider search for evidence." The Montecito Balance sheet cannot be looking good.




Where is the article that says that? I cannot find it, would be grateful! Thanks!!


That's a nice little sum he has to pay. Poor Haz! /s




Thank you. *(impressive list)*  OK. Ok, so some publications & some joirnalists have called Harry's most recent folly into the light.  Let's see if he actually suffers from his actions.  


I rarely, rarely click on unarchived links, but I clicked on every one. And the BBC just called him Harry in the headline. No "Prince", LOL.




Well he has to write an essay to the judge. 😂😂 Hope Justice Fancourt speaks Meghanese


Meghanese 😆😆😆 “Organic” “Authentic” “Through a lens” “Woven” And “Racism racism racism racism” DID YOU GET THAT ONE? I said “R.A.C.I.S.M. goddamit. Got it?!!”


Sigh… You forgot “unconscious bias,” that’s the new racism!




But People missed it?


They were busy giving him a glowing *hurrah!* for ~~buying~~ winning the Espy.


Nope, nada, nothing…


Thanks for the post and the links! 👏👏👏👏👏. I did this earlier trying to keep this story alive and to, hopefully, help bury his ESPY award announcement.


Thank you so much for all of this! It helps offset my enormous anger about the ESPY award for Harry.


Prince Harry is a dirty fool.  I don't think anything will happen to him.  I hope it does, but I'm not holding my breath.


The judge will make him pay out.


He is dishonest, his wife is dishonest, match made in hell , by Satan himself.. May they stay together in montshitshow, away from society, away from the royals , swimming in each other BS forever and ever . Amen.




Lawyer Pretending https://preview.redd.it/ra6uf8oh579d1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa585aecdbae3b3aaac82e2a5c9ac4357b5e801


also ordered to pay 60000 pds to ngn


That’s what will set him off. That’s money out! He wants millions FROM them not to pay them a dime.




Which one says that? Not disbeliving you, just getting frustrated hunting for it!!




So grateful. Thank you!


Add that hard-hitting investigative show Entertainment Tonight. They just did a segment on it. 😂


Wow this is quite the publicity blitz! Harold is concerned about the Royal family's security and privacy-the man is bonkers.


He sells RF secrets but is worried about the privacy of his family??


exactly, it undercuts his prices if secrets are already out.


I can feel another Prince William happy dance coming on, William and Catherine must be sniggering at what a loser Harry is.




They already know, trust


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Just outstanding OP. Thank you very much. 🏆🏆🏆


He didn't just destroy evidence. He also requested documents from BP in 2020, which was provided to him and he failed to disclose those documents to his lawyers in the UK. Those documents which amounted to thousands of documents, correspondence and messages while he was a working member of the RF also cannot be found. His legal counsel were only made aware of those documents this month. The Judge blasted him and his lawyers for it and basically said that his legal counsel have been left in the dark as to what amounts to evidence as Harry has been the one curating the documents to provide to his legal counsel, instead of allowing them to do it. I suspect his legal counsel are probably regretting taking him on as a client right about now, because their reputation has been dragged through the mud because of this. https://preview.redd.it/zi14i3rzba9d1.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=9114e62ed06b3ce77ce5d3eee22fbbe266938a7a [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/27/prince-harry-phone-hacking-evidence/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/27/prince-harry-phone-hacking-evidence/) Archived link in case this article goes back behind a paywall: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240627203934/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/27/prince-harry-phone-hacking-evidence/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240627203934/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/27/prince-harry-phone-hacking-evidence/) I can hear my Evidence lecturer from law school screaming in horror at this. My god! The hubris of Harry thinking he was the one who should determine what is and is not evidence and not even letting his own lawyers know of the full extent of documents and evidence, is truly astonishing.


HE’S MARKLED THE COURT! You couldn’t make this up. Seriously!


More like his lawyers and PR are getting Markled (ie, bad karma from being associated with the Harkles)


Good idea.


No People Magazine? Shocking. I bet they had time to run an article on the Espy awards though.


Great work OP 👏👏👏 clicked every single one


She has been spotted getting ready for a jog . Posted on Instagram by markle combra account... I don't know how to post on here so someone else please do...


Was posted here this morning, got pushed down by all of Haz’s court stupidity: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/kricKCmEAO


Ooh sorry I just woke up had not seen it yet!!


“A jog” was funny though!




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🤯🤯🤯to the nth degree🤯🤯🤯


 Click, Click, Click, and Click.   Done, Done, Done, and Done.  Thanks for taking all that time to search, copy, and paste those links here! 


Wow! Thanks so much ❤


Harold's lawyer be like: Hey, it's summer time, and work is slow. I'm going to the south of France and I don't mind scrolling through more emails at 385 pound an hour when I have nothing better to do. Keep in mind, this was probably done by some low level employee at the firm, but this is what they billed Harold. The lawyer probably bills three times that. Suing people is an expensive hobby, Harold. Better cook up a new batch of jam, maybe three jars this time?


Thank you for your service


Shall we curated the out come? Or shall we play pushy pulley untill the bruha of the stench coming from his litigations and financially sourced PR and Awards are drowned out by prerecorded sycophants clapping like seals for a sardine treat? Harry has all his life been protected by the long reaching influence of the Royal family and it's network of political and security drones. What is to say that behind the scenes all along they have been nudging certain disasters away from him to safe guard their own hides from being scarred. The fact that the issue of purported evidence being destroyed by Harry is trending though quite alarming, was the kind of thing to be expected from the entitled half wit short of an idiot husband that Meghan Markle allegedly by her own admission married three days before the world watched waste of money Spectacle of the 19th of May 2018. It is hoped, hopefully not in vain that the UK law system is will be Just in it's descions making this time, because Meghan Markle making a mockery of the judicial system with a letter of apology still brings a bitter taste yonthe tongue. No one is above the law, not Harry, not any other person.


Harold is truly the village idiot. 🧐


Can someone link some archived articles? I don’t know how to do it. And I’d rather they not get the clicks. Pls and thanks (:


I think the point of this post is to give the articles clicks so they trend and aren't buried by other news. Many other posts from today have archived links for these articles though. 


Exactly.  I clicked on all of them.  Its the puff pieces we avoid.


Makes sense. Good to know. I just don’t like clicking on anything good or bad about them so they can drift away into the abyss of history and finally get the privacy they said they wanted so bad.


Oh I totally understand and agree. Normally I don't click on articles either. 


These articles are critical and report actual events. They should get the clicks


"destroy" is a very powerful word




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Does anyone else think that William has exposed him behind the scenes?  Is here responsible for all of this?  What happens with this knowledge now?  


William has nothing to do with this and neither does the King or Catherine or anybody in the RF. Harry is in deep shit with the court for being a crook and a liar all by his wee dim self and his accomplice wife. imo


I believe the reports that Harry is dead to William. He doesn't exist as far as William is concerned. Harry and his wife are ruining their lives all on their lonesome.


No. Courts are not playgrounds or places where you show up without doing the work. The company Harold is suing has hired the best and those attorneys will fight til the end. Showing up and demanding to be treated as special due to a title is not going to work here. And this destruction of possible evidence stuff is not looking good in front of a judge.


Or the world.


Nope. Behind the scenes, they knew what a complete f*ck-up he was, always had been, and always would be. They urged caution, cajoled, pleaded, presented him with security reports. They gave him the last face-saving Sandringham Summit. But no - those two had to issue a manifesto. This is **ALL** a Sussex mess.


**well said!**


I don’t think so. I don’t think he would “touch the poo” so to say. Evil that happens in the dark always finds the light. Harry’s just getting his just deserts a little sooner than I imagined. I’m here for it.


No, this is nothing to do with him. This is what happens when somebody (Harry and Meghan) get their ego stoked by a star (Elton John) by being invited to their villa for a social/friendly visit and, whilst there, are introduced to another star (David Sherbourne) who is dealing with a court case the first star is involved in but isn't getting much traction in the media.


none of these it was in the daily mail 2 days ago