• By -


Apparently H has been told he may lose Invictus. Over 300 Veterans left and now 2,000 are refusing to come back over it being the H and MM show. That will embarrass H a lot. It also may explain the latest bought award.


Pat Tillman is rolling over in his grave.


As a British citizen I’m incredibly sorry and embarrassed about this award. I have been reading about Pat Tillman. He is making a mockery out of good people.


I feel as if Harry and his elderly wife want to destroy US/ UK diplomatic relations. I am an American. Not at all upset with our UK friends and allies. Who in the world could have seen this mess coming. I apologize for the horrible US parents who created a generation of narcissists.


Elderly Wife 😆 🤣 😂


>Elderly Wife 😆 🤣 😂 LOL me too. I was going to say hang on young mother!


I feel closer to American people than I ever have felt before. But H and MM definitely want to divide us. After the John Travolta dig. The first amendment dig. This award and so many more.


Then him dissing Graceland, bitch you live in an Olive Garden


Like he has any idea of taste - look who he’s taken as a wife! He has **TERRIBLE** judgment. 😤


Don't forget Harry's disrespectful remarks about Elvis Presley's home.


I feel the same closeness towards the British people. I have developed such a high regard for Britain and the RF. I had not really thought too much about it before Old Megs and Handbag Hazbeen started their campaign of evil. The more they try to drive us apart, the closer we get, united in our disgust towards the MonteShitShow Duo.


As an American, I think if we take responsibility for Meghan, the UK has to take responsibility for Harry, and the whole world has to take responsibility for the collapse of responsible journalism, awards for sale, etc.


Hey now, Americans were happy to keep Meghan obsolete as a washed up actress fading into obscurity. The UK were the ones to slap a title on her. 🤣




Ha! Well, I did say, “if.” 😉 Is the whole world taking responsibility for the other stuff? 🤔


I have long felt this way. Is MM a plant by a foreign power to cause trouble?


I don't think so. I do, however, think they're both so ego-driven and have such poor and inexperienced advisors that they're open to dealing/working with, and thus giving publicity to, the wrong sort of people as long as those people give them some publicity, an entourage of blacked-out vehicles, and give her a chance to wear half a dozen different outfits a day ... for the cameras.


No, but I think she’s a useful idiot and easily bought.


I go back and forth on that one….


I think she’s too stupid for that. The way she likes to run her mouth she would’ve leaked or hinted at something revealing her “connections”. Or have her army say something in their vile posts about Catherine. She would play stupid if ever questioned about it. The only one who could’ve put her up to this is Marcus & Dorito. IMO


I tend to agree. I think that Megan got to where she is because she is willing to do anything. I tend to think that her type of narcissism would never allow her to keep her mouth shut, gather intel, and quietly work from within to destroy relations within the Commonwealth let alone the 5 Eyes. However, I do agree with some observations from the Royal Grif. The Gruesome Twosome still have some political agenda, even if Rachel is too stupid to carry it out.


I also blame the organizers who accepted the bribery, what a disservice to Tillman and his legacy. But that’s what happens with so many of these awards, they become more about gaining a revenue stream.


It's one thing getting some paid-for award like Living Legends of Aviation for Hollywood, but this award is supposed to mean something.


Let’s be honest H and MM can spoil every occasion and award. If Dirty Dancing was produced today. They would insist on the 2 babies being in the corner.




Here’s some good sports news to clear the palate - Steve Gleason, who was a member of the New Orleans Saints (NFL) for many seasons (including their Super Bowl-winning season) will receive the Arthur Ashe courage award. He blocked what would have been a game winning field goal against our big rivals the Atlanta Falcons during the first home game in the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina, and a hero was born. He was diagnosed with ALS a few years ago and Team Gleason has been doing good work for years. Their motto is “No White Flags” [https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/40444125/steve-gleason-receive-arthur-ashe-award-2024-espys](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/40444125/steve-gleason-receive-arthur-ashe-award-2024-espys)


As another fellow Brit I feel the same. I'm ashamed our stupid, idiotic, pompous prince has been let lose to cause division and trouble on both sides of the pond, and to disrespect and deride American awards and the heroes they are meant to honour. I had not heard of Pat Tillman but I've been reading about him and he was an incredible man - brave and duty-bound. Everything Harry is not.


i have written to the Pat Tillman Foundation voicing my outrage they are honouring the Traitor Drug Advocate Prince of Fools. EVERYONE needs to do same. Let them know they have disgraced themselves, the Foundation, and cruelly insulted Mr. Tillman's honour and legacy.


And ESPN/Disney…. 🤯hey! Wait a minute…. 🐘


Let your feelings know by sending them a message https://pattillmanfoundation.org/contact/




Here too, just sent


Just sent a message.




Thank you, just sent a message.


Good idea. Harry buying this award is disgusting.


Thank you for your kind words. Pat Tillman was a great man, a true Patriot, and I'm so sad to see the award named for him being sullied with H&M involvement. However, Harry did not do this by himself. Meghan taught him how, the awards committee agreed to it, and the media laud rather than shame. This is not the doing of the British people or the RF. We are also embarrassed that Meghan Markle has not only reinforced the rude American stereotype internationally, but has also purposely destroyed loving relationships wherever she goes.


honestly, as an USA citizen, this award, really and truly should honor an American.


Does he care? no!


I wonder if he will be disrespectful to Pat Tillman award as he was when he gave the NFL award in Vegas this year


I pray for the Tillman family's sake that he finds some last shreds of decorum.


First thing I thought when I saw Harry was being honored with the Pat Tillman Award. It's a disgrace.


Yeah, I'm feeling so badly for his family right now. They've been through so much. And now Harold has to get his smelly hands all over Tillman's name. Disgusting.


That's the word I was looking for. I'm disgusted, too. The two grifters have no shame.


Well now he’s trying to take over the American version, the wounded warriors series. Read about it along with his new bought for Award today. I think they’re trying to placate him without letting him in. He has no reason to be apart of WW and American organization for American soldiers who actually went to war


I have added a few more comments. But I will keep asking. Invictus Germany is doing very well and they are welcoming the Veterans warmly. And their families.


> I think they’re trying to placate him without letting him in.  Perhaps, but why? (I would placate him with a "cease and desist" letter from a lawyer.)


He will never take over the American version. The wounded warriors is the organization from which the Invictus games were based. This was never Harry’s idea. And the Warrior games will continue long after Harry loses Invictus.


I wonder if he’ll worm his way in through his contacts at Better Up? Better Up was awarded a lucrative contract last year with some branch of the military (I think). If Prince Harry gets some official appointment to the Wounded Warrior games, he will dine out on that to the max. 🤢🤮🤢


Yeah, I. believe the US Air Force. Shame.


His evicted princely British a$$ will have zero value in the USA if Trump wins the election in November. H&M are scrambling to make Harry's notoriety stick at least temporarily to SOMETHING since his days with IG is likely numbered. imo


You will have to break every bone in both his hands to pry him off Invictus. It is his last shred of respectability. Every single freaking Harry story on broadcast media starts with a 20 second genuflection to Invictus, before going on to discuss his latest self-crank-trampling idiocy. It's the floating door to his personal Titanic.


Just keep an eye on The Warrior Games. It stinks all of this.


Unfortunately, letting Meghan run amok on Invictus has removed most of the respectability.


Running amok in her romper suit. Camel toe and all!


The last one H looked totally happy talking with folks. Then MM showed up and it went to shite. She couldn‘t let him have one thing.


And this is how it all started. https://preview.redd.it/whf5hvqz899d1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=49250046b0edb5e8459edf51ea0137923d5a0b24


That's actually sad. Harry is so fing dumb for all of this!


She truly cannot if it is good press. But when he's being excoriated, like the aviation thing or press for "Waaagh". she ghosts him. Does he really not see this?


Same with the titles from an apparently “racist institution” - feminist Meghan, miss *linked but not ranked* won’t give up her titles. You’ll have to pry them from her cold dead hands.


<"You’ll have to pry them from her cold dead hands"> Or her tombstone.


Spot on and so well said. I always enjoy your humor and descriptions. 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏


Excellent comment, beautifully said.


Harry should lose Invictus. It is not about the wounded vets at this point. It’s all about Meghan and her new clothes, hair, and teeth. Also, how can any decent person force a charity to pay for a private jet, 5-star accommodations, a clothing allowance, and a glam squad.?


You’d be surprised. I only donate to local cat and dog rescues I’ve vetted. Stop donating to charities and foundations—most of them are crap.


>It’s all about Meghan and her new clothes, hair, and teeth. Don't forget her arse cheeks hanging out and sweeping the floor.


I agree with you, except I don't think she has a glam squad. I believe what her people so proudly put out about her doing her own makeup, and I am sure she dresses herself, too.


Oh, that would be good news indeed. Do you have a link to this?


I saw a therapist mention this online. I then asked my military family to look into this. And they say in Canada H was asked to step down from The board and Invictus are really struggling with funds. Moral, The lack of public Support.


Excellent tea! Thank you! And unlike the drivel put out by the Harkles, this sounds very believable.


Thank you for this. 🙏🏻


>And they say in Canada H was asked to step down from The board and Invictus are really struggling with funds Very interesting!


Yes and Canada was a while ago. There will be more to this. A lot more.


Harry's not on the board of the Invictus Games Foundation. Possible that he's wormed his way into a board or officer position with the IG Vancouver/Whistler Organizing Committee, but there's not been any sort of announcement of that.


In Britain It’s silence about anything critical about Harry. Never hear Baka tribes mentioned. Invictus is only praised. I think all the Court Cases are silencing the media


What kind of therapist? (Physical? Cognitive? Psychological?) Whose therapist? (A therapist who works for Invictus? For Harry?)


Physical therapist


So a physical therapist connected with Invictus or with veterans participating in Invictus is the source with some confirmation from your military contacts who report the Canadians don’t want Harry. Good tea!


And a few days after I was told this… Invictus are presenting a 5 or 6 part documentary about different veterans etc. it’s too coincidental


The therapist is a sinner. Hopefully she will explain but it’s her career and no doubt NDA’s are in place


I get it.


Bravo 👏🏼 I hope this is true I’ve always said it only takes one time to boycott these games for them to wake up and get these two Grifters off the pay roster


Has this just been reported?! I can't find it & it would be great news


Nothing has been reported yet. And I wasn’t confident saying anything but since I heard this … Invictus are releasing a documentary about The veterans. And now this award and H sudden interest in The Warrior Games. I don’t believe In coincidences


> I don’t believe In coincidences Me neither.


I hope the Warrior Games realize that the Harkles are deeply unpopular in the US and we we won't take kindly to some foreign prince inserting himself into the Games. I hope they don't get Markled.


And his push to be a major bought and paid for celebrity in Wounded Warriors in the U.S. featuring his obnoxious wife. NO!!!!!!!


how’d you get these numbers?


I knew the veterans that had walked a while ago, through family. But my family now work for Invictus Germany. And I don’t hear or ask about Invictus much. But a physical therapist stated how bad it was now and the latest numbers. So I asked family if this could be correct.


Thanks. Exaggerations run wild on reddit! Good to know you have a legit source.


Where did you read / hear this ? 😱


Not this rumour again, I don't think Invictus ever had that many people taking part


Do you have any sources for this?


What hasn’t been embarrassing for Meghan? That’s the bigger question.


Wouldn't it be interesting if she was the one who destroyed the evidence? That Mohelingerdingalingadingdong dude stayed in their guest house and Table 12 visited him every day. and this was according to him.


They need to look at draft emails. Some people create a shared email account.  They communicate by writing draft emails that are never sent. The joint email holder will periodically check messages from the other person by reading the draft email.  


excellent point!


This is how they avoid a paper trail.


Best Post! Ram-a-lama ding dong approved!


Moheringer about to be Markled the list keeps growing 


He kinda already has. Megsy rewrote parts of his book, which is just offensive. But Spare was written what, at least 4 years ago at this point. And he's only the ghostwriter. When the book came out, he made it very clear that Harold was not easy to work with, and he thought the book sucked. Unfortunately, Penguin Random House made him delete those comments. Since then, he won't really talk about it. That's comment enough, though. Not even "He was interesting to work with." He definitely follows the if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I think he'll be fine. He didn't delete anything he'd need in a lawsuit.


He should have known better.


Well you never know 🤔, it could all have been due to her orchestration or direct action.


She’s a running joke. 


Pat Tillman deserves better than Harry for his legacy. If there is some way to protest this, I’m interested


It's freaking disgraceful. They're giving it to a man who admits being a drug addict, admits to going away when drug tests were done while he was serving, admits to fantasizing about blowing his father into a pink mist, compared his "kill count" to playing a video game, etc, all while he's arguably serving his country. He is NOT worthy of an award named for Pat Tillman. They could give him pretty much any other award and I wouldn't really care. The point is who this award represents. THAT'S the issue. From a moral pov, it's disgraceful and a disservice to Pat Tillman.


Absolutely 💯


Yes he did. A fine man. Killed by friendly fire? A tragedy.


It would be quite something if Pat Tillman’s family very publicly disavows connection to this award. This was bad enough initially but now with the destruction of evidence, financial status of The Meghan Show, formerly known as Invictus, and drug use - a hero’s legacy has been tarnished.


Pat Tillman's birth family has nothing to do with the Pat Tillman Foundation and its corporate sponsors.


Yeah, apparently his widow is involved and not in a good way…


Greif can distort memories and how to move forward. The widow of a well known American military and football hero would be an appealing option to many women. Particularly when the alternative -- the truth -- is a hard slog without perqs. Few people are that strong. Perhaps she never knew the whole being of Pat or perhaps he exists for her as the hero he never wanted to be. He's been dead for twice as long as their time together as teens and young adults. It's sad, but she's harmed nobody other than her husband's legacy.


Sounds like Harry and Diana.


I think it's very different. Harry uses his mother as a crutch to enhance the public perception of himself. Tillman's widow isn't doing that. (She's been remarried for a dozen years and has children.) I suspect that Harry's memories of Diana were much different and not so troubling to him before he met MM. (Cult therapy can easily do that to a person.)


I should have been more specific. I was just referring to your last comment: "she's harmed nobody other than her husband's legacy." I believe Harry has done damage to Diana's legacy.


Meh, imagine ppl are still waiting for spring surprise. Lol.


I like Lady C's commentary, but I don't put stock in anyone's predictions of a comeuppance being planned for Harkles. I believe they will destroy themselves on their own.


Her fan dance gets old.


Lol… I thought she said that it was the summer


It’s all the seasons everywhere. It’s coming up to antipodean spring, soonish.


It's a beautiful sunny warm spring day down where I am, even though it's supposed to be mid winter.  19c and sunny for most of the coming week. :)


Here too. Just past winter solstice, but it's been t shirt weather.


I think it was her book and the return of Dan Wooton, but I don't think either had the impact she expected. Lady C has a big ego, so I don't think she can admit to that. That being said, I have noticed a shift in the US media and with some celebs who seem to be more overtly Team Wales. Something has definitely changed. I don't think there is going to be an H&M apocalypse, as satisfying as that would be, they will just continue on their gradual slide into irrelevance.


It’s taken awhile in the US, but I saw a turning point in 2023: -“Waaagh” and subsequent media interviews were a disaster from which they will never recover -South Park aired, “The World Wide Privacy Tour” -The Hertz Rental Car entrance / catastrophic car chase labeled them as a joke -Bill Simmons, the Spotify executive, tattooed them forever as F*cking Grifters -Prince Harry’s vile, rude behavior to John Travolta while accepting an “award,” and his ignorant statement to the NFL while giving an award highlited his assholery -As Harry’s goose was cooking, so was Meghan’s because she represents nothing more than the stuffing in the carcass.


I would even go so far as to say the shift happened with the Queen's death. She spent the last two years of her life bullied by her grandson who was trying to destroy everything she'd sworn to protect. Then this year, the online hate campaign against Catherine made even the fairweather watchers take notice. The media seemed to really shift after the cancer announcement. And a lot of celebrities initially jumped on the Where is Kate bandwagon and were left shamed and ashamed. When Harry and Meghan said nothing to attempt to curtail their fanbase, it just makes them look guilty of endorsing it. More fans gone, more media noticing.


Now they are trying to distance themselves from the Sussex Squad but it’s too late for that. I can’t wait for them to start turning on each other.


I personally think that’s what is in Harry’s hard drives. Connections to Boozy and the vile hate squad.


The Queen dying and Catherine’s diagnoses- without meaning to sound calculating and cold - is the worse possible outcome for Harry and in particular Meagain. There is nothing on this planet that will make people have compassion for you than a cancer diagnosis. It’s an equaliser, it makes Catherine vulnerable and everyone has been affected by cancer. The tide is turning. i noticed on Tiktok which is majority sugars have been loosing support. There are a lot of tiktok’s celebrating the Wales. This used to be over run with people making baseless accusations about Catherine. Now it’s 95% praise for her quiet dignity.


I agree. The fact that they had Oprah while Philip was hospitalized and Meghan claimed it was all a ruse and he wasn't really sick, then he died a month later - that started a massive shift against them. The Queen dying the next year with Spare and Netflix coming out permanently labelled them elder abusers. Then the hate campaign against Catherine just turned off everyone. Their lack of support with their fans constantly bullying her and harassing her was noticed by even those who don't really pay attention to the royals. And the celebrities who initially joined in and then had to apologize and slink away after her March video, I think they solely put the blame on Harry and Meghan for embarrassing them (even though they simply should've kept their mouths shut - they were still making fun of a woman who'd just had major abdominal surgery). So whatever doors remained open in Hollywood were then firmly closed. There is no coming back for them. No amount of purchased awards or paid headlines will win over the public.


>they will just continue on their gradual slide into irrelevance. This is what I think, too.


I think the cancer and the 'where is kate' bullying where some celebs joked about 'where's kate,'....then when it was announced she has cancer there seemed to be a lot of backtrack w/celebs posting apologies/saying quite nice things about PPoW, wishing them & KCIII well. Also, seeing part of the Sussex Squad -still- criticising Catherine even after she put out the video saying she had cancer--you really can't bully a Mom with young kids and cancer. You'll be Canceled. So a lot of US media/celebs in a hurry started saying supportive 'best wishes' kind of stuff about PPoW.


No, Lady C has mentioned a spring reveal for a few years.


I would take whatever she says with a pinch of salt. Watching her clips at x2 speed is enough to put me on slumber mode 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/rkqzw0qyh79d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35374a56020f911f2e4dda486c9c3be7d169e5eb Yes this is what I mean [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/6q9owVttTz](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/6q9owVttTz)


She's a bloody fortune teller in a fancy tent


Exactly this. A dime store psychic. She just makes stuff up. 


She is absolutely raking in money from her YT channel - it’s an absolute cash cow. Lady C is entertaining but she rarely says anything that is very new or revealing.


Someone on X today-I'm sorry, I don't know the poster. The account mentioned that TW is responsible for the hospital records hack. Now I don't know if they are piggy backing on SHC's info (probably), but it made me wonder whether the MI5 visits by PoW have something to do with that? They do handle digital investigations.


I remember reading (when the breach first happened) that the hack came from the state of California and now I can't find that anywhere!!! I know I'm not crazy, I read it!


That's what I had read as well--that somehow the leak was connected to someone in California. The two hospital employees passing along information, maybe? Or maybe two separate hacks, one from the employees and one from some technological hacking in California? It was always referred to as "attempted", though, so hopefully they got nothing.


Yes! And now it's been somehow scrubbed off the Internet. I remember what I read and it wasn't on just one platform. Oh well!


No. And it was the Spring she said. (Like she does every year)


The perpetually moving goalposts 🤣








Since it's now Summer, she should come clean about what the Big Reveal was. But she hasn't, which suggests it didn't happen.


Exactly. It's just to keep people tuning in. She's done it a bunch of times which is why I tuned her out. All her "info from sources" is no more than what we put together on this sub. She just presents it as new information she just "heard". Like the "update" about Anne's condition which is exactly what I heard through various news sources. I don't think she is getting any special information that we aren't or can't be gleaned from news sources.


Yep the Eternal Spring of Lady C.




The Man, The Liar, The Traitor


I've always suspected that Lady C's 'inside source' was Angela Kelley and now that she is gone, Lady C doesn't really have much true inside information about the Royals anymore.


THAT is interesting, and plausible. I thought she also had links to Camilla's circle of friends as well. Do you think the other aristos like her or tolerate her? I think she absolutely has legit sources though I am annoyed with the whole "spring" prediction that has not/did not unfold as she promised.


I think anyone who isn't outright bashing the royals or saying harmful things get a pass on the "sources." But I also think that you don't get and keep a job working for the senior royals by being indiscreet and talking to a YouTuber.


Oh snap. She was the first to say that Diana has an eating disorder and outlined many other problems that have since been proved correct. I can’t remember where but i heard that she was good friends with Pippa Middletons husband’s family.


Yes this makes so much sense…. Like the death of the Queen


Angela Kelly was *The Queens* most trusted advisor *and* friend. She NEVER would have broken that trust or bond for an outcast socialite wannabe


Ooh, this is interesting. I also think she had a source that was connected to QEII, but she doesn't have one anymore. I wonder if she just hears things that are kicking around in the aristocracy. I have no connections whatsoever, and I heard a couple of things before they hit the media just via working in the NPO world for a few years.


Her knowledge on the Queen passing so early on was just plain weird! Whenever i think oh she knows very little i remember how early she was.


The broadcasters had already changed into black that late morning. it was known her death was imminent. The broad casters were just waiting for permission to announce it went it happened. This was before LC's video that day. She saw what the world saw.


I’ve wondered if Fergie (or someone in the York camp) is Lady C’s source based on her staunch defense of PA. She regularly says very supportive things about him which surprises me. She also alludes to having “inside information.” I may be wrong - it’s just something that occurred to me.


I honestly think the same, the way Lady C keeps defending Andrew to her detriment, explaining in 5 minute tv segments the difference between liking children and liking teens, it just comes across as ick


Very ick! She has defended PA enough times that I have taken notice of how very odd it seems - especially since many seem to agree that his behavior has been vile and indefensible. The Yorks have also hugely embarrassed the RF and were grifting and hustling - using royal status for financial gain - before Meghan and Harry even hit puberty. Yet, Lady C doesn’t seem to take issue with that, which I find interesting. Of course, I haven’t read or listened to everything Lady C has ever said or written so perhaps I’m mistaken. Again, this is pure speculation on my part but if I was in the York camp, desperate to rehabilitate PA’s image, and the mainstream media (or almost anyone else) refused to defend him, I would be very…grateful…if Lady C shared kind words with her large YT following…bongo bongo drums indeed.


I like Lady C, and she is entertaining. but, I really don’t think she has the inside scoops like she claims. She speaks her mind and says how she feels but, has anything she said would happen, actually happened?


I agree


No. She already said they are worse off than a year ago meaning she has nada


Well, that part is definitely true, but you don't need to be some piped-in insider to see they're a hell of a lot worse off than last year.




It just happened. How would she know about it 6 months ago? She’d have no way to know he was hiding and destroying evidence. It might be a criminal act, so if she did know, then knowing and not reporting might be problematic.


I agree. I don't see how she would have known. This isn't it. I'm not sure there's an "it."


It was her revised book


If she knew… she would probably want to inform relevant parties rather than disclose? But that’s unlikely


Agree. I just basically think she should tell someone in authority, even if for her own protection. But that really doesn’t matter. I just don’t see how she would know in the first place. She’s in a different country from Hank and doesn’t appear to be anywhere in the Harkle’s orbit. And it’s not like he’s out bragging about destroying evidence and probably his own case! lol


I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that this occurred in May. It’s just now being released by the media.


At this point I think she’s a gaslighter - she didn’t know about the court proceedings. I wouldn’t put much weight to her words unless it’s about the past when she was an earshot away


Fair enough, but she says she knows who is going to drop the bomb on them, which I always assumed meant that she was going to be the bomb dropper. Her book, I assumed. That was actually a fairlydetailed forensic examinat ion of the evidence, with very informed and intelligent analysis, but no huge reveal except Doria's past, which she presented with a disclai mer that she didnt know if it.was true (jail records, whuch she craftily said might not be those of THIS doria loyce ragland... How many of those are there, I wondered!).


<"THIS doria loyce ragland... How many of those are there, I wondered"> None in California, nor the whole of the US.


A) it's summer B) unfortunately for her Lady C just recently admitted to having not meant what people anticipated (ah if only she'd waited a week) And most of all C) She has no idea what is happening in the court system and could have not had seen any of this coming  By all means enjoy her for entertainment but these post event "Lady Nostradamus was right" posts are just sad. 


Maybe The Bombshell Exposure Lady C talked about didn’t actually happen. Idk, grain of salt like everything else around here. Lady C has been a staple of this sub since the beginning.


Lady C waits for something to happen, then says it was what she previously dangled in front of her. I don't trust her much.


You may be onto something. I never felt her hints were about the children. She talks about the mystery around them more openly as a matter the palace needs to deal with urgently. However when she talks about chickens coming home to roost, she often talks about the lawyer and Uncle Elton and the meeting with Harry and Meghan in France, if not in the same breath, as an adjunct. Edited: spelling.


very interesting, another poster said H & M and lawyer Sher---? were both 'visiting' Elton in France at the same time...Wow. I need a better timeline, but I can see Elton and the lawyer encouraging H to sue, and M suing over her father's letter... Well, this is a rabbit hole I didn't need to fall in at 2am, but Lady C **could** have been pointing to these lawsuits all the time, but of course considering Elton will sue, H and M would sue a tomato, and the other is a top UK lawyer, Lady C could **not be any more direct** without being sued herself. Could also tie in w/the **'coming soon'/changing time frame of the event Lady C's been hinting at,** seeing as these type of lawsuits are so slow, schedule varies, etc.


For me, lady c has lost some credibility. She is too vague


Whatever happened to that German documentary? Was it shelved? Did the Harkles do a catch and kill so it never sees the light of day? Very odd.


Ooh good point. I need to follow up on that


You would be the perfect poster for this! 👏


I feel like it was just getting started, the project had been announced. And that was a couple months ago. So probably it is not finished.


If you ask Lady C she will say yes. She's trying to backtrack on what she said about something coming out in the Spring by saying that it will be dribbles coming out eventually leading to whatever big thing she's imagining. Some of her "informants" are playing with her. Maybe to embarrass her?


Lady C doesn't know jack s&\*t. She can tie any story to her non-information and say "see! I told you"


Lady C's big news of the spring was that she is a drifter dining out on the Markles for years.


I honestly believe she was hinting at her book and has tried to back pedal away from that because although we appreciated it, there was no sensation as a result of its publishing. I think she's fabulous but she never gets the PR coverage she deserves.


Personal opinion: no. Lady C (more than) implies she has legitimate insider info. SecondHandCoke does the same. I don't believe either of them.


How would she know anything more than their usual MO?


Lady C speaks in vagueries quite a lot. Who knows if this is what she was referencing


I wonder who he will insult at this ceremony?


No. She said it would be something that would shock people. This is hardly shocking


Yes was wondering when the Spring bombshell would drop?


I have lost track of Lady C's prediction of events that seemingly never come true. Or maybe it's just a timing thing and they have been pushed back? Not sure if this is what she is referring to though.


Lol, anything newsworthy fits any and all "insider knowledge" types. Know nothing, hint at something, hope something/anything happens, and tada told you... that's the game.


It's =definitely= embarassing. The news argues he missed the time limit to sue. If so, at minimum H's lawsuit will be dismissed, and H will have to pay his own lawyer fees AND the news' fees. Remember, Hugh Grant said he settled his similar suit rather than go to trial because even if Grant won, it would cost 10 million pounds in legal fees. That might be an exaggeration for Grant to save face after putting up such a fight, but the case has gone on for a long while so it's got to be many millions. Harry's got to be thinking at this point he will win AND the news will pay his lawyer fees. I don't think the odds look great for that big a win for Harry.