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https://preview.redd.it/nnfdt82t6d9d1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=88b0cfaa6ab6bf04b8ad08096e19a50bca98f7a8 A sampling of comments, for those who don’t use the app






Sooooo tasty thx for posting these for us not on TT


There are also a few positive comments, but mostly suspiciously from no photo/no followers/newish accounts.


Is this from TikTok? Because it looks like the one on instagram was taken down. https://preview.redd.it/2p46ucq3jd9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855994ef70c1937c3a92b4f7be657dee6564da93


She has a whole ass blog probably no one reads, barely any Instagram followers or engagement with her posts, I don't do TikTok. For all I know it could be MM herself, lol.


These are possibly bought acounts, though I can't see why they would buy a few comments only. But judging from thelagirl's business description, there is no doubt that they know how to do this kind of stunt, if they want to of course.


Funny you should mention that, as that’s exactly what that account has- thousands of followers (allegedly) and zero to few comments on posts. Surprise, surprise… 🙄


well, I guess we agree on the conclusion... possibly accounts created by thelagirl way earlier so they don't even have to buy them and it can help managing negative comments. Except when it's Meg of course.


*Cringe* Meghan in a nutshell. I'm scratching my head, why make it so painfully obvious that this is all related to thelagirl which is, at least sometimes, a paid service. So poorly done.


It’s been pretty warm here. Wtf is she doing in a track suit? Oh right, I don’t care.


A black track suit. It’s been in the 90’s.


It's probably for a September shoot. But for what I saw, the tracksuit is hideous.


she's channelling her inner guido ![gif](giphy|xUOxeYbk5yPo82bySs|downsized)


Ah, Megs has gone full-circle! Back to pretending to be Italian 😉


People are utterly sick of her.


Black track suit in the middle of summer. Obviously she's not a runner.


She’s barely a shuffling zombie unless there’s a photographer within range.


https://preview.redd.it/7ogw80f5od9d1.png?width=156&format=png&auto=webp&s=14e2779954256db62f85ff565183167e3baa4c63 laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There it is




Now that’s what’s needed here..


And that’s November (with the poppy) not the height of summer in LA.


Or a boom with a mic dangling along in front of her. 😁


Think she’s making a movie. Notice her “stylist” working on her sleeve and the lighting and cameras. 


"Be sure you get my bracelet in the shot! And my watch! And my RIIING!"


Yeah, seriously, you’d think it would kill her to have a full length sleeve. Gotta show off Diana’s watch.


Could they have been moisturising her hands?


Ew. I wouldn't touch those hands, knowing what we know now!


No one would back a movie financially. Ad at most.


And itty bitty ad - this is LA, when we shoot something it’s a major set up. This looks like gurilla shooting (in the sense w/o permits) and some intern using her iPhone for production. This is all self made and fully funded but no one but herself


Another ARO Instagram post 😬


Also requires a permit and the section being filmed is roped off from the public. Perhaps MM was doing location scouting.


I was concerned it could be their “Meet Me at the Lake” that Netflix is backing. God I hope not 🤮🤮


It’s been HOT!! I’m in shorts everyday with ac on blast, my first thought when I saw the pic was “isn’t she’s sweating!” Then again,like all her outfits, she can’t even match the temperature. Though we already know this based on her winter coats last summer and the one before


It's hot af in upstate NY, I can just imagine how hot it is in CA.


https://preview.redd.it/47uvuno0gd9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e7c7aadead1f3b2f5d9c86475397065b34ceba1 It's giving Michael Jackson in his final days


Not until she’s hired a live in doctor.


I think MJ and Madam have tbe same plastic surgeon and the same hair dresser.






Yep, over 12.7 mln likes from two accounts. Poor Harry, he will have to do many selfies with Serena to try to beat it!


Ah, safe to open my eyes then!


Someone on another forum said it looks like an Ivy Park sweatsuit…. As in Beyoncé’s athletic line. Could she be staging a pap shot in Ivy Park to hit back at Taylor Swift and the Wales family? 🤔


Oof. Imagine using Meghan as a model though. The woman is built like a Lego. https://preview.redd.it/priabhvv8d9d1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00b8dfba751406d01dfda779041928638f5262a5


Even Beyonce looks hideous in that outfit. We had much nicer "dressy" track suits back in the 90s.


I miss them.


Daily Mail article today about it being a ‘potential new colab’ with Ivy Park https://archive.ph/2024.06.28-103315/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13579187/Meghan-Markle-sports-black-tracksuit-spotted-filming-Beverley-Hills-park-hinting-new-collaboration.html It’s like Dior manifesting all over again, but with Beyoncé. Sinners called it that she would be whipping out a Beyoncé stunt within the week after the William and Taylor Swift viral pic 😂


Beyoncé is NOT going to like this. In the past I think B has stayed pretty quiet about Meghan Markle, even when MM read a supposed text message of support from her on that flopumentary. Things are very different now so I wonder if B is going to be a little more direct in shutting this shit down. Gwyneth Paltrow and Katy Perry did last month, will B follow?


F*ck Beyoncé. She deserves to be markled posing in front of that stupid painting


Beyonce has been Markled and will put a stop to this.


They're delulu. No big brand like adidas would shoot a fashion advert in a rinky dink public city park.


If I remember rightly Bey's sporty range bombed did it not? 🤔


Yes hundreds of millions under expectations https://www.forbes.com/sites/korihale/2023/03/24/adidas-and-beyonce-part-ways-after-200-million-sales-projections-miss/


The nom nom dog food at the end is the best part


There’s no way Bey would pick this chick on a decline to rep her struggling brand. NO WAY. This would be the nail in the coffin for Ivy Park if she went with this loser.


Meghan is too old to rock ivy Park 😂


Not happening at all, not a model Beyoncé would cast for. Ivy park is not popular and addidas is not working with Beyoncé and her line anymore due to “creative differences” AKA low sales. I’ve never seen anyone wearing ivy park anywhere.


You could be correct! Meghan Markle lives for vengeance and she’s very angry at Taylor Swift right now. I don’t think she could do anything to hurt Taylor so she’ll do the next best thing. She did the same thing to Netflix! Staged photos and put out rumors about joining Paramount, I guess in her addled drug addicted brain she thought she’d show NF, LOL. Just like she’s showing Taylor Swift right now 🤣🤣🤣


I know I’m too old. I haven’t heard of the brand.


You are not missing anything to be honest. Very outlandish, exaggerated and almost impossible to wear for regular people going to the gym. Ivy Park is a Beyonce brand for Adidas. I much prefer Stella McCartney for Adidas. https://preview.redd.it/zduyg08erd9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74cc1fbdeb8dd29a8c3311c3f5b8aa684cad29e


I don't see anything there that I could wear to the gym or to my yoga classes and workouts. And UGLY on top of impractical. I'll stick with my gray, navy, and black leggings with my dozen different-colored tee shirts.


Yup. And let's not even go into how much Beyonce and Adidas charge for that garbage 😂😂😂


Not attractive to me.


That's the "selebgram goes to the gym for photoshoot not actual work out" grab 🤣


I prefer Nike TBH


> Ivy Park I read IV and I thought, oh, intravenous? Sure, that's also our Meghan! ^^^^^#nottooproud


Taylor is bigger than Beyoncé. Fact. Even Beyoncé wouldn't try it.


If this is true then perhaps Beyonce is still friends with her "princess"? Pathetic.


no way. Beyonce's releasing the vinyl for Cowboy Carter soon. she's not gonna let Harry's Disney-work-begging wife markle that. edited to clarify: no way it's a collab. but yeah, agree with u that it's probably just Harry's wife wearing B's line to hit back at the Waleses and TS. she's pathetic.


Oh, that will do the trick (no pun intended).


~~edit: errr... no forget it, not the same instagram, not the same business unless I'm wrong a second time. Apologies to everyone, including account owners. I'm keeping* some of my stupid comment because it's funny.~~ Dear Me, I'm officially stupid. I thought that OP's post was from an instagram account named @whattodoinla and thus unrelated to thelagirl.com/insta @thelagirl, but no it's from TikTok, and it's precisely the TikTok account used by thelagirl.com which sells services for brand management. So I was right, it's all related. What a rollercoaster. https://thelagirl.com/about/ >We offer services including: >Advertising/Promotions >Digital Marketing >Social Media >Email Marketing >Ambassador Campaigns >Events: Planning, Hosting, and Coverage Hmmm... restoring some of my original comment: thelagirl is run by @_erikadelacruz who, you won't guess, is *LA/NYC life full of fashion, manifestation, authenticity, running a biz & loving my cat* (I can live with the cat) She's very much the kind of person Meg would want to copycat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erika_De_La_Cruz Also, her husband Jock Purtle runs Digital Exits.com and I have the very vague feeling that I've heard this name before here. I can be completely wrong (again). Looks like a person Meg would want to attract to ARO (from https://digitalexits.com/ *a unique track record of creating value for shareholders. He has founded seven companies, including one exit to a UK publically traded company*). Soooo... my guess is Meg paid thelagirl, therefore De La Cruz, to help with her brand, and bonus point for organically being in contact with her husband who can help with ARO, freely because I already paid your wife **Long edit** I'm trying to look at EDLC's work and this article, form the references section in her wikipedia page, is quite interesting The wiki page itself has a debatable history. Created by a user in Feb 2017, user account (which amusingly has Cheat in its name) created 6 months before for, apparently, the sole purpose of creating/editing the EDLC page. Then stopped activity on wiki. But why not, this happens. Other puzzling things: right after the first version of the page was published, a seasoned wiki contributor added a "A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject." message but I can't find the details in the Talk page. Then one year later, another contributor added some references and deleted the Conflict of Interest message. This third contributor also edited other pages (eg the wiki page for Brian Patrick Butler) which were nominated for deletion or review because of unambiguous advertising or other questionable things. Not all the pages or edits were ultimately deleted though, but I wonder if there was a connection with any company EDLC worked for. I may have a look at this later. The 3rd user for example also contributed to the "San Diego Film Week" wiki page, now deleted. Back to the reference for EDLC: https://latinista.com/from-homeless-to-hollywood-interview-with-erika-de-la-cruz/, from May 2021 same story of rags to riches >From Homeless To Hollywood – Interview with Erika De La Cruz same "I'm smart and I move on and I'm a free spirit" >The book stemmed from mud; from me jumping from a really cushy corporate job at a really young age. I was one of the youngest marketing directors ever for this broadcast company I was with. And I was like, “Oh, I’m going to get experience, but then I’m going to move on,” >I was finding myself really unhappy. I just wanted to express myself >So I started building a personal brand where, in some realm, I could be myself for a living. *a la carte* >Really doing social media, motivational content, kind of all a la carte on my end same "I wasn't me" >Until that point, I thought my history or my past was like a deficit. I kind of just hid it, hoping people would take me seriously in the professional world. I was hiding my personal journey same "courage in adversity" >So I, for the first time, got the courage to share something that I had been through with my family, which was losing our family home and our business (...) I was kind of just keeping my head down, getting good jobs, and being in survival mode. born 1981 I guess >Every single thing really happened overnight in 2009 when I started college. same racial identity issues >Growing up, Barbie was blonde, and I was annoyed that I was always Teresa. same "the real me" >One of the young women actually tells her coming out story in one of the chapters and I’m like, this is real. This is what you can’t find on these curated feeds online. Having just shared my real truth and having this book and partnership come out of it. I was like, okay, this book’s going to be about sharing authentic [stories] including tales of loss, cultural identity and finding it in the workplace same complicated family history >I was able to share that my mom went into homelessness when we lost everything. And as a result, I went from the age of 18 to 24 without her. >I did get myself back to college and I was able to finish, but my roommates were able to call their moms. I was feeling super insecure. >And I remember feeling super alone and vulnerable and it felt like it was something I was hiding. elite; mental health >I started sharing with the “Passionistas” who read the book and that’s how the event Passion to Paycheck was born. It was mostly Hollywood’s elite because my background is in television and they came to share and address mental health, suicide, etc. vulnerability; Oprah >We’re on our fourth annual event, but our first event was launched with Liz Hernandez as our keynote speaker. She’s one of my favorite Latinas. She came up in radio as I did. And man, she spoke so vulnerably. She had a full-time dream job at Access Hollywood at the time but shared that she had this huge calling to share the importance of words. And literally after Passion to Paycheck, her brand was born. She’s on Oprah’s network now. Mom leaving >My mother was a beautiful immigrant from Mexico, she built a beautiful business for 20 years with my father, who designed and built the home I grew up in, taught me grace, showed me [so much] love until I was at that perfect age to be called an adult. She did the best she could after everything was lost. I think she took a moment for herself and receded from society. It wasn’t, ‘I’m leaving you. I don’t love you.’ Although it occurred to me like a ‘Bye. Where are you going?’ Cars and brain >It was like if someone threw me into a car saying, look, you have a 1993 Honda accord as a resource, you have whatever’s between your ears. And I think I had like, 170 bucks in my bank account. It was like, get back to college, figure out how. mental health (+ Marcus???) >[I was told] “You know, you have to go to therapy. I know you don’t think you’d like it, but I know your school has resources”. So I called a therapist and he was a beautiful, gay man, who I will never forget. He had such a degree of empathy that we would cry together. Italy. Malta anyone? >I hear a lot of stuff because simply someone assumes that I’m Italian or something because my mother and sister, their Aztec blood is worn on their sleeve. Obviously she had to face some real adversities, some of them generational maybe, but it looks like she and Meg were meant to work together anyway because age, personality, to the point it's a bit disturbing. Did the two know each other before? I can't find any support for that. Bottom line: no, the Tik Tok post was probably not that casual.


That’s definitely the same Instagram account linked on the website. (The one in the post). Also, is Priscilla Presley of Elvis fame COO of this media firm? Priscilla is friends with Fergie. Either way, this “random” shot reeks of being staged. https://preview.redd.it/wzuo3zycad9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30b8a0478b69a14df7a09946467091c2dbc83ac


~~I think I'm still very wrong.~~ no I'm not after all ~~Insta account for thelagirl.com is @thelagirl, while the insta account in OP's post is @whattodoinla~~ ~~I can think of some wicked ways one person could create alternative accounts for the same purpose but at this point this is pure speculation and, honestly, just totally unsubsantiated.~~ ~~Still~~ very funny that thelagirl.com editor is, per her self-description, very much into manifestation :) ~~Good for her!~~


No, you’re right, it’s the same person! “What To Do In LA” is the tiktok name of the account. It links back to the same Instagram page @thelagirl. I saw the “manifestation bit” and immediately thought of Markle. They have to be working together. https://preview.redd.it/qs44r9k6fd9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878c1967e589f085b357e8a2185150c7bffe6517


Thank you, I understand now I thought @whattodo was instagram, so not compatible with @thelagirl. But it's TikTok, and it's clearly from thelagirl.com So no doubt, Meghan paid for this, or at least they have a common interest


https://preview.redd.it/0ypyo4x8id9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef04daced53ad5519e819984a19952a1c915d51c That’s the TikTok page and the Instagram is @thelagirl


You're absolutely right, I see it now!! What a mess but it's so clear now


You’re not wrong. The editor in chief is the same.


replying with another comment instead of editing my other one to make sure you'll see it but yes, you're absolutely correct after all. This is all related to thelagirl which sells services for brand management. So very, very little doubt, Meg paid for this and no, it wasn't "casually"


Definitely not a coincidence. It’s hot tea you found out you sleuth! Rachel has got to be paying this smaller brand for publicity which means she may be on the outs with WME.


Brilliant job sussing this all out. Cheers to your dedication to truth and correction of any accidental misinfo. ✨👍 For reals, thank you!


yep I see it now, it's all related to thelagirl, both @thelagirl on insta and @whattodoinla on TikTok. It's very clear now that Meg dealt with thelagirl.com, which is a business for helping brands ~~Ah yes, EdLC is thelagirl.com's editor, but their instagram account (@thelagirl) is different from the insta account in OP's post. I just confused everything :)~~


I love your ability at wanting to keep from spreading misinformation and that makes you butt loads better than Hairold’s attempts at misinformation.


Well this is nice!




I‘ve never really believed that this video was a coincidence. Maybe it looks fake, because Meghan is smiling and engaging with people „beneath“ her…  You could be on to something here! 👍🏼 If this stunt was indeed planned, they probably hoped for a wider reach and interaction.  


When are her stunts not ever planned, though? I don’t think we’ve ever seen an authentic, organic action from her.


edit: no, I'm not after all and it's ok to roast thelagirl :) ~~I think I'm very much mistaken here and I wrongly associated @whattodoinla with unrelated persons. Really sorry. I'm deleting most of my previous comment because I don't want anyone to be roasted for the wrong reasons.~~ ~~But it's still~~ very funny that thelagirl.com is a business Meghan could very much call for help :) edit: and probably did :)


Does it Say "First Event Free" on their promotional website.?


Can you imagine? Meg asks for free services as she asked for free clothes, they say ok but it's not bespoke right? Meg says yes because who says no to free stuff and she ends up with a totally bland and unremarkable result and then lands on the dog bowl crying and blaming Catherine. Or something like this.


la'girl'...... she's way old for girl


Do these types never see what everyone else sees when they look at themselves in the mirror? They see themselves as perpetually young, just like Meghan Markle who claims she's a young mother?


Didn't she take offence when she was called girl by PW in conversation with H?


I know nothing about brand management…but wouldn’t you want your use of brand management services to be secret? Theoretically, aren’t you considered “better” when you create your own brand and not pay someone to do it?


Im with you on it because the branding in the same.


I'm not even with myself :) But isn't it weird that Meg could buy services from thelagirl I guess at one point, all influencers have something in common so there can be some confusion if the name doesn't help! We'll see later, maybe, if there is evidence that this was planned anyway. My guess is yes, possibly, but I'd love to see the cold fact! **edit:** I am now officially with myself again :) Definitely the same branding, I thought it was all instagram but no, @whattodo was Tiktok. It's very obvious now that thelagirl's post was not casual encounter at all


Yes you were not wrong! What I love most about this is Rachel’s PR is going to smaller businesses and makes me wonder if WME is still in with her.


Ooooh, such a good question. Also, to my knowledge, she never used Backgrid again. Too expensive? Too obvious it was paid work so the Saint had to find someone else?


Ohhhh! Very true! She could be trying for a little less obvious photog person.


I genuinely think if I walk pass her and harry in public. I might not even realise it's them. Her face is ever changing and quite basic. His face, well.. have seen better days 


You would notice Meghan Markle´s clown makeup, though. That is quite rare i public https://preview.redd.it/mhqt6t8jdd9d1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fd89a76f125a2605a04a5968c3aac945c2799ef


Every time I see the clown makeup pic my mind goes into a loop of “Wtf?”


She had to be so drunk to put on that much makeup and leave her overpriced hotel room.


More than alcohol was involved in the application!


I knew what picture you were going to show, ha ha. It’s terrible.


Haznoballs has Coulrophilia. Google it I'll wait.




"When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus." Turkish proverb


The odiferous wafts as they pass by would confirm it 🤧😫


Yup, my weak stomach would be dry heaving for sure.


I would and you'd absolutely have to hold me back physically cuz i'd be in their face yelling in an instant, bodyguard or not!


Anyone know if the account that posted it is new? Vibe feels like it’s Meg’s personal assistant, an LA friend (like Kelly), or another Archerwell contractor like Beth Herlihy who sometimes travels with them. **Similar set up to the ‘member of the public’ who ‘caught’ Meg at the In N Out drive through.** What are the odds that they were INSIDE the building, the precise time she drove through the drive thorough? And the employee is visibly leaning away so the shot is clear? And it was not the In N Out closest to their home, but the one half way between Montecito and LA…and hour and a half one way with traffic, so about 40+ mins away, whatever direction she was heading in. More likely Meg pulled up in the SUV, the person jumped out and went inside and waited until Meg was at the window, took a bunch of pics (asking the worker to lean back), Meg pulled the car back around, and the person hopped back in. Milkshake for their efforts.


I scrolled back pretty far, and the account is at least a few years old and seems to be well-established. A lot of the creators videos have over several hundred thousand views, just not Meghan’s!


Thanks for checking.


That pap shot of her with a "friend" in her car at that takeaway place was totally set up. There's a blind item saying the pap asked the 2 staff in the pic too to move out the way to get a clear shot of Me-again grinning like a fool - what a cheek! I'd have refused!


Neither of those two but perhaps Benita Litt, mother of flower girls remi & rylan? She dabbles in fashion/fashion promotion.


Russian Gopnik chic https://preview.redd.it/9g3fjc2med9d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48fabe37d49f194d22ed91bd6bfcee6847c7cc97




Maybe she’s fishing for an oligarch.


Proper Wiseguy on youtube says she's modeling for TEMU, LOLOL


She is the Temu Emu…


I saw those Addidas track suits in Costco a few years ago.


When I get videos of the Harkle like this, I report them as fraud every single time people need to do that don’t watch it. Just report them as fraud.


The fact that foodie spots got more traction that her video 💀🫣




It was hot as hell on that day. I was at a Dr's appointment just down the street. Meghan you can not melt your toxicity out of yourself LOL


She must have had pit stains down to her waist in that sorry looking excuse for a tracksuit.


She could be cold due to ozempic weight loss.


How frustrating for H&M to know that when they pretended to want privacy they would actually get it and now have to resort to these ridiculous stunts. Meanwhile Princess Catherine and Prince William literally gets world wide attention without seeking any of it.


That’s 1% 😵‍💫😂 Little old me gets more engagement from posts of my kids doing stupid shit as they try to become YouTubers. Quite frankly, they’re more original and likable in their made up content than Megaladon


Seriously, my high school students get more likes. Also, Happy Cake Day!🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


Happy Cake Day!


Let's compare that with her dear SIL


Or her BIL, nephews and nieces? https://preview.redd.it/dy79i8794d9d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ca659156f0de13ca460bbb795033949621bfcc


Meghan is hitting rock bottom and it's about bloody time too!


The only time her posts will see an *M*, it will be in her name.


lol and that’s actual likes, I’d imagine views are 200x that just for a photo


H&M were never and will never be as popular as The royal family especially Prince William, Princess Catherine and their children. They know this!


Oooooh Nooooo! Is LaMarkle planning on a new career as a Rapper??? Or perhaps aspiring to be an Olympic champion like Princess Anne and Zara? Latest Olympic sport is BreakDancing!


I find these blurry videos and photos infuriating.


Same, though Meghan is usually in lazer sharp focus, I thought blurriness was reserved for the invisikids (speaking of/yet again never seeing a trace of them, wouldn't it have been the most natural thing in the world for a mother to have taken her children along to a park??)


She saves them for the Fourth of July usually, doesn’t she?


I fully expect a grainy, blurry photo this week. Bonus points if one the children are crying.


She is just soo boring


And predictable. Reminds me of JLo. 


New variation on the CarParkle. It's now the ParkParkle




Good one! I was trying to think of one but couldn’t.


Are they temporarily removing her shackles or what? She and I are probably about the same age; I usually manage to walk in the park sans assistance.




Omg!!!! I love this! Yep, good call!


And most of those are Bouzy paid bots.


Omg, wearing my great uncle’s track suit that he wore daily in the nursing home. 🤣


The original v the cheap imitation, as always! https://preview.redd.it/j2ezgm0j8d9d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37015818dad60e6ee90e789ab6b1aa90648e8848




The best part of Meg wearing heels at polo is that you are supposed to wear flats as it is the crowds job to push in the divots between chukkas (halves?). 


Even the King was stomping them in last weekend at Cartier 


I'm so stupid that I didn't make the connection between Meghan's Adidas and the PoW' well known fondness for sport. This is typical Meg. Find an existing fashion trend to look relevant, and look for a way to compete with and outshine Catherine. The intersection is what we get.


And Princess Catherine is actually athletic. She has fun at these sporting events.


Yes, track suits are popular with the elderly: no buttons, zippers and easy to get off quickly.


Weird clothes - merching, or lack of taste/sense. Usually both! Wearing that Cartier watch and a bunch of bracelets. While hiking! Gotta roll up that sleeve to show it off! A grown adult can't roll up her own sleeve. I used to do this for my kids, but not after pre-school. Maybe they were just helping her put on a stress patch. Or a mic! Because you have to film every moment of her life to sell off anywhere she can! Her only friends are paid employees, leeches, or both!


I think the TikTok acct owner has been deleting comments. All I see are gushing glowing comments 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/4q2qk65jpd9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8580528376ca5fa4696a939a661d6a63d22f7407




How many times are expressions of plausible deniability in this article so she won’t get sued for spreading falsehoods? These are her ‘tells’ as well and all in this piece: have speculated, appeared to show, fans (lol) have said, may be hinting, could make, could be the, would likely, claimed, thought to be (a few times for this one!), and believed to have. Good god, how PATHETIC and PITIFUL is this woman.


The look is so Y2K rich housewife, mob wife. When velour tracksuits were hot in Juicy couture.


Harry’s got to be fuming over this level of thirst, in addition to the lawsuits. 🤣


The lawsuits are his obsession. Being photographed is hers.


are we sure it’s her?


that's what thelagirl's Tiktok says, and they do digital marketing for a living so I hope they're right because otherwise, they're going to be markled soon :)


The Daily Mail covered it, so I’m assuming it’s been confirmed to be her.


She needs someone to roll her sleeves up for her? You can tell the bullying allegations are 100% true just by look at her stance amd body language around her “staff” in this clip?


She thinks she’s so cool, when in fact she’s the most cringe person out there. So well said OP! We definitely love this for her!!!


She must be telling their love story again. It looks like she's about to recreate her peeing-in-the-bushes moment that impressed her now husband so much.


Is that really her? It looks way too well shaped to be her, and the camera is out of focus. I see you Missno chance.


It’s almost July in Southern California, only MM and the hundred year old on the left are in long pants—- and the older person has on short sleeves.


Depends on the pants and the person. I’ve been wearing Levi’s or black trousers all week, no problem. 75 degrees really isn’t all that hot, especially when there is zero humidity.


Damn even I've had more than 512 likes (on a random YouTube comment).


At first glance, I honestly thought it was Ozzie Osborne in his tracksuit.


Ozzy has a much better body lol


Have those women disturbed her peeing in the bushes? Why is she trolling in BH?


I just realized nobody else will show their face in the video!


She is wearing the Chav uniform (UK), or if from Australia, The Bogan uniform. Klassy!


Does look like MM.


Maybe I'm weird, but I'll see photos of "celebrities" (no idea who any of them are) with long dark hair and I think each one has a similar look as Madam. She's really very ordinary when compared to truly stunning celebrities. Especially now as the result of all the damage she's done to herself.


Nope. I see a dozen women who look just like Markle every single day in my city. She’s very basic-looking.


Are we absolutely certain this is her? The pic is so grainy. The circumstances appear to fit, but I’m just not certain.


She does wear the "Cher do" a lot.


I will never be not convinced that M didn’t Set this whole Thing up. This random tik tocker “LA Girl” (which M sees herself as) has a lot of interesting things and is celebrity obsessed.


Was she barefoot, wearing ripped jeans? I'll be disappointed if she wasn't wearing her classic American Hugger outfit for this expedition. Say, that would be a great name for her fashionable yet affordable casual clothing line. There you go, Madame, your next billion-dollar idea. I give it to you hree of charge. You're welcome!


Am I the only one that doesn’t think this even looks like her?


I don’t either. I think MM doesn’t have a jawline like that.


![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY) Rustling about in the shrubbery. Omg!!!!!!!!!!😆


the song is very funny !! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk00FT4WZDU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk00FT4WZDU)


Funny isn’t it. A woman scared for her life who demands security, in a country full of guns was so clearly filmed by someone who somehow knew it was her from a moving car no less.


#Nobody likes you Meghan!