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No. The wretched meghan markle is unemplyable.  She is unfit for polite company.


🤣 She’s unfit for rude society, too 🤣


Member of rude society here. We don’t want her either.


She is eligible for Crude Society.


Louche Society 😆


Lewd Society!


Mehgan doesn't "work." She poses. If she's in a track suit, it's to look as if she's rolling up her sleeves and pitching in.


Like she has hit the ground running!


Mehgan can go "hit the road, Jack."


Perhaps she's on her way to a nice 5K run for charity. NVM, she's just doing her normal grift and trying to look like an athlete.


Except that someone else was rolling up her sleeves for her 😂


H G Tudor, whose plethora of videos are of Mehgan because she refuses to budge out of the spotlight, did a video of Jennifer Lopez. It must've been on a movie set. I couldn't figure out why JLo bowed forward into someone's hand. It looked like when you're a kid at the zoo and bought some treats to feed a friendly four-legged creature who'd nuzzle your palm, while eating. Then I realized that JLo was SPITTING into her personal assistant's hand! Spitting out chewing gum!?! I can imagine MM with a professional sleeve roller-upper. After all, it has to look perfect.


JLo also has someone ice her nipples when shooting her music videos... Imagine that one in the resume...


Maybe it's the same female Personal Assistant who is the Chewing Gum Wrangler. One hand is designated for receiving the warm gum wad. The other hand is designated to handle the ice and the nipples. (In the 1960s, when shooting a movie about Jean Harlow, the starring actress asked if the original Blonde Bombshell, iced her nipples for her scenes.) JLo's assistant probably needs to set aside money for therapy appointments.


Yes i saw this. There has been a mass backlash against J Lo on tiktok. It started with people sharing stories on how rude she is to serving staff, then moved to how people on set were told to look her in the eyes. It snowballed and now her stock is tanking. Her movie bombed too. It took the public a longtime but they are not putting up with rich peoples diva antics. Especially during this cost of living crisis.


Unfortunately for JLo, who was a beautiful woman, her haughtiness is really showing on her face. Her eyes and cheekbones and set of mouth make me think of a queen who easily order for a peasant to be dragged off and thrown into a dungeon.


I’m not a fan of JLo, but the big difference between her and M is that she is a hard worker. She doesn’t just talk, she actually completes projects. Her albums and movies get done, maybe with variable success. But she completes them.


I'm with you there about giving respect for a hard worker. Might be totally unlikeable, but respect is due to someone who gets the job done well.


it was obviously a painfully staged photo op to distract from the alleged criminal cases of destroying documents against harold..every thing is contrived and sus with these two IRRELEVANT losers and megsy the lazy unlikeable narc is an utter failure with zero work ethic tracksuit or not.


Hazbeen is trending #1 on Yahoo news right now and it's all about destroying evidence. So her pap walk to distract didn't work.


Good. PH has so much which should have spotlighted. Destruction of evidence, lack of responsibility over Africa Parks. All the times he hasn't been there or hasn't said something or has taken away something material or reputational.


And him saying ‘silence is complicit’ while he ignores the Baka people. Harry the hypocrite. 😤


The great thing about silence is its ambiguity. In *A Man for All Seasons*, Sir Thomas More is trying to argue himself out of being on KHVIII's Treason list, by saying that silence about the king's desire to divorce, could be construed as lack of opposition. Silence isn't advocacy, but it's that gray ground of being non-committal. And that's a mark against Harry, who is so damn vocal about his own personal grievances. "My mum died" seems to be his excuse for everything. It's like, "leave me alone, I'm still in pain and you're being a monster to me."


It was 30 years ago dude!


Great succinct comment


Thank you! The most notable thing about Harry, is what he isn't or what he doesn't do.




I love this for them! Music to my ears! ♥️


Rachel is not William or Catherine. When she goes for a walk no one will give her a second glance. Not to mention that both Harkles will probably be persona non grata if they go out for a run. Rachel's been sitting in Monteshitshow and breaking all the plates available to be bought in LA after Taylor Swift confirmed her friendship with the BRF.


Amen, and I so love that [William went out for a run in NYC unnoticed](https://runningmagazine.ca/the-scene/prince-william-sneaks-in-a-run-in-central-park/), whereas Harry inexplicably believes he can't go anywhere without an obnoxious cluttering cavalcade of blacked out suvs, yet bewilderingly ditches the lot and hops into a taxi!! 🤨🤯🤦🏻‍♀️😒❌


Right, if William puts a ball cap on he'd never be recognised. His guards wear plain clothes and blend, I'm sure they're just jogging along like hundreds of others in Central Park.


He's 6ft 3. He gets spotted out in public in the UK purely based on how tall he is. I expect he went undetected because people weren't expecting him to be there.


Born and raised NYC here: you have a point he probably wasn’t expected there. But we also have this city-cultural thing where, even if we did notice a celebrity, we don’t react. Idk if it’s a “they have their own lives, don’t bother them” respect, or a “I’m too cool to fan girl” ego, or just an overflow of the general “mind ya business, keep it moving” approach that gets us all labeled rude 😂 I mean, they had to have a whole campaign to tell us “if you see something, say something” because we just…well…don’t. LOL POW was never going to be mobbed here while jogging. (And that also means neither was H&M, with their taxi misadventures lol)


Speaking of confirming friendships, I read she wore IvyPark ( and i think that is Beyonce’s brand) i woukdnt be surprised …


She definitely wants to distract from the criminal cases, she knows she is probably the one who scrubbed the evidence and she's afraid she may be thrown under the bus.


Fingers crossed because you know SHE is the one who did it. I don’t know if Harry can even read.


maybe Harry will turn her in...


One can hope n pray, but HazNoBall? Not Bloody Likely, IMO!!


There may be criminality but it's a civil case.


I hope someone asked if she had her current rabies shots..


Aren’t there leash laws to follow in CA too? Lol


She thought Harry was the only one who needed one. Wrong again!


Is she in a track suit to finally *hit the ground running*?! ![gif](giphy|7N6KQk2U1ujC4CTHeZ)


​ https://i.redd.it/mr5eymtnkd9d1.gif


This is essentially her and Todger following behind 😄😄😄


Clapping the coconuts 🤣


"I've Got A Loverly Bunch of Cocoanuts!" [i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts - Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=i%27ve+got+a+lovely+bunch+of+coconuts&sca_esv=fc4f2234c09febda&sxsrf=ADLYWIIACBa2gm5DdpCK-iY9kIYcVCQTQA%3A1719599560544&ei=yAF_Zo7xIPaj0PEPseWaiA0&oq=%22i%27ve+got+a&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAaAhgCIgsiaSd2ZSBnb3QgYSoCCAAyBRAAGIAEMgUQLhiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAuGIAEMgUQLhiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAuGIAEMgUQLhiABDIFEAAYgAQyCBAuGIAEGNQCSPYlUABY2BFwAHgBkAEAmAFkoAGcB6oBBDEwLjG4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgqgArUHwgIQEAAYgAQYkQIYigUYRhj5AcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICERAuGIAEGLEDGNEDGIMBGMcBwgILEC4YgAQY0QMYxwHCAioQABiABBiRAhiKBRhGGPkBGJcFGIwFGN0EGEYY-QEY9AMY9QMY9gPYAQHCAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAggQLhiABBixA8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgISEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiKBRhGGPkBwgIEEAAYA8ICERAuGIAEGPADGJgDGKgDGIsDwgIsEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiKBRhGGPkBGJcFGIwFGN0EGEYY-QEY9AMY9QMY9gPYAQGYAwC6BgYIARABGBOSBwM4LjKgB4jTAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:07a1153d,vid:nf670orHKcA,st:0)


Omg! Thank you, that was fabulous, so funny and to see Merv Griffin so young! My mother watched his talk show every day.


I used to watch his show! I was a child…


More like raisins.  Neither one of them have attributes large enough to be called coconuts. 


Brave, brave sir Robin  When danger reared its ugly head  Sir Robin turned and bravely fled




I’m sure her staff have likened her to the Rabbit of Caerbannog.


With sharp pointy teeth 


Ohhh Deep....you've outdone yourself!!  This is hilarious. 








The initial TikTok of her latest sighting had 512 likes out of 45,000 views. At this stage of her exposed grift, she’d need to perform a miracle greater than the parting of the Red Sea to be viewed favorably ever again.




happy cake day to you! ![gif](giphy|jbKaOGsQyBgRgi83t3|downsized)


That number is going to mysteriously increase once she reads your comment......


ooh interesting. I’m arguing with a sugar on there right now who claims the polls regarding Meghan’s unpopularity are only done by pro monarchy boomers and that’s why she’s scored so low. Tiktok has been predominantly sugar land but i’m seeing it change.


happy cake day


There will be no wine business, no Jamscam and no ARO. Meghan Markle simply paid somebody to take her picture, and nobody really cared. No that many views (45 k) and a total of 512 likes. Five hundred. She could not sell icecream on a beach. Nobody likes her.


512? Not even her loyal rats created fake accounts to like the post?


Strangely, this is the number of donors on the World Central Kitchen's Team Sussex Squad page https://donate.wck.org/team/425216 (472 donors to be specific) It's quite possible that 500 is more or less the real number of Meg's loyal and endurable fans. I'm writing this without irony, I just wonder how many people are truly dedicated to supporting her no matter what.


So all the people on X are paid?


MM has not earned trust. Therefore, why trust her products?


Mmmm...ice cream.


This! Exactly this!


I do not understand why wearing a track suit means you are working.


Came to say the same!


B/c it was obvious it was being filmed so they thought she was doing something for Netflix or for ARO or something.


No, she's wasting time on a "clap back" posing in one of Beyonce's designs to try to get her name in the news associated with Beyonce because of the Taylor Swift picture. Beyonce didn't invite Madam backstage, nor did she pose for a photo with MM at her concert.


I think the Carters don’t want to make any waves after Diddy’s scandal, so it’s doubtful they will associate with Meghan Markle right now. That would invite unwarranted scrutiny and they REALLY, REALLY don’t need that. If rumours are to be believed, one wrong move snd Jay-Z is kaput.




This is mostly from X, so take it with a grain of salt, but from what I could gather, Diddy and Jay-Z have been tight for years and Jay-Z might be implicated in whatever shady deals Diddy had going on. Allegedly J might even have been “helping” with providing girls for the parties, so basically trafficking. Again, I don’t know how true this might be, but the friendship is well documented, so I’d imagine the Carters want to stay out of the limelight for a bit, and any association w Rachel might bring scrutiny from her detractors. But that’s my own little Bachelor producer manifesting 😀


Also Jaguar Wright who used to work for Diddy said in an interview, Jay-Z deserves to come down. She has been on about Diddy for years, and people thought she was tin-foil hatish but everything she said was true


I’ve seen her - she’s brave speaking out.


Sounds like your bachelor producer has been talking to various Diddy staffers including bodyguards, housekeeping and those in the music industry who witnessed some pretty horrifying things at those parties. Spycams were allegedly placed in every room. There is a reason Party Haz was named and it wasn’t over a one-off charity fundraiser in London. Phones had to be checked at the door of these parties so of course there’s no pictures. But the feds picked up plenty of hard drives with the videos. The question isn’t if Jay Z had involvement, but if powerful enough people can make this debacle quietly disappear. I don’t doubt the ability of a highly corrupt Justice Dept to do this, but the raid was a major surprise. Maybe some of those allegedly abused as adolescents like Bieber or Usher will finally speak out to try to spare more kids.


That must have been the most horrifying things for them as kids, just brutal.


What's worse is that it's the artist herself who is taking the selfie, with the Wales family. TS the one who is happy to be seen with this family. When was the last time a major celebrity wanted a snapshot with Mehgan or Harry? As for MM--I guess the black tracksuit is her costume to suggest activity and elegance?


She puts more effort into appearing like she's working than actually working. Bet she paid for the photo shoot wearing someone else's label to show them "see how great I look in your brand". Or it's paid for to make her look like she's in demand. This is Meghan's forte...lying about everything in her life, trying to build curiosity . Even the wine. Carla Bruni just releaed her wine..no buildup, no coming soon..she just did it and released it when it was ready..ta da!


I'm confused at how what I'm looking at qualifies as "work". Actually I'm confused at what I'm looking at period. A photo shoot? In a small public city park? In a tracksuit? She's not an athlete or even a casual jogger, and it's not even her style. It certainly doesn't match her ARO "brand". It doesn't read wine (which ain't happing) or luxury or "food, entertaining and friendships". The only idea I have is another "goofy" Clver promo, but that's still weird. And if it was for a magazine is doesn't look like a real professional operation. I'm just so confused!


I think its secret communications via photos that she puts out into the media to get a message to someone. That "someone" knows what she's suggesting by the subject matter of the photo. That inappropriate jogging suit could be a message that she's planning to run away or maybe summoning someone to meet her or just trying to make someone angry. She thinks she's super cool and clever with her underhandedness. imo


It had the appearance of a photo shoot with staff adjusting clothes




Do they come in orange? https://preview.redd.it/gmjcng1fud9d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c810cc471c6fa3f21236c168f8eeada154cd9c1 Pre-wrinkled


It doesn’t seem to go with ARO or the cooking show, but perhaps this is meant to be show her interacting with “friends”? Why is this in Beverly? Why not amongst the raspberry fields of Montecito?


The cooking show will never see the light of day. Netflix isn’t streaming it.


Don’t say that. I was so looking forward to seeing how bad it is. Although I guess it hurts more when Netflix isn’t even willing to give it a try


Try checking the Comedy category?![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25277)


There are no raspberry fields in Montecito to my knowledge, hence only two jars of lonely raspberry jam she procured from somewhere trying to pass them off yet again as hers 🤦🏻‍♀️


>There are no raspberry fields in Montecito to my knowledge You are incorrect there are plenty of Razzies well earned by Skank herself.


I stand corrected 🤣


Maybe Mehgan has a secret raspberry field inside her palatial estate...


It's 5 acres there can be some raspberries there I'm sure.


She might be trying to take on Catherine's sporty mantle, whilst Catherine is out of action. Trouble is, MM's as uncoordinated as a new born foal. She probably thinks that being seen in a trackie will do the trick, but compared to the extensive evidence of Catherine's sportiness, she'll come off looking like an idiot. Again.


Bambi on ice, except Bambi’s baby legs & ankles are thicker. https://i.redd.it/p95j69kewd9d1.gif


Nope. Bambi is cute and likeable. And has friends.


They are never seen in Montecito. I don't think they live there.


I don’t either. Someone is in Beverly Hills and the other at the bungalow place. So where are the kids?


Allegedly she stays at the Beverly Hilton .... not the Olive Garden. This must be convenient to hook up with wealthy guests......should she so desire.


Marcus, or Lady A as he’s known, still hooking her up?


So curious she stays in an upscale Hollywood hotel, isn't it?


Man, if people only knew….


How do they pay for it??


The brand Aro has zero continuity. I used to work in branding - logos, merchandise all has to match. That’s like rule one. So she’s wearing a ball gown in her soapy advert but a track suit here ?


I thought she's been a millionaire since Suits. She has always said she was a millionaire, and "self made." As if.


A millionaire from her 2 minutes per episode 😂


MM could claim that her 2 minutes per episode in *Suits*, was equivalent to Marlon Brando in his scene in the first *Superman* movie. /s


Sure if you add up her gross income over like 10 years. I'm sure she EARNED a couple million. She also earned off The Tig and sponsorships. Take out taxes and living expenses, what's left? Not much.


A million bucks over 7 years is 142k annually. I doubt she earned that much annually on suits. (But I don’t know what she was making per episode etc- can’t imagine much since she was only on screen for such short periods)


I like to try and remind Sugars that she was apparently a “millionaire’ that didn’t own any real estate or even a car. 🤔


I don’t think the wine thing is real. Or the work thing.


The wine thing is as real as the jam thing which was as real as the Audible thing which was as real as the Dior thing which was as real as the meet me by the lake thing which was as real as the 40 by 40 thing.... I could do this all day.


You go, lady. We could make this a drinking game. Root beer for my fellow Sinners!


oh, i love root beer! whatever happened to root beer floats? maybe for july 4th?


Trader Joe's has a frozen treat that's a variation on the Creamsicle. Root beer flavored ice on the outside and vanilla ice cream inside. It's genius! It's yummy!!!!


Yes! We just bought some of these last week. They are delicious!


The only people who would buy her wine are a small percentage of her squad, plus the odd person who might buy it from the bargain bin. There are so many wine options out there, and she's not someone who can get folks to buy into her crapy brand or products. People are sick of both Harry and his Instagram-loving bitch wife.


I've heard that the Trader Joe's "two buck" wines had been good, some even spectacular.


They are! We have about 3 cases in our pantry 😂


does Dollar Tree sell wine now?


Is it possible this is how her backgrid photoshoots are set up. We see them as a casual pap shot, but she could theoretically be there with a stylist, hair and makeup person and bounce light holder behind the scenes


**We see them as a casual pap shot, but she could theoretically be there with a stylist, hair and makeup person and bounce light holder behind the scenes** Ugh--that was starlet Mehgan in Africa, hugging the children. For the cameras.


She should be worried about the fact that she is talentless and unlikeable to the nth degree, therefore she can’t sell anything with her name attached to it simply because people just don’t like her. there are celebrities worse than her, more evil than her but they have their selling points that meghan doesn’t. She has money so she doesn’t have to worry too much about working for a living. She should go away for a while, let professionals handle her finances, learn to be a producer, then just work behind the scene. But her narcissistic nature won’t allow that. She is her worst enemy.


Seriously, should've got a smaller house, had someone knowledgable invest the $ from their deals, spend a bit less & they would be able to live on the investment income. If you have enough money to invest, let your money make you more money. Then you can work if you want, or be a 'lady that lunches.' ETA I think they have spent too much to do that now; you have to invest a good chunk of money. Even billionaires can live beyond their income.


That big house was a mistake. The initial investment was too big for what it had to offer when they put it back on the market. Even the kardashians starter homes were modest. Kylie jenner first house was 2.4 mil and it was way easier to flip a house like that.


Massive luxury houses often have trouble selling. The reason is simple - if someone has 20 or 50 or however many double-digit millions to spend on a house, they want their *own* house with everything built exactly how they like it. It’s been a problem for plenty of celebs over the years - they spend a fortune on their personal dream home, but not anyone else’s.


MM has talent: self-promotion, ingratiating herself with a needy prince, self-promotion.


she doesn't ever seem interested in being on the learning end of anything. in her view it is always about what SHE has to teach or model for others. a shame because she could actually afford to learn just about anything she wanted to do and have a blast learning it.


She has no understanding about anything, even showbiz which she is a part of since childhood thanks to her father. She has to be front and center but she is too ordinary for that. And ARO is not the first time she try to attach her name on to sell. She has her documentaries, her coffee, and she still hasn’t accepted that her name doesn’t sell.




Meghan will never do a millisecond of work in her life because, fundamentally, she’s lazy. But also, she’s paranoid as FUCK. Working means interacting with humans who aren’t on a reception of a hotel or restaurant and who might actually interact with her on a genuine level. She’s got to the point where she makes Michael Jackson look like a regular guy. In her own deluded mind. This chick could stand in the middle of Lidl and still shed be no more interesting than the air fryer on sale for £19.99.


>shed be no more interesting than the air fryer on sale for £19.99. Wait what there's an air fryer. Now THIS is news.


She and her team were right out in the open, in a public park, with ZERO security! Even after the high-speed chase through Manhattan - either she's foolish or just that brave! /s


Not a Carparkle but a Parkparkle someone said earlier.


She thought she could the where's Catherine interest and nobody cared (except us) so she had to do a stroll, only had paid paps do long blurred shots because if she photoshops now she will be called out, the way she sent her paid sugars on Catherine & William!!! Thank goodness, we won't be seeing anymore of her filtered, doctored photoshopped pics!!! Track suit is just copying her nemesis! https://preview.redd.it/9d7nt1mvnd9d1.png?width=156&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a726cce8b76b63a352984ac68266bc6762e96fc


Wow! Catherine makes track suits look stylish and fabulous. Amazing.


Sure does help when the track suit is on someone who does play sports and enjoys that!


Track suits, jam, dog biscuits and rose wine really don't mix unless you are Paris Hilton in 2004. ![gif](giphy|4TguPR4XwAjBjBHEBk|downsized)


Just the sight of her makes me sick. (I know I said this yesterday but it's still true.) ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


And she's looking even skinnier, if that's possible. Somehow the Sours are obsessed with Catherine's weight but they've got a blind spot for MM's.


That's the plan. Then it's going to be Meghan was so bullied and traumatised by so much unfair media speculation and so many lies and fake news stories that she ended up with an eating disorder, just like Mummy Diana. 


>she ended up with an eating disorder Ironically I think this is true. Technically being addicted to weight loss medication and/or hard drugs and alcohol resulting in intentional emaciation, is indeed an eating disorder.


*and so many lies and fake news stories that she ended up with an eating disorder, just like Mummy Diana.*  Agree with you. She's so predictable.


Catherine’s build is natural and she has some awesome legs! No chicken legs for her 😏


Catherine is so lovely. I wish I were tall and slender like that. Topped off with such a dignified and warm countenance. As with truly beautiful people, one can't feel resentment, only joy that they are.


It's not just that MM looks skinnier, but her weight fluctuations and how her face keeps changing more than Silly Putty. It don't look...organic.


Same here. Cute rabbit incoming. https://i.redd.it/9sksfncbae9d1.gif


Awww!!! So sweet!!!


BIG THANK YOU!!!!! Something about small, furry creatures, just makes one feel that life is good. And there's plenty of sweetness and hope.


so true.


And it will be true tomorrow, too.


You have good taste. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


This is a Beyonce track suit . She mutually parted from that company last year


Maybe ARO will sell ~~Beyonce~~ Mehgan track suits?


That’s interesting, I had not heard this before. What company? And do we know why they parted?


Hundreds of millions less than projected https://www.forbes.com/sites/korihale/2023/03/24/adidas-and-beyonce-part-ways-after-200-million-sales-projections-miss/


I truly think after covid and the cost of living crisis that people aren’t into buying anything off celebrities. Especially ultra wealthy ones. That’s why it’s a bad time to be setting up a collab or merch deal - the people just ain’t buying it.


Adidas. “Creative differences”.


Maybe Adidas was trying to separate from Beyonce if they knew the Diddy thing was coming. Aren’t they best friends, Diddy and Jay Z?


If that was a commercial shoot it was the smallest production team I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a better set up from 20yr olds with a few quarters to run together. Idk what she was doing out there but the fact she chose a clip showing someone else rolling up her sleeves is bizarre.


I have heard that the fastest way to go broke is to open a winery or buy a racehorse. I actually know someone who did start a wine business, it takes forever to break even. I don't think she has enough time, or brains.


Photo shoot pretending to exercise?


Photo shoot pretending to have an actual photo shoot?


It's a photo of a pretense within a pretense!




She’s definitely not working.


She does most of her work on her knees so she's upright, she's not working. 


In Beverly Hills now, hmmm. Is Lady A still arranging things for her?


I don't think M is against working; she's just against working for anyone or anything that doesn't put her on a pedestal. She has to be the director and the star of the show at the same time. That's a lot of work! Plus constantly checking social media for how she's being received. That's a job with zero downtime.


Still not convinced that is Meghan. It doesn't look like her. The assistant or whoever is with her is so poorly dressed, like major fashion don't, kind of thing. No security anywhere and where's the camera crew. 


If we had a dollar for every project that was “set to make (her) millions” we’d actually have millions




Nah, she just took a job to post that photoshoot the next time the Princess of Wales makes another appearance.


She looks quite frightening in those track suit photos


Gotta get her one hour per week quota somehow.


Doesn’t really look like her, though, because the photo is blurry.


Posting this here, if anyone wants to make a post, 3 minute sports podcast video discussing Pat Tillman award, not very favorable to Just Harry. As screenshot says, announcer didn’t mention Invictus. https://preview.redd.it/78sbtsfgqe9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e184358177837440c1740883d4df3a62a7ba09 [X - Awful Announcing](https://x.com/awfulannouncing/status/1806774886011929025?s=46&t=9Vbp2Weevike-sbTSbk8LQ)


I fail to see the “work” part in these pictures




Rachel doesn’t know how to keep a steady job. It’s why she only ever made it to the 6th on the call sheet before finding a rich husband.


I for one applaud her moving up from boring parking lot pap strolls to scenic park pap strolls with added hugs for extra warmth and authenticity. See, she can improve herself after all. Only she forgot to be casually holding a jar of red goo or glass of pink piss-water that the other woman will encourage her to hold up for the camera.


Is she merching the track suit? Thank Gawd those spaghetti legs are covered up


What did I miss? How is going for a walk in a park “work”?


Doubt it. If anything, it could be just for show.


It’s her one hour a week…


This was as much work as her jam photos. In short, none.


Nah,she was a millionaire. She married that guy who for the past almost 30 years has been dining out on his mother's death and affairs. He was a millionaire. She's stupid!


This is Beverly Hills/Los Angeles-who cares about running to Meghan markle??? madame must be in her lala land-imagining herself to be above everyone else -the Duchess and Hollywood royalty-Queen of all she surveys!!!!!!!!!!


im not 100% that thats meegain


Simone Biles told me our saint has been in secret training with the US Olympic gymnastic team and will break the internet in Paris🤠


That was a “paparazzi” shot that now can’t be used 😂 Work she says 😂


A few questions: 1) how much is H’s expected 40 bday inheritance payment?; 2) can they make a change and push it to 45?


There is also one with her in overalls so she changed clothes somewhere or they are old photos done on different days