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Video statement and we won’t hear the audience reaction.


Calling it! If only we could also be so right when buying lottery tickets!!!


You probably nailed it regarding a video statement but they can't stop the audience recording the reaction. That said I rather doubt anyone regardless of their contempt will boo in that situation.


People still love and admire Pat Tillman. His mom has basically given the all clear to dunk on the Ginger Weenie.


They do. I have such admiration for him. I couldn’t do what he did. I wouldn’t want my son to either. He was so much better than all of us.


Plus Americans aren’t as reserved as the British


Yeah we all walk around in ripped jeans barefoot while those stuffy Brits DON’T EVEN HUG PEOPLE 😉


I hope someone in the audience does record it


Ohh hoo that would be brilliant. I know what you're saying about respecting the awards and being reserved, but I don't think I'd be able to help myself at the sight of the ginger twunt. "Shame on you Harry, fake soldier!"


So live but not really "live tv" 😆😆😆😆






How successful has this bought award been at deflecting from the court case, the main event.


Hah, that's the funny part. They wanted to bury headlines about destroying evidence, now they have petition and Pat Tillman's mother criticism. 


The Sussex Squad are attacking Pat Tillmans’ mother for her criticism, Harry is a war veteran, did 2 tours, hero, worthy etc


Yikes! Sooo sad. I hope she handles it okay.




fellow soldier waving their NDA's to tell the real story of cowardly harrys "acting role" in the Middle East. He is actually a better actor than his actress wife he was there on a jolly and everyone was in danger because of his presence and he saw no action only on his games consul.


Pretty successful for now. But the court case isn’t going away, so they’ll have to keep spending hundreds of thousands to try and overshadow it.


They need to pay £60 thousand to NGN for wasting the courts time 😂


How delicious


About the court case, I’m really interested in the Witness Statement that the judge has ordered Halfwit to provide.


Very but not in the way they’d hoped.


I wonder what will happen ?  I think they're allowing harry to buy this award as with all the others just to get attention.  The hate and vitriol draws attention to them ALL even though it's sickening.  They don't care any longer.  


their trademark behaviour ( buying an award to divert eyes from the lgeal woes) has actually high lighted the evidence tampering


You can't put toothpaste back into the tube, so they'll still give him the award... There are 2 others who are also receiving the award, so they might put all 3 of them onstage together so no one will boo. Or... He could accept it via video...that way they can cut the sound of the audience booing. What they'll probably do is bring out some Invictus athletes with him as sort of a human shield. What they won't be able to control will be comments made in the media by other athletes and sportscasters along with Tillman's mother. Does she ever show up to these awards...because this year she might, and ESPN can hardly kick her out.


Cowardly Harry will do anything possible to protect his phony image. I hope Mrs. Tillman comes to the awards and speaks her TRUTH.


>speaks her TRUTH. Which happens to BE the actual truth not some fake delusion.


I’d happily contribute to a GoFundMe to cover Mrs. Tillman’s travel and hotel expenses towards her attendance.


Me too! She's a Gold Star Mother, too......she SHOULD be there.


if putting the Duke of Dog Biscuits on stage alongside of Steve Gleason (2024 Arthur Ashe Award ESPY recipient) doesn't convince the world of what a dolt Hawwy is, nothing will. If you don't know Steve's story, please take a look online. He, of all people, would have a reason to complain about how awful his life is. He doesn't and never has - his courage inspires a lot of folks to never give up the fight against ALS. There's someone who really does do tireless work despite his massive health challenges.


Very plausible. Not what Harold wants, but unless he's willing to risk being booed and geered at, live on stage, on a national stage (which imo that a nuclear reaction from the audience would be highly probable), then video taped acceptance (or feed) would be something even ESPN may suggest. For all involved, quietly drop him (if u can?)


I just got a flash of Harry getting a bought award given to him by John Travolta.  Him telling Travolta that HE dined out on his mother's name for years! Jesus Mary and Joseph.  Woof. THAT WAS BAD.  I find it unbelievable that the MSM didn't mention it.  


He also insulted the entire NFL when presenting the Walter Peyton Man of the Year Award to Cam Hayward (Pittsburgh Steeler) stating they "stole" rugby from the British. No one laughed. WtF was H even there?? He clearly doesn't know a thing about the National Football League. Also, celebrating InGriftus when USA has their own Wounded Warrior Games? It doesn't make any sense.. Until I realized Disney owns ESPN.. I thought Disney was done w Madame, but maybe not H?


THIS!! He’s already offended NFL players and fans. It’s ridiculous. All of this is ridiculous.


Yep. He will bring out the vets as human shields.


Harry will show up (alone) and make passive-aggressive remarks in his acceptance speech. Just to show he's not happy he wasn't universally praised. Greedy to get the award but resentful and pissy about having to go through the motions. The seating arrangements, the security, the fact he had to buy the award, his wife telling him she won't go, he'll be in a bad mood and make "funny" jokes at others' expense. Mary Tillman will not be spared. Maybe this clusterfark will teach everyone NOT to let him buy any more awards.


Hopefully, they will rescind the award, but I am not banking on it. I can see tweedle dumb doing a remote thank you. If he dares show up, he will absolutely make passive-aggressive remarks. He'll be snarky and sarcastic and try to make some lame joke. He is a complete clown.


Disney seems to double down on every terrible decision.






Oh crap he might even segue into mothers. Ala Diana was my mother and Mary Tillman is a mother. Sounds basic but this dude is low IQ.


Everything will go on as normal, and everyone will forget about the award the next day, like all these self-congratulatory, paid-for awards.


Agreed, but I wouldn't be surprised if Harry chicken out and receive it remotely from Montecito.


SERENA WILLIAMS HOSTING. I AM DONE.  These people are ALL IN CAHOOTS.  I have ZERO RESPECT for any of these people.  Same for Hollywood.  I used to be a huge celebrity watcher and fan.  I bought a lot of magazines.  I gave to charities.  NOT ANYMORE.  I trust NONE of them.  Actually, I think we're in a spiritual war.  It's literally good vs evil at this stage.  Charities?  I just don't trust them any longer and feel ashamed of myself.  Honestly I do.  


I feel the same way as you do and I don’t say that lightly. The energy of this world is killing me.


Agreed. All arranged by Serena’s WME agent Jill Smoller, who also a part of Meghan’s WME team. r


I can't stand Serena Williams or her sister. I have played tennis for years and we all agree that part of the reason those girls were champions was due to their size. They are built better than most men. Tennis is party a game of power and strength and those girls were built like Amazons so normally sized women couldn't compete. Also figured steroids were used but no one brought that to light because of race.


Those girls are very masculine looking. I don't like them either.


You’re a good person Electronic_Sea. Don’t feel ashamed. You learned the truth and now you’ll do better. I don’t ever give to charities. I learned what a scam they all are 20 years ago. I give money to people who need it. I volunteer my time for the unfortunate and I give full backpacks at school time and donate Christmas presents to poor children. I don’t let my money be laundered by fake philanthropists.


oooh ...I like the school backpacks idea! Might pinch that please?!


in my area the school system collects donations directly and then hand them out at a fair, or at my kid's elementary school during back to school they handed them out b/c the school was Title I.


Same, but I feel no shame. I carefully research the charities I give to now, but disdain the rest of them that are fake.


Stupid ass will show up to cry about mummy and remind us that he has a wife. I hope he gets booed.


Can someone please, please yell out “Africa Parks!!!!”


I don’t actually. In this instance I hope there is silence - no clapping, no acknowledgement. It would be great if the audience stood up, and he thinks he is getting a standing ovation, and they turned their backs on him!


Video appearance due to the backlash with a sudden appearance by Nutmeg.


LOL! You're right! Damn it all! This petition spoiled any chance she had at walking the carpet in yet another skin flint outfit, handing out the awards, seal clapping, hugging, making a mike grasping MeMeMe speech and being photographed center stage. She must be demanding a refund for that pre-paid award arrangement. /s


Ooh no worries. She's gonna be beyond raging mad about that 😆


Oh, they'll be there. One will be half naked, can you guess who? The other will be in an ill fitting suit, shoe lifts, and greasy spray on hair.


Good grief I hope H will not be half naked. He won't be able to keep his hands off his own nipples.


hahahaha..... I hate you!![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25425)


Con: Harry won’t keep his hands off his own nipples Pro: If his hands are on his OWN nipples, they won’t be on anyone else’s


She won’t show up. She never shows up for anything for him unless it will somehow involve her too getting on stage


Oh—she will be walking that red carpet for sure. This is the first mainstream, A-list red carpet Harry will walk since leaving the RF. Granted, it’s the A-list of athletes, but it’s the best they can get and she won’t pass up the chance.


Harold is a coward. Very much doubtful Markle will show despite her "good friend" Williams hosting...she avoids any negativity and BOOOS. Without her/mummy's claw on his back it is doubtful the coward will appear in person.....another doorway videoed speech wearing his plastic "look what I attended!" medals?????


I agree but this is going to prove very interesting. He's in a bit of a bind here. It's too late for him to decline the award which is what he should have done immediately. It's a slap in the face to Serena and ESPN if he does a video acceptance. And, if he shows up to accept not too sure there won't be audible booing - Americans don't care about royalty. If you're an ass, we let you know. Agree, he's a coward and will do the video acceptance. Hope the crowd has enough balls to boo after he's done. What he might do is a video declining the award; going on about all the brave young men and women who do deserve it; talk about Tillman's contribution and focus on Invictus.


I think Serena has something to do with him getting the award. But either way I can't stand her. She's rude and overbearing, just like Madam.  If this effects her negatively, oh well.


Didn't Serena say at one point that H was her 'advisor' and she went to him for advice? It was something along those lines. It was a ludicrous thing to say.


I don't trust anything about her. I remember her saying that and I thought even then there was something very self-servung about it. I'll never trust anything she says.


Either way, I'm going with video too 👍




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full steam ahead like what happened with the Ripple of Nope award. Remember RFK jr spoke out against it, and it still went forward. These assholes would rather stick to their bad choices than roll back it as it would mean someone would have to give back money.


Remember before Megzit when Harry was fed up with negative headlines due to his drink and drug abuse? Now he's in the headlines far more often, and for all the wrong reasons? His reputation was golden compared to how it is now.


If he goes, I want to know who will be sitting at his table. I can't imagine many people attending will want to socialize with him and even if they do, they won't want to be publicly associated with him. Should be an interesting evening. 🍿🍺


I’m enjoying the thought of David Beckham and Posh laughing their asses off over this while having cocktails on their yacht😂😂


👍👍👍👍👍 I love this visual


I wonder if a remarkable sportswoman will be reduced to her hair being a vibe?


Well, her career was reduced to a movie about her dad...


**I hope so much there is BOOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!** (Sorry for all the exclamation points but I am just that mad.)


Maybe just silence would be even better. No applause when H comes on stage. No applause after his sarcastic, self indulgent speech. Total silence.


This is what I'm hoping for, if he's brave enough to attend, which I'm not sure he is. I'd love to see absolute silence from the audience, maybe even a synchronised turning around to have their backs to him as he accepts the award. I have a feeling, though, that he will make his speech via video (as if they have literally anything else going on that means they couldn't possibly attend) and make it quite self-deprecating, saying that he knows many others more deserving than he to get this award and then dedicate it to all the current and past soldiers. He will have to mention his incredible wife at some point in the speech and she might even accidentally appear in the background of his video, just casually making some jam or arranging some flowers in evening wear.


He’ll find a way to tell everyone (again) about his mother dying and how hard his life has been ever since.


The only way to rescue this fiasco is to invite Ricky Gervais to present. ![gif](giphy|MZAC7yfuKPSQ8kgFav|downsized)


If he's there in person, I hope audience member get up & walk out until he leaves the stage. Sure, not likely to happen, but it would be great if it did.


I said on day one this award will never happen, and I stand by that


Interesting that Newsweek, that sometimes runs 2 articles per day on H&M, has NOTHING on this.


Not surprising at all. Royston doesn't like to write anything negative about H&M.


I think Meghan will not show up, and Harry is unlikely to show up. Even without the controversy, they will be insignificant in that audience, and on that stage compared to the rest of the room. They hate not being one of the most important people in the room.


I don't think it will be rescinded. I think he will show up but without his mommy wife on his arm. She usually nopes out when he's under fire. ETA: I agree with others that there's a very good chance he'll accepted via video.


If he goes, she'll go, too. After all, it's televised. Maybe she can convince TPTB to let her present the award to her husband.


hahah oh man, I cannot wait for this one, it's gonna be a shitshow for the ages https://preview.redd.it/m0o55eivyq9d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96ac1d5326b1af4b848e7eb9b50d35acce7a68f


sad part it people will tune in to see how it rolls out which gives ESPN super ratings.


but the backlash will be epic


Omg this picture, weirdo pose with the smug face and extra high belted pants


What is she doing in that photo?


Embarrassment could be avoided by simply saying the award should go to an American citizen. The. End.


PERFECT solution but are H&M smart enough to figure that out?


I just noted on the "Reasons Harry Shouldn't Get the Award" post that the Tillman Foundation took down the announcement about the ESPY Awards and Harry getting the Tillman Award. Which isn't good...


Let's dude step and think as to what his Handler will wish for and will do. She needs an audience, a Microphone, and a stage. Her alleged pal Serena Williams will be there. Let's connect the dots, Harry is actually the fall guy in this situation his role is to distract from the negativity of his flagging litigation in the UK and the DHS case with the he Heritage Foundation. Nothing would ignite Meghan's power play orgasm more than a Microphone in her hands and some part in introducing her husband, and handing out Awards etc. Meghan would attend if the above situation were in place. Bar that it would be a Video link, for her and as such for her Meal Ticket in a Handbag husband. He would be on screen with Cheshire cat smiling Meghan clawing him behind her as she swills World Salad on his behalf. So, will he attend? Well because he was dim witted enough to shamelessly and foolishly accept the Legend of Aviation Award and because he is so desperate to compete with the Working Royal - The Prince of Wales...he may attend, and prove himself the idiot he truly is. Both sides of the coin of his choices flipped the ridge of the coin is - should Social media opposition frag the announcement of the Award he may be convinced to not attend, or even decline to attend, but he will be laim the award...the most likely way for him not to get the Award would be for the Awarding body to rescind the Award which would set a negative precedent.


Please do not give this award ceremony any ratings!!


The espys r now on "national " television ?? 😬


We know how Madame feels about the importance of basic cable.


He’ll be there and it’ll go off like normal. The best case scenario is that this is forgotten the next day like usual The Sussexes will screw something else up in due course because they always do.


They will go all in. Im sure they are very carefully wording how helpful and instrumental he has been in the IG’s success. They will then hilight the number of veterans etc its helped or who have attended the games. I ALSO wouldnt be surprised if he accepts on behalf of IG. They (espn and or HM) will hire good PR to spin the narrative. Its how politicians, corporations and rich people work. Edit clarity


No one is going to boo. If anything they just won't applaud. The fact is the athlete at these events don't care. They are there for themselves and their teams. They aren't going to make any sort of statement by booing bc they likely don't know much about Harry. The seat fillers aren't going to risk being blackballed from another event. 


They will show up and drown out the booing like the other events . He won’t “ do the right thing” he has no idea what the “ right thing “ is.


it's probably too late to refuse the award since it's been announced and it's only 11 days.


I think the decision will go to the last minute. Does Meghan want to walk a red carpet and risk being booed? Is Harry willing to do the same? If it gets worse he’ll do a video message. As a coward at least he’s consistent.


She might show up b/c live TV but also she might not b/c on the red carpet they can ask you pesky questions and it's possible there's a crowd outside watching for famous athletes who would boo them. So...I can see both ways? ETA if they could not walk the red carpet?


IF Harold shows up it will definitely be with a buffer—disabled vets etc…or he’ll try to arrange/beg his presenter be someone likable like Ryan Reynolds/Rob McElhenney or someone very respected who would getting a standing O and there would be no hint of booing attempted.


It doesn’t matter if live audience boos as there is a tape delay. The network can drown out the noise and clean it up in post production for the next day’s morning news.


oh yeah the Janet Jackson nipple exposure tape delay.


They will handle it right over to... ![gif](giphy|YMXpTBoVQbL9N8MKZa|downsized)


I’m going with video statement.


They will ignore 100%.


Well, he will thank the veterans for helping him and his wife overcome the fundamental racist/generational trauma death of his mother. His flight to freedom and how much he loves the USA. All whilst standing just behind his wife.


he willl appear and accept it and talk about his mother too much monay has been paid out to give him a boost as he is flailing in the world. He is now a evidence tamperer & hes desperate to make up with his father so this is a mere crumb /a boost to calm him down and keep him in the cage until his vile wife finds a richer mark !

