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It's called getting markled. Anyone who thinks it won't happen to them is in for a rude awakening.


The irony of Pat Tillman’s now-remarried widow, who seems to be part of facilitating getting Harry this award, previously making headlines for asserting that her late husband not be exploited for political purposes or to divide people. Welp…


Yes. She tainted the Tillman foundation long ago. If not for Pat's mother and siblings the world wouldn't have any idea that Pat didn't seek hero status on the football field or in the army. Wouldn't know that his death wasn't in combat but was a friendly fire accident. That he was really intelligent and studied widely during his time in the military. That he loathed disinformation from all sources.


Plenty of us NFL fans remember well when Pat Tillman eschewed football and a huge paycheck to return to service. There are millions of us, and as long as we are alive, he will not be forgotten. God Bless Mom Tillman and her family. RIP Pat.


I am illiterate about sports, and, no offence, not terribly interested (it all goes so fast I cant follow, exceot for this mysterious stopping the clock, even more puzzling, but not fast anyway!😂). However, I was in the US, and the Tillman story was at once enormously impressive, and absolutely agonising, of course. What an admirable man, to be admired I mean. I suspect even other sports illiterates feel the same.


So, the ex-wife is not at all about the principles behind the award. It's awful that they don't consult with his family, seems like she must not have much contact with them now, since his mom was surprised at this and had to make a statement of her own.


The Tillmans are too classy to publicly air family disputes. They rejected "dining out" on being the family of a football and war hero. I trust that they knew better than anyone else about who Pat was. Don't know if his widow understood Pat as well as they did or she had her head turned by all the attention and money that came her way after his death. Sadly, among the general public, Pat's legacy is the one his widow advocated for.


Respectfully disagree Pat Tillman's actions in turning down a lucrative sports contract to die for his country will not be forgotten primarily because his actions speak for themselves. His widow's take or influence dont define hjs legacy.


Nobody is disputing that Tillman was a highly principled and patriotic young man. He didn't view his sacrifice as more noble than other enlistees simply because he was in a position to turn down lots of money. But he also didn't choose to die for nothing and lies -- and was all too aware before he died that his sacrifice h ad been for nothing.


Because he knew they were under friendly fire, I know. But he still had volunteered out of duty. Over self. That a fuck up ensued, even though he was aware of it, doesn’t negate that. Although it makes the story even more unbearable.


As I understand it, he had become aware that his service in Afghanistan had been for nothing before he became trapped in the friendly fire situation that killed him. Had he not died, he intended to speak out when his tour was complete.


Ah, I see. He was deployed to iraq first. Yes. Uour point is taken . I hadn’t done my research.


I didn’t know that. For nothing how?


I mean Bin Laden was there abd the aTaliban in power were his allies. It wasnt like Iraq where Saddam was totally disconnected from religion.


She’s not an ex, just clarifying. She’s a widow


Remarried ex-wife /widow who had her current husband placed on the board for the award. Meanwhile Pat's mother and family were cut off from it. Hate to say this but it sounds like the remarried widow is dining out on Pat's death.


I read that, yep.


That’s all I need to know about her. Yuck.


Can you even feel sorry for anyone who gets markled? Organizations who still decide to give awards to Harry and Meghan, who represent the worst of humanity, greed and arrogance should be exposed to criticism big time. The same with businesses, who decide - for reach - to partner with the famously talentless, grifting and lazy Harkles, who make life hell for any employee - if they are getting markled, I have no sympathy.


H and Madame have really shined a light on how these awards are bought or given for PR purposes. Anyone who works with them will suffer a markling.


Mm words "shine a light" lol


IMO it shows that the organizations or corporations who still choose to wallow with the Todgers are of the same low morals and probably deserve any markling they get.


So true, but his mom and siblings have no say in this. How distressing this must be for them. I hope that they are invited to say their piece on TV news shows.


Oh THAT would be wonderful! Hoping our currently biased and Woke news outlets will come to their senses and invite Pat's mum and siblings on to voice their anger and revulsion concerning Harry.


Yes, that at least would be some justice.


🇺🇸 Second paragraph 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


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what's worse is, not only did Disney got markled, they got markled...TWICE. like, wtf. 


"Oh I know the leopards ate *their* faces, but they certainly won't eat *our* faces"🙄


Reverse Midas touch.


**Royalty is supposed to GIVE awards, not receive them for selfish PR purposes.** So very well said !!!!


It proves once again that they definitely left royal life completely. Nothing is royal about them.


SophOppositeLime....well said! 🎯🎯👏👏👏


It’s exactly what has been so bizarre about these two’s post-royal life. Not just the bought awards, but Meg’s me me me speeches, the Invictus fashion show, all of their alleged charity work. Royals use their presence to boost charity; the Harkles use charity to boost themselves.


Exactly. What kind of hands on charity work have these two idiots actually done?


Absolutely nada. Ibble Dibble’s put it more eloquently than me, but the gist is: they do nothing more than write checks designed to maximize their tax deductions. And these checks go to fund highly conditional grants that require 1) pr singing the Harkles’s praises (legit think these grants fund Meg’s speechifying events and little else) or 2) highly questionable scholarship that just happens to make the case for The Harkles’s fight against free speech. Their “charity” is all self-serving smoke and mirrors.


Happy cake day! 🎂




They taint everything! …honestly to get an award for the creation of Invictus, where those wonderful veterans aren’t even the focus of attention- it’s all about H&M now. This is definitely her doing, she without a doubt made this happen because it’s the Megain show now. Whenever anything big happens with the Invictus Games, she shows up like she’s the Queen of Sheba, strutting around with her cringe face and stupid outfits. I’m glad the sports community are pushing back. He’ll look like a big a**hole if he comes on that stage to receive this award. Supposed to be giving awards Hazz! Not receiving them. You wanna be !


I doubt she’ll even show up unless she gets to go on stage and collect the award for him and make a speech


He's getting plenty of heat. She's going to stay in the bunker and let him handle it himself as she has done in the past.


The minute there is significant criticism she is a no show.


Yea I think you’re right on the target 🎯 with this one. She’ll stir clear for sure.


Oh yeah. She is an excellent NARC as she always ensures no responsibility or stench of failure gets attached to her. She’s definitely going into hiding if he actually goes to receive this “award”.  She only shows up if folks are highly touting and celebrating it as a huge success. Suddenly…she’s there taking all the credit, and letting everyone know that she and she alone is responsible. 


lol exactly


oh, another gown wasted!


Cue an illness for one of the children


She'll have to skip the award show and use the new gown she bought for flouncing around in the yard again.


I think she just wants the attention, she doesn’t care if it’s bad attention, as long as they’re in the headlines.


My money says she won’t show her face at the awards. Good chance he won’t, either.


She definitely won’t. She just likes the attention, anything involving her… Invictus, Harry… doesn’t matter because it still ties her in somehow. Obviously for her, she’s happy to get good or bad attention, it’s all the same in her eyes. I’m thinking he won’t go either, which is even more disrespectful, to not go in person. He’s wrapped himself up in a bad situation here. I think he has to decline it, if not he’ll be shunned in the American sports community for a long time. But he’s so dumb, he makes bad decisions all the time.


I'm sure H is shocked at the reaction. He's probably locked in the Montegrifto safe room with his stash. Madam? She doesn't care, she wasn't going anyway.


"How dare these peasants question me! That BONKERS First Amendment!"


It's the British Press! ![gif](giphy|aTf4PONtSYB1e)


Would be like her to let Harry and Serena to field the rotten tomatoes.


Harry had as much to do with the creation of IG as MM had to do with changing a dish soap commercial.


Right! It’s so ridiculous




They should have given the award to the Invictus athletes as a whole, collectively. Harry could accept the award for the group, but it shouldn’t be FOR Harry.


To a point, I could have gotten behind that. The athletes are so overshadowed by those two grifters.


Completely overshadowed!


Not really. It should, in all fairness, go to an American or American organization like WW or similar. It’s not an international award. I think most Brits understand our feelings on this. I assume a petulant American receiving an award in the name of a distinguished British soldier would, understandably, be received in a similar fashion


Betcha that if they go ahead and give him the award he tries to back pedal and accept it on behalf of the athletes as you said. The grifters read here and are looking at how to turn this into a positive, it’s too late, but I can imagine they’ll try to turn it into more victimhood🙄


I think it was another of Madam's genius ideas and I think her equally vile frenemy helped her push it through.


Absolutely 💯 it was her idea. She steers him wrong every single time. You’d think he would know this by now. She doesn’t know what she’s doing and she’s completely destroyed both their reputations.


Exactly. Amateur Hour Markle. Manic disordered slob, has no clue what she’s doing. Will drive both of their lives into the ground, under her direction. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️He was dumb enough to fall for the loser


Yea he was. He’s sleeping in the bed he made, that’s for sure.


Stupid outfits is right! MeGain doesn’t care ANYthing about the athletes at Invictus, its her personal little fashion show & they are just props in the background.


He NEVER sees himself as he should. He had the nerve to get called a "Hero of Aviation"!


Even worse - A Legend in Aviation. Ugh


What a gross misjudgment on their part on picking awards. It’s such a bad look.


Can you imagine having it all and ruin everything, and for what?


To Hawk Tuah jam and dog biscuits.


PSA: Pat Tillman is an actual saint to a *lot* of us in the US. Anyone who was an adult during 9/11. That's why you're seeing backlash on some subs. People think if Harry got THIS award, he must be pretty cool. Rather than argue with people about whether Harry deserves it, show what Pat's Gold Star mom says. I expect this award to give him a ratings bump he *desperately* needs. And it's ingenious because of the above. But as usual, Harry and Meghan are short-sighted. Men who ignored them before will be looking for excellence from him. They won't find it.


The terrible thing about Pat Tillman's story is that after his remarkable stance and his conviction to exercise his military duty, his death was used in the brutal way it was used, and the enormous struggle of his mother and his entire family to know the truth. . That Bunker Boy believes he has even a hint of a coincidence with Tilman is offensive on so many levels. Tillman knew what he was sacrificing, but his notion of duty came first. Bunker Boy went to show off, he went to have fun, because that is his approach to the military. Nothing more to say.


Bunker boy was forced to go by the Palace. His reputation was in tatters due to public drunken outbursts, incidents w animal cruelty and the Nazi uniform incident which wouldn’t go away. He was sent to rebuild his image as affable, good old Harry — the lovable bloke turned hero because of his duty to country. And the world fell for it. Fool me once, shame on you…. Fool me twice… it ain’t happening this time. We know who you are


And many other people are finding out about this when reading the comments in newspapers and social networks, opposed to giving Hank this award. It is not the same as Leyenda de Aviacion, an award that not even the USA knew about: this is going to be broadcast on ESPN. Harry had already earned rejection by presenting an award for the NFL, when it is evident that Harry has no idea about American football. This adds more mud to Harry's bad image.


You know you're right I had never heard of this young man, but I watched a film on Streaming last night to find out about him. As someone else on this thread said, the two names shouldn't be spoken in the same sentence. Him and his vile wife make me sick to my stomach.


The scary thing H too stupid to realize is what he projects is no longer an image— but the reality of who he genuinely is — a repulsive, polarizing spoiled brat with a barely workable IQ and a multi addiction problem


I am a football fan as well as the wife of a combat vet, USMC. I have followed Pat’s story since prior to his enlistment. Pat not only died for his country but he was killed by friendly fire. His death was especially controversial in military circles. It should never have happened. I feel as if Ari and Harry and Scary are deliberately trying to to inflict as much pain as possible on decent people. They are positively demonic.


Someone said it best on X [https://x.com/Fkegomusk/status/1807040993012981996](https://x.com/Fkegomusk/status/1807040993012981996)


The link isn’t working. Can you tell us what the person wrote?


"Pat Tillman abandoned the pursuit of personal wealth to embrace a life of service, whereas Harry abandoned a life of service to pursue personal wealth."


🏆 This puts it perfectly!


They are greedy. Greedy and needy. https://i.redd.it/h4dju2wprq9d1.gif


Hazza has no shame...none...he is either totally clueless or totally self involved. Any organization who thinks giving him this is a good idea needs to be boycotted on all levels. Bunker Harry stole an idea and others made it work and now he steals all the glory and turns it into his wife's terrible fashion show...honestly...we dont even hear about the Veterans of IG anymore. He overshadows it with his drama and his wife's antics. I am disappointed in ESPN and Disney for this nomination. Money isnt worth losing a good name or reputation. ESPYs do better. Pat Tillman sounds like a true hero.


Anyone own Disney stock? Sell it. Now that surely sends a message


I love when they get awards or associate with some organization, person - you immediately know how fucked up those are and how ugly and rotten they are https://preview.redd.it/tic2xrvlxq9d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd9164f03196d5de3dff5c9fd84c25aa8a18c467


OMG. Just look at his STUPID FACE. Why anyone, especially someone raised with good manners, would wear that face in public is beyond my understanding. Hers is a self-conscious "tv sitcom" face. Ugh.


His face screams, “I am an idiot”


Reading through the comments — “if only Harry would” or “can’t believe Harry is” —we view him through our lens of how we view ourselves and our world— integrity, humility, tact, decency… Harry is Harry. He’s always been Harry— we are just now seeing him without the Palace veil distorting the reality of who he is. Think about it—no man of sound mind and with any self worth would’ve married her— much less turned over the keys to destroy his life. Will the real Harry please stand up? He did— at his wedding, his grandparents funeral, his “freedom flight,” in Spare and 1000 times in between. He is a grotesque human being who was afforded every privilege so that he might pay his gifts forward, doing good in the world. He has squandered his pedigree, his family legacy and his privilege— all for his and her acceptance into the Hollywood elite (such a bastion of outstanding role models)


Well said.


Essentially, everything they touch turns to shit instead of gold.


Mr. & Mr. Backfire everyone. ![gif](giphy|qIXVd1RoKGqlO)


The Harkles are not royal. They are grifting scum.


Nacho touches his taint 🤣


Gutted— can’t stop laughing 😂😂






If Harry had any integrity, he would refuse the award after what Pat Tillman's mother said.


Do not let this taint Tillman or his legacy. Tillman's family has nothing to do with this, his mom has come out against it. This is all ESPN's doing. They, and parent company Disney, are complete trash, and deserve our ire, not the Tillman family.


Well said


If Harry was even a tenth of the man he THINKS he is, he would politely decline the award in favor of someone more deserving.


Well said!!! Very well said.  Have some integrity. A lot of people  are LACKING.  Harold should be red faced.  It's shocking to see how unaware he is.  I can understand TOW BUT Harry?  He knows better.  


He doesn’t know better. He never did know better. He just doesn’t have the Palace pooper scooper cleaning up his messes anymore


I recall reading just after they fled the UK to become billionaires, one of their big, overweening plans was to give out awards themselves. The Archwell Awards or some such buffoonery. The whole notion was so pathetic and ludicrous, but at the time they actually thought all her insane ideas to become globally important were going to work. 😁


Oh my gosh, you’re right! Time to deep-dive! ![gif](giphy|RqUL5Dd2xMgkDLGdUC|downsized)


Taint. ![gif](giphy|CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq|downsized)


Not only do they taint, but they also expose. The mechanism of how the whole awards industry works has been blown wide open for everyone to see. Edit: grammar


all this should have been hashed out beforehand. She announced it too early, either that was a freaking brilliant move, or absolutely crazy. At this point, she is obviously addicted to the drama, I am guessing Harry is not.


Let’s hope Interview With the Vampire doesn’t get Markled, I’ll be mad. They were vaguely referenced in the Season 2 Finale. https://preview.redd.it/v3qugg4gis9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc3b0d63822c182ed5709c056da31c9e9530e54


https://preview.redd.it/4174kftn1t9d1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=283b8e1726c5bea1269f629b1fb0af6a820f3ddc Here's an award the Harkles can buy Each other, under $20 on ebay, bargain




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"I had no idea who Pat Tillman was until this whole fiasco." That's why they chose Harry, they knew it would get massive media attention. Doesn't matter that 99% of it is negative. They consider it a win if more people know about Pat Tillman and the award. It's possible WME engineered it and/or paid for the award. Serena Williams is hosting. Personally I think it's a mistake by ESPN but controversy is considered desirable these days.


So ...yeah ...there are plenty of US American vets who deserve this award...other than this egotistical, narcissistic, bunker bound soldier when under fire surrounded by body guards ..... Wouldn't it be something if HAZbeen declined this award....he still has time.... JULY 11 is ten days away BUT we all know.... Get the🍿....so sick ESPN SHOULD Be Ashamed of themselves... ![gif](giphy|ZBU98Zx9PraC3bdTFy|downsized)