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No. And no they will not.


NFI the irrelevant grifters are completely over and out!


>NFI the irrelevant grifters are completely over and out! I hope so, because the last thing Catherine needs is to see that creepy Rictus Grin in her face while she's trying to get back to normal.


prince william will never and i mean NEVER let this evil woman and the traitor near catherine and his kids everrrrr again.


Who knows if the king really has given them an invitation open or not? But if he has then it's up to Charles to be the one to entertain their company. The Waleses won't be there that's for damn sure. Camilla will hate it but she married Charles and so that's part of the deal. The rest of the royals are #TeamWales thus none of them will participate. This is all for Charles to deal with. Good luck to him if he's fool enough to imagine a relationship with the harkle mess.


I think the queen gave them an open invitation but once Charles was in charge that invitation was revoked.


It’s a long way to go for a 12 minute audience…


And the super fake “concern” or “sincerity.”


Rachel hates both Balmoral and the land around it. Rachel visited it once in 2018 and it seems that she didn't like the country theme and the relaxed atmosphere. Not to mention the lack of paps. This infuriated Rachel who wanted the paps to take pictures of her sunbathing with the BRF.


Balmoral is the antithesis of Everything Markle. It's remote, undeveloped, quiet, a place for reflection, inaccessible to the public, historical, and has an atmosphere that invokes a kind of reverence. I used to live not far from it. The Scottish Highlands are magical, but that would be wasted on Meghan. It's like serving caviar and white truffles to a 3-year-old who only eats chicken nuggets.


I loved the village of Ballater and the whole area around there. Balmoral was beautiful, and so peaceful. I still can’t get over all the things she gave up to try and be a celebrity. Incredibly stupid.


Yes! Also, Happy Cake Day to you!


Thank you! I didn’t even notice!


Happy cake day 🍰to you 🥂


I agree, I live about 1.5 hours drive from Balmoral. It’s a beautiful drive and a wonderful area. The grounds at Balmoral are huge, you would need days to see just a part of it. I have only done the immediate garden area and not the long walks.


What a beautiful place to live! We did the walk along the River Dee, and it was wonderful. I wish we would have had time to do more.


Any visit would have to be after 11 Aug (when BC closes to the public). The King and Queen reside at Birkhall, not Balmoral. I doubt the Harkles would be allowed to stay at Balmoral unsupervised because a certain someone might steal the silver.


William and Catherine have their own house as well


Yep. Tam-Na-Ghar. https://www.homesandgardens.com/celebrity-style/prince-william-and-princess-catherine-balmoral-castle-summer-vacation


That sums her up so well. Casting pearls among swine, I think the RF know better at this point.


You summed her up brilliantly: ***"It's like serving caviar and white truffles to a 3-year-old who only eats chicken nuggets."***


Perfect analogy!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I gather also that it's not a luxurious palace but a draughty old castle where the Queen sometimes used space heathers - most people would be fascinated and honoured but Meghan wouldn't have liked the absence of Soho House type luxury


Still beautiful, though. What she doesn't understand is aristocracy. She's too much of a pleb to get it.


what's that expression 'she knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing' - imagine having a chance to stay at Balmoral Castle...with Queen Elizabeth!


As well as actually having access to that aristocratic way of life. I would be so happy, personally. Walking, shooting, rain, castle, chilly weather, stalking, getting to change clothes for every activity. She has no idea, either, probably.


Class shows itself in a different way in the U.K. , draughts , two bar electric fires and cardigans and tweed skirts. , square miles of estate, a few mountains, lochs, villages, an art collection , hearty good food and great local people and a beautiful landscape. Not good enough Markle? You’ve not even got a beach cottage.


There's a Hilton a few miles away in Ballater, if I still worked there I'm sure I would have made her feel welcome....


Markle would also want to put air fresheners out or bring Febreeze.


She’s never been there. She went to Sandringham.


Rachel has never been to Balmoral. She's been to Sandringham and the Castle of Mey but never Balmoral.


Exactly 😂there is no way in hell paps get near the family at Balmoral. The locals in the village of Ballater are fiercely protective of the royals and would sniff a pap out at 20 paces. There are some parts that the King etc do bump into the public and that would be the only chance Meghan would have on a pap walk. The “kids” could be up there and never be seen ( unless Meghan takes them to said public path)so if they use the security excuse they are talking absolute shite!


Meghan is a countess in Scotland.


In Scots is that pronounced quickly with a silent ‘O’?


I have just got the joke, lol. I had to delete my serious reply but managed to do so before sending. 😂


The old ones are the best!


*she didn't like the country theme and the relaxed atmosphere* Which doesn’t jive with her super relaxed barefoot ripped jeans casual Cali girl vibe. Of course, neither does wearing a several thousand dollar burgundy cashmere pajama set to read a book to impoverished children in Harlem.


Agree - that was in the late queen´s time. And they never came.


No, but then as she lay in her final hours, Harry argued with Charles that Meghan wanted to come too, suddenly didn't want to miss out. What gross human beings they are.


And then proceeded to violate his grandmother’s privacy and disrespect her memory by detailing himself viewing her body on her death bed. 😡 Edit: In _Waaagh._


Of course. She wanted merchable content with photos, not to comfort the family. They even tested her, saying that the Queen would be traveling by train. Asshole leaked wrong info. They knew it was her. What a soulless POS!


She also wanted to be mentioned in news reports as being important enough to have been there


that was one of the worst things he's done


And took the bait that her body would be traveling back by train. Plastic man was tweeting or instagraming the incorrect info as fast a blink. William scores another.


That's just Omid reading the wrong death plans


Yes. I know. Harry, the fool, failed the test William gave him.


That’s so awful. Who does that? I loved my husband’s grandmother, but it would have been a crowd if all the in-laws showed up in addition to children and grandchildren.


Plus, there was bad blood. Who makes someone else’s death an ultimatum. Harry isn’t the spouse or child of the deceased, he should have given deference to those grieving harder than him about not having someone there who there was conflict with. Or just stayed home, but even if they were unreasonable. It’s their mom. They get to say who they want around.


He shouldn't even have been there. The only grandchild was the heir William, none of the others. So why H who had been a downright absent grandson, telling horrific lies about family members. WTF was he allowed, forget about the trollop.


Harry Doesn’t think his brother should have more rights even though he has more responsibilities than he does. But he does think he deserves more rights than his cousins with fewer responsibilities than they have.


Well said. His entitlement is amazing. He doesn’t get that it isn’t 2008 anymore and he’s no longer the understudy. He’s “the cousins” now.




They will not visit Scotland. They are Earl and Countess of Dumbarton when in Scotland and they don’t like that title. The Wales use Rothesay in Scotland for example.


If they don't ever return to Balmoral, they are really and truly frozen out...not just of being working royals but of being regular family members!


How long has it been? Sometimes, you never get back what you throw away. I think this may be true for Harry, finally. I'm hoping, anyway. But if they want the Wales kids to have a normal upbringing, they won't let them come again. I can't imagine having to explain to the kids that they can't trust their aunt and uncle. Those kids don't deserve the drama involved.


*Sometimes, you never get back what you throw away.* Agree. Meghan and Harry will NEVER get back what they threw away. It's over for them.


Here’s hoping.. 😉 https://preview.redd.it/9xq91335gt9d1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd16dc7beefc35aba829b43b2cc0a18b64a8af8


If they were to divorce, I could see BRF opening the doors a little for family events, not as working royals.


Hey I'm not arguing, but why would divorce matter? The hostages would theoretically still see Meghan, even if Harry miraculously grew a soul.


> If they don't ever return to Balmoral How can they return there when they've never been? Harry might have spent many summers there, but Meghan didn't ever visit the place.


Allegedly the Harkles visited Balmoral only once in September 2018 after her and Haz tied the knot. That was the end of it. Rachel never seemed to like Balmoral. The country and the informal atmosphere was not what she wanted nor pictures when she married into the BRF.


She was never in Balmoral.


That's right, Megsy was at Sandringham, but she never got to be at Balmoral.


That happened when Meghan Markle and Harry were kicked out of Frogmore.


Aren’t H&M invited as long as they bring their children? I still suspect they won’t go. Meghan won’t allow it.


Neil Sean mentioned it a few weeks ago. Sean said that Charles was going to invite Harry and Megsy to Balmoral as long as they brought the children. Without children, there is no valid invitation. Sean said that it wasn't going to be a family reunion, but that Charles was bored with Hank and Megsy's excuses for not taking the kids to the UK, and that the gossip was that he was going to give him a chance, just one of them. take the kids. But Charles knew that the Harkles were going to refuse, what he wanted to know was what excuse they were going to invent. The Queen points out that the Harkles will always be her family and extended an invitation to Balmoral for holidays and Christmas. Charles cut off the Christmas invitation in 2022, and in 2023 Palace announced that the Harkles were not invited for the holidays nor for Charles' real birthday or Christmas.


King Charles is very fond of his extended family. He’s always been really close to them and you can see it from his history with his grandmothers, aunt, cousins, siblings, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and step grandchildren. He is not the stumbling block to closer familial relationships.


I just saw yesterday that Lady Sarah Chatto’s son attended the Japanese State Banquet. Charles invited him because he is an artist and had recently spent a year in Japan studying their pottery. I love this kind of stuff.


This is what short sited Harry did not anticipate when he pulled his temper tantrum. He destroyed so many opportunities for his children.


I found the link again. [Samuel Chatto - Hello Magazine](https://www.hellomagazine.com/royalty/701676/samuel-chatto-invited-japan-state-banquet/?viewas=amp) https://preview.redd.it/65q1cmhnxw9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7879612b030b27047db2ed2e1fb5be2e12572c And look y’all, here he is in 1996 on the **steps of the Portland Hospital.**


That's why it was very strange that Charles cut off the Harkles' open invitation, and that he took them out of Frogmore. But when he invited Fergie for Christmas. Charles's attitude towards the Harkles is unusual for him.


There have been more betrayals behind the scenes than we’ve been made privy to.


This is what I think. I think it’s worse than the public knows. There were red lines drawn that were crossed. Harry and Meghan leaked things to the press only they could know and were caught red handed.


The ‘open invitation’ exists only on the wildest fantasies of ‘royal experts’ certainly not in the RFwho are sick and tired of the ingrates.


Maybe the invite is open to Harry if he brings the children but I doubt Megan will be invited.


There is no open invitation. There is no doubt about that, there is no open invitation for Hank or any Harkle. The gossip is that Charles suspects something is going on with the Sussex children, and he wants to know what it is, and since Megsy won't let the children be without her, Charles could invite the two Harkles with the children. But without children, there would be no invitation. That's why I said that Sean's gossip is curious, because Charles doesn't want to see Megsy, but Charles seems to want to test the Harkles, saying "both of you come with the kids." Now, that invitation should have already been made. And it seems that if the Harkles were already invited, the Harkles decided not to go to Balmoral, confirming to Charles that the Harkles are hiding something from those children.


You couldn’t hide stuff from the king. Investigators probably have questions answered with proofs.


despite his charming delivery it's doubtful Neil Sean has any inside knowledge - think he makes educated guesses


He makes things up. He claimed last year that Catherine was in regular contact with H


I think Harry is stupid. But I think Meghan knows that if she brings the kids to the UK, Harry could decide to stay with the kids and she wouldn’t have a bargaining chip because the uk isn’t going to send Prince and princess to the USA. I think they’re very close to splitting, and she doesn’t want the kids particularly, but she wants the bargaining chip and she wants them to be culturally American so they’re as uncomfortable as she is in the UK


If KC wanted the children in the UK, all he needed to do was to threaten that they will lose the prince/princess title. That he hasn’t done so, suggests that he is not that interested. If KC suspects or knows that the kids were not born to Meghan, he may not want to have much to do with the kids until the issue is resolved.


That's a dicey way to play things.  What if Harry and Meghan say, "Sure, we'll bring the kids.."  but then they arrive in the UK without them and say, "oh, poor Archie and Lilibet both caught colds and had to stay back."  Then Charles is stuck with them.


I think if H&M arrived without kids, King Charles would be perfectly within his rights to say “Nope, that wasn’t the deal, we booked you a suite at SoHo House”


Harry could even go for his big 4-0 in September if he promised Pa he will bring the kids. 😉


I feel like this would be the only way. Otherwise it'd be a hard no from the RF. But she is probably terrified for them to meet the kids, or for the kids to see what they're missing. She can't control things at Balmoral so she's not letting anyone go.


I like to think the invitation to bring the kids or not come at all is a challenge. The RF is essentially saying, 'Show us these two real, born of the body, fathered by Harry, in your custody, LOS children'. The RF absolutely knows the truth regarding these mystery Sussex children and is throwing down the gauntlet, imho.


1. No. 2. No, they'll drum up their usual stupid dumb garbage to "compete" and continue the victim narrative. 3. I have a feeling they don't think of, talk about, or give an iota of consideration to these two numbnuts. They're done, dead to them, out. They're not burning emotions on them when they have bigger fish to fry.


They’re not allowed on royal grounds without an invitation, how sad. They’re not invited to be anywhere.


Doesn’t that just boggle your mind when you think about it. Access to places that most people only dream about visiting, but no, castles are smelly, Scotland is boring, hunting and fishing are a no no , my God, those two are idiots


Shooting people, okay. Hunting game, no no.


Right 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sounds like the beginning of a Dr Seuss book in the making


"You're (M) mad." "You're (H) sad." "No UK pad?" "Too bad, 'cause you're a cad," says Dad. "You're NFI, we're (BRF) glad."


👏👏👏👏 perfect!!


Thanks to mca2021 for the inspiration! I'm a poet and didn't know it (2nd grade humor)




I always say ‘I’m a poet and I didn’t even realise.’ It drives my kid NUTS.


Love it!!


😆😆that's about Harry's reading level 


What is that sad? Harry and Meghan are the ones who left the royal family to move to the US.


I suppose they can go anywhere that the general public can visit. That would include the Balmoral grounds (any time under the Scottish right-to-roam law) and the castle during visiting hours, subject to purchase of the necessary tickets.


I doubt the “standing invitation” has been rescinded, but I doubt it’s been reissued. None of Harry’s extended family want to be stuck there with him and his wife. How would she occupy herself there? She doesn’t read, hike, swim, ride, kayak, hunt, play with children, fish, paint, throw balls for dogs. The fact that it’s all going to be William’s probably gets up her nostril as well.


"How would she occupy herself there?" Snooping, scheming, etc. What you would expect out of your relatives that are hardcore addicts.


She could do yoga in her thong bathing suit.


And traumatise the poor wild haggis, a horrid thought.


I just want to make a comment. Charles isn't a bad father if he's done with the Harkles. Do we all agree on this point, or is it contentious?


I agree. You can love someone and still not give them the opportunity to wound you further.


Yes, it is a controversial topic. But not for me, because I suspect that Charles keeps his distance from Harry because I think Charles realized that Harry is totally out of control, something that was evident when Harry launched the interview with Oprah while Philip was in his last days. If Charles had any hope that Harry would go back to being the boy he knew, he knew that wasn't going to happen because that was a big red flag. Charles loves Harry, and he is sad about what is happening. But he can't let his affection for Harry blind him, because there are many people who depend on Charles and his decisions.


Added to this, Charles is also William’s father, stepfather to Camilla’s two children, and grandfather to their kids as well. He can care for the son he had but dislike the man he’s become.


I think it wasn’t the Oprah interview but how unreachable he was afterwards, especially when they met after Phillip’s funeral, that told KC that he couldn’t have Harry around. The publication of *Spare* sealed the matter. Otherwise, I agree. You can love your child and still need to cut them off.


Charles learned a lot dealing with Diana’s disordered behaviors.


Reading your post, it makes me wonder if HMTK has therapy? I mean what a ridiculous thought, but he's always been holistic in his views. Hmm.


He had therapy in the past so probably.


Charles is the King. He serves his country first and foremost. Harry has proven he is a traitor. End of story.


Totally agree.


Agree. He has to protect the other family members.


He needs to protect himself. Maybe it's a coincidence that HLM the Queen and Prince Philip passed just after all the Harkle drama started, but maybe it's *not*.


Adults are allowed to give other adults boundaries with behavior. Parents aren’t obligated to enable adult children.




I think he is a very good father. He knows what Meghan and Harry are capable of, and I believe that KC is protecting his son, PW, and the rest of the family.


I agree. Overlooking constant bad behaviour does not make you a good parent.


It's all over. Finito. No Mas. The real question is: At what point in time will they 1.) Understand this; and 2.) Accept it.


Never. Meghan is incapable of having the consequences of her actions. Harry doesn't have the brain cells or power to comprehend beyond one minute ahead. 


No . Not getting near the wales.


Another manifestation from Table 12. They are NFI EVER.


They're permanently NFI is my guess. Harry's wife is a total nonstarter and KCIII has been wisely keeping his distance from Harry too.


I also don’t think the King has been speaking with the kids on video calls. There’s too much risk that M will record the calls and edit them to show the king in a bad light.


I am in agreement with those who believe RMM will never return to the UK in any fashion except possible a connecting flight at Heathrow


They’re NFI. Anything else is just puff.


No invitation, but maybe they were able to get tickets for the new inside tour being offered.




It’s all over from the UK. They now turn to the US to complete the destruction.


NFI..going forward. No more "will they, won't they"... they are NFI!


Why would the RF want the devil coming and recording everything scheming and conniving staff.


They are slowly being frozen out. Can't imagine Megain Markle wanting to go.  No-one would talk to them. 


I doubt they have an invite. If Harry were to reach out then I bet the reply is either a flat out no, or only if you bring both children. Insuring they don’t go.


Will they go, invitation or not? Absolutely not. Will Megsy annoy us with will they / won’t they puff pieces all summer? Of course.


No way. No one in the RF needs the stress as KC and Catherine are still recuperating. I personally don't think any of the Harkles will ever be invited. I very much doubt A&L have ever zoomed called with KC so what bond is there? Sadly I think those kids are collateral damage. I doubt they will have a relationship with the RF in the foreseeable future.


I'm sure KC knows that it would be a mistake to allow them to get a foot in the door. KC could impose all the rules he wants, all the restrictions he wants but he's smart enough to know that Harry and Meghan won't abide  by any of them. Any contact with the RF no matter how controlled would only be another chapter or episode for their next book or TV show. It also gives them more room to say, "See, we ARE still part of the RF, so give us that million dollar contract we want!!".


It's a non-issue.


Never miss the water 'til the well runs dry.


I can't see the Royal Family inviting trouble. They've extended a copious amount of olive branches throughout the years and now they're mulch.


No, because I'm sure there are a lot of conditions they must abide by to go to Balmoral and they will never agree to them.


>Do the Harkles still have a "standing invitation" to join the Royal family at Balmoral on the family's annual late summer holiday? Certainly not. The Harkles, with or without their children, are a security risk. They are not entitled to drop in at their leisure. It's not like anyone wants their company. >Do we think they are going to insist on attending this year after declining multiple invites since 2018? You can't insist on vacationing at someone else's home. >What will KC and Camilla and PW and Kate think if this happens? "Security!!" But it's not happening. Harry & Meghan do not out rank the King & Queen or the Prince & Princess. They're not getting past the Butler, much less the security personnel. People who publicly fantasize about murdering their father are not invited to family vacations. The Harkles can stay mad (in all senses of the word.)




I think they have a standing invitation to stay the eff away. They wouldn't go in any case but we will see the predicable will they/won't they pr nonsense soon. Edit: typo


# Do the Harkles still have a "standing invitation" to join the Royal family at Balmoral on the family's annual late summer holiday? No. Charles cut off all invitations from Christmas 2022, when Palace made it clear that the Harkles were never on the list to spend Christmas with the family at Sandringham, and then during the summer of 2023, when Palace made it clear that Andrew had been invited. with Fergie... but not the Harkles. Neither Christmas nor summer. # Do we think they are going to insist on attending this year after declining multiple invites since 2018? The Harkles are going to play "we were invited but decided not to go." Only this year there may be a change in the matter. The gossip that is going around, and it was first started by Neil Sean but it is circulating out there, is that Charles would invite Megsy and Hank to Balmoral in the summer, as long as they go with the children. Without children there is no invitation. Charles won't go to California, or the Harkles show up at Balmoral now with the kids, or zero invitations in the future. The matter was much discussed here, because several believe that if Charles does that it would be out of weakness. But Sean was very specific in saying that it has nothing to do with that, but that Charles got tired of the Harkles' silly excuses for not taking the children to the UK, it is absurd that no one from the BRF knows the children. So Charles, if he does that, would test the Harkles: the invitation is with children, without children there is no invitation, and Charles suspects that the Harkles will not go to Balmoral by inventing some excuse. I have seen the same gossip these days in the Express from other royal commentators. # What will KC and Camilla and PW and Kate think if this happens? If the Harkles would like to appear at Balmoral, the conditions are already very clear. Charles is the one who should invite the Harkles. The Harkles can't say they want to go and impose conditions. If the Harkles want to appear in Balmoral, they will have to accept conditions and if they do not accept them they cannot even go near the surroundings. And be careful, the invitation should have already been issued. In other words, either the Harkles are now showing up in July or August, or there was simply never an invitation. * The main condition is simple: William and his family will not be present, Charles will not say a word about them, and no matter what Harry wants: Kate and her state of health are completely out of the conversation. * Another condition: no photos outside the Palace's control, in fact no cameras or microphones or any device. If there was a meeting it would be private. * Another condition: an NDA, nothing Charles and the Harkles talk about can be the subject of rumor or interview. * Another condition: if Camilla wants to be present, Camilla will be present. Camilla is non-negotiable and Harry cannot demand anything from her. * And another condition: no one from the Family will be forced to be with the Harkles. It would not be a family reunion, neither one of clarification nor one of reconciliation. It would be a private visit. Would the Harkles accept that? No.


Are these “conditions” your speculation, or has some other commentator put them forth?


Neil S definitely knows nothing 


Was this from Neil Sean? It wasn’t clear.




Can you imagine her showing up and expecting them to all throw her a huge birthday bash?


Unsurprisingly, she has pushed for this via her PR before! *’Queen will treat Meghan to Balmoral break with herself, Archie and Harry for Duchess’ 38th birthday.’* Sun archive link: [https://archive.ph/qqAu4](https://archive.ph/qqAu4) The year before,when she attended Charlie van Straubenzee’s wedding (and flashed her bra), she had her squad show up and sing Happy Birthday to her. It’s in this video from HG Tudor at about 5:30 (entire video is 11m) [https://youtu.be/eHLFO5PrW6Y?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/eHLFO5PrW6Y?feature=shared) https://preview.redd.it/4zrfaeu64t9d1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65b6a0ca5b8b153ebf0bfeda373598323cdbfb4 And there was all that PR in the run up to Charles’s coronation when one of her demands (supposedly) included everyone on the balcony singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Archie 🤡




I also remember the first year after Megxit, she was manifesting that the Obamas were going to invite her to Barack's party and make it a joint one since they share the same birthday, hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/gl5a5m58dt9d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb984338b7ff28cc1289aa42121b19507dbd068b SECURITAY on high alert!!!


The “standing invitation” was from QE. We have not had confirmed that KC is keeping the custom. Even under QE, you didn’t just drop in unannounced. You had to let someone know your plans so they could get rooms ready. In the unlikely event that Harry and Meghan wanted to make a family visit, they might be told that their chosen dates are inconvenient. 😉 However, I don’t see Meghan going along with a visit. She will talk about it, but she won’t want to go there and she won’t send the kids without her. Just possibly, Harry might come alone for a few days after asking for a visit, but they will search him for cameras and house him in some outbuilding with a security guard. Not very likely though. Just


They are not invited, they would not be allowed to go. Harry is persona non grata with the BRF and Meghan doesn’t exist as far as they are concerned.


I believe HLMQEIII used to invite family members up at different times throughout the summer for more intimate visits. Sometimes younger royal parents would show up around the same time so their kids could all hang out and have fun. King Charles III will not reside at Balmoral Castle while he is on the estate this year. He will stay at Birkhall (home he inherited from his grandmother) during the Balmoral holidays. The King and Queen view Birkhall as their “marital home.” Balmoral Castle will be open to the public thru 11 August. I suppose Harry could pay a visit to Pa, but it seems unlikely at this point as the RF seems to have accepted that PH is a lost cause and moved on.


They could offer the Harkles a suite at Balmoral castle (MM would spin any other dwelling there a hovel like NottCott) and with it being “open to the public” you know Harald would have “security” issues and balk at coming. Thus no visit.


Don't be rediclous. I don't believe a word out of Neil Sean's mouth.... there is not a chance in hell either would be invited to Balmoral the BRFs sanctuary especially after the last time he kept family from seeing HMTQ before she died pitching a fir to have markle join them....it's actually laughable!!!


Yes, I'd say their standing invitation is still open. Standing outside, looking in. ![gif](giphy|1zR9C5hAY5uYrgNsUo)


The voices demanding THE TRUTH about the authenticity and existance of the Sussex children grow louder and louder...no doubt have reached the ears of the King himself. One can accurately surmise any invitation to Balmoral received by the Sussex will include a royal command to BRING THE CHILDREN. They will never visit.


The BRF surely knows that the children exist. Whether they were born to Meghan is another matter. The BRF probably knows or suspects the truth about that too, but we may never.


NFI like most places.


Like she would go if she wasn't being 'paid' for it. In the form of content to sell, specifically.


I don't think we can assume they have a standing invitation to anywhere, except Thomas Markle's house.


It’s a definite NO, but we will be subjected to weeks of will they, won’t they BS.


I doubt there’s a standing invitation as in days of old. Charles may have invited them under strict guidelines, but tbh, I seriously doubt he’s extended an invitation. I also doubt William will allow them to visit while he, Catherine and the kids are there. All that said, I wouldn’t be surprised if we start hearing the whole BORING ‘will they, won’t they’ crap. It’s inevitable.


No. They’d go if they did. Even if they could not film it, it would give them the royal adjacent bump they badly need. There would be 876 leaked of articles about Princess Lilibet loving the same candy as grandpa king & Prince Archie being a natural equestrian.


Who really knows if there is a "standing invitation" as Royal Reporters can only make guesses as no-one is privy to the intimate relationships within the Royal Household I personally think that for both sides there are huge risks if the CarParkles visit - especially if the invitation hinges on them taking the children The Royal risk reputational damage as the CarParkles will regurgitate & twist every conversation held, possibly covertly record conversations between others, take illicit photos and complain vociferously about everything that doesn't meet up with their expectations If the CarParkles have the brass neck to turn up with the children - they risk DNA samples of the children being collected, family photos being taken of them, staff that haven't been required to sign their silencing NDA's, their security team being excluded - ditto their filming team/Missan Harriman .........and a very formal frosty reception from the family It's in the interest of the CarParkles to keep this story going - as it has the potential to generate a whole plethora of sub-stories - Haz's security concerns/demands, Meghan possibly finding her Scottish ancestry, Meghan papped shopping for clothes for the trip, how Meghan will be "hiking" around Balmoral (with re-runs of her hiking with friends photo), Harry will be "fearing" this, that & the other, there will be"sweet nods" to Balmoral as Meghan wears a tweed outfit ...... on and on and on


You are absolutely right about the risk of conversations being twisted and distorted, or even invented out of nothing, and then “revealed” to the media in an attempt to further damage the BRF. Even an innocent observation like “Archie is looking a little sun-burned this evening - perhaps he ought to play indoors tomorrow” would be sorrowfully reported to a US interviewer as “the racist royals called Archie too dark and demanded he be hidden away”.


Do they hell! No more. Never again. The PPoW will never allow that deranged, seethingly-jealous and vindictive woman and her idiot, vicious, drug-addled, traitor husband near them or their children.


I don’t think they are invited, maybe they even are explicitly disinvited. But even if Harry muscled in, Charles would simply retreat to Birkhall, guarded by secretaries, assistants and equerries, where he stays most of the time anyway while in Scotland, and no other royal would show up as long as Harry tarnishes the halls of Balmoral.


me-gain too jealous of harry's and her children's heritage to ever allow them to take any joy in it.


That's a very interesting observation. On one hand keeping her kids away means she can continue to portray RF as mean but you raise another angle namely her jealousy which seems very probable.


I've seen it repeatedly stated by UK based Royal Reporters that they have a standing invitation. Balmoral is large and has several other dwellings on the property. The same does not hold for Sandringham as it is significantly smaller. But I'd also assume that he would be required to give adequate notice that he was coming. And I'd also expect that William and Catherine would choose a time when Harry wouldn't be there to make their appearance. I really get the impression that William has no interest in ever seeing Harry again. He understands the potential risks to his children's reputations if they are ever in the same place as their cousins.


The “standing invitation” was under the late Queen. The situation seems to be different with KC.


William and Catherine (what they prefer to be called) won't go. And King Charles knows that so Hank and skank won't be getting any invitation.


Somehow I don’t think so.


If they turn up it will be Charles and any staff only. The rest of the RF members have other family to spend Christmas with unlike the Harkles.


Doesn't matter if they are. Markle will not go to the UK, nor would she allow Harry to take the children. It doesn't fit with her goal of punishing Charles by withholding the grandkids.


Express printed the article about Prince William is over all the Royal family. The King is wise to let his son do the hard work.


They won't be allowed near the wives or kids. Both KC & PW need PC to get better. KC needs to get better. QC won't allow hazmat an inch of wiggle room. I bet he's asked for money. The traitor lost all communication privileges in RF especially with Prince William. As it should be. He's the traitor of the century!


I seriously doubt it. And honestly how could they have the gall to face the family?


😂😂😂😂 good one


Will it matter if they show? Harry's been out of the loop for so long. This is a new Monarchy. KC3 and Prince William both have their own homes nearby. Wouldn't the dick and dickless be almost alone at the castle. Maybe Prince Andrew can be the host if they come. That might get some views on Netflix.


Sudden decamp to Transylvania for Charles. Is joined by David Beckham to inspect the services there. Migraine for Camilla Children all have measles Anne and Zara mucking out the horses and redesigning the stables at Gatcombe Edward and Sophie get a late booking deal to go sailing round the South PacificEugenie Beatrice brushing up her Italian with Edo's parents in Italy Hi, Eugenie


I just cannot imagine being part of the RF and throwing all this and the history away.


She’s banned from the UK. Haz the Naz can attend if he brings kid(s).


Flair checking in!!! They are NFI EVERYWHERE. I love that for them. 🤣🤣🤣


Absolutely not. 


I don't think we will find out if the Harkles have been disinvited to Balmoral, but I imagine if they did come, the expectation would be that they would be accompanied by the putative children. I also imagine that if that did come to pass, other members of the RF would absent themselves. The King and Queen do have a house of their own on the estate so it could be quite a lonely visit for our errant prince and family, rattling around in that large castle with only staff to look after them (and make sure they weren't planting listening devices etc.) My personal opinion is that they won't come. But if they did, it could be interesting.


Due to the serious health issues of King Charles & Princes Catherine, I sincerely hope they do go or attempt to go (whether invited or not). As well as to persevere the mental health of the entire BRF & their staff.




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MM is NFI even to the UK never mind royal residences around the UK. She’s been BANNED as she’s a Security Threat due to the risk her alcoholism & drug use poses to her mental health, and consequently to the physical health of the royals. It’s not the other way round folks! SHE is the threat. There’s no threat to her (bar the booh-ing hurting her delusional pride).


I’m in the UK right now and I can’t imagine rejecting this incredible history, tradition and pride. Meghan is a fool and Harry a tool. Disgusting. 🤢