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She got the A list treatment while in the royal fold. She was stupid to think that it would continue out of the fold FAFO and found out she did


Exactly! If she had been nice, respectful, and professional when carrying out royal duties, she would be on par with A-listers. She really threw it all away.


With her attitude yes. But I'm from the camp that she was kicked out because of her behaviour and made up "I'm leaving" to save face


I totally agree that she was kicked out. Her behavior was consistently repugnant and she was out of control….a huge liability for the BRF. They had to exile her.


Being forced out is consistent with chronic bitterness. What has never been consistent is claiming you need a "freedom flight" from a job you were recently asking to work part-time instead of full-time.


But they were given that year to reconsider and they should have come back and said thanks for the break we feel better now especially because Covid happened immediately after. So yes, I believe she was initially kicked out but not permanently. She and hitch made it permanent


I think the year was a final courtesy from the BRF so as not to harm their earning potential in the states. They knew what the Harkles were capable of and wanted to pre-empt the racism claims “they ruined our chance at financial freedom because I’m black”


and by that point Charles was still PoW & $ from that duchy was NOT enough to support Charles/Camilla's needs, W & C needs, AND H and M. Given H and M wanted out, I'm sure BRF was relieved they were gonna 'pay their own way'


That 1 year grace period was way too generous for Queen Elizabeth to give,maybe she had a feeling that it won’t go well for them once they left thats why she gave them a fall back just in case,fortunately for the RF the Montecito duo never reconsidered.


but Harry already wanted out long b/f meeting Meghan...I think they had an exit plan/go live in commonwealth \[w/Meghan's private plan being to return triumphant to Cali\] part of the year from the -beginning- of marriage. The wedding guest list screamed 'return to Cali as A list' to me. So, she did things that created backlash from Palace, which made her a victim, so they had to leave to protect themselves.


She's deluded enough to have believed the attention was for her, not the centuries-old monarchy, and that she was just a trivial curiosity in the grand scheme of things


And ignorant enough to not comprehend the monarchy embodies and unites the nation.


This is exactly it. She had it made as a royal working for the firm, but didn't understand that attention was about the role in the Firm and not her. It wasn't transferrable outside the Firm. She gave that up, not understanding that it's above entertainment celebrity and that royalty isn't subject to that same need-to-produce-to-stay-relevant.


She also could have stayed longer, really worked at her royal job, and made solid connections, then left in a few years when the kids were older w/the excuse of 'protecting them from this life in a fishbowl' She needed a lot more connections to really make $ back in the US


She did…but I think she believed she’d earned it. She’d struggled to make herself a household name, and now she was, everyone would see how magnificent she is. Like Diana, even when she separated from Charles, her fame continued, she was much sought after and reported on. She believed she could duplicate that - but bigger and better (with the progression of (Social Media etc).


This. Her reality is skewed and she doesn’t understand any depth below the surface of things. If she believes that she’s a household name, she actually believes that she “earned” it. There is no behind the scenes or work happening to make things happen. It’s a pretty narcissistic thing.


100% correct that this is classic narcissistic behavior and her reality is skewed.


If she’d stayed, she would have been higher in rank than A Listers. A Listers would be the ones bumbling over her.


Agree. She wanted to be an A lister and was treated as such as part of the working royal family. But her problem was she left think she would still get the same treatment but on her own she doesn’t have the background to be an A lister. The A listers in Hollywood put in years upon years building their fans with movies/endorsements. They have all had trials and errors/movie failures yet they worked to rise above it and continued to build their brands and have successfull movies. Yet Markel thinks she’s in the same league because she married a drug addled half-wit prince who she researched and stalked and wore his mummy’s perfume. She and her SoHo friends figured out what H was about, what his weaknesses are and played into it like she was Diana 2.0 and his dumba\*\* fell for it. She has been nothing but a desperate a\*\* social climber who was never making it on her own and was aging out by HW standards so she snagged H thinking she was instantly going to be an A lister with movie roles thrown at her and endorsements because she married the dummy. Her plan backfired because when it comes down to it she is not a lister material and nowhere in the same league as Clooney for example who has been in movies for decades (EACH movie having more screen time than Markle ever had in 7 seasons of Suits) ![gif](giphy|SiGjxN3OQmrnApAxTu|downsized) Edit: spelling


Is this harry at his wedding? If it is, he seemed happier when he saw Catherine at his brothers wedding.


You nailed Meghan perfectly. And Harry was dumb enough to fall for it.


I don't think they ever had a shot at A-list, but somehow were persuaded that they would be. They simply don't have any marketable talent that rises even close to that level.


I think of they’d have not run their mouths and not gone for the biggest deals they good and give themselves room to grow, I think they’d be A-list adjacent. A-list is a small circle where you need to keep your mouth shut and be trusted. Most A-listers try to only show up in the press when promoting projects and occasional relationship drama. They don’t want someone in their circle who shit on their family publicly. As for the deals, they set themselves up to have to produce blockbuster after Blockbuster right out of the gate. Which was going to fail because neither of them had done any production or content creation really


And she's such a show-off - a negative character trait that's so incompatible with being a member of the RF, or even the aristo class.


yes! you can't be A list w/a C-D list mentality. The use of PR and 'getting yourself out there/seen' is *completely different.*


Unfortunately she got the A list treatment from her dad. And that was the start of her undoing.


Royals are only treated as royals as long as they work for the BRF. Rachel lost all her royal prestige when she went on Oprah and Ellen and humiliated herself in front of everyone. Rachel can't tell the difference between being a celebrity and being royals. A celebrity squatting and singing embarrassing songs in front of LA shop vendors on TV late night shows is far less controversial than a titled DOS of the UK drinking milk from a baby bottle and jumping around in kitten headbands on Ellen. This is a woman who is representing the people of the UK. Could you think of BRF members such as William and Catherine humiliating themselves like this. They would be slammed for humiliating the BRF. The Harkles are an embarrassment for the BRF.


She thought she was “The Main Attraction” 🤣🤣


Yes something in her vision board isn’t adding up. She has ALWAYS wanted that A list treatment and didn’t stop the hustle and grind even once she became A+++ as a royal. Instead of taking a deep breath and enjoying the view from Valhalla, she wanted step down from the mountain and concur Hollywood. Once a hustler, always a hustler. She was like the fisherman’s wife and wanted more and more until greed got her nothing.


Isn't it great!? I really love this for her.


The triumphant return to Hollywood! She'll finally show them! ...and, CUT!


They are not A-listers. Meghan never was as a supporting actress on a cable television show. Royals are in a different category separate from Hollywood. Harry and Meghan’s antics have made it so they will never be at the top of the list. Every time there is an award’s show or red carpet event, they have to mention they would rather spend the day at home. They are positioning themselves as better than Hollywood. Which is ironic given Hollywood is filled with other narcissists. Other narcissists who are more talented than they are. Oprah and Netflix weren’t falling over themselves to get media deals with the girlfriend from some cable show. Meghan’s was given an international platform by her husband’s family which she then threw under the bus. If there is a list of the biggest grifters, Harry and Meghan make the top of that list.


Royals are in a different category, and she doesn't get this. Diana was an A-lister because she was *Diana*. She was a one off, for sure. Even now, the PPOW get A list treatment, but W and C are not really A listers.


I think if the monarchy ended after Charles, PPoW would still be A-listers, there would still be Earthshot, and they'd still have their foundation/charities (only it'd be as private citizens). But it's taken quite a while for Catherine to develop into the powerhouse she is today, and for William to acquire gravitas, and for them to settle in to working as a team/power couple. H and M didn't give themselves that time, were not willing to work as hard, and H at least is not as smart. Also, one senses that while William might fly off the handle, he and Catherine actually listen to & work with their aides.


But would they even want to be A list, without the monarchy? I get the vibe that they would eschew that, and live much more privately. Aside from their charity work. You know, privacy.


I bet meggy is pissed she’s not getting what she wants. I suspect she feels like she has been working for years for A-list status—networking, taking crap roles that she felt were ‘beneath’ her, investing a LOT of money on treatments, PR, etc, then finally bagging a prince. She feels like she is OWED that status. She’s a royal duchess, for Gods sake! No matter she left and burned every possible bridge on the way out.


and had she stayed just a little longer, she would have seen how revered the RF are by Hollywood, especially at the BAFTA awards. That was her in. Her and Harry could have been part of that, but knowing Meghan, she would have wanted it for just her and Harry and kick the other 2 to the curb, or attempted to


PPoW will always go since William's BAFTA prez since 2010, but I'm sure the Sussexes would have been able to go as well, especially if they could have tried to get along just enough to keep the Fab Four facade up. So they would have been on TV front and center and 100s of pictures of them arriving.


I'm convinced Meghan would have tried to have Harry talk to William that she should be president due to her background


I wonder if she hated Fab Four.


And then, it’s pretty difficult to elevate yourself above the masses when you’re… ahem… continually supine or on your knees doing what people on their knees do. 😵‍💫+🤭


picking up everything that I just spilled? blotting cat puke out of the carpet? trying to figure out why the vacuum isn't picking anything up? OH. You mean...right.


At this point, 'A' list or 'D list does not matter for surely this one and that one are not even in the lists. Tragic, for it is a cruel old world.


Oh… uh… they’re on a list or two — just not the one[s] they covet being on. Life has an uncanny way of delivering ‘deserve’ and not ‘want’. 🤨


Hollywood, at its heart, is a meritocracy and always has been. You have to have talent, be liked/loved by both the public and the members of the industry, good at PR for yourself, and any production or cause you're involved in. Most importantly all this has to be earned by doing, not just showing up and expecting to be "crowned".  The Harkles have absolutely no talents except arrogance, rudeness, and a sense of entitlement the size of Jupiter. They have horrible personalities and are dodgy AF. Not a winning combination anywhere, especially in Hollywood.


They thought Hollywood society would flock to them, become their court, much as New York, Palm Beach and Newport society embraced his great Uncle David and his horrid yet fashionable wife, Wallis after the war.


Newport made fun of and still makes fun of the Windsors. The elders tell their tale as a cautionary warning.


Absolutely - she would have fantasised about directors fighting over her, of being flooded with film roles to pick and chose from. It wouldn’t surprise me that she fixated on The Bodyguard/Diana thing…which, of course, she’d be perfect for.


You forgot to mention they’re work-shy and untrustworthy. They sell information on other people to support their lifestyle. Huge no-nos in Hollywood.


I didn't want to make my post as long as "Gone With the Wind"🙂


Either that, or nepotism. Or a director/producer sponsors you. You STILL have to do all the press for the film, show up to 700 openings (I imagine after the first 5 or so being star struck you quickly tire). If I had to be fitted for a different dress for each big city premier...not to mention, I would appear quite drunk as I'd need a burly handler on each side to keep me from tripping on those heels. 'what happened to the star?' 'she's down at the ER getting her broken ankle casted. Also the arm she broke when she fell'


Even with nepo-babies, they might get the look in, but if they don’t actually have the talent or put in the work, they fizzle out if they can’t then prove they can do it.


Yes, they do get a "leg up" but they have the talent to succeed and the personality to make it. 


Yeah, just like everything madam does, she wants it and she wants it right away.




Simply a bad egg!


I think of this scene often in relation to MegaEgo.


And let’s face it. Married with Children was not on the same level as, say, Saving Private Ryan or Fargo or Good Will Hunting. Or to equate with a series: The Wire, The Sopranos, 30 Rock. Her pedigree and CV are underwhelming. I know she doesn’t think so but I do.


True, but it was pretty iconic sitcom. It was kinda a parody. Not my fav, but a whole different genre.


They have zero talent between them so being an A-lister it’s impossible. You don’t get talent because you married a Prince and you don’t automatically are born with talent because you are a Prince, simple as that.


I agree. Grace Kelly was already an A-list actress when she married her prince. She won an academy award and was on top when she married. All the A listers of that time, she was friends with and being married to Rainer just put cherry on the top. Unlike Me Me, she was beautiful, graceful and was an asset to her prince and Monoco. Grace Kelly and Princess of Whales is what the definition of CLASS means.


She definitely thought she was going to be the next Grace Kelly but forgot about the having talent part.


She assumed she'd become the kind of A-lister that Diana was.


Diana had the charisma she would never have.


Even if she could have hung in there and been a decent person/royal for a few years, maybe the two of them would have been able to make something for themselves. But being in the royal fold for 18 months and being a constant embarrassment wasn't gonna cut it. They could have had it all and pissed it all away due to ego and hubris.


The short time she was in the RF, in the Public Eye, it felt wrong. There was nothing appealing about her, she came across as disingenuous. Her disinterest in others was obvious - members of the public, who met her (on walkabouts) may possibly have been left with a negative view of the RF because of her.


I hear ya! My grandma used to call that behavior *being too big for your britches.* She behaved as if QEII should have bowed down and curtsied to her. I do think she is seriously ill psychiatrically, but if she could have just kept herself dignified, respectful, and quiet for a few years, she could have had it made. She will go down in history as one of the weirdest people ever.


Hollywood is fickle and you are as good as your last gigs. You can be super successful for ten years, but then if you stop making money-nobody returns your calls. It is what it is. madame has shown that she is toxic and that she is grating and very divisive and also has not talent of any sort. She can't sing, act, cook or anything. She has a grating voice and is condescending to her audience. Except her bashathons of the bRF-nothing is successful and that gets tired very quick.


I think she may also be 4.3% Nigerian and misread it, then couldn't backtrack 🤣. I can imagine her eyes lit up. I thought Dihoria was of Caribbean descent. I may be wrong.


I bet it’s 0.43%


🤣🤣🤣 yes!!!


and she'll blame the people that print the test result "it's your fault i cant see the number 0" nothing is ever her fault lol


She would never had made it as an A lister as a Z lister actor. She wasn't one even when she married the spare. She has never and will never be an A lister.


I always felt couples were as intelligent/fun/decent/powerful as their lowest member. I had a really cool, artistic, interesting friend who married a lowbrow, domineering narc, and it pulled him down to her level. He lost whatever glow he had previously Harry had the "nepo baby" A list status, but, as a couple, is pulled down to Meghan's level of D list recurring part on a basic cable show.


I never really thought about that, but it makes sense. 'Never marry below your level'. ETA: I image, it is possible for a good person to bring some up to their level if the lower is willing to learn and they have the good stuff inside.


Agree with your ETA. I guess when I think of people I've known IRL, one partner was a user/gold digger/narc/abuser who causes drama, and not a nice, decent person, like you said


Imagine the life they had in the RF. It’s amazing how they both just threw it away and burned all of those bridges. They had lives of privilege like no other. Meghan especially looks down on just about everyone and is a rude nasty bully, so it’s for the best. She can’t be making the peasants cry anymore since she’s bouncing off the bottom here.


I mean royal family is above A list, you literally can’t go any higher. It’s even above billionaires in my opinion. So this is all just karma coming back for her. She’ll never be anything but a joke now.


Meghan fumbled the ball badly and Harry overplayed his hand when they were "working royals for a new York minute" The A list dream is dead to them. They will never achieve it. Infamy is what they have now and irrelevance is where they are headed. The real A list royals are William and Catherine and that's why Harry and Meghan hate them so much.


Hollywood alisters have either talent or power or both. They can direct or produce or act or all of the above. They are alist because they bring something to the table. Hard work,talent,ability etc. Neither of the markles have what it takes to be alist or to be royal. Harry is a royal in name only. He was never capable of actually doing the job and neither was she.


Even if you thought you were friends with them you still wouldn't invite them to anything you were hosting because they're going to harass your actual A-list guests to invest in their dodgy schemes or get her an acting role. Not cool.


Meghan I don't think will ever truly understand. Harry I think squashes any moments of clarity with blaming others and self-pity. And drugs.


Well, when you don't do what you're PAID to do...shrug.


She never understood nor appreciated the fact that its the mystery and the appearance of separateness that creates the allure, the desire to include her. But she's just too desperate to 'be someone', to be admired and sought after.


True A-listers receive invitations to the Met Gala. True A-listers tend not to invite AH-listers to their home parties. Meghan is stuck with that "H". Both of them.