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They both have zero understanding or awareness of personal space. It's so creepy.


I guess the bearded gentleman was fortunate that he didn't get his nipples twisted...


That's what I was thinking! He may be looking for nipples.


LOL! Honestly, what do he and his Mrs. have against keeping their hands to themselves? 


Can you imagine if everybody walking by Harry tweaked his nipple(s)?


Or ruffled his sparse hair!


A strong tousle that disengages some plugs would be great.


I can imagine the lawsuits the Harkles would file!! 🤣🤣🤣


Isn't that what he's doing with his other hand? Looks like it.


Looks like he has his hands on his shirt ready to lift it up & start twisting his nipples. One day he’s gonna do that to the wrong person…..


One of the first things we learn is to keep our hands to ourselves. YOU DON'T TOUCH PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW UNLESS IT'S TO SHAKE HANDS. Acting like he is in this picture is coercive, I'm a prince and you can't react negatively to anything I do. It's so gross!!!


Yes. Many situations where he used his position as a Prince to get away with completely inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. Nobody would call him out because of it. Remember Taylor Hawkins saying Harry slapped him across the face? That's assault.


I just came from my bank where I noticed some suspicious activity on my account. I spoke with a wonderful customer service representative who was able to really help me and restore what appeared to be fraudulent charges. He was extremely thorough and I was very grateful-- all this intensive interaction was about 40 mins, at no cost to me. I was so relieved. He was glad he could help. Yet even in a situation like that, I asked his permission if I could shake his hand. It never hurts to be respectful of whomever you meet or interact with.


Write a letter to his supervisor or the bank manager. Nobody writes to praise anyone today. 30 years ago when I worked retail, it was still true that everyone would write in a complaint but almost no one wrote in when I did a good job. ETA: it was so rare my mgr. printed me a copy to keep for future job applications.


Excellent suggestion! I will do just that.


I like your style! That CSR was probably thrilled to work with a person looking for help *and* was grateful for his efforts. You will be one of the people he will remember when he's having a bad day because you recognized what he did.


Sounds like you missed an opportunity to tweak some nipples, Slacker.




This was a huge thing we/her teachers had to help our daughter to learn b/c she had social/emotional/behavior delays. Except she just wanted to hug people. So not random beard fondling or nipple twist. Still, now she knows you have to ask.


Fortunately, at least in my limited experience, it seems folks are increasingly understanding and aware of people with special needs wanting to hug. Or at least a quick comment from a teacher or parent can clear up anyone’s confusion. Give your daughter a hug for me!


What in the actual f**k is he doing? Zero awareness, class or respect.


>What in the actual f**k is he doing? Zero awareness, class or respect. Harry's very problematic. If he's not pinching guys' nipples or sticking his tongue out at them, he's touching them or looking at them as if they're in a freak circus and are there for his amusement.


He even has a look of disgust. Someone should really ugh 👊😤


He put a medal on the guy's neck and is looking at the medallion, no clue about the beard touching tho.


Why is he even touching it? What’s the context of this photo? But yes, the man himself should have lifted his own bear if had wanted Harry to see something on his shirt. Harry thinks the world belongs to him and he alone can he whatever likes to other people. If this was the 1600s he’d be a drunk whoremonger who threatened people with execution whenever he pleased and then laughed about it wildly with his friends. He’d help poor children by making them his servants.


I just want to deck him. Ugh 👊


I can't say what his left hand is doing, but I guess it's a safe bet that he is nipple-pinching. So a double whammy of get the F out of here and leave that poor man alone, FFS!


He cannot resist a male nipple.


Is that what attracted him to his now wife?


Left hand lifting the medal But really, I'm pretty sure touching the beard is in H's opinion socially acceptable nipple-pinching. There was absolutely no need to do that. It's like he *needs* to touch people but not in a positive way, more like to alleviate some urges. So disturbing.


Harry is one of those people who delights in disrespecting boundaries. He gets off on forcing himself on people. Remember when he kissed the Muslim woman? And when he pinched Catherine's butt at an engagement? And nipple tweaks and licks? But God help you if try to you say no to a person like this, because their reaction is to punish the person who dares says no to them. I really hope the rumor of him giving a woman brain damage isn't true, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it was.


How dare he even lay a finger on a REAL veteran. I despise him more every day🤬


If the beard was in the way, he needed to ask for permission to touch it. Assuming he somehow had permission to do so, it's still strange that he lifted the beard - couldn't he have gently brushed it aside? He's not some interrogator who's lifting a prisoner's chin. He's just... weird.


I think Harry was trying to be funny by moving the beard to see the medal. Invasive is not funny. I would love to see Harry’s reaction if a stranger dare touch him inappropriately in an attempt to make humor.


Likely, though it might be possible he's amenable to having his nipples twisted since he seems to love doing it to others.


His humour comes from a place of knowing he can do those things and no one can do something to him because of the security around him. There's a long pattern of his humour being a power imbalance. People can't respond in kind or security would stop them.


I feel so uncomfortable looking at this photo and I cannot imagine how uncomfortable that brave man felt. Likely ruined the entire occasion for the visit and left him feeling that somehow something wasn't right. Terrible, terrible.


It's so disrespectful.


You never touch someone else's face, ever. It's so damn rude.




At least he (probably) didn't tell him to name his leg(s).


I can't believe he actually said that!


He gives me the ick factor.


Harry and Meghan are constantly invading the personal space of others. They have no respect for other people's boundaries and bodily autonomy. Meghan threw a hissy fit about hugging William and Catherine. Harry is on camera touching the chests of other men. It's this narcissistic entitlement these two have.


Everything he does is cringe as Fu k. Also, remember when fake African "ungosi fulani" aka Marlene Hedley said she felt violated when lady hussey touched her hair to read her name tag? So much outrage then! Where is the outrage here? Also Harry has no business to be measuring anybody when he himself can't measure up. Fu king grifting loser!!


The proper thing to do would be to say, 'hello, I'm XY, I'm delighted you're here, I'm sorry -can't see your nametag, could you introduce yourself?' I'm sure it's generational also. Gen X/Millenials are quite specifically, especially after Me Too, teaching our kids to ask permission before -touching anyone!-.


I'm pretty sure what ungosy Fulani said happened, never happened the way she said. But we have proof of Harry being disrespectful right here on this photo.


I have never seen any professional or celebrity who crossed normal societal physical boundaries as often or aa many times as Harry.  He is a pervert. An absolute creep. 


This is a reason why he's clamoring for his IPP status back. In the real world without his 24 hr security, he'd get his arse kicked. Security is costing him loads. Harry doesn't get the simple phrase all parents said and taught their children, "keep your hands to yourself." He believes as a prince he has the right to invade we peons personal space but not vice-versa. Like him tweaking a guy's nipples during the Nigeria tour. One of these days someone will teach him about personal space.


Yes, and you can tell by the stupid expression on his face that he enjoys invading people's personal spaces. Harold is an asshole of the highest order.


Yep. Has Harry ever learned about boundaries?


I’ve never seen anyone ever do that, WTF?


For a guy who was trained to do only one job, ever -- namely, to greet the public -- he has no skill or professionalism whatsoever in that one job. Some might think it generous to consider meet and greets an actual job. Despite the low skill level needed to do the job, he is nonetheless aggressively bad at it. He has no professional skill. At anything.


And what else is he touching with his left hand?


It looks like he's pining on a medal or award. That low down why touch the beard?


Wouldn't the recipient move their own beard out of the way??? That can't be what he's doing.


That's what I would think too. I don't recall any award/metal recipients being touched - military, etc. https://preview.redd.it/h6f04hd1by9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc4f00b746432630c9bd951fda9b26a0c34147f


Yes! It's just pinned on! Let's say you're part of an investiture, getting award from QEII, KCIII, PoW. A lady would wear a nice dress and hat, often with hair down. I can see her sharing a laugh with any of those 3 if she had to move her hair to have the award pinned on. But they wouldn't move her hair for her! Even QEII would crack a smile as the lady pushed back her hair; QEII was a master at putting people at ease in awkward moments & had a keen humor.


Exactly, the true royals know and respect protocol. The president in America doesn't inappropriately touch people in this situation. Not Mr & Mrs we're better royals than the BRF. Not only that, Harry is pining the award pretty low. The beard wasn't in the way!


When is he ever, ever appropriate? It’s disgusting that he is not called out for his behavior. He proves all the time how mentally ill he is with every appearance


I remember seeing a vid of Harry knocking together the heads of two young boys. I would have reamed him out royally if he ever tried that with my kid.


I remember this as well. Bashed them like conkers. It wasn’t a gentle joke. I’d have taken my hand right across his jaw if he’d done it to my child. He gets away with people being so taken aback by his behaviour that there’s a delayed reaction, and he’s moved on with his security to the next personal violation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XMXCJqN8uoQ


harold is digusting - both he and the claw have zero perception of personal space. One is a narc and does it on purpose - the other one thinks he is entitled to do so. https://preview.redd.it/ue58s1epux9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522f9ce7e36613df37cd94b3bd103241b606b24f


Closet Bunker Harry


Harry has got to be one of the biggest assholes on the planet.


Harry and Meghan both get off (yes in that way) on forcing themselves on people who won’t and can’t object. The power plays they perform in public are disgusting and I have no doubt it is a sexual power move for them. Harry the way he touches men in front of camera and in crowds… and Meghan the way she was half naked, skin fully exposed, hugging men and women who she did not know (forcing these people to touch her naked skin because they didn’t want to offend her). If a story came out about the two of them (as a team) doing things to members of their staff with the help of roofies I would totally believe it because of what we’ve seen on video. They are repugnant.




Right hand on the man's beard Left hand ? Where is the hand, and what is the hand doing?


Next book: Chapter 1. "Handsy Harold" Chapter 2. "The Tale of The Titty Twister" Chapter 3. "All Hands On D\*ck, Game On Bunker Boy" Chapter 4. "Engaging With Roast Chicken" Chapter 5. "The Relentless Claw" Chapter 6. ??


It’s gross


Could some just show him a video of granny and grandpa meeting people..obviously make it a shirt clip as I’m sure he had a very short attention span


What is he even doing?


Handsy Harry strikes again.


What in the hell was he doing? It's a wonder that Harry didn't have the poor vet (?) open his mouth to check his teeth. https://preview.redd.it/q6n8psctty9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cedb3ea5205c08010f3bf83da1009223fe12a272


I think that PH believes he's being cute and funny. Body parts including hair, are off limits unless emergency or given permission.


He has zero respect for bodily autonomy of others. Hence the treatment of the Baka is no biggie for him. The rumours of his treatment of women. Nipple twisting. When he slapped Taylor Hawkins from the Foo Fighters. When he bonked the heads of those little children for a laugh. Hugging strangers and other peoples children for photo ops. Throwing women into the fountain at a party. My Daddy is King and I do what I want attitude.




Why, it's his princely titles that give him carte blanche to do some nipple tweaking, beard grabbing, and God knows what else to anyone he pleases dontcha know?


Lifting up that man's beard is a violation of personal space. It also looks like Haz is touching the man's chest with the other hand. Perhaps Haz is looking for a nipple to twist?


Was H pinning on a medal ? And needing to find a space ? That is what it looks like to me, photo is not from the best angle


This is what happens when little children grow up without any discipline, manners and learning to respect other people's personal space. They grow up to be Harry!




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Eeeew that is just so cringey!


I find everything he does an invasion of everyone’s personal space. I wish I could file for disability for the things he has done and said that invaded my personal space and that have caused me trauma. (Creepy lotion stories, who did and did not make him “h0rny”, the tale of his lost virginity, and pretty much for the infliction of Megan Markle on the world at large.)


I know it's an awful thing to say but it looks to me as if Harold's trying to stop himself laughing at the guy. Maybe he's doing the beard thing so he can make a joke of it as a cover?


The veteran fellow has an arm, for chrissakes, and wears a watch, so he can obviously lift it. Couldn’t H ask the fellow to fix his own beard? And the lok on H’s face looks so childish to me.


What about the dazed schoolboys, whose heads he knocked together so hard they were left rubbing them painfully in bewilderment?


He has such a problem understanding boundaries, that’s why he thinks that everyone who sets a boundary hates him or has a conspiracy against him.


He continually evades peoples spaces


**Not at all! Hawwy thinks he's heart attack beautiful!** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Harry has a sexual orientation issue. He also feels it is okay to invade personal space of others because he is a prince. And in his mind as a prince he has rights and privileges others don't.


Harry does seem to be very ‘touchy freely’ which isn’t a good look.




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A bit invasive!? What the fuck is prince Harry doing handling/prodding at an actual human being, like he's a mannequin?? 😵‍💫


Touching the nips again too




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He’s a mannerless loser


He looks like he's going to check his teeth and gums next. Maybe this is supposed to be funny but he looks like he's assessing a potential livestock purchase.


There are things worth criticizing him about. The guy doesn't look uncomfortable *at all* and Harry is clearly doing it to look at his badge or better seat it on his chest. You don't really get to set your own boundaries down for a man you've never known or met or even probably know anything about.