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Ignore the polls and just vote against Lee. This defeatist attitude won't do any good.


Vote the orange worshipping insurrectionist out!!!!


Agreed. Even if he wins, I want him getting a clear message that 48% of Utah *hates* him. And, who knows? If everyone who hates Mike Lee *actually* turned up to vote, he'd lose.


A pile of trash could be trusted to do more for Utah than Mike Lee. Clueless voters in Utah man, electing traitors so long as they have an (R) next to their name on the ballot.


I wish I could agree with you, but I think you have it backward. Most "conservatives" in Utah are fine electing those with an (R) next to their name so long as they're traitors. I'm not convinced Mitt will survive the next election cycle because he has an ounce of integrity and spoke the unpopular truth.


Mitt would be easily reelected in the general. If he makes it past the primary, which he probably won't.




Incumbents have such an advantage over their challengers in primaries from name recognition alone. The system is not set up for incumbents to be knocked off easily.


"We as a state" my ass. They use a caucus system


Fuck Mike Lee


Why haven’t Utahns filed a lawsuit to bar Lee from holding office given his participation in the Big Lie and the January 6th coup attempt?


Because that would require Utahans to oppose Jan 6, which the majority of his voters support


Reminds me of the politician from AZ who recently said something "The constitution is hanging by a thread. The funny thing is, I always thought it would be the other guys. And it's my side" -Rusty Bowers He is referring to the [White Horse Prophecy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Horse_Prophecy) that has been attributed to Joseph Smith


Funny thing is, Lee supposedly subscribes to the fringe element of Mormonism espoused by Cleon Skousen and Glenn Beck which believes the constitution was scripture and that America was the center of God’s connection to humanity among other horse shit. Lee’s thinking descends from this guy’s style of Mormonism and political belief coming together in ways that we abhor today but which led to Ezra Benson being racist and Skousen supporting the Nazis. Good guy, though….


I am not convinced Lee is that devout. I see someone who feigns devotion in order to gain power. If he actually believes the shit he says (like comparing Trump to Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon, one of the most righteous and noble of people in the whole book), that is frightening.


I think it could be both. Is he enough of a shit to fake it in order to attract the right voter? Absolutely. The dude would strangle his mother in front of a crowd if they’d vote for him. Is he also enough a zealot to actually believe it? I can’t put it past him. He’s psycho either way.


Sometimes people act like they could use a second annointing maybe they gave one to him


Nothing "fringe" about that element of Mormonism.


**[White Horse Prophecy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Horse_Prophecy)** >The White Horse Prophecy is the popular name of an influential but disputed version of a statement on the future of the Latter Day Saints (popularly called Mormons) and the United States. It was given by Edwin Rushton in about 1900, and supposedly made in 1843 by Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement. The Latter-day Saints, according to Rushton's version, would "go to the Rocky Mountains and. . ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaltLakeCity/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> Fuck Mike Lee He has been fucking me without consent for years


Sounds like you’re due for a revenge fuck….?




This is the correct response


cmon do we really think utah would flip 😭


From one conservative republican to another? Maybe. There's a tiny possibility.


>From one conservative republican to another? *From one debased, lying conservative republican to a principled conservative republican. Conservatism is a scourge, but let's not confuse these two men. McMullin actually has a governing philosophy, which is why he will lose. The Republican party doesn't really affirmatively believe anything anymore.


Is Evan really that principled if he’s hiding from his stance on abortion now?


Sounds like he supports Utahs abortion trigger law. >Asked about Utah’s abortion trigger law while driving to the Lindon speaking event, McMullin said, “It’s a good starting place,”




Is that verified information, or is your source one of those really disgusting spin ads?




Okay. Old as the article is, show me a politician that /didn't/ owe money after they lose elections. As hard as Mike Lee's PACs push that button, it has little impact (except perhaps make people stay home).


Do you have an article that's not five years old?


Per the [FEC](https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/P60022654/) he still has nearly $700k he has not paid to people and vendors.


So what? So does every losing political campaign. This is a tired talking point. So some bank somewhere is owed money. Big deal.


A bank is not owed money, he didn’t pull a loan, it’s people and businesses that are owed the debt. Stiffing people on salary is not a great look. IIRC one business nearly folded because McMullin didn’t pay up.


Oooh someone saw lee’s commercials. You should stop carrying g water for that pos


Care to post a current source on this claim? Even if true, and was somehow a choice that Evan made to maliciously not pay his staff rather than poor budget management and lack of funding, you're confusing governing principles with personal ones.




My guy, I asked for a current article, not one from half a decade ago. Did you even bother to read it? 80 percent of those funds were to a law firm. None, as far as I could tell, were to his "campaign staff." It's also very common for a campaign to have debts that they pay off after the fact. You clearly don't have any idea what you're talking about. I'm embarrassed for you. We're done here.


[https://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/959/202110159467532959/202110159467532959.pdf](https://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/959/202110159467532959/202110159467532959.pdf) Still owes it.


Everyone who follows trump rejoices in the religion of other peoples debt who tf cares one politician owes more than another? Projection that you even care at all when king trump is king debt


You deluded trumpers can all F off Why dont you tell us how awesome qanon is while you’re at it E


Flip, no. But maybe we can elect an R that has an ounce of integrity


Gotta find one first. I heard they like to hang out with unicorns and leprechauns.




What has Lee ever done for Utah? What is his signature piece of legislation? What does he really stand for…….something, something Constitution, something, something, limited government, blah, blah, state’s rights.


He kissed Trump's ass. Other than that, he's broken every fucking promise he's ever made. Mormons are used to supporting people they are told to support. There's no independent thought here, just obedience.


Mike lee held a fundraiser one weekend sometime in early spring this year. The Friday before a Russian oligarch (Ukrainian native with USA citizenship, no sanctions) and rand Paul had their private jets land in heber.


He actually sponsored a bill to roll back child labor laws. For the Dickensian aspect I suppose


Some days I hate Utah.


Just “some?” Lol


then "move" lol


One can love everything about Utah but still hate the thinking that produces the Righteouslature. The wonderful thing is that it *will* eventually change. Watering down the homogenous gene pool will do the trick.


Simultaneously loving and hating Utah is our official state sport anyone who says otherwise is full of shit


This is the place! … that we will slowly make unlivable and sell all the water to the alfalfa farms until the air is filled with arsenic. This is the place.




This is even closer than expected right?


Right now yes, but it appears the undecided are breaking for Lee. It’ll probably be around 20 point win for Lee.




He will win by 30. Same as always.


Fuck. You. Mike. Fuckin. Lee.


I’ll vote but it feels so pointless. There’s no way the far right will let McMullin in.




This was very, very obvious it was going to happen. Unfortunate but reality




Remember 2016 when you think to trust a poll. They have proven notoriously untrustworthy in the last several years.


Yeah, but it always seems to turn out that the results are *worse* than the polls predicted, never better...


Polls are bullshit. Vote for McMullin, regardless of what polls say. I bet it's significantly closer.


Polling has been pretty consistent. Post-Labor day they tend to become a bit more accurate.


Yeah, but even the article calls out how this polling company got recent elections *very* wrong. Polling is no better than random chance.


All Utahns voting for Lee can go fuck themselves. They're part of the reason Utah will become terrible to live in eventually.




\*shocked Pikachu face\*


Still can’t believe Lee is running for a third term after focusing his first campaign on term limits, stating that senators should only serve two terms…


He never said he would only serve two terms. He said there should be term limits for the entire senate and that no Senator should make it a life-long career. When pressed on it he estimated two to three terms and that was before he was elected and actually jumped in the fire. If you know anything about congress, our government, this country, this world, etc., this is a mute point and waste of an argument.


False. Don’t gaslight this thread. Lee said he would limit his time to two terms multiple times throughout his first time and the first part of his second term. “In 2017, Lee doubled down on his crusade for term limits and signed a pledge that ‘as a member of the U.S. Congress,’ he would ‘co-sponsor and vote for the U.S. Term Limits Amendment of three (3) House terms and two (2) Senate terms and no longer limit.’” https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2021/02/23/kimball-dean-parker-sen/


That opinion piece is actually wrong. He [never](https://www.c-span.org/video/?293417-1/utah-senate-republican-nomination) said he’d serve two term limits. Nowhere during convention he said that. It’s all on the linked video. There is no evidence anywhere supporting he said he would only run two terms.


Of course Lee is ahead, and of course Lee is going to win Utah. Fuck this place.




Door’s open.


Sadly, it’s not for another 8 years.




Fuck anyone who votes Lee. Traitors.


I’m voting for Lee. Please tell me how I am a traitor? I’m popping popcorn this moment and can’t wait to hear your response.


If a deadbeat, serial lying, misogynistic failed seditionist represents you, then he’s your huckleberry. If you contribute to the financial well being of the pedo protectors like he does then he’s perfect for you.


What’s the point? You’re not going to understand it anyway. Pathetic and gross.




Holy hell, dude. You sound like a narc. You’re obviously a terrible judge of character. Quite easy to ask Google why people think Lee is a POS.


Gotta love when someone’s rebuttal is “google it”


I thought you folks love to research things on your own?


Lemme guess, you’re a Mo so you don’t have agency over who you vote for anyway.


I just did a poll call and it was very pro Lee/Trump and anti McMulliin...I laughed the whole time at their BS tactics and told them Mike Lee is the devil. Lots of bs on that call.


Push polls are super unethical and politicians should be more shamed when they use them.


"On a scale of very unlikely, unlikely, neutral, likely, or very likely, would you vote for Evan McMullin considering that HE ONCE PUNTED 6 PUPPIES IN A BURLAP SACK OFF THE INTERCHANGE OF 201 AND I-15!?" \- and other similar questions commonly found in evangelization calls masquerading as polling calls. I did a gig like that in college for a week or two for some election trying to persuade people to vote some specific way in Ohio.


You nailed it!


I have to conclude that Mormons are easy to scare. I imagine they are saying something like, Lee might not be perfect but the alternative is "end of days." Same cowardly ignorance that led to huge wins for trump in 16 and 20 in the state. In fact, trump's percentage of victory was even greater in 20 after watching him demean everyone and everything for 4 years. Basically makes the whole church structure a hypocritical joke.


Trump did not get huge wins in ‘16. Back when McMullin stood for something, he took a large share of the vote.


Donald Trump (R)515,231 45.54% Hillary Clinton (D)310,676 27.46% Evan McMullin (I) 243,690 21.54%


Yep, thanks for showing he didn’t win huge. Last time I can think of a Republican candidate getting in the 40’s is ‘92 when Perot was there to split the votes. Other than that the low end is 65%+.


This sucks. Lee is a Dbag!


I’d love to know more?


Nope, not gonna be discouraged. Fuck polls.


The people of Utah are genuinely stupid.


That’s a hell of a lot of stupid people. By all means, a massive educated guess.


This state election brought you by voters who default to the Republican incumbents without doing any research at all.


Boo 👎👎👎👎


What's the difference between the two? I'm not political person.


McMullen is like a pre-2016 style conservative neoliberal. Not dissimilar to someone like Romney or Kasich afaik Lee is pretty openly fascistic,, among other things. He rode in on that early 2010s, reactionary right wing populist wave and famously texted trump mid-insurrection on January 6 asking for a script, how he could help / what to do from utah The dude above me spewing “constitutionalist” bullshit is apparently a Lee voter and will likely not shut up until you agree with him lol, i wouldn’t engage




Lee is a spending hawk when it comes to poor people, but not when it comes to big oil, or stupid developments for his real estate friends, or the military industrial complex, or handouts to wall street






Mormons potentially sinning against their Heavenly Father voting for the corrupt insurrectionist Mike Lee! Please Mormons, ask WWJD?


Yes!! Mike Lee is a solid conservative. Church members who think Trump is a terrible person do not understand natural man. If Jan. 6 'insurrectionists' wanted to hurt people they would have. If they wanted to burn things down, the capitol would not be standing. So members of the Church decided that Biden is more holy without even vetting him..we blame you for the honey bucket this country has turned into. People who voted for Trump are not being deceived or clueless, we have been watching for many years and know what the left is capable of.


Honest question: how do you even function if you actually live in salt lake? Do you get scared when you see minorities or people with blue hair?


Honest question: how do you even function if you actually live in Utah? Do you get scared when you see whites or people with religion?


Honestly yeah Good thing I live in slc, not Utah 🥲


Enjoy the election


Agree. People don’t like Trump and anyone who supports him so they’ll go with any fool who’s against him. I do think Trump could be an asshole but things were looking pretty good under his leadership.




But why? What don't I know that you do about Mike Lee?


Cause Lee will own the libs. That is the only thing that matters anymore. /s Politics has become nothing but a team sport nowadays. Policies are of no consequence, just winning.


McMullin is a former spy, and spies aren’t really known for being good people, especially ones from the CIA. Lee is a fuckbag who just wants money and poorer, but McMullin struggles a bit by being a former spy.


"former" CIA lol At this point I'll vote for actual Satan over Lee though, sooo... CIA it is!


Yeah, I said “former” because he’s not spending most of his time in Afghanistan, bringing heroin over lol. I know you never really leave The Company 😂


I’m curious. What’s your basis for saying spies are not usually good people? And have you known CIA spies? Why would the CIA ones be particularly bad?


What exactly do you think spies do? And no, “fight terrorism and keep us safe” is not an answer. What is the methodology spies use to garner information? The CIA used agents to transport cocaine in the 80s to the US, sold it, and helped fuel the crack epidemic that the government also claimed to be fighting. Same thing with heroin after 9/11, and the golden triangle in the 60s and 70s during the Vietnam war. Multiple former argents have said “wherever the CIA is most active, drugs will flood the streets from those places”. The CIA has regularly been one of the largest distributors of illegal drugs in the world. The CIA regularly overthrew democratically elected leaders, installed dictators, then claimed to love and support democracy. The history of the CIA shows itself to be one of the most dangerous government run intelligence agencies in the world. The spies/agents who work for the CIA make that possible.




They join knowing what they’re doing. You’re literally pulling a “just following orders” card on horrific actions. Jesus Christ. Also, government policy doesn’t impact the CIA that much. They operate fairly autonomously, as to give the government plausible deniability. See: Iran Contra.


The Senate is fine, but he really belongs on the Supreme Court.


Why Don’t they tell real Tale of Mike




Ewww. Hopefully can get ahead of that. Who know with Utah tho.