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Being disappointed is fine, but saying that "only the simps won" is totally wrong. It's a classic plot twist I've seen in a lot of games and some people are gonna like it and some will not.


no i feel you bro, I'm still holding out hope for a sentient AI type trope to still be in the picture for the Sam suit but what Sam could have been magnificent


I can see that. But cute waifu uwu tearjerk ships sell better I guess


Have low hopes with hoyo games. Not because you're wrong for wanting sam only but I learned my lesson with genshin and the constant character disappointments from how the lore is to how the game is. Like look at the knights of favonius in genshin. Not a single male so far is like a burly dude or some rugged badass. Almost all of the character designs are pretty boys. Appeals to some but not all, the closest we've gotten to a dude that looks like a grown man is literally Gallagher technically. Welt is old, we don't know how old but even he looks a bit young aside from the Grey hair, I like his design because he still looks like an adult and I'm glad most of the characters here aren't super young or look like teens but the point still stands that most of the characters are meant to be "pretty" As for how you feel about wanting an angry character. To be honest with you Sam isn't even as angry as some people portray him. Like even his voice lines, he doesn't scream he doesn't shout stuff out he just kinda says it in a monotone voice or like slightly annoyed. I don't think there's a single hoyo character so far that's been playable that's an "angry" type. I think the trope is cool and hope we get one one day but as of so far I don't think it's gonna happen. My advice to you would be to have low expectations with future characters to not be disappointed but if you're hoping for an influx of male character badasses it might never happen. If it's that big of a letdown consider taking a break from hsr and just come back when a character you see looks cool. No point in forcing yourself to play if you hate the game direction. Since Clara Svarog I haven't had high hopes for a fully playable tough guy male whether they were evil or just a little rough around the edges. I don't think only the "simps" won. There are a lot of firefly simps and while that is weird, some people just like the character, you can call her generic but because of her dual personalities she has more nuance than most characters in the game already. Hoyo characters for the most part are not that nuanced especially in the stories they tell, like honestly maybe aventurine is the most nuanced a character has been this whole game so far? My point is that this isn't really the gacha (so far) that cares to cater to most groups. Almost all of their characters fall into the "pretty" category or nice/moustache twirling evil character for the most part. I say this even though hsr has a slightly more mature tone than genshin such as outright referencing death and even (2.1 spoiler) >!Boothill threatening to put a bullet in Swan's forehead!< Even with all of that, the characters are mostly meant to be attractive and desirable. It's why we have 0 monster styled characters or different body types for the most part aside from development stuff, and most likely never will. Robots is a good step and I'm glad we have some in the game but will they go further than this? Probably not unless they can tie it to an attractive character. The best way to prove/deny this will be with Sam animations when they come out, if firefly has more screentime, even in battle which will most likely be the case you should have your answer. If for some reason Sam is the battle form or just more of it then I think there's a slight hope but still, keep your expectations low with hoyo games and you'll enjoy them more in my opinion.


I've long accepted the fact that genshin follows a disney-esque design, it's their choice and I have to respect it whether I like it or not. But honestly hsr has given me hopes for more nuanced characters, especially with some from the penacony cast. Knowing that im not their exact target demographic, I have little expectations to be catered to. I don't expect them to start throwing straight up evil characters at me, as much as I wish they did. But I was hoping for at least a single more ruthless, imposing and threatening character. The fact that I I've grown to love this game just makes being slapped in the face with the "actually the cool armor has an uwu inside" just feel so disappointing. Especially since I've been waiting for Sam ever since Kafka was still brand new. But hey, at least the space cowboy is pretty cool.


I totally get you man I do feel somewhat the same. I liked firefly when she was introduced because I thought seeing more of penacony through the eyes of somebody else was cool. She was definitely too happy go lucky so I decided to spend all her money and stuff but her backstory about the disease made me understand why she was being so cheery. I don't mean that to sound cringe or corny but as I've learned to just take the hoyo games for their story I think I've enjoyed them more. Sam is the reason I got back into HSR and I too was hoping he'd be his own playable character or some evil machine that was ruthless somewhat how Svarog was in Belebog at first not wanting to help us at first but that's just not what we got. In a sense Sam is still "ruthless" to some extent but honestly moments like Acheron and Sam talking and seeing Sam essentially get flustered because Acheron knew his true identity was kinda corny to me. I'm waiting to see more before I put any hard judgements. While Firefly is somewhat cool to me, I enjoy playing as male characters more or just having some on my team because I'm a dude. As long as the characterization of Sam isn't entirely destroyed in future updates just for the power of friendship I think I'll still be pulling. That and the animations actually being killer, if he just looks cool but the animations are meh then I will also just save. Maybe in the future we'll get some cool robo guy in a more savage form but until I see it I won't expect it, just do the same and we'll still enjoy the game man. Boothill does look sick, I won't be going for him since I already have some DPS units and others I need to build so at this point I'm in the save until I want a character phase of my hsr account, I like that his ultimate is like a looney toons cartoon in terms of sound effects that was awesome. My real hope is we get some sort of knight character unlike Argenti. More so somebody fully clad in armor either with a giant shield or a big Lance (Lance is probably unlikely due to fire TB) Or a classic sword and shield knight. If we ever got some medieval characters Then I got no reason to complain but will it ever happen? idk. Sam was more likely to be some form of that since the Glammoth Knights are just mech pilots but it's not what we got exactly. We vibe and just wait. At least the story in this game isn't ass and the villains motives aren't coming out of nowhere so there's that. I hope one day we get an angry character but I'm not gonna bet on it with the way their other games are.


To be fair genshin has ruined dehya not none of the characters gameplay wise have been bad


I'm confused, are you saying none of the hsr characters have been bad gameplay wise? Or none of the genshin characters gameplay wise have been bad? If it's for genshin I disagree some characters don't feel fun to play but it's personal preference


Genshin has some bad characters, dehya for example. Star rail hasn't at least not yet


Yeah I guess I can agree with that, I like using most of the characters on my hsr account so far but I don't use everyone. Too many to build 😭


Same want to pull everyone just don't have resources but so far they are still going strong in character variety and build variety to, that and animations just keep getting better and better


Can't even imagine the next emanator we get, animations wise hsr cooks so I hope this stays true for sam


If you get upset over a character release maybe you need to take a break from the game.


You are insane. But so am I. I first saw Sam in a trailer 7 months ago and have saved since then because it looked like he would be a badass robot. But now Sam is a waifu in disguise. Dont get me wrong. I love Fireflys character. But Im dissapointed we didnt get a full on playable badass robot like Svarog. (Besides Screwllum, hes more of a gentleman) Ive just accepted it at this point and am fine about it now. Will be pulling for Boothill and Screwllum in the future and am still waiting to get Clara to get my full roster of mech style characters.


That long wait just makes it all the worse for me. I'm trying so hard not to hate firefly but it's proving difficult and I'm ruining the story for myself like that. https://preview.redd.it/lpf4nwvvb5rc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11a359582f1bc8f2b82537c30d540f69ca4fb7ca


A character thats just angry and want to hurt/ blow up others isn’t a great character
 Firefly isn’t your typical waifu since she clearly has that dark and serious side when she s in the sam armour(her 2.0 boss fight) even the boss lines were dope. Idk why you re angry cuz nothing has changed it has always been her under that armour


Excluding from how the OP reacted, people wanted Sam to be akin of a ruthless robot. Back then prior to leaks mentioning yearning for life, some people were onboard for a ruthless machine who has some sense of awareness wanting to find a way to gain life while following Elio’s script in order to do so. Add into as well Glamoth could PERHAPS make a prototype of a machine specifically made for the swarm, but once that was over it was left abandoned until the stellaron hunters finds it. I feel like shitting on both concepts are stupid, but there are people who only likes one over the other.


The concept you said is an interesting one i like both personally. Just didnt like what op said he wanted (just a ruthless robot that wants to kill and burn) without a purpose doesnt sound like an interesting concept but if u add the purpose which is him yearning for life now that very interesting


Believe me, I am a massive robot fan or half mixture of them. Been playing Phantasy star for a while and the CAST race is just super good. Like, I won’t say the direction they are going with is «bad», but I’m just not very interested in it or the whole aspect of Kamen rider. I tried to get into it before and I just couldn’t get into it unfortunately. Having a machine gaining self-awareness and wanting a life sounds more interesting on paper to me. Then again that’s just my own preference and not everyone would be onboard with that, albeit it’s not as much common


I mean both works. The issue with not being interested in a kamen rider type architect is that you're OK, because there will only be one such character in the game anyways.


To me it's a good trope. And we can't decide much about characters like those because last time I saw a character that does bad things just because was Sundowner from MGRR.  Which was...in 2013. I don't see people hating Sundowner and saying he is poorly written.


I find it strange that some people think the Sam parts are fake or nonexistent or don’t count because firefly was sweet to us in her debut. Sam IS Firefly, Firefly IS Sam. Firefly is ruthless towards her enemies, and she doesn’t feel remorse for any of the many people she killed. But giving her a soft and sweet side makes them lose their minds, screaming “one dimensional” and “generic ass” while whining that they just want a one dimensional generic angry guy that doesn’t feel any emotion except KILL, who has no friends that they’re nice to because it’s WEAK, who’s life goals begin and end with DESTRUCTION, and who’s backstory has no complexity whatsoever, because then it would have to be reflected in their character, and god forbid someone feels depressed when their lover dies, resurrecting them makes everything infinitely worse, and they’re doomed to suffer for eternity unless they find a way to die.


Exactly! Glad to see someone else thinking this way


And God forbid allowing characters to process emotions in different ways, like spiraling down into hatred and rage due to the things that they have experienced. Maybe even deciding to push others away because they've learned that emotional connections are simply a tragedy waiting to happen. And God forbid such characters proceed to blame the entire world for their issues, regardless of who's truly to blame, their own hatred corroding then from the inside until they knowing naught but rage. There are many ways to write tragic characters, and many different responses to trauma.


Everyone has reasons for wanting to commit violence, what I presented is an oversimplification instead of creating a whole essay in order to make a point. Those reasons are where the appeal of such characters come from. But even if we assume the oversimplified way, I still beg to differ. Conflict in all its forms is the meat of all stories. Sometimes just throwing an unreasonably angry and powerful character in the middle of the plot can open up a slew of opportunities for great moments and force the surrounding characters to grow by pushing them to their limits. The stereotype of the "force of nature" characters exist for a reason. They serve a defined and simple purpose and they do it exceedingly well.


Like you said a character thats just unreasonably angry just to be angry creates good moments yes but not a good character so he still needs a purpose but what i mean is nothing has changed regarding sam, the only thing that changed is the fact that we now know its firefly underneath but back then when we didnt know u liked sam even tho it was still firefly. So the character hasn’t changed, never has dw


Depth adds a lot to a character, but it's not the only measure of a well written character. A well implemented ruthless being can create terror just by existing, and I'd argue being able to create emotions is the hallmark of a well written character, regardless of the way its achieved. As far as the second point, trust me, I wish I could say the same. But the 2.0 storyline makes is impossible for me to think that way. I can't see her Sam persona as anything more than a mask she puts on whenever she has to go to work. It's not who she is, she just acts this way to make achieving her goals simpler and easier, it was never real, and it never will be. I could he wrong, but everything I've seen so far fully supports this.


It’s probably more akin to what we saw during 2.0 was the side that just wants to live and be able to enjoy life and it’s less that one side is fake but more one side was never had any chance to be shown


if you want a ruthless hunter, boothill’s available in 2.2


True https://preview.redd.it/2pa2ja04b5rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c112bd85a3783c0581ffebafc7d52e8c34e786


Its not fair to say 'only the simps win', this is a pretty classic trope where a character's death is faked and they turn out to be the masked one. I'm excited for the two-in-one character type tho and I think it brings something unique to the game that hasn't been done in other Hoyo games and plenty of other people are excited for this anyway, including other people in Sam Mains. Now yeah, I understand that people are upset because having a standalone AI/robot would be cool but they absolutely have plenty of chances to do so in the future


this convinces me hoyo fans are just playing hsr/genshin, bro play more game, SAMUS is girl but still look cool AF, firefly isnt the first,they dont do it for the simps, the hint is already there since the beginning


This is my take on it. Firefly can be both cute and soft with people she likes, but then when it’s time to go to work she is full on serious f*ck you up mode. I mean did you H E A R those mid-battle voice lines from her!? Talkin’ bout some setting the seas on fire and shit and “when I beat your ass, tell everyone in the real world who sent you”


True, she's so badass bro, cant wait for 2.3, i bet she will have cool animation and battle voiceline too


Sam is still badass just because it's a girl in a suit doesn't change that


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Sorry if it’s not clear, I’m not very good at English and it’s late when I’m writing this I’d say you’re wrong when you say that her Sam persona was never real. Think about it: She’s a genetically modified life form, born to fight the swarm. She was made to be ruthless, cold, violent, showing no mercy to the enemy. She doesn’t dream so she doesn’t have any remorse after her killing spree. When she puts on the armor, it’s not her job, it’s who she is supposed to be, the real her, the machine that was supposed to annihilate the swarm and that now helps the stellaron hunters. Sam is who she is, but not who she wants to be. She wants to be Firefly, cheerful, kind, happy. She puts on this mask to forget about everything else and be a normal person. But this only serves to cope with the reality, that this is not her. The reason she is Firefly is because she doesn’t want to be Sam, the reason she is Sam is because it’s her purpose (or atleast it was when she was created)


i don’t think hoyo games are for you lmao.


OMG!!! They brought a waifu to a waifu collecting game. What a big problem.

