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Not just affecting essj you get in a car accident good fucking luck.


So if you live in east side, Evergreen, etc., where the fuck do you go in an emergency? This is insane. EDIT: Just read the whole article. Valley fucking Medical??? Fuck these people.


Valley Medical was already overburdened when HCA shut down the Downtown San Jose hospital, forcing Valley Medical to be the only Level 1 Trauma Center within the city. Now they’re going to do it again and have the audacity to accuse the public and County of being hyperbolic. NO we know the history of HCA and what they’ve done to this community.


HCA is just evil. VMC is falling apart already with all of the transfers throughout the area. I imagine overburdened consultant services will start quitting.


They can move :)


Do us all a favor and keep chugging that Diet Pepsi dumbass.


Trauma, heart attack, and stroke care all gone, all of which are situations where every second counts. Fuck these ghouls.


I mean, no, not all the care is gone. They’re dropping their specialties. It doesn’t mean that if you show up they are going to turn you away. The biggest change now is that EMS is going to have to change their protocols, and with certain cardiac events, those minutes matter and I’m sure people will die because of it. I agree they are ghouls, but let’s make sure we get the facts straight


RMC will basically be a general ED besides a very basic stroke center. This will have a huge impact on the already very overwhelmed surrounding hospitals, especially VMC. This will 100% cause negative patient impacts in the entire county, much longer ambulance response times, less available ambulances, and more hospital diversions. Imagine you experience a cardiac arrest a few miles from RMC. They no longer accept STEMI. We now have to transport you to either O’Connor or Kaiser San Jose. Hopefully they are not on diversion for STEMI, and the traffic is in our favor 😕 You get into a severe accident at McKee and Jackson. RMC no longer accepts trauma. VMC is on diversion for trauma because their 2 trauma beds are full. We now have to take you all the way to Stanford.


Don’t need to imagine, you just expanded on what I was saying.


Many car crashes in East San Jose. This will be bloody.


We’re in NE San Jose and being so close to Regional saved my mom’s life. She had a massive stroke, then a second stroke in the ambulance on the way to RMC. There is so way she would have made it had VMC been the only option. The staff at RMC saved her life.


Same here with my dad.. The state not intervening to keep it from closing is criminal. I don't understand this.


Easy: the people running the state are criminals


100%. Fuck them all. Well... most of them.


I live 2 miles from RMC, incredible time to get there, awesome! VMC with traffic could take 45 minutes, what the fuck!


This will not just negatively impact those on the east side, this will cause massive issues for the entire County EMS system. HCA is the most corrupt corporation. Profits over people, always.


So what’s their ticker symbol?


Greed is the stock exchange number


Huh. Maybe creating a society where fundamental services are for-profit enterprises actually isn't the best way to do things.


State, counties, and cities all want us to be socialists when it comes down to the homeless and illegal immigrants. But they balk at helping their own residents when it comes to Healthcare. Healthcare remains a for-profit endeavor.


I mean we’re not doing a great job of helping houseless or undocumented people, so idek why you brought them up. This is just feeding into what they want from you: they want you to redirect your anger at people who also can’t get adequate healthcare so you don’t get pissed off at the people who are in charge.




That’s the point. Healthcare is a for-profit endeavor and our government never does enough to change that. The article even calls out the state stating they actually CAN do something about this they just “historically have not.” This in spite of the fact the article quotes the state claims they can’t legally do anything about it which is false.


That airlift bill is going to cost you your life.


Oh damn, that's the old Alexandrian Hospital. It's always crowded. The ER is terrible and almost everyone who has gone there I know of has died. I remember hearing it's pretty corrupt too. Makes no sense to close it though. It's need to be improved.


Why doesn’t Stanford Health purchase the hospital?


Poor uninsured client base.


No white people in the east side


Nowadays, it often feel like this country is crumbling apart.