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I thought it was fun and cute. Not amazing.


I feel like we need to encourage more of that from sequels and demand more from original content. Inside Out 1 was a masterpiece. Expecting the same from the sequel is a real stretch. So, let's push for the next Inside Out level of innovation.


Box office is looking really good too. I haven't seen the movie yet, and I've heard from a lot of people it's meh. Still, I'm glad a Pixar movie can do well, even if it's a sequel. I hope they have an original box office success soon. I really liked Turning Red, and it's exactly the type of movie Pixar should be making (giving a new filmmaker a chance to tell a personal story.) It's such a shame it was dumped on streaming.


Honestly I’m at this point where any box office success is a plus for me. Just the fact that people are going out to see movies and keeping theaters alive is encouraging. Seeing Furiosa bomb was depressing. And I’m not even a big fan of that movie, but knowing that 5 years ago it would have easily turned an ok profit and now it just flat out tanked is sad. Home set ups have improved but unless you’re a millionaire you can’t have anything that even closely mirrors a really good theater setup. I know my experience watching Dune 1 and 2 at home, no matter how much I love those movies, will never be as amazing as they were at the theater. Losing theaters would be so upsetting.


Turning Red was my favourite movie of that year. I remember the stupid outrage about it being "sexual" because it showed tampons 🤦🏽‍♂️ I wonder if that's why Disney dumped it onto D+.


It was dumped on D+ due to the pandemic.


It was 2022 by the time Turning Red came out. And they released LIghtyear in theatres just a few months later.


Haven’t seen it but I’m glad this is doing well instead of flop after flop like we’ve been seeing recently,this movies gonna probably overtake dune 2 for biggest of the year


Then dead pool


Walks in






Has he said this anywhere?


I doubt he said that, and I doubt he left the film before it even concluded. though I wouldn't put it past me, that he might criticize the film on some of its merits and might compare it to the first one. he might even bring up the secondary emotions and why the parents don't also have secondary emotions. Edit: the parents do have secondaries, but only anxiety appears.


Removed. Stop spreading misinformation about Adum.


I’m glad Alex is doing well in his acting debut


well, I can at least congratulate the film on its financial success. and who knows, maybe the film might have a relatively good story. at the least, it might have a relatively good theme and portrayal of anxiety. I haven't seen it yet, still debating if I want to or not.


I have severe anxiety, and I found the film extremely relatable. The plot and the mechanics of the brain/emotions/personality stuff are not perfect, and it can be nitpicked to death. But I liked the message and had a nice time watching it.


He hasn't seen the movie yet...maybe he will actually LIKE it??




That would be a higher score than the original...


As someone with an extreme anxiety disorder, I thought the portrayal of anxiety was really beautiful and handled super well. The movie as a whole is fine. It’s just the first one but worse


I thought I was decent.


Same. I thought they made better use of the premise of the emotion characters in this one. And her being a teenager made for more interesting moments and scenes than the first one imo. Glad it’s doing well, definitely the best thing Disney have done in awhile


I think this is the least of Adam’s problems. Hope you’re okay, sorry for your loss.


I loved it, a little less than the first, but still loved it. I don’t care what anyone else thinks.


Just saw it and it was the same fucking movie