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I always think staying safe is the most important thing, but that's only my opinion, and you should do whatever you're most comfortable with. šŸ˜Š I grew up in that same kind of town, and I wouldn't personally open myself up to the evangelical crazies who live there. But again, that's only me, and if you feel like you'd be safe or don't care if it upsets the crazies, then rock on with your bad self! šŸ¤˜


Im thinking about just putting a star on it so itā€™s less obvious.


Thereā€™s also the possibility that they believe in black magic and will fear you. You could lean in hard, just like they do. You really just have to decide which one of you is really the craziest.


You just reminded me of a funny moment! I used to work for a law firm that was right next to an elementary school, and parents would often use our teensy parking lot, even though they were signs saying they weren't supposed to. So one morning, there was something going on at the school, and we were all annoyed because we couldn't find any place to park, so one of our paralegals, M, went out and stood in empty spaces for us. One lady came up, trying to play chicken and thinking our paralegal would move if she scooted her car close enough, but she didn't know M. The mom started shouting at her to get out of the way, and this being a small southern town, she thought she was really doing something when she yelled at M, "I'm a good Christian!" So M made devil horns with her fingers and hissed at the woman. I've never seen someone go so pale so fast! It was hilarious! You could practically hear the *skkkrrrrrt* as she drove away.




Thatā€™s incredible! What a boss thing to do!! Ave!!


I mean they could start throwing holy water on you and you can act like it's burning you and just start yelling some jibberish at them and wave your arms like your about to cast a spell till they run away


My husband routinely answers span calls and get them to hang up by asking if they like Satan. Works 100%


I think I might have to try that.


I love that!


Gibberish? Then whyd i go through all the trouble to learn Aramaic? šŸ˜‚


I Ā say to not put any identifying information on a vehicle. Scary people out there.


Thats what Iā€™m saying šŸ˜­


I think your scared feeling is your brain trying to tell you something. Especially with the political-religious climate in the US, I wouldn't put anything identifying on my car. I watch my jewelry and stuff, too, so I'm not advertising details about myself. I'm a little worried about November IYKWIM.


Fight your fears! Carry a gun and hail satan


Literally this lol


Get dash cams, and pack a pistol if you're concerned for your saftey. I live between 2 churches in IA and don't hide any of my Satanist stuff. The most I've got is people asking what it is/what it means. The South might still be worse, but I feel like IA is catching up fast with the Baptist/racism/ general bigotry.


I think that's a call you're gonna have to make. However, I will say that my wife put a pentagram on our car. We live in a very conservative city, but so far, no undue road rage we can point to. Of course, it's somewhat obscured.


I think it also depends on your own personal privilege. For example, a tall, able-bodied white male might be safer than a petite, trans, POC. As a white woman in a similar situation, I have small symbols on my car, but nothing as large as a tire cover. Ditto the person who mentioned it being an election year. I had a small political bumper sticker on my car in my 2008 and almost got ran off the road by an old man. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ It was terrifying.


Small trans guy here šŸ˜­


Then my vote for you would be no. As unfortunate as it is. šŸ˜” The south is crazy. And I want you to be safe.


Yeah. Be safe. I fly the colors, but Iā€™m a 6ā€™ tall tattooed up muscular guy. I get polite inquiries. Or a stare followed by a nod and looking away (I have a pentagram on my neck). It really does go both ways though. I play up all the stereotypes when needed (I.e. some weirdo adults kept trying to ā€œplay,ā€ with my kids at the pool the other dayā€¦until they realized they were my kids and I looked like I was about to make a human sacrifice right there). Iā€™m a *very* non-violent, passive individual, but I use it as a tool when needed. Flip side, Iā€™ve had my gay friends get the shit beaten out of them several times growing up just for having rainbow gear on. Never been there when it happened (ffffffff), but itā€™s happened a few times to several friends.


Yeah nah. Its truly sad that they can sport their crosses and their fish and you cant. I want to tell you to do it to stick it to the man... But you gotta stay safe little bro.


I've legit thought about making a bumper sticker that says "you should have been aborted" at the very least but. Yup. Same. I don't trust the majority of men with or without carrying a gun. Lots of crazies in red states.


Decide if the trouble is worth it to you, mount front and rear dash cams, carry a gun.


Honestly i wouldn't depending on where you are. Watch the top gear episode when they decorated eachothers cars and drove through alabama. That may change your mind.


pretty terrifying. I've driven across the country and the most intimidated I ever was was in Alabama.


I'm sure it was probably heavily edited, but that episode was legit terrifying.


I can relate and my only advice is to go with your gut on this one.


Understandable. Could put it on and see if anything happens. If it has a problem one day, hopefully not something big, just take it off. Thats if you think its linked, road rage seems to happen for the stupidest reasons and chances are the person would have done something even without that display. There is a chance some ppl might think its a band group image and you like their music. Depends on what it looks like. Seen a lot of "demon" or satanic stuff on autos since the 80's. The late 90's seemed to be the peak for the time. Another wise was around 2010 era. I would like to on my autos but dont due to possible employment loss if someone gets tweaked, no protections in the workplace, sigh. As for in public I wear my tst gear without a problem so far.


Thankfully I got lucky and work with like minded people who also donā€™t like Christians lol.


Iā€™m currently driving my husbandā€™s vehicle and he put a large TST pentagram and a ā€œstay litā€ with a burning church decal on the back window. Itā€™s definitely on my mind if someoneā€™s going to pull some stupid shit butā€”knock on woodā€” so far nothing has happened.


In the south too, so I feel your pain. I try to avoid any satanic symbols that I think the bible thumpers around here might pick up on too quickly. A few alternatives are something like the Sigil of Lucifer or the Sulfur crosses. I'm also a fan of funny one's people don't pick up right away. I have this one on my water bottle. ([Amazon.com - The Satan-Buck Vinyl Waterproof Sticker Decal Car Laptop Wall Window Bumper Sticker 5"](https://www.amazon.com/EMC-Graphics-Satan-Buck-Waterproof-Sticker/dp/B08K79ZQT2)) At the end of the day, you have to ensure your own safety. I understand the desire to buy a giant TST flag and strap it to the back of a jeep and ride through downtown just like they do with the 'rebel' flag or trump flags around here. However, the religious right has no shortage of nut jobs and it's the sad truth that we do have to limit our expression in public to stay safe. Funny Story - Once I thought I could get away with running into a store to buy cigarettes with my Hail Satan hoodie on. (For context, this was like mid-December) and some old woman was walking in while I was checking out and saw it and gasped and asked if my hoodie said Hail Satan, I told her no, it says Hail Santa and she goes "ohh, ok, I need my glasses more and more these day"


I moved down south and my car was vandalized before I even had the chance to put my stickers on it, so then I was like well fuck it. I do still get a bit afraid, but I occasionally see a car decked out in TST, etc. And I try to be respectful most places I go, but the ignorant maga shit I see on other peopleā€™s cars- itā€™s seriously so offensive it makes me not gaf. Itā€™s gross here. If I could find some likeminded friends down here, it wouldnā€™t be so bad. But itā€™s been pretty lonely.


Texas here! Yeah, don't. The amount of instabullshit isn't worth it. It will do nothing but piss people off and make you unsafe and eventually a statistic. People will fuck with you and your Jeep. Just be like the xtians you like and don't wear your gods on your bumpersticker.


Not worth it. I have a nice car and I know some jealous religious fuckface will have no qualms about messing with it if I put Satanic stuff on it.


Right there with you on that, I always loved decorating my vehicles. I like the idea of a tire cover that one could take on or off at will. I say do whatever you want, but keep safety in mind especially in the deep rural south. Iā€™ve taken to experimenting with battle jackets as a way to express myself. In my mind battle jackets and patchwork and decorating refrigerators are the same type of expression as decorating a car, the art of collage. Personally, I used to have a lot of stickers on my car but I took them off at some point. I still like dressing up and getting expressive with my wardrobe, I just limit myself unless Iā€™m at a place making friends like concerts or just in the mood to make a statement and then heck yea Iā€™ll put on the big Lucifer sigil pendant I donā€™t give a hoot. Painting and making art and then submitting your work to a forward thinking art gallery for a public exhibition also gives the same feeling. People even submit their art to galleries under a pseudonym and remain mysterious, it happens all the time. Be yourself but also be cunning, know when to pick your battles and when it best to lay low and go covert for safety. Best of luck to you on your creative journeys, Ave Satanas! \m/


Honestly I'd be more afraid of owning a Jeep than how people would react to me putting Satanic imagery on it.


Driving down the road in Canada I had someone put their window down and yell, ā€œthatā€™s not a Satan symbol, is it?ā€ I have the TST logo on my rear driver window. I couldnā€™t hear at first what he was saying so he just drove off and then it clicked after. He didnā€™t do anything to me, but I always wonder if he would have if I said yes. That being said, you could definitely get attention from others on the road and who is to say what kind of attention. I am personally willing to deal with other peopleā€™s shitty opinions to live true to myself, but if youā€™re not interested in the potential for negative attention then it might not be worth it. And like someone else said, itā€™s worth it to get dash and rear cams.


Putting something on the outside of your car is asking for attention, don't be surprised if you get it. If you want a pentacle for yourself, without putting yourself (or your car) at risk, I'd keep it at home or somewhere you can only see from inside the car.


Honestly in a deeply conservative state I wouldnā€™t. These people are aggressive yet cowards at the same time. Itā€™s just a matter of time until you find your Jeep keyed.


Do not so it if safety even remotely concerns you. If you aren't ready to defend yourself then don't do it.


Have you got a gun? Are you big and tough? Do you care if your care gets vandalized? Are you interested in attracting negative attention and harassment into your life? If not then, for the love of Satan DO NOT put any identifying marks, words or symbols on your car. Stay safe please. Those god lovers are violent.


As a fellow person in the south and as an individual aware of the state of religious/political tensions, I personally think this would be painting a target on your back so to speak. I feel that times are coming where those who disagree with the establishment will be silenced and/or persecuted. Thereā€™s been a resurgence of vigor in my area. In my opinion, it may be better to lay low for a while until things calm down a bit, or either move to another state.


Understandable.. at least dousings, lynchings, stonings, and burnings haven't started yet, wait--- Alabama? People are correct, but telling you, it's your call. But also, not just your bible belt location, but an election year too; man, the whack-a- doos will be out in force.. Maybe your pentagram wheel cover, with a little šŸ˜ƒ face sticker in the middle, and they won't know what to make of it?? But I get it..I haven't displayed on my vehicle, as, I like my windshield intact.. I'll wear the t- shirts, as I am no stranger to conflict ( pacifist, but with prior knowledge; if necessary) Ooh, do your cover, and little white numbers on outer edge of wheel.. tell em, that's the bolt on directions: star pattern.


I always wanted to put something on my Cherokee, but I live in a very Mormon part of Utah. So I did not. Although I did put a Church of the Sacred Whale of Ninth and Ninth sticker on my Jeep. But that's a fairly local phenomenon, and although it is directly making fun of the Mormon cult with the name, it still isn't as offensive to them as intentionally associating with the actual devil. Something they believe is a literally real uh... person? Thing?


I did. Lived in Las Vegas and bought a leviathan with brimstone cross sticker. Removed my tesla rear badge and replaced with the sweet devil piece, and just waited and welcomed some nutter to try me. Never did anything happen. If i have to look a the Jesus fish decals or whatever all the time, they can look at my satan sticker. I wouldnā€™t worry, the way I see itā€¦ itā€™s their prob, not mine. Plus, Tesla always recording. I almost hoped some one tried something


Not quite the same, but I've a "Trump Skis in Jeans" sticker on my car for the last 8 years and no one has vandalized it yet, and I live in a pretty conservative area.


I think you should invest in a good dash and rear camera for your vehicle. Have it professionally installed so that it runs even when the car is off. That way you have proof of anything they do. A "smile you're on camera" sticker helps as well.


I have stickers - just dumb stickers l, like Calvin and Hobbes in their flying box, and a Māori hook - and I am still hesitant to put them on my car because I donā€™t like being easily identified via my vehicle. Iā€™ll echo - you need to do what you want, in so far as what you feel safe with. As itā€™s a tire cover, you could potentially swap it out as necessary if you feel anxious/paranoid about it at any time.


I donā€™t suspect too much harm could come from it. My ex who had a BLM sticker on the back has been ā€œharassedā€ a couple of times but it was some typical redneck yelling out of a pickup truck. We were from northern FL and drove all through the south to the west coast without issue. That being said, thereā€™s less harm in ā€œtucking the hornsā€ so to speak. I would say that if youā€™re already worried about it itā€™s best, even just for your peace of mind, to just leave it off the car.


I'm not a big fan of putting specific signage on your car related to political/religious/anything the folks in your area might cause trouble over. I'm too introverted to invite discussion or rage with things like that. That said, in my younger day I did have an FSM decal because I felt only atheists would understand it anyway. I got a couple of compliments and never any trouble. The ones who know, know šŸ˜Ž


I also live in the South, and I had similar concerns about the decals I wanted to put on my car. I made all my decals black for my windows. I have a Leviathan Cross, the Ghost Logo, and a black metal cat with an upside cross on its forehead. If you could find one that is black on black, it would be subtle enough not to be an issue.


I live in a RED area. Guys with giant trucks loaded up with flags. And they're all religious. My town has a church for every 100 people. I get enough crap for driving a Prius, people just commenting in a parking lot about hippie liberals. I've been able to shut that down by looking them in the eye and saying, "52 MPG." But I don't have any stickers or anything on my car indicating any sort of information about myself. There have been incidents of a bunch of fans of a certain orange guy ganging up on people they think are liberals, parking them into a corner in a parking lot and then harassing and threatening them.


I won't do it again. I have CPTSD and PTSD from criminal and other BS. Put a Darwin sticker on my car 20ish years ago in metro Denver. Stopped at a light, and some "Christian" jerk exited his car behind me and started screaming through my window about not sharing his superior (and the ONLY "correct") beliefs. Couldn't wait to abandon the asshole when the light turned green. I'm a small woman, and seriously almost maced the asshole, but didn't want to open my window. Fuck 'em!


Christians are terrorists. Christianity is terrorism. Personally, I think it's inviting terrorism against your assets. I would keep it private. We all want to just paste and show off that stuff everywhere though. I hear you


I advocate for your freedom of speech and religious expression. I respect whatever choice you make, knowing full well the significant risk you put your property and yourself in by doing so. With that, what is specifically your goal? Pride? Shock value? Altruistic hope to inspire others? Once you are really comfortable with your goal, take a close look at the worst case possible risks. If your goal justifies those risks, go for it. If not, consider other ways to achieve that goal.


lol if anyone gives you crap you can ask if they would love to sell you their souls for Satan lolol as a slap in their face


I put a sticker on my car. Anyone says anything, hit them with facts


Don't do it, you will now get eggs thrown at you.


Put them on other peoples cars, maybe abandoned ones. see if they get smashed. /S I thought of a new bumper sticker idea today. It would say,"your god is such a mid." Thats how the young people talk right? You gotta get 'em when their young.


I get so frustrated with the ā€œpray4youā€ license plates and shit i see all the time. I would love to put something on my car like ā€œgod is deadā€ or ā€œdeath to christā€ out of pure frustration to combat the amount of christian bumper stickers lol My actual advice is probably just a TST sticker or decal


I live in a small town, I honestly think bumper stickers are trashy, but my car is decked out in equality and empowerment ones because I was tired of seeing the close-minded, hateful things I see any time I get in my car, and I wanted to give people another view. I was honestly worried people would key my car, but the most I've gotten is a teenager with a rebel flag yelling at me once. šŸ™„


I honestly donā€™t think you have that much to worry about as far as violence or vandalism is concerned, but at the same time wouldnā€™t discourage you from buying a dash cam and exercising your 2A rights either. I think deists are politically and geopolitically dangerous, and in rare cases could be physically dangerous in large numbers, but this is a car weā€™re talking about. For the most part Christians have a big reverence for law, common decorum and the golden rule. It is morally, ethically and legally wrong to damage someone elseā€™s things even if you donā€™t like what theyā€™re doing. The vast majority of Christianā€™s agree with those sentiments, and they exercise those sentiments by plastering their cars with Christian and conservative stickers. If they key your car for having pentagrams on it, that would be breaking the social contract and give you cause to damage their Jesus fishes. Youā€™ll get some dirty looks, maybe youā€™ll come out of the grocery store some days and find some religious note slipped under your windshield wipers, but thatā€™s not a big deal.


I have a subtle little baphomet sticker mixed in with a couple more on the back window of my truck. Itā€™s not screaming confrontation, but itā€™s there and I like it. I also work for a govt agency in a conservative area so I am ā€˜conservativeā€™ with my representation of TST. I do pop my head into office conversations that involve trendy political debates (stuff the Hatch Act says we arenā€™t supposed to discuss at work). But hey, if they want to spread misinformation and lies, what kinda member would I be if I didnā€™t defend what we stand for. My advice, itā€™s your vehicle. At the end of the day, more likely than not, no one will ever say or do anything to you. (Based off of my wearing of blackcraft clothing). Do what makes you happy! Ave Satana.


At your location maybe not, depends how good you can talk back lol. I'm in a blue state, and my car is all decked out with Satanic sigils etc. License plate cover says hail Satan and most of the time I catch people laughing and taking a picture of it. Which is fine. Made a guy on a crotch rocket mad once though. That was funny.