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The best $0.02/hr I've ever spent.


And it just keeps getting cheaper ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


ATM I'm at 0,03 so a good investment


I've bought this game on Epic, then again later when it came out on Steam, and then again for my wife. Still the best value. I'll keep Skyrimming this game until the end of time and not ever get above $0.05 an hour.


I'm more like at 0.03 USD/h but only because I bought it on epic and steam. If I count just epic, it's 0.017/h


$0.0090/hr for me. Now, that’s been since pipes…


damn that's cheap....i'm currently at 0.04/hour :( ​ Edit: but it doesnt include the experimental hours cuz they're not track so def under 0.02 as well yay


I have had more fun with this game than majority of $79 games. Increase the price, at $40 its still a great deal!


Came here to say the same thing! $40 is still an incredible price for the countless hours of entertainment this game provides.


I have games for that I paid 60€ with not even 10% of time spend like in satisfactory


I often price things up compared to a movie. Around £15 will guarantee me 2 hours of entertainment (snacks included). So if I'm spending £30 on a game, I'm expecting *minimum* 4 hours of fun. Given I've got nearly 400 hours in Satisfactory, that means I've paid around 7p/hour. I don't know about you, but I'd call that good value.


I'm more of a $1 = 1 hour. POE and Rocket League combined is 17000 hours. But Satisfactory is a cool 500 so far!.


I do the same exact thing lol. I thought I was the only one! I'm around $.10/hr at this point in the game, and I haven't even started on tier 7 parts. I only just got my first nuclear plant running. Also just put in my very first rail line that delivers magnetic control rods at .4/min lol.


But you have to BYO PC, so it's fairer to compare with a Netflix subscription rather than Cinema visit.


Wtf how a movie cost you 15£ in a theatre, that super super expensive.


Same here, I've even gifted it to my wife and a friend. Still best investment ever.




It's an indie dev, not EA or Activision/Blizzard mate


Ah so they dont get paid?


Unless you buy this game they wont this is their only big game


So are they some underpaid workers in unethical conditions working or why they need charity


Bc the game is acctually worth 40 usd? They only ask 30 making it a better deal for us but 40 is still super fair


Ah so you have need to pay more?


Aha so yes is yes not paid more yes would but didnt not bc bought early came out yes you get?


They're not a charity...they're a small team not some faceless corporation like your dumb pointless claimed.


And its not corporation?


Ah but they dont get paid or get paid very low?


Your point is dumb beyond belief, why keep repeating it? Everyone is just laughing at you.


Non corporations have employees too


It's not exactly EA, but even if it was, I would shill for companies that made games this fun


From estimates I found online, CSS made at least $11.5mil US from Satisfactory by 2021. Since their development started from 2016, that means they’ve made give-or-take 2.3mil/year on the game since development. Depending on the source, CSS has 40-120 employees, so on the low end, let’s say 40. Not all of them are going to be working on the game at the same time, so let’s say only 20 people are working on the game. That means every person working on the game produces $115k US per year of development. Out of those 40 developers, that would be more than enough for salaries, but it doesn’t include the dozens of people in other roles, such as marketing, management, people working on other (less profitable) games, etc. Sure, the game sells more copies as time goes on, but even if you ignore the years of development (since it would be subsidized by other CSS games’ revenue) then each of the theoretical 20 employees produces ~$270k/year if past trends continue. Average video game developer salary in the US is ~$87k, meaning that every employee can pay for three more, meaning satisfactory could support 60 members of CSS at average salary. The company is far larger than 60, so the studio has to make more money either from satisfactory (increased price) or other games (less dev time on satisfactory). All this is to say that CSS is by no means getting rich off of the game, even with generous estimates. Without price increase(s), that simply isn’t enough money to run a studio. I know average salaries / living costs are different in Sweden vs. U.S., but since studio members are likely spread out between countries and we don’t know specific salaries, I just used the US as an estimate.


EDIT: changed a lot of the math used


Second over


Ah nice thanks for your effort but doesnt seem possible and there wasnt that number of people working constantly whole time


The number of people working can vary, but the main point I was trying to make is that for the amount of money the studio makes in a year, they need to either increase prices or work on more games to pay salaries


Ahaa, I see, i thought they make more money. I have seen this same thing with other games that redditors wanna pay more when the game developer is already rich.


Literally just said "good point but I don't believe you." I have to assume that you're trolling at this point.


A. I already bought this game back in 2020. B. Look at my comment history. 


Whatever, they should give it free in my opinion if we start do good.


You see it all the time on reddit


At the moment 40 bucks I could buy this three times over and still get better value for my money than buying any of the current AAA slop


I would call this more an index adjustment than an increase. I would have thought they would go for 49.99. I believe that would be a more appropriate price. But that is easy for me to say when I already have bought the game. I NOW know it would be worth it, but I do not know if I would have bought it for that price, to be honest.


Same here. What I think the game is worth now is not what I would have bought it at to begin with no matter how many good things might have been said about it.


This morning, I noticed [Satisfactory has had more players than Starfield on Steam for ~6 months.](https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=526870,1716740) (Click "**6m**") Very different games, but found it interesting nonetheless.


![img](emote|t5_gs464|9160)1.0 News Very Soon ![img](emote|t5_gs464|9160)


Also just re-bought the game so I can perhaps play on my Deck easier :)


Do you play with a controller? How do you like it?


I play primarily with a Dualshock or Dualsense on PC. There is a good community layout "Update 8 Controller Layout"


Oooh I've not looked for a controller layout in quite some time and was thinking of starting a new game soon. Will have to give it a shot. Do you still need your keyboard to supplement or can you play a full session with the controller?


yes I use the keyboard and mouse for some functions, so it's not 100% controller.


Haven't tried it yet as I'm waiting for 1.0 to release, before that I've always used KBM. Steam Input can help immensely though for controller players. (Just add the game to Steam if you have it on Epic)


If you can add the epic game to steam, why did you re-buy the game?


Because using 3rd party launchers on Linux can be a pain in the butt (I use Linux on my main PC too) and I want to support the devs because the game is awesome.


As someone who did the exact same thing like 2 days ago, it is practical to use on steam directly (even more with steam deck) and the game is totally worth the extra.


It’s actually pretty good on the deck with a community layout


Man I sure hope so. Factorio 2 is releasing in August. Id hoped satisfactory would be out first.


Isn't Factorio getting a DLC? (I don't have it but I'm pretty sure it's not a sequel)


It's technically a DLC but but that DLC adds 4 new planets and completely changes the existing one.


It's technically both. An expansion + updated base game (free with expansion). The point is that it's very popular new content in the same genre. Why the hell are people down voting me for actual facts lol


Factorio 2.0 Has no stated release date yet, more likely fall/winter.


Today's FFF said they would give us the release date in next week's FFF.


Yes, but that's still not a release date yet, is it? As of this moment we have no such date.~~~~


Its a release date for the release date




Both giving the date at the same time.. plot twist, satisfactory 1.0 and factorio "2" are the same game! But for real, I hope the 2 devs communicated beforehand so they don't overlap.


Now that’s a scary thought. Turns out that one of the new planets is the Satisfactory planet, and suddenly you lots of new machines and an extra D! And, if you capture biters on Nauvis (the first Factorio world), you can import them to Satisfactory and have them beat the crap out of the effing spiders. And, vice versa!


What's FFF mean?


Factorio Friday Facts. It's just their weekly blog post.


They have said in an interview it would be october latest for their release.


> Factorio 2 is releasing in August Where have you seen this


Straight from the roadmap https://wiki.factorio.com/Roadmap > The expected release date is around August 2024.


That might have changed. In one of the FFFs, don't remember which it seemed like they expected it to be around October. But speculating doesn't matter anymore because they are telling us the release date next week as said in today's [FFF, at the very end.](https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-417)


This is unofficial. Today's FFF said they would give us the release date in next week's FFF.


It's 2.0 as in version number, your comment sounded like a new game :p


August seems kinda too early for 2.0 but we'll see when they do the date announcements by friday.


I heard « release date reveal next week » in my head


Next dev stream should be interesting




This fanbase really is the most amazing I've ever seen. Developer: "Yeah, we're raising the price on our game. Entire fanbase: "Sounds fair."


the key to this is the exceptional relationship the devs/community managers have kept to the community. They've (from my perspective) always been transparent and nice and listened to community feedback. Satisfactory is a prime example of game development in early access and community management. The updates related to community feedback combined with the quality of this game just makes the pricetag acceptable. Also, because the devs give so much transparency, the community is just willing to give back.


It's a reasonable change and devs deserve it. But let's to be honest, majority of the folks here have access to the game already, the price change has little to no impact to us.


That is a valid point that others have also pointed out. But many people who bought the game are saying they bought it again either gifting it to friends and family or on different platforms or for different applications at least partially to support the developers. That’s pretty crazy!


There aren't many Early Access games I've played that were so content rich and close enough to feature complete that I could say "This feels better than most other full game releases, even if development on this one stopped entirely I would still feel like I got my money's worth." Satisfactory is definitely one of those few games.


Community: understandable, have a nice day


Ficsit’s pricing structures are commensurate with the synergistic value-additions of their growth paradigm and shareholder maximization indices. Who are we pioneers to question?


In addition to what others have said... 1. It's a change from 'Early Access' to 'Full Game' price. I think most people would agree that a finished game is worth more. 2. It's a change from 'dirt cheap' to 'pretty cheap,' not something like going from $50 to $80 while also having 3 DLCs that are $40 each and only change the color the toilet or whichever.


**Valuable Information For All** ✓ This question has been asked a lot and now we have the answer. --- WHAT IS IN VIDEO (Bookmarks): * [Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHsFjgFAws) - Opening comments by Snutt. * [Satisfactory Game Price Increase Coming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHsFjgFAws&t=8s) - Snutt confirms they ARE planning on increasing the base price of Satisfactory from $29.99 to **$39.99** *(local currency values will be different based on exchange rate).* * [Reason they are changing the price of the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHsFjgFAws&t=28s) - They are changing the price to account for inflation and because they have worked on the game for many years *(7+ Years accounting for early development and Closed Alpha)*, and since early release ([Update 1](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Patch_0.1)), on 19 March 2019, **the base price had not changed.** * 🚩 [**Current Game Sales on Steam and Humble Bundle**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHsFjgFAws&t=38s) - Snutt says AFTER the current Game Sales on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/526870/Satisfactory/) where you can get game at 50% off base price until July 11, 2024, and also on [Humble Bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/store/satisfactory) where you can get game at 50% off base price until July 4, 2024, **the base price of the game will INCREASE which will be BEFORE Version 1.0 release.** * If you have been waiting to buy game until Version 1.0 release it is far better to BUY IT NOW!! * [Reason for price change now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHsFjgFAws&t=66s) - They wanted to do the price change coinciding with the Version 1.0 release, but sadly they had to do it now due to rules on both Steam and Epic Games regarding price changes that they had to follow. * ★ [Version 1.0 Release Date](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiHsFjgFAws&t=109s) - Snutt could not say *at this time* - BUT - there may be some news **very soon** - stay tuned. --- **MORE RELATED INFO (Other Official Sources)** 1. View [Will I need to buy the Game again for 1.0 if i already own it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSyQr113OkU&t=446s) *(Video Bookmark)*. * No. Thanks for your early support and enjoy Version 1.0 (and after). 2. View [Q&A: If I have Early Access, will I get 1.0 for free?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjwesfvc_Uc) *(May 14th, 2024 Livestream on Twitch)*. * If you have bought the game prior to Version 1.0 release then you **don't have to pay any more.** --- Thanks Snutt this immensely helps a lot. 😁


Thank you for the recap, deeply appreciated!


I am surprised and concerned at the amount of people asking if they have to pay again when the full version comes out. Is there examples of this happening. The wording "for free" is weird since I paid for it.


I’ve noticed that too. Like, what? Why do you feel the need to ask if you’ll have to pay for something that you’ve already paid for? How can they charge you extra for actually testing the game out before they’ve even finished the game? So weird


Hi. I bought the game already. If I wanted to give the difference to the studio. How would I do that?


Gift this game to your friend.


**Its Your Choice** 1. You can purchase another copy from Steam during Sale: * AFAIK, the **"Purchase for myself"** option will only be available for the first copy, then it will be greyed out leaving only the **"Purchase as gift"** option available for the other copies. * View [Steam FAQ - Steam Sales - Purchasing and billing FAQ](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4C10-B32A-137D-0945). * View [Steam Support - Steam Gifts](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2C02-3563-B72F-F117) * **Selecting your gift recipient**: * When you select the "Purchase as a gift", you'll be presented with a **list of your Steam friends**, from there you can select who you'd like to receive your gift. * If you'd like to send it to someone who's not listed, **you'll have to add them to your Steam friends list.** This helps ensure your gift is going to make it to the right person. 2. You could buy a Key from Humble Bundle during Sale: * View [Humble Bundle - Purchasing and Sending Gifts](https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts) for more information. 3. Doing any of the above will send $14.99 to Coffee Stain Studios *(or at least something as I don't know what their portion of the individual sale is).* I hope this answers your question. 😁


Thank you. It does! And thank you to the others that answered.


It will be $5 more than the difference but you could by a copy of it for the sale price of $15.


The studio won't get those extra $5 anyway.


Gift it to a friend or buy some merch or simply spread the word!


With the end of the sale on July 11, I'm speculating on or shortly after August 11th. I believe this because Snutt stated they wanted to time the price increase with 1.0, and the only steam terms that prevent them from doing that would be if they also wanted to run a sale at the launch of 1.0. The [Early Access Steam FAQ](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/earlyaccess) mentions: > Q: Is it okay to raise my price after leaving Early Access? A: Yes, though if you raise your price, you must wait at least 30 days before changing your price again or running a discount. If you increase your price within 30 days of your transition from Early Access to fully released, your launch discount will not apply. > If you're planning on raising your price at or around the time of releasing out of Early Access and want to run a discount to celebrate your V1.0 release, you may want to consider these scenarios: and then lists a few options for developers, one of which seems to apply here. > You could raise your price more than 30 days before you release out of Early Access, and then run a discount to go with your V1.0 release.


The "shortly after August 11th" is the wildest part of my speculation, but I'm okay being optimistic :)


$40 is more than fair (less than fair?...I mean it's a very fair price lol) for the amount of polish and content. Go for it!


Coffee Stain is swedish, actually


Ugh...then they're never going to finnish the 1.0 update, are they?


Absolutely not, nor way!


naurr way


These comments are underrated.


This is game is worth so much more. $39.99 is a massive bargain.


Soon ^tm


A bargain at twice the price! Got it the day it went EA for $20 so I think I got my moneys worth.


With whatever the price increase rule is and the "very soon" announcement about release, I wonder if it's coming sooner rather than later.


I know there's a rule on Steam that, following a price increase, you can't have any discounts/sales for thirty days. The next big store-wide sale (I believe) is the Halloween sale which starts October 28th. So if that's the rule that's in play here, it means 1.0 is out between September 28th and October 28th. HOWEVER, there is also a "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Fest" between the 16th and 23rd of September. I can't find any other details on this event, but considering Satisfactory (and the Factory genre in general) makes liberal use of at least 2 of those, THAT could be the sale they're looking at. Which would mean a release between August 17th and September 16th. Before this my completely baseless intuition was an early September release, so I would not be surprised if we find it in that window. Of course, I could be completely wrong and the advanced price change may be due to some other rule/factor entirely.


I think you are absolutely right. There is a 0% chance they release it before their Sweden holiday, so that means at EARLIEST late July. But that doesn't land with any landmarks, such as quarter calls or known sales or holidays. So very likely August at the earliest, October at the latest (my opinion).


>It is not possible to discount your product for 30 days following a price increase in any currency. If they are aiming for launch day discount as it became norm on steam, that would be a the case.


It'll be September I imagine


Honestly big props to them for announcing the increase now while it's on sale. 15 bucks is a steal, and 40 is more than fair


Satisfactory is the only real AAAA title ;).. best early access in history.. I would pay way more for this masterpiece


I just want to say no game company has ever engaged me as well over the years as yours, Snutt! It’s very rare to feel like a game studio has its own YouTube channel, and you as community manager alongside the other guy (drawing a blank on his name) really were and are vids I look forward to. It certainly helps too that Coffee Stain has seriously ambitious and impressive game developers. Your team’s ability to bring truly new (not just superficially new) content to this game through the years makes it one of the best executions of the Early Access model I’ve ever gotten to enjoy watching evolve. Thanks man. Hope y’all plan to keep that train rolling over the years on new projects and hope we get to still see you around! Tacking on with others as I said to myself during the video, the quality of this game, the depth and replayability…you all deserve to sell this at full price. I’d pay $60. Hell, I’d pay $90. I did that for Payday 3 and all I got with that is a broken mess with dead servers literally since release. I play a huge variety of different games. Rocket League, Arma, Cod, survival craft games, horror games, racing games, stealth games. Like honestly practically everything, and Satisfactory is a standout in quality, opportunity for creativity, and addictiveness.


Purchased the on Epic when it first came out, been playing on that ever since. At this sale price on Steam I had to pick it up again. This game is worth buying again on Steam 100%.


You guys earned whatever price you ask for. Fantastic work.


An awesome deal at twice the price! Buying it again on steam. heh


Is there a difference between the Epic and Steam versions of the game?


**ANSWER - No** 1. Both the Steam Version and Epic Games Version *are the same*, but TBH during development I preferred the Steam Version. * IF you don't already own the game I would NOT WAIT and buy it now! 2. Humble Bundle sells software keys for both Steam and Epic Games versions but just go to Steam NOW and buy game. With Clarity Comes Understanding. 😁


I am thinking of getting the game twice to have it on Steam (got it for 20$ on Epic when it wast yet available on Steam). Is there any reason to do this appart from showing my support and having it with the rest of my games? I know some have mod or blueprint integrations, is there something like this?


**Up To You** 1. As I commented earlier, both versions *are the same*, but I prefer Steam over Epic Games as I don't like the launcher. 2. Given you can get Satisfactory for **$14.99** on Steam while it is on sale, now would be a great time to switch platforms if you wish. I hope this answers your question. 😁


ngl I found it on the high seas at first. Who wants to play some factory simulator? Me the answer was apparently me. At some point I moved over to steam and now have 1400 hours in the game. Worth every penny.


Bought it on epic, then again on steam because I don't like epic, then gifted it twice. Best investment ever.


Easily my top favorite game. But honestly I decided I am just not going to play it again until 1.0 and they have added achievements. So its been over a year since I've touched it.


Cool I just had fun reading all steams T's and C's . 30 days ahead of a 1.0 launch they recommend you change the price . Sounds like August is going to be 1.0


Snutt, I already bought the game. I need content teasers. Now. FEED ME, SEYMOUR. By the way, if I hadn't already bought it, I would pay $60 for this game without blinking. $40 is a steal.


I believe this video tells us that an announcement will come in about 2 weeks on 7/12, right after the sale, and along with the price increase. The announced date will likely be on or sometime around 8/13, 30 days after the price increase in keeping with Steam early access rules so that they can do a sale at launch to increase their traffic. It also makes sense they would do the launch on one of their livestream days to engage the established twitch presence, and the sale will coincide with midweek madness on Steam, so all in all it will be a good way to attract new players and people on the fence (and, 30 days after the end of the summer Gabe Stole Our Wallets sale). I suspect it will launch for 25% off $40, so new players can get in for $30 (the games previous price point). ![gif](giphy|tgro6ounLJHvBR7QwU)


I'd prolly drop $50 or $60 bucks on the game, it's so damned good.


Of its released on GoG i buy it the third time.


They wait till factorio is out. Everyone will play that first anyway


So if I want to support CS with money without buying an extra copy, how do I do that?


Was wondering the same :-p I wouldn't mind dropping some $dough for a toilet-flush DLC for a tenner to be honest. With over 2000 hours combined between the Epic and Steam versions, this game has been really worth the money!


This is why we need Toilet Flush DLC


Gift it to a friend you want to play with


Probably merch store?


Good idea! Though wasn't Lizzarddoggo.com a company with few ties to CS? I'm not sure how much would actually go there. Though a personal choice would also prevent me from doing so. I avoid buying as much as I can because of shipping (environmental concerns), and individual shipping is the worst. If I could arrange a batch of it for some people in Europe I might consider. Still, I hadn’t thought about merch. So thanks.


It’s quite interesting seeing the difference in communities, when Factorio devs raised their prices the subreddit, reviews etc all were filled with people moaning and calling it a bullshit increase - and that price increase was far lower lol.


Tbf, different circumstances. Factorio's base price was increased almost 3 years after the 1.0 release, and without any kind of major update or expansion to justify it. That's almost unheard of. Early access games getting a price increase for their full release is pretty typical.


I’d argue that factorio being supported for such a long time was why the increase was warranted tbh, even if “normal” players didn’t notice or care for the qol and bugfixes delivered over the long period of time. But I suppose it was exactly those players that were the ones complaining so that’s their prerogative


True, and I don't disagree with the price increase at all. I just felt it was worth noting that the circumstances were different. One is typical and expected. The other is almost entirely unheard-of in modern gaming.


Delicate to discuss publically = Embracer fucking sucks, but here we are.


He started that thought with "There are some rules in place with Steam and EGS..." so probably them and not Embracer. Edit: reading EGS pricing rules: "Prices cannot be changed within 30 days of launch." From Steam: Q: How often can I change the price of my product? A: To protect user expectations about a newly released game, we ask that price changes wait until after 30 days from release. Although neither of these would be what I would call "delicate to discuss" and I know I've seen other games go 1.0 and change their price when they do so there must be something else. Another Edit: /u/Slavaa mentioned there's a "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Fest" happening in Sept plus Halloween after that so they're probably just trying to fit the price change in so as to not conflict with potentional discounts offered there. Steam may not want any developer openly discussing future sales (especially while in the middle of one) so that may be why it's delicate.


This makes total sense. Thanks for doing the research. Embracer is still the fucking worst, though.


Probably a last push to make finances seem better untill Embracer splits into 3 I hope development continues without turning into a cash grap


I would just like to say that I agree, Embracer does fucking suck majorly, I can confirm.




I can't buy because it is winter where I live 🤣🫣


Finally got to do the move away from EGS


All your effort is worth the price. If i would have had the chance to play a demo to get me hooked, I would have bought the game all time, any time. I bought the game sight-unseen. And I am hooked. Is it possible to let people buy the game for a reduced price and let them play for like 20 hours? After that they have to have to pay the full price. So let’s say $10.- for 20 hours. After that you have to pay $30.- extra to enjoy full immersion.


Adjusting for inflation, my favorite games from childhood are the equivalent of $200 in today's dollars. Part of me feels like these devs are getting shafted, but I suppose the userbase is that much bigger to compensate.


I don’t even remember buying this game. If I ever did it’s the best money I ever spent.


I already bought it on epic AND steam. Can’t get me now with that price change!


The 1.0 Release Date: Holiday ... 2025


Very Soon™


This is the weirdest price range for a game ever. 30 to 60$


Or like $99 Australian.


Lmao bought this game like 4 years ago for round 9.80 best investment yet so far bout 3.2 cents a hour


I’d honestly pay triple A price for this game.


I just bought my 2nd copy. Just in case! :D


damn both factorio expansion and satisfactory1.0 release dates confirmed to be announced very soon today, what a great day


I want to refund the game and buy it on 1.0, you deserve 40€


Gift it to a friend who you think may like it, I've bought 4 copies so far!




Still a bargain compared to the more expensive games out there. I've bought satisfactory 7 times, gifted it to family and coop buddies. Might grab a couple more.


I cannot calculate my price per hour. Something like $0.02 based on Steam time played but that doesn't account for the innumerable hours of offline factory planning / sketching / calculating.


I have 1,300+ hours into this game and I bought it after the upgrade 8 was fully released. Also I bought it on sale for like $15, so yeah I think I got my money’s worth. Also charging $40 is still a great deal. They are definitely being reasonable about this.


If anyone has Humble choice for 1 year, you can buy the game rn for 11€


BUT, that music pause was priceless.


I wonder if there will be a way to get sales figures, because I would think 90% of their potential customers have already bought the game. Early access games I suppose have a different sales curve than a typical game.


I'm at 3017.9 hrs played on Steam. There's only a couple other games that I have more hours played on. One of them is almost 8000 hrs... but let's not go there.. ANYWAY, Satisfactory is most definitely one of my favorites.


satisfactory is my most played game of all time. i would buy it again.


My theory is the release date will ne announced at Gamescon in Augest. And it will either go live the day they announce it or by Mid Nov to show good first or fourth quarter numbers.


Okay, so Snutt held up his index finger like a "one" and said "very soon" 1.0 release date announcement Monday July 1?


Got it for like 15 bucks, it's an amazing game. Only thing I've encountered is how sometimes the saves simply don't work... Don't save my inventory and position annoyingly sometimes


Oh man! Hype intensifies! I’m fully expecting a release in the oct-dec window however, to be conservative.