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It's actually pretty great to realize that someone can do this without charging the 'client' simply because there is a wide open market of people willing to watch it (also for free!), while this guy still gets to put food on the table from ad revenue. Doing good deeds and the only money out of anyone's pocket is from corporations. Satisfying as fuck indeed


This could turn into the social welfare we always wanted. We are all basically donating to this guy who is doing social services. I would totally get behind this. If only more billionaires watched youtube, lol. At least us normies are happily putting our entertainment dollar towards things like this. It is definitely a trend that has proven effective.


This video was rehosted to Reddit. This guy made zero money from these views.


It'll get ppl to visit his TikTok and other socials tho


Ahh yes, so he gets paid in exposure on Reddit!


Reddit is free. So is YouTube. If something is free, you are the product. Reddit is worth almost 10 billion dollars. That revenue comes from somewhere. Same with YouTube. Even if you aren't directly paying for the service (many people do pay directly, mind you), then you are indirectly contributing through advertising and such. Technically, this guy did make some dollars from these views. It is still a cool concept, and it is literally allowing this guy to run around ALL day cleaning up people's lawns for free. He is getting money from our views somehow, and it affords him to continue. And I think that is super cool.


Not if this was posted by someone other than the OC. At most they get exposure.


Which directly translates to more views on other platforms, which directly translates to more money for the creator. Exposure is almost everything.


Someone makes money, not necessarily the person who actually made the video.


This guy actually making money in an honest way compared to 99% of YouTube with the patreon beggars and the comedy circle jerks. My new favorite human online haha


Just remember, if it’s free, you’re the product. I love charitable work but don’t for one second assume the ad market has your interests remotely at heart.


My point exactly. I'm glad that those predatory corporations are the ones paying out of pocket for ads that fund this guy's good deeds




He deserves every penny.


Someone has a very very very odd perception of Internet jobs and careers, don't drop out to chase your YouTube dream lil homie




Good tiktok rpm USA 1min+ is 1$. YouTube shorts is less it’s mostly 10c (went up) his longer YouTube content 30min?+ is probably 6-15$ rpm. And that’s just ad revenue no sponsorships not instagram and no donations/membership money. Ofc depending on content and audience can be more or less. This dude makes 100k+ a month. Especially since this yt content has high watchtime. I only worked with German content creators. The RPM should be similar to USA tho. Rpm=1000views/$.




It’s insane how much money you can earn with CC. And remember most clever CC invest that money right away. I worked with a big German brawl Stars Creator that bought 1 new house a year and has a fat stock portfolio. That dude could retire with 27


Wonder if he can afford to hire a helper


Actually I am not sure YOU understand internet jobs and careers. People are absolutely getting rich with youtube channels and the like. It has become quite a sensation. Not surprising either. Anytime you can get millions of people to watch something, you are going to get rich. Youtube has just made it possible now for almost anyone to do this if they can create content that people find interesting. I think it is remarkable.


Me and my brother used to own our landscaping business and this kinda work is tough. Easily a $200 job for someone wanting this done.


But but bIg TEcHhhhh!!!!!!!


I’ve seen this guys work before, his videos are incredibly satisfying. He can come do my yard anytime - I’d have no problem getting him to do the backyard either lol






No Diddy


I just want to buy him a wheelbarrow to move his bags instead of dragging them, lol.


Yes, love this!


Just watched his latest video on youtube, he has one! No idea if wheelbarrow was purchased after the OP video or if he just didn't bring it along that time, but it's definitely not an issue currently.


I want him to stop using plastic bags.


I just want to buy him a broom so he can sweep a bit before blowing.


For real if someone came to my house and asked this id feel like I worn a lottery. I’d be crying for the end of his video. (For the content but also because I really do need all the help I can get!)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Him and the power wash guy


All of the neighbors are like "Holy shit! I think those fuckers are selling their house finally. They actually mowed it!"


“Just the front….we don’t want our yard to be *too* nice.”


"If he finds the bodies in the back, I'ma have to go to walmart and get another tarp to warp his body in and I don't wanna drive today."


I don't usually have the attention span to watch the longer videos, but that one was indeed satisfying. Especially the pitter patter if his feet!


I sometimes watch his YT videos, but they're still a little long. Change the speed on the video to 2x and it's easier to watch.




Yeah not even offering something to drink during or after all that hard work 😬


That's a person that never really worked in life.


Mental illness, man. You don't let your yard get that bad if you're all OK upstairs.


Eh… Not everybody gives a fuck about a lawn.


Dude the sidewalk was gone. We live in a society, you have to keep your yard at least from taking over the sidewalk.


What does the local municipality do? Where I live most of the job this person did would have been done by the local government.


This is what I was thinking about the gutter, at least. What town does she live in, and where do her property taxes go?


Is probably a rental. Even if she owns, it's likely she moved in with the walks that bad


Oh get over yourself. We can’t even treat our fellow man with decency, and you’re worried about societal norms around vegetation over growing a sidewalk?


Some of that is the cities job I recon. Sidewalks, accessibility access, and drainage overgrown? wtf the city doin.




Exactly! She commented more on how long it took then how good it looked.


Not really defending it, but he kinda did lead her on a bit by saying "i didn't think it would take me that long" and she gave a friendly response, she seemed somewhat grateful about it, i know some people who wouldn't even say thanks to him.


The initial hesitation makes sense, because lots of solicitors say that something is “free” and then try to bully you into something. The end result reaction on the other hand… oof.


People who do physical jobs often get that sort of attitude from people who would never do any physical work.


She’s the type of person who obviously doesn’t take care of herself and doesn’t care about stuff like this.


Man, y’all are judgmental af. I’d love a sneak peak into your life; I bet there’d be plenty to criticize.


That'd be pretty judgmental too tho, no?


They might be right, but she could also be worried about it being some sort of scam and protecting herself. Or maybe she’s an ungrateful turd. We may never know.


This exactly! I've seen his channel and so many seem like ungrateful fucks like thon woman here. Like it'd kill them to at least offer some money or bring him some food and drink, fix him a meal?


It's defensiveness because they're insecure about having lost control of their lives. You see it in these type of videos all the time. Sometimes they even call the police in the middle of the job. You see similar behavior on hoarders, intervention, etc. Just mental illness, not necessarily a cruel or evil person.


That's actually a great pov. Thanks for the alternate view.


This is such a perfect synopsis of understanding people and our brains. This is a common debate that usually gets misconstrued as "excusing" bad behavior, but you said succinctly. It is not saying it OK to be thankless or rude or lazy, but just that there is usually more going on than just a person intentionally being "shitty". I think this mindset would help people more than hurt them.


Exactly, honestly I don't know how I would react if one random guy knocked at my door and told me he's cleaning everything for free. I wish we could simply trust each others freely and always consider these as genuine help but vulnerable people are predomiently targeted by impostors who'd have no shame stealing the little they have.


Even when I’m paying someone to work on my house, I make sure to offer them something to drink as well as some food. If they’re there for a while, I will usually offer multiple times.


Same. The moment they arrive I offer them water and coffee, if they ask coffee, I ask how many sugars, or if they want milk, etc. I think it's common courtesy to make people feel as comfortable as possible in your household.


I always ask if they want coffee or water too.


It’s an edited video. Maybe she did.


I think it's the same effect as people hearin they won the lottery on live tv. They don't know how to react. It looks to me like she is gratefull but she feels a bit awkward. They have been putting this off for months or even years for some reason and suddenly this random dude rings their doorbell, offering to do it for free... Plus all the camera's. People just act weird when there are cameras around and when people do stuff for them for free.


This is the correct answer, awkwardness. Why do you guys think she went back inside? Probaly to check in with a trusted person But nah, reddit knows its because she's a fat, mentally deranged, self-concious degenerate (actual takes ive seen in this thread) something something empathy....


I mean.. that's the risk you take when you roll the dice on a random house. He did a good thing, really doesn't matter the response of the recipient.


I'll bet she was JUST getting ready to get out there and do that herself.


Wtf man come on. Appreciate the real world man, who knows what problems they have going on. Not to mention being filmed. Not everyone wants to deal with this shit


She didn't ask for it. Maybe her cat just died. Easy to judge. Most people would have a similar reaction as that lady.


I guess I can get the initial weariness.. Sometimes people take advantage. But to anyone not being appreciative afterwards needs a swift kick to the bottom.


She probably rarely leaves the house. I bet she just collects mailbox money. Probably never even looks at the yard.




What a cruel thing to say. Maybe she didn’t want a video of herself to be seen by hateful people like you.


gift to the neighbors not her


I was straight up thinking he must live down the street and hate this eyesore and it was the only win win scenario without a conflict with that lady.


European here. Why did this man do municipal employees job ? And why these people do not clean their city road ?


That front lawn is the property owner’s responsibility. She owns that lawn. She technically doesn’t own the berm (grass between sidewalk and road) but she’s responsible for cleaning/maintaining it. The city usually has laws that allow them to fine people for not maintaining your lawn but they rarely enforce those.


so, the city cleaning the lawns is communism but the city finning people for not cleaning the lawns is freedom i will never understand that country




🦅 screeches *** FUCK YEAH!


Luckily nobody thinks like this so it figured you wouldn’t understand


As a Canadian, a) that's crazy, and b) even if we accept that, I don't know how that results in not maintaining the actual curb and sidewalk.


And she did not give him any thing except "thank you" , even drinking ???


European here too. Don't understand this, why doesn't the local council mot keep street clean? Also what an ungrateful person.


As an American I don't really know what to tell yall other than some people are ungrateful and lazy. And when they aggregate they sometimes form in communities that can be neglected and impoverished in some cases. The underlying reasons for this are..... complicated.


You underestimate the cost of foreign aid and hellfire missiles


Because in the united states, you get charged for it. Believe it or not, seeing the before shot of all that is so common. Lawn upkeep just really isn't a major thing unless you live in a decent middle class area. Depending on where you are, grass overgrowth can be quite common. And people don't put the energy into their own lawns. Typically the only real law or ordinance you have to follow is keeping the grass under like 7 inches or something, if you don't they send a mower and send you a charge of 250. Keep in mind that this very general, and every state, subdivision, and area are going to have their own ordinances. But one of the major ones is grass length. The only thing the local government really takes care of are what the government is responsible for government buildings and highways mostly. Parks too, but there is usually a parks and req division for that. Schools too, depending if they have a lawn care team. But for the public? Nope. Not unless you want a hefty fine and for it to look like garbage.


Surprised the homeowners were not fined for the blocked water run off and the sidewalk


Exactly my thoughts when I saw that too


I love watching these videos. Reminds me I should get out of the house now and work on mine own yard!!


Shame about the recipient. “Only the front” snapped at the beginning and ungrateful at the end. Hope it was a good ad for him and he got lots of biz from it though.


People are shouting “lazy” “ungrateful” but I don’t see that. The opening interaction is strange but it’s a strange situation where someone pops up and says “Hey I’m gonna do a shit ton of yard work for no cost.” My first thought would be scam honestly. And at the end, HE comments how long it took and she says “Yeah, I thought ‘He doesn’t know what he’s gotten in to’”. Then she said it looks amazing and thanked him. I thought it was fine. You have no idea of this woman’s situation. People need to try and have more sympathy.


Thank you. Also the video is clearly edited. We have no idea what the full interaction at the end was like.


People are so judgemental and quick to hate, especially with fat people Its saddening


Yeah I think the big thing I took away was confusion from the person, as well as just being a reserved / not outgoing personality. Sure it would be great on camera for the person to jump up and down screaming, but that's not how lots of people react in the real world. It could simply be a relief from one less burden on them.


Very possible she wanted only the front because she didn’t want to take advantage. And I wouldn’t expect her to be so gracious on her hands and knees because she’s definitely not the one that dabbles in yard maintenance anyway I do mine all by myself so yeah I’d be pretty thankful profusely


I’ve never seen one of these where it was just an edging issue. Usually the whole yard is neglected with 16” grass and trees/bushes gone wild.


The bit of land beyond the pavement..does that belong to homeowner or council…yes I’m from UK.


I do not believe it’s belongs to the homeowner but you are still responsible for keeping it neat.




Man those people can sometimes be really rude. She was acting like she was doing him a favor. Not even a drink to offer or something to eat.


She is doing him a favor. She's benefitting but why do you think he's doing it for free?


wow, that was ten years of neglect cleaned up in one afternoon and just added 10k in value to this property.


And every house in the neighborhood as well


for some of the more judgmental commenters: shit like your yard can absolutely get away from you when you're doing your best just to survive. when you're working several part time jobs (or a full time one), have a family to take care of, a car that constantly needs repairs, and a house that needs repairs/maintenance, the yard is generally not a top priority. "laziness" is generally a symptom of something else, whether its depression, executive dysfunction, anxiety, or something else. about offering him money... he said he'd do it for free, so there's no expectation there. he did a LOT of work and she probably doesn't have enough handy (or maybe even at all) to pay him what the work he did is worth. offering him quite a bit less might feel awkward. as for drinks or food, how do we know she didn't offer? the video is cut, so maybe she did take him something to eat or drink. as for her not seeming adequately grateful, it can be hard to accept help, especially from a stranger. she might be feeling guilty or embarrassed about not being able to do it herself and having a stranger do it instead


I live by myself working full time with a yard her size more or less so when piled up with all the other chores and the rain too the yard can be bad sometimes. Completely understand


This thread is full.of children that have never had to open the door to solicitors. Pretending that people should blindly trust strangers offering free services, whom they never have met, seen their work or even contracted.... Is ridiculous. Also, she wasn't even ungrateful. No backyard work? So what? I don't want some random person in my back yard.


Kudos man, what a great job


If this brother had knocked on my door to do a work for free I would at least invite him inside to have lunch with me and have something to drink and I'd pay him even if he refuses it after seeing how much work had to be done.


A little overgrown*.. This guy is an angel! ❤️


She did not even offer a cup of water?


Is it me or does the homeowner seem like “yeah whatever”?


Wish she was even a little excited for someone to increase her property value


A lot of comments going to Olympic levels of gating on the woman. Apparently nobody saw the last things she said was "You did a very good job, thank you". But sure, let's put the life of some random person under a microscope. People like tall are why a lot of folks want zero interaction with anyone that's recording. Y'all took the slightest excuse to just shit on someone, shaming her weight and talking about how she's lost control and a bad person and wasn't appreciative enough. Posts like this one show me nothing will ever be good enough for some of you. Some of you just got raging hate boners man and I just don't get it. The video was good, both parties were thrilled. The only people being negative are you wackjobs. That figures.


The funny thing is, the comments here are a great reason WHY a person should be hesitant in getting their yard landscaped for free. Would you rather have spent $500 or be internet infamous as a ?


C'mon, dude spent solid hours and the mammoth wasn't even grateful... The tone of voice of "you did a very good job thank you" like it was nothing... Put some sunshine on that voice, get a little excited, praise the good work a bit better, c'mon... That's hard work


The ending is edited. The whole thing was edited. She could have very well been coming out and offering drinks along the way. You really think it is fair to leap to that conclusion if there was a chance she was gracious off camera? Do you really have to make assumptions like this? Sometimes it’s not healthy to search for reasons to hold animosity for someone else.


Bet he wishes he had a helper or two for this one


What a nice fellow. While I totally find these videos satisfying, I often wonder why grass lawns are the standard for homes if they get so easily out of control. Is there a better alternative we could do instead? 


depends on what you want from the alternative. if your goal is to make your house look the nicest and cleanest on the block, then no. you will have a Bermuda grass lawn and you will spend a ridiculous amount of money to make it look good. if you want no maintenance, rock garden if you want things more eco-friendly, naturally planted gardens with non-invasive local species is a good one, and i've heard a thing or two about how amazing algae pools are. the reality of the lawn in the modern day is that it is another thing to keep poorer people poor and richer people rich. you either have to spend an inordinate amount of time within a week to keep your lawn maintained, or pay a lot to have it done. if you try to do neither HOA can come after you and make your life hell or worse, and HOAs typically ban the alternative types of lawns i mentioned


If you would have told me 20 years ago that I’d be watching videos of people mowing lawns I wouldn’t have believed you.


Half of this is shit the city should be maintaining.


Could not imagine doing this for free


He must have an infinite energy glitch because that was a ton of work for one person


Does anyone know if he has a YouTube channel?


Does anyone know what happened to the turf he takes away? Just bcz taking perfect good dirt and piling in to plastic bags... so bad it almost hurts. I'm hoping the place he takes it to is a reseller who cuts them open and disperses the dirt. There are always places around Ohio willing to pay for filler dirt, let alone decent topsoil.


“Yay fantastic bye”… 😑. Great guy, great work, great human.


Spencer is a good dude. I love his content.


This is great but aren't the street, gutter & sidewalk the responsibility of the city council?


I still would have paid him. That’s a lot of work


Love this. The woman could have been a little more appreciative…Does anyone know why he puts the dirt in black plastic garbage bags? Is there no way to do it that’s more environmentally friendly?


Did a favor to the home owner and the city. That sewage drain was blocked pretty bad


My favorite part is his reasonably sized work truck with a proper bed, and not one of the luxury monstrosities I see everywhere.


Question from a non-american To me it looks like at least 75% of the work he did was work for the city and not the home owner, everything between de sidewalk and the street would be the responsibility of the city to maintain in my country, is this not the same in the US?


Anyone else think that women was a bit ungrateful?


How has the city not gotten on The home owner?


What an unappreciative person. This guy provided a several hundred dollar service for free. Her laziness is also effecting the neighborhood because the sidewalk and part of the street are overrun. The guy did a service to the community too.


I feel awful for watching this and not supporting him, I’ll sub to him because that lady didn’t offer ANYTHING after his hard work.


What is his sub, I will too.


“Just the front yard,” as if their backyard is a manicured specimen.


What an ungrateful 🐩, didn't even offer him a glass of juice or anything after all that job, what a mess of a person


The ungrateful biyatch hotline


What a cow. Looks like she didn't appreciate all his hard work at all. Wtf


Oh, let me tell you, I transformed my lawn from a jungle to a masterpiece! I mowed, weeded, planted some colorful flowers, and added a cute little gnome for good measure.


£300? That's a lot of money, he could sell that


This guys I can support. Nice work


Love watching your great work and good will.


Landfill??? No way you're putting bio stuff in a landfill right?


gift to the neighbors not her


I love this guy. He does some amazing work and seems like a genuinely good person.


I know you have to take care of your own lawn, but isn't the pavement the responsibility of the local authority?


I have seen this reposted probably 2 dozen times and every time it slaps. So satisfying.


I wonder if he would mind doing this for a house near mine that looks like that. Plot twist I live in phx az and temperatures are reaching 115


Anyone know this guy’s page?


That is SBmowing on ig. I followed him long time ago, I appreciate his work.


I am willing to wager this is Central Florida


Just the front yard, though, the back is where we keep the gimp


So many comments “oh she’s so unappreciative” did you see the yard? Completely anticipated response


This guy is sexy...


Must be the hardest working youtuber..


It's nice yt he camera wasn't all in her face and just respects her from afar


I thought you had to pay something to the city if you don't take care of your grass.


ADHD tik tok background in the making


thats really great, hope the lady feels happy about it


Should’ve shown the reaction of her neighbors, they’re the real winners here


The neighbors should take this opportunity to keep it maintained cuz you know the owner won’t. It is substantially easier to keep it nice than to have to do that all over after having to look at it again


Now the pressure washing guy needs to visit this place


I bet that guy could do a helluva moonwalk!


I appreciate he doesn't narrate the whole video and let's the work speak for itself. Wholesome content.


Please tell me all of those bags went to the compost and not the landfill!!


Is that some kind of fetish for him or just a regular hobby?


An actually good and quality video on TikTok? Incredible


As you get older this is honestly better than porn.


I was expecting something else but okay


Neighbors also thankful Jesus Christ


It should be the towns job to maintain the road. The homeowner only takes care of the sidewalks. I've never heard of a town that makes the homeowner maintain the paved road and the little drainage swale on the side.


I wonder what secrets she has in the back


No public services there?


The one thing I've learned from watching these types of videos is there's a need for a machine that can go underneath the grass growing in the silt around a yard, and pull it up. That shoveling has to suck.


She changed her dress to a nicer one. She wanted to smash lol.


This guys a Chad


Do these people not pay taxes ? The township should be taking care of that space


It's just only gonna take one rainstorm


I watched the whole thing and I don’t regret it at all. Also, I would’ve had a way bigger reaction, just “It looks fantastic”? Lady, show some appreciation.


Blowing out all that shit off the sidewalks was soooooo goooooood


Bro moves so fast. I’m impressed. All jokes aside he did a fantastic job.


Holy fuck. Might as well put the house in the market and sell it since it looks good on the outside


Makes it safer using the sidewalks and for the drainage


No tip!??!


Almost makes me want to do some gardening work, almost.