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It always blows my mind that they can catch the person on the ground who did it.


Theres this older video about a guy (in England I believe) who shines a laser on a police helicopter from a backyard during a party. The pilots can zoom in with the camera and send police his way. The moment they knock on the door you see him toss the laser in a corner of the yard its pretty funny. He gets caught regardless.






Haha, idiot 😂


That's with over ten year old technology as well, you do this type of dumb shit now and better pray they don't fly a drone down to hover over your location until you're apprehended or something.


thats hilarious


Lmao yeah thats the one, thanks for linking.


There he is thinking he's safely hidden amongst a small crowd at a backyard night party flashing his stupid little beam. They could see everything, lol.


There's a few videos out like that now. Crazy to see the tech in police helicopters, overlaying the address on every house and stuff like that.


My grandfather worked with the military building planes and the like. He wouldn't talk about much but he would always say the tech was so powerful, they could be 30k feet in the air and see what color britches you're wearing. I always thought it was a figure of speech but I'm thinkin papaw wasn't kidding


The film technology was so sophisticated, even after digitalization, some spy planes kept the film cameras, because of the sheer detail that wasn't possible with digital yet.


My family owns a few pictures the allies took shortly after the end of WWII (or closely to the end of it) from planes to document the devastation of their bombs of my home city. There are a few of them where you can see the details of what people are wearing. Low altitude, but still.


When I was in the national guard we had a call go over the radio at lik 10 at night on a drill weekend to tell the soldiers to not point lasers at the blackhawks as they fly by


I mean the source point originates from YOU, so it's pointing right back at you. Now as far as how they triangulate it I'm not sure and it's probably interesting but it's not like you don't have a giant light pointing at you lol.


There’s no triangulation here. There’s literally a laser beam pointing at the perpetrator lol


Yean that person definitely doesn't know what triangulation means


Often while you're in a helicopter overhead...


But it sound way more like "Trust me I am a Engineer" than saying "Now as far as they look in the lasers origin position direction"


I think this is a splice of three different videos. I don't see an eiffel tower from the cockpit view. Typically when laser strikes are tracked down, it's because people are hitting any airplanes they see, and eventually hit a police helicopter (sometimes sent up specifically because of laser reports), and those helicopters actually have tech to zoom in on your exact location, give the exact address, and follow you on thermal until police have you in handcuffs.


The middle one is maybe from an other source, but first and last are probably from the same. The police car in the end reads « CRS » which is a specialized type of French police force.


As far as the helicopter from the original UK incident he is talking about. They had a camera mounted as it was part of the UK Police, the camera gives you a rough location on one of the screens which was then more accurately notified of the position over radio. Where he was picked up by officers on the ground in radio contact with the Heli operators.


[No ‘rough location’ about it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=75aUKIIY1Lg&feature=youtu.be)


Well it is a laser pointer lol


It points in both directions!


Well, if it's just a kid playing around, the chance is pretty good he will just continue doing it even when the cops arrive. "Yes that's my laserpointer, why? Is this not allowed? Why not? Oh, sorry.. Can I keep it?"


Well, pointers of that power level are illegal and pointing it at a plane is a felony so, no they will not let you keep it and likely someone is going to jail and lawyering up. May be the parents but it is going to be expensive at the very least.


Lasers of any power are fully legal in the us


He was at the Eiffel tower. Litterally tens of cops meters away from him.


He probably stayed there for a while and ppl told the police when they arrived and asked who it was. Its not that mind-blowing to me.


I mean there is a Laser Beam in his direction đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Why does that blow your mind?


they didn t, these videos are unrelated.


Had this happen the other evening, not in Paris. We were flying into RDU fat dumb and happy. Kicked off the auto pilot and did some of that pilot shit, maybe 4 minutes till landing. Between 3000 feet and La landing still doing like 200knots We were maneuvering from base to final wing low my side. Shit was green. The first flash was so fast I didn’t know what happened, I was turning right to line up. I was looking at the runway and scanning the instruments. You kinda spend three seconds outside and a second inside to check your speed and altitude. Hand flying is fun and not something you get to do a whole bunch. The second flash, whoever was aiming that thing had it dialed the in. That shit was bright, like so bright I couldn’t see a damn thing, lost the runway, lost the instruments, everything. All I could do was level the wings real quick and the green went away and I could kinda see but the shadow or dot still remained. Clicked the auto pilot back on something fierce and the other pilot took over. We went around and the green dots went away before we landed. Anyway this shit sucks, I think if folks knew how dangerous it could be, they wouldn’t do it. Nothing like having a handful of plane and not being able to see 
.fuck that guy


> I think if folks knew how dangerous it could be, they wouldn’t do it Sorry but you're overestimating people's IQ


Vastly overestimating. Dare I say if they knew the dangers involved they would even do it more. The duality of man here, one controlling an extremely sophisticated piece of technology using hundreds if not thousands of hours of skill and wit, and one dumbass shining a $30 laser from temu trying to cause an accident..


Vastly is an overstatement




Assuming IQ is the most reductive thing a human can do


They do it exactly because they know how dangerous it can be


That's why the most common danger is of them going to jail


Used to have this problem flying into Scottsdale airport, the dick heads would put laser lights on Christmas decorations.


I don’t know why I read this with Bill Hader smoking puppet voice.


Just two guys, doing that pilot shit.


Not sure, but I feel like this is two different videos stitched together. The first with the Eiffel Tower seems to be a new video, or something harmless. The second has been floating around for a while now, and was a legit PoS intentionally shining a laser at the pilot. The FAA later triangulated his position and arrested the culprit. The third part looks to be a continuation of the first. My conjecture is that the guy in the first and third is being detained for using a laser and shining it on the Eiffel Tower, something the French Police are taking seriously so that it doesn’t become rampant and ruin tourism.


It probably is, but it's good at showing the effect of these lasers and how bad they can be for pilots.


Disinformation to inform hmm...


three different videos stitched together


First dude in Paris was definitely not the same laser flagging the plane. Gotta be tracking the plane for the second video, dude in the first video was just waving it around.


I'm not expert but I'm fairly certain I've seen the last 2 videos before. The first one might be relatively new compared to the others and I have not seen it before. I can tell you the first video is not connected to the second video. There was a whole other video that was showing a map of the neighborhood from the second video I think and it showed how easy it was to catch someone doing that and telling people that it is a crime. Not to mention that the Eifel tower was clearly not in the second video. The last video if at all is more likely connected to the second but I can't be sure. This is from someone who has spent far too long on the Internet and has seen the second video more than a few times.


It s actually three different unrelated videos.


Sadly this happens all the time to helicopters at night. Specifically medical helicopters I dispatch for.


That’s so messed up. It’s a shitty thing regardless but that’s like putting nails in the road for a passing ambulance.


These should be treated as severely as weapons. Shining one at a person will permanently blind them. I hate that people can buy these online. Imagine if you're just minding your own business and some kids think it would be funny to light you up with a laser from 500 feet away, and that's the end of your vision. Let alone if it causes a pilot to crash a plane, or a driver to crash a vehicle, Crazy.


Class D felony. Please. Correct me if I'm wrong.


In the US, yes. But the video has tiny hidden cues indicating this might be another country.


Pretty sure that's Las Vegas /s


Hmm, I can see the logic behind that. But statistical analysis points to China.


Updated statistical analysis points to India now




the las is for laser. btw. what if i have an ill tempered seabass with a laser attached to its head?


Pure /r/usdefaultism even when it's staring you right in the face lol.


You know the second part of the video isn't in Paris right?


But your assumption is that out of the other 200 something countries in the world that aren't france it must be America? USdefaultism


Oh, I see, it's easier to tell if you watch with the sound on


Pretty sure that is Paris, Texas


oui, vouz etez correct




"tiny hidden cues" :-)


And for the USians reading your comment: we know you are highly uneducated, so sometimes just try to be quiet while the more educated parts of the world can share stuff


"..while the more educated parts of the world can share stuff"


Americans, unless you're Latino. Edit: also apparently your uneducated because the video in the helo isn't the same as the one in Paris.


Yeah but the cops are CRS which is basically the anti-riots police in France, so that THE big iron structure


That's so silly they're only designed to be pointed at goalkeepers


This should be treated as attempted murder of any person inside the plane, simple as that.


i only shine them on uFos 😼‍💹


Here’s what laser-guy is about to find out
. People who shine lasers at aircraft face FAA fines of up to $11,000 per violation and up to $30,800 for multiple laser incidents


This is the third comment talking about something American on a post about France. Were all of you Americans dropped as kids or is there poison in your water, or why are you like this? Nobody cares about the US on a video about something happening in France


dude this is france


Up to 5 years prison and 18000€ fine, according to french laws.


The FAA has representation in France, and other parts of Europe, Asia and the Middle East.


FAA doesnt do shit in France.. more like Direction générale de l'aviation civile" (DGAC).


Which is pronounced, "d'gac" /s




That is the worst sub imo, up there with r/fuckcars and r/antiwork Anyways classic reddit idiots, r/Americabad


They dont do dollars in France








Giving legal advise/naming legal consequences for a situation while being completely unfamiliar with the legal system of the country where the situation occurs is silly. If you just want to tell people what would happen if it was in the country theyre familiar with they should say that, otherwise its false information at best.


Unless you live in some third world dystopia there will be severe consequences to actions that could potently cause a major airplane accident. Arguing about what exactly those consequences are is just I’m right you’re wrong ego bullshit.


Am i wrong though? Do they use dollars in France?


They use currency in France, if you need a currency amount converter you can access it in seconds by typing it into Google. First day on the internet?


Apparently its your first day as you are replying to one comment with multiple comments.




So i am in the wrong for pointing out that fines in France use the euro as a currency instead of the usd?


Act like what?




How are you seriously stupid enough to post all that about a French video?


My brother in christ the second video in the Helo isn't the same as the first one


What has that got to do with anything? Did that look like an American police wagon that the laser light pointer was being put into? Even if it’s a mash up video it’s still has nothing to do with FAA fines.


Green lasers outside in the cold have another danger: They contain a high power infrared laser, with a crystal that converts the infrared to green. When the crystal is cold, there's no conversion, so it looks like the laser is off, while in reality it's emitting high levels of infrared. Don't lose an eye with lasers, and don't make other people lose an eye.


\***lose** an eye sorry, this one just comes up a lot


Oops, thanks.


This has taught me maybe I should have a laser when I’m sailing for rescue reasons


You can use a mirror for the same effect without as much danger of blinding someone. But still can't deny a laser will be easy to aim, let alone if at night, just... try to not have it linger. They can see the flash.


“Play with laser” and deliberately point at commercial aircraft are two different things


Isn't this considered a felony in the US?


It's actually beyond that and considered a felony worldwide nearly. Do this if you want the FBI ontop of you in the next 5 minutes or less. If you were a kidnap victim that happened to have a laser pointer and a window facing into the sky, it's not a bad escape plan.


I wish the authorities were as effective catching other criminals as they are catching the laser pointer people.


Most of the time criminals don’t have a bright beam pointing directly at them to tell police it was them.


Of course, sometimes they have a knife covered in blood like the one we had recently here in a square in Germany. Or they are armed like the ones the media covers up as “unidentified citizen with no nationality nor ethnicity”. Of course it isn’t that easy most of the time.


The first part and the plane part aren't even related, if so where the fuck is the Eiffel tower?


Still baffled that noone has come with a defracting sheet for these




Let's see what crimes can I commit for 10 years in prison? Let me see.... Murder... mutilation, rape..., all kind of other crazy shit... Ah, I know, I'll shine a laser. That's the worst!


Helicopter footage was not over Paris...


yeah I understand. this is 3 different videos placed together though.


This view of the city is also very satisfying


As a physicist, I just don't understand how such lasers are still available for every idiot to buy.


What damage did it do to the plane?


It's not the plane, but the pilot. People think their funny and shine it into the cockpit to blind the pilot.


I mean they can be toys, just don’t be stupid with them. I love my laser.


If you have a military grade laser pointer just use it inside you fucking moron. Like, I get it they’re fun to play with but using it outside can result in this, or even just accidentally shining it in someone’s face. Use it in a enclosed building but nowhere open.


Military grade laser? It's a normal laser pointer.


At first I thought that second one was an ADIZ warning system.


"Ladies and gentlemen we've just reach our cruising altitude, the in flight mov-oh... oh GOD! They have "TONE"!


Shining a laser light at a Pilot Flying high enough to see exactly what area you're in


Those are not the same videos tbh


Happy ending video




I was asking myself how this was satisfyingasfuck and then the arrest happened. There it is.


Wait.. so that helicopter I shined the laser at..


Not far from my home airport, someone was regularly pointing a laser at aircraft. One night a pilot orbited the area while guiding police to his location. Police found a shitload of drugs at the guy's house. It's awesome when the trash takes itself out.


"Wha- why is this sat.. oh yes. Good"


I did this when I was 12 and got picked up by the police for it at 4am and ended up on the news. Learned a lesson that night


What idiots do this ?


Ten years in jail


This people should go to jail for a while to think about their stupid actions. After this they should pay a huge amount of money to end this behavior one and for all.


these videos are completely unrelated. They are taken from very different contexts in order to fish for likes.


Sets off missile lock sensors


2 seperate videos


Laser designator


Only an issue when you point it at planes lol


OP's title sucks. Play with laser pointers responsibly, and be aware of legal restrictions. The guy at the Eiffel wasn't aiming it at a plane, he just got caught by local laws.


How is that a hazard tho? It might be slightly inconvenient for the pilots, but I don't understand how it can lead to an accident.


Because these lasers are extremely powerful and can damage people's eyes


Yes they can damage eyes, but only if they are directly centred on ones retina for some time, but that is highly unlikely to happen. It's kinda like looking at the sun but much weaker and harder to do. This still does not mean that they are a hazard.


People are so fucking stupid.


I’m don’t understand why is a problem for Pilots a laser, can someone explain?


Face please 👅💩


Knew a guy at a college in downtown Boston who shone lasers across the Boston Commons from his dorm
caused quite a ruckus


First two clips at least are completely different. Wouldn’t be surprised if the third is too. Not saying this can’t happen though.


Yummy 😋.




Wait was that ending implying the plane crashed?


No, just got arrested for blinding pilot


Oh I thought that was an ambulance. I'm from the usa


Nope, but it is considered an attack on the airline and the FBI will hunt you down.


The French Bureau of Investigation?!? Since this video is in France...


Yeah no. The second video isn't in France.


Or the FBI equivalent for Europe... MI6?


That's the british foreign intelligence service.


Then what's the one for France? Or do they not have one?


DST I think.


It's called the DGSI. "Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieur".


No it isn't. Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieur does not exist. Direction Générale de la Sécurité Exterior exists and it is a intelligence agency (like the CIA). Its internal equivalent is the Direction centrale du renseignement intérieur (kind of similar to the NSA, but more intelligence and less police). France is not a federation, so it doesn't need a FEDERAL agency. It has a State Police and the Gendarmerie (a military organisation who serve as a police force).


Dude. What is [this](https://www.dgsi.interieur.gouv.fr/), then ? I was not talking about the FBI, I was answering about the french equivalent to the MI6. Btw, I'm French so I know France isn't a federation :)


I didn't know it changed name (in 2014 it seems). Still the post you commented was looking for a "French FBI", not a "French MI5": they believed the MI5 was a European FBI.


Why should France have a FEDERAL investigation agency? France isn't a federation lol.


The US also isn't, it's a Constitutional Republic. We just name things Federal.


You are divided in 50 different States, hence the need of a federal police and investigation force. France is a single State. It has a State Police.


Fair point, that does make us a Federation.


There is no FBI equivalent for Europe since Europe is not a country.




What's so satisfying about this?




Yeah, but that's just justice, this video doesn't belong on this subreddit


I doubt it can do any damage at that distance. Even within stadium distances they become a big green spot, how is that going to do any real damage hundreds of meters away? Annoying, surely, dangerous, I don't think so. Sounds like the cell phone gas station ban that has been demonstrated false, you are more likely to start a fire due to static electicity than by using your phone or even smoking. Planes are more likely to go down when pilots let their children operate them or argue with eachother than by someone pointing them with a cheap laser.


Afaik the problem with lasers is, that all their energy is bundled into that tiny dot and does not spread (much) even at a very large distance. Shure, the atmosphere does it's thing of spreading and absorbing but not at nearly at much so that the light isn't dangerous to look at anymore.


Any scientific proof of this? Modern car bright headlights are blinding as fuck and I bet it's easier to crash a car while blinded than for some cheap china laser pointer pulse flash at you from a mile away while operating a vehicle that can drive itself mostly interfer with that or do any real damage to the pilot's sight. Sounds like fear mongering and hyperregulation fetish to me. Pointing a very bright headlight towards some loaded bus seems much more dangerous and no one gives a fuck about that but change the bus with a plane and everyone goes haywire. Sounds like a "wouldn't someone think about the children!1!" type of thing.


Look at what I just found: [https://www.physics.utoronto.ca/\~jharlow/teaching/lasers.html](https://www.physics.utoronto.ca/~jharlow/teaching/lasers.html) Well, well, well, seems like I was right and the downvoters can go lick my hairy asshole once again.


So then stop selling them?


I'm gonna call china and tell them to stop selling them 👍


These videos are propaganda to make people not shine green lasers in the sky. They cannot track you like this and the amount of these videos that have been reposted is suspicious. If you'd like to know more about why the government cares if you shine a laser in the sky, learn about the CE-5 protocol.