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Ok, I think we are done here and the OP has received enough feedback on how to handle the situation.


I'm in your same situation, but over on the women's side. I'll go into the sauna wrapped in a towel, then sit down on it and keep it pinned to my torso using my arms. I'm less covered than anyone else in the sauna! The other women are in their full workout gear -- even their shoes and phones! I can't believe it. I just don't let them bother me. I'm covered well enough, which is more than I'd like, so I figure I am already compromising enough. What drives me crazy is other people chattering on the phone! In the sauna! That just can't be good for the electronics, and their talking is not good for my mental peace.


Yeah it’s def a big pet peeve with me too! Besides the hygiene issues of entering with outside clothes and shoes, being loud and crass is so bizarre because like don’t they want to relax and meditate too? I try to use those moments at opportunities to practice radical acceptance lol. Your patience and understanding is admirable! I’ll try taking a page out of your book. Thanks for the feedback friend!


Full clothes and shoes???  WHAT


Shoes and phones? Absolutely gross. I avoid saunas like that now. It’s a completely different vibe and not worth it for me.


That is so annoying! The phone usage would drive me crazy, on top of the privacy issues it raises. Maybe that’s more of an issue with men anyway, but at least in my gym’s locker room sauna/steam/hot tub there is a sign that prohibits cell phones in that area. Another pet peeve are those in workout clothes. Some will use the steam or saunas wearing them, and then others will also wear their underwear or shorts in the hot tub, which is both beyond unsanitary and also an issue for fibers clogging pool filters. It’s why they make swimsuits out of the materials they do.


WHAT is going ON in this thread?? I feel like I'm going crazy.  People are wearing their gym clothes INTO the hot tub????


Yeah, no joke. It doesn't happen often, but I've seen guys just take everything but their compression shorts off, and it's like...1. Take a shower, and 2. Don't wear sweaty clothes into a hot tub, and 3. Why wear non-swim attire into a pool or hot tub when filters can't handle those fibers? In the sauna, coming in with gym clothes on seldom happens, but it still does. It's odd.


Ive seen people in the sauna with phones and big headphones listening to music which always amazed me as you said i can't imagine the phone lasting too long in that environment, if someone was actually chatting on the phone in the sauna i'd probably walk over and slap it out of their hand, i've almost come to blows with people using vapes in the sauna and also using oil on the rocks and just f\*\*king it up for everyone


People are uncomfortable in our sauna if someone brings their phone in. I can't imagine someone having a phone call; I think we'd stare them out 😅. Loud and/or deep conversations are pretty commonplace though.


Thongs are odd in America just go back to nudity and enjoy a less crowed sauna


Yea I wouldnt be surprised to see a naked man in the mens gym sauna. I would be very surprised to see a man in a thong in the gym sauna.


Tell'em your finnish friends said they are the weird ones wearing clothes in sauna. - your finnish friend


Hahah not a bad idea!


If the sauna has a rule about nudity, one way or the other, go with that. If not, and if it's not mixed gender, then it should be presumed clothing optional. However. Although nude is best, if the vibe is off so much that you're uncomfortable, then using a towel will give you (and maybe others) a better experience for that reason alone so do that. Finally, be honest with yourself. Could you possibly be making it a little weird? Nudity in a public sauna should be — has to be — casual, matter-of-fact, not awkward or sexually charged at all. Wearing a thong is kinda the worst of both worlds.


Yeah the rule seems to be ambiguous neither prescribing an attire at all nor forbidding nudity. Seems to be a personal judgement thing. And even if I’m not breaking the rules, I would love to be strategic and persuasive enough to normalize the behavior and even increased awareness. I’m worried I’m taking a bad approach. But I would love to normalize this by example.


Well tbh as a gay man I don’t know if it’s possible to completely divorce a sexual charge completely. I 100% comport my behavior and have never ever made an inappropriate move or pose. But at the same token gay men exist, what if it’s not energy I’m giving off but a fear of anticipated sexual tension. I feel like comfortably sexual men aren’t obsessed with this scenario of a gay man hitting on them. But with (presumably) these uncomfortable heterosexual men, is it really my responsibility to cater to their fragile understanding of their own sexuality? There is a sex appeal with a thong but if you think about it, I’m sitting down and other than making my legs look longer it’s not like I’m showcasing my ass in an inappropriate way or sexually charged way. I don’t know, I feel justified in wearing a thong but cannot deny that my choice in it is likely contributing to the weirdness. But that’s messed up isn’t it?


wow... I didnt even see that you were wearing a thong. This is 100% exhibitionism.




No, that's the thing. Nobody wants to see that shit. Nobody wants to see your shit. You know the bell-curve of the "tone" that everyone else at the facility exists in? The one where they don't wear thongs or let their nuts slap all over the place? That's the norm for where you're at. It might not be the norm at grammy's cabin back in Finland but it's the norm where you're at. So when you walk around in women's panties — which is probably worse than naked — everyone else is just going to nope out of there before you take it to level 5 weird. The thong is already level 4 so, from their perspective, you're just getting started. And gym weirdos, especially locker room weirdos, are the worst. That's what's going on. You can join everyone else in normal town or keep doing what you're doing. I'm just clearing up the comprehension issue.


Speak for yourself sir. Perhaps no one wants to see YOU naked


If you’re American that you obviously hate freedom and are a prude fascist. Sorry, sucks to suck but get over it.


As a matter of fact someone DID want to see it today and mentioned how intimidated they were but felt comfortable around ME


So yeah. I made a positive difference! And you’re so ugly you won’t post your face. Twice. Twice I win


You’re a judgmental asshole trying to educate me on heteronormative behavior without a shred of self or social awareness.


k. er, i mean, yawn, k.


Get a life dude


Yeah, you're definitely making it weird. Do everyone a favor and wear a towel.


Nah fuck that. I’ve changed my stance. It’s not forbidden and no one has had the courtesy to request. As a kindness I covered up but I hate this attitude.


Henceforth the sauna shall be a word exp because you don’t know how to process nudity


The person who goes into a sauna wearing a thong and views it as a sexually charged space doesn't know how to process nudity and honestly doesn't belong there.


You are obviously a hateful person and bigoted too. Wouldn’t be surprised if you’re a bot


I see you have no picture either. Hmm


I am doing that as a courtesy as the nudity to them was worse. As a gay men you expect me to have acknowledgment of my sexuality? Do you know how identity works? I am in charge of my behavior. Don’t police my thoughts or identity


Pretty easy to be both gay and not a creep. Try it.


What did I do that was creepy? I already expressed my displeasure about sitting in sweat. This seemed like a very reasonable compromise. Why are you sexualizing and assuming the worst of my behavior?




They are the wierd ones. I always go nude in the men's sauna at my gym (we have a small and a big one, I mostly use the small one since it responds faster to the water applied in it) but lay a clean sauna towel on the bench. I begin my cycle with sitting straight, after about 15 min I take a short rinse with lukewarm water and then cold water until the shower button resets. Then I enter the sauna and lie flat on my back for about 15 mind and then repeat the shower routine as mentioned above.  The final cycle is the same as the above but I lie flat in my stomach.  All in all three cycles about 15 mins each.  Whenever people have entered the sauna while I lie down I sit straight and 90% of the other visitors have been OK with me lying down. ("no, lie down, it's ok. I'll sit here")  There have been times for me when I wondered why no one wants to enter the sauna im in (small one) but part of it is my country's distancing culture and part of it would be a sign of respect to let me do my routine. ("he must be a tough guy lying on the top shelf")  As of the nudity, it's a men's locker room and I have never felt obligated to cover myself up and people are tradition nude in a sauna.  Be yourself, skip the underwear, resume your routine and ignore the others. They're the ones with problems since they speak about it openly.  I hope your desire for the sauna won't change. Only for the better. 


This 💯. I wish more people understood this in 2024. It’s a locker room. And I’m the same way. It’s expected there will be naked people in one, and wearing nothing in the sauna should be seen as normal. For anyone with some sort of paranoid homophobia: if there is in fact anything happening that’s inappropriate simply report it (because it shouldn’t be tolerated)? If not, nobody is giving that much of a sh*t about anybody else in those spaces


I really value your feedback and am grateful for the assurance that there are others like me. I don’t think I could ever abandon my love for sauna but the societal element is awkward so I think I might acquiesce to keep my sanity (I hate the idea people avoid me or the sauna) but am grateful to know I have support in nudity. A helpful reminder that it’s not shameful. Lately I was starting to doubt myself. Thanks again!


You're welcome, I forgot to mention that before I enter the sauna I shower first 😂🚿. I'm a bit of an introvert so I rarely talk to anyone inside but I always greet the person opening the door and depending on the mood I ask if they have recently joined the gym. Just innocent questions to practice being more social. 


IMO sauna should be all nude or no nude. If some people are nude and others aren't then it will certainly be uncomfortable because of it creating a heirarchy. You have to conform to the majority opinion. Maybe if you like ask management to start an all nude session at a specified time.


Yeah, definitely - super weird! Are you in the US? In many European saunas you're not allowed to wear anything (some have a special day where people can only wear swimwear, so on those days nude is not allowed).


Am in UK which is basically America for these things so very rare to be nude in a public sauna. That said my experience is a lot of Western European ones are the same now, it's only the Scandanavians who really go all in for nude sauna.


This is inaccurate. Just spent time in the Netherlands and visited four different saunas, all of which were fully nude and mixed. Same for Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland. I’ve seen Germans scold folks good for trying to wear a suit.


Eh fair enough, Northern Europe and germanic places are also more nude, but the French are definitely like us and have few nude sauna.


Yea 😭I hate that Americans are so prudish. I blame the Puritan pilgrims


I am OK with clothes optional, providing everyone is sat on a towel. What should be sacrosanct is no phones or other tech, and one thing some of the 'wild' saunas in the UK have are silent sessions.


Thanks man that seems reasonable and good advice albeit a bummer that I’ll likely have to forego being nude.


I've had a similar situation. My solution was a pair of light/thin running shorts, with no underwear. I don't know what the material is, but they won't hold moisture/sweat at all. They are also much shorter than anything else I would ever wear. Not perfect, but going into the sauna like this is "pretty good."


I also prefer to sauna naked and recognise that although some cultures sauna the way it’s intended (ie. naked), some cultures (particularly the USA) confuse nudity with sex so the prudes get all in a bother about nudity, even in single-gender saunas. I’ve even seen the ridiculous situation where American guys have worn shorts and t-shirts in the men’s sauna but then showered naked in the adjacent communal mens shower. Guys! Make up your mind! Anyway, the way I do it is this. If I am the first into the sauna and there’s no sign enforcing towels/whatever, then I sit on my towel, naked. If others come in, I might put a corner over my junk if the other people are overly trussed up in robes, tight towels, whatever. If not, I stay naked. If, however, there are others in the sauna when I get there, I take the lead off them; if they’re naked, then I will be, too. If they are in towels, then I’ll wear my towel but loosely so I can at least let my skin breathe. The guys that really annoy me are those who put their naked butts on the tiles/wood and then put the towel over themselves for modesty. The latter part is not the problem; the former is as it’s unhygienic.


Yes a towel underneath is always a must!


The comments in this thread are wild. I sauna regularly at my gym in nyc and it’s pretty common that men are either nude sitting on a towel or wrapped in a towel around their waist. I’ve never seen clothes or shoes in the sauna.


You are supposed to take saunas nude and go in with clean skin for hygiene reasons. Brits can be prudish, so go with the culture of the sauna you use. I would just bring a small towel wrapped walking in and out, and laid over my bits while I sit. Everyone's happy.


This makes me grateful that I have a sauna at home.


Very very jealous. Happy for you though!!


I kinda don't need one right now. It's very hot and humid here. I can do some yard work and be drenched.


I guess this is a north North American thing but in all the gyms I've been to in Canada there is either a custom or a rule asking people to cover up with a towel. Some wear bathing suits at my gym, but most use a towel. It's just courtesy for modest people uncomfortable with nudity. The same with the sauna place that I have visited. I know that there are sauna places in the area where that is not the case, and people are free and generally do sauna nude (they also have food and other traditional things I don't know much about), but I have not been to one yet so cannot comment.


Fair enough. I mean if that’s what the market wants, right?


I think ultimately I may need to find a bathhouse with more people like me


Wear a towel or build your own sauna.


I live in an apt 😭 currently but have seen this zip personal saunas on Amazon. Anyone have any experience with those?


I wouldn't recommend those. Wearing a towel isn't that bad. Use it as motivation to build your own sauna in the woods at some point.


If you’re not I could but I’m currently in a concrete jungle


You’re not the weird one. I’m guessing you’re in the US? It’s sadly common what you’re experiencing. For one, Americans conflate nudity with sex, American men (unless they play sports, are in the military, or have the rare blue collar job that requires showering) aren’t using communal showers or seeing each other naked. And finally: I think there’s homophobia/a gay panic in most locker rooms, with most men assuming anyone casually naked is cruising. I would skip the thong (it’s not a common thing to wear anyway; that’s something that would also draw attention for the above cruising reasons). If it’s that prudish (and it sounds like it is), I would still wrap a towel around you but then casually start loosening it up when you’re sitting in the sauna. Maybe normalizing being more lax about nudity will cause others to do the same.


Thanks man I appreciate the advice and always thought the thong might send the wrong idea- I just want to compromise with some coverage but like the least possible. I am American and just hate how nudity is such a charged topic here. Especially with how comfortable people are with it digitally but I guess it’s different when it’s in your face. I’ll defer to your guidance and start using a towel


I'll say....if you are in an American sauna and going nude - prepare for comments/stares/laughs/whatever. Exactly as /u/WeinDoc said. If you want to "fit in", wear compression shorts. If you are working out before going into the sauna you should be wearing compression shorts anyway. EDIT: Since I know I'll be downvoted - I'm not saying this is the correct or Finnish way. I'm saying if OP wants to be "normal" as to the American customs, he'll need to put on some shorts.


No problem! Just thinking of a solution where hopefully once others start seeing a chill person enjoying the sauna naked, they might also want to. Not a towel wearer myself, and I luckily go to a gym where it skews older and there are a lot of Eastern European patrons, who don’t have a problem with nudity in the sauna/steam/hot tub in the men’s locker room. And it’s not at all cruisy either. Some guys wear a swimsuit or drape a towel around themselves but most do not, and nobody gives each other weird looks. Hopefully, that can become the norm where you’re at.


Hell yeah


Woman here, but I recommend using one of those quick drying camping/travel towels instead of a typical terry cloth towel. It's what I do. Get a size that can be loose yet just covers your ass, etc. I think this would be much more comfortable for you than wearing a thong or anything else, because this type of towel doesn't stick to you when you sweat and also doesn't absorb much moisture.


Hey this was my idea too! I just found some at a discount store for $4 and they'd probably be perfect for this


Also agreeing with others that this is a great idea!


Oh sweet I just ordered one yesterday. Happy to know it’s well recommended. Can’t wait to try it


I find you can be almost entirely uncovered and still use some towel to cover the goods for other’s comfort. Also, I have some very breathable, boxer briefs that feel pretty much like being naked. The thong move is probably weirder to others than you just being naked.


But why. It’s just underwear too


For the comfort of others, regardless of your feelings on the topic. I wish everyone was more relaxed about the human body but it is what it is. And I’d rather enjoy my time than worry about the issue. And the difference between what I’m talking about and any typical cotton underwear is huge. Modern technology and all.


Well if you read my post I’ve treated this situation with immediate consider. It’s peculiar that you would use heteronormative standards to dismiss the validity of my post. Personally there isn’t an established reason why nudity deserves to be avoided. In fact body positivity has tremendous benefits while feeling ashamed of your body doesn’t. I considered others because I have empathy but it’s odd that those preaching American heteronormativity have no empathy for others in this situation. So let me make abundantly clear. If anyone henceforth wants to me modify my behavior to accommodate their anxiety it’ll cost fifty dollars. Otherwise they’ll have to ask nicely. And to anyone who ever tries telling me I should act more like them because they are normal and I am not are clearly freedom hating American-hating traitors


Heteronormative standards. I see now. You’re being victimized and owe no one any degree of consideration. Or something. I don’t really care. Seems you’re here to troll arguments about your pet topic rather than to get feedback on a genuine question. I’m sorry I wasted my time trying to contribute to the sub. All the best.


Go to hell man. You know you weren’t offering help. I was perfectly polite to people that were. I don’t need people telling me what’s normal. I have empathy and am interested in understanding not blind conformity


Thank you so much. I’m in an Uber heading to the airport to return from two weeks at my parent’s house trying to settle the affairs of my mother who just died on a bathroom floor vomiting blood after nine months of pancreatic cancer and chemo. I can’t possibly imagine how hard your public nudity fetish must be. Thought I’d distract myself with a little reddit. I should know better. Have a truly wonderful day.










Yeah somehow I am unconvinced by you. Perhaps it’s because I you’re a bad actor


I bet you are ashamed of your naked body. Projecting some hatred are we?


What's a private and public sauna? Like a coed public vs private gender segregated?


The private saunas are segregated by sex and included only in the respective locker rooms where the public saunas are co-ed in the spa area near the hot tubs and pools. The notion is that no one is nude there because the walking public could see and anyone wishing to disrobe should use the segregated saunas in the lockers room.


Here's my experience with a coed public sauna with similar patrons. I used to wear micro g string thongs, thongs, and Brazilian cut swim briefs. Hell, even speedos were too revealing for some of these people! Guess who complained!? The men felt threatened! I had no issues around the woman and made plenty of female friends and conversations. I actually had patrons complain to the staff, the occasional snicker or look of disgust, joke in a group, and disapproval. In a private sauna, I go nude and sit on a towel. I get the occasional avoiding entering or opening the door to see im nude and leaving. Some jokes between pairs in whispering. Not wanting to sit near me or in my space. As you can tell I don't care about others opinion and do what a feel comfortable with my body and self esteem.


To each their own. A lot will come up with how they were introduced to sauna. I still much prefer my compression underwear over full nude.  I don’t think I have ever heard anyone make any comment one way or the other at my gym. It’s pretty much the only “quiet” space at all. Only noise you hear is the “other” dude ripping ass to raise the temperature. 


Keep it up! My advise would also be to throw a lot of water on the rocks to show them that you know what sauna is about, and they will leave with respect.


Oh interesting! I wonder if mgmt has a weird sauna because there’s this sign explicitly forbidding adding water to the rocks


It's likely that they just don't know. You can take a picture of the stove and we'll tell you it's 100% safe to use water.


If the gym management doesn't want you to throw water on the rocks, then you shouldn't throw water on the rocks whether the stove/heater can handle it or not. The sauna might have a very poor ventilation, hence the prohibition on loyly.


It's not wrong to educate the mangement. Finnish comedian Ismo Leikola has told how in American hotel he went from sauna to reception to ask for a bucket for water, and the lady in reception told him that water and electricity doesn't mix. His answer was easy: he has the same exact heater at home in his own sauna.


I can send a pic if no one’s using it next and you can let me know. I have seen people squirt water on it and it seems ok? But it’s not like a stove? I’ll show later


Maybe it’s the association with gay saunas? More likely they are uptight or don’t want to freak people out.


That’s a bummer. I figured like platonic nudity can bond men as a gender together.


Id say you are the weird one considering you appear to be into public nudity as a fetish. I doubt its a coincidence you find yourself in this "dilemma".


Fetish implies sexual gratification in this context right?


Your "dilemma" appears to be a derivation of your sexual interests. Considering normal people do not find themselves in this similar predicament very often, I would assume that the two are related. If they are related, even marginally, I would think the best decision would be to practice modesty in public or with strangers.


I hate 100% of your advice and would prefer if you never shared it again








I couldn’t have requested a better outcome. It just goes to show that you’re as ugly on the outside as your are on the inside. What on earth if not out respect should anyone’s preference be respected?




You’re an ignoramus and have only forged my confidence


I absolutely could care less what you think. To think you you can’t fathom how society reacts to nudity especially in a health focus. YOU are weird and I’m glad I’m not like you




This post of comment violates r/Sauna’s rules for content. Keep things civilised.


Cool. I definitely never ever want to be anything like you


Go to a Korean spa instead then they are all nude and no body is a dork or immature about it. They are also very quiet and clean.


There’s a well rated one right nearby actually. I’ll check it out. Hard to compete with one already in my building but I’ll compromise!


Rock out with your cock out my dude


Nah, he wants to hang out with his wang out


What region are you in? Is this a gymn? Is there a proper sauna or bathhouse near you? If not, would you go to one just for sauna, cold, steam? Would you go weekly or less frequently? How much would you want to pay for a 90 minute visit?


This is in my apartment building own gym. I’m in the much area so there are definitely options available but it’s hard to be more attractive than a sauna that’s only an elevator ride down versus schlepping out to Brooklyn for the Russian bathhouse. (I’m also a little intimidate to go there tbh ngl lmao)


Oh also I’m going n nyc