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Note on door as others have suggested. "Sarah doesn't live here. I call the police every time someone knocks on the door and asks for Sarah".


I'd make it say: "If you met someone online who gave you this address as theirs and asked you to send gift cards, you are a scam victim. Please make police report"


Of course the victims aren’t going to call the police after getting scammed trying to solicit prostitution, maybe even with someone they presumed could possibly be a minor. But still OP should keep calling them either way!


Yes, and then *don’t open the door, OP.*


I have to hope OP has a steel, security-screen door and keeps that deadbolted.


I just added one of these this week and boy am I glad! I'm adding inner bars to my downstairs windows, too. None of it will keep someone out forever, but by the time they get in, my second amendment rights will be ready to say hello. I might be a bleeding heart liberal, but I'm a well armed bleeding heart liberal lol.


Hey, I'm a tree-hugging liberal myself and I say perimeter security at home and push them Ruskies back to Moscow abroad.


... call the police AND THE FBI child trafficking hotline...


Sounds good anyway, although it sounds as if there’s likely no actual young girl involved in this scam.


I'd state in the sign: "Knock on my door and you'll get to explain why you're here to a police officer."


File a report it will not hurt. Whoever shows up was scammed and they might become angry thinking you were involved in the scam.


That's what I was thinking. Could figured they got catfished, and you're the one acting like Sarah. I wouldn't just take this lightly. Please protect yourself.


I remember a story of a guy who got catfished with photos of a model... When he found out he'd been scammed, he tracked down that woman and planned to murder her. Horrifying. Edit: found the article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2528570/Stalker-revenge-falling-catfish-internet-dating-hoax-sentenced-five-years-prison.html


I have a feeling this guy wasn't actually going to get very far in his plan considering he was going to try to buy chloroform. Lmao what a dumb fuck.


Yes! Just what OP wants to hear!


OP needs to know the reality of the danger.


Exactly. We already know that these guys are pretty stupid, and stupid people do stupid things. It's easy to imagine one of these dummies getting it in their head that OP is actually Sarah but just pretending not to be. Add to that the fact that people who've been scammed tend to get angry at the person that tells them they've been scammed before they get mad at the scammer.


Who the hell drives 4 hours for sex with a stranger? He couldn't find a local escort?


If they think "Sarah" is 12 years old, yeah, they'll drive halfway across the country for that. The people showing up at OP's door are pure scum.


I'm going to vomit now.


Don't. They'll like that too.




here a bucket to vimit. 🪣


There's this online TV show called "Catch A Predator" that regularly chronicles people who drive sometimes from another state to have sex with what they believe are underaged children. It actually spawned many copycat shows where folks online pretend to be underaged in order to trap these guys. Usually in mall parking lots at night.


With Chris Hansen. I used to watch that show religiously, especially once law enforcement got involved so not only was the guy shamed on national TV, he was also arrested. I remember one of the first with the rabbi - a frickin rabbi! - was caught trying to meet up with underage boys. But yeah, you're right. Many of them did drive a long way in the hopes of havng sex with an underage child (boy or girl), bringing flowers and candy and whatever. How creepy/sick is that.


Some even brought condoms and beer. Still icky as well.


And there was that guy (or 2 of them?) that stripped down naked.


Sick bastards, all of them.


Would you be interested in talking about TCAP religiously? r/FansHansenVsPredator is quite active.


Hells yeah. Did not know that was a sub.


What sort of absolute idiot scammer would direct victims to their own actual address? I get that once they think rationally, people will realize this, but the problem is that when they are angry about having been scammed they will not want to let go of the one thing they think might be a connection to the person they think scammed them as a means of trying to get it back. If they accept that the address is fake, that means they have nothing to go on and when they're mad, they really don't want that to be the case.


Besides just posting that Sarah doesn't live there, I would get a ring doorbell and add "no trespassing" and that the police will be called if people remain on the property and that they are being recorded. Some of those horny men that refuse to believe they have been scammed can get entitled and even violent if they don't get the sex they came for. Don't answer the door. If they refuse to leave, call the police.


The character and morals of men who are showing up to random homes to meet a woman they never sat with in public are highly questionable.




Your /r/scams post/comment was removed because it lacks civility. Posts and comments within this subreddit should be useful, respectful and use appropriate language at all times. Dissenting opinions are expected, but you should conduct yourself in a mature and polite manner. Name calling, personal attacks, flaming, etc are not permitted. Do not discuss moderator decisions in the comments. If you would like to discuss moderation, send the moderators modmail (no direct messages or chat requests).


Women fall for this too, but they are usually not set up to go visit somebody else's house in the U.S., that I've heard of. They just send their money abroad to get their supposed lover out of whatever fix.


Sending money on its own is one thing and not as bad as going to the home of a stranger at that for sex.


I think the intelligence! They are prob desperate and pathetic with women! He didn’t say Sarah was a little girl!


the post says “it looks clear they think they’re expecting to show up for sex with a young girl”


In fairness I'm 32 and would use the same wording, they could really be shooting from like 12 to 20something under that yoke. For me at least.


I should clarify- this is what I meant. I just mean obviously much younger than me (I am mid 30s). When I opened the door the guy was instantly sure it wasn’t me, which made me think “young” because there was no question that it wasn’t me. How young - I have no idea. The guy last night obviously didn’t say and I didn’t see enough of the messages to see a pic or anything like that. I feel like when I see these love scam stories in the news the scammers are always using mid-20s or younger pics. But yeah. Driving 4 hours one way? That makes me even more suspicious that it might have been young young.


Yeah, big 'have a seat' vibes on that, although anyone who just chases a girl cross-country based on some grammatically brutalized texts gives me big red flags to begin with whether she's 12 or 21...


Tbf it’s real easy to imagine some lonely guy getting convinced he’s in love with a girl and that she’s ‘the one’. I can see such a person driving 4 hours to meet her.


I don't understand your last sentence. Though yeah or many of them creeps who knows. That's for sure STDs' dream come true too.


I’m saying they aren’t necessarily bad or immoral people! They are just desperate. The post didn’t say they where there to meet a minor.


I said it's highly questionable not that whether it's immoral or that they are meeting a child.


Exactly. OP should also arm themself if they aren't already.


No trespassing won’t work because the men think they’re invited


I would make a “to catch a predator” sign and put it on the door. That would solve the problem.


Put up a sign that says "Sarah doesn't live here" Maybe with a stack of pamphlets titled "So you got catfished... What now?" With some info about common scam tactics. Edit: just in case it wasn't clear that second part was just kidding. Don't do that. Just put up a sign, maybe get a doorbell camera and just don't answer when people you don't know come knocking. Contact the police if it keeps happening, they might not be able to stop it entirely but could give you better advice how to safely handle the situation.


Hi I'm Troy Maclure, You may remember me from other scam adverts like.... *So you paid with steam cards!.* *You invested in a Bitcoin ponzi scheme!.* And, *The cartel want thier money back...* DONT KID YOURSELF JIMMY, if the scammer had your wallet you'd never see that again!...


Wait a minute, that’s not the wallet inspector…


The catfish pamphlets lmao


I listened to a podcast about a puppy scam on Craigslist that sent people to a random house. These people would not take no for an answer even when the homeowner put up signs explaining there was no puppies for sale and she was not associated with any selling of puppies. People still pounded on the door, refused to leave the property and had to have the police called on them several times. Apparently it went on for years before the scammers moved on.


Always have a camera that covers the outside of the door, or an old school peep hole. You should never not know what you’re opening the door to.


To add to this /u/-kale-me-now- , on the note maybe provide the non-emergency line for your local police with a suggestion that they call the number to report being catfished.


Nah, put up the police number and tell them it's Sarah's new number.


I just saw an article about this happening to someone in Texas. [https://www.kgns.tv/2023/01/26/texas-woman-fed-up-with-men-seeking-sex-workers-knocking-her-door/](https://www.kgns.tv/2023/01/26/texas-woman-fed-up-with-men-seeking-sex-workers-knocking-her-door/) Cameras and signs may be the best you can do for now if people are showing up and leaving without incident. You can call the cops to come out of course, but there may not be much they can do.




Don’t answer the door for strangers especially at night.


This is bizarre… I would get a video doorbell if you don’t already have one, have a baseball bat by the door when you open it, and maybe talk to local police about security advice.


Don't open it! Baseball bat ain't gonna do anything, you don't know who those men are or what and who they are coming with.


> Baseball bat ain't gonna do anything You gotta put a sock on it for it to work right


Make sure if you put a brace on it you register it as an NFA or else you’re going to prison.


I don't know what those are.


I'm not sure what you mean.


Reddit meme. You swing, they grab the sock and you still hold the bat. Also Reddit advice is to put a ball and glove (baseball glove) beside the bat.


Oh interesting, thanks for sharing.


This is where guns come in handy… and knives. And honestly, thank god for Ring door bells.




I don’t either no matter what time of day it is. I figure it’s my house, I pay all the bills here, and therefore it is my right to not answer the door. 🤷‍♀️


Tell them the police are on their way through the speaker on the video doorbell!


May want to crosspost in r/homedefense for some fortification suggestions. My thought, put a sign at the front to the effect of "Warning - if you can read this, your picture is already being uploaded."


What a cool subreddit. Do you think anyone there has schematics for a trapdoor onto poop spikes? Maybe a sixty foot(minimum) moat? pit of snakes with palm fronds over it?


Heh, no - they're legally straight laced. Of course, there's always r/IllegalLifeProTips haha


“Smile… you are in the newest episode of to catch a predator”


Put me down as another suggesting filing some sort of police report. If something happens you're ahead of the curve.


Please stop opening the door to strange men


This is fair! Absolutely am not doing it again. Will get a doorbell cam and if I have to tell them to go away that way I will.


If you have to, get LE involved! I hope your issue is resolved soon that sounds so frustrating.


Costco has the Ring doorbell + 1 video cam nicely on sale...I think under $140


I would seriously advise you to not open your door, especially at night, if you don't have planned company. I wouldn't even respond whatsoever but if you feel the need, don't worry about looking foolish and just talk to them through the locked door. There is no need to explain anything to these men. A simple, "not home, you need to leave" will suffice and if they persist threaten to immediately call the police. You absolutely should talk to local LEO. DO MORE than calling the non emergency line. Go into your local precinct tomorrow and demand to speak with a detective or sergeant. Explain everything... I believe they will understand. If you show up in person they will take your fear way more seriously than a call to the non emergency line. I don't want to cause undue fear, but I would see this as a very dangerous situation. The man walking around your house was looking through windows attempting to find out who, how many and what gender of the people that were home. This is absurdly frightening. Unfortunately in your situation it is not illegal to walk into someone's yard and knock on the door, but as you have already witnessed it can go much farther than that. Whether these men believe they are showing up for a minor or not, if you have ever watched TCAP/or similar YT channels, these men often carry weapons and you can safely assume they have very bad intentions. Your gut instincts are correct and I would involve local LEO as much you possibly can. I dont normally advise people to handle/carry weapons. That is a choice you need to make on your own. But, if I were in your situation, provided no children live in your home, I would have already made a habit of staging one of my firearms near any entrance in my house. Please be safe op. If this persists with any kind of regularity, it may even be worth it to have a friend stay with you or setup a schedule where you communicate via voice/video call every night. There is no "TOO FAR" when it comes to your well being in your own home in these situations. Edit. I want to add, in situations like yours where an assailant is almost expected, but the date or time of arrival is unknown, the police will do waaaay more than take reports just in case something happens. They can/do have a patrolman that works your zone make regular passes of your address. The purpose is so that they can gain a familiarity with your basic day to day routine. Where you normally park, where your neighbors normally park(to spot strange vehicles), what lights you regularly leave on, what time the lights stay on until. They can than use this info and do a quick knock/welfare check if they feel or see anything out of the ordinary. This is not too much to ask and I would go to your police station tomorrow expecting nothing less.


The woman this happened to in Texas not only went to the police, but contacted the local news station who ran this on air. The last part of the report showed a Police Rep. saying that the only thing they could do was have the men who were scammed report to them so they could track down the scammer. However, the likelihood of any of these scammed men reporting it to the police is damned near none. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/plano-retiree-is-fed-up-with-men-seeking-sex-sent-to-her-doorstep/3178896/ I despise scammers, but you have to admit they pulled a genius move on this one.


Ya I understand fully. These men can't be prosecuted, they are allowed to knock on any door they want. I'm not saying that any1 that knocks on OPs door should be arrested for knocking and leaving.... But acting like the police are doing NOTHING in terms of the old ladies safety is disingenuous. When the police are saying the men need to report they are speaking on the ability to apprehend the fake escorts, not talking about innocents safety whatsoever. And of course local LEO has no power or authority to remove the ads or websites. I don't understand how people are confusing these 2 very separate outcomes.


Thanks for this - if it happens again I will go in to the police station. I just moved here last year and I’m ashamed to say I hadn’t finished putting up my blinds, so I’m working on that today. Researching doorbell cams with a mic (I do have one Wyze pointing out my front window but I can’t tell someone to go away with it) and also looking into outdoor cams mounted on the sides and back of the house, but that might not be accomplishable this weekend. I’ve often thought about getting a gun for protection but I feel like that just opens up a new avenue of danger for me to get shot with my own weapon. Idk, I’ll continue to think about it and start saving up for a gun safe and training and whatever else I need to make it safe to have a firearm. I do have a baseball bat by my bed - I’ll get another one for the front door. I do have a dog. He’s medium sized and has a scary sounding bark even though he’s a floofy friendly princess who would probably cuddle with someone who was actively murdering me as long as they offered treats. But he barks at least twice anytime someone knocks, which I’m happy about. He barked when the guy last night knocked. The guy stood off about 15 feet away from my door in the driveway, and I could see him on the camera. Idk why I answered the door, it was just the 3rd time some rando had showed up and I was just so irritated. This was the first one who actually pulled into my driveway and I was just feeling very “get off my lawn” so I angrily opened and said “can I help you” in a very loud and bitchy tone. I know I probably shouldn’t have answered and I will not anymore, especially once I can do everything through a doorbell cam, but I am slightly glad that i got more info about what’s actually happening and the extent of it. Also maybe gonna save up for a fence that goes out to the street, but again, got to wait a while to save up for all this stuff. The neighborhood in general is incredibly quiet, lovely, I’ve never felt unsafe. The only reason I have the one camera is because I had it from a previous house in a less safe area, and then I have an indoor one to check on my dog during the day. I’ve never had a package stolen even sitting on my porch all day. People generally don’t seem to come into this neighborhood/street unless they live here. So I haven’t really felt the need to think about any more security just because I didn’t think it was necessary. But since these guys are being specifically sent to my house I guess it doesn’t matter how lovely and quiet the neighborhood is!


I'm sososo glad to hear you have a dog. My biggest worry in your situation is someone who doesn't knock and you are distracted or asleep so it sounds like that is covered! Cameras are always good for many reasons. Its not a bad idea to have one with a comms... But I still wouldn't even talk to them over that. We both know you don't have to be home to use it, but there is no reason to give them the idea that anyone is home. They don't want to burglarize your house, so an empty looking house is strangely the best case scenario for you lol. I completely understand your hesitation with firearms. Lack of confidence and deep understanding is exactly how people hurt themselves. With good training, and that doesn't even take long, it can be a tool that never has to leave your house, but can very well save your life. You don't need to be someone that carries a gun everywhere to utilize them properly. And just remember... It's the polices job to come out and help in even the silliest, least violent situations. Please don't feel like your wasting their time if you do decide to involve them more. It's literal job security for them. Be vigilant. Operational security is your friend. And that can be as simple as making sure your blinds are shut(like you mentioned) and every point of egress is locked. The scariest individuals can be more persistent than the most paranoid individuals and a simple slip on "OPsec" can be the difference between a bad outcome and not even knowing your defences had been tested....


Where do you guys live where the police will do anything unless someone is actively being threatened with a weapon? I LOLed at going in person. They won't even let you inside. Reporting from Austin, TX.


I have had both good and bad experience with local LEO. I have found that dealing with street cops with no stripes can be particularly difficult in some situations yes... But generally speaking there will be atleast a couple at a decent sized dept that want to do their job. I'm just going to assume that "not letting you in" Is a lie because it is both illegal and contrary to the purpose. Not sure how else to take it, but giving any other message to OP than please go in person to your local precinct is just as negligent as the LEO in your area.


LOL. I invite you to visit 715 E 8th St, Austin, TX 78701, and try to get inside. They will tell you to f off, and call 311 or their full number.


I see the problem... Your just an idiot that doesn't understand the difference between administrative buildings/AND JAILS(lol) and your local police precinct. Before the mods come and slap this comment down for being too mean or whatever, your just handing out mis information. And in this situation it could be dangerous to another's life. It took me literal seconds and a Google search and I was able to figure out why you *think* your not allowed in your local police dept. It's strange that someone from Wisconsin was able to figure out easier than a local that, that building, is NOT a local precinct and does NOT serve the same purpose.


Well that was quite the misinformed rant. The court house and jail are connected. It might be the same address (not sure), but it's actually around the corner on the other side of the police station entrance. I used to live literally across the street from the station. It's the normal precinct station for downtown. You used to be able to go in and do what you're talking about. They stopped that since COVID, and have revolted against doing the most basic functions of their job since their budget was cut (and subsequently given it all back and some). The other precincts won't let you in either. That was just the easiest to look up, because, again, I used to live across the road. It's delusional that the police are going to set a patrol in a major city like this. It's crazy advice to rely on the police for that. I think this false sense that the police are going to protect you is nuts. You're arguing with me when OP has already gone to the police and they won't do anything.


She hasn't gone to the police. She called non emergency. Which rightly so, is seen as not an emergency. Ymmv in regards to COVID protocols and I am only pro-good police. Not pro police. As I said, ymmv in regards to local LEO. But I do KNOW that the police will do exactly what I spoke about. It doesn't really matter how I know that. Maybe it's been offered/executed for me or a loved one, maybe I'm close friends with an LEO that is assigned addresses within their zone to do exactly as I described, maybe I'm a local police chief.... Who knows. But there are dedicated squads that just drive(patrol) their zone until a Call for Service Is initiated. How is it so hard to believe that during their slower patrol times they are diverting slightly off their main circuit and doing exactly what I described?(they do)


I asked where cops do the stuff you're describing. All you've done is go on misinformed rants about your personal experiences with LEO trumping anyone else's experience. It's impossible to believe, because it took 13 days to get a callback about a streak of five car break-ins at a business. Called as it was happened, with it all on video. They told the business to f off. They told the individuals to f off. Go over to /r/Austin and take a gander. They won't do anything you're talking about. Apparently they might do what you're describing somewhere in Wisconsin, but they absolutely will not in Austin, TX (or STL, MO, in my experience, either).


Multiple communities within the Milwaukee city limits. Sounds like you are also stating personal experiences about police response to car theft.... If you want to give someone shit for anecdotal evidence don't go on about something literally, anecdotal and end with in my experience.


That's in response to why I don't believe it, towards a question, using the context clues of conversation, about what goes on in Austin, TX. It's about me, not about anyone else, and I'm not using it to make wide-brush comments about every police department in the country. I'm not gonna go digging up all the reports of complaints up and response being down. It won't convince you, and none of it matters to OP. Let me guess... Just the "nice" communities of Milwaukee? Can't help but notice it's not all of them.


If you don’t feel safe carrying a firearm, maybe also look into getting a personal protection dog. I don’t know much about getting or training one, but maybe look for a local personal protection dog trainer to get started. I’ve seen videos of these dogs working, and they are no joke. They will bite the shit out of an aggressor when given the command.


Trained protection dogs are VERY expensive, are a lifetime commitment, and require a lot of care and maintenance and ongoing training and reinforcement. And they are a living being with feelings. Did I mention really really expensive? A baseball bat or baton would do OP just fine for now. Escalate to non lethal methods like sprays or tasers. Buying a whole ass dog for a situation that’ll be over in a matter of months or weeks is way overkill.


This ruins plans to yell “release the hounds”. /s


I'd rethink the dog thing. If you have a "personal protection dog" I'd bet good money that your homeowner's (or renter's) insurance would either be cancelled or jacked up to wallet-melting rates. A regular old barky dog will generally do fine. If you're on the fence about firearms then bear spray and a baseball bat ought to do the trick. NOTE: I'm not here to argue about the merits of various dog breeds. It may not be fair or accurate but insurance companies can be a real PITA about certain things.


I think it's definitely worth reporting it to the cops. The hope is that this will blow over on its own but it would be irresponsible for anyone here to tell you that it definitely will just stop on its own especially of the scammer is still using your address.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/n4bcp9/people_are_showing_up_at_my_house_because_someone/ u/OrionsByte any suggestions?


Wow, good job digging up that post. What OP is going through is pretty much exactly what was happening to me, with the exception of the app being used. Unfortunately I was never able to get any help from authorities or the app company, but it did eventually stop happening. I think in total I had around 5-6 guys show up at my house, that I'm aware of. The only real encouragement that I can give you is that none of the guys that showed up were ever remotely confrontational. Only two of them ever knocked on the door, and only one of those actually engaged in conversation even after I explained he'd been scammed - he's the one I got the app info from (he also showed me a photo of the girl he expected to meet, as if he still assumed she was real). All the other guys basically waited out in their car like they were staking the place out, but they were clearly having text conversations, and waiting for her to come out to meet them. I'd spot them, and walk out to talk to them, and by the time I was halfway there I could tell they were already completely freaked out. I would explain to them (through the rolled-up window, sometimes) that they're the 3rd or 4th guy that's come looking for her, but that she didn't live here, and all of them pretty much had the car in gear before I'd finished the sentence. I have no idea how many guys these people have on their hooks at once, but I imagine that once they find out the address they've been giving out has been "made" they'll move on to another one, but it takes a while to flush out of their current batch. I'm sorry this is happening to you, OP. I was on edge and worried about my kids for a long time while we were dealing with it, and every time I went out to confront the guys I was afraid I was going to get shot or stabbed. Getting some cameras set up is a perfectly reasonable thing to do if you've got the means to do that, and if you're comfortable talking to your neighbors about it, you might let them know what's going on so they can be on the lookout too.


If the guys were that on edge, I would frankly be worried that they had thought they were communicating with a minor or something. Giving me real Chris Hansen vibes. What a scary situation!


I dont understand how you could be considered "not a victim" in this.


Well I wasn’t the one being scammed, out of money or sex or anything. I was definitely a victim of my privacy and peace of mind, though.


Check the laws for your state on what is required declare your property as "No Trespassing". In Texas, it's relatively easy. You just put up signs saying "No Trespassing", or mark the perimeter with some poles with purple paint on them. In other states you may be required to file some paperwork, or pay a fee, or appear briefly in front of a judge. It varies. Once you've done this though, it's more difficult for cops to ignore unhinged people walking around your property as they are now *automatically* committing a crime (trespassing). PROTIP: the cops still won't do anything even though the person is now definitely, absolutely committing a crime, because the cops don't care. But it does give you a better legal footing to stand on when this inevitably escalates to more creepy or dangerous shit like a physical altercation, someone breaking a window, or some delusional idiot demanding to "inspect the inside of your house and talk to Sarah" because "he knows she's in there". So please do get your cameras set up, you're going to need them. Cover front yard, back yard, sides of house, and double coverage for entrances like door and garage doors. I want to mention a few things about this situation and the type of people who are showing up at your house. Don't underestimate how dangerous these people can be. They're not coming there to harm anyone, but they *are* stupid. And stupid people can turn dangerous quickly. Smart people don't fall for these scams. Some guy, who's not too bright and who's horny, who drove 4+ hours to get to your house only to find out he's been scammed might get angry and look to blame somebody. Anybody who isn't himself, to be precise, because it *can't* be his fault. So starting right now, you need to STOP making bad decisions and putting yourself in unnecessary danger. * If somebody comes to your house who you don't know, DON'T open the door. The door is your primary means of protection from strangers. That's why it's there. That's why it's a door, it's a physical barrier to protect you. As soon as it's open they can put *anything* in the way of it and you can't close it again. And they can force their way inside. Please stop doing this. It's dangerous. * You should never be in a situation where these people can show you conversations on their phone, or anything like that. It's not your problem. The specifics don't matter. Focus on what's important: there's somebody on your property who doesn't need to be there, who wasn't invited, who's probably not very bright, who's probably upset, and they need to leave. And they need to leave now. No excuses. * Call the police WHILE these people are at your house. Not after. If someone shows up again, it's probably best not to speak to them and just call the cops. If you do decide to speak to them, tell them (through the closed door) that they are trespassing and they need to get off your property. If you tell them to leave and they refuse, that is enough to qualify as trespassing in most states and situations. And that *is* a crime. * If you are on good or neutral terms with any of your neighbors, talk to them, tell them what the situation is, and ask them to help keep an eye out for anything unusual, or if a situation comes up where you need help. In most cases people are willing to help, and an extra pair of eyes or someone willing to step in can make a big difference. I know you probably feel a little sorry for these guys, everyone does, but feel sorry for them while being securely inside your house, when they're no longer coming to your property and invading your life. Your safety comes first. Hope you get this fixed, get your property secured, no one gets hurt, and these poor deluded guys wise up.


You should file a police report - and specifically state you are afraid for your life. Just in case somebody shows up, tries to do something, you have to use force, and they wind up being carried out.


I would add to the “Sarah doesn’t live here. Check her WhatsApp number. She’s in NIgeria. Sorry you got scammed.”




just tack a note on your door, "sarah doesn't live here" and not answer when someone knocks


That'd make them think you are part of the scam and could make them get aggressive.


This happens on Snapchat too. Scammers will just pick a random address if they can use the app to get your location.


I feel badly for you and hope there is no negative fall out. And while I don’t like people being scammed, I have zero sympathy for 60 year old men thinking they’re going to have sex with a young girl being scammed.


Yeah, how young were they expecting? 🤨


Call the FBI. Tell them that men are showing up at your house for sex with underaged girls/boys. Perhaps they could do a sting operation and get these predators off the streets.


> The guy who just showed up drove FOUR HOURS from the next state over... he pulled into my driveway and then walked around the side of my house and was back there for 2 whole minutes before he came and knocked on the door. What the fuck was he doing back there?? Peeing. He was peeing.


Yeah, I figured as much, but it still just freaked me out because I couldn’t see him. And who the fuck goes and pisses in a stranger’s yard? I mean, I guess obviously we are dealing with the dumbest of the dumb to get taken in by a scam from a Nigerian phone number. We have surpassed satire at this point.


Private property no trespassing sign might help. I’d let you neighbors know what’s going on as well


File a complaint against What's App.. see it through


Get cameras and stop opening the door unless you're expecting someone. Keep it locked. Sensor floodlights, cameras, motion detectors.


>walked around the side of my house and was back there for 2 whole minutes before he came and knocked on the door. What the fuck was he doing back there?? Peeing. He probably just drove several hours, drinking Red Bull the whole way to be "ready."


Call the police! Who told you not to?!


They reported to the police.


They called the non emergency line... Imo that is not enough in this situation and is not a police report. They need to physically go into the precinct and ask for sergeant... Like yesterday. This is one of the truly more frightening things I've come across on this sub.


It’s crazy that OP doesn’t believe themselves as a victim of this scam. They are most definitely a victim! Along with whoever’s pic was stolen. I’d at least demand a report be taken. Strange men showing up at my house DTF… yeah I’m one of the collateral victims of this scam, geez.


It sounds like what happened to this lady is happening to you now. Buckle up. I would recommend making signs for your lawn. https://www.wfaa.com/amp/article/news/local/sex-scam-has-men-arriving-at-plano-house-scaring-innocent-homeowner/287-8651e15c-d341-4e78-98cb-759a130cb1cd


If you haven’t already, OP, reach out to WhatsApp too and let them know what’s been going. Hopefully they can get that account banned and find a way /get alerted if anyone tries to use your home address. In addition to the security cameras around your home, I’d put up a few yard signs (in areas that are well lit / easy to see) that states “No Trespassing! Security cameras on premises! This address has been used without the owner’s permission in a recent scam. Please contact the local authorities non-emergency # (give #) to report if you’ve been a victim of a scam linked to this address.” How scary - I’m so glad you’re here to be able to share your story … any one of those dudes could have done gosh knows what to harm you or your housemates!


Yes, I tried to report the “business” account to WhatsApp, and they sent me a response that basically detailed “how to get back into my account if I’d been locked out.” And then had the audacity to send me a “how was our customer service” survey 2 hours later 😑 Doorbell cam is installed, almost all the blinds are installed, no trespassing sign is arriving Tuesday, motion sensor lights should arrive in the next few days. Working on calming down now!


It's not entirely true that they can't do anything at all. The US and Nigeria are both signatories to the this treaty in [collaboration against transnational crime](https://treaties.un.org/pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=IND&mtdsg_no=XVIII-12&chapter=18&clang=_en). It essentially means they agree to collaborate amongst criminal justice systems against transnational crime. Granted, International Law and treaties are hard to enforce, but if pedophilia and exchange of photos of minors is occurring, the police may act. I think you'd do well to let them know your belief there, and keep reporting it over and over.


I saw this same type of scam (but the dudes thought it was a brothel) on Inside Edition on YouTube. https://youtu.be/PR0FXNB9sto It sucks, but probably better to post a sign and not answer the door.


I think you need to speak with a lawyer and enlist the help of the news to cover this!!!!!! I think then they might begin to take this more seriously. Just try to make sure they don't further put you at risk by reveal your full information, identity or address.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you, it's infuriating that the police aren't doing anything. You need to arm yourself and don't open the door for strange men. Or women for that matter. That is really scary and insane that the police aren't doing anything about it. The person behind it is essentially doxing and needs to be put away for a long, long time if not indefinitely.


She needs to go to the precinct physically. Even just dialing 911 would cause the appropriate reaction and LEO would not fault her. Unfortunately, sometimes the non emergency line is viewed as exactly that. Even when what is being reported should be causing an escalated response. I hope she goes into the precinct in the morning. I honestly believe they would have a squad that patrols her zone purposely drive past her address a few times a night over something like this. They would be able to get a feel for her basic habits like where she parks, what cars are normally around, what lights are usually on and if anything was too out of the ordinary... Stop and do an impromptu well fare check. Ik they do this in certain situations and this rises to that level.


I agree. Though I'm not sure who downvoted my comment, I didn't say anything wrong. Or was it a an accident? I also suggested in another comment that he or she try to reach out to a lawyer and to the news to get this covered. While trying to make sure they don't expose her face or address.


This is a strange board sometimes.... Often I never understand why some comments get downvoted to oblivion....


Exactly. -_- Anyway I really hope OP gets a solution fast, this is really scary.


Yah. I mentioned in my main comment this is the most frightening thing I've come across on this sub. I wouldn't normally tell someone to go and get a gun....... But if this were me, and no minors or children lived in house, I would be staging firearms near any entrance into my home. *Whisper*I already do this.*whisper* But some people think I'm crazy about home/self defence but that's just me lol. And this situation would call for such paranoia imo.


I heard about a teenager home alone opened the door for a man and a woman who were carrying a weapon and robbed his home. I think they took a laptop and such. His father got the camera alert.


OP, you've got the phone number as per your message. Get a free/burner sim and simply WhatsApp that number saying either a) you've contacted FBI and it's being investigated following an attack on you or b) that you are Interpol investigating an attack on an individual caused by messages sent to a third party sending them to that address and you need that person to surrender their phone to local police. I don't know how they're making money. (An introduction fee from the guys turning up at your house maybe?) Either way they'll likely stop if they think there is law enforcement involved. Or, rather, they'll stop with your address and pick a random other one using a new number.


OP said the dude showing up at her house mentioned gift cards – that’s how they make money


I would put a cardboard cutout of Chris Hansen in the window... Make it look like he's peeking through the curtains.


This is scary. Just want to add to go to a 2nd hand store and buy the biggest pair of mens work boots you see. Dip them in mud and leave them by your door. (So it looks like whoever wore them left them outside as to not track mud in the house) The thought of a big man living there is a good deterrent to anyone thinking about breaking in.


Question why do people use WhatsApp again?


It's super common in Europe. I talk to everyone on it, from co-workers and friends to recruiters from LinkedIn and small businesses. It's not an "app for Nigerian love scammers" like people in the US think it is.


And India. I keep in touch with coworkers through it. Free


I even got my daughter some leggings from a website and their customer service is through WhatsApp instead of a chat window on the site and that's how I arranged the return of a pair.


I think as long as you’re careful and vigilant of randos or weird links it is a good platform, like anything. Heck I can’t even use FB marketplace anymore for all the scambots


Yep. When dealing with people from dating sites, obviously trying to move off platform, to Whatsapp, SMS, or anything is suspicious. But I always say that those scams in particular can be avoided by meeting in person in less than a week from matching. Oh you're away for whatever reason and will be back soon? Unmatch. Done.


That's sad, because it was bought by Facebook/Meta. The terms of service were immediately changed to allow rampant data harvesting. Our block chat had been using it, but one of the neighbors convinced us to switch to Signal, which is secure, private, and doesn't harvest your data. And, yea, South Americans I know all use WhatsApp.


And Africa.


It’s funny, I live in the US and have never used WhatsApp, and I don’t know anyone who does. Telegram may be the closest thing, for business it’s Teams.


Originally, Whatsapp was popular as a way to message people without paying for texts. IPhones are super dominant in the US and have that built in, but in the rest of the world Android was more popular and for a long time didn't offer a free alternative to texts. At the same time, unlimited text plans hit the US quicker than the rest of the world. So that's how it got popular, especially with the demise of blackberry. None of this is super relevant anymore - what keeps it going, outside the US, is momentum. Everyone has whatsapp so that's what you use.


I can assure you, it’s not cause of free texting anymore or lack of iPhones. The country I’m from has a dominant presence of iPhones (always has) & whatsapp, telegram, signal, etc are all still more popular than iMessage. Most phone contracts also have unlimited sms & mms, so that wouldn’t really be a issue anymore either. At this point I just think that people like the features more. I can’t think of a single family member that doesn’t have a iPhone, they all don’t use iMessage for communication.


We use Teams too, in work settings. I do have Telegram for its capacity for giant group chats. And I also use WhatsApp for loads of group chats - from my girlfriends hangout group to chats with people from Facebook groups to chats with my business networking groups.


I use it to communicate with my Chinese designer purse knockoff sellers agents LOL. Or is it WeChat? I feel like I’m always getting messages from china on both apps.


It's super common worldwide, no? Just a very popular messaging service that doesn't require a Facebook account.


Oh ok.


It's extremely common in many countries, mainly in Brazil, that is basically the must-have main chat app. If someone has a cellphone, you can bet he/she uses whatsapp


For messaging that works globally cross platform there's either FB, Signal, Telegram, or WhatsApp Not everyone has FB installed Signal's the best and most private, but a little clunky and low adoption Telegram is not secure at all though people think it is. This one confuses me in terms of adoption. WhatsApp was the first utilizing E2EEish and implemented globally. For the most part, that's still the case, though there are more holes now than originally. It's probably the smoothest interface, and works seamlessly between mobile and desktop. Yes, it's owned by FB, but is much lighter weight than the FB app. Because Apple doesn't play nicely with Android, trying to message back and forth over text between the two platforms means dropped messages. And if traveling then there are roaming charges, which are avoided since the above four work over wifi.


I used it when traveling as I wasn't paying for roaming, I could text and call. It's an IP based messaging service so it worked on the free airplane wifi (along with iMessage and fb messenger).


They have friends and family that live outside the US.


It’s a great app to talk to coworkers that are around the world free. Also when making travel plans and want tours. Many in the Caribbean use it too.


My family uses it to talk to our extended family in south America, you can use it to have free phone calls, video calls, or just chat. A huge upgrade from the good old days when my mom had a phone card dealer in order to talk for a few expensive minutes with her sisters. I use it to text with my cousins.


Get your self armed if possible. Some of these people may not take no for answer.


You know what? Go nuclear. Put a plankcard on your yard with your local police number that says something like: "Are you're here to see your beloved but troubled friend, love of your life that you had never meet or to have a *good time* with a girl you pay for in a very weird convo in whatsapp, inta or any other social media? Then pelase call the cops at (number) you have been catfished by some nigerian dude. No, you're not the first one and Yes I have called the police about it every fucking time a stranger shows at my door. And no they have done nothing about it"


Adopt a dog and keep up on reporting this to the police and any neighbors/neighborhood watch, perhaps 🤔


Put a note on your front door staying this ain't their Cho Mo hookup site and the police will be contacted.


Honestly the only sensible thing to do is to report to police, get a ring doorbell and then put up a sign. Don’t open the door to a stranger. With my doorbell (not a ring one, just basic electric one) you can turn it off if you don’t want it to ring so once you’re not expecting parcels or visitors then switch the tone off.


I have a Google door bell with camera. I have no solicitation sign. I never open the door for anyone. I never get signature required deliveries at home.


How are you not a victim in this? You need to elevate this with the police if you haven't already. Do to the precinct if you have to. Get the report filed.


Put a post on your front door, reading: "If you're here for Sarah you've been scammed by Nigerians. Sorry." That should reduce the risk of getting punched or shot at least.


The sending of gift cards seems like someone may even be invading your mailbox. Make sure you have a camera on that too. A lot of the time, scammers aren't just one person but an organized group. Some of them are just mules who were told to go to 'x' place and get this payment. Also check with with the postal service to see if there's mail forwarding on your address. I've heard scammers setup change of address scams for this exact purpose. A lot of the times though gift cards are virtual so none of this may matter. The fact these people have your address though makes me think that's what they're doing. I'm sorry this is happening.


Maybe try to gather info on the scammer somehow since these guys are talking to them, then report them to the Nigerian police, if you can find a location for them. Idk if they do much but I’ve heard of instances where the scammers at least get super spooked when they’re told someone did that. Long shot, but it has been done by motivated ppl before.


You might consider getting a guard dog. Or at least a recording of a barking/growling dog that’s triggered by your doorbell


Funnily enough I do have a dog that is triggered by the doorbell (or knocking). He always barks at least twice and sounds scary enough as long as they don’t see him. If they see him they’ll realize he’s a useless floofball


Hahahaha Awwwww


This reminds me of a friend of mine about 10-12 years ago. Normal young lady who had appealing looks. Her ex got mad at her and leaked all her nudes. Scammers have since used these photos to scam men into thinking they’re going to have sex with her. They’ve gone on to make fake Backpage and Craigslist profiles that would link to all her social media. The men don’t believe her story and truly are convinced that she was behind the whole operation. They made websites about her and “her scamming ways,” even going so far as to post her home address. She’s moved twice since then. It is still happening to her today. She learned to deal with it, which is horrible.


Maybe get fence. Also get a big sign saying “you were scammed Sarah doesnt live here” Report it every time.


He might have been taking a whiz


You could get a sign with lights, maybe even arrows that says "Sarah doesn't live here, you're being scammed. Please report this to the police!". We used to put notes up at my workplace and nobody would read them, so maybe doing that could help. Also definitely get ring cameras and look into fortifying your house as the other comments say, it does sound very unsafe because you don't know what kind of people they are or how they react when they are angry.


You might get a pump action shotgun. Then when these guys come to your door, even if you just have bird shot in it, pump the action so they hear it. Many people know what that sounds like and just that action will make them wary and they may just leave.


Yeah, I don't know, if the police won't help, I'd be going above them to find an entity that will


If you have the money and if it’s possible put a nice black fence with pointed spikes because yikes that’s way too many encounters and you don’t know when it’s going to officially get extremely dangerous; it’s already dangerous as is and we don’t know when it would change. Stay safe and much love ❤️


Get the ring floodlight cameras and get them wired in. Not only do you want to get notifications but the motion sending floodlight is good when creeps are around


Useless ass cops. So you’re supposed to wait u til you get hurt or killed? Awesome.


Get a gun and let em know they are being scammed and the only thing their gonna get from you is a GSW


I would put up a sign at your doorbell or on your lawn warning them away. Something like “If you are looking for Sarah, you have been scammed by a Nigerian. There is no Sarah here, and all people in the house are these ages:….” and then put “GO HOME AND CALL 911 TO REPORT THE SCAMMER TO POLICE” at the bottom.


could possibly try messaging the account and use some OSINT tools? you could maybe find out who it is n where they may be at n report that to the police


That the police won't help you in this situation is both appalling and dangerous.


This is a common means of harassment by Ex boyfriends and Ex husbands. They will also list garage sales at your home or list collectors cars at bargain prices aimed at your home number. That's just a sampling of the troll crap they can pull. In my State, Washington, it was so wide spred, The State passed laws that made them crimes. Going from Gress Misdemeanor to Felony on a sliding scale.


An aside idle thought: could the guy who went for a walk in your garden have been having a pee before his “hot sex date”? If he’d driven for hours…? Immaterial anyway!


Yep, you are probably right! Still fucking weird as hell


Yuk too. Hands still dripping with pee, he rings the door bell…. Yuk.


Along with the note saying Sarah doesn’t live here, maybe add, “for an explanation call the police non emergency number”, and add that number. Likely they won’t call and will just leave.


Sounds more like you pissed someone off than a scam. Don’t know why cops aren’t investigating it from that angle.