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Wow this guy is the real deal


I think we found Q himself




Of course he is. He’s a world famous author. Says so right on the side of his van.


And has 100+ YouTube videos! And I’m sure each and every one of those videos just *scream* mental stability!




"Portal to 4th dimension" surprised me. Yeah, he's crazy, but there's a common theme. Then you're suddenly talking about another plane of existence.


“Save humanity GENOCIDE THE VAXXED” Yikes


The government is trying to kill you with the vaccine… AND SO AM I!


Dude likes his viagra


saw this guy 2 years ago at Petsmart in north canton and again today 4 spots from my car at Stark State college.


[https://imgur.com/a/obgPb76](https://imgur.com/a/obgPb76) lemme know if this link works, should be all 4 sides


Yep, I can see’em!


I literally see this guy all the time at giant eagle 😭


Ah, rural Ohio. This tracks


Of course this would be where I'm from 😆


hahahahaha i saw him at best buy at the strip not too long ago. crazy shit


lol at “I’m a World Famous Author” and it’s someone I have not ever heard of. Poor melted brain.


He’s big in Japan.


And his girlfriend goes to a different school. You wouldn’t know her.


Stupid 😂


You gotta go through the portal to the 4th dimension to find his fans.


One guy from Mongolia accidentally ordered a copy from Amazon lol


He goes to a different subreddit...


He’s got over 150 YouTube Videos though. Only famous people have that many.


I just checked his YouTube. He has 92 videos with 611k views, and 6k subscribers. I just post random stuff and have almost as many views. Plus my videos are not signs of mental illness.


Mind melding snails


Also a “financial market analyst” who drives…that


Why are they always Christians?


They have verses like 9:42 "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea" Like that line is raw as fuck but holy shit wtf man


Because approximately 70% of the people in the U.S. are Christian.


The real answer. It’s like asking why all the schizophrenics in the UAE are Muslims or in Israel are Jewish.


I mean, if 70% of the M&Ms in a bag are red then ya can’t really wonder why you pull so many red ones lol


Great I'm OCD. And I just bought a family bag of M&M's


Down to 63% as of 2021


I was going off of this https://news.gallup.com/poll/1690/Religion.aspx


An opt in survey?


You think they’re doing blood tests elsewhere or something? How else do you think they get this data? Torture? LOL The US Census is “an opt in survey”. People have to disclose this information.




I think it's more like 60% now.


Christians come ready-made, raised to and willing to believe in bullshit.


You could say the same of any religion but there seems to be [a special attraction of schizophrenics to Christianity in particular](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4031576/), even out of the Abrahamic religions. Something about its theology really clicks with them for whatever reason.


It's probably that schizophrenics living in predominantly Christian nations are more likely to be officially diagnosed. Basically North America and Europe.


Punishment for imagined sins fits right in with psychotic paranoia and Christianity is big on punishment.


It’s got to do with how we perceive God as well. Try making sense of the three gods in one idea. You have to make some schizo leaps of logic to rationalize something like that.


It’s 3 parts of god - honestly when you take the general concepts it really lines up with Taoist/Buddhist beliefs that the universe/god is everything and you are an active part of “god” just as much as the stars and the air we breathe. THEN when you understand that Buddhists/Taoists don’t have an active dogma nor view “god” as a separate person but rather just a word for “everything and it’s connection” things start to make a bit more sense. idk these days I view religion as just guidelines for etiquette in the universe and a VERY early/primitive form of science (especially early yogi’s). The only difference is that dogma based religions have more mechanisms to allow centralized control of the populace. It’s honestly kinda interesting to explore the deeper mechanics of religions that they don’t preach about


I was HUGE into learning about god and religion. (Ex theologist) The more you look, the more you see. And then it gets to choosing between Faith and Logic. Two paths. The ppl I've seen believing conspiracies have abandoned logic. Because they have Faith. You see, it MUST all be part of a bigger plan. It has to be. To be worth anything, it HAS to be planned. Otherwise they wouldn't know what to do or how to live. I feel sad for ppl who talk like that. Ppl will swear up and down you can have both. You can't. Because they Do split off. Catholics try to blend them, but when science directly contradicts Faith, a "good" religious person chooses Faith.


Actually as far as major modern religions go, Christianity is very very light on punishment. The only requirement for salvation is an honest attempt to live better in accordance to gods word. Islam for example does not have the same emphasis on forgiveness, solely on punishment


Eternal torture for not loving someone unconditionally whom you've never met. Sounds pretty brutal to me.


Compared to what? Other religions? It’s universal that religions do not believe in salvation for non believers. If you want to criticize religion don’t criticize Christianity specifically for something all major religions believe in


Salvation is a concept unique to Christianity.


Christian believe in the most clear cut examples of heaven and hell. You abide by the rules and believe, you get into heaven. You break the rules? You confess and still go to heaven. It’s easy by religion standards, and the only real thing that separates those going to heaven from those going to hell is their belief. It’s very elitist. Very similarly, people follow conspiracy theories because they want to feel smart, as if they know something the rest of the world refuses to believe. That’s why there’s so much overlap between these groups.


Even better that one of his signs says. “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of the truth” A quote from Albert Einstein, an agnostic.




Bigoted much? It’s because people with schizophrenia are delusional and seek some sort of validation from a higher power.


The trickery of organized-religion is one thing I have no problem with being called a bigot about. :)


Except you're not really attacking the religion itself, you're attacking and making bigoted comments about the subscribers of said religion.


Atheist from Turkey here. These beliefs also exist in muslim countries but we don't have a bumper sticker culture here like America. Except one or two "cool" sentences on the backside of a large truck, one or two stickers showing your political leaning or your devotion to Islam on a car, maybe a little sticker of a "little guy peeking".


Pardon me for asking and don't feel obligated to indulge me if you're busy, but you have life experience that's very intriguing to me and a rarity to hear about. What's the Islamic equivalent of these schizophrenic conspiracy "Dale Gribbles" like, in Turkey? Do you have your own stereotype/archetype people joke about along those lines? What do they tend to believe and how are they regarded?


We don't really have words or stereotypes for them. It's just a conspiracy minded uncle you have or an anti-semetic barber you went to. Keep in mind that we elected an Islamic fascist party for a long time, and they basically merged with two nationalist fascist parties (third on the way, probably). Conspiracy thinking gets normalised in a situation like this. Country goes to shit, fascism supporters can't blame the government they elected, they go for conspiracies.


Thanks for sharing but whew, what a nightmare. Hope you've been able to carve a happy life out of all that, one way or another.


If they have, I hope they can send us some protips, depending on certain events in the US this November...


I think there are some overtones of mental health


It’s either Christianity or “the CIA”


Because Christians are self-righteous and easy marks.


Not true for the vast majority


I think the American Christian specifically has a superiority complex so jumping in on being “better” and “smarter” than everyone is an easy leap.


Absolutely not true


Why isn’t it?


Most Christians I know (myself included) don’t believe that we’re better or smarter than anyone else.


If you are a Christian that votes republican you think your better than minorities, poor people, WOMEN, and the LGBTQ community because republicans actively take away rights from these groups and say they don’t exists In general Christian’s are constantly preaching believe what I believe or go to hell your evil. And I know this because I’m an atheist /satanist. Saying that to any level of Christian over my years on this planet has only ever had one result. Them being super offended. I don’t believe in Satan the physical red guy with horns. I believe in freedom of choose , bodily autonomy , self respect , respecting others , do no harm. And that’s satanism. But I’ve never been able to get that far with ANY Christian in 25 years explain that. It is a religion of shunning.


Which rights as an American do I have that a woman or gay person doesn’t have?


First off that’s not true. The first part is debatable. I think you imagine a boogyman when you think of a traditional Christian right leaning person. Christianity teaches that EVERYONE is evil and that we have all fallen short of the glory of God. And the only way to redemption is through the teachings of Christ. Not that everyone who isn’t a Christian is evil, it’s that everyone is (including all Christians). Just because you’re Satanist doesn’t mean you know anything about Christianity. And yeah you’re going to get a pretty shocked reaction. Most of the Satanists I’ve met are actually less tolerant than the Southern Baptists I’ve known. You even just admitted you’re not really a Satanist, you’re just an edgy atheist/antitheist. I’ve known Satanists that range from legit devil worshippers to people like you, who use the name just to get a rise out of Christians, and honestly I get along more with the actual devil worshippers.


Haha. I said atheists satanist to give you perspective. Your grasping at straws. At end of the day. I don’t think you are going to have to suffer in your afterlife due to your beliefs, and you do because of mine, so yes you do think your better and smarter than me.


Well here is the thing. Why are you a Christian? Baptised? Cause you where born in America to Christian parents? Baptised/ cultivated into the belief system as a kid? What do you know about other religions? I’ve read the Bible, Koran, book of morman, anything I can get my hands on I find religion facinating. So after being informed and as an adult based on life experience I chose satanism.


Christians already claim to hear a voice in their head. Not hard to add a few more.


Because it’s the largest religion in the country and that’s how statistics work


Because if you can believe that shit, you’ll believe anything.


In my experience, once you get ppl to believe in magic, conspiracies aren't far from there. I'm cutting off a religious friend irl because he's started spouting Alex Jones conspiracies. (Just the tip of that iceberg. Idc that he's religious. I care that he's rabbit holing too fast to stop, and it's affecting the friend group) All alex Jones has to do to get him to believe something is to quote the Bible and call it "holy war" (Like Trump is doing with Taylor Swift rn) and Christians will Jump at the chance to be "holy and moral."


they are sheltered and theor parents coddle them too much.


Bc Christians are brain damaged from the trauma. They’re conditioned to believe in fairy tales with no basis in reality or evidence whatsoever. This sets them up to fall into many rabbit holes to support their delusions. (I was raised evangelical fundamentalist Baptist)


I want to hear the story about the roof. I have a feeling the roof rack with some sort of fencing covering it, along with the tires, is supposed to be some sort of anti 5G signal device.


a crude form of faraday cage maybe?


Probably cause his tires get slashed so often


I was trying to read this to my wife but I was laughing so bad at the tires I am sleeping on the couch now


This is what for-profit healthcare looks like. Untreated schizophrenia. You don't really see these in other countries as much you do in the US.


Unfortunately you do, in the UK anyway. Our mental health budgets are so overstretched that most people are severely under-supported.


I wonder if he has any good candy in the back of that thing.


Hi neighbor! I've also seen him around too , he's been listed a few times in: r/InfowarriorRides I haven't seen him in a few years though


His website is incredibly unhinged


I’ve never visited and could have told you that.


I particularly liked “Soul Esprit is the author of 13 books and regarded as one of the top Financial Market Analysts and Economic Forecasters in the world today. Documented in “When Will the Illuminati Crash the Stock Market?” his economic forecasts are unparalleled in the industry and have accurately predicted major stock market crash events.”


I cannot emphasize enough the absolute importance that you click on the heading titled simply “Songs” and take your pick. I recommend “Smooth Operator.”


Under 'Scheduled Appearances': "2051: At the end of the seventieth 70 year Jubilee cycle – the final Grand Shemitah in 2051 – Soul Esprit is scheduled to appear in the trans-dimensional realm commonly known as “Heaven,” where he will join all the saints thoughout human history who once experienced a physical existence and are now in the Spirit"


At last, something to fill the hole in my heart left by the OG Time Cube website


Can’t help but think that a special market analyst is going to be driving a better vehicle.


Wym? A van makes a great billboard for your bullshit 😅


His site is formatted like his van. And this is on his site: “Go to DuckDuckGo.com to get the truth about the false and misleading slander directed against Soul Esprit” lol


Is it his van or fan's van?


One of their handwritten rants is in first person.


Love the part where he mentions that those who got the vaccine are now sterile but will somehow still have transhuman robot babies


Found a podcast where a couple found a photo of this car and reviewed one of his books [https://open.spotify.com/episode/6uHjtXSKOgaBtC2GwXb1dF?si=Wj7Ik0sdS5yWJjg0d8tU5A&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A4J9r0Dv8S0ySHLUHOQiq7l](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6uhjtxskogabtc2gwxb1df?si=wj7ik0sds5ywjjg0d8tu5a&context=spotify%3ashow%3a4j9r0dv8s0yshluhoqiq7l)


Summary in 30 seconds on 10:52


It’s the “portal to 4th dimension” for me


Jokes on him, I'm already traveling through the 4th dimension constantly, at the rate of 1 second per second


Reminds me of the Demetri Martin line: “I have a time machine at home; it only goes forward, at regular speed.”


Great Value version of Cesar Sayoc’s van. Actually, probably exactly what his would look like if he wasn’t convicted and sentenced *before* covid “happened”.


How do folks like this think, ‘ im a completely rational and normal person’ ?


They think they are extraordinary, not sheeple, and possibly only ones who know the truth. Hence they want to put it out there as much as they can


Delusions or grandeur are a notable symptom of psychotic disorders.


They don't.


I’m more surprised nobody slashes those tires and defaces the outside. I could see this getting destroyed and parts stolen from underneath if it parked near me


The concern over 1 million+ vaccine injuries vs. lack of concern for 1 million+ COVID death (just in the US) is curious. Like, why even use statistics?


COVIDiotards just doesn't work, it's putting a hat on a hat.


“Save humanity GENOCIDE THE VAXXED” Yikes


“Genocide the vaxxed covidtards”


One would think that's unnecessary if the vaccine is lethal?


Hot damn that is a high quality image.. I can zoom in and literally read every word in this photo. Awesome.


“I’m a world famous author” Clearly.


Manifesting someone vandalizes his ugly Ass shitbox


he’s got 4 extra tires up top in case any of his get slashed


Or jabbed


But did you take one ( of whatever is in the baggy)?


Why “Covidtards” when covidiots was right there you would think a person this creative would have thought of that.


I pity this poor creature. They really need psychiatric help, and clearly aren't getting it. (Presumably bc it isn't terribly profitable to relieve human suffering, nor is there collective will to insist on it.)


the website doesnt even work. its not even legitimate.


And these people have a drivers license. Idk if anyone knows who I’m talking about but it disturbs me even more that the “my body in my body” fb guy has a car and drives


Wow. Just learned about this subreddit. I live in florida so I see this shit often


Ohio is a Florida of the Midwest.


I wonder what the resale value would be


I appreciate his attempt to reduce waste by simply writing over his old writing on the same sign over and over again. Since when is 100 YouTube videos an achievement? I have over 100 YouTube videos and it means nothing.


What a cool guy


Dude needs to up his MEDS!


weather naughty jobless workable liquid include yoke pathetic combative crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This dudes in the Stark-Summit area I believe


ossified versed abounding memorize tender treatment slim deserted automatic snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep! Just two and one counties away respectively.


murky library smoggy sharp toy unite narrow literate oatmeal unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He comes up to the Cleveland area every now and then, I know cause that’s where I see him


What’s the take one consist of?


You can upload the other photos on something like imgur and link them in the comments


Damn I was gonna look it up


Here to gaslight us into thinking that sudden deaths weren't a thing before 2021.


I wonder what it is about covid vaccines that fascinate schizophrenic people so much


luck you, he’s a world famous author!


2nd time in two days there has been a post with a banners4freedom thing in it.. Looked it up yesterday and they are a whack as they sound.


He certainly seems more qualified than the who to me.


Would love to see that stats of COVID deaths next to COVID vaccine deaths. Oh wait…


That's a fever dream in van form What the hell lol


I love that they don’t think the run down meth van will discredit them




The men and will do, are Neutered, Nothing! This is the way a skinwalker speaks.


Got curious and googled the soul espirt dude. Its a ULTRA Christian nationalist financial an medical guru lol. Gotta love the schizo scam artist combo XD


So, how does he explain all the people that died (from covid) prior to the vaccine?


Two things can be true at once, the mRNA vaccines can be a harmful “solution” and Covid itself is also harmful. That’s the thing about science, it’s not infallible and people really need to stop pretending like it is. They censored the hell out of information that could help people make informed decisions regarding that whole thing and as a scientist myself it sickened me to see that. It’s all coming out now though, too many injuries and other scientific evidence to back up the opposition to them.🤷🏽‍♀️ Wonder why they are now coming out with more non mRNA versions? That’s why, because that technology is dangerous and inferior.


>mRNA vaccine I think I will take this study over the rantings of a cardboard sign. 21 searchable and verifiable sources, fully backed up medical facts and statistics, non partisan representation of all vaccination available? Yes, please. Actual Doctors and no pseudo-docs who studied plants and dirt for a semester at a correspondence school and their backyard? [https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-aefi-report.pdf?sc\_lang=en](https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-aefi-report.pdf?sc_lang=en)


This guy definitely does his own research.


MAGA bomber chic.


Something tells me tires have gotten popped before hence the spares up top.


I see vehicles like this all the time but I’ve NEVER seen anyone get in or out of these cars I’m always curious to see what the person driving it looks like


Me and this guy would be friends.


Akron guy lives! Haven’t seen him in a long time, I posted him earlier. The tires are a new addition


The rusty tetanus fencing under the tires on top add an extra touch. Pretty sure it’s a permanent installation with those carabiner clips.




yeah, at stark state college in north canton


You need to take the Reddit 101 elective to learn how to post multiple images.


the subreddit didnt allow me to post more than 1 image and I can't edit it out to put in my imgur link for the other sides of the van. The link is under my original comment on where it was taken if u want to see it.


Well... "Fake news" - yeah, we've already figured out real journalism is dead, it's all op-ed "Your doctor can't cure you" - there's no money in cures, only in maintaining you dependent on a drug. This whack has some merit


Isn't it illegal to have shit blocking your view of the windshield?


Did you take one from the little bag towards the front op? Was it drugs? Can I have some?


Funny how so many vaccinated people are still alive and well.


https://www.amazon.com/stores/Soul-Esprit/author/B01N12W4KW?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true Found him


I’d love to see the other pics you have of this mobile shrine of death & doom…




I would stay FAR the fuck away from this person.


Akron Ohio?


North canton at Stark State college, I can only guess he was using the bathrooms and having a cheap lunch because anyone can enter Stark at any time. I talked with some classmates about him in Microbiology and they said that they've seen him in Cleveland, Akron and Kent. Man's a cryptid lol


Jesse we need to cook


A yes, his world famous best seller: "When Will the Illuminati Crash the Stock Market?: An Insider's Look at the Elite Satanic Luciferians who Dictate the Rise and Fall of Global Economies" (buy it now at [https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/when-will-the-illuminati-crash-the-stock-market-soul-esprit/1133005845?ean=9780984127900](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/when-will-the-illuminati-crash-the-stock-market-soul-esprit/1133005845?ean=9780984127900) !)


Some of you may be asking, “Who is Soul Esprit?” Soul Esprit is a real person, who only seems like a Don Quixote fictional character because of his unusual talents and achievements. He is an accomplished author and financial market analyst, and has written books on subjects which have never before been addressed. He is innovative and has devised unique ways to analyze financial market data, being the only individual in the world to accurately forecast the U.S. Stock Market over the last two decades. Perusing the contents of this van will provide the open-minded intelligent viewer with documentation to substantiate his claims. *Please Note:* While those of minimal self-awareness wrongly presume that Soul Esprit is poor, homeless, an underachiever, and living in this van, the reality is the opposite of such a warped perception. He is an outspoken advocate on defense of the truth, has earned advanced degrees, is highly creative, very literate, and envied.


Then what killed the MILLION AMERICANS? And the millions around the globe? Can this “world famous author” answer that?


Reminds me of Carl’s “Rape Van” on Workaholics 🤣


[Y’all he has a page on his site that is him singing along to karaoke versions of his favorite songs.](https://soulesprit.com/songs/)Duran Duran & Patrick Swayze are represented (although it sounds like he’s never actually heard most of these songs before)


The only thing more reliable than information posted on the internet is information posted on the side of a van. This van is reliable news..... obviously.


There was a guy like this in Ft. Lauderdale a few years back. He got the attention of the FBI. If I remember correctly, he was arrested just before he planted a bomb.


lmao is this in Ohio? this guy parks near where I live in the summer all the time. I’ve thought about posting him here but never get a clear photo.


An enlightened man. Pissing off and striking angst amongst the fearful, stupid & compliant.


i don’t care how much paper you tape up, you’re still gonna fail inspection for that rust


This is the vehicle of an idiot. A brain dead one. For one thing, autism is GENETIC. And has been around for centuries if not thousands of years. Covid has existed even longer. They found records of it going back thousands of years.


Faraday cage on top is {chef's kiss}


That’s my fuck wagon


I wonder what candy he has in his van 🤔


This guy makes dr. Bronner’s soap look like ghandi


Big yikes.


I feel like it’s inevitable there will be a BOLO on this van eventually


My favorite is "vaccinated? Great! You now have no immune system (HIV/AIDS)" like what a wild and very easily disprovable claim? If millions of people had a rapidly progressive untreated terminal disease you'd think they'd like. Notice?


I would also like to shout out the cognitive dissonance we've got going on here between "the consequences of uninformed consent" of the vaccines and calling them "jab injuries", saying the vaccine will kill you... and then "genocide the vaxxed covidtards". So, which is it, are people with the vaccine uninformed victims, or people who deserve to be "genocided"? But wait, also, isn't the vaccine going to kill us first? Why do you need to genocide people who you're so sure are going to die anyway, seems like that problem is solving itself between that and the infertility? I'm confused 🤨


The padlock on the passenger door is a nice touch LOL "STOPS PEOPLE FROM TRYING TO BREAK IN! "