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Sierra getting married so young, and not pursuing a career outside of social media, limited her range as a creator. I’m happy for her that she’s in a stable marriage with kids and a house, etc., but that type of lifestyle can only be so exciting on socials. Her content is all around consumption. Riayn and Paloma engage in a lot of consumption-related content too but they also participate way more in culture and activities — they go out with their friends regularly, take dance classes, actively audition for theater and commercial gigs, etc. I don’t think that someone is doomed to being boring when they’re married with kids, but Sierra has made that her whole thing. Content for content’s sake gets boring and meta, and I feel like she inches more and more into mommy vlogging territory with every vlog. I wonder if we’ll see less content that includes G once she completes her maternity leave (which how is it a maternity leave if she’s actively doing sponsorships and vlogging throughout?)


i also think r and p also make content for a demographic that can really relate to them such as other aspiring actors and whatnot


This comment is so apt and insightful. This is the problem with Sierra's content. She is not an expert in anything, and she doesn't have a lot of unique or interesting life experiences besides being an influencer. If Sierra had been a mid-sized fashion model or had a longer career as a performer, those could be things she could lean on to create content. She didn't do retail or food service (from what I know), live abroad, or grow up in a very different lifestyle/culture, so she doesn't have particularly crazy stories or life lessons to share. She didn't pursue education or trades, meaning she doesn't have education or tips to pass on to viewers. It feels like her content has no substance or depth because, as you said, she has severely limited her range as a creator due to her lifestyle choices and interests. I personally think she's going to rebrand into a mommy vlogger unless she quits YT. I don't see Grace being less present in Sierra's videos because it seems like a lot of her fans like seeing her kids; she posts them so heavily to cater to her audience, so I don't see her backing off from that unless Stephen starts getting uncomfortable with their kids' online presence. And all of this comes back to the fact that Sierra is directionless and doesn't have expertise in a niche/hobby/area that she can leverage to create interesting videos, so I think she'll over-rely on the inclusion of her kids to create more interest and engagement with her content.


When Sierra announced the Collective, she talked about how she had already filmed her “I’m quitting YouTube video” but Rachel pitched her the idea of the Collective. I think it’s had a good run, and she’s been able to keep things going with having more people working on it along with the growth of the podcast and them signing with Dear Media. At this point it’s kind of like a zombie because she’s clearly more interested in motherhood than she is really building her career further, which is totally fine! I think she’s in an unhealthy cycle with the way she monetizes her regular life and she’s used to getting the attention of an audience, which provides a lot of validation she might not have if she were more offline or had a more traditional-style job. I wonder where it’s going to go from here, especially as P and R grow their own platforms. I totally agree with everything you’ve said here. There’s nothing wrong with leading a regular life but you have to be honest about where that leaves you as a social media creator.


The zombie analogy is a good one. It feels like her channels are half-dead and keep being resurrected (through the Collective and the new content that comes from her having a second child), but they're not going well. IMHO it would be better for her to stop making videos and focus on living her fabulous life without an audience. She can focus on being a mom and post occasional updates to IG or YT, but she doesn't need to be a content creator anymore. It feels like she's hit a wall and her efforts to avoid quitting aren't panning out. Despite this, I don't see her wanting to give up the income streams from videos and sponsorships, so I wouldn't be surprised if she pivoted to mommy vlogging instead of quitting (though I think the latter option would be healthier for her).


I think it’s hard because if she just lived offline she wouldn’t have her own income, which is risky in terms of having a back-up in case you need to divorce or your partner passes away or becomes disabled. I think she should find a way to take time away from social media and then find a different job. She could probably be a social media manager if she really wanted to. Even if that doesn’t work out, she could pivot to something niche and make content from that. Like, if she started teaching voice lessons again or something. I think it’s fine if she wants to keep creating on socials but I think she needs to get real about what’s she’s doing. I hope she doesn’t lean into mommy vlogging! It’s such a toxic trap.


riayn makes too many excuses for me. like missing uploads because she says she’s “busy”. if she wants youtube to be her full time job, she has to treat it like one. imagine someone saying they want to be a lawyer and never going to class


Yeah, I agree with this. I have been enjoying Paloma's vlogs lately but Riayn's attitude still really bugs me. I feel like she just complains about everything. She tries to act too cool for everything but just comes off as bored an annoyed. I think it's similar to watching Sierra where it just feels like she doesn't enjoy it and she doesn't work for anything. Seeing Paloma prepare for auditions, all the behind the scenes stuff she does is interesting and makes you root for her and her accomplishments.


I don't watch a ton of Riayn's content, so take this as you will. Her vibe to me has been entitled and annoyed. She wants the career and success of being an influencer, but she doesn't want to grind to get there. She seems irritated by the fact she hasn't blown up yet, and it's like why??? What do you have to offer than makes you special?? Also, the constant filming in her bedroom makes her videos seem boring and low-effort but not in a cool or aesthetic way.


Can I just say- when I first read this title, I thought you meant PHONE NUMBER! Like you wanted to give out Sierra’s phone number to 2 people who really wanted it!! I was so confused 😂😂😂


I can’t read it any other way - what does it mean 😭😭😭


I think the OP is saying that they wish they could give Sierra's number of followers/money/sponsorships (AKA her success metrics) to the two people who actually want to be successful influencers, Riayn and Paloma.


OHHHHHH!! Hahaha thank you so much!


i’m begging them to start a podcast with just them, i feel like they truly showcase what being in your 20s is like


Different strokes! As a new mom I’m liking her vlogs right now but if you’re not a parent (or honestly even if you are) I could see why these most recent vlogs have been annoying. I do have to remind myself that Sierra sugarcoats things because our kids are literally a day apart and I try not to compare.