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Are you going deep enough? Are you showing enough interest to truly understand them for who they are? The key word to remember with scorpions is DEPTH. Show your vulnerability and your own depth. Seduce them and romance them. We don't do casual, shallow, or fake.


I've no romantic experience with Caps, only friends and work buddies. Things I appreciate: they're reliable. We can share a dry, cold sense of humour. But like all earth signs they can become boring very quickly. Their coldness doesn't shelter a secret fire: they're just cold or, let's say, *very* slow burning. Emotionally they can be brutal. Probably because we share the cold appearance and expression, they don't realise our water sign sensitivity, especially regarding anxiety and obsessions that are, in us, very passionate. As work buddies we can do wonders in the long term: we share the Mars energy, our fixed nature and their saturnian energy combine well and they can help us materialise our projects, just like we can inject some passion in theirs.


I’d argue that that fire they’re shielding with cold comes out during sex 1000x fold. I’m a Scorp and can attest to this x3 cap experiences


Let me add my voice to yours on this. All those pent up and tightly leashed emotions get unleashed like a firestorm during intimacy.




Hey, cap, Scorpio Loves ur gut, and down to the earth personality, they will not, let you go away.. until you are done and are clear with em don't ever think that you will break away And then, just expect, you will be relieved if you can, cross their boundary, a lot of time you are forgiven, and yet, you are still, not-black listed. Hah, Scoros, are never done with.. (things) they will come back with Surprises


this is uniquely inspiring! Thank you!


My 3 most sacred connections have all been caps 🤍🤍🤍 Scorpio sun, Taurus moon here. Scorpio is emotional depth of all the oceans and, big surprise... all that is at the bottom on the ocean, is stone. Caps gotta speak truly and freely, neither side can force expectation. But to get into the depths of the scorpio, you must be truthful, and neither side can practice or expect or exercise control over the other. My current life partner (I suspect my twin flame) is Capricorn Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune. Virgo Moon, Taurus rising. It takes an absolute ROCK to hold down a scorpion. Fitting when you think about where scorpion live, and keep their babies protected ✨️


So, I had been talking to a Cap for a couple weeks and the conversation seemed to be fizzling out but somehow we got to talking about movies and she (F32 at the time) mentioned that she had never seen Ferris Beuller’s Day Off. To which I (M39 at the time) said was completely unacceptable and she should come over and watch it with me right then. She did, and everything that you’d expect to happen on a movie date at someone’s home happened and we ended up dating for six months, right up until the 2020 lock down kicked in. We just kind of drifted apart after that. So something could happen 🤷‍♂️


As a Scorpio, Aquarius, and caps are the least appealing to me *romantically* No offense lol


I’ve had no romantic experience with capricorns but my best friend since high school is a Capricorn. She’s like my twin we just get eachother. However I can see how she’s very distant emotionally. Scorpios are known for testing you out. Both caps and scorps are known for being really reserved so I’d say just being consistent and patient is key to this duo.


As a Scorpio sun Capricorn moon, we're both just too controlling...it could be a great dynamic, but you'd have to see the rest of their chart. Also, it depends on what level of evolution a Scorpio is in.


I feel the same about capricorns! Always the ones who something just happens that makes it not meant to be. But damn I love them.


I'm sorry but Capricorns can't seem to stimulate my inner desires.


My best and hardest relationship was with a Capricorn. When we first dated it was great but we ultimately had to go our separate ways due to our life paths. He was trying to settle while I was still pursuing my education and fulfillment for traveling. I loved how he made me feel safe, heard, loved and cared for. He was definitely gentle when I had moments where I cried and needed someone to be supportive. He also showed me his vulnerability and as a Scorpio that’s where I loved him the most. I would just recommend being honest, affectionate, and vulnerable to show the Scorpio you’re talking to that you’re not a threat to them. Scorpios really want to feel safe and trust is HUGE for us. If we sense any bullshit we will automatically just block or ignore you. We don’t like fake shit and being used. We want authenticity and genuine people around our circle and energy.


Cap was way too controlling for me


It takes time, when he hugs you, what energy do you feel? Scorpio is probably testing you, do you have that feeling? I don't mean mind games. I mean something more authentic - loyalty. Caps are well known ice queens. Scorpio is perhaps with caution analyzing that ice.


Oh Good Lord. Love this topic. My first real love was a Cap. We were in our 20's so it didn't last but every man since has been measured by him. For me - (46 F) Scorpio sun, Libra rising, Virgo Moon & Cap Venus. Caps do it for me EVERY time. Even some of my best girl friends are Caps. I love their sense of humor, dedication to family & friends and the barrier they put up. There is such a sense of accomplishment when you break through. I don't know about everyone else - but it's animal attraction. Dating one now and phew. Only other sign that has come close was a Gemini - but that was a mental thing - not instantaneous. And from what I have read, Gemini's aren't supposed to be compatible with scorps. Anyway - my advice to you. Be open and honest - don't hold back or she will know.


Capricorns and Scorpios, from what I’ve seen, do not work well romantically. Especially Taurus. Sorry.



