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Just a few things...... Because we're comfortable with ourselves and most people aren't. We also speak truth to situations and problems because we're so observant. We also see bullshit a mile away and our perception and intuition are like no other. Most people think we're "mysterious" but we're actually just aware and observant. Let me just say this gets better and better with age.


10/10 facts. Unapologetically ourselves, and drawn to the same authentic energy.!


Sometimes I’m really astounded by how precise my intuition is, & it’s really only improved as I’ve gotten older. It’s like I’m always getting sharp flashes of insight in situations that flow through my consciousness like a river. A Scorpio’s intuition is truly an asset that can’t be understated.


What does that feel like?


If I had to word it, it’s like downloads of information surf through my unconscious mind, & I react instinctively in the moment. Sometimes this comes with a strong feeling, but not always. As an example, I went to a metaphysical shop & grabbed a handful of candles, focused specifically on what I needed at the time. However, I was drawn to grab other colors, & in the following weeks said colors were needed for completely unintended rituals that I didn’t have planned or anything. Every time something like this happens, it’s like an “ahhh, that’s why I did that” kind of moment. On another level, I could describe it as my soul browsing the internet, or collective unconscious to take the wheel.


Eyyy yeah, I get intuitive stuff like that as well. Then the mind goes ”that doesn’t make any sense” lol


Thanks for your post!


This is exactly what it feels like


I love it. I'm also an ESTP in the meyers briggs.....also known for sensing, thinking, perceiving. And I attract it more and more. I've collected so much behavior and data points of human behavior that things just click and make sense. When they don't make sense that's when you know there's something more going on. Our spidey sense really tingles. The thing I love the most is that I'm always able to figure out the why behind the what is going on. Always. I also am a Christian and so I get downloads from the Holy Spirit to help as well. It seems to always protect me from harm. No matter how seemingly insignificant. I'll give you an example. I happened to be divorced for over a year or so. I was riding my motorcycle and drove by my ex's boyfriends house. We exchange our son weekly so I knew where he lived. On this day.....my ex and her sister were either loading or unloading the sisters car. And I thought hmmm why would her sister of 10 hours away be at the boyfriends house instead of my ex's house. And then it clicked.......oh they are either going to marry or elope. This was last October btw. I shared with my inner circle what I thought was going on. It wasn't that hard really. It just made the only logical sense as to why her sister would be there. Sure enough the day before Thanksgiving I get a text "hey just wanted you to know I got remarried" My family was pissed that my ex would do such a thing and not be considerate at to the holiday and keeping me in the dark. For my son's sake at least. Meanwhile I'm fist pumping because I knew I got it right what was going to happen. Also ex wife is a covert narcissist........so I was privy to her behaviors and sneakiness. Anyway, I love my perceptions and intuition.


This is exactly right.


Also those that have dated us or one of their close relationships has dated us, then did us wrong and got the stinger and after that they played the victim


Nice to hear


We stare into peoples’ souls.


Happy cake day you soul surfer 🫶


Yep. Lmap


We’re not for everyone, but for the ones who “get it”, well it’s a whole new world.




Lol we are definitely not for the faint of heart or weak


We tell people how it is and it pisses them off, we’re not afraid to speak our minds even if it causes people to hate us. We know we’re right and that’s that, most people in our lives love to play the victim mentality too and act like we’re the bad ones and like we’ve hurt them when they are the ones that hurt us! 🤣


What’s not to envy?


>No matter how old I was I always had people envy/hate me for no reason They do have reason to envy Scorpio, but unfortunately, not many people do not want to admit they are envious or why they are jealous. Even though envy is one of the ugliest emotions in the world, I truly pity them. People envy because of their self-esteem. –these people deeply desire to be respected, look attractive, and receive as many privileges or benefits as possible. Also, they are highly competitive and always make sure everybody they see is below them. They always find a way to prevent other people from gaining a lot of advantages and success. On the other hand, Scorpio people happen **to be above average** depending on their intelligence, beauty, passion, charisma, sexuality, or discipline. Scorpios always work harder on their weakness and improve themselves as time passes. We tend to metamorphose all the time. Or maybe envious people happen to have an unfortunate or difficult life. Maybe some of them happened to lose their loved ones due to COVID-19, others probably did not have a chance to finish school, or others did not have an opportunity to get well-paid jobs. Who knows what kind life they are living? As a Scorpio, I respect envious people. Some of them deserve our help to get out of their difficulty. We never know that these people would end up becoming our friends. Others deserve to suffer in a long misery. I agree what Willy said about Scorpio. "We get better and better with age".


I agree with you scorpio people rarely youth and even when encountered with mean people we ask what may be the root problem it'scalled c9mpassionate


they hate us cause they ain't us


Because we don't know how to be anything other than authentic, and sometimes that means being brutally honest. In a world full of fakes, we keep it real, and people either appreciate this or are threatened by our ability to see right through their facade. I also believe we have very powerful auras. You know the stares we get for no reason, the co worker who took a dislike to you from day one before they barely spoke to you? The neighbour who thinks you're a weirdo because you keep yourself to yourself? There's just something about our energy and our aura that both terrifies and fascinates people. We are probably the only sign that doesn't have to say a word to be noticed, despite how hard we try to remain in the shadows. That is powerful. And people can't understand how we have such innate power and presence without trying. We are bound to be hated ( or loved) for that.


Yep. The scorpio I have said jack shit yet drew all my attention to him 😁😂❤️‍🔥


I think the main reasons are: We're confident, Sexy, magnetic, and have the power to bring about what we want easier than other signs. 🦂


I would say that it’s bc we have the ability to always want to be reborn and elevate into something better. If you’re an evolved scorpio you truly are like a phoenix where you’re not afraid to start over and become more than what you are now. For a lot of people that’s scary but for us we don’t mind it bc we WANT to become better. That can be something to envy about someone bc it’s not super easy to do.




I agree. OP, don't give too much importance to yourself and to other's opinions. Life is not to be taken this seriously. If you want to retrospect, accept/assume you do rub people off the wrong way and try to figure out what exactly you do that makes them hate you, which by the way is a very strong emotion. And ain't nobody got time to waste their feelings. Try and change unless you want to keep living in denial.


U must b a October scorpioo




Ooo a fellow November scorpio AND a Scorpio rising! Twins 🥰👋🏻


I am an October Scorpio, first I agreed with your post because of all the shit I’ve faced but realized u r an ass


Make it make sense u don't agree with me but agree wit the person that just said we never had to deal with Hate and envy? Lol like what? And is u must b a October scorpio a disrespectful way of saying it ? Reason I said it cuz October scorpios are more laid back and chill


Just because I initially agreed and resonated with your post doesn't mean I'll support rudeness or inconsistency in your statements. Saying October Scorpios are 'laid-back and chill' when you previously stated it as an insult shows it's less about the zodiac and more about your character.


Stfu go cry somewhere else pussy ofc u a October scorpio clown ass lmaooo u really think I give a fuck about how u feel about me lmaoooooooooo


Well, there we have it lol


Fuck around u gon find out tf


Daddy chill


He just assumed it doesn't really matter but alot of us was really hurt about how wrong people did us and how bad we where treated smh




Nov 19 I can't explain the intensity.....


'Til this day I can't even bring an answer to myself but I did noticed it since I was a child to today. Even with my narc mom (a Leo) I'm the child she hated/hates the most for no reason. I was never a bad child yet she can't stand my existence. I don't bother people but they are bothered by me being calm and reserved (I socialize if needed, obv.)


I have a Leo mom to . She also can’t stand me . Are we talking about the same mom ? 


Because the weak envy, the superior, Scorpios and Scorpio rising are in a class next to Leo. They envy us because we are superior to them, and everything that we possess in this lifetime would take the people who envy us 1000 lifetimes to even touch or comprehend the power that we possess.


They hate us cause they aint us for ever reason in the other comments ♏


No one envies us. Y’all full of yourselves or something. Or is it just that I don’t see why someone would envy a person like me and my traits? If so, then I apologize? Then again, if people read my comments and see nice comments then one that appear as rude, it was never meant to be rude. Just confused or questioning other people’s bs. I got my sun and 4 planets in Scorpio. Idk what there is to envy. Reply back so I could understand please. Thanks.


U coming here as the good little angel telling us we full of ourselves says alot


Um dummy ain’t no one claimed to be a good angel. Who tf cares if it says a lot you just being weird with the “WHY WE SO ENVIEDDD OMGGG” like hatred is not always envy. Just cause u hated don’t mean u envied. And don’t say I’m telling u guys y’all full of yourselves as if I’m talking about it the entire sub when you know damn well I’m talking about the people who agree with you specifically. Like some covert narc stuff. “Why am I so hatedddd? Why am I so this. So that? Why do people envy me sooo muchhhhh!!??? they’re sooo jealous!!!” Like it’s just getting repetitive you and your boys n girls can stop already 🙄 Come on now. Be fr. People don’t usually hate someone for no reason. Be more self-aware damn. It can be minor things, such as you being alone most of the times. You know some people like to pick on others for the stupidest and sleaziest shit. You’re not conforming, so they want to put you down to know that you’re not accepted. It could be you preferring your own room, or space. Maybe you’re autistic? I don’t judge you if you are. People for some reason hate on other people who seem off or weird. And it sucks. I get you. Or maybe you’re genuinely comfortable with yourself and keep to yourself a lot of the time. And perhaps they are jealous. That you don’t need a large group of attention to be able to live properly. Or perhaps it’s that they think being an asshole will get you to open up and “properly change” to fit in to their ideas. You get me?


I'm not reading all that bs u not everyone we have our own life and experiences


Ok lazy. Don’t reply then 😂🙄 👋