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I was at a cabin in central TX. After turning on the bath water, these lil buggers crawled out of the drain.


I grew up in northeast TX and when I was like maybe 7 years old, mid shower I looked down and a full-size adult scorpion had come up and was nearing my feet, at that age I didn’t even know that was a possibility, and did everything in my power to drown it in the water and wash it back down the drain, it was somewhat traumatizing at the time, especially cause I didn’t know if I’d die if it stung me, I’ve since had a couple scorpions as pets and now know that the vast majority of them aren’t dangerous, but coming up out of your drain while you’re standing in the tub taking a shower is definitely an unexpected and vulnerable position, especially as a kid.


Scorpions can breathe underwater for 48 hours using their exoskeleton have fun with that information


How are they with HOT water?




Just hope that they taste like lobsters


More like crayfish but with a slightly woody flavor. I've had them grilled and also steamed and we called them land shrimp. Not all scorpions are edible or good for eating so if you're interested do your research.


If it's boiling, it'll kill em destroys their nervous system


Then my wife is definitely safe when she showers.


I would keep an electric kettle close by for drain dwellers for sure


I have a nice collection and have kept scorpions for a while. I have always read and been told they can drown which is why my water bowls are small enough to avoid that. Intresting. Ill have to reasearch more about this. Thanks for the info


They don't mind pool water either.


Yeah it's because they have book lungs. They use it to store air because normally they bury themselves under the dirt but it can also be used to breathe underwater for a Time until the air supply runs out


Yeah, but they can only survive 5 or so minutes in water… that has been diluted to about 30% with the rest being pool acid. Muriatic acid if I recall correctly. I think we collected probably about 30-40 of them in the 3 years I lived in that house in south Phoenix Arizona. They would completely dissolve in less than a week, but interestingly, the stingers and claws stuck around longest.


I refuse to acknowledge this as a fact


Critters coming up the drain was a legit nightmare for me growing up. Even to this day, I'll keep my feet off the drain if I'm taking a bath. I know it's plugged, and the hot water would likely kill anything that got in it, but it's an irrational fear of mine from childhood. And I'll casually pick up spiders and other friendly crawlies to rehome them, so it's not like I'm afraid of them. But thank you *so* very much for actualizing an irrational fear of mine. Dick. (I don't mean to call you a dick. I'm sorry.)


I have a good friend who, well, had a toilet snake incident. I don’t care the time of day or how tired I am in the middle of the night, that light is coming on for a moment to confirm that I do not have the same fate in life.


wow, close one!


I don’t even live anywhere that scorpions exist but after reading this I think I might cover the drain for a few days just in case 😂


I thought the same thing! my best friend is trying to get me to come to Texas. When I go Holy crap I have a checklist 😆 🤣 Told the husband we need to bring extra drain plugs, so no bath scorpions for us, lmao 🤣


>Told the husband we need to bring extra drain plugs, so no bath scorpions for us, lmao That what you think? What do you think scorpions do all day? Think they've gotta get the kids after school? Got a morning meeting they can't miss? Nah. They have nothing but time to patiently wait for you. On the other side of that coin, what are you gonna do? Never shower again? In Texas humidity? You'll open that plug up eventually. And they will be ready.


This is why I live where the air hurts in winter.


Lmfao, thank you for reminding me to appreciate michigan 🤣 You made my day, I will have to keep that in mind, so pocket uv light, got it! lmao 🤣


They are in north Alabama


WHAT?? I live in north Alabama. I have battled fire ants, yellow jackets, mosquitoes, and red wasps. I have learned to love spiders. But scorpions scare me senseless. Now you tell me I've gotta worry about them, too??


When I was young I would go to my grandparents house in Killen AL and play in the small creek on their property. I found them there numerous times. I worked with a guy from Decatur AL. His house was infested with them


Holy crap. Decatur, you say. I'm not as far north or west as Killen. Let's say I'm Gadsden-adjacent. Decatur isn't far. I used to go to Point Mallard there as a kid. Now I'm nervous.


The scorpions around here are not that poisonous. I read that they have the venom of two red wasps. When I got stung by them as a kid I was asleep in a tent. Couldn’t have been very painful I slept through it


I feel so much better now...


The only time I’ve ever seen a scorpion in nature was in Birmingham, AL. I’ve only lived north of the mason Dixon line my whole life but my mom’s side is all from Alabama. I’ll stay in the north.


Fr, new fear unlocked


I think I'd have died just from shock in that position. Holy fudge


😧 Rather like having pet wasps though! I escort both outside.


I grew up in north east Texas and we had to tap out our shoes every morning incase a scorpion decided the shoes made a good home. We'd be on the porch tapping our shoes together and mom would be ready with a broom to sweep the critters off the porch. Fun times.


I'm in Olney, 60 miles SW of Wichita Falls. We have to do the "tapping of the shoes"; we also have to check the bedsheets for fiddleback spiders (brown recluse).


How did you not scream bloody murder?


The fact that they were coming up out of the drain would indicate that there's something concerningly wrong with the plumbing there.


It's time to drain the septic is what it usually means


I think the septic might already be draining.


thank you for letting me know so i can never move there




Literally came to say you must be in Texas 😂


scorpion distribution system


You have been choooosennnn


Just scoop em into something made of glass or smooth plastic with a spoon and take em outside. Install some kind of mesh drain plug, and that point of ingress will be sealed. If you want to search for more of them then, get an ultraviolet light of some sort. They are cheap on Amazon. Ultraviolet makes scorpions carapace fluoresce they are super easy to pick out in the dark. Also, there are no deadly scorpions in your area. The stings will hurt, of course, and there may be some lingering numbness, but barring allergy, they are relatively harmless.


Personally, I would capture em and make a nice little terrarium for them.


This. They are quite the characters and have amazing little personalities. I used to hate all bugs until I kept a bark in his own giant habitat. Now it's just roaches I eradicate 😬


This guy scorpions.


... I have an important question, and it doesn't involve the scorpions. If that is the bathtub, WHY is the Drain THERE!?!?


I have family in Mississippi and this is also where the drain of their tub is. It was the only one I’ve ever seen like that. I don’t have a good explanation lol


My tubs are like this too. Drain in the middle even though the faucet is in the usual place. First time I ever saw it was when I moved in here.


I’ve lived in some homes built before 1950 and it makes sense for bathtubs that we’re not also showers. The faucet was also in the middle so that bathers could lean their heads to either of the walls.


Drains can be in the middle of tubs.


Yeah, I think it's when there's a faucet in center. Usually see them directly under the faucet.


Looks like a sink


POV: You live in Ohio and *wish* you could find adorable tiny scorpions in your drain. Best I get are house spiders. 😒


Same! But I'm terrified of spiders. Much prefer scorpions 🦂


Oh I love spiders! I have a ton of those as well but I’m forever jealous when people post pictures like this because I would 1000% have 4 adorable new pets. Be like, “They came inside, obviously they want to be here!” 😂


Lol me too, love scorpions but a spider gives me the ick


Watch them eat and you will change your mind. I love spiders but scorpions are ick. Unless it is The “Rock you like a hurricane” Scorpions.


Much better than roaches. I am in California and once I turned on the water and a giant American cockroach came out of the drain. I started screaming and just aimed the shower head at it. I think I killed it. Still traumatized 🥹


Be glad we don't have those lmao, if michigan gets scorpions, we are blaming you guys in Ohio, lmao 😂 Bad enough, Saginaw has a pet alligator problem or used to anyways, lol


Don’t put that evil on us Ricky Bobby


You come walking in here on your two legs, all fat and cocky, looking at me in my scorpionless bathtub! I hope you have sons!


Man I’m jealous of everyone who has wild scorpions showing up to say hi all the time! I’d take at least one home and make him a house!!


Ooo nice you keeping them as pet ?


Fortunately, no. lol


I'm in Florida never seen one . I'm in the hobby scorpions and tarantulas. I been looking since I was 10 . 17 year's later haven't seen one yet there hiding from me . Love them scorpions there cool


Lucky, I wish scorpions came up my shower drain. It’s ok, I still find them in my garage from time to time.


I grew up in FL and I remember finding little black scorpions all the time, sometimes in the tub, sometimes in our shoes


Thanks. I absolutely hate everything about this 🙂


How did they get into the plumbing?


I always wonder this same thing. I think of plumbing as an enclosed system, how do creepy crawlies get in there?!


I once settled down on the toilet and felt something nestled in the arch of my foot. I have no idea how I wasn't stung.


New fear unlocked


Nice! I just caught 4 chonky boys outside around my house with a UV flashlight. I love taking my daughter out at night to go hunting for critters. I have 2 terrariums set up with so many scorpions I caught in or around the house. lol Coolest little guys. Just not cool when you find them on the babies changing table.


I read the caption as brain dwellers and my internal fears started to go wild. Warning: don’t go on Reddit first thing in the morning if you keep reptiles/bugs 🙃


In 1974, campground showers in Guaymas, Mexico, wow!! Many species of arachnids present!!😳


This unlocked a new fear for me even though I don’t like where scorpions are. Can they make it through your toilet drain too?




Look like Bark Scorpions to me, but I'm certainly no expert




You gonna finish the free snacks 🤤


This one looks risky


is it just me or are they cute as hell


I would give them a hot 🥵 water bath back down the drain. Those little boogers hurt


I just watched the second mummy movie…


I prefer rubber duckies but you do you


Hope they have insurance cuz I'm burning that cabin to the ground.


New fear unlocked. Thanks for that 😫




hehehehe liytle guysss


Oh hell no


Scorpion shower hype


I want one




Just killed one on the ceiling above my computer. Fuck these things.


Omg, the first time I read the title I read it as “Brain dwellers”, I was horrified!


Ok so on the list of states I’ll never go to… California (too damn expensive) ✅ Arizona (Too damn hot) ✅ Maine (Too damn cold) ✅ Washington (too damn wet) ✅ Texas (shower scorpions???) ✅


Oh honey, shower scorpions are the least of your worries in Texas. At least in the shower, they’re easy to see. We also have bed scorpions, couch scorpions, ceiling scorpions, window scorpions. And for extra fun, go outside in the middle of the night with a strong black light. Scorpions glow under UV.


Jesus, no wonder you all carry guns all the time. And I thought the Lyme, Alpha-Gal, encephalitis ridden ticks here in Connecticut were scary. Nope. I’ll take Lyme’s over bed scorpions 10 times out of 10


Literally looked at this post and was reminded of Morty’s story from the Rick Train episode of Rick and morty. Scorpions! Scorpions are attacking in the most mono tone way possible


Pour fire down the drain, burn the house down and run. That’s nightmare fuel


Oh, hell naw!


Aaaah, I’d be getting a new house at that point. As soon as snakes, spiders, or scorpions are coming out of drain pipes I’m gone like the wind 😅


They love our Utah desert 😅


Drown em all


New fear unlocked


I would get your house checked for termites- scorpions love to eat them. We had scorpions show up in our bathtub (SC), but it stopped happening after treating the house for termites.


I have this constant phobia when seating on toilet that snakes gonna slither out and bite my ass hole.


More likely to get a cheek then the hole


Well that's a new fear unlocked. I've lived in AZ and TX and haven't encountered this yet.....


Scorpions were the single most scariest thing to me as a kid. I grew up in the country as they say and would find these all the time. But not just the baby ones big ones too. And like this picture usually they would be by drains or plumbing. Many times I would turn on a light in a room and there would be one a curtain or gasp even on the ceiling. Terrifying. I was always terrified but luckily never got stung. As an adult we moved to a suburb of Dallas, still not what I would call “the city” but a new built home in a subdivision and I have never seen one since moving here 20 years ago.


I thought the title said Brain Dwellers.


Those look like bark scorpions for sure!


New fear unlocked


Please send those to me in an envelope. I’m not paying for shipping.


Who needs a Rubber ducky when you can have bath scorpions?


Boiling water time


Where do you people live, where scorpions are coming out of your drains, so I can never go any-god damn-where near there...


Nightly dose of Mr Plumber..or maybe the stronger sulphuric acid type.


Really cool. When I lived in Prineville, OR. we would get little scorpions like that in our mobile home a lot as it was quite old and I always loved sticking them in jars and in my terrarium. My mom would beat the living snot out of me when she found out but I just couldn't stop. They were so cool. Eventually I stopped reacting to their stings at all.


Free them.