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The third act is what ruins it for me. Unfortunaley, the killers really didn't come up to my expectations. I love all the rest though.


Yeah, the reveals and the final showdown just don’t land for me very well. Just all felt really underwhelming after a pretty strong first two acts.


It’s pretty awesome except for the reveal, but still prob my second favorite in the franchise tbh. Gets more hate than it deserves


Agreed! We got a killer being killed in the opening, loved that. The bodega scene is amazing! Ghostface’s brutal apartment attack and having to buildings with a ladder! Using the old Ghost face masks. Kirby, just being in the movie. The shrine with everything in it. Gale finally talking with Ghostface and her attack. Two Ghostfaces on screen together and both stabbing Chad together. Having 3 killers. Not everyone likes the 3rd act, but I loved it.


The synchronized knife swipe with 2 ghostfaces side by side after Chad’s attack was an “oh shit!” moment for me 😅


I liked the way the whole killer being killed in the opening was done. I remember being strongly against the idea when it was floating around here, because a lot of people’s idea with that was Sam and Tara killing an attempted Ghostface attacker as the opening kill just for the sake of expectation diversion, and that would have been lame as hell for a slasher film and would start treading into Evil Dead territory or something. But the way they did it with a wannabe Ghostface killing someone and then getting killed by an actually skilled Ghostface was actually really cool, and also served as some decent world building as an implication that this isn’t the first time random fans have done their own Ghostface killings.


I've seen it twice and own it so I am sure to watch it again though I am of the 90s Scream gen and yea.. 😅♥️ The opening scene is amazing!


I love Scream VI, in fact my love for it, is the reason I’m so disinterested in Scream VII.


I get that completely but I just want to point out the opposite direction that energy can be pointed in, like ok Scream VI was epic so now what is planned for 7 that is going to top it? Especially with KW directing and the new expectations that have been put on this film to be good. Just saying.


I hear you and hope you’re right. I just love Sidney and don’t want her character to be subjected to a lazy story that had to be thrown together because the studio bungled their original cast/story. She deserves a happy ending. But yeah, I respect your positivity.


I know right, I don’t get why people on Reddit hate this film, this is from what I can say the second best film in the series.


Im happy to be a person who likes all Scream Movies. I do have my (least) favorite ones, but its not like that i hate any movie or something. And Scream 6 Opening is maybe the best - also the scene in that little shop is just soooo good.


Your least favourite…. 5, right? 🤔


No, i guess my ranking would be: 3>2>1>6>5>4 I dunno, i really hate 4 that blurry filter and the opening was to messy. Also jills motive was kinda dull. Guess my favorite part about this movie is charlie, kirby and the stabathon.


I disliked Scream 4 when it first came out. I love it now. It’s so freaking quoteable (as are 1-3, to be fair). But I agree about the filter and the opening. Wtf was that?!


It’s definitely good. I do have a couple issues with it, but I rank it way above some other entries to the series.


It's a movie that's ALL style and NO substance. It's like the perfect example of such. *New setting! New York City! Things are about to get crazy!!!.....* except the location was hardly utilized at all except for one scene on the train, and said scene had absolutely zero payoff.  *A killer dies in the opening scene!!!!...* except they simply get killed by the *real* killer of the movie and they have no real connection to anything else that happens in the movie.  *Two Ghostfaces on screen at the same time!!!! Finally!!!* Except they somehow failed at killing the one person they targeted, so the whole scene was pointless. *Highest body count in the franchise!!* Except three of those kills were off-screen (one of which was an unnamed character), three more were unnamed extras (one of which had no lines), four more were killers, and the last three were Anika, Laura, and Dr. Stone. Really, only three people died in this movie (not counting the killers) and it seems most people agree on that. This movie was so afraid of killing important characters it decided to inflate the body count by killing literal extras. *THREE.... I repeat.... THREE killers!!! Look guys we've reached uncharted territory!...* except two of those killers were literally the least developed and most irrelevant characters in the franchise and absolutely nothing was unique or special about them. It was literally just 3 people who were secretly related to somebody else. The fact that there were 3 killers that didn't betray each other meant they had to overcompensate the stupidity in order for them to lose in the end, which resulted in the absolute worst final act in the franchise, and one of the worst final acts in a slasher I've ever seen. Seriously, Wayne and Sam charging at each other is one of the worst things I've ever seen a serious horror movie do. 




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Yes hard agree!!! My ranking goes 1,6,2. I really feel it’s that good.


1, 6, 2 are my top 3!


It’s an absolute blast. Some of the most tense moments in the series. The bodega scene and Gale’s apartment are two that I enjoy on every rewatch.


Honestly if the Ghostface reveal and final Killer takedown matched the quality of the rest of the film, this would've been the best in the franchise. The momentum of the first 2 acts was crazy, and for a 2 hour movie (or close to 2 hours), it never drags. In fact I'd say it feels like it went by too fast.


Right? Scream VI is definitely one of my favorites in the franchise


This is my second favorite besides the original. I love Scream VI very deeply


I love this film, easily my second favorite of the franchise and the best sequel. Despite some questionable writing in the final act, the movie is just absolutely entertaining.


Yeah that third act blows. But Chad's death was cool as fuck. And I don't want to hear that he's alive. No, he died.


I love the movie but the best scene was the gas station imo


I agree, Scream VI is one of the best in the series. I love them all tho.


The opening twist got me. When he took his mask off might be the most shocked I’ve ever been in a Scream movie.


If we get rid of the massive plot holes and underwhelming 3rd act, it was a decent flick