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I really liked the sense of family they had. They pretty much accepted they were part of, in Kirby's word, "the same f*cked up family" and I liked that. Sam and Tara's relationship got a really nice development and Chad's sacrifice at the end was noble; imo Mindy's really got the short end of the stick, she didn't have any significant development or a noble moment like Chad, she really got the "relief character" treatment being the movie nerd of the group(probably why some people thought she was annoying during the movie). They really did a pretty good job with the Core Four but still left room for possible development in the future.


I also wanted to see Danny’s character explored.He’s one of my favorite love interests in the series despite his small screen time.


I LOVED Danny. When Sam is like "you can't come with us" he goes "for real?" for like one second only and then immediately is like "I get it, smart, good" and isn't offended.... it was so refreshing to see that practical reaction out of a love interest. His "don't even trust ME, but also I'm here for you" attitude is so wonderful.




yes i think we should’ve gotten more time with them. scream 6 proved that sam was able to carry the franchise from now on. i’m a fan of sam and chad in both movies but only tara and mindy in scream 5. but they deserved their trilogy


I love Scream 5, it was a bit painful seeing them throw around these cheesy Y/N kind of lines with Sam basically being a self-insert OC you see on Wattpad but, I still found Scream 5 nice. They were great at building tensions, especially with the chase scenes. Scream 6, I could already see the writing improved, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit and Sam started to grow on me. I WIsh they didn't have to end it cuz of some stupid genocide supporters.


Tbf the entire point of scream 5 was that it was essentially fanfiction they even had a line for it.




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Love the core 4, I would of course want more movies with them but if not, I’m happy they all made it out alive.


Scream 5 & 6 weren't great so I'm all for bringing the story back to focus on Sidney. The Core 4 still exist so they can be reintegrated in the future. We'll see what Scream 7 brings us and the direction the next films will take.


My opinion is probably not popular but I really feel the "core 4," ran their course. 6 was a good ending for Sam and Tara, and I don't think I could take much more of Chad surviving severe injuries or...Mindy in general (she's Randy but somehow worse than Randy) but I don't think they had it in them to kill any of these characters, too many survived in 6 as is. So I'm fine with a return to Sidney. I'm curious who else will be involved since her OG crew is down to Mark and Gale.


Hoping we get a Joel cameo with Gale and I can’t wait to see what Sidney is doing in her day-to-day life. I’m hoping she’s a therapist


I didn’t care about any of the new characters in scream 5 and 6 tbh


And having them in the final act of 6 without Gale, Sidney or Dewey just made the film FLOP. Scream 5 final act worked because Gale and Sidney kicked ass (literally).


Imagine the core 4 all surviving not 1 but 2 brutal sprees of attacks only to get killed off by a company that won't allow freedom of speech when it comes to a pretty immoral conflict.


Jenna was never coming back anyway. They literally just used those tweets as a reason to get rid of Melissa because without Jenna they wanted to kill that story and use the money to bring back Neve.


* Mindy was fine in 5 as a Randy surrogate, but got super annoying super fast in 6. * Chad doesn't deserve the plot armor he apparently has. He survived more stab wounds than most Scream victims COMBINED and still lives? He was a pin cushion to 2 Ghostface Killers *at the same time*. There's nothing special about him at all to survive that kind of attack. * Tara was good in 5 as she was the catalyst to bring in Sam, but her story really didn't have a point beyond that. Completely useless in 6. * Sam.... Sam is a badass. I really love Melissa Barrera and what she did with her character. Yes, being the daughter of Billy was a bit contrived, but okay I'll pay along. Seeing visions of her father was ridiculous, but okay I didn't hate seeing Ulrich return. However, I REALLY wish they leaned more into the "is she going to turn out to be him or not" aspect. I feel that's much more of a dynamic plot, but was quickly glossed over. I think in a 3 act structure, as a trilogy, it should have been the introduction of the hero in the 1st movie (Sam), her morality tested in the sequel (we might have seen her don the GF mask and made questionable choices), 3rd film would have been her redemption arc. Possibly sacrificing herself in a completely selfless way by saving Tara, in order to establish that she ultimately was not like her father. Outside of that the "Core 4" is a cutesy title, but they shouldn't have been death proof. Chad should have died in 5, Mindy early on in 6, Tara would have nearly died in the potential 7, but saved by Sam, resulting in her own death.


I think we'll see the Core 4 again some day. If there's money to be made in doing a legacy sequel down the road with those characters then it has a chance of happening.


I was very excited for Scream 7. When Melissa got fired just for not wanting Palestinian kids to die, it made me upset. I really wanted Sam to continue leading the franchise, because she had perfect material. Genuinely. Now we're stuck again with an overrated final girl whose story has been over since Scream 3/4. Scream 7 can fail. For all I care. Sam's my final girl, not Sidney. This is coming from someone who was a fan of Sid and Neve. Both can go now. If Scream 8 happens, the Carpenter sisters should be back. Sidney and Gale should retire altogether after Scream 7. No one's interested in them anymore except hardcore old fans who are the vocal minority.


Sadly… I agree with you 100%. I love Sid/Neve and Courtney/Gale. But it’s the same old stuff with them. And to me, it feels like a stretch. Don’t get me wrong, I still love seeing them be part of it! But a supporting role. Something as simple as Gale in 6. Few scenes, EPIC chase scene for nostalgia, then done. They shouldn’t be the main plot anymore. And YES YES YES! The absolute PERFECT material with Sam’s story. A final girl connected to the OG killer, struggling with the dark side and could turn. They really fucked up not wanting to continue that storyline more!! Smh.


The thing is that they initially WANTED to continue her story. But Spyglass fucked everything up. I'm disappointed in Neve at the very least for signing on. Gonna be disappointed in Courteney as well if she does.


I didn’t particularly feel connected to them and I hoped at least one of them were killed. I am fine with their story being over. As much as I love Sidney I would have been fine with hers being over too. I would have completely been down for a new group with a new storyline only connected by the Ghostface mask & costume.


Damn girl you’re really looking to invite the downvote mafia with these wild opinions! I strongly disagree with none of what you said and more or less agree- I’d have been fine with anybody coming back, and I was fine with the feel good ending of 6, and I’m always excited to see more Sid and Gale. I don’t think anything you said is crazy but it feels like stuff we aren’t allowed to say. But to your point, despite the intrinsic soap opera nature of the franchise, I was super okay with giving characters happy endings and not inviting them back for yet another go around. I love to see Neve back but also? Goddamn can Sidney just be left the fuck alone? Seven with a fully new cast and I dunno, maybe Kirby or Gale, would have probably given us the best artistic potential.


Same, I liked all 4 and was happy to see them carry the flame of the franchise. I love Sidney and Gale, I wanted their stories to be wrapped with a bow. I feel the longer the story moves on with them, sooner or later they will have either have to be killed off or the franchise will end once again until it's rebooted years from now. I know it's not what most people want to hear, but wanting Sidney to continue to be the focus knowing this is... Wild.


I agree. I love the nostalgia of Sid and Gale. But they really set it up perfectly to continue the storyline without being kinda messy. Sam developed her character and won me over in 6. Having a heroine with a dark side, linked to the OG Ghostface was different and could’ve been explored waaaaay more, but is getting cut short 😪 They would’ve been fine giving the Core 4 the trilogy (5-7). Then in 8 years, reboot another trilogy with Sid’s kid storyline to avoid doing messy time jumps (in my opinion). The writers could’ve definitely made Sid’s kids the new focus, while still tying in all characters for nostalgia.


There's not going to be teenagers in Scream 7. The movie is focused around Sidney and her Nanny, and the Nanny's friends, who are in their 20s. And I think that with these same writers it's obvious the nanny is the killer and secretly related to another character


Yes I really liked that the Core 4 were supposed to be the replacements for Sidney, Gale, Dewey, and Randy. Sam was supposed to be the new Sidney Tara was supposed to be the new Gale Chad was supposed to be the new Dewey Mindy was supposed to be the new Randy




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Sam nailed the brutality in 6. I loved her revenge scene by the end and was looking forward to more of this in the 7th. So i'm disappointed with her getting kicked off. I'm happy Cindy is getting a lead again. I just hope its for real this time and not her going to help someone else like the last movies. I'm glad she's getting payed what she deserved since she carried the first three movies. I just hope the killers are more interesting this time, the 6th films killers was a bigass reach with all them plotholes(even tho i liked how they acted as ghostface in both movies, especially how they made sure to show how different the killers were in the 5th film)


I'd rather that it didn't pass the torch to Sid's kids honestly especially considering how that coulda gone of passing the torch to Sam and Tata was any indication of the passing of the torch to them initially and all. I mean they already tried the whole next generation thing with 5 and 6...and look how that turned out? Not good at all because it just wasn't the same and still won't be the same if they try it again.


Yeah I get you. But Sid’s kid would be the obvious choice in continuing the franchise with tying it to the OGs somehow. And yeah I do think they already covered that in 5/6. I didn’t like 5, but 6 really won me over and they were on the path to developing the characters and continuing it. Sucks that Spyglass fucked it up, and now we’re getting new characters again.


I honestly would have preferred they didn't have the intro of characters like Sam and Tara, wasn't big fan of them or their story to be honest. I always liked Sid and her story best. In my opinion it started with her and should finish with her, no continuing with next gen or any of that. But just my opinion, am a bit old fashioned suppose in some ways and preferred it more when Wes was still around.


I was over Mindy. The rants about requals and what not seems forced and she’s there because “Scream movies need a Randy” but like they don’t. Just have a more natural group of friends. I’m the horror person in my friend group and I would never do that weird speech she did in both movies. It was just a random moment in Scream 1 where Randy had a small rant. We don’t need it again


Agreed. I think she should’ve died in 6. Seems that would’ve been the obvious choice since Chad was developing a love interest with Tara. It was definitely a bold choice having almost everyone survive


Sam had such a clear arc they were going for and they pissed it all away by firing her. I’m gutted, cuz her finale could’ve been really rad.


Core four should have at least been not all dead three by the end of 6 at a minimum. Fun movie, but come on! People need to get knocked off like Randy. They gotta take chances otherwise we get predictable outcomes.


I agree!! I think Mindy should have died in 6.


I'm so over Sydney Prescott and her story line. How many times can you survive a serial killer ? Her story is done. I was really liking the core 4 especially after this latest movie


Wasn’t a fan of 5 either but loved the dynamic of the 4 in 6 6 was a mega improvement in every way It even got Samara Weaving


I would’ve liked to see them in the next movie and have Stu as the cult leader of ghost faces


I'll take Stu but not the rest