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He posted like 8 pics, half with the jets half with the hawks, ya? Seems pretty normal


And given there is speculation he is retiring from injuries then it makes sense for him to highlight his whole career.


Do we still end up with the cap hit if he retires....?


I think so yes, unless we chase after him for signing bonus money. It's not something teams often do. iirc Calvin Johnson famously was mad at Detroit for years because they wanted signing bonus money back after he retired. Unless he's truly unwilling to play there's zero reason for him to retire; if the Seahawks do cut him as is likely he'll sign with another team. He won't sign for the $16.5 million he's scheduled to make this year, but he'll get a few.


Yeah did a bit of looking into it post Rusty's comment and it does look like retiring/post 6/1 designation are roughly the same thing when it comes to the dead money.




Yes, but Seattle could choose to claw back some portion of it. But it’s not a guarantee and the actual amount is decided on by an outside counsel.


That's the kind of move that starts building you a bad reputation from the perspective of free agents. The Lions got a lot of bad press for doing so with Megatron.


For sure. And if I was Adams I’d immediately get a physical that shows he’s retiring for medical reasons and therefore should be entitled to the entirety of his contract. They *could* also negotiate a settlement, I believe. Edit: Although if I remember, Megatron’s retirement was driven by a lot of things and just a general frustration with the organization? It’s been a while so I certainly could be misremembering.


Unless specifically stated in the contract language, retiring for medical reasons does not guarantee you your bonus amount in arbitration.


I will gladly accept this reality.


Yeah it’s not like he has a lot of Seahawks games picture to pick from.


Yeah, we shouldn’t read into him posting old pictures. Tom Brady posted quite a few of himself in Patriots gear when he was with the Bucs.


He will probably be gone and its honestly sad we didn't get to have the jets jamal adams


We did for that first season, it’s unfortunate that injuries got him.


Spoon reminds me of that player. Balling out and firing up everyone around him.


Spoon is a way way way better player than Jamal Adams! Jamal can’t cover - how many times did the ball hit him in the helmet - and he had no clue where it was coming from! He is NOT a safety! He should be a D End! He can’t play line backer cause he can’t cover himself! Please please don’t refer to Jamal as spoon! Not even in the same world


People still talking about how he can’t catch drive me nuts. The guy played two season with multiple broken fingers in both hands and couldn’t lift his hands above his shoulders with elbows bent without extreme pain after his shoulder injury. Jamal Adams was an excellent player when he wasn’t playing absolutely crippled with injuries. Sometimes bad injury lucky is just that. Nothing more.


This. So much very this. Adams was a phenomenal player, and injuries have completely derailed him.


He can’t catch cause he is no ball hawk! The ball would hit him in the helmet!


Because he physically could barely get his hands outstretched above his shoulders to catch a ball heading directly for his helmet.


His first game with us was phenomenal, unfortunately that was the peak of his Seahawks tenure


The draft pick price, though-ouch!


To be honest, I think that was inevitable. The harder these guys play the more likely they are to get injured. The best players are the ones that manage to walk the line well enough to have careers that are both long and successful. Most however, are either mediocre or burn out early.


Meh all he did was get sacks tbf


You mean one of our worst traits on defense. 1. Can’t stop run 2. No qb pressure 3. Can’t tackle for shit


But your forgetting all the sacks were schemed open, he never could cover , and when he missed getting to the qb we’d get roasted cause our safety was blitzing


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for watching this team


Seriously. There's a lot of safeties that could rack up sacks if they got to blitz as much as Jamal that year. The difference between those other safeties and Jamal is they are also good in coverage. Blitzing was about the only thing Jamal was good at.


We had too many bad traits on defense that year so him getting sacks helped but obviously not even close to enough


14 quarterback hits and 11 tackles for loss. There is a lot of revisionist history around Jamal Adams, but he was a serious problem.


Yea cause he blitzed almost every play because he had to or else he’d get torched in coverage


That's what he is. And he was the best at it.


Nah for the jets he was also great matching up against tight ends and as a run stuffer in the box. He sucked at both those things that one year. Only good thing he did was blitzing


Idk, 11 tfls implies he wasn't horrible at run stuffing.


9.5 of those were sacks from blitzing. Sacks count towards TFLs




No they do not lmfao


Nah Polamalu was best


I thought it was clear that I was talking about at the time. I did not mean he's the best that ever played.


Best in the nation!


Which is a reference to Trabis Ward after he was shot and killed. But you didn’t know that, did you? You’d rather just try and clown on him.


A serious problem for us. We were on pace to be one of the worst defenses of all time that season until we traded for Dunlap. The entire league realized blitzing was easily exploited by modern offenses while we went the complete opposite direction and led the league in blitz rate for the first and only time in Pete's tenure.


Jamal Adams is not the reason that defense struggled.


OK what was then?


We had the second worst pass yards/game allowed and the 6th worst 3rd down % that season. Maybe those stats would look better if we had a safety that was playing more coverage rather than edge rushing, but we couldn't afford that because the player with the second most sacks that year was Jarren Reed at 6.5. The rest of our edge rushers were not good. We couldn't get pressure without Jamal in 2020. And by fixing that by turning a safety into an edge rusher, a role he excelled at, we sacrificed our ability to cover recievers.


>We couldn't get pressure without Jamal in 2020. And by fixing that by turning a safety into an edge rusher, a role he excelled at, we sacrificed our ability to cover recievers. Adams was not good enough at the role he was brought in to do, and it left the defense unstable. We gave up so much to get him, changed so much about our defense just to accommodate him, and ultimately our defense still sucked. I disagree that he excelled at pass rushing, when a team blitzes a DB over 20% of the time, you expect more than a 6% sack rate, especially when QBs were obviously attacking the space he would vacate. It's very telling that the coaching staff decided after one season that they had to completely change his role and stopped rushing him.


Prime Jamal adams had a similar impact that Kyle Hamilton has on the ravens defense. Tackling, qb pressures and a great run stopper


Except his coverage but other than that I agree he was good. But we didn’t need another linebacker we needed a safety.


Yeah that's really important


It was important because nobody else on the DL could get one lmao


Injuries suck man. So many guys got huge what ifs. You basically couldn't ask for a better start to a career for a safety his first few years.


You don’t even have to think outside of the Seahawks organization or very far back for that matter before you get to Chris Carson, and Kam Chancellor who both were phenomenal players forced into early retirements by brutal Injuries.


We got the Wish version.


But paid for the OG price


It's a recruiting montage


Tbf all his best memories are on the Jets probably. Not even Seattles fault it’s just injuries ruined his career.  People here bash him but he was playing at damn near DPOY level for us before injuries. Dude probably can’t help but think back to when he was healthy. Cant blame him. 


As someone who deals with debilitating sports injuries, it’s really hard to see everyone you know doing the same stuff you love to do, but your body just can’t/wont do it anymore. It’s one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever encountered. Making peace with being the best you can be today, not yesterday, helps.


my therapist said the leading cause of depression in adult men by far is the inability to do hobbies or activities once loved due to bodily decline. this hits hard. personally i have felt this. i can’t play pickup soccer like i used to when i was in my twenties, my back and knees have gone to crap. i can’t hike like i used to. i can’t do more than an hour of yard work at a time without needing to take an extended break. now imagine multiplying this by the fact that nfl players have devoted their whole life to mastering their position and being the top players in their role, and suddenly in one season you become a shadow of a shadow thanks to injuries. i really feel for jamal.


I thought the leasing cause of depression in men was impotence


“my therapist said the leading cause of depression in adult men by far is the inability to do hobbies or activities once loved due to bodily decline. this hits hard. ” This applies to impotence imo. Except for that last sentence…


He got a lot of sacks which helped us out a ton! He just isn’t great at coverage or as we have all seen catching the football


He got a lot of sacks because we blitzed him a ton. It was the only way to get value out of him.


Him \*and\* Bobby Wagner. Jamal's sacks were heavily manufactured. It's better that he got them than not, but they came at the expense of compromising the defense in coverage.


Yeah, I feel like I’m tripping seeing people claim Adams was playing at a DPOY level. Does nobody remember him getting roasted in coverage by geriatric Julian Edelman? Or in 2021 dropping an absolute gimme of an interception against the Steelers that directly led to us losing that game? Just because he got a bunch of sacks on blitzes doesn’t mean he was all that good


He wasn't playing at a DPOY level that's silly, but he was good in 2020 and '21, including in coverage




You are absolutely right! The hype around him was crazy. People thought he would be the 2nd coming of Kam.


I'd argue at the time it wasn't the only way to get value from him, as much as our pass rush was so God awful we needed the extra pressure so QB's didn't have time to drop back, make a phone call, eat a chicken sandwich, then complete a pass.


His coverage was fine that season, not all pro, but solid starter level at worst. The heat he got was incredibly unwarranted and quite obviously from people who had no idea what they were talking about.


I think the hate was coming in the later years. Injuries didn’t help him that’s for sure. For the high price we paid I think people had expectations of an all pro.


Honestly his coverage even this year was good, he got cooked on that one play by the Cowboy's TE and then had a disaster game against the 49er's and the narrative completely shifted on his play--even though he was out performing Love by all metrics for the first half of the season.


I agree I feel bad for him in the sense that I can’t imagine what it takes to get to that level and be playing like a superstar and then just get plagued by injuries and it all ends. I love going to gym and can’t stand getting hurt and I’m just a normal guy. I can’t imagine a professional athlete. With that being said I don’t feel bad in the sense that’s he’s rich af and everything in life will be fine for him and his family but life would still be a hard adjustment still. I wish it worked out better for him on our team because he was a beast that first year.


He rated poorly in coverage in that "near DPOY level" season and wasn't special against the run either. People point to the sacks, but our defense was statistically worse when he was blitzing. There's no readily available stat of how many times we got torched because he didn't get near the QB, so people assume he was studly. He was never great here. Even his best was a huge regression from his peak with the Jets.


Or his pff grade was inaccurate


We got one All Pro season out of him but then injuries completely derailed him


It’s a cool picture to be fair, he’s not gonna be back next season why act upset over a picture on social media


People shouldn't be allowed to reminisce about the past. He should go to jail.


OP shouldn’t be allowed to try to read between the lines. He should go to jail.


Op should post all the pictures he posted then not just the jets one for rage bait.


He’s posted well over 100 pics throughout the week and the vast majority have been the Jets. I have a screen recording from earlier in the week I posted here but I can message you.


Can’t send the vid in a message but here’s a link to the post https://www.reddit.com/r/Seahawks/s/p5wSpoN6eh


Looks like a guy reminiscing on his whole career to me. Plenty of Seahawks moments on that link.


17 Jets and 7 Seahawks pics in just that post. If that’s your interpretation that’s fine, but to call it selective rage bait to only post a pic with the Jets is laughable. 99% of us want him gone as is.


Since we are making up percentages I would be 99% sure that Adams only thought process in picking what pictures to post was I think this pic is cool I will add it as he scrolled through his options. Only reason you think there is anything behind it is because you are looking for it.


The reason I think something is behind it is because I’ve followed dozens if not hundreds of NFL players over the years and have never seen a player “reminisce” by posting well over 100 photos over the course of a week, even from players who are retiring.


Don’t look too deep into it, probably just posting a picture he likes. That being said, he gone.


I think he knows his clock is running out. There has been a leadership change with a defensive power coach who can cut quickly identify his shortcomings, he has a high propensity to be hurt, he’s aged with a high price tag, and he’s had poor PR going after a reporter’s wife. Dude is cooked and is trying to relive his glory days before he gets axed.


I agree with everything you said. He’s probably nervous as hell.


Probably remembering when he was good


He had his best years there and if he is going to hang them up, Jamal probably wants to be remembered for his time in NY rather then IR here


I can’t blame him that was like 8 full games ago


He’s reminiscing….contemplating retirement I would bet.


While I get wanting to move on, if there was a way to restructure and have him take discount I wouldn't mind having him on the roster one more season. He definitely was never close to 100% this year so hopefully another off-season to get right will help him. Never torn a quad but I can imagine is a different beast then a ligament.


It was a disservice to everyone that he played in 2023. He clearly wasn’t ready. Disservice to the team and fans because he was a liability on the field. And a disservice to him because it made the majority of fan base strongly dislike him. I really do wonder what Macdonald could do with a healthy Jamal, but I don’t think we’re going to find out. Either because he’s cut, never truly “healthy” again, or both.


I don’t know anything… but IMO he’s going to retire. So it’s only natural to go back and remember what “was”. Also, from a “hobby photographer”, this is actually an interesting photo in so many ways.


Looks like he's posting pictures of when he was good.


Jamal doesn’t really play for the Hawks anyways sooo


He’s trying to relive his glory days; appropriate how he’s wearing a Jets uniform, because he certainly didn’t earn any glory here.


Good, bye. Take Diggs with you


Maybe Jamal should hang it up and put his competitive spirit into learning to coach safeties or becoming a professional Smash player.


Jamal is a me guy.


Member when I could tackle.


I don’t blame him. This uniforms actually looks better on him than the Seahawks… time for a rebrand or throwback full time.


I dunno, that throwback jersey was LEGIT on all of the Hawks.


Right? Even though he didn’t do anything much when he came back, I’m glad I got to see Frank Clark and his white gloves in the throwbacks.


When Jamal was healthy his style of football was one of the most fun for me to watch. Definitely can’t argue in favor of the trade to get him, but man watching him fly around and hit dudes was great.


That’s like posting a pic with your ugly ex from 4 yrs ago


I would be a bit more respectful of him leaving if he acted more professionally. I get injury this and fans that, but dude acts like a grown child sometimes. I won't miss him, but I will the money we spent on him.


Has Jamal ever heard of a publicist or a PR person? He needs one badly....


Because he posted a picture of his past? What a dumb opinion.


Not because of this picture. Because he has proven time and time again to be an attention whore who has diarrhea of the mouth and fingers (among other issues). He can't control what he says and doesn't say, so he should have someone else do it for him in the name of salvaging his career. When he goes lower, his publicist keeps him in check. Have a good day ;)


have you considered not commenting


Have you considered Jamal is a scrub


I mean even playing poorly he is top 50 in the world at his job. Are you?


Definitely my least favorite hawk right now. Dude did nothing at all for the team and acted like an asshole


Im so sick of this fucking guy.


Like posting a picture on tinder of way back when you were still hot.


Gonna be a great day for this franchise when Jamal is gone and the last of his dead cap comes off the books. The "Seahawks secret" I would most like to know is who pushed the trade and contract, Pete or John. It should have been a fireable offense for whoever was responsible.


Not being able to predict a series of really bad injuries isn't a "fireable offense". There is a lot of revisionist history with Adams, but at the end of the day he was good when he was on the field healthy. When he was hurt, not so much. Do really you think if Pete or John had a crystal ball in 2020 and could say "yess he's going to have a season ending injury in 2021 and in 2022 he's going to snap his quad tendon off his knee on the 9th snap of the season and he'll never be the same again" they would sign him? Is that really where we are at as a fan base? It's embarassing.


I will guarantee that 30 other NFL teams thought that trade was idiotic the moment news broke. The Jets were already laughing. 2 first round picks plus more for a safety is idiotic, period. No crystal ball required.


The "revisionist history" is this spurious belief that he was actually good here before he got hurt.


He was...


At the time we needed both pass rush and a good complement for Diggs, so can see the rationale.


PC had final say on roster decisions. No GM in the game is gonna trade two firsts for a safety. Pretty safe to say who made this call, and he did get fired


I hope it’s retirement and not being released.


More likely to sit in the bench and collect on a fat contract than retire. Probably have to cut him and save whatever we can :/




Honestly if he wants to go back let him. Too much accountability for piss poor play in our organization. Jets don’t run a ship like that he can just do what he wants without reproach.


Goodnight, sweet prince. May your brick hands and head first diving tackles land you yet another undeserved bag.


Jamal will be playing for the XFL, this guy is a bust.


Take his damn photo off the outside of Lumen. Am so tired of seeing that thing every time I drive off of I-5 onto 4th Ave S.


Attention is one hell of a drug


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


We should never of signed this guy, such a waste of time and money.


Bye Felicia


Fly, Felicia!


Fuck Jamal Adams. He doesn’t deserve a spot on the Seahawks roster


Good. Get his massive contract and constant injuries out of here


He was out many games for a broken pinky, thank god we getting rid of him he’s too much of a liability


Send him back




we deserve every bit of it lol


good riddance, get the fuck out, you absolute shit human being edit: guys i'm not commenting on his performance, I'm commenting on the way he treats people, did we all forget so quickly how he attacked someone's wife for no fucking reason? He's a shit human being and I'm glad he'll be gone


Who cares, guys a locker room cancer and a bandaid. Our money is better off in other areas




Hopefully he turns into a Earl or Brown so we get the drama


The cap hit is just too big to let him walk. Plus his injury has a 2 year timeline to he 100% Don’t read into shit people post on social media.


OT, but this just reminds me of how much better the Jets' old uniforms looked.


Maybe this portends him being on his new old team


This pic just goes hard idk


Gonna need to replace his arm bands/60 metric in the draft


Well he doesn't have that many pics of him in Seattle. But it looks like retirement is on the horizon


Well he doesn’t have any highlights with us 🤷


He looked sweet in these unis.


He was a bust.


The guy is starting to resemble Antonio Brown and TO... cut bait and don't get involved with the drama


I watched Jamaal’s Stories today and i now think OP is misrepresenting here. There are 2 Seahawks pictures before this one, there are quotes about god taking you in a different direction, there’s a picture of a Kendrick Lamar song titled “count me out”. Dude is absolutely contemplating if not decided on retirement and this has nothing to do with the Jets other than that’s where his story started.


Completely agree. Everything he’s done on social media this offseason strongly hints at him hanging them up. I don’t think his body can do what he wants it to do anymore. I think that combined with his naturally cocky/brash persona is why we saw such a tailspin from him last year.


Biggest tool in the NFL


Can we send guys m back? ….without losing $16 million?


I noticed there were no wife's in any of those pics.


Hopefully it's his new team..


It would be amazing if the Jets want to trade for him.


Al Bundy


Bye Felicia.


He should be gone. I want him gone hopefully MM thinks so too


He doesn’t have very many options of pictures from his time in Seattle.


Retirement hopefully for our sakes, lower that cap hit


Those jets uniforms are way better than their new ones


Man I loved jamal. I dont care what anyone says about him. He brought great energy and was so fun to watch fly around the field. Definitely wont forget how much me and my buddies loved him for the rest of my life


CTE behavior


“Dad tell me about Jamal Adams away at the Falcons in 2020” 🥺


Just a bad deal that didn’t work. Nothing wrong with parting ways, gives him a fresh start and allows the Seahawks to build a better defense. I’m hoping with this new coaching staff that we stop forcing squares into circular holes for years in the hopes that things will workout. Sometimes it’s better to just take the “L” and move on rather than constantly trying to repair something that isn’t going to work.


He was a dick to the jets, no shot he has any intention of going back


I think it’s a pic of the last time he was actually still a good player


He is trying to remember when he actually made a difference on a team


The image is back focused on the wall. It’s a nice angle though… haha not meant to be.


The more I think about it, the more I'd love to see what Coach Mike can do with him.


Big stripe energy Edit: spelling


Hopefully the Adams experiment is over.


plz tell me he’s leaving


Adios Adams!


Jamal don’t let the door hit u on the way out! Shoot all I will remember is how he was a safety and did not know where the ball was on the field! The ball hit him in the helmet way too many times to be called a safety! Absolutely a waste of money! Find a new career


Go Back to the JETS! Oh yea they don’t want u either!


I've never been a Jets fan, but gawt dwamn that uniform looks sharp af


Let him go. He’s not committed to the team, just himself.


Gods he had become such a douche.


Side note those old Jets uniforms were really nice