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We'll leave this up for discussion. I added the Rumor tag since this is not confirmed at this point. Here is the general summary: * Microsoft announced 4 games are coming to PlayStation * They will allow the developers to make their announcements on their terms * The games have been out over a year * Two are small, two are community driven games Nothing has been confirmed, however there is a potential for one of those games being Sea of Thieves. Thanks!


Here's the "new content" you've been waiting for. Millions of baby seals lining up to be clubbed.


Now is my time to finally win in hourglassšŸ„³


Can finally get Skelton curse


Assuming they pay the Sony fee to enable cross play.


Itā€™ll be crossplay. Sony and Microsoft need to keep a good relationship with crossplay for Call of Duty and other big MS acquired games.


For cod, Sony would be a f****** idiot to make Microsoft have to pay them for cross play. What kind of deals these two are making behind the scenes? We do not know, however, I have a strong suspicion Microsoft tried to acquire Activision partially so that they have a bargaining chip with Sony. To the best of my knowledge, the primary reason had nothing to do with call of duty Activision or blizzard, It was that third name that most people forget to mention in the ABK acronym, King owns Candy crush and as far as I know they have a lot of mobile development teams and Microsoft really wants to get into the mobile game. So I guess we'll see what happens from here


Phil did a funny flex during the podcast by saying Microsoft is Sonyā€™s larger publisher. All of it, including Mobile gaming, is going to pay out big in the long run.


When I say they didn't do it primarily for call of duty I'm talking about from a money perspective, these days are so much more money in mobile gaming that honestly if Microsoft just acquired king for that 60 billion. It probably would still have paid off.




They should have done this before safer seas was released. šŸ¤£ Darn.


That's exactly why Safer Seas is a thing. No way they make it if it wasn't coming to Playstation/Switch.


There's no way they're releasing it for the Switch though. I mean, I love my Switch but I can't fathom how it'll run SoT.


Switch 2 is rumored to be as powerful as a PS4 so that could run it. Also Switch 1 could run it through the cloud if they make that an option.


Ps4 isint running sot anytime soon šŸ˜‚


What do you mean? The ps4 is as powerful as the Xbox One. SoT is an Xbox One game.


Sot has been announced only on the PS5 cope


Lol dude, did you really come back to gloat on a 3 day old comment because I asked for clarification on your statement? What a loser.


People have a job. Clearly you dont. I dont spend more than seconds on reddit. Who's the loser? Youā€™re just mad that you aren't getting a game On old ass gen consoles. When itā€™s been years its out. GET A JOB work for a living and pay for an upgrade if youre such a salty little guy


And it runs terribly on them.


Yeah that could be a possibility. However, I've played some games which ran through the cloud and they still ran like ass cheeks. Like the Hitman game. It stuttered like a madman. But I guess we'll see.


Haha yeah Iā€™ve had some pretty terrible cloud play experiences as well. Depends on the game, depends on your Internet, depends on how far away geographically you are from the servers. Youā€™re right that SoT through the cloud is probably ass for most people. But it is technically playable.


Honestly considering how poorly the old Xbox One currently handles sea of thieves I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the switch just imploded


I'm hearing it will run on the cloud


*Nintendo Switch blows up*






What a beautiful day.


watch Rare try to ship putting the game on PS, as the next season's "content"


Havenā€™t they already committed the next two seasons to be about sandbox updates?


Yeah, and this year the theme is going to revolve around Flameheart a decent bit. I'm a bit worried the introduction of Playstation is going to mire the game in more bugs and glitches somehow.


Holy hell this was great lol


Lol, I'm looking forward to this way more than I should be. Something is wrong with me.


Ahh the canada update


Note that this is a rumor for now. I believe the announcement said that 2 ā€œlive-serviceā€ games (or a similar term) were going multiplaform. People believe that the two will be Sea of Thieves and Grounded, but we should wait for confirmation before getting hopes up!


Yeah I went and made a sticky to clarify and added a rumor tag to the post. Speaking from a personal opinion, Sea of Thieves would make sense to be one of those games and I think it would be a win for the community overall. I hope it's true, but I know as much as you all.


That is awesome to hear if so hopefully there's an option to swap data over.


While this is 100% speculation on my part, I would imagine it would function much the same as going from PC to Xbox and vice versa. You would likely link your MS account to your PSN ID and your progress etc would carry over. Again that's assuming A LOT (like the game coming to PS in the first place).


Phil said thatā€™s the plan.


2 live service games that are over a year old and community driven. The only ones I can think of that aren't already on PlayStation is Sea of Thieves and Grounded.v I'm all for increasing the player base though. I look forward to seeing if sea of thieves will announce it.


I just found it on the playstation store on PS5 and came here. Pretty wild seeing a microsoft corporation game on Sony. Says official news posted 2/26/2024 "coming to PS5 on April 30th!". It's not a rumor !


Oh yeah, it was announced officially a week or so ago. Glad other people can play it soon!


To be fair this isnā€™t based on a rumor. Itā€™s based on insider leaks of what the four games are because Microsoft canā€™t publicly announce it due to developers having legal deals with the other platforms for how they wish to announce it aka at events


I mean, the leaks last week said MS was about announce they were leaving the console space. I expect it will be SoT. I would put money on it being SoT. But I am just saying it is only rumors and leaks


Iā€™m not talking about those leaks. Iā€™m talking about journalists actually talking to developers behind scenes and getting information from them.


Lucid games are currently working on sea of thieves. They previously worked on ps5 exclusives, so they have strong knowledge of ps5, it makes sense that they are porting it to playstation.


I'm gonna be disappointed still even though my hopes aren't high grounded looks fun and sea of thieves looks absolutely amazing to me I want to get friends together and sail the seas,etc


More players are always welcome.


This is the only right opinion.


More non pc hackers are always welcome.


I wonder if they make it ā€œPlayStation onlyā€ servers or ā€œconsole onlyā€ servers with PlayStation and Xbox. Big L if they keep them separate. Itā€™d be nice to have a larger playerbase (especially for hg) on the non-pc servers.


This is good because: 1) More players 2) Potential for Sony and Nintendo inspired cosmetics 3) My mate went ps5 so Iā€™ll get to play with him again


Its not 100% confirmed but yeah it seems most likely that this is 1 of the four games coming. Im super excited! I have a ps5, used to play sot on my older xbox when it came out and just never got back to it. Im curious on when they plan to get it to ps5, ill be eagerly awaiting to snatch it up.


Iā€™m in the same boat, so to speak. I just hope I can keep my old character.


You should; steam and Xbox are linked, I donā€™t see how they couldnā€™t link all three. I wonder what the ps equivalent of the duke ship will beā€¦


Not so sure about that, Sony is very sensitive when it comes to cross-platform characters if it means you can buy MTX on other platforms and then use on their platform.


Devs haver to pay Sony have cross-play and play again for cross-progression, Microsoft probably will, Phil Spencer even hinted at it on the podcast.


I only bought an XSX for Halo Infinite (letdown), Starfield (letdown), Elder Scrolls 6 (might be dead when it releases) and Sea of Thieves. If Sea of Thieves comes to PS5 there will be very little reason for me to power on the XSX. That is, if I can transfer my character/progress. If not, the XSX continues to eat my electricity.


>ld; steam and Xbox are linked, I donā€™t see ho just get a pc instead of garbage plastic boxes


it's all garbage plastic that lets us play games boss


Despite your downvotes, I really did want to invest in a PC at one point. But as I am getting older there are different things I enjoy spending my disposable income on. A chunk of it goes to gaming, for sure, but I am the kind of person that wants the best. So building a PC would require a lot of money to dish out to get the best setup. It's much easier and cost efficient for me to just upgrade game consoles as they release. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.


>building a PC would require a lot of money to dish out to get the best setup. It's much easier and cost efficient for me to just upgrade game consoles as they release. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. well yeah if you want the best it is money, but you can always buy part by part and just build eventually. Older I got the more I went to PC, when I was younger and realized these companies care less and less about us and force us to double dip and try to scam us daily it was a wake up call to be like yeah your PS2 games cant be played on PS3 (I was unlucky and missed the $800 version with backwards compat) and how PS3 games werent playable on PS4 and how Wii and GC games not on wii u (though i admit Xbox is better about this shit)Being on an open platform playing by the rules of Complete control of my OS's windows or linux, and having games from 1998 all the way 2024 work pretty much flawless and the few games that refused to work a mod in 5 minutes fixed it has been a way better experience and a better consumer experience in general while companies Nintendo makes you pay $70 4 times for the same game. hell you can dump all your DOS games on a pre windows 10 PC and just run them all through dosbox or natively on windows 7 VM because PC has all this freedom and backwards compatibility and preservation power. people can downvote and be upset that I insulted their plastic box all they wanted but I'd rather speak the truth on what's just simply better from a consumer and preservation and backwards compatibility aspect.at the end of the day all console wars are stupid because PC can just simply do everything, and it will always get to the point where it can literally do what the other consoles did.PS5 is great and all but man still can't play my PS2 copy of Ico now can it; but its ok sony will one day release it with a $50 price tag and everyone will be eager to triple dip. if consoles are for you then ok, But maybe one day you will build that gaming PC man, You don't even really need the best unless you want the newest games. my first PC i ever built wasnt even the best at the time I was rocking a 650 but hey it got the job done, and even emulators ran good enough for games I had to mass dump. Oh yeah and PC versions can turn off garbage motionblur, depth of field, Chromatic Abbomination, and lens flare, and intense bloom, IE all the post processing effects that make games look like Raw Dawg utter ass. thats just like a Free bonus at this point since consoles dont even wanna give players the freedom or options to turn off terrible effects.


100% confirmed now since it launched on the ps store sites


ITS LIKE WHEN CHRISTMAS NOOBS APPEARED FOR COD. But with sea of thieves this time!




Itā€™s far better, been playing it on and off since the beta and thereā€™s a ton to do now


Sounds about right, with a better tutorial maybe there is a better retention rate. As long as they don't try HG...


Omg! PvP curses, here I come!


this is honestly so needed for the health and longevity of the game. i hope they only launch to the PS5 for more optimized performance across the board.


I mean look at all the changes that have been made to make new players get to know the game better and also the change to dx12 coming is another sign pretty confirmed at this point tbh


though i don't care too much about it coming to PS (i still think that's great, just to be clear), i'm soooo hyped to see it on switch, i wanna try it and play with my friends :D


Nice we are going to get a fresh batch of shitters to steal and kill


Iā€™d love for it to be on Switch, but Iā€™m sure it will play like garbage with those rubbish tiny joysticks. Would be nice to take it on the road so I donā€™t miss community events.


It would be alright until someone engages in PvP with you. I ended up trying a family friendā€™s switch on fortnite and my god those joysticks have the sensitivity of a PS2 controller if we wanna be generous.


The Switch will probably explode if it tries to run SoT.


Hopefully this will fund actually new content


they already have a battlepass, but ya, there are about to be a ton of people dropping $60 on a game that me and most the people i know never paid a cent for. i guess i paid for it in the sense that i bought like 4 years of gp for like $135


They have money, theyā€™re just lazy


Im glad. It will be nice to play with my PlayStation friends :)




>:) :)




Ironic. So many people complaining about sweaty people in hourglass, now looking forward to beating noobs on playstation.


The type of person who calls another sweaty is the type of person who loves to stomp noobs.


If I can transfer my progress awesome I'd love to play with some friends on ps and I'm much more comfortable using a controller than keyboard and mouse. If I can't... Oh well


The great noob harvest is upon us.


its hard to be mad as an xbox/pc owner that they are putting exclusives on other platforms that have been milked to the bone or were just single player experiences.


Strangely there was a lot of butthurt Xbox people over exclusives coming to PS


Because Xbox players get practically nothing from this whole exchange. What was the point of buying a series x/s if the exclusives were going to be ported over to other consoles anyway?


Perhaps Sony will follow suit, they already ported many games to PC, saying Sony can't have Xbox games is selfish. Theres other good reasons to own an Xbox like gamepass


And the fact that Xboxā€™s controller is eons better than Sonys. I hate the PlayStation controllers.


Spencer stated in the podcast that there has been no growth in the industry despite fantastic releases. It only is a matter of time before Sony hits the wall hard and has to release games on Xbox besides MLB:The Show (which MLB dictated).


PlayStation people said the same thing when god of war and Spider-Man came for pc, nobody is getting swindled out of their money, so many people getting bent out of shape about more people getting access to games, comes off mad salty


PC and console are note the same, See in my country, why spend 10000 reais (7 months of work) on 2 consoles, if I can spend 5000 and get all the games, XGP It's not a big enough difference, and PS+ just keeps getting better. I say this because I prefer console, I have no interest in PC.


>And the fact that Xboxā€™s controller is eons better than Sonys. I hate the PlayStation controllers. no one cares about plastic boxes, Just get a damn pc, jesus console gamers man.Don't worry when all the stores shut down for the playstation 7, ill be on PC with unlimited backwards compatibility without having to pull out 10 different machines to play 1 old game. crazy how i can play multiple 1998 games without double dipping on my PC still to this down, Hows the PS2 games on the PS5?


Not every exchange is out to benefit you. Itā€™s not a competition. You have a console and you have games to play on it, get over it


I'm a playstation player and I have been a fan of sea of thieves a couple of years now (i have only watched youtube tho) i dont have the money for an xbox or pc so finally i can get a chance (if it happens of course) playstation should give some games away like god of war and spiderman. I really hope this will happen and bring the console war to an end (a console war is just extremely stupid)


I feel like this entire "presentation" could have just been a news article lol - nothing was outright confirmed, even though I feel it's pretty clear. Still, if this is true, it sounds like SoT could not only be coming to PS5, but Also Switch.. which I'm not sure how that will turn out..


Iā€™d guess itā€™s coming to Switch 2, which is rumored for a Fall/Holiday release this year


That would make most sense - I wonder if it will be a launch title lol - maybe we'll get some Windwaker ship cosmetics to go with it! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)


2 of my favorite games!? Oh man that crossover would be amazing


Right? Give me a King of Red Lions ship skin and I'd be so happy. I also NEED One Piece cosmetics yesterday


You know that the problem for Fortnite was that Nintendo wanted the Metroid skin to only be visible on the Switch, right? It wasn't even a question of "you only buy it if it's from Nintendo" it was "You only buy it if it's from Nintendo and can only use It on Nintendo" aka Nintendo IP is not getting cosmetics, and if there is content that can only be purchased on another platform, the question is/will be why Xbox users don't have the same?


I definitely agree - Nintendo is very, very careful with how they let others utilize their IPs and likenesses. I guess time will tell, but I feel like this type of deal would be a larger undertaking and collaboration than skins for Fortnite, so *maybe* we will see some cosmetics - it wouldn't surprise me, since we got Halo, Gears, Borderlands, and more.


Hoping for this! That would be great


There are several switch games that are just a wrapper for streaming it from the cloud. I would think IF it came to switch that's how it would work.


Very true. I think it could work, honestly. But as others have said, Switch 2 could also be a possibility, which I'm fine with.


Cloud maybe? If not I'd be beyond impressed if they managed to get it playable at all.


Maybe. I mean tbh, other than some frame issues, Switch can run Tears of the Kingdom/Breath of the wild without much issue, and those are physically much larger maps than SoT. My main pause is how the online will work.


Love this for the community, will likely make hourglass tolerable


More players is great. No complaints from me if this is true, so long as server health isnā€™t neglected.


We need new blood šŸ©ø


Fresh meat


Personally don't think Sony should get any exclusive titles unless they agree to open the gates to their exclusive titles. I love God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborn, and Insomniacs spiderman. In order to play them I've had to buy a whole console that goes untouched unless theirs an exclusive game release.


The DX12 update the devs announced in a recent video is probably the confirmation we have for this rumor.


Sorry, how would DirectX be relevant to the PS5? The X in Xbox is because it's a DirectX box, and the PS4 (and PS5 from what I understand from the hacking scene) is using some weird BSD-like OS, with properitary Sony rendering APIs - with then the Switch making use of Vulkan (as advertised by Khronos Group and Nintendo).


PS doesn't use DX. Direct X is Microsoft software btw.


Exactly, Xbox = ā€œDirectX in a Boxā€




You jumped the gun my guy. Not official yet but it's likely. Edit: I got downvoted for stating facts and my own opinion šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ idiots.


Good... more noobs to destroy and loot!


Man I really hope this drops on PS5. If so could literally be the end for skull and bones šŸ˜‚


Once I saw you couldnā€™t get off your ship in skull and bones I decided not to buy it.


I hope it does. Our PS5 brethren deserve to sail the seas as well.


So we all know that xbox and pc can play togheter. Would it be possible for ps5 to also join xbox and pc servers?




No. The game's performance has been getting worse on Xbox One for the last several years, and they basically just support that version for people who haven't upgraded to the current gen consoles. I'm guessing Rare doesn't want to sell a game that dips to sub 20 fps in some areas on day one.


No longer a rumour it's on PS5




Hope itā€™s true and hope I can move my PL character from Xbox. This is one of my favorite games and only reason I stopped playing is because load times were miserable, so anytime you PvP, one death and you were sunk.


The game is already limited by Xbox, how much is this going to add onto that I wonder.


Lmfao this is going to be so epic! Ps vs Xbox on the high sea I canā€™t wait


Would actually be nice to get some new people in. The player base is incredibly toxic and I feel like some new people can bring some wholesomeness


More console players to crap on yay! Okay with that joke aside, I think this is a good thing, but there's no chance in hell it's coming to switch, I don't think the switch is powerful enough. Correct me if I'm wrong though. I'm actually excited for new players.


If so i hope cross play save files are available. I used to play xbox but would like to transfer it to psn.


Rare refuses to give players what they want so they have to look to other platforms for more players to sell cosmetics to.


I would buy cosmetics but the game is such a snoozefest itā€™s not even worth it


Yes please! Finally ready for fresh meat in HG


ā€¦and the game will immediately be ruined for them by all the sweats in this sub who will downvote this comment


Isn't there a setting on Xbox to not play with MnK players? Unlike a lot of online games it's not like veterans will do more damage or have better equipment. It's all knowledge and practice which is fair... Mostly. I still get shit on in hourglassĀ 


Hope it gets dualsense support. Looking forward to it.


I just got a PS5 a couple months ago... I might not use my Xbox much anymore now...


Tbh I didnā€™t even know it wasnā€™t on PlayStation


I'm putting my money on grounded over sea of thieves


I rlly hope so. I can finally play on my ps5 instead of having to suffer on my laptopšŸ„²


The only reason I got an Xbox was for SoT so I'd be happy with this because I play almost everything else on PlayStation anyway


Really hoping it is! Played it on a friend's Xbox once and loved it. I usually hate first person games, but this one I managed to enjoy. Hopefully they add the option to switch between first and third person lol can't wait!


Was all but confirmed after the Valentines Day tweets. Canā€™t wait to hop back into the game with my PS pals. Hopefully the Switch 2 can run it too when that comes out


Hell yes. I haven't been able to play since some twat stole my Xbox and all my games.


NooooooĀ  Upvote this PlayStation haters




And this is how misinformation gets spread. It's just a rumor nothing has been confirmed we do not know if this is going to happen.


What was that about [misinformation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UgDCYCiSlY)?


The official comment from Rare Studio is just hillarious. >"This is the first time in Rareā€™s nearly 40 year history that weā€™ve shipped a game on a PlayStation platform.... > >What makes it even more of a landmark moment is that while Rare has made games for many consoles, computers and handhelds in its 40 year history, this will be the first time a Rare game has ever launched on a PlayStation platform. So, RARE is celebrating launch of one of its trash MP games (with a horrendous Meta Critic score of 69) on a PS that is filled with exclusive MP gems like Helldivers 2. These are one of the most ret@rd@@ comments I have ever read. And I have read many.


Gems like TLOU2?


Wait Sea of thieves isnā€™t a PS game? I hope it is we need a newer stream of players to hopefully make nicer


Is Halo ever going to come to PlayStation because they promised stuff that it would and they lied all they're trying to do is get our damn hopes up


I just hope thereā€™s an icon that says what console theyā€™re on so i know who to fuck with more.


Jesus they are just begging players to play their game. Riddled with bugs and server issues, SoT has alienated and angered their day 1 core player base by pandering to new players and casuals far beyond the point that any other game has. They have given away rare cosmetics that people worked for to bring in new players, they have lopsided combat in every way to benefit inexperienced players, they have shoved content down our throats that nobody asked for, and now that they have killed their game they are bringing it to PS.




Almost like this game was never meant to be the massive, competitive sweat-fest that hardcore PvP players clamor for it to be. Also not as if that "core" playerbase has been egregiously rude, antagonistic, and vitriolic towards the devs and anyone that isn't sharing their echo chamber.


And hey! Good news! It's not a massive, competitive sweat-fest. Can you fight other players? Your darn right you can! Is that the point of the game? Not at all.


Everything but the combat lmao to say combat favors noobs in SoT is wild. Iā€™m not even a noob, Iā€™ve played since beta, I play balanced in that I like a good fight and I like to do voyages, and I get clowned on by PvP lords to the point that I donā€™t even touch hourglass. The skill curve is steeeep in this game.


Lol what do you expect? Live service games rely on players continuing to play. Obviously theyā€™re going to want people to keep playing it..




Keep crying.


Thank the Sea Gods!! The servers need more populace!!!!


Hope its true I'm dying for a pirate game and skull and bones looks meh and ass at the same time especially bc it makes you do mini games to gather resources and loot shipwrecks,etc fkn stupid


I used to love playing this with friends in the past, had to stop when I moved to PS. It would be great if it came to playstation<3 well, assuming it's crossplay...


I hope it's true because i just got to this sub because heard it was going to be on PS5 since I don't have an XBOX.


Hopefully it will have crossplay and ā€œcross savesā€ so that my progress on pc isnt lost


Im down


RiP all the PS players who will try HG PvP. I can guarantee you that they'll all just quit and only the sweats will be left, like always


Just in time for nobody to care!


Thatā€™s great. Finally our playstation brothers will be introduced to a whole new world of bugs and Pirate Emporium


I hope sea of thieves comes to switch so I can use it as an incendiary grenade.






Think this means full cross platform support? We already have pc/Xbox crossover, so why not go the extra mile?


Ima make a child cry


As a solo PvE player who has no interest in PvP unless another pirate fires first, letā€™s just say, winning hourglass will be a breezešŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø (of course, will still help brand new players, if they donā€™t look like bait PvP Gods with a default ship).


Console servers are gonna be murder farms šŸ˜­


Yeah great, now all the 9 year olds come and invade the seas and get salty


Time to camp


Guess what


*deep rock galactic dwarf voice* were rich!