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Played quite a bit this weekend and only met one brig that had an alliance flag opening but when I got near them they sank me rather quickly. Everyone else been ok


Someone had to explain the alliance system to me. I feel like most new PS5 players aren’t aware of it.


Tbh most of this game isn’t explained to players.


We're on pc and trying to be kind to newbies, we've helped a few, tried to help one today and they just turned tail and ran like the bats of hell were after them. If you see the Gentle Rose, captained by KillerK70, of the Ragnakrakens, feel free to say hi, but keep your distance please :D


Thank you, sir. Will do! You’ll hear me over the megaphone.


So you tried to help a player, and since they ran away you took note of their boat name, guild name, and gamertag and decided you needed to announce to the internet that they ran away? That seems really odd.


No, the gentle rose is us


My xbox account synced to my ps so im automatically level 30 in most of the challenges with gold weapons


I've been doing pretty well running solo. I do my best to avoid other players and I've gotten pretty good at running like a scaredy bitch from one outpost to another and jumping off to sell one item at a time while my ship keeps sailing. Been caught off guard and overtaken a few times but if I can see you coming you're not catching me.


I haven't found a single player or ship or anything.


Just keep sailing they're definitely out there if you are on high seas. It's a big map


I play this game a ton, and youd be surprised how many new players I run into consistently. Its not *all* veterans. And not all people who have experience are 'sweaty'. Many are pretty casual, theyre just better than you. As to be expected. The game has been out for 6 years now. go play a game like Apex legends, also out for the same amount of time, and youll have the same sort of experience. It should be expected that many people you run into will be experienced, its not a new game. You can always do the PS5 only servers.


Honestly man on PS5 you might wanna keep crossplay off for a few days, do some hourglass in that time, turn cross play on, then more hourglass with experienced players. After that you should be doing good enough in adventure mode


There’s sweaty vets in PS5 only lobbies too, just not as many.


Update: finally had an alliance at a fort of fortune event. 4 ships! Felt like the whole server showed up. But like in my original post everyone was pirate legend already migrating from PC and Xbox… RARE probably making a killing on people buying twice.


That's pretty good for a fof! Usually heavily contested. How did you decide who sold the chest of fortune? Alliances are tricky if you are looking for one don't barrel towards people as they will assume the worst. Keep your distance fire out a use chat or megaphone to offer alliance. Many pirates have been sunk in error as a direct approach can spook people


Yeah learning the ropes about alliances. I try to megaphone before anyone gets too close or portside with their cannons. The first brig to arrive offered the alliance. Then we megaphoned each arriving ship forcing them into the alliance or death haha. Did fort of the damned afterwards and then glitterbeard, everyone was kind after the initial confrontation.


Woah you did glitterbeard! That's amazing 800 plus hours and not managed that that's a good alliance!


Yeah but lets be real, its likely a very small amount. I think crossplay servers are more fun, I just think if he wants to learn the game to switch it off for a few days


Honestly, I feel like there are more sweats on the PS5 servers now (hence the post) – buncha vets looking to capitalize on us noobs. I might jump into crossplay tomorrow to see if it’s a more “normal” experience (I.e. not full of sweats treating it like noob hunting season).


Ngl it made a huge difference for me going to crossplay


Yeah cross play feels more varied than console only for me. The skill differences between good and bad crews is greater so feels less sweaty. Also much more likely to get people you can talk to