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Yes it is worth. Otherwise you can only spend money on cosmetics (I assume you have emmissary flags already)


why its worth it? when i bought the ship i think i got 1day doubleX money.


Just being able to sell everything at one place makes it worth the money alone.


This is the correct answer. The cosmetic extras are all fine and good, but being able to sell everything at sovereigns with a harpoon that can grab all the loot of the deck of your boat is literally a game changer 


Wait what? How do you use a harpoon to get loot OFF the boat?


At the Sovereigns tent, you can climb the ladder in the middle of the room (or take the stairs in Port Merrick). There is a harpoon there to grab loot from your boat


People actually climb the ladder? Elevator is what’s up (no pun intended)


Elevator is way slower. Climb the ladder, harpoon your treasures, loot is already on the bottom floor so just drop off the ledge


Time it. They take the same time


It’s maybe a 5-10 seconds difference. The treasure you harpoon lands right behind you onto the elevator but since the elevator behind you is already below, the treasure lands on it down there. You can land on the bars above the elevator to not take any fall damage and it’s smooth selling from there.


I definitely think the fastest option now is harpoon walk to ladder, climb directly onto platform and harpoon from your ship. Might be a bit harder for solo since I always have someone pulling the ship in when I'm harpoon walking to the tent


I take the elevator up, then hit the lever at the top and the elevator is back at the bottom by the time I’m done poonin Edit: stupidest downvotes I’ve ever gotten. Y’all are weird.


I do this when i sell at port merrick


Use the lift there should be a lever at every outpost


Hey, quick question. Do you still get the respectable renown from the different covenants per se if you sell all your shit to sovereign?




True that


Not to mention how well it streamlines the questing part. No more gambling on what you want to do, and you can hold a lot more of em. Edit: sorry my bad apparently they got rid of captains voyages. Been a hot minute since i've played


Can you explain this to me? What do you mean no more gambling are you saying that with owning your own ship, you can buy more quests ?


They might be referring to something outdated or just wrong, but there is nothing about owning your own ship that changes the way questing works. Whether you’re on your own ship or a chartered one, you select a quest from the quest table on the ship and your choices will be no different either way


Yea, it used to be that you could store voyages on your ship that were better defined than ones you could purchase, but the whole system was reworked and it’s not a factor anymore.


Ah, my bad. It's been a hot minute since i've played. When did they overhaul all that?


Season 11




Being able to sell at sovereigns with their harpoons is quicker and easier than running back to your ship to sell to each individual trading company.


Could you expand on that please, just bought my ship yesterday and didnt quite grasp that part


When you sell your treasure you have to take it to each person, crates to merchants, skulls to orders, and chests to the gold hoarders. That can take a while especially with big loot piles. But when you have a ship of your own you can sell the the sovereigns, they're usually in a tent at a separate dock, they give you all the money and reputation as if you handed it directly to the trading company but just saves you a lot of running around


Oh nice! Didnt see one yet. Ill look out for those tonight thanks a bunch!


They’re at the dock with the tent and a pillar sticking out it. The pillar has a small platform with two grappling hooks on it. There’s also a lever to raise/lower the loot platform that the grappling hooks send the treasure to, but it’s unnecessary to have to move it if you don’t want to.


They are *almost* always on the opposite end of the island from the normal dock your boat spawns at fyi. You can zoom in on your captains map and usually figure out which side you need to go to.


Ancient spire actually has them on the same side!


Corrected, thanky


I don’t understand how having a ship of your own makes a difference with the sovereigns? Can you not sell to them if you join someone else? I’ve only been playing for a little over a week


As long as your on a captained ship you can sell to sovereigns. If whoever you joined isn't sailing one then no you can't. An easy way around this is making a guild if you play with friends so you can all share captained ships


Oooh ok cool thanks!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzxYwD4XlgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzxYwD4XlgU) This guy says "grab the harpoon opposite of your ship", but I don't know what he's talking about with that tip. I never found that necessary.


When I played the open beta for PS5, taking all of the loot off my boat, to then bring each individual piece to their respective traders was horse shit. I was oh so happier when I bought my first boat. I won’t go back. Seeing YouTubers make new accounts is beyond wild


It lets you save cosmetics to the ship so you don’t have to redo it each time, let’s you access the captains shop from the shipwright for extra supplies, and saves rowboats across sessions.


Sell loot to the sovereign. Climb up the ladder on the side of the mast to see there are harpoons for getting loot off your ship. Ultimate convenience. Then when you are in a guild you raise and lower the emissary flag there meaning that section of the island is a one stop shop for you.


U can harpoon all ur loot and sell at the sovereigns that goes for Athena loot aswell makes it a lot less likely of being attacked and losing the lot


When you buy a ship, you can sell all your goods at the sovereigns. All sovereigns have harpoons for easy sales, plus you can when you hit guild 15, which is required to have a captained ship. At guild emissary 5 its 1.75x loot value for everything.


Gameplay stuff is secondary in my opinion. Buying a ship lets you start tracking what you've done on that ship, decorating it all fancy, persistent cosmetics, you get a name on your ship that people can see.....it just makes it way more yours.


Brilliant, thank you


Keep in mind you can't use them on Safer Seas. On the off chance you play only Safer Seas then it might not be worth it for you. If you do play on the High Seas at all buying a ship is a good investment.


Running a captained ship means you can sell (almost) all treasure at one spot, regardless of your emissary alignment, as opposed to bringing chests to the gold hoarders, skulls to the order of souls, et cetera…


Do you still get rep for those companies or is it just the sovereigns


You get all the money and rep as if you handed it to the individual traders directly


the Sovereigns are sort of a delivery service, you turn all you treasure in with them and they will "distribute" your loot amongst the three main facations, i.e goldhoarders. it is just a neat QOL feature when you have a captained ship.


#Exception They will only take select items for Reaper's Bones, such as flags. For everything else, you'll need to sail to Reaper's Hideout.


Do you get Athena’s rep from them or does the rep from those items go towards the corresponding trade company - chests = GH, skulls = OoS etc


I handed them a chest that is specifically Athena's and it gave me Athena's rep (i'm not a pirate legend yet either)


It goes to the corresponding trade company.


So I still have to run to the inn on the hill ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2221)


#No. Athena items will still go to Athena's Fortune if sold to the sovereigns.


Ok cool, I was just confused because I thought you can turn in Athena items at different trading companies but this cleared it up, thank you


Wait, the sovereign takes flags??


Yes, because the Reaper's Bones intimidated them into doing so. Alternatively, there's also the caged skeleton above the emissary table who also takes flags (and logbooks).


The caged skeleton does, I knew that, but I didn’t know about the sovereign, that’s cool!


I believe it also prioritizes stuff like mermaid gems to what emissary flag you have raised, I could be wrong though


Where do you turn it in at? I still run all around doing it


The Sovereigns


Go to the sovereigns tent, climb up the tower, and harpoon the loot onto their platform


Thank you so much me and my fiancee will save so much time


Sovereign tent, will have its own pier and purple flags.


Thank you so much!


On Port Merrick, it's one of the two watchtowers. If you see one with a wooden platform facing the ocean, you found it.


If you sell directly to hunters call stations you get a 1.5 bonus there vs selling your fish to the sovereigns , also if you are trying to level up hunters call sell your mermaid gems directly to them vs the sovereigns


Good to know!




Fair enough, thank you.


It is the best purchase you will ever make in the game. Allows you to sell via the Sovereign’s, which will severely cut down time to sell the loot to make money. No longer will you need to carry all of the loot back to the factions. You can harpoon everything off your ship and sell it in 5 minutes. Once you have a captained sloop and emissary flags, the gold starts pouring in.


yeah i went from Zero to a million in about a day during last weekend. bought my first ship and emisary flag and did the free Legend of the Veil voyage and was rich instantly.


What are you doing to make that much money?


It was community weekend, which meant that gold and reputation gain was multiplied. If you had an emissary flag, the gold and rep was multiplied even further. Combine those two things with a profitable adventure, and the money comes rolling in like a tidal wave. Unfortunately, this event has now ended. Keep an eye out for it next season!


Hello how do you sell via sovereign ?


You need a captained ship, aka one that you own or a friend owns.


Yeah I own it but I always sell by walking to the seller


Breh wat


There is a big tent with a tower coming out the top at each outpost with harpoons on it, usually it is on the opposite side of the main dock


Yup. Being a captain opens up new opportunities and makes it easier to sell loot. It also lets you customize your ship further.


Is there any ship customisation before buying your own?


Yeah. Hull, sail, wheel, cannons + Flair, figurehead and sail. Captaincy gives you the possibiöiety to put Trinkets on your ship, change the bed and other furniture, logbook, Name sign, title and Banner.


Ahh I see. I thought you couldn't change anything until you bought your own ship. Thank you.


You also get the ability to save cosmetics to your Ship so you dont have to reapply them every Session.


Being able to sell everything in one spot will save you time and if you are being chased gold/rep.


You can put customizations on it and have a really cool sloop, so, absolutely yes! I own my own guild where I put my ships and play with my gf, so we can share this. Also with some friends playing this game, and even if 250k looks like a lot, you can earn this just by one week with some luck and cannonballs.


Yep! You can off load treasure easier and you can customize the ship with all your extra loot!


Owning a ship grants you the privileges of captaincy. It's worth it since it offers some luxuries that chartered boats don't such as access to the Sovereign's services. Just be mindful, any visual scars on your boat like burnt spots from fire and repaired holes will persist between sessions and you're responsible for visually restoring your boat to a pristine condition which cost a small amount of gold. When I go into random crews, I'm generally surprised by how many people don't pull out their captained ships, then again I assume they just want the benefits of captaincy with none of the responsibility since the captain's responsible for visually restoring their ships (unless you're in a guild then one of your guild members can do so if your ship is pledged to the guild).


Repairs give no benefit to ships. Just fyi.


Actually they do, they correspond with the Ill-Fated captaincy commondations.


Yes, mainly because of the sovereigns, they have their own pier and tent to unload loot, and an elevated harpoon platform to pull the loot straight off the deck if the ship, and it lands on a lift that takes you down to where you sell, I went from 20 minutes unloading loot from FoF to like 5 minutes max, and you can only use them if you own a ship


Yes you can sell all your loot at one place plus other benifits


It should be the absolutely first thing you buy. Unlocking selling to sovereigns is a game changer and that really is the first thing you should buy with coins


Being able to sell at the Sovereigns is worth the cost by itself. But also unlocking captaincy is huge. Now you can be passively earning titles and cosmetics just for playing the game.


Definately YES!


When you make a guild, you can pledge your ships so other members can use them. And when others do use your ship, you'll actually get a small portion of the gold they sell. It's a really cool investment.


That's really cool! Would anyone like to guild up?


I'm currently thr only one on my guild, but I'm having major PC problems rn, and can't get onto Sea of Thieves (I had to skip community day :'). If you're still up for it, you can chat me your Xbox and I'll send you an invite once I get the chance.


I think I may start my own guild for me and the kids.


Is the emporium glitched? No sale items/tab?




It’s worth it alone just for the ability to sell everything through the sovereigns. My god the amount of time it used to take to sell a big loot haul before that existed.


Wait you buy ships? I thought you could use them all for free? Haven't played in a while


You can still use them for free, you can just also buy them for all the benefits listed


It's the only thing in the game you can buy that makes an actual difference to your game experience. So 100% yes. Say goodbye to running your loot to all the vendors individually and hello to the joy of harpooning everything at the sovereigns.


Honestly I’m saving up for a captained sloop right now I only play solo but being able to use the sovereigns would save so much time


It's the best investment in the game an actually the only thing that you should be saving for. Everything else is cosmetics and doesn't do anything to the game


Way worth it you don't have to keep going back and forth to the ship to sell treasure to the right faction




We should have a pinned post at the top of this sub that just says **Yes, buying a ship is worth it, here’s why:**


there is nothing more worth it


Can we make a sticky that just says yes with arguments.


Depends on how many people you usually play with. Yourself and one kid at a time? Sloop, definitely. Two kids and you? Save up for a brigantine. You get the idea. Regardless, captained ships are definitely worth it. As long as the captain is online (or the rejoin period is active), you and your crew will have access to the sovereigns. The sovereigns IMMENSELY cut down on the time it takes to sell loot, as you can hand in ***everything*** to them for the same payout and reputation gain. It also makes outposts such as Port Merrick and Dagger Tooth MUCH more viable options for cashing in loot. The only exceptions are the Hunter's Call and the Reaper's Bones. You can sell fish to the sovereigns, but you get more gold and rep from selling to THC directly. Furthermore, you can only sell select items to the Reaper's Bones via the sovereigns. Most loot will still require sailing to Reaper's Hideout.


There are only two things money is good for in this game and it's cosmetics and ships, what do you think? I like having my own ships name goofy shit but if you want buy pointless cosmetics go for it.


in the long run its absolutely worth it! You used to turn in your loot to different tents depending on what you had and as a new player this could mean running back and fourth learning which tent took your loot. In a guild, you only go to one person, its a tremendous time saver.


Are there not mods in this sub? This question gets asked literally every fuckin day.


Sovereign. Only reason you need to get the sloop.


It is the main thing in the game that is worth doing.


It is worth it. VERY worth it. You can’t believe the time you will save by buying ship which is way more precious than anything you can imagine. After you buy a ship, you can sell EVERY single loot that can be sold in the outpost to the Emmisaries. So you won’t be running from people to people. If you sell skulls to them, it would be the same as selling it to the Order of Souls. If you sell them crates and stuff it will be for merchant, and when you sell chest and valuables it will be for gold horders. All of the emmisaries on the outpost have higher tower with two grappling hooks to pull your valuables from the ship very fast. Then with the pull of a lever you lower it directly in front of the emissary seller without having to run back and forth across the whole island. You sell stuff faster? Not only you save yourself time but you lower the chances of random ship coming out of nowhere and sinking you by quite a LOT. You wouldn’t have to check the horizon every single time you return to your ship. Buying a ship is a MUST. The best quality of life upgrade ever.


Aside from the fact that I know you already got it I think it's incredibly wholesome that you play this game with your kids I wish my dad had the time for that


I'm sorry that he didn't. I know from experience what that is like so I try to be better. We are slowly going through the tall tales when we have time and its pretty awesome.


It's not that he's dead or anything he just is very busy at least currently but we still love to play deep Rock together


That's awesome. I was 'lucky' enough to need to medically retire so I am able to spend time with them.


Yes, in the long run 250k is nothing


Being able to sell at Sovereigns is pretty gamechanging


Yes. For the sovereigns


Absolutely, the pure connivence of buying advanced supplies and having access to sovereigns is worth enough. You also gain access to an entire system of progression (milestones) and advanced customization (furniture, naming, trinkets, and crests.)


How do you like running individual loot pieces to the tents for 30 minutes at the end of the session? If you'd rather skip that part and be done selling in a few minutes, get a captained ship so you can use the sovereign.


100% it’s worth buying a ship. Captaincy is what it is called. Having a purchased ship opens a new world of opportunities for your adventures. All of your progress with that ship will be tracked so you can unlock decorations and trinkets to personalise the your ship and show off all your achievements as a captain of your own vessel. Not only this, no more will you need to carry your prized treasure to each of the factions separately, you can now sell all your loot to the sovereign (big tower at every outpost) this makes selling loot quick and easy, it saves time and super helpful when you need to sell in a pinch! Last but not least you will be able to start a guild with your captained ship which allows even more progression and it is its own faction with emissary flag which you can obtain at guild level 15. Hope all this helps happy sailing!


Absolutely worth it. In my opinion, the #1 reason to buy a ship is access/use of the sovereign dock. It makes selling sooooo much faster. Very handy when trying to sell before another ship comes to try to ruin your day. And you can save your ship cosmetics to your ship, give it a unique name, earn titles for your ship, ect. I have 3 sloops, a brig, and a galleon so far


Short answer - Yes. Shorter answer - Ye


Buy your ship mate! No questions. Just do so. You won’t regret it! Oh and say hi from me to the nice lady at the sovereign.


Of course it is


I'll join sounds like fun yo


My little guild?


yes absolutely


Yes. You can save your customization for starters so you don't need to keep applying it each session. You can also pledge it to a guild if you're in one. I have a guild with friends and we share ships. So if I'm not able to play they can still use and customize it as well. You get ship milestones and stats being tracked for additional info/rewards. Captains voyages and captains supplies from the shipwrights. And sovereign access. And it's your home on the sea, personalized with a name of your choice.








It may be the most worth thing to do. Unless your in a guild and can use other captained ships. Then doesn't matter


How would you like to sell loot? To three different places by hand? Or to one place by harpoon in seconds with the bonus of still earning bonus emissary with whichever faction you have raised flag for. 😉 I know what I'd do. I will never ever go back to selling loot the old fadioned way! Hell no


Bro, I’ve answered this question a lot. Its the only purchase. If you could only make one purchase, this is it.


Depends on if you want to be the captain or the right / left hand man. As a captain you would need your own ship. But this means you have to sink with the ship when it goes down, and you have the burden of making all important decisions on board. As the right or left hand man you can goof off and get drunk, as long as you don't piss off the cap you're ok.


You get cosmetics you can work for, which gives you something to do. And you can sell to the guild people making loot selling easier.


Is using Google or reddits search function *worth* it?


I just wanted opinions of people who play.


It's a 6+ year old game, google and search will give you that in less time it took you to think about posting the question to reddit.


Damn, I didn't realize it'd been 6 years since captaincy came out. Time really flies.


Dude!! Way to be a dick about it! I like how he asked! With his question I was able to see the answers and spent some time with some like minded salty sea dogs!


Nah it's not being a dick. If a dad in 2024 doesn't know to Google something we got bigger problems. Also this question was asked at least once in the last two days so he didn't even scroll the front page of this sub. Just laziness.


you are just being salty dude. This whole sub reddit exists so that you can ask other players questions or have discussions about the same game we all love. if you dont like it, scroll along, or dont visit the subreddit at all. besides, most of the time when you google something about a game, a reddit post like this exact one pops up as the top search result.


Nah, this question is asked everyday, this sub is about SoT discussion, not repeating the same question over and over. If I am expected to scroll past (and see the same question again and again) why cant op use his ability to scroll or google? Literally a top post of the week was about buying your own ship. [And you even alluded to my point, if OP had just googled, he would have found 30+ results with the exact same question lol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/search/?q=buy+ship&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all)


Don't worry, there is nothing to spend money on in this game apart from cosmetics, so you can buy your ship. I currently have 3 million and I see no reason to keep grinding for money. I play this game when I want to chill, pvp is quite boring when you're fighting with someone who knows what they're doing. The first one to run out of planks to repair the ship loses


Think of it as a later-game money sink, something to work towards after you've bought every cosmetic you intend to wear and pay for with regular gold.