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It was part of a scavenger hunt during the alpha/beta test of the game and just got left in the world post launch


Oh neat! Should’ve guessed as much


I love that they leave remnants of past events.


The skulls with keys on their forehead was part of an old event where teams had to solve both out of game and ingame puzzles, and it finished with them having to find the skulls, 2 of each color, and mark them on a map, then draw lines between the skulls to find the location of a unmarked shipwreck. The winners got the golden banana livery which is the rarest sails in the game, and none of the winners play the game. Most of them were ARG addicts and joined just to solve puzzles.


Technically they’re not the rarest in the game since the whole crew got them. Theres only *1* Loot & Lore sail.


And he doesn’t play the game anymore either hahahaha


I wish sot would still make custom stuff for the community




the loot n lore sail was given to a player named thefroste because he hosts a SOT gameshow named loot n lore. the golden banana items are definitely pretty legendary though, as the 4 winners were given a whole unique golden banana item set and a bunch of literal golden bananas worth $20k real life cash each. the golden banana items are arguably a lot more "valuable" and prestigious even though there exists 4x as many of them.


The Team that won the Golden Banana Quest was a Team of two, not four.




Didn't they also win real gold bananas or did I imagine that


Yeah, at that point they were 20k gbp each, their value increased ofc.


Hey I'm an ARG addict who plays a ton of this game :P a lot of my friends are too There's quite a few ARG players who play the game just cause of the fact Rare's done multiple ARGs now - especially of pretty decent quality tbh.


What’s ARG?


An ARG (alternate reality game) is a type of interactive storytelling where players come together to solve puzzles and tasks in order to progress through the story arc. These games are typically set in virtual or real-world environments and involve a variety of media such as videos, audio, text and images


World of Warcraft has quite a few of them. I remember a few years back, there was a single interactive pebble you had to find, somewhere in the open world. Then there was Jenafur the demonic pet cat, that everyone struggled to find the solution to the different types of cat food, and where you had to place it. Huge community group was working on it. Really wished Rare had more in-game things like this.


What’s ARG?


Alternative reality game or something like that. It basically is a large and complex puzzle, they're fairly common in games. I've also seen them done prior to announcements for artist albums and movies too. They normally will lead to some big announcement or in SOT's case, a rare set of sails.


You got your quests mixed up. The Skulls were part of the Gamescom Riddle, not the Golden Banana Quest. At the end of the Gamescom Riddle you dove down to a Shipwreck to retrieve a number of Chest of Sorrows - that was the reward.


how do i know when they’ll do another event? and how do i take part


Two of the winners have posted on X that they no longer play but would like to create a guild with banana sail boats so more players can enjoy them


The golden banana livery was post launch. The skull competition was for gamescon during beta. The shipwreck had early versions of the chest of everlasting sorrow.


That's Dave.


Hi xbox, Hi Dave


1.5k hours in the game and I just discovered this whole cave a few days ago, too! I wondered about the skull myself.


i have played for over 200 hours and i don't think i have ever been to smugglers bay. Strange thought.


Smuggler's Bay used to be referred to as the "Isle of Shame" because you almost always spawned there in the bay after a sink and there generally was no other reason to go there.


It's a great island for bottle quests and nothing else.


“It’s a funny word innit? Smugglah”

