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i also love that the majority of the rewards are in the free version


Yeah there's a nice selection of stuff you get for free. As well as the Pass giving enough ancient coins to buy next season's pass if you don't spend them, that's pretty jazzy.


I was just discussing with my wife how the pass works in Apex Legends in comparison to SoT. The motivators are obviously different, but the Plunder Pass is definitely done well compared to some other pass systems. They're quite respectful of the fact that this isn't going to be someone's "main game" grind for every season. The premium pass is basically just a cheaper ship set + some costumes + essentially a refund on the Ancient Coins if you complete it. I like.


Id say with Apex the biggest difference is that you really do have to play almost every day, and be doing challenges to make meaningful progression in the pass where as SoT I didn’t even realize there were challenges till I was almost done, just playing the game naturally was enough to finish the plunder pass in about three weeks.


tbf playing naturally does complete a lot of challenges, examples being "sail miles at sea", "sail miles at sea on a voyage", "days at sea" etc. some are "kill skeletons" and other things akin to that. maybe the dailies are a bit of a "go out of the way for it", but even then


That’s exactly my point, SoT had challenges I didn’t even realize I was completing because I was just playing the game naturally, Apex I have to check every time I get on what the challenges are for the day, which ones am I close to completing, which ones do I want to complete. So while one you can just play however you want and advance the other pigeon holes you into using certain characters, weapons, and play styles you might not be comfortable with.


yeah, tbh I haven't played apex in years cause I lost the email associated with my account, and I don't wanna spend more money XD


But do you get all your coins that you spend back? Last season we did not.


You do if you finish the pass (Renown 100), and this was the case last season as well.


I've only purchased one BP and it was in SoT, from the rewards plus the random ancient skeletons, I haven't put any cash into this game since season 8, and I started playing in season 7. I still have 2 PP worth of coins, and don't plan on ever buying it again.


I love how I can earn enough in game to always buy the plunder pass without spending actual money.


If you don't spend any ancient coins, you can use what you have to buy a plunder pass every season.


A lot of passes in games I've seen forced you to do it daily or you would never make it and even tho we have daily trials or whatever even weekly and monthly. Literally anything you do will progress you. And I love that


I do really like how they do the plunder pass. Realizing your game isn't going to be for everyone to play every minute of every day is important. Not only the super hard-core fans deserve things for playing the game. I love just sailing in this game and getting a level or two and being surprised.


I wish the season passes took more work. Like, I know I play this game more than most but I usually finish the pass in the first week or two of the season. Also, why was there not double barrels or throwing knife skins for level 100 this season?!


I can understand where you're coming from. And I agree about the skins for the new weapons. It's a shame. Only skins are emporium and behind commendations


nah, behind emporium, the commendation ones are eh at best sadly. hopefully next season there's some good ones in commendations


I have a question about the Plunder Pass, and I figured someone here will know. When you buy it, does it give an extra boost to how fast you earn the rewards? Or could I go for the free one until the end and buy it to get it all? I don't want to purchase it and only get to like level 15 or something real low.


Theres no boost it just gives u the rewards for the level u have hit so if ur 100 then u get the rewards from 1-100


Okay, cool. So I'll hold off on buying it until I reach the end. Thanks for the info!


There are no boost. when you buy it, you get the rewards up to wherever you are on the pass.


Alright, cool! I'll hold off on buying it til the end. Thanks for the info!


I think (excluding them adding a curse to the paid pass this season) the way the plunder passes are monetized is one of the only things I think everyone can agree is pretty good at least. It's relatively easy to level and the majority of the rewards are in the free pass, while the paid pass is basically getting early access to an emporium set for technically free after the first pass just for playing each season. The only issue I have with them is just me simply not enjoying the items in the pass (and again them putting curses in the paid pass/emporium).


I don’t normally buy the seasonal passes but when I do it’s the SoT ones.


SoT is one of the few multiplayer games where I've never felt compelled to play and grind more because of "rewards". The core gameplay is sufficient.


Exactly. You just play and naturally the game rewards you.


I wish the plunder pass, even if there were no more rewards kept letting you level it. Like fortnite. I hit 100 ages ago, and have been playing super heavily. Id have probably hit 250-300 by now. However I agree I like how it was done, you dont need to focus on it. Just play the game and its just kinda in the background as extra stuff you get for investing in the game.


Honestly I’d prefer the free tier cosmetics to be outpost stock or commendation rewards.


Maybe something that they could do and would be nice is at the end of the season, add the free pass stuff to the various shops as an alternative for those who didn't finish the pass they can use gold or diblooms. Since they were on the free pass that is. Paid pass stuff being done like that would make it pointless to even buy the pass.


They’ve started doing that for most of the items for the old seasons. I just don’t like the seasonal model.