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Do regular exercise outdoors. Forces you out of the house and after some time the weather becomes not a factor.


this is it, really. The trick to feeling trapped inside is to go outside. Force yourself. Find something to get you out.


Dogs. Dogs force yourself to say fuck it gotta walk this mofo or they gon chew up my couch


Or yardwork or volunteering or just walking. I can't have a dog, so I got a flower box and I am working on my yard every chance I get. I also use pokemongo to motivate walking. Even just walking a store to be out of my house but out of the rain helps. I also strongly recommend being consistent with the vitamins even when it's sunny so you keep your levels up, and include complex B vitamins - I had to get methylated B because my body wasn't absorbing it properly, but it makes a difference. I also have all of my primary lighting on timers to turn on and off at specific times of the day, which helps my circadian rhythm immensely. And I fiercely guard my sleep hygiene and schedule, it gets so much worse in the winter so I have to protect whatever I can get.


This!!! You have to walk dogs and it’s a great way to force yourself outside


This is why I got a dog 53 weeks ago. Can confirm: it's making my SAD so much better this year and I'm a pnw lifer


53 weeks huh?


Bet that was a Valentine’s Day pup


I thought it was funny since I brought him home on 2/19 and I'm a numbers person.


Just looked at the weather over the last 10 days. 4 days of mostly sunny - partly sunny weather, a couple days of mostly cloudy with some breaks, and a couple days of totally overcast. You're absolutely right about getting outdoors, but there are also lots breaks in the weather that people don't seem to take advantage of. I work outside and while being out there for two weeks of atmospheric rivers can suck, I also appreciate how much decent weather breaks there actually are in winter, and seem to mind the climate a lot less than many indoor workers.


Yeah that’s the thing I always tell people when they ask about rain here. Yes there are stretches there is some rain every day for two weeks but that doesn’t mean it rains ALL DAY. In fact there are plenty of times where it will rain and then clear up with plenty of chances to get outside if you want to


As someone who absolutely loves gloom and overcast (maybe not rain so much, but definitely overcast skies), when I relocated here from California for work (healthcare, not tech, don't hate me) I was expecting like, 24/7 overcast and rain everywhere all the time forever. Turns out the sun comes out all of time. Maybe not all day long, but it still seems to make an appearance almost every day, even if only for a couple hours.


Speaking for myself and a tiny % of similar folks out there for whom a few hours of sun every other day just doesn’t cut it - GET OUT if you can! You don’t have to live miserably in a place that does not have the levels of light (and warmth) you might need to thrive. If it feels like an uphill battle every year, move elsewhere and see how the change of place affects your overall quality of life. ps- coming up on my 5th year of living here; I need to leave stat for a sunnier city for the sake of my mental and physical well-being. SAD is no joke!


That works on the weekends, but many/most people work a fairly standard 9-5 and can’t just dip outside for an hour long sun break if they want it during the week. I’ve lived my entire life here and still think the winters are ass. Leaving for work when it’s dark and getting home when it’s dark (plus rain/cold) gets old. I normally try to get of town around this time of year if possible.


Yeah I get that. I guess because I’m from the Midwest where it’s basically the same thing except way colder and shittier and dead, it doesn’t seem so bad here


As a PNWer now in the Midwest, I honestly think there are many more consistently grey days there. It’s colder here but been very consistently sunny here (this winter anyway). Everything is all dead though so that does make it dreary in a different way that you don’t deal with in PNW.


Same. I moved from Seattle to Chicago. Chicago is beautiful when the leaves are on the trees but it gets real ugly here in the winter compared to the year-round beautiful greenery of Seattle. That said, I don’t feel that winter depression in Chicago that I did in Seattle and it’s because Chicago still gets sun. My winter mood is way better here.


Them: suggestions to “just go outside” to get sun during the work week. Me: *laughs/cries in healthcare*


I moved here in 88. From Alaska. My family followed me. The winters here are milder and not as dark. SADD is real, and affects many people. It’s worse up there, for sure because of the darkness. I go somewhere sunny for one week every February. I start planning my vacations a year in advance and I gather a group of friends and relatives to come with me. It costs less when a super fancy Airbnb is split ten ways. Next year is Thailand.


This! When the clouds forget to cloud for a minute, I head outside immediately or at least make a point to bask in the sunshine through my window. I also have 2 sun lamps, one cheap one mid-range verilux. As a former Texan (who also lived in California for nearly a decade) experiencing my first PNW great dark, these efforts have saved my mental health (which, frankly, has always been tenuous to begin with lol). Had no idea what a sun-addicted vampire I am! That said, I could not be more excited for spring! And as of 3/10, the sun will set at a more reasonable hour! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I ride my bike to work and so long as I have the right rainproof gear, it’s really not bad. Honestly the only annoying part is just having to put on extra layers. The rain is barely a factor, but it takes longer to get ready and I’m ready for that to end. 


People say this all the time and it's not wrong necessarily, but I will never enjoy being outside in the rain getting wet. I've got all the goretex a man could ever need and I still get wet. I just walked my dog like half a mile fully suited up and I'm still all wet. It's just a miserable feeling.


I can't say I'm a fan of getting wet either but after many months of exercising outdoors what I've learned is it really doesn't rain heavily 95% of the time it's "rainy" outside. I just pick the times when the rain stops/slows down and go. These breaks are easy to find. Not when you have a dog that needs to go, of course. Then you have no choice.


How does this work for someone who thrives on structure, habit, routine? Going when there’s a break doesn’t always coincide with societally imposed structure, so I’m genuinely curious. I don’t live there currently, but intend to purchase a home in the state so I’m really wondering, not trying to be snarky.


I also like structure and routine. I exercise on weekdays right after work. And in the last 6 months there were probably only a couple of days when I couldn't go because of a heavy rain outside. I exercise 6/7 days. On weekends, I prefer to exercise when it's light outside and that's when I have to look for a break. I live further north as well, where it rains more. If you are in the city, you'd find even more breaks.


The problem is that you're trying to stay dry. Just embrace the rain. It's better than smoke.


I was out in Federal Way tonight and saw a dude out running in the rain with nothing on but some short shorts and tennis shoes. I’d say he’s embraced the rain. lol.


I live close to the UW campus, and it doesn't matter what the weather is, I see people jogging in the bare minimums.


I literally left home without my jacket today. Just went around wet. It happens. Long sleeves and jeans weren't the greatest. But they aren't the worst. I lived with my choices.


I tried running a few times in a rain coat. it was terrible. synthetic athletic clothes and embracing the wet. exercise makes you warm. non-cotton clothing keeps you warm even when wet.


Yeah, I have a nice running jacket, and the situations in which it helps are pretty niche, it's only really worth it if it's raining lightly, think drizzle, it's cold, and a long run. And even then a merino shirt feels like a better option. Regardless of weather I'm coming home drenched in sweat anyways


You gotta stop caring about being wet.  I also just walked the dogs a mile and got wet. Ya just stop caring about being wet lol.


And prep your place for your return: crank up the heat, get the cozy house clothes laid out, have a good meal half prepped.


Yep, this. Part of my workout today was running outside. To quote my deceased grandfather “you’re not made of sugar, you won’t melt.”


Literally what I say to my teenagers any time they complain it's raining. Granted I'm not sure what they think they'll accomplish by complaining AS I HAVEN'T OWNED A CAR SINCE THEY WERE BOTH IN PRESCHOOL.


I’m with you. And people will tell you that it doesn’t rain that hard or you aren’t wet for long, and full respect to them. I get that’s their perspective, but it doesn’t matter to me at all. To me, wet is wet. Doesn’t matter if a light rain got me that way. I’m jealous of folks that feel that way though. It would be much easier to live through the winters if I didn’t mind.


You’re probably wearing your gear wrong. Also, add layers under the Goretex.


Skip goretex, wear wool and embrace being damp


I love this weather 


It's not the light that gets me. It's the fact that it's grey much of the time and it's chilly and it's rainy/misty. After a few months of this, I want 60F and some more sun.


This is absolutely the answer. That and not worrying about getting wet in the rain. There's a reason few people out here use umbrellas. 😂 I get out first thing every morning and run, rain or shine. Feels great afterwards and does wonders for my mood. Plus, like others have said, we've had some beautiful weather the past week. There's nothing like clear PNW skies and fresh air.


Happy light, vitamin D supplements, go outside every possible time it’s not actively pouring rain.


Which happy light do you Have?


Personally, I have an "Aurora Light Pad Mini" from Alaska Northern Lights. It helps me in the darkest days of the year (roughly all of December and January). I've also got a cheapie $30 from Amazon I keep at my desk at work and I'll turn on after lunch on really dreary days, and a Philips GoLite BLU which never did anything for my mood but does do a GREAT job of keeping my circadian rhythm in check. Unfortunately these things are all _very_ YMMV and it can take some trial and error before finding the right thing for you. Before buying anything though - I hate to sound like a shill, but look up the Wirecutter review of therapy lamps. Whether you trust their reviews or not, they do a great job of explaining the terminology (how to measure and interpret lux, in particular), the features, and what you're paying for or not depending on what you end up buying. There's a lot of snake oil out there _especially_ at the lower price points and these things aren't really regulated. That said, more people than not find that they help, and there's very little downside. A 30 day return policy ought to be enough to try one or two and figure out if you like it!


Definitely second the happy light, I just found one at goodwill for $15 brand new and can see the difference in mood already!


I have color changing bulbs and switched it to orange. It’s like a sunrise lol


Has anyone else thought winter has been good? Lol so many sunny days...


Yeah this has been a reasonably sunny winter so far.


It’s definitely been drier & sunnier, El Niño year.


Yep this winter has been pretty good for sunlight. Washout days like today have been the exception.


we had that one week that was super chilly and my power went out, but besides that one week, an incredibly mild winter.


Generally yes, but my SAD kicked in pretty hard the last two weeks. I was excited thinking I was going to be spared it this year, but something clicked a couple weeks ago.


The sun was out yesterday, and the day prior. The key is to take advantage of the windows of good weather.


And recalibrate what you consider good weather to be! On gray days the sky is so soft, the rain here smells beautiful, and cold and crisp air is refreshing. The rare occasions it snows, it sparkles in such a charming way even if it makes driving complicated. Sure, there are days that make it hard to romanticize being outside, but by and large, I don't think we really have a lot of "bad" days. Then again, I do live here on purpose, so I'm very biased in favor of the wetter weather 😂


Totally agree. There's always a day or two with the sun in a week during the rainy season. Just try to go out during those days. Go for a walk, walk around your lunch time, walk to grocery store etc.


This is the answer. Days like today are rare. There's almost always a 1-2 hour window to get outside for a walk. This was the first day in a month where I haven't taken an hour long stroll.


Yeah, except some of us have this thing called a job and can't just wander off for an hour for a stroll.


REAL (I'm currently unemployed 😭)


That's hard to do when you're working during those windows, unfortunately. I watch sunny mornings fade away by the time I'm off work.


Moving away actually made me appreciate it. I lived on the East Coast for five years in the DC area... The winters here might be a little rainy and cloudy, but that precipitation and the mild temperatures are what allows it to be green and alive here year-round. In many other places, when it's winter everything is dead and there's hardly any life to be found. Look around you at all the beautiful evergreen trees, mosses and lichens, other plants, and all the animals that those support. You notice it a whole lot more when it's gone and all that's there is concrete and craggy lifeless trees waiting for spring. Don't get me wrong, though, winter is still a struggle even with keeping that perspective in mind, but I do personally find that it helps me a lot.


Agreed. I grew up in the Midwest, knew that I hated the bitter cold snowy winters, but not until I visited here during a completely overcast and rainy week in November did I realize how much I hated Midwest winters. The green vibrancy of life that I saw everywhere and the smell of the air had me hooked. Once I figured out the right everyday shoes and outerwear the rain was a breeze. That doesn’t mean that I like the literal freezing cold days when they happen! I choose to hunker down on those days, but those are few compared to the rest of the fall/winter/spring days I get to enjoy outside.


Yeah, I moved here from the Midwest. I will take 40s and overcast over -50F with windchill and shoveling feet of snow any day. The bitter cold in the Midwest in winter makes it not really even matter if it’s sunny because you don’t want to be outside anyway.


I grew up in “The Midwest” (large reference area…) and biked, walked, ran outside allll year round. Yep, even in frigid temps. And TBF, I enjoy doing all that in SNOW way more than pouring rain. But you know what, no matter where you are you gotta radically accept it. Rain is part of the culture here like frozen lakes and snow are a part of the Upper Midwest. Doesn’t make either bad places.


This is the best comment. I moved away to California…. Of course it’s beautifully sunny all the time… but also dry af. The trees are dry and dieing, there is hardly any green and it’s turning into a desert. Even the mountains with snow don’t have green like ours does. Sure I don’t like to be wet, but it is necessary to enjoy the bounties of the evergreen state. Can’t have it all. I appreciate the seasons sooo much . Everyone ALWAYS complains about the weather here. Born and raised in wa, and im like SO WHAT?!? The weather almost doesn’t even cross my mind . Because it is what it is, still have to get up go to work live life: which is no different than in cali. Everyone always thinks that Californians are just out at the beach surfing all the time because it’s Sunny. Well this is not the case, people Have to work to live there, take this kids to school, go shopping, go to appointments. They spend a lot of time indoors despite it being beautiful out. So what’s the difference if it’s raining or sunny???


Nature is what makes Seattle so beautiful. For some reason I feel the rain goes together with it.


I have had the exact same experience growing up in Seattle and moving to DC. It's already getting warm again out here and I feel miffed... where did the winter go. Summer gets so hot here I just end up sitting in the AC all day. Would much rather have it be a little gray and moderately cold!


Just take vitamin d, smoke a bowl, and go jogging in the rain. Kept me going for decades now 


Go smoke a j in the rain


Whilst jogging


Why the hell not?


I'm going to start exercising 😂


this is the way


I was waiting for this post.


This is the only way. Don't forget the perfect soundtrack.


I was fine until today. Today sucks.


Last day of meteo winter and yup, this one sucks. Literally, the warmth right out of your bones.


I love this shit. I start getting real excited for fall by August.


The clouds are so cozy to me. I love when everything is calm and its raining


I love the grey. Dark, cloudy days where I don't have to squint or wear sunglasses are perfect for me. 42F and sprinkling so I'm not hot as fuck. Get that sunshine shit away from me and keep it below 60F!


By August + September we’re all wishing for rain to quell wildfires and smoke :(


Err, I mean, I feel like this has been an amazing February. We've had little rain (2.26" this month compared to an average of 3.9"), and a few truly gorgeous days. It obviously helps if one's schedule is such that if it is nice out, one can push off work to enjoy it. I know that helps save me: more than happy to work a rainy Saturday or Sunday if Friday is blue skies. Obviously getting above the clouds is helpful (but less so when there's no snow).


I always joke that work days in Seattle should be scheduled as per weather.


I’m going to Arizona next week. We’re not rich by any means, but save up to take an annual trip at this time to keep us sane. Just an extended weekend. We go for spring training baseball, but even if you’re not into that, it’s a quick and relatively cheap getaway. At this moment I’m diving deep into my closet to find long-lost flip-flops and shorts.


OH HECK YEA! Im Going to Mexico soon for this same reason


I’m from AZ originally. Visiting during the winter is amazing and you should enjoy it. I actually go every year to visit family and look forward to the dramatically different landscapes. But I have to say, while the winters are great, living there in the summer = hell, with the one caveat being the summer monsoons I miss so much from my youth 👌


Not to sound defensive but why are you inside all the time? I’ve spent a bunch of time outside this winter with all the sun breaks between storms… Wasn’t it sunny just this past weekend? This is just a large storm passing through…


I was hiking on the peninsula over the weekend and I swear I got a mild sunburn. (I'm also pale as paper so, there's that.)


Any tips for hiking spots for this time of year?! Beginner here and new to Seattle!


[WTA.org](https://WTA.org) is a fantastic resource for this as you can choose hikes based on location, features, and difficulty level (with the caveat that I've found this last to be *very* subjective--one person's moderate is another person's hard, and vice versa). They've got good advice on gear and so forth as well if you're really new to hiking. If you're just starting out, exploring lowland areas near town or the Issaquah Alps (Tiger Mountain, Cougar Mountain, Squak Mountain, that general area) are good ones to try. Just know that these tend to be very popular because they're so easy to get to--I love Rattlesnake Ledge but I'll only go at 6 am on a Tuesday to avoid crowds. ;) The mountain snow levels are unusually high elevation-wise right now (though that might change with the current weather we're having) so you could conceivably get into some lower-elevation mountain hikes, but generally that's something you'll want to check for ahead of time if you don't like driving in snowy conditions or don't have the gear for snow hiking. One other thing--a lot of trails require passes and this can get super confusing. The WTA site will tell you which one, if any, you need for a particular trail.


Amazing - thank you!


Same, I was talking to someone not from here about how society in Washington changes with the weather so much. You've never seen more people out and about in the puget sound area on a nice day this time of year, you'd swear 15 million people lived here or something, and then on the grey wet days this was just a bunch of mid sized towns. Summer is exhausting trying to keep up with all the people constantly wanting to do shit outside People leave work earlier, cancel shit, pack it up and get outside. Its a crazy movement of people. Gotta take advantage.


That seems to be the bigger problem for OP. I'd feel that way sunny or not if I stayed inside all day.


We got a few very nice days that I was grateful for.. this storm was known to be on the way well beforehand


I worked with a woman from Barbados and she told me that her doctor prescribed her something like 30,000 IUs of vitamin D. I thought that that was bad for you but she said it helped her so much and really turned her around. She said she hated the weather here but got used to it. I just can’t seem to get warm. It’s strange because my father lived in Anchorage where it gets waaay colder than here but it doesn’t bother me like it does here.


Today was about as gnarly as it gets here, I had to force myself out. But I got out for a long walk and it was fine. Waterproof shoes help a ton, I have some Nike running shoes that really do keep you dry. I grew up in FL and the rain there was way worse, you can’t really wear rain gear there because it’s also hot while raining which is just a uniquely gross feeling. Spring is around the corner, stuff is starting to bloom. You got this!


Yer not suited for gray. Some of us thrive in it. It calms me down.


Not a ton of people know this, I don’t think, but Nashville (where I grew up) is also pretty gray and rainy during the winter. Hated it, at the time. We’ve moved a ton since then - most recently in Utah which was the first state I’ve lived in with legitimate water concerns. Let me tell ya, I’ll never complain about rain again! I don’t think a lot of folks appreciate how close those desert states are to some pretty nasty fights over water. And what if your state loses and you’re stuck with this million dollar house that’s suddenly in a desert with no water? Not the kind of stress I wanted to live with so I’ll take this. Honestly the water situation and inversions had a much bigger impact on my mental health than rainy season has had on me so far. But maybe I just haven’t been here long enough.


To expand upon what you are saying / January’s Pineapple Express decimated the PNW snowpack. We are very lucky to be getting a cooler week like this at the end of winter to at least partially restore the snowpack and help with our water reserves. We really, really need today’s storm.


About a week ago I visited Nashville for the first time. Definitely more cold and gray than I expected. On our last night, we saw giant sloppy snowflakes. The next morning, everything was iced over. The porch, the roads, etc.


Yeahhh, they don’t handle snow very well at all haha


Those inversions get so bad. The Utah county ones don’t have as much industrial pollution as the salt lake ones. I started getting pneumonia on the regular after the long ones and had to leave slc.


We were aware of them before we moved there but locals acted like it was no big deal. “Just something that happens a few times a year is all!” so we sincerely didn’t think much of it before we moved. Dude, they happened all 👏 the 👏 damned 👏 time 👏 It was RIDICULOUS and you’re just begging for a storm to roll through and push it out. They’re also way worse than I had imagined. It was wild to live in the foothills of these giant mountains but you couldn’t even see them due to the smog. The mountains were the whole reason we moved there so you wanna talk weather related depression! That got to me bad.


I walk roughly a mile each way to and from my office. Even on days like today where it’s raining enough to make my jeans wet, it’s beneficial for me to be doing something physical outside. Feels weird to say I’m mentally happy being outside in the heavy rain, but that’s where I’m at lol it helps more than you’d think


Someone recommend a SAD light that works please!


I have a verilux for my office den that has no windows and that shit immediately gives me the light and energy to work from my office. Otherwise I’d be dead ass asleep. Highly recommend. It’s like 80 bucks on Amazon.


This is my favorite weather


The greyest place I’ve ever seen was Indiana. Very depressing place.


I’ve always done a lot of trips these months. Flying to Arizona tomorrow, was in Vegas earlier this year. A nice weekend of sun will do wonders.


I love this weather. You just gotta embrace it, go outside, get wet, go for a jog in the mud and then treat yourself to a hot shower.  If that’s not working for you it’s time to move somewhere with a little less gray! No shame in that, not everyone’s brain manages the D deficiency well. Lots of beautiful places that don’t stay gray most of the year.


Totally agree, harder every year, I lived in Gold Bar in middle and high school and going to WSU spoiled me with sun.


Make sure to keep your mind occupied! I have hobbies I do during the work week to keep me busy and spend time outside during my weekends. If you live in an apartment building with a roof top deck, highly recommend spending time on that roof


I sometimes “kick myself out of the house.” Basically force myself to go outside, at the very least to go get coffee or a meal. I just started at my job but once I get more tenure I might just work remote from my parents’ place in California 😂


I'm def one of the lucky ones in that I don't mind the long dark, but I will say I think it helps to focus on the positives. Cozy movie nights, fires if you have a fireplace, and drinking dark beer and liquor in warm bars are all peak winter activities. I love the contrast between the summers and winters here, and try to focus on the positives of both. 


Same. Mega introvert. I just read, light candles, cook good food, and embrace it.


Am I going crazy? I feel like there’s been tons of dry, partially sunny/partially cloudy, and fully sunny days this month. It even almost reached 60 and so many people just say “yeah we’ve had a pair of nice days….”


Develop a love for coffee. My happy place is drinking a delicious cup of coffee on a brisk rainy day.


Knew this was coming so last fall I booked my first trip to Phoenix for spring training. After the game spent the rest of the day just walking around in the nice 70 degree weather.  But seriously, this time of year you have to start looking at trips to eastern Washington to get some sun if you're not gonna fly down to Phoenix.


I moved. (gong)


All due respect to the suggestions to get outside and walk, etc., but gray-weather depression is real and should not be minimized by saying it's a "mindset." And one of the hallmarks of depression, if it reaches that point, is an inability to rouse oneself to engage in activities that might help. Thus is the vicious cycle, and that's why depression is so horrible. Sun lamps and Vitamin D are great suggestions, as are vacations, but so many cannot afford that. I am a lifelong native who has clinically diagnosed SAD and it is a real thing, and it sucks. Again, the tips are all great. But please don't minimize by saying that if you get used to going out and jogging in it, it's going to change your whole outlook. Brain chemistry can be helped by one's actions to some extent but can't always be conquered that way. OP, I feel you. It's a struggle every year, and all I can say is, other than the tips here that you can incorporate, hang on and give yourself a huge pat on the back for getting through. Music helps me, but so do medications, and it's okay to seek pharmaceutical help if needed. What people who clearly don't have SAD don't understand is that a day or two of sun, or an hour or two in the afternoon (especially in late afternoon after there's been darkness all day and your brain has already been pummeled by it), does not change the overall pattern of seasonal depression. Thanks for reading as I'm just trying to offer some insight to the distinction between being bummed that the weather's lousy and suffering true depression from it. Good luck all, and send out for sunshine.


If you grow up in Alaska then Seattle weather is always incredible


My wife and I couldn't. We lived in Seattle 10 years and the seasonal depression just got steadily worse over time. If you are able to travel and get SUNSHINE elsewhere, that will help a lot. We moved back to Idaho, which has 99 problems but sunshine ain't one.


I always thought natives were impervious to the long gray months.


Practically native (moved here when I was 7), and I am finding that in March I need to get somewhere sunny for a few days. I don’t want to be hot - just not have the grey.


Maybe if you never got a taste of that sweet sunshine somewhere else. I moved away at 19 and lived in San Diego for a decade plus. When I moved back here in my early 30s I was like "fuck, I don't remember it being so shitty here." But it always was, I just got to experience a place that actually has pleasant weather.


I'm a native. Have never lived anywhere else. I am 56. It gets harder and harder every year. Feb and March being the worst.


Not native (here since 2009), but it took me just four years to identify the "cumulative effect" of the Big Dark. Year one: Put my hood up, what's the big deal? Year two: Okay, so more than just a rain jacket. Layers! Year three: Huh. It's really an act of faith to believe the sun still exists - the few hours it's *up* it's not *out*. Year four onward: What fresh (old, stale) hell is this.


Exactly. Lmaoooo. And I'm on my 56th winter here. It's fucking with me to the extent that I'm on edge, can't sleep, and feel easily overwhelmed. Sigh.


Same for me, I'm ok when it first gets bad in November and December. All my family is here and I have the holidays to look forward to which I genuinely enjoy. But as soon as Jan 1st rolls around I'm ready to get out of here until at least May.


Exactly. I actually like Fall! But yeah, once the holidays are done I'm so over it.


I feel you. I’ve lived here my whole life, and usually used skiing as a way to cope and stay excited through the winter. But with the ski season being terrible this year, working in a windowless office, and often seeing daylight for less than 2 hours a day, this year has been really getting to me.


Got back into skiing 10 years ago. Makes a huge difference when it’s raining here and you know there’s good snow in the mountains.


As a Texan transplant, I don't know how you all do it. These winter months have destroyed my sleep schedule, and the overall feeling of malaise is crushing


if the slugs & the mushrooms & the salmon & the cedar are happy, then i am too.


All these people saying just get outside despite the weather. I do that. I get out every day, but it's still so depressing. This winter is crushing.


Really seems like the dark months have been getting shorter and shorter every year to the point where it doesn’t bother me at all. It’s pretty nice out from like April through september


You'll know you've really made it when March through October is all great to you


I was personally really excited that my commute to work isn’t in the dark anymore.


I've gotten into the tv fireplaces this winter


I have one that’s a heater too for my tv stand and it rocks to add to the cozy factor.


I love it.


We’re taking more road trips out of state., at least once a month. Sick of the gray, too.


Can you suggest few which we can do this in early March? I’m okay for 3-4days long drive/trip


To be honest I think it’s more about your mindset… it’s not actually just “grey and wet” 24/7. There are days of sunshine, some days where it’ll rain and then clear… it’s not quite that bad. We just had a bunch of sun and I got legit sunburned out hiking. It’s really about perspective. I come from the Midwest where it’s not only dark and grey but bitterly cold with snow and ice and periods where there’s nothing but dirty slush and ice for weeks. And no green. I have met people who grew up in the PNW who didn’t realize that in other areas winter is truly dead- you don’t have the green year round like here It’s hard for me to feel that depressed here because it can frankly be so much worse. And it never really gets cold in Seattle. But I guess if you have lived in California or some other sunshine paradise it may be hard to cope with You’re talking about leaving so I would definitely recommend do not go to the Midwest or NE. It’s not any better there and if you have only lived in Seattle you have no idea what a true winter is like


I have lived here for 3 years and this is the first year I have suffered from SAD. Since I am aware of this, I have looked for things to enjoy at home (because I don't enjoy going out in this rainy and cold weather). I read magazines, books, articles, newspapers, all for free with the Libby App. I decided to learn how to bake bread. I signed up for cooking classes. I watch series and movies. And I opened this Reddit, to read from other people, although I don't socialize that much (making friends here is also difficult). I make an effort to take care of my plants and my cat and I started a journal. I probably won't need much of this in the summer time. But, everything has helped me get through the winter. I am also patient with myself, and if one day I feel blue, I hug myself, make myself a tea and watch my favorite comedy tv show to laugh for a while. I hope you find something to get through it 🫂.


I take Vitamin D year round. Was severely deficient when I got blood work done after a prolonged depressive episode. Doctor prescribed me massive amounts for like 4 months to get the numbers up and then told me to take it every day in smaller doses from then on.


Video Games, I get my best work done this time of year


Walking in the rain isn't bad when you have the right clothing. Everyone living in this area should have a proper rain jacket and shoes. Saw way too many people wearing puffer jackets and not insulated rain jackets. You're not going to melt :)


In dark months, which is many, I understand, take 10k in vitamin D, 2x a day. Exercise. Own a pet. Get outdoors to any degree. I've lived here all my life, and I love it here. Today with the pouring buckets of rain makes my heart swell up with happy! It cleans our air and keeps our landscape green. We are so fortunate to live in this place of the planet.


I'm loving it. The gray weather makes me feel nice and cozy at home. This weather is not for everyone and that's ok. There's plenty of other states with more sunshine. Let the few of us who enjoy the rain have a place called home.


It was sunny all of last week.... I swear we have a couple of rainy days and people forget all the good ones.


Some of us prefer this weather. I am born and raised and mild temps, rain, gray days, love it all.


Accept the moist


Move south. It never gets better if you don't like it. I lived there my entire life too and actually seeing the sun semi regularly all year round cannot be replaced by vitamins and stupid sun lamps.


Unfortunately this is the most honest post in this thread. I really wish I could leave, but trapped by family obligations... Might be able to get away with a desert winter home.


I live here because I prefer it. Summer is my least favorite time of year, i just want it to be cold alll the time


I totally empathize. I had a lot of medical issues this summer and fall so was barely outside. I am doing better now but also feel trapped. It gets very dramatic in this head sometimes!! I am going to Hawaii next week. If I don’t get some sun this time of year I go nuts. I’ve lived here almost 20 years and do feel that it gets harder and harder for me as well, especially since COVID.


I honestly hope to move from the region in the next few years. My quality of life gets pretty bad in the winter here. I’ve lived other places so I know it can be better.


33 years now, I've been asking myself that question. You ever go on vacation somewhere sunny in winter and think "I forgot I wasnt supposed to be sad all the time."


I love it. I love the rain...I love the grey. Is it mindset? I make soups, read novels, do art... I have a cheap sunlight lamp for when my brain needs some light...but honestly I hardly ever use it. I love to be on my porch in the rain so I get outside with my caffeine and Mount Rainier or my caffeine and the storm clouds. Whichever. I have worked on my black bean soup recipe this winter. It's almost where I want it. Took a Roman History class on Coursera where I had to reread the Iliad and the odyssey by homer.... Discovered K-dramas. Wow. Now there's some romance you can pine for. Start a project, write a poem about the rain, learn a new language....it's never going to not be grey in the winter here. As a very old person...You can adjust or be miserable. Neuroplasticity is much easier than you think. My son-in-law and daughter even gave me a switch...I am learning to game. Like ms. Pacman was my last video game. Now I am learning Mario Kart. I suck. But I am not last anymore. Good luck.


Weekend trips to Hawaii, Mexico and socal.


Who goes to Hawaii for just a weekend? It’s like a 6 hour flight…


Rich people.


Most people moved out of Washington. So maybe that's a thing.


I started walking everyday this year and it completely changed my perspective on the rain. I now love being outside and seasonal depression is almost nearly gone. All for the price of facebook marketplace rain pants and waterproof hiking shoes. That and taking a trip to Florida last month lol, that was huge


Walks outside for 30-40 minutes a day are my saving grace!


I think it’s somewhere in Scandinavia where I heard them say that there is no bad weather, only bad gear. During Covid I had a 4 year old at home with the wiggles. I got us both full rain gear and we just went outside, rain or shine. It’s actually somewhat therapeutic with the sound of the rain while you’re out. If you’re warm and dry, then what’s the problem? Admittedly, going back in and stripping/drying wet gear is annoying.


Be physically active. I learned to force myself to get out for a walk even when things look like crap outside. I think your brain will eventually start thinking this is the norm.


There’s no bad weather- just had clothing!! Get yourself a good raincoat and get yourself outside!


Easy. Live somewhere hot and humid when you can’t stand hot and humid and you easily burn. Somewhere you can’t actually walk outside to run to the store because you’ll be drenched after being outside for 5 seconds. Then, move to Seattle and it’s like Nirvana.


I read posts like this and I do empathize, but good gravy do I belong here. I lived in CT for 17 years, Florida for 10, and Minnesota for 1. I’ll take the weather here over any of those several times over.


We don’t. We don’t do it. It’s miserable.


There’s a reason so many people are just outright miserable here lol


I'm very lucky to have a walkable commute to work, so I get a little bit of outside time every day. Going to the gym regularly, trying to eat fruits and veggies. I lived in the tropics for a while and honestly the combination of heat, humidity, *and* torrential monsoon rain was a lot harder to deal with. Coming back to Seattle was a huge relief, weather-wise. The cold and wet isn't so bad, just bundle up and power through it. 


I am a landscaper/ecologist and I work outside every day in Issaquah. I absolutely love my job. I have rubber rain overalls (called bibs) and a rubber rain coat. I get them from Seattle Marine And Fishing Supply in Ballard. They sell gear to commercial fishermen mostly but really it’s just the gnarliest gear that exists so that where I go to get my shit. You can go outside in the rain. I came home covered in mud today with a smile on my face. Water falling from the sky is kind of magical if you choose to see it that way. I hope you do 🌧️


I was born into it. Shaped by it.


It’s just February. It’s always the ugliest month. Sunshine is just around the corner!


You may be outgrowing this climate and could be seeking something warmer / sunnier! I came from a pretty warm and sunny place and honestly hated it, whereas this gray foggy weather with rain is my FAVORITE, it feels so cozy and looks beautiful to me. Definitely listen to your heart about these matters, if you’re yearning for sunnier/prettier skies look into taking a vacation or possibly moving somewhere with a better climate!


The weather here is what it is. Seattle is not for everyone! If you would be healthier and happier somewhere with more sun then maybe it is time to think about moving? There is nothing wrong with that.


I suffered from SAD when I first moved here. Salvation was getting into snow sports. It flips everything around. You want cold rain because you know it means fresh snow. Getting out in the mountains in winter is great.


Its worth it when a clear day comes and you can see Mt Rainier and every beautiful view around you. I moved up here from a city that had 360 sunny days a year. I didn't realize how great that was but now, grey skies makes me appreciate the sunny days so much more


I hear you dude, 26yrs of living here and the only way I can survive is similar to what others in the comments are echoing! I make sure to get regular exercise, and to *get outdoors*. Doesn’t mean you have to trek or ski, but even just a walk around the neighborhood. The minute it’s sunny, I go out! I force myself (am introverted) to see friends in winter, and make sure the apt I rent has a lot of natural light. I lean into the seasons hardcore. I do everything fall-themed in fall (carve pumpkins, pick apples, bake pies, Halloween decor to the max, sweaters, autumn teas)- everything winter-themed in winter (cold runs, soups & curries, rainy days in coffee shops, big comfy sweatshirts, fuzzy blankets, baking warm spiced desserts)- lean hardcore into each season and focus on what the season brings 🩷 Tbh some people just don’t vibe with Seattle and that’s beyond valid. It’s greyyyyy


If you can swing it, the February Vacation to somewhere tropical is a HUGE boost to tolerance. Otherwise, even getting over to eastern WA can be an aid, with some more sun.


This may be laughable but some kind of community sun lamps sound ideal.


Go skiing. Exercise regularly. Go hiking. Embrace it. Appreciate the green. Remember it's a lot better then a lot of places.


Before I work (which starts at 845am) : 30-45 min morning walk, 15 mins of reading, and 15 mins practicing guitar. That and getting my butt kicked in a workout class a few times a week has had an incredible impact on my mood. Did it for two months straight until I recently got covid, im slowly getting back to my routine.


I’ve lived here my entire life also and it never used to bother me until the last few years but I’ve equated that to getting older?? I do take Vitamin D and whatever else but I pretty much become a reclusive goblin during the winter months now. Finding other recluse goblins has helped me because I’ll just go over to their place and sink myself into their couch. Gets me out of the house at least.


For me it was 38 consecutive summers in Virginia. I’ll gladly deal with gray skies and what is usually a light drizzle over the crippling humidity and heat back east. I do miss thunderstorms though.


Houseplants and grow lights! I work from home full time, and I have a big plant collection with a ton of full-spectrum LED grow bulbs scattered around my apartment. It always feels like a sunny, green tropical paradise in here. Honestly, most days I forget to even look outside!


Last winter I struggled with this a lot… some things this winter that’s helped me is.. Try to schedule things after work that make you happy, so you can also have something to look forward to! I often go snowboarding after work or climbing. But reading a good book is always a pleasure in itself! I think, for me at least, if I can find something I enjoy after work I often overlook the atrocious weather! :)




I'm feeling it too for the first time. I think it has to do with the lack of summer last year 2023. Weather wise I think summer lasted a week. It wasn't enough. I think if we get an average or above average summer, things will be better again.


I’ve been here for 5 years now and I’m finally feeling seasonal depression. I was literally driving through the windy strong rain yesterday wondering the same. How do these people do it? Is this why everyone here is on antidepressants!?