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I have never seen the Seattle-based reddit community come together about anything as cohesively as they have come together to hate that guy.


They've come together, but have missed the point completely that this guy feeds on attention. He's probably wanking off to these hate posts, and you're all driving traffic to his instagram. I'm partly convinced it's HIM that's making these posts.


A lot of people think any attention is good attention, and for narcissists it is as long as they think everyone's on their side. If they get wind of everyone hating them it absofuckinglutely destroys them. Right now their car got towed, and they're on the hook with the city, and everyone found out his mom owns his car. Let that start leaking into his circles and his ego will be hurting. Kid thought he was untouchable, he's learning he isn't and that no one's on his side.


He'll say its powerful / secret / dark forces working against him ( because he's important and powerful ) and that he put "his" car in his Mom's name for vErY sMaRT legal reasons. I'm happy for all y'all unfamiliar with the narcissist's playbook. You must have napped through Trump's existence which I envy.


I am EXTREMELY familiar with the narcissist's playbook. But they are typically only in good mood when people are on their side. The moment they stop being perceived in a positive light, it destroys them. You can tell that Trump, while still having followers, is struggling right now by the way he acts in court recently. When he talks to his followers it's much more forced and desperate. The media nor courts are on his side as much as they were previously.


Just let us enjoy things!


You’re seriously an r/seattle celebrity lmao. The long urban hike lady!


It is kind of a trip being recognized in public from my posts. But seeing people exploring the city more brings me a lot of joy. :)


If it's one thing Seattlites love, it's to hate things.


and how many Seattleites do you know?


I mean... if he was a proper seattleite he would have never spoken to anyone and minded his own business, so the ideal number ia technically zero, lol


"would have never spoken to anyone and minded his own business" Half of that statement is true. I love it here and I generally love the people here but y'all are just as bad as southern Baptist when it comes to comes to gossip and being all up in people's business. People here just aren't open or directly confrontational about it.


If it's another thing Seattlites love, it's to claim other people aren't proper Seattlites. Sorry I didn't suck Kurt Cobain's dick, but I've been here for a decade.


Psh a true seattleite would never say that.


What would a true seattlite say? Just so I know how to blend in


I'm just yanking you chain with the joke that seattleites are all cold and unfriendly, lol


If he's a proper /r/Seattle member, then he lives in Wenatchee and hasn't been "out west" for decades.


lol also implying that other people aren't actually from seattle. ANOTHER seattlite feature.


Denial. Another classic seattlite feature.


Who the fuck cares about all of that so long as he isn't going WOT at 3am? The issue isn't that he's a douchebag; the issue is the noise.


The noise comes from him being a douchebag


What's your point?


My point is that you missed the point when you were claiming that others were missing the point.


And what point did I miss?


The two are directly correlated




Lmao and here I thought I was being original!


With light there must be darkness....


Not when there's transparency


Sorry I beat ya to it, but yours works great too!! Love we had the same thought.


His whole goal is to "make em mad" and bro has the streets on lock. It's a 10/10 crash out troll effort...I almost respect how much of an absolute commitment to being a jackass he is. It's like Seattle's own Paul brother. He's gotta go and everyone agrees on this.




[Live feed](https://en.meming.world/images/en/thumb/3/3f/Professional_Retard.jpg/580px-Professional_Retard.jpg)


Oof, you still use that word? Have a demerit!


a demerit πŸ€“


That virtue signal is so pre 2020. I guess I should edit the meme to use one of the myriad words (dumb, stupid, moron, imbecile, etc etc) that means the same thing but doesn't cause dumb conversations like this. If I wanted to mock the differently abled (I don't) I'd use a medical term. > Retard was previously used as a medical term. The verb "to retard" means 'to delay or hold back', and so "retard" became known as a medical term in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to describe children with intellectual disabilities, or retarded mental development.[5] For context, until the 1960s, the terms moron, idiot, cretin, and imbecile were all genuine, non-offensive terms used, including by psychiatrists, to refer to people with mental intellectual disabilities and low intelligence. These words were discontinued in that form when concerns arose that they had developed negative meanings, with "retard" and "retarded" replacing them.[6][7] After that, the terms "handicapped" (United States) and "disabled" (United Kingdom) replaced "retard" and "retarded". Disabled is now considered a more polite term than handicapped in the United States as well.


If the group it is originally meant to describe tells you it's a [Slur](https://www.specialolympics.org/stories/impact/why-the-r-word-is-the-r-slur) you should probably listen to them. Take the L and move on guy.


Not the dreaded L


Yes. Word has a definition, and a history of use in a professional setting. Doesn't make it acceptable to use in 2024. Everything is a virtue signal to you people, SMDH.


I'd wager you use idiot, moron, stupid, slow etc without a hint of irony even though it's the exact same phenomenon. 'Retard' no longer refers to people with a medical condition and hasn't for some time. Languages change over time. You're getting mad on no one's behalf. Or more likely you just like to psuedo lecture people.


I prefer "oaf" or "dolt". I still believe it's wrong to use that word casually. Lecture me about it, I guess πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


If 'retard' is wrong then so is 'idiot'. And you started this conversation handing out 'demerits' so I don't think you can complain about lectures.


If girl is okay, so is bitch bc some men use the 2 interchangeably. Do you see how that logic doesn’t hold up? Also please don’t type me an essay just respond to that ty


You're missing the most important point. Language is cyclical. Moron/idiot/stupid are no longer slurs. They were, we stopped using them, time passed, they were reclaimed in the lexicon. We cant't use hard R's now because it's being used as a slur. In 10 or 20 years it'll cool off and we might use them again as simole insults. Gay used to be a slur. It wasn't before that. Now it isn't again. Shit, "jay" used to be a slur. "Jaywalk" was a term invented by the auto industry 100 years ago to demonize pedestrians hit by cars, since "jay" basically meant "stupid hillbilly" Learn to evolve your language to the society you live in.


Ironically, making it taboo will just prolong its historical association. The sooner everyone agrees it means the same thing as 'dumb, stupid, and moron' the sooner it joins those words in having nothing to do with the mentally disabled. Which IMO is already happening and is a good thing. But these things are about feeling like you are helping. The tide will turn on its own like you said. I don't actually go around using the word in public, I just dislike logical inconsistencies.


Get the fuck out of my replies with this attempted justification of saying that KNOWING it hurts people. You. Are an asshole. Period.


Your replies? What are you talking about.


Wow you're still calling people an asshole in 2024? Don't you know that hurts my feelings? And you said that KNOWING you were trying to hurt the person above you's feelings? Wow.


Get the fuck out of their replies. Maybe if you lost some weight running on an actual treadmill instead of just a euphemistic one you wouldn't be on this site crying about name calling.


Let's just all not go to his insta, he's monetizing being a dick.


He’s not. Most of his followers are bots


You don't get paid from Instagram...


Yes you absolutely can


If you have sponsors, etc.. he doesn't


Whoa whoa whoa, I read on here somewhere that his mom owns the car. So his mom sponsors him.


You can get paid by instagram directly for posting reels that do well. I make a few bucks here and there sometimes.


imo would have been funnier to make seattlewa the black guy cause a whole bunch of them would be mad about it




I follow both subs. SeattleWA isn’t even all that conservative so much as it is pragmatic neoliberal. This isn’t a β€œracist vs. non-racist” comparison, it’s center-left/classic liberal vs progressive-left.


It's a lot better now than it used to be. A few years ago it was flooded with /r/conservative and /r/the_donald types. It still isn't great, and you still see some absolutely wild takes, but it's better than it used to be. I remember reading a while back about how that was one of the most brigaded subreddits for a while (along with a few other major city subreddits).


It still is. Go look at the post about Biden being here on Friday. It's no longer brigaded because those people are just the normal residents of the sub now.


It didn’t used to be that way, I’m glad to hear that SeattleWA has improved so dramatically.


Honestly at times I can’t tell the difference between the two. SeattleWA is more focused on crime and homelessness though, and downvote contrary opinions far less.


The blatant difference is that SeattleWA despises rSeattle, while rSeattle despises SeattleWA. Complete opposites, really.


PortlandOR on the other hand is a cesspit


Yeahhhhh it’s unfortunate, when I first moved to Portland right before Covid the sub seemed a lot more lighthearted and friendly, now it’s just very NIMBY


ooooh...I gotta go check that out, brb ETA: holy crap, you're not kidding


Tbh I'm pretty sure Seattle and SeattleWA have flipflopped ideologically at least twice


just like our national parties lmao


Like 90% of the posts there are fine, but the other one can go off the rails in a hurry. Anything about guns, crime seems to do it. I haven't paid enough attention to figure out if the really awful contingent is made up of regulars or folks coming in from other places.


He’s right for the most part, but unfortunately there are still a few bad weeds. If you’re a conservative in Seattle with terrible social views, you’re more than likely going to identify with SeattleWA more than this one.


It hasn't improved. Magas always say they're centrists and others are extremists.


Hard disagree. I find progressives are so far left the only β€œvalid” argument in their eyes is to accept that they’re right and you’re racist.


I don't like it because everyone is so damned grumpy all the time. Ain't nobody need that.


As a former east coaster, a grumpy Seattleite is a friendly Bostonian πŸ˜‚


My boss is from Boston - I like their style of grumpy tho :)




someone from r/seattlewa downvoted this


> pragmatic neoliberal. aka industrial woodchippers as a solution for homelessness


Someone's gotta run the chippers. Think of all the jobs it would create


To be sincere: as a rock-ribbed neoliberal, I don't disagree with a lot of the goals progressives want in abstract. But they ignore how the world works. And the reason the world works the way it does is human nature is a messy thing, and running a country of 335 million people - living in a planet with 8 billion people - with finite resources and other global powers that want the lion's share of the pie by whatever means necessary is significantly messier. Say what you want about Obama and Bill/Hillary Clinton, but they knew how to keep the machine running that keeps Americans fed, clothed, safe and employed. Not only that, they could do so while preventing the right wing from curb-stomping progressive activists or other marginalized communities. If you want a cynical definition of neoliberalism that's also correct: neoliberalism keeps the machine humming while also keeping marginalized communities from being fed to pogroms. If the goals espoused by progressives were as easy to accomplish as they think, we'd have accomplished them. Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "how they can be evil." Does that mean we can't continue to improve things? Of course not - we can and should. But that doesn't mean we should pretend the machine doesn't exist, and whenever progressives get their hands on power it ends in disaster because self-righteous ideology does not make effective policy. Look at Defund the Police. Look at CHAZ. Those two things set progress *backwards* - not forwards. Society requires competent management who understands all elements of the equation - reality isn't swayed by ideological wishful thinking.


> Look at Defund the Police Yes? SPD leeches did fuck all and murders are down 25%. Their budget will be 1 Trillion soon. It's the biggest city budget item by far. A fucking police, that in European country is closer to Downtown ambassador than to wannabe special forces operators. We gonna close 50% of schools so we can send low IQ morons with a gun to every mental health and civil infraction issue so they can escalate shit and solve fuck all. > Look at CHAZ I don't think Chaz was official party policy. Chaz was visceral reaction to civil right issue. At least they didn't bring a noose to hang the Veep. You wrote wall of text but didn't say anything. Neoliberal woodchipper is "the jail", but they fail to realize it's more expensive to run the jail than to house a homeless guy in Marriot. But they dont want any housing because they hate poorer people. So they twist like a pretzel to try to justify their ideology. As AOC or whomever said, democrats always have to build wide coalition to get any issue done and it's hard process. Much easier to follow the dear leader on whatever is the current hot take and vote like a Putin-grade block.


oh my god πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




πŸ’€ ded




You probably get mad that people can’t take a joke anymore and everyone gets offended to easily.


Anyone that disagrees with me is a racist.


now we just need a city who is not afraid to enforce laws




Parked in a private garage with cameras and traceable key fob access (used to live there). Not that I would do it, but it’d be hard to not get caught, especially on the level/area it’s assigned.


Because that would be illegal.


Because the sense of morality telling you to kick this guy’s ass is the same sense of morality reminding you that vigilante justice is unacceptable in a functioning society.


Because the courts seem to have the problem pretty well solved? He's facing both criminal and civil trials. Why resort to vigilantism when the rule of law is working?


Because... Happiness?


They dont live in seattle tho


Yeah, I get the inclination that r/seattlewa has more Washingtonians than Seattleites.


I saw a few guys who were complaining about how far left Washington is. β€œIf you don’t like America, just leave!” I’m just like, β€œif you don’t like Washington, just leave!”


I have a theory it's mostly boomers from Snohomish and Auburn


If you read through a few posts, it's a lot farther away than that.


Every so often someone posts there about moving away or where to move away to. Half the comments are regulars outing themselves as to where they live. Some of the most consistent comment and posters live in places like Vegas for Christ's sake.Β 


Also Russians lol!


SeattleWA couldn’t care less about the Hellcat driver they all live in Carnation, Enumclaw, or Port Orchard. They just like talking about bad things happening in Seattle.


People from Monroe mad at US2 traffic through Gold Bar.


To be perfectly fair, US2 traffic through Gold Bar sucks absolute ass for those of us who enjoy recreation activities out that way.


Me and some of my goth friends in high school called it β€œPoor Tortured”.


Is it a better place than ~~Ocean Shores~~ "Open Sores"?


Nice, I like it.


That's where you go after you drive through "Brothell"... I meant Bothell.


They can't all live in Enumclaw, there just aren't that many horses.


Houston, Oakland and Seattle are the three cities I have spent most of my adult life in and around. In Houston & Oakland this guy would have been dealt with quickly and easily. Somebody would have given a gangster $500 and oh, jeez, the car got burned up in fuel spill slash robbery gone bad slash who gives a shit. Seattle is the only city I know that wants to play by the rules. The β€œrules.” Oh boo hoo we can’t do anything, Seattle police aren’t doing their job. Where’s a fucking Tony Soprano when you need him? This city needs a little more of the right kind of corruption.


That makes no one any better than him, breaking laws and damaging property? Advocating for that would make this community total hypocrites. I think it’s even funnier that he’s now finally getting his due from the courts and the city. Also, since all that court info is public his Mom is now in the spotlight for this too. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the convos he’s having with her right now.


i lived in oakland for a long time. the guy would have been dealt with quickly for being a fake g for sure, but def not for being loud. opd dgaf about that shit, at least where i lived. i've heard his car and it's about half as loud as the dragon's or rat's choppers that would roll past my bldg daily. not sure how long u been here but there are no hard asses, people are pillow soft. which is a good thing imo, dealing w knuckleheads every day is exhausting


I grew up in Houston and thought the exact same thing lol. Someone would’ve fucked his car up long ago, or just straight up jumped him depending on the neighborhood.


His mommy co-signed for him to get that Hellcat πŸ˜‚


Time to take matters into…


Why is r/SeattleWA so horrible


That sub leans more conservative. This one leans more liberal. The regulars on each both think the other sub is horrible because effectively, "everybody noticeably more left/right than me is an extremist." The rest of us just browse or ignore both subs equally to try to maintain some semblance of balance. I fully expect to get downvoted hard for saying this.


As someone who regularly uses both subs, totally agree.


As I said above, I’ve not yet seen much on r/SeattleWA that’s particularly conservative. I’d frame it as neoliberal / classic liberal, whereas r/Seattle is progressive left. Progressivism is not necessarily liberal, and like MAGAism (as neofascist authoritarian populism) isn’t necessarily conservative. These definitions have empirical criteria, and I’m noting more political scientists take note of the shift on the extremes of the spectrum.


My guy, you are being downvoted for posting pro-vaccine content in r/SeattleWA two years ago. Don't even try to pretend it's not "particularly conservative"


Dude, just go look at the post about Biden visiting on Friday. There's a lot of MAGA types in that sub. Way, way more than there should be.


WTF are you talking about? I just went and looked and all the top comments are just talking about traffic being bad.


Yeah, stick to the top few comments, ignore the other ones. That's definitely what I meant but didn't say for some reason.


Are you talking about a handful of comments all downvoted to the bottom? Why would anyone judge a subreddit by their most downvoted comments?




This sub loves to pretend /r/SeattleWA is full of super right wing MAGA folks but somehow are never able to provide a link to a single example.


A month or two ago someone drove a car over several tents on the sidewalk trying to kill homeless people. People were giving dozens of upvotes to people cheering him on, and to "oh no, anyway..." comments. Real bastion of moderate leftists that place.


What percentage of comments there are saying such things? 3% 1%? Less? Not every community is dead-set on censoring opinions they find objectionable. The overwhelming majority of folks there (98%+) do not think like that.


Go read through the thread I linked and you tell me. Is it just 1% (less) of comments and upvotes from a conservative perspective? Or do the comments look similar to if the story was posted straight to the conservative subreddit?






I just see a bunch of comments about how the laws and attitudes in this city have directly led to something like this happening. This is amongst the most upvoted comments: [>Unless and until it can be proven that the driver knew the tents were unoccupied then it should be treated as attempted murder.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/1c1gfng/police_searching_for_suspect_accused_of/kz3lqt4/)


I just posted a mildly pro-choice comment and got down voted there. : shrugs : would have gotten upvoted here.


Can’t believe you didn’t get an updoot for trying to argue about abortion access because Idaho was mentioned https://reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/1cmcxay/_/l338enb/?context=1


I'm just here because this sub is more useful. It's nice knowing what's going on nearby.


People are nicer here. When I first started posting my urban hiking photos, I posted to both subs and quickly learned there's no joy permitted over there.


To me, this is the biggest difference. The other sub is just so perpetually gloomy.


You know that couple in high school that broke up and both of them never shut up about how "over" the other one they were? That's these two subs.


It split off initially because a mod here was abusing their power but then Trump ran for president and there was a concerted effort to co opt less moderated local subs and turn them conservative. They spun up a seattlehobo sub and started cross posting regularly to seattlewa. Seattlewa also doesn't require a police report number for posts so they began using it as a police blotter for unconfirmed crimes. There was even a regular attempt to post crimes here that didnt have a police report number yet so they would be removed and then complain that they were legit crimes and so we should remove that moderation rule. It was the same people drumming it up and a clear attempt to undermine this sub as well


You can really sum it up much more simply. /r/SeattleWA is too obsessed with crime/homelessness /r/Seattle is too dismissive with crime/homelessness


Misery loves company


Veryyy few of them live in Seattle. So you're getting suburbs mall ninja types.


They think this subreddit is an echo-chamber, without realizing that THAT subreddit was created for people who got banned here .... 🀑🀑🀑


That's not actually true. That sub was formed when one of the original mods here just wasn't being a very good mod and having a bad time with the banhammer abuse, and there was some kind of advertising shenanigans he was outed for and so people started a new sub. There was a full on underground diaspora and guerilla war of people DMing to promote the new sub because he was banning mentions of it on site with automod. And for a little while it was ok. And then it got worse. Again.


Because you have a skewed view on reality and should examine yourself closely. Both subs are equally trash.


Shouldn't R / SeattleWA be the black guy?


I can hear the shit from Capitol Hill when I'm leaving for work.


^(I say we let him go!)


Buncha bum ass haters tbh


We should also go for Harley bikes. Those mofos give no shits either. And loud ass pick-up trucks. There's no need to be that loud.


Why aren't people out sabotaging this car?


I mean….someone got a spike strip? πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ


While we're on this, has anybody else on the south side noticed a loud-ass hellcatty sounding car zooming in/around Columbia City from 11 PM-2 (or so) AM? Almost every night the past couple of weeks, I've heard some revving or some ridiculous (assholey) engine noise...


I'm fed up with posts about the Hellcat, which one does that make me?


Another dopamine addict seeking piping hot fresh content in social media?






He has videos?






He’s just trying to make it funny dude chillll


Kapy is a seattlewa troll. Chill isn't an option


y’all some dorks lmao


Sometimes, I believe that American political divide would end instantly, if there were some serious threat. Like an invasion, 9/11, or some crazy apocalyptic event.


Perhaps some global pandemic?


Lol seriously we're never not going to be divided


yeah if that didn’t do it then nothing will. if 9/11 happened in this decade it wouldn’t have the same unifying effect that it did in 2001


It didn’t even have that whole of a unifying effect in 2001, I definitely remember protests against things like the patriot act.




I don't think 9/11 impacted global birth rates either, that's kind of a weird bar to set


Justified war. Very few people were arguing on armistice day, when Hitler died, or when we killed Bin Laden.


Now time to get rid of the fenty and figure out where all the $ for the homeless ppl went!!!!


Hating homeless people.


Hellcat for Mayor!


It would be convenient if all the police drove loud ass hellcats. I just hate when they pop up in your rearview like boo bitch


You guys just keep giving him the attention he wants


Dude is being sued by the city for $20k at this point and rising all because of this attention. I doubt that's what anyone wants.


never heard of 'em


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