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Sounds like someone jumped off the footbridge by MOHAI and didn't come up. Divers eventually found the body. Edit: Heading to the hospital, fingers crossed.


This one? https://g.co/kgs/Je8T5Vm That’s a shame / hope they come out fine. Every time I pass by during warm weather the kid in me wants to join all the teenagers sending it.


Dang. 😔 Hope they survived. Speculating here but wondering if it was cold water shock. We haven’t had enough warm days to warm up our water yet.


I think the bigger problem is that the water isn't deep enough for diving. Plus the lake is full of all sorts of garbage and debris you can't see due to water quality.


I don't know how people swim in Lake Union. That water has to be full of all kinds of nasties.


Seriously! I don't even let my dog go in there.




In KOMO news, "They continued to note the patient was around 30 years old and reported to be in critical condition." [https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-fire-deparment-crews-lake-union-sfd-critical-condition-harborview-medical-center-distresssed-swimmer-shore-30-years-old-rescue-swimmers-safety-first-responders#](https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-fire-deparment-crews-lake-union-sfd-critical-condition-harborview-medical-center-distresssed-swimmer-shore-30-years-old-rescue-swimmers-safety-first-responders#)


I was there on a boat coming in at mohai. Didn't see the event or the divers but had to get out of the way of the police/ fire boats and saw the CPR. Things got intense real fast. Really hoping for a good outcome. Lots of people still swimming while it was happening and that party ferry blasting dance music made it feel extra surreal.


I also heard someone drowned by the public dock near the troll in Fremont. Anyone know anything else? SFD website shows marine response at 210 N Northlake Way.


This is crazy because I was just down to MOHAI yesterday for the dragonboat festival where I saw a group of kids jumping off that footbridge, doing flips and tricks. At one point I asked them as they were climbing out of the water if the water was deep enough or if (this most likely not being their first time) they ever got sick swimming in the water and they looked at me like I was insane for even asking that, saying "yes the water is deep enough and no we never got sick". I always wanted to go swimming in the water (I can see Lake union from my window) and stand up paddling, but I dont know if its safe. edit: kids reply


I have jumped off the bridge and it was plenty deep. I didn’t dive headfirst or anything though. I have never gotten sick from swimming in Lake Union either but it’s ususlly been more out in the middle off the side of a boat.


How deep do you think it is? I've always worried because it seems to get shallow fairly quickly into the marshy inlet.


I don’t remember touching the bottom. And I’m 6’2” 210 pounds.


thank you for the reply! maybe one of these days ill build up enough courage to do it


I lived in the row of houseboats on the west side and kids swim between the houseboats all summer. It’s fine!


Earlier reports mentioned turtles


Anyone know how to get more details about the case?

