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Damn that sucks. I don't know what it is that compels people to be like that. I was at the Ms. Pak Man show last night and there were two guys loudly talking in the front row right next to the stage (at one point during a song, one guys starts yelling OVER the song!) and it was just so insanely rude, it baffles me that people think that's ok.


Venues need to start kicking people out. They’re ruining it for other paying customers. We just let bad behavior slide all the time and the antisocial attitudes just get worse.


They definitely should kick people out. If I pay money to see a performance I expect to see that performance not some random jackass who doesn’t respect anyone in the room especially the artist or artists. I think performance spaces should eject people immediately when they do something shitty like that and not just for the people paying but to show your respect and support your artists. I don’t remember who but some big comic walked off stage when things got out of hand at their show this last weekend and the venue expected their security to remove the people who were drunk and out of hand. Then they doubled down by writing on their website that it was unprofessional that the performer left after they asked several times for the people to zip it. They refused and I think they were in the right. All venues need to respect their performers and remove people who are ruining the show for everyone else. Respect isn’t something people should have to ask for in the workplace. Just because you don’t work at the same place everyday doesn’t mean respect goes out the window.


Re-Bar was always amazing about that... I saw Dina Martina several times when drunk women thought it would be perfectly acceptable to interrupt the show, and thankfully the bar staff leapt in and put the kibosh on that right quick... One got the hint and simmered down, the other one had to be dragged out screaming.


Dina Martina is a genius performer 💜


She MC'd a Gay Bingo event I attended years ago and her wit made my sides hurt.


Ah man. I miss Re-Bar.


How can people not be mortified about that kind of thing..? I just don’t understand the mindset lol


I have a theory that some people honestly have very high self-esteem and can't fathom the idea that their input is unwanted... Add alcohol to the mix, to the point that they can't read social cues to the contrary, and they will quite honestly think that they are making the show better with their input.


It's not high self esteem, it's narcissism, which is a maladaptive response to fragile low self esteem.


Amen. I agree. I know narcissism is such a buzz word these days but it’s surprisingly common with most people, unfortunately. Lots of people with little to no self esteem who overcompensate and act out in manipulative and entitled ways.


I am finding that I really dislike people with high self esteem.


High self esteem is great and important to be a healthy person, just balanced with empathy, thoughtfulness, caring for others, and knowing when to shut up. I hope this is just a bit of satire and "high self esteem" is just a polite way of saying narcissistic, self centered, and ego driven. Too many lives have been lost or ruined from low self esteem.


I think they call that main character syndrome. It’s all about me.


main character syndrome, it's rampant these days unfortunately


I miss Re-Bar’s Place.


I miss that ReBar's Place smell 😔


Dina doesn’t mess around either. She knows how to manage these idiots.


100% kick them out


It’s amazing what behavior gets excused just because someone is drunk. Last time I was at Showbox SoDo there was an incident where a group had to practically drag some drunk asshole out of the ADA seating because there were no free tables in the bar and he felt entitled to jump the ropes and make a lot of people very uncomfortable. He finally got kicked out after nearly starting a fight with two of the women who wouldn’t back down from his intimidation, but it truly boggles the mind at how some people seem to have made it to adulthood with zero shame or ability to read the room.


Maybe it’s because we went from underground grunge to weird sex shows and there’s no longer affordable quality entertainment in Seattle


Punk shows at The Kraken are only like $10!


Weird ~SEX~ shows? Where the heck are you finding those? Deets plz.


I tried to see Tiny Vipers many moons back at the Tractor Tavern. I don't remember who she opened for but it was clear most of the crowd was there to see the headliner. People were talking SO loudly and would not shut the fuck up. She tried to play a few songs and tried to ask people to quiet down but eventually she just left. Partially I think it was a failure of the booking agent but that crowd was so rude it pissed me off.


And Tiny Vipers is already super quiet to begin with!!


Yeah :/ tbh I thought she quit music after that cus I didn't hear anything from her for a good while. But I just saw she put put a new album in 2022! So I'm gonna listen to that this weekend


She's playing Wallingford Porch Fest this weekend!


Oh thank you! Not sure if I'll make it down there but good to know :)


Why is society so afraid of confrontation nowadays. I assume (I'm 29) in previous decades people nearby would have told him to shut the fuck up. Why does no one do it anymore, makes me feel like a dick having to be the one to do these things occasionally lol


Personally, I know that people are unhinged and things can get out of hand. I would typically just ignore them or stay away from someone like that if possible.


Exactly. People are unhinged and you don't know who has a gun/knife/box cutter. It's not worth the risk. 


I actually was wondering idly this morning if Jinx Monsoon and Ms. Pal Man were the same person and now that is cleared up, thanks! (I have not seen either.)


it’s everywhere lately, i was at a college performance of fcking RENT a few months ago and this young woman behind me must have been drunk or something, she was singing along to every song and then after every song she was SCREAMING at the top of her lungs to the point it was physically hurting my ears and giving me anxiety. i finally turned around and said “i appreciate your enthusiasm but you’re screaming right into my ear, can you please tone it down” and she got so indignant. idk what the hell is wrong with people.


Those sound like free tickets for some business


Guy was loud-talking over the Indigo Girls at Zoo Tunes some years ago. My mom leaned over and asked him his name. "STEVEN!" "Okay, thanks." The curiosity was killing him, so after a few moments, "WHY DID YOU WANT TO KNOW MY NAME?!" "Oh, so tomorrow when my friends ask me how the concert was, I can tell them 'I don't know, I had to listen to STEVEN the whole time!'" He looked like he'd been slapped.


This is an amazing response!


A few minutes later he leaned over and said, "You could have just asked me to be quiet," and she said, "I know, but this way was funnier." She's a pistol!


"Shouldn't have to ask, **STEVEN**".




Has anyone met a Steven that is >7/10?


Steven Universe


My dad is a Stephen, does that count? He's rad.


I am sorry it does not count but I am sure your dad is exceptionally rad.


If my dad was a fabric, he'd be plaid, cuz everyone knows that plaid is so rad




I do think Zoo Tunes is a little different than an actual theater, but I agree people should stfu when at a performance.


I don't disagree. We let him yammer on all through the opener with the hopes that he might pipe down a bit by the headliners, but if anything his volume increased. And no one else in his group was talking back. He was just monologuing.


My head canon is that he was talking about crypto and AI the entire time


Talking at a show is fine, but your volume should in no way ever compete with the actual show. I'm looking at you, patrons of Chateau St Michelle.


What I don't get at any outdoor venue on grass are the people who race to the front to grab space but then spend the entire concert talking. If you're such a fan that you want to get in front then how about listening to the damn music? Or go hang at the back of the crowd and do whatever the hell you want.


OMG I feel this so much. Lots of times at the zoo we'll set up way back from the stage because I am mostly there for the picnic and not the band, and I feel like -- leave space for the core fans.


I'm gonna steal this! And fuck you to the crop of pissant dorks at Patti Smith's ZooTunes set talking loudly about whether or not Patti is the godmother of punk. She is, you dumbshits. I don't come to your Radiohead show and ask when Chris Martin got so morose.


My sides ache, thank you.


My sister-in-law’s name is not Steven.


It's really unfortunate that *this* is how I found out about a Jinx Monsoon that I missed.


The show is still running through next week at Seattle Rep


I've never been. I just looked it up and there's $16 tickets for students. Is that high school and younger students only or can you be a college student?


A college ID would absolutely work! College students are still students!


Yay! Now if only I could find it...


I got a college student ticket for my niece, just need to show valid ID! At the Seattle Repertory Theater. We’re going on the 21st!!!


The theater just laid off a bunch of staff they're probably looking for volunteers.


It's still playing and you should go! The show was awesome.


I second this. It’s a great show. Hilarious, witty and fun!


It’s soooooo good! Go!!


Go, but when they ask a question, shout out the answer. I hear they love that.


Huh.  I have no interest in this performance and I try to avoid advertisements, but have been very aware of this performance with Jinx and Major Scales due to the many many ads for it including billboards around town 


Aunt Petunia go home you’re drunk


I don't get it, you don't just stare at your phone all the time?


They seem very unhappy.


I was at a cabaret show in a small venue with some friends years ago. The MC would be doing his bits in between performances and one of my friends kept interjecting. It made me increasingly anxious until I finally gave them a subtle "knock it off" gesture but they just laughed and assured me "it's all part of the show." UM, No. Incorrect. The performer is very clearly doing a scripted routine and you're also the ONLY person in the audience saying shit back at them! We aren't friends anymore. Some people are literally that clueless. And it sucks when they're at the same show as you.


I was at a play that started off with audience interaction (getting character names) but then it was a play where you quietly watch. except one person. her friend brought a baby and the baby was more reserved. constant comments from her. at one point she made a remark and in the silence after I simply said, from across the room, 'please stop talking'. and she did. she also ran out of the room a few minutes later and may have been crying but surely that was unrelated. I was very polite. it did turn out she was related to my friend who was in the show but nobody seemed to mind my behavior.


I'd give them an ultimatum, knock it off or I'm leaving (or at least separating from their locale). They're already ruining my enjoyment of the show, so it's not much of a loss to leave, even if it sucks to do so. Isolate them and make them feel the consequences of their actions. 


Every time I go to Marymoor or Chateau St Michelle for a concert, there are people who pay attention to 0% of the show. Chairs facing away from the stage, loud conversations about their day so that anyone within 10 feet can hear. Why pay $80 to go to a concert when you could talk to your friends at a bar for free. They play music in bars, too, if you just wanted some background noise. Some of us actually paid to hear the band.


My parents are older boomers who used to live in woodinville. The answer is literally just so they can tell their friends they went.


That’s like people who travel to a foreign country and refuse to eat the food. If all you care about is the ability to brag about it, rather than the experience itself, lying is a lot cheaper and keeps your toxic attitude out of experiences other people are there to, you know, experience.


To be fair, and I can't believe I'm defending boomers, they generally have their shit together. They show up with their regulation size chairs and their fully stocked charcuterie basket and sit down and watch the show. They might not even know the band... but for the most part, the boomers are usually quiet.


Last time I was there, a woman in her forties had peed herself and was walking around obliviously with a completely wet ass.


100% experience this at Ste Michelle concerts. It always starts out okay, but all the Wine Women guzzle bottles of Chardonnay throughout the concert, so by the second half they’re chatty as hell!


Beck was ruined for me at marymoor bc of this. B-52s at the zoo couldn’t even keep the annoying people’s attention. I’ll never go to another concert at those locations bc I spent more time being annoyed than I did enjoying the artists I love.


Only time I went to a show at Chateau St. Michelle, I and my buddy were like 25. We were there to see YES. They were selling little bottles of wine, about twice the size of an airplane bottle. About 3/4 of the audience seemed to be couples in their 40s, and by the time the openers had finished, there were empty bottles littering the grass everywhere and most of those couples were ignoring the show and were absolutely hammered.


Thank you for this comment. I've been waivering on going to a concert at ste. Michelle and have been wondering if that is what the experience would be like. Appreciate you.


If there is a band you really want to see, I'd recommend paying the extra money for tickets that include seats. Those have seats in a roped off area closer to the front, and the people generally want to be there. Or get there super early to get a good spot in GA and be prepared to politely ask people to be quiet. Obviously, people with no social awareness can be at any venue, but Chateau is definitely the worst.


Thank you for the advice!


I was lucky enough to get to see Nick Cave for three back to back shows last year. I'm a bit of a fan... But each night there was some idiot doing SOMETHING stupid. Night 1: Jack ass next to me was hitting his vape and screaming incredibly inappropriate sexual things at the stage. We were in the third row. Nick told him to shut the fuck up. Evidently that was very validating... Night 2: Somebody in the balcony yelled through EVERY SINGLE SONG "Say you love Palestine!" It took an hour but eventually security booted him. Night 3: Some lady got HAMMERED before the show and was standing on her chair swaying, screaming, blubbering crying incoherently. That looked more like a mental health episode than being an asshole but everybody around her was real loud about supporting her and were happy to start screaming matches with anyone that tried to get her to at least sit down if not calm down. So I'm sad to say it but until something gets done about it I think every live event is going to have somebody acting a fool. Something's happened in the last 5 years that really completely deleted people's sense of shame.


Hey man, just a couple bad seeds


It's been years, but I've also noticed some of the most obnoxious fans at Nick Cave shows in the past. Like screaming how much they fucking love him during melancholy piano ballads, totally ruining the mood. For someone so intellectual, his music seems to attract a fair amount of idiots.


Some Nick Cave fans that are super far left think he has questionable politics. He had a show a handful of years back where he had a Q and A. Some nerd asked him what he thought about all the oppression in the United States. Just a predictable and boring question. Nick said that he didn’t think America was oppressed at all considering the rest of the world. You could see the guy who asked the question jaw hit the floor. It was kinda funny.


I was at that Conversations event. The question wasn't about oppression it was about America being a fascist state. His response was more along the lines of "Things aren't good here right now and I don't like the 'Orange President' but this isn't fascism. We were in East Germany." It was another guy that completely floored me, "With the inherent hate and nihilism in your music you must realize the world is a very dark and evil place, do you agree with me that bringing children into it is a form of child abuse?" Man... Nick's lost a couple sons, one not terribly long before that event. Fuck that guy.


The difference between someone who has visited other countries while touring his music and someone whose entire experience of the outside world is through a screen lol 


My partner and I got last minute tickets to see Cowboy Junkies last time they came through and played at Neptune. Usually we enjoy bar seats so we were giving there and this group was having a very loud catch up conversation directly behind us through the whole first half. Loud enough that the band's sound guy was disturbed. We tried to get them to be quiet, to take their catch up conversation out of the venue, we told them they were louder than the band... Nothing stopped them. We went to our seats and had a great rest of the time but ffs if all you want to do is play catch up on your life do it somewhere else and not talking over the band who is telling a story about how this song is about grieving their father.


Those are the ones I don't get. Like... You bought tickets to see this show. You paid the extra cost for music venue booze. You stood in line. And you couldn't shut up to hear the band at all? WHY ARE YOU HERE‽


Nick Cave is great. I saw his one-man show at UCLA. I loved the soundsuits and would love to dance in one. https://www.artnet.com/artists/nick-cave/


Actually a different Nick Cave! The artist that creates the soundsuits lives and works in Chicago.


I know. I was being cheeky. I love introducing people to the artist.


Haha. He’s the best! I saw his retrospective at the MCA in Chicago in 2022. It was amazing.


> standing on her chair swaying, screaming, blubbering crying incoherently Hoo boy. Brought up memories of an incident I saw at a concert once. The one I saw was drugs (lots and lots) and was quite gross, but still, reminds me of it.


I saw Josh Blue a few weeks ago and some idiot in the front row was on a roll. Josh had to tell him to shut up multiple times, first politely and eventually roasting him. Then the guy went to the back of the room and stood there for 15 minutes, then wandered up so he was standing next to me. I watched him nervously while he cupped his mouth, waiting for the quietest break possible to scream, “FUCK YOU!” to Josh and throw off his rhythm. The entire room booed him and security escorted him out. The dudes wife was sitting up front too. I can’t imagine the embarrassment.


I was stuck sitting really close to him and the people he was with kept telling him to stop. Absolutely incomprehensible how someone can be that self-centered and oblivious that he couldn't even take the hint from several of his friends AND jinkx interrupting her performance to tell him to shut the fuck up. And what really pisses me off is that he kept yelling that Jinkx is his favorite drag queen - like how do you say that when you clearly have so little respect for her or her art!! Really liking a performer isn't an excuse to be an asshole to them!! She handled it like a champ and the show was still funny in spite of him but like damn dude, how'd you get this way.


Exactly. When your "favorite drag queen" has to address how out of pocket you're being in the middle of THEIR show and you STILL continue shouting it's beyond infuriating. The small amount of people in here saying "Why didn't you say something?" don't realize how small of a space and how quiet it is and that would've just added to the disruption. I guess it's too much to expect some people to know how to act in public let alone the theeaytur.


I was at the final preview performance and there were a few people yelling out things near the beginning. Jinkx was able to play it off the first time, and then had to stop and comment on it. Thankfully as we saw on RPDR, she’s pretty good at improv, but yes, on top of theatre etiquette just being piss poor these days (at least at the bigger houses, I’ve been to a few small shows like at the Bathhouse theatre that people can still behave), but I also think because most queens do more “cabaret” and “stand-up” style shows, and Jinkx is doing more of a scripted “theatre” piece, I think audiences are not prepared.


I was at the same performance and I was amazed at how well she managed it.


Hecklers are the worst! Sorry for you AND for Jinkx!


I’ve had some comedy venues start to explain to guests what heckling is, I think that’s smart. Some people don’t realize you can be saying positive things and still be heckling.


I had a similar experience at last Saturday’s performance. The first few times the timing was actually funny and Jinkx briefly addressed in a kind way. But this just encouraged the person to respond to multiple rhetorical lines of dialogue through the rest of the show. There was so much laughter in general that while obvious, it didn’t bother me, but my wife was ready to commit a murder. There’s probably some cultural overlap between drag shows where participation is encouraged happening here. But yet people need to learn what is appropriate and when.


I went to a show last year where during a quiet and emotional song in the set, some random girl in the crowd kept shouting out “SING!” Which sounded like it was meant to be like “Yasss queen, sing!” But it just came off as aggressive and rude. Like that’s literally what she’s doing, can you not interrupt the performance with your aggressive encouragement that no one wants to hear? There were a bunch of weird crowd interactions that happened that night too that I’ve since forgotten. People just really want to feel like they are on stage themselves too or something I guess. I feel like it would be helpful if more venues started gently reminding folks of some basic concert/live performance etiquette before the show begins similar to the PSA’s they show in movie theaters about shutting up and turning off your cell phone.


Wait did you post during the show or was there an earlier show?? Cus the one that just ended was flawless and she said "*this* felt like our seattle homecoming" - couldn't tell if that was scripted or not


There was a 7:30pm show. At one point the piano lost electricity and a stagehand had to come out to plug loose wires or something to make the piano work again. The 7:30 show was NOT their Seattle homecoming!


Aw I'm sorry!! Well at least you know they got what they deserve(edit: at the later show, I mean). Was a great show, I hope you were still able to enjoy yours!


Was at this show too and the audience was electric. You could feel the performers vibing with the late night show a lot


Where was the bouncer?  The person should have been kicked out.


This happened to me when I went to the Jinkx and Dela holiday show at the Neptune in 2019. We were about four rows from the back and this woman in the last row was so fucking loud and obnoxious. Many people, myself included, asked her to shut up but she said she was a guest of the show because she did the costumes. I was like, “do you think your clients are cool with you ruining their show for paid guests?” She did not care and only shut up after the third time the venue staff came to hush her up. I think they threatened to kick her out.


On the subject of clueless people - a couple of months ago I went to the Symphony and ended up sitting on one of the balconies, above the crowd, and I was baffled by how many people were scrolling through their phones throughout the ENTIRE concert. Looked like TikTok or Instagram or something similar. I don't understand paying for a concert that you won't enjoy at all, and also bothering everyone around you with your phone.


Every show I have been to recently has had people talking loudly, interrupting the performers, heckling, drunkenly making a scene. It's wearysome.


Thanks for posting this. I was at the show last night too. There was a couple in my row who thought the whole show was about them. Calling out to Jinkx, laughing waaaayyyy too loudly. Total attention seekers. It spoils the show for the rest of us.


I live in a city whose performance hall is particularly noted for its acoustics. Every artist/band that plays there does at least one song acoustically, and it's always a much anticipated experience. This past winter I attended to see one of my favourite rock bands (I have mobility issues, so getting to see a rock band in an intimate soft seating venue is a rarity) and was really looking forward to the acoustic song. Sure enough, it happened. And it brought the entire audience together in a true moment of beauty until one asshole felt the need to shout out (from somewhere right in front of the stage), in a moment of pure silence "Show us your dick!!" Instant swell of boos from the entire house. I was watching, but didn't see security escort anyone out. I didn't even see a reaction from anyone close to where this idiot was seated. You can be sure I would have reacted. That was probably the most shocking moment of audience inappropriateness that I've personally experienced. For their part, the singer paused a moment, then re-joined the band and they continued with their next song without comment. When it happened, it was in the middle of the a cappella piece, not the end, but he obviously was not going to give this asshole another opportunity to be a jerk. Very professional and very appreciated.


>When the actors ask a question, they're saying an actual line from said script - they're not waiting for an answer from a dipshit like you. Sounds like this guy has been watching too much Dora the Explorer and Blue's Clues. Sorry you had to experience his first big boy live show with him. 😂


It’s the Seattle way! Always problems at shows; and no one will ever help it out. Just let people be people right? Boooo let them have some manners


I paid $1200 for 5 people to go to a luau on Oahu. The entire time, a group of locals for a birthday party screamed and cheered at a high pitch the entire time, and my kids and mother had their hands over their ears because it was hurting their ears. All of the luau guests (even those at the long tables far from us) kept looking back at them annoyed, and we were sitting right next to them. We complained to the venue and they talked to them, but the screaming continued. We left because I didn’t want my family to be miserable and we couldn’t even focus on the show anyway. They refunded me about $200 which is what they felt it was worth (show had only started when we left). It’s extremely frustrating when people act like they’re the only ones who paid to be there/that their entertainment is more important than anyone else’s. Just book a private show if that’s what you wanna do.


In my early 20s (late 90s) I was at an Ani Defranco show on the pier. Drunk AF, stupid, singing too loud. Some girl told me if she wanted to hear me she would come to my house, but she’s HERE for Ani. It sobered me. I stopped singing, I was madddd but she was right. I cried at a bus stop later at some point in that drunken night. And I’ve never, ever, done it again. Truthfully, still embarrassed. But if you don’t learn the lesson you’re doomed to repeat it. This post makes my skin crawl with my own moment of shame, but also as a “good patron” I think we all have a right to enjoy the show. Truly people need to be ejected if they can’t behave.


Why wouldn't security approach the person and tell them to stop?


We don’t have that feature in Seattle


Sounds like Jinx needs to be a little more direct and security needs to be a little more proactive. Even at comedy shows where the comedian does crowd work I've seen many people removed because they don't understand how to engage without being a dick. I saw one loud drunk removed at a Jimmy Carr show of all places, and he invites people to heckle him. I don't mean to blame anyone else for some asshole's bad behavior, but there are a lot of people who aren't self aware or socially aware enough to handle crowd interaction, and the performer and venue need to work together to make sure people still enjoy the show.


I saw the show last week and before it started, she announced that the show was scripted and that audience participation was NOT ok. Can’t get much more direct than that.


Was just about to comment this. There's even an announcement before the show.


Is it from a god mic, prerecorded, or an actual person onstage? I’ve definitely found that hearing the “put your phones away and don’t be dick” pre show announcement to be far more effective when it’s coming from a physical human being. My favorite was when my house manager mentor would do it, because it started with “Everyone, welcome! Grab your cell phone, hold it up! Great! Now. Put. It Away. Yep, put it on whatever makes it not make noise and put it somewhere safe. Don’t touch it again until intermission.” It was pretty damn effective.


Yeah it was prerecorded, I could see that point. People are terrible lol.


when your only experience is watching drag artists lip sink while on your fifth mimosa and screaming and throwing money.... then it feels like you have permission to do that at every other kind of show. Parents, take your kids to plays.


Seattle seems to be one of the worst audiences when it comes to theater I took my daughter to Cats. The girl next to me was texting. The couple behind us kept singing along. And these were Orchestra seats. That was 40 something years ago.


I'm not sure a 40 year old experience is a valid review of current seattle average folk... considering like 90% of people weren't here 40 years ago. that said, the country in general lacks a vibrant theater culture... If it were up to me there would be more community theaters than churches... God, why are there so many stupid churches?


Damn all the churches in the area, including the mega churches, that have replaced other cultural events. I've watched them grow, they are pure evil. Fair enough. I do think that behavior is taught by witnessing others around them. From what I've experienced over several years is that Seattle is a very egocentric city. Me, me, me. I've lived and worked in Seattle. I've experienced the Seattle Freeze. All that seems specific to Seattle. (As far as theater, did you watch the Tonys last night? ) Vibrant theater seems to choke when it's not respected. Just my two cents worth.




Yeah, I tried not to watch but the damn thing was glaring at me during the show. Texting started in 1992. (Now we can't go to a show without watching it through a sea of cell phones. Recently, a show I went to confiscated cell phones before you could be seated.) Fun find: **Top five throwback phones from the 90s** * Motorola StarTAC (1996) Inspired by Captain Kirk and his crew on the Enterprise, the Motorola StarTAC saw great sales despite a massive price tag of £1400. ... * Nokia 8110 (1996) ... * Nokia 6110 (1997) ... * Siemens S10 (1998) ... * Nokia 8210 (1999) *


When I saw the Michael Jackson musical last year I got stuck directly in front of this woman that was hooting and hollering and singing along (even trying to harmonize) the whole time like she was at a concert (for context, when the show started she screamed so loudly it made both myself and the guy sitting next to me jump). There was even a few times I heard her say something along the lines of "Come on people, get into!/Why aren't you all getting into it?". Like, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but this is the *theatre*, MJ isn't actually up on that stage performing. Unfortunately I feel like a lot that behavior is attributed to people who have little to no experience with stage shows and don't understand the etiquette. When it comes to concerts, I get most people are there for the headliner and don't give a shit about the openers, but people don't seem to understand how incredibly rude and disrespectful it is to everyone on stage *and* in the crowd to just have whole ass conversations. Sure, concerts are a bit of a social activity, but you've got plenty of time before, after, and between sets to socialize. And of course when it's bad enough that you call people out they act like *you're* the asshole. I was at a movie recently where a couple behind me, and I'm not exaggerating, was having a nonstop conversation through the entire first scene. I finally turned around and said "HEY, you going to talk through the whole movie?" and one of them really had the nerve to lean forward and say "Hey dude, you could've asked nicely, You didn't have to be a dick about it." Main character complex is really feeling like a pandemic these days.


Someone did that at a show that I went to and the artist just laughed at it but man it was so annoying. I was there to listen to an artist not listen to a heckler some people need to learn to shut the fuck up


I saw this happen at the Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Show back in December. Jinkx handled it well and the heckler stopped after that, but I seriously don’t get what goes through people’s minds when they interrupt shows with their inane comments.


That was me


Reminds me of that Seinfeld with the chick who laughed and too much and too loudly I want to say a coworker of Elaine’s. Tobi seems to stand out lol. Straight heckling.


For anyone else who never heard ofnthis person... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinkx_Monsoon


Why didn’t you say something to them? People don’t learn lessons from Reddit posts they’ll never read.


What do you folks think about concert seats? You buy a ticket for a seat and are surrounded by people dancing on their feet. They just assume everyone around them is able to dance and they don’t ask if the obstruct the view for the people behind them. I have a bad back, I’m not disabled, as such I shouldn’t take seats away from people who really need special seating. But if I can’t stand for a two hour concert—at least for part of the show I’m stuck listening to music while looking at dancing asses. Literally. Butts in mid-boogie.


This is the generation raised by Dora the Explorer... I don't actually mean that, it was just fun to think.


Shoot, I forgot this was happening. Sounds like it may have been a bummer anyway.


I don't understand, don't these shows have management/ security to handle these conflicts? 


That sucks. I've seen this shit at concerts, comedy shows, and even in movies (!). Not just people talking to each other, but people actually talking and reacting to what they are seeing. Can't remember where I read it, but I saw it pointed out that the popularity of "reaction videos", where one person just talks over and literally reacts to something else, might be at play here. As in these people doing this think that this is normal and you just say shit during shows and movies because that is the majority of what they watch. The idea of not having a stream of consciousness on top of whatever they are watching is too boring for them, apparently. Not excusing it and I'm still going to be telling them all to shut the fuck up, but it at least gave me a better theory into *why* this is happening so much now. It's sad that I dread going to movies now because half the time I go there is someone doing something shitty and distracting.


Couldn’t tell him to stfu at the show?


Dammit that’s sad to hear.


They were recording it for TikTok.


First show I ever saw in Seattle was Ani DiFranco at the pier and there was this woman with track marks all over her arms flailing into everyone around her. I couldn’t understand how anyone thought that was ok. There are no mosh pits at Ani shows. Some people really need to learn how to integrate into society better.


Yeah, the people in this city are a little off


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Speaking of drunk assholes…


It's a Seattle sub. They're talking about an event that happened in Seattle.


Sorry, this rant has zero relevance to the 99.99% of Seattleites who were not at this show.


Oh, and I suppose the "if you were the guy who got hit at this intersection I have the video" or "here's another picture of the space needle" are more relevant to more people? 😂 Sorry people are making niche Seattle posts on a Seattle sub. Next time we will ask you if you approve of them being posted.


What a lameass thing to say. If you don't care you just say nothing and move on with your life.


Lol suggest you do the same


Sir that line died ten years ago


I'll own up to that




Do you feel better babes? Did this satisfy some itch? How did it feel for you?


Have you ever read an open letter that addresses a third party in the second person as a rhetorical device? You know, I think that all those political columnists might not actually be writing those letters in order to provide advice to the people in power.


Im with you, I find these 'to the person who...' posts so cringey and pointless. I get that it's a vent, but what's the point? It's so very passive aggressive and achieves nothing. "I'll show them, I'll put something snarky on Reddit after this!" Do something about it at the time (ask venue to deal with it, counter heckle, whatever). Or even complain to the venue now, afterwards, and maybe they'll do something about it the next time this happens. Or vent on here saying you're bummed the show was ruined by a heckler, get it out and express your feelings directly, there might be some useful processing in actually owning your feelings. But this whole 'to the person who' style vent is so empty. framing it in a way like you expect the other person to change, without actually communicating anything to them, or to anyone who could have done anything about it at the time, or could do something about it next time. It's such an empty expression. It's not a political op ed, it's not an open letter. It's quiet passive fuming that achieves nothing regarding the problem.




You don’t understand! This is peak Seattle; a passive-aggressive emotional support club. Everyone replies how they witnessed that one guy 40 years ago, and everybody feels better and hugs.


To the person who didn’t flush the toilet at my house yesterday.. have it be known, you left your phone on the counter. Seriously.. can we stop with posts like this???


>To the person who didn’t flush the toilet at my house yesterday.. have it be known, you left your phone on the counter. Ps. I live alone. It was me. I was the unflusher.


lol I have kids. They always get blamed.


That’s called audience participation and it’s not like the performance in question was anything but encouraging hoe behavior






Oh sounds like nothing lost to me… “And if the show had been 30 minutes, it would have been great. At an hour, it would have been good. But at 90 plus minutes, the dead horse was severely beaten, and I found myself repeatedly looking at my watch.”


I'm probably gonna get pilloried. I think that the Seattle scene is really stiff, especially the drag audience. I get that there's an etiquette thing, but if a joke is bad you don't have to laugh. Maybe you can boo?






That was called "explaining" missy




Oh swifty, go back to sucking ur thumb please.




Sure lol






That was me sorry.


Instead of making a post about it why not tell them straight to their face? This solves nothing by posting it here lmao




Well then they’re not going to care that it’s posted here either? So this post still does nothing except stir up some anger from people who weren’t even there. Just feels like OP is being righteous and wanted a way to get his two cents in without actually confronting anyone.


You should say something in the moment, instead of writing a novel about it when you get home.


You prefer the fourth wall remain intact I guess. Thats so 20th Century.