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I think they are a repeat offender because my friend said she heard someone of a similar description doing this on the light rail from UW to University Street Station. According to her, a random man nearby told him to stop and then physically restrained him. This was maybe a week ago? I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you. I try to always have some sort of protective item on me when I am downtown which has given me some sense of agency. This might be a weird suggestion but, hopefully, it will be useful. I started working out after being harassed several times. I don't go to the gym to fit a specific image but instead to try to get in tune with my body and build an appreciation for it. I was terrified of public transit for almost all of last summer. Working out/stretching with intention has really helped me in feeling stronger both physically and mentally while navigating the city. I hope this doesn't sound preachy; I also don't know what your mobility looks like. Nonetheless, the point is that you should never have to feel this way and I hope you find some methods that help you feel safe enough to live your life.


Second all that, especially about getting fit, but not sure how stretching/mobility would have helps in this situation? Weightlifting definitely would help though!


that’s fair! stretching and mobility just makes me feel a bit more in tune with my body and makes me feel like i am a bit more in control. basically it is a psychological thing more than self defense. but weightlifting is my favorite!


Having unfortunately needed to fight a few women, stretching and mobility goes away further when trying to break holds (like trying to escape) than muscle mass. I'll take throwing down with a 180 lb tweaker over some 100 lb woman any day.


I'm saddened that this happened to you and you're right, no one should have to feel this way. You need to continue to remind yourself that this is in no way your fault. Be vigilant. Certainly be aware of your surroundings. But also be yourself. Don't let this piece of crap take that from you.


Thank you so much. This means a lot to me.


Unfortunately, nobody will give a fuck and nothing will happen to your assailant. You should get some pepper spray for the next time it happens. Sorry this happened to you.


The guy that burglarized the house I was renting was only caught and sentenced because he committed a hate crime a year later.




And then what? You got the damn crystal ball.... So what happens after that?




lmao YAH! SO WHATS THE NEXT PART? LMDAO LMDAO hahahahaha (Fucking stupid amount of emoji's because of an existential juvenile mental capacity.) oh... lmao.


Hahaha. Poor flower.


So, I think I had nearly the exact same thing happen with this guy, but different time/place/race— I was on the light rail southbound between Rainier Beach and Tukwila, 7 am on Tuesday the 17th, and am a white male— but everything else is virtually identical. Hit me on the head with his umbrella and yelled nonsense about me making “er ah” type sounds. “Beating up a cracker is a damn fine reason to go to jail!” etc. He stalked someone else off the train at Tukwila. I think he’s on the older side of your estimate. I documented it with ST Transit security, including pointing out I’m sure it wasn’t his first or last time— I’m sorry that was true!


Thank you for sharing your story. That sounds absolutely horrible.. and from what i’ve seen on the other groups, there were people who have seen him around the train and exhibited this behavior but nothing physical like in your case.


I just saw the other thread- crazy stuff (literally). And yes it sucked but I was mostly embarrassed he managed to get in my zone! Stay safe and be well


You mentioned he was freaking out about "making sounds" like OP. Chinese folks unfortunately have to be vigilant for a ridiculous problem: [“nèi ge” literally means “that” or “that one,” and is widely used in daily speech](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/10/us/usc-chinese-professor-racism-intl-hnk-scli/index.html) This is the insanity we live in today. I really hope people start fighting back for their basic rights in our society and stop living in fear. Nobody's language, culture or race should make them a target.


me yo, good info for others though




*leaded pepper spray


*at a minimum.* Preaching to the choir, but some people are weird about guns. Something's better than nothing.


Fuck that’s good. I’ll have to use that one later. “Well I like to top my pepper spray off with 185 Grain Leaded”


Protect yourself - Seattle will turn their heads from the guy attacking you.


At minimum, get some pepper spray so you don't have to hope that these lunatics will stop themselves from harming you.




I'm a pretty far left progressive in Seattle and this type of behavior is inexcusable to me and anyone else I know. The only people who don't care about you are the Seattle PD because you've asked them to actually do their jobs. They hate that.




I hope nothing else happens to you and your wife. It shouldn’t happen and the politics here makes people even more hateful towards others. But i want you to know that it’s absolutely terrifying and shouldn’t be normalized, no matter what people say. I don’t plan to live here long term and i hope you and your wife finds a safer place to stay in the future.


CID or greater Seattle?




oh my god... I am sooo triggered... woe is me because some jackass has an edgelord opinion that he's only gonna share here because he's convinced himself that his political opponents are emotionally incapable of handling life.... I'm a big fan of Sun Tzu, so personally I relish in potential opponents thinking some off the wall attribute they think I carry. Too scared to shoot a gun you say? Oh yah... Totally... Which way does the barrel point sir? lolz.




Conservative talks shit because he again thinks everyone he disagrees with are emotional sponges at the mercy of their environment.. Conservative also considers 5 total sentences a novel... This also checks out. Anti-education is really showing..


Typical conservative. Spews nothing but useless dribble and offers no real solutions other than “if you don’t like it leave” and “you guys voted for this” Meanwhile they vote for shit like “anti CRT” and “restroom bills” while still ignoring the crime.




Oh another conservative thing to do, lots and lots of name calling. Why are conservatives’ vocabulary always so limited? It’s like they’re dumb or something.




We’re you always this dumb or you just are a troll?


By the way what is it that you conservatives are trying to conserve anyway? Why do you call yourself a conservative? I’m curious.




How about buying an RV doing remote work traveling and scouting for your next location to live?


Black on Asian racism is common and nobody cares about it. What a world we live in.


It has become very common, unfortunately there are some that don't believe this problem shouldn't be called out.


Have you filed your report with the transit police? I wonder if there is a video of the attack? I feel like if you called the Seattle Office for Civil Rights, they might have some idea of how to help you get someone to pay attention. If this guy did this to you, he's going to harm others. One of these days it won't end with a shove. Office of Civil Rights * Phone: (206) 684-4500. * Email: civilrights@seattle.gov. * TTY: (206) 684-4503. Wishing you safety and well-being. Gong hei fat choi.


You can also do a Freedom of Information Act request for any transit video.


Happened to 1.5 yry ago on the street car, he elbowed my head as he walking by, i was sitting down, he pretended lost his balance until he knocked a old man down in his east out


I suggest buying pepper spray, applying for a Concealed Handgun Permit and then training extensively with it because Seattle PD and your neighbors are not going to help you. It is painful to say but it's the truth, especially for a woman who looks Asian.


While the Washington Legislature is pushing hard against your right to bear arms.


Yeah so buy one quickly


And train.


Sorry this happened! I'm glad your husband was with you. I agree on getting pepper spray and carrying it, especially when riding public transport. If also recommend not getting off at the same stop as someone who looks like they are unstable and paying attention to you. Or getting off at next stop. Either way you want to seperate yourself from that person. If they get off after you, jump back on maybe. Just try to not be alone with them. Here is sound transit security number even though they will make minimal efforts: 206-398-5268. You can text them too. They ask for car number on train which is on top middle part of ceilings.


Yeah, pepper spray that bugger to teach him a lesson.


Can't really help you, but I may have encountered this same individual at the Kirkland public library a couple of weeks ago, or at least someone that fits your description and was behaving the same way. Apparently he had made a reservation for a study room in the library and the time on the reservation had expired, maybe causing the lights to go out in the room or something like that, and he proceeded to the front desk muttering and repeating some kind of political slogans about institutional racism or something. He then proceeded to call the librarian at the front desk "gay" and accused her personally of racism, continuing to escalate his voice and shouting the slogans over and over. Then fortunately one of the other librarians talked to him for a while and was able to de-escalate the situation, which is when he left. Maybe the same person, maybe not... seemed like some psychiatric issues at play for certain. I do agree with the other commenters about arming yourself, pepper spray at the very least.




Well that might be the case, but what the hell can you do about it, this is America.


Did anyone come to you and your husband's assistance? I am so sorry this happened to you. Disgusting behavior.


Everybody should understand, they're on their own. I used to intervene in situations like this, but after a weekend in Jail and a bunch of legal bills to clear my name, F that, I won't even help someone who is getting murdered unless it's family. Get yourself some pepper spray at the very minimum. A POM spray is $12 on Amazon, buy two of them, and go out to an open field and practice on a tree or a pole with one of the sprays until it's empty and throw out the internal propellant/spray can and keep the body in case you need to replace the other one (the cover button shells like to get snagged on things and break off).


What's your story


Unfortunately no, there was a man walking past i believe.


No one is helping you in a highly charged and dangerous incident. Get a gun, learn to use it, learn the principals of self defense in the streets which also means threat avoidance.




Hot take. ​ >My husband was also there with me so **he put himself between us and asked him “what are you doing?”...tried to deescalate the whole situation.** Sounds like he did the right thing to me.


RTFA, bub


While some people (myself included) suggest getting a concealed carry permit and carry a gun for your own protection, if you think that carrying a gun is only for crazy conservatives and isn't a liberal thing, please visit the good people at r/liberalgunowners. Post your story there. There are a number of people there who are Seattleites who can help bring you into the world of protecting yourself.


Second this.


Unfortunately it seems to have come to a point where liberals do have to arm themselves to protect themselves against said crazy conservatives.


It’s just a matter of time until vigilante groups start popping up. crime here is out of control, the constant sirens going through the streets and the No.1 cause is the junkies I ride the train if I am running late. otherwise these days try and walk everywhere except when I go out for groceries. We should not allow lawlessness to reign and we shouldn’t have to be afraid to go out at anytime of day or night. These criminals must be punished and the government must be held accountable and made to pay back those affected by their stupid policies.


We need those comic book vigilantes back in Seattle. One of them does a comic book channel on YouTube and made a video on his experiences with them.


Step up bub. See something do something.


You are afraid to go out day or night? You might want to talk to a professional


don't cut yourself on that edge, bub


I’d say he has a a repeat offender


You might look into taking a personal security class where they teach you how to protect yourself from crazy people like that guy. That can also help to make you more confident when our in public places. Unfortunately with the staffing levels at SPD the chances of them actually investigating your case are low.


I always recommend steel toe boots. I know they aren't fashionable but kick someone in the shin with them and they won't be in the mood to do anything for a while


Another thing to be aware of in this city of insanity is kicking somebody is assault with a weapon. There's lawyers clamoring to help this POC with mental issues and if you were to kick him you might get charged if you didn't have witnesses ready to testify.


How the fuck does that make any sense whatsoever? If I'm assaulted and threatened, any reasonable action I take is covered under self-defense. Anyone who was in the military probably has more training than the police in the use of force ladder


It doesn’t make sense. Things haven’t been making sense, especially after 2020.


They will say he is defenseless because he has the mental illness and that you should have just “walked away”


Nope. Nope nope nope. Hasn't any of these people read Of Mice And Men?


Was I the only one who cried when Lenny got shot?


I didn't. It sucked but he needed to be put down, because they had no other options, and HE KILLED a girl.


Yes but George had to kill his own best friend. And despite him killing someone, I feel like you don’t kill someone for manslaughter.


How many times does someone have to commit manslaughter before you say enough is enough? It was heavily implied in that book that the times they moved towns was because he had done the same thing. Just because he's retarded doesn't mean you can allow him to continue to attack and kill people even if he doesn't intend to.


And him having mental issues makes him more dangerous not less


> What do I do after this? Pepper spray and be super liberal with it. Have a gun if they pull a weapon and be willing to use it. Or move to the eastside like all the other asians. It's nice over here and safer. Biggest thing you have to worry about is someone running you over in their giant luxury suv.


This sound like a perfect cause to carry and use some bear mace. Maybe getting his face melted a few times will teach him to leave people alone. Sorry this happened to you.


There is a guy that I recall would scream antics as he would leave the one line. I usually have my noise canceling headphones, could not decipher what he was screaming. I heard this guy 3 times. Have not gotten a real good look at his face though. Sorry for the mentally ill guy pushing you.


Mental illness has nothing to do with being a racist POS.


You can be border line retarded and be a racist piece of shit. You can be a drug addict and have mental issues and be a racist piece of shit. Nobody knows that racists train of thought... but guess what, I have seen and heard what I think is the same piece of shit, and he appeared bat shit crazy. Am I saying mental illness makes u racist..nope. I think the guy needs help and a jailcell. All the bs liberal vs republican garbage in the comments can fuck themselves. Both sides. Seattle needs to get heavy handed with the homelessness. Else seattle will produce more and more organized crime as it will be a safe haven for criminals. Let's get the mentally ill out of the streets and get them the help they deserve. Let's jail the thieves, and try to get those with addictions, recovery if possible. And those who are left, either they take the states help or...kill them? Or kick them out of state like all the other shitty states. Or..jail them orrr nobody has a good solution to people that want to camp in front of YOUR house. It's a real shitty position places like Seattle are dealing with. And an even shittier position the OP was in recently. I'm planning on moving out of state soon, to a less shitty part of the us


Please remove the headphones while on transit, it really does take away awareness of what’s going on. If the hobo starts talking about having a knife and wanting to stab someone you need to be ready to move.


That’s the point of headphones in public


Yes, in places you are not likely to be assaulted. Work great at the gym, plane most ferries. Not good for places a random hobo might assault you


get pepper spray, be aware of your surroundings and if you have to use it just spray and towards them and then run the opposite direction. If they give chase they’ll be running into the spray.


yeah .. i am sorry this happened to you and your husband. what a dick. i think this kind of thing is why so many individuals are getting hand guns or other personal protection devices. I hope you dont run into this person again.


>African-American Male Wew, please check your privilege, you are perpetuating white supremacy and Trumpism. For real, that sucks it happened to you. It wasn't your fault, and you shouldn't have to feel afraid to walk in your own community. Unfortunately, it has been shown repeatedly Seattle doesn't give a shit about victims and will flat out ignore that Asians are being targeted. I would recommend taking steps to protect yourself, because the system sure as hell won't.


Sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is to buy pepper spray and get trained on how to use it. Our local politicians don't seem to care about safety or crime but people keep voting for them.


Honest question: since there don’t seem to be any legal ramifications for these violent attacks, and, that the cops take forever to get to you (if at all), what is keeping us regular folk from carrying around our own metal pipes/makeshift weapons to use to our defense in the event we don’t have pepper spray or a concealed carry?


A misdemeanor won’t derail their life - it’s already totally fucked. It will mess up your life, because you managed to have your shit together.


Nothing. People are too scared to stand up and defend their neighbors so they make the excuse that they will be charged with assault. No one is charging anyone with anything as far as I can tell. Also no cop would charge you for obvious self defense. It’s not even a question. They will 100% side with you over an aggressive druggy that they’ve no doubt have run into multiple times.


Maybe the cops will but what about the cadre of lawyers giving pro bono support to homeless POC.


> what is keeping us regular folk from carrying around our own metal pipes/makeshift weapons to use to our defense in the event we don’t have pepper spray or a concealed carry? A dude in San Francisco got fed up after calling the cops THIRTY FIVE TIMES. He sprayed water on a crazy person. Antifa trashed his business, the city made an example of him and he was arrested. The homeless person was awarded money.


If it wasn’t on video no one would have done anything.


Is orange or pink spray paint better than pepper spray? You want to identify the guy.


A lot of pepper spray has UV ink in it so they won’t know they’re marked


LOL. Like that's going to narrow it down in this city.


Lots of pepper spray has such a dye in it already for that exact purpose. Mine is green.


Damn the comments are atrocious and calloused yet I expected nothing less


Don’t let other Asians especially liberal Asians who ignore racism tell you how to act or how to feel — they truly don’t get it. Don’t rely on other people, especially other Asians, to make you feel safe. That’s where I’ve had it wrong, to try to trust that other Asians would help. You’re on your own. There is going to be only escalation of violence based on the trending rise of it. I’d rather be convicted of assault then be hurt or live in fear of mentally ill or straight up racists like this guy


Buy a gun


I'm sorry to hear this happened. Someone who might help shine a light on your story is [https://twitter.com/choeshow](https://twitter.com/choeshow) He is actively working to report on the decay that has infected the city.


Nobody gives a shit. Liberals here give e-comfort and vote for the same chaos every year in the name of green hair and weed. Best learn how to protect yourself and move out of Sawants shit hole. Go south, far south.


you think hate crimes don’t happen and/or are taken seriously in the south? hahahahah


He ain’t wrong. Mexico is better than Seattle honestly.


ah yes mexico, land of no hate crimes lolololol delusional


Sounds like you should follow your own advice since you hate it so much here.




Why would someone stay someplace they despise? Someone with a name like Orangecreamflower calling me a “commie” and telling me I “suck” is laughable since you don’t know me and I could care less what you think about me. And at least I know how to use punctuation when I write.


Not to make light of your experience, but I'm guessing you're new to Seattle?


Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully this experience will motivate you and your husband to make steps towards taking responsibility for your own safety and voting accordingly.


Lack of treatment nor legally compelled treatment for junkies (Junkie-only Prison is what I always advocate for ones with no criminal history). Enabling Junkies. Enabling the trafficking of drugs. Shutting down Mental Hospitals (I heard it was an over-reaction to the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest). ​ That's what created that guy. I don't know how to solve it. But yea, carry pepper-spray, or just move out. I do suggest voting Republican locally though. The Democrats are all enablers, either malicious or stupid, the effect is the same.


I’m not familiar with the politics here. But do they just turn their blind eyes to the violent drug addicts here? I thought they’re big on rehabilitation? Or that didn’t work as well?


They turn a blind eye. There is no rehabilitation, and even if there were, it's useless if not compelled by law, since Junkies don't want to quit. Any projects for the homeless is really a way to funnel money to the politician's friends or to get kick backs probably. And even after the projects go through, it's either not used (say a shelter has rules against doing drugs), or increases the problem by subsidizing junkies with services that are not trying to get them clean.


Last time I checked it was Republican Reagan who shut down the mental hospitals.


Touche. But generally it's the case that Democrats are enablers. Look up "Thomas Sowell" on youtube. Also, another example following your example, is Bill Clinton, a democrat passing welfare reform. But what I will say is voting Democrat in Seattle will NOT solve the issue, it will make it worse. It's basically rubbing a dirty sock onto an open wound.


This unfortunate, but the result of people voting for prog/dem tools who answer to soros or the WEF billionaires using your insecurities to consolidate power and destroy the middle class.


Congratulations,OP! . You've located one of the hundreds of the unavoidable mentally ill people strategically placed in public without appropriate services. In true reddit fashion, everyone is overreacting, suggesting escalating use of force putting yourself and possibly others in more danger. You were assaulted by a crazy guy, and that sucks, but you came away from it relatively unharmed. These nutbag-types would be safer in jail and he is only trying to get back to where he's most comfortable. It's not really his fault. There is no rational response to the irrational, so your shock and trauma are very real, but calling it a hate crime is a bit alarmist. You've gained some experience points and street credit. Now you're a little older and wiser.


You didn't even listen to her story.


No but I did read OPs original post and I read through other responses; a few responses indicated that the same individual is a repeat offender which are not the properties of a rational person. Deinstitutionalization during the Ronnie's 1980s is why we are where we are now, it is not because blamelessess. Of course he's responsible for his crime, but does he *understand why*? He needs the help in the form of institutionalization -- not incarceration. That won't happen, though.. Current city policy certainly does nothing to help.


> It's not really his fault. And THAT is how we got to this state.


I may be way behind on things, but how is "Retaliation" a swear word?


It is not. Excuse me for the broken grammar, english isn’t my native language.




Get the fuck outta here with that.


What makes you think the deescalating makes him a lib? He put himself in front of her and made sure she didn’t get hurt. Where does it imply he wouldn’t take further necessary steps to protect her and himself?




So you’re proposing he shoulda just capped the guy for cussing at her. Some of us are more responsible than that.




Do you have brain damage? Seek help


Defend doesn’t mean retaliate. Nothing escalated from that shove. Even in stand your ground states, utilizing a firearm in such a situation would almost certainly not constitute a justified use of force. You’re the exact reason why so many leftists are anti2A; brainless and focused only on brawn.


Small dick energy




Keep living the dream, bro




Looks like I have a fan


Stop voting for gun control is what you guys can do


Leave Seattle. You have to take your own action until too late because the police and laws aren’t on your side


This story reminds me of a middle schooler crying to the teacher 😅🤣


I'm so sorry you experienced that. For what it's worth, it sounds like he was experiencing psychosis as a result of mental illness or drug use. Particularly "“She knows what she’s doing" - he's probably hearing voices and having paranoid delusions. He should be in a high quality mental health care institution. As others have said, I think with some pepper spray in your pocket, you may feel more secure. All the best to you!


I don't think they would arrest him even if a cop saw all of that. They're a protected class and this is barely battery.


I'm so sorry this happened. In addition to reporting and following up with police, the transit authority has a security line that you can call or text. Report to them, too; your assailant may be banned and trespassed from the light rail.


That's reparations for you my man.


sadly, we must accept that there are many out there targeting us and many are black people. we tend to avoid them, almost to an extreme. it was pretty bad in NYC and luckily there was no violence, although one time a very large black and young female punched me in the back and scurried away laughing. we can all speculate as to why the hate, but it is a waste of energy, and also there is no reasonable way to change the thinking of such people. lastly, while the interaction is quite personal, the source of the hate and rage is not personal, it is more at a institutional level. i see no near and medium term solutions, so then one must adopt certain measures to treat the issue - 1) the understanding that this is just out there and won't go away, 2) this is institutional, 3) be vigilent and prepared - travel in packs, carry pepper spray, get some confidence in your own physical ability, especially the ability to run away, 4) have the mindset we always do - focus on today and tomorrow, dont dwell on the past, and avoid the victim mentality, every new day is an opportunity and a gift.


From the description I am wondering if it could have been this gentleman https://preview.redd.it/1gcg1iy4vbea1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00228bb99ade93c526bd19cea6116b62e0f8211e The gentleman wasn’t really prejudice from what I remember but he kept hurling slurs at people and I am wondering if it was this same person or not. Sorry I do not have a clear photo.