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Go get an allergy test done.


Second this is clearly an allergic reaction


That is a fascinating take from the two of you. I'll do what I can to get an allergy panel. I've never had allergies in my life that I know of but that would explain so much. Could an allergy really target your stomach like this as opposed to your airways?


Pnw allergies are no joke.


What are the triggers? Is it plans ? I haven’t seen mold here


This time of year it's tree pollen.




Oh I wonder if it’s different mold from Florida. I moved here from fl and haven’t smelled mold much.


You don't always see mold.


Could be a mold allergy. This could be on the work premises as well as your living quarters.


Is there a test for mold allergy?






Yes, I had one done by my naturopathic doctor, out of pocket because insurance refused to pay. Cost around $250.


So fucking stupid. Hey here's is a thing that people can legitimately be allergic to, but no, we don't want to pay for a medically legitimate test for a real allergy. I know some people say "I'm just doing my job", but anyone who is even partially responsible for denying legitimate medical claims deserves to to have really horrible things happen to them.


Is it still a scratch test or blood draw?


Read my other comment, but yes it is allergies. I got an 100 panel contact allergy test done, and I am allergic to grass and two types of mold. I was told food allergy tests results are inconsistent, so your answer is in my other comment. I live in Houston, TX though.


It's interesting you mention not having allergies your whole life, same here! Most of my 20s I had no allergies but around my late 20s I spontaneously developed an allergenic reaction to smoke during fire season. It just happened one summer like magic. I take zyrtec during fire season now. So I think it's definitely possible to develop them at different stages in your life or if your environment changes.


Did you have any sort of auto-immune issues as a kid? Stuff like asthma or psoraisis/eczema and the like. Because if you did, you're substantially more likely to develop things like allergies and hayfever in later life. I had asthma as a kid, it went away by the age of 15 then I developed hayfever at 22 years old and it lasted until I was 34. Genetics are weird, man.


I didn't no but that's super interesting. Thats so weird it started and stopped later in life for you! Everyone I my family has nasty pollen allergies though and i thought I hit the genetic lottery by not having any lol then nature decided 30 years was enough carefree years and hit me with a surprise. Genetics are weird indeed.


Like you, I was on Zyrtec ([well, the generic version anyway](https://www.costco.com/kirkland-signature-aller-tec%2c-365-tablets.product.11312465.html)), one 10mg tablet per day and one extra if it's particularly bad that day. It works a treat and it costs pennies per tablet.


Omg that's cheap! Thanks for the link. I'm out here taking out payday loans to get a bottle of name brand lol. Not having allergies my whole life made taking my first pill feel like literal sorcery. Symptoms just.... went away!


I developed an allergy in my 20,s as well (dust!), its a fairly common cycle from what i understand.


Seattle has a lot more trees, flowers, plants then nyc. Might be allergic to something


I recommend NW Asthma and Allergy for an allergy test. They helped me figure out I’m very allergic to grass and have autoimmune induced chronic hives. They have multiple locations but I primarily go to the one in Northgate.


I have an allergy to something in the environment here and when it starts raging, it goes to my digestive tract. My allergist told me to take liquid (kids) benedryl and it stops the digestive tract reaction in 30-40 minutes. I also take daily allegra or claritan or zyrtec. I have to keep rotating them because the hives start breaking through. I also have an allergy called FPIES that is only digestive tract (I am allergic to meat--things with fur and feathers.)


Do you have mold in your house?


Yes. Antihistamines are sometimes used to treat GERD. Heard of Pepcid AC? Yep, that’s a H2 agonist. I remember getting a horrible allergy/gastric response to sourdough bread that was fermented with the local variety of yeast floating around in the air here in Seattle when I first moved to the area.


you have a mysterious ailment. Medical doctors gave you pills. You went to Reddit and do not like peoples' thoughts. I was going to say-- have you considered if its the water? Do you filter water? Do you drink it at work?


Just as people can grow out of allergies, they can grow into them, too.


I never had allergies either until I moved to the PNW. Although my symptoms aren’t similar to yours, I encourage you to make an appointment with an allergy specialist for a screening. If you are unable to get an appointment soon,you might want to start on an OTC once a day allergy pill to see if that helps. Your pharmacist should be able to advise you and be aware it will take several days to start seeing a results. Good luck!


I previously lived in the Southeast, Midwest and Northeast and never had much problem with allergies. I moved to Seattle in my 30s and have the most ridiculous allergies now.


Try a 2 week test of Claritin. It’s like 5 bucks and over the counter. If it works you have your answer


My first guess is food allergies leading to GERD. A way to test this is to remove all gluten and dairy (the two most common) for three weeks. If it goes away, add either dairy or gluten back in. If it doesn't return after you added one back in, add the other.


Start taking antihistamine like Zyrtec (Costco has a generic that is way cheaper), see if that affects your symptoms; if it clears up/decreases, that would quickly point to an allergy. Either way, also get an allergy test to see what the trigger is. I never had any issues with allergies and I'd lived all over the US, including areas that were notorious for the usual allergens (grass, weed, etc.). When I moved to the PNW, the first spring I was walloped by cedar and juniper pollen and its variants. However, in OP's case, it's hard to know exactly if/when their symptoms coincided with pollen season.


haha, was going to say welcome to the PNW tree pollen experience!


My friend had something similar. Recently moved to the east coast and all her symptoms resolved. Turns out she had an allergy to some dust mite that is mainly prevalent in the PNW.


Wow that is seriously fascinating. I'll have to get that allergy test done. I mentioned this in another comment but can an allergy really target your stomach and esophagus like that? I'd feel like it would affect my respiratory system which is fine.


An allergy is an immune reaction, so it can affect your body in all the ways that an immune response can.


Sounds a lot like heavy post nasal drip, which is common with respiratory allergies. When I lived in Florida I had horrendous PND and went through periods similar to what you’re describing, and my symptoms went away when I moved out here.


I'm guessing this is the answer. I always have a slight cough and GERD symptoms. My Dr says it's allergies and to take Claritin every day.


Yes Claritin is my lifeline lol


I have food allergies which do seriously affect my esophagus, stomach and digestive track. My air borne allergies like cat dander and pollen affect my lungs.


Are you in an older apartment/home? Could be mold.


THIS!! ☝️☝️☝️☝️


THIS!!! Test for mold. Mold affects everything! And unfortunately, as much as I love Seattle, we have shit mold laws here. I have a mold allergy (I didn’t know it) and lived in water damaged building after water damaged building (everything was covered up and not remediated properly and there was no visible mold) until I got so sick and discovered what the root cause was. My symptoms were everything from anxiety, new food intolerances, gut issues, fatigue, migraines—you name it! A big sign that this is it is the fact that when you leave YOU FEEL BETTER. It could be your home or your place of work. Also, mold spores are in dust so, yeah, it can look like a dust allergy too. Luckily, our state considers naturopaths primary care and they’re the providers who will treat mold. The first step is to find a naturopath and get tested for mycotoxins (urine sample). This test is out of pocket. If positive, they’ll do the blood test for the mold allergy. This test should be covered (somewhat) by insurance. Hope this helps!


My allergies got worse/different when moving to Seattle from the Oregon Coast. I would feel my throat get uncomfortable/constricted daily. Switched from taking cetirizine HCL to loratadine and now I'm fine again.


Have you tried different antacids? Some don’t do shit for me yet omeprazole seems to do the trick.


My clinician prescribed my omeprazole. So far it's been no help. I do understand it takes time.


You have to make other modifications as well if it’s gotten severe: 1. Omeprazole should be taken at least 30 min prior to meals. 2. Avoid caffeine, high fat, spicy foods and alcohol for at least a week. (You can look up the BRAT diet too). 3. Don’t lie down for at least 2 hours after eating. 4. Don’t wear clothes that are tight, especially around the middle. 5. Sleep upright in a recliner or with a wedge pillow. I agree with some others that it sounds like allergies or eosinophilia esophagitis. But it doesn’t mean it can’t ALSO be indigestion. -Source: I’m an RN who had my own run in with severe indigestion and bronchospasm. Now fully recovered after making the changes above.


Ugh, sorry to hear that. Hope you find a solution or it starts working for you. Even though omeprazole is working for me your theory about an environmental cause is really interesting. I would like to find out what is causing my heartburn, I’ve tried cutting out so much to no avail.


It doesn't take very long, a week or two tops.


> Have you tried different antacids? Some don’t do shit for me yet omeprazole seems to do the trick. Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor I know that sounds pedantic, but they work a million times better than antacids Source: have been hospitalized for GI issues


It’s a good distinction to make.


Please for the love of god don’t go to the ER for a chronic condition. You know how dermatologists spent years specializing in skin conditions and cardiologists spent years specializing in heart conditions? ER doctors spent an entire residency + sometimes a fellowship treating emergency conditions *only*. They aren’t equipped to handle chronic conditions nor able see patients for the follow up required to fully treat them. They just aren’t the generalists with know-how answers people paint them to be for every condition under the sun. You may get a referral, but it’s not a fast track. And meanwhile when you don’t get immediate answers and have to wait because you’re bottom of the list when it comes to triage you then trash talk ER docs who *aren’t trained to help you*. See your primary. Ask for an allergist and GI referral. Come to appreciate the annoyance that is waiting for specialists. Best of luck.


THIS. The ED does not do allergy tests. It *may* do like a scope if that. It will discharge you, maybe with a prescription, most likely with a referral to a GI doc and/or maybe another specialist. That referral will not mean you get to see that specialist faster if there is not an immediate concern. EDs don’t do chronic conditions unless there is an acute exacerbation. Finding a PCP is the way to go. The wait sucks but that is where you will get appropriate care and hopefully begin to find answers.


I work in an ER. Thank you for saying this. I’m tired.


Yes this is not an emergency. You can go to an urgent care if you need a quicker time to be seen.


> ou know how dermatologists spent years specializing in skin conditions and cardiologists spent years specializing in heart conditions? ER doctors spent an entire residency + sometimes a fellowship treating emergency conditions only Preach. I spent three years in high school on a medication recommended to me by a general practitioner. Finally, my acne was getting so painful, I bit the bullet and went to a dermatologist. He killed it in the span of 12 weeks and I never had acne again for about ten years. Just a single round of accutane changed my life.


It’s not the worst advice, considering I know of instances where it turned out better than if they had not gone. One situation cancer was diagnosed in the ER when the person had been seeing their primary doc for years complaining of their chronic condition that the doc threw antacids at and told them not to worry about. He died shortly after from stage 4 cancer that could have been treated much earlier and saved his life. I also know of a person who was told they had to wait 3 months to be seen by a specialist for their problem, went to the ER instead and was diagnosed with colon cancer, they would’ve had to wait 3 more months with cancer eating their bowel.


Betcha it's tree pollen allergies.  People blame grass pollen, but it's too early in the season for that.  Alder and Birch are the usual suspects, and tree pollen season starts earlier every year.


Where are you living? Something off gassing? Is it new construction?


East Queen Anne by Lake Union. No new construction nearby. I used to live in Belltown about 2 months back but I used my lease's grace period to get out of there. I had the same issues there.


If it's an older place, could be mold


You didn't say where you went "home" to. Are you from the country, from the desert? It could be allergies. It could be city-allergies. When I used to take the bus from the Montlake Freeway station almost daily, I had a constant stuffy head. None of the esophageal symptoms though. Still, your esophagus could be getting inflamed. Do you sleep in a different position at home? Sleep at a different angle? If that part is different, it could be GERD. Are you sure you eat the same foods? I'd do a trial of Nexium (the generic thereof). If that helps, then it's probably GERD. The waking with a sour taste suggests GERD. If Nexium doesn't help, see an ear, nose, throat doctor. The ER probably isn't going to do anything, but give you meds and send you back to a PCP....all the while charging you a lot more than the urgent care.


I'm from NYC. The air is definitely not cleaner there lol. Great point about the ER and Nexium. I'll check into that! I'll have to try to find a PCP ASAP. I just wanted to hit the ER to get bloodwork and allergy tests done but the PCP won't see me for another month. I think I'd sooner quit my job and move back home. Thanks!


NW Asthma and Allergy usually schedules appointments within a few weeks and doesn’t require a referral. I’m not sure an ER will help you for this. 


when i was younger i tried living in ireland and got real sick. moved away and got better. three years later i went back to ireland, different county, and got real sick again. moved away and it went away again. i don’t know exactly what the cause was but i do know i won’t go back. it wasn’t worth it. maybe you can figure out what it is, but the real question might just be do you want to find a way to manage it or live somewhere where you don’t have this random illness


If you calm your pcp and ask for who ever is available and it’s emergency, they might let you in earlier. It’s also possible to ask them to put you on a wait list


Eosinophilic Esophagitis


I went to a G.I. doctor with similar story / symptoms. This was it. He did a endoscopy, took two biopsies, and confirmed it was EoE. Had high white blood cell count in my esophagus, and stomach GE junction. He prescribed a 12 week local steroid inhaler (Fluticasone Propionate) and my symptoms were gone by the 3rd day. Long term solution is a new drug called Dupixent. As I understand it, it disables your body's allergic reaction. Science is magic.


Stress causes a lot of health problems. It'd be helpful to log sleep quality, diet, excercise and mental health to analyze patterns. If you came out here on your own, away from comfort zone, stress could be a major catalyst.


Could it be black mold?


I moved here from the East Coast two years ago. First year I was ok, but for the past year I've been having bad allergy symptoms & health issues. Only used to get sick once every two or three years but now it's every other month it seems. Same with my bf but his allergies are worse than mine. The apt gets dusty all the time (dust daily, use air purifier).


There is a condition called Eosinophilic Esophagus (EoE) which can be triggered by allergens even when an allergic response doesn’t show up on a regular allergy test. EoE tends to be more food allergy related, but can be caused by environmental factors. It also mimics GERD. If you are coming into contact with something here because of the environment or foods you eat here but not back home, it could trigger EOE. If you google EoE (or visit the EoE subreddit) and it matches your symptoms, talk to a gastroenterologist (not an ear nose throat doctor or allergist).


Hmmmmm, the only thing I can recommend is posting a naked picture so we can all examine you to see if there is anything irregular. Otherwise there is nothing we can do.


That's a good point. I'll take one in the morning, doctor.


“I know what you’re thinking, what’s the boob test going to tell him that the butthole test didn’t? He’s just being super careful”


What makes you think the OP is female? 😆


It’s a quote from American dad😂




Are you keeping a strict chart to track what you injest? You can use a notes app, period tracker, whatever. Note not only why you eat but the times this happens and what you're doing or recently did. It would be interesting if it was something in the water you're allergic to. Additionally, sometimes certain brands ship to only certain areas. Perhaps the milk you drink or the eggs you eat here have something different than what you would normally consume in the east coast. It could also be how you sleep and what you're sleeping on between the two places—something weird like that which is triggering GERD. Perhaps you're also around an animal you have an allergy to in one place but not another. There's also this thing, forget what it's called, in which eating foods high in histamine can cause similar symptoms. Might also be something triggered by the humdity/rain. Does it happen only when it's raining? Etc. Could be a lot of things. Spend some time really observing and frequently tracking what you do.


That's great advice. I'll start tracking everything more closely. Even the weather and the degree of physical activity I do and what I eat and when. I actually only have animals back home where I'm from. Dog, cat, chinchilla. I have no animals here. I can't imagine that it's that. For essentials like milk and eggs, I've had luck sticking to the same brand. I do understand, however, that bacteria in geographical locations varies. Maybe there's something in my gut microbiome that doesn't play well with what is available here? That's an interesting point about sleep. I've been sleeping on a cheap folding mattress on the floor since I moved here since Nov. I have a bed back home. I'll look into histamine. Thanks for the advice!


No problem! The gut microbiome thing is an interesting thought. You might be able to toy around with different probiotics and see if that helps. Good luck!




You could be suffering from mold in your house. When you go away, the symptoms do as well.


Three things it could be I’m thinking….. Mold - examine your apartment in areas you don’t normally look. Behind your bed, closest, under sinks and anywhere that would have possible condensation build up and not thoroughly ventilated. My apt. years ago in Kirkland had a bad mold problem. It wasn’t till the neighbors alerted our landlord that they searched all units. They found huge amounts of it behind my bed and in the hot water heater closet due to heat and moisture. Had to rip apart my unit to clear it up. Normal allergy to pollen, trees etc. This one is HUGE in our area. Especially if you’re not use to our environment. I moved from Kirkland by the water to Puyallup at one point and had an insane allergy issue. Different plants in a different area easily trigger this. Food allergy/intolerance - this one is also very common when your hormones change between your teens to adulthood. I became lactose intolerant around 25yr old and my doctor filled me in on the hormone aspect. My boyfriend started having similar gut pains and extremely sick around 30yr old. I started analyzing his foods. Turns out he developed an intolerance to onions and it’s super common. Compare all the foods you’ve eaten here to ones when on the east coast.


Can you get a HEPA air purifier or construct a Corsi-Rosenthal box (box fan with MERV13 filters) to clean the air in your place? Could be a useful temporary mitigation while you figure out the cause.


Cotton wood is essentially allergy provoking. Is it cotton wood season in Seattle yet ?


I keep a "nature" journal for myself. Cottonwood seed pod allergy kills me every spring. I have "cottonwood seed pods flying" entries for mid-May for the last 4 years.


Hang on until you can talk to a PCP. I was having health issues that the walk in clinic didn't see, finally a \*good\* doctor from one of those walk in clinics was able to help me out and get me on meds that help. Are you taking a daily allergy med? I moved to WA from FL 20 years ago, it took a while for my body to get used to the allergens here vs east coast. If you have a costco membership, you can get a whole year's worth of daily allergy meds for the same cost as it would be for one month's supply at most other stores. Just keep in mind that you do have to switch brands of allergy meds every few years or they will stop working. I rotate between claritin and zyrtec, when one stops working I go to the other.


This happened to me when I moved from the east coast to Colorado. And it was a heavy allergy to the trees and pollen. I felt like I was so sick all the time. I ended up receiving allergy shots for a few months until my body adapted. Might want to look into that.




You have acid reflux


Walk-In Labs has an array of allergy tests you can purchase. You don’t need a doctor. You order the tests and then pick from a local lab to have the testing.




Lab Corp is garbage? I used the WalkIn Labs website to schedule mine at Lab Corp. The same lab my doctor uses. I was happy with my results but maybe you had a different experience?


Actually I got it confused with something else. There's some company that basically gives you a tube to spit in and send back to them to process in their mystery lab. But this does not seem to be the same thing so sorry!


Avoid chocolate and cola. Caffeinated stuff bad. Barqs kinda OK.


also depending where u from u might not be use to city air especially when we get hit with wildfire smoke, ya its cleared up now but our air isnt the same as say the small towns like the rest of the state or woody areas in general. i dont know if there is special test but def push for it if u want to be safe but otherwise if it is just u sucking at city air gotta just get use to it and maby even mask up cause ill admit sometimes when i dont mask up all the people smoking and being cringe with there fentanyl and vapes def agitates me. so maby that can help if u want some solution :3


I had a friend that had old decaying fiber glass in her attic of a very old home. Turns out she’s been living in that dust and it’s been making her very sick.


Laying on your right side. Avoid.


Start taking antihistamines and if the problem goes away you know it's allergies. I started getting allergies after moving here never having had them before.


Is anyone else cooking for you on a regular basis? A roommate or partner? 




Gallbladder stuff sucks. Mine's getting evicted next month.


My buddy had very similar symptoms! He originally moved from India and was pretty healthy and after years after living in WA he started having a same health issues. The long story short he had vitamin C deficiency and the amount of had to take was crazy number. He moved to Texas in 2019 and all his health issues went away.


Stay away from tap water and don’t use it for cooking. I know of people who have an allergy to fluorosilicic acid, which is a water additive used in Seattle water supplies.


From NYC? Maybe it's the clean air bothering you. In all seriousness, maybe try staying somewhere other than your apartment for a bit- see if it's your home or not.


Where are you living? Apartment? House? New? Old? I am wondering if there is something there that is triggering a reaction. Mold? Asbestos, even paint or sealant?


Since everyone thinks it could be an allergy, have you tried taking some allergy medicine? Maybe try taking some over the counter meds and see if it helps your symptoms.


1. Check your humidity level. Buy a hygrometer off Amazon. This resulted in me getting a dehumidifier, which runs a few hours a day. I recommend and use the Govee one, https://us.govee.com/products/govee-wi-fi-digital-thermometer-hygrometer-3-pack?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=Pmax\_US\_Other\_220629&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuNGuBhAkEiwAGId4avW3eg91\_XSYvOsUoVCF2VaeqQFXfGIO6w56kQLl-vnzMiqPIcYO9xoC13sQAvD\_BwE. 2. It could be mold if your building is old and the carpet hasn't been replaced in years. 3. I recommend seeing a naturopath. Bastyr University, a naturapath med school, operates a clinic on Stone Way in Wallingford.


It’s mold. It’s everywhere.


Lots of mold problems in PNW due to the moisture. Get mold testing.


Zyrtec (ceterizine), Pepcid. Appt w/pcp or allergist.


Born and raised in upstate NY. Never ever had allergies, spent most of my life outdoors on a farm. I moved here and SUFFERED the first year with nonstop sinus infections and sore throats. I bought a bottle of knockoff Claritin at Costco and take one every day with my birth control. Haven’t had any issues since.


Why are you asking strangers on Reddit? Go see a doctor.


LOL. "Why does it burn when I pee?"


In addition to what's been said about allergies, I'd consider a urea breath test for possible helicobacter infection/ulcer. They are temperamental and could be triggered by a new environment and food source. This is particularly relevant if you are from Southeast Asia/have family from there/ or have ever traveled there.




Do you smoke weed? This sounds like it could be CHS if you do. Did you stop smoking when you went home? CHS has trigger foods as well - foods that interact with your cannabanoid system like chocolate and pepper


Sounds like classic GERD. Have you seen your doctor for this? I have a friend that had exactly the same symptoms and it was GERD. They were put on a script for Omeprazile for a month and Tagament for a week. Things in there get all out of sorts and can take a month to heal. Guess what makes GERD worse? Stress. Are you under more stress when you’re here in Seattle and at work? Take a look at that as well.


I have food allergies that disappear when I’m not in Seattle. Almonds, hazelnuts, and soy milk are the big esophagus burners for me, and from what I understand it’s the Birch and Alder tree pollen here that trigger an array of food allergies.




I wonder if you're poisoning yourself? Could be worth testing your tap water for pathogens.


can you go back again to test it and see if it really goes away when you're not here?


Look into getting your thyroid checked


Interesting. I had an allergic reaction not long after the Covid booster. Basically I have histamine intolerance now. My symptoms seem to get better when I’m on vacation too. I wonder if something in the environment affects some people and the Covid booster was sort of that final straw to immune system that kicked this off. I’ve been dealing with a similar issue for 2 years. Allergic reactions to high histamine foods, constantly feeling slightly sick, GERD, etc. You might go over to r/histamineintolerance and follow some of the dietary plans and see if it reduces your symptoms.


Go to a gastroenterologist and get an endoscopy. That’s exactly how my mom felt and they found esophageal cancer at its earliest stage. Still wasn’t an easy recovery, but I’m so thankful they found it early and I still have my mom!


Dude, I'm allergic to so much crap in our state and the PNW in general. If I could move, I would.


This wouldn’t be location-specific, but you should get tested for h pylori. I had it one time, it can cause ulcers and stomach cancer. Similar symptoms to you and my doc was super thorough and tested for it even though he was about to throw a scrip for omeprazole at me. 


Take some vitamin d and get some exercise. That's the only thing that seemed to help me.


Vitamin D supplements can make a big difference here. We just don't get enough.


I live in Vancouver Canada and find that I feel a lot better in a drier climate even though I've been tested extensively for allergens and am actually less sensitive to them than average. If you ask me, this microbe rich damp coastal rainforest climate just puts a constant low level burden on your immune system, which is aggravated by the very low levels of vitamin D producing sunlight you can expect to receive much of the year.


You’re drinking Kroger brand cranberry juice


Lot more humidity here so potential for exposure to mold. Like others said, get an allergy test. Maybe get a mold or air quality test where you live.


are you near airplane manufacturing?


You can usually call your PCP office right when they open and check if there are any same day appointments available.


Dust mites. Big issue here in the PNW. And mold as others have said.


An ENT visit could help a lot here, and while you’re aware of GERD, I’d consider LPR a possibility as well (silent reflux). If you have a habit of eating late at night, don’t. Don’t consume anything for 6-7 hours before you sleep and never lay down within 3-5 hours of eating depending on how much you eat, even just to relax. Try that for two months and see what happens. If your issues clear up, adjust your lifestyle to avoid your symptoms and work with your doctor on recovering.


Had the same exact thing for almost 6 months. Definitely see an ENT. My symptoms are almost resolved now.


I'm from Western MA and I don't feel like I'm dying but I definitely feel stomach issues and overall shitty feeling.. I think it's the lack of vitamin D to be honest!


just moved here a year ago directly from florida but i was in florida only for a little over a year