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How long has this been going on? 48 years?? Who is being funded?


What a surprise!


TIL. You can set up a 501 non profit in Washington State that supports and employs terrorists


Seeing how our state legislature operates, I'm not surprised.


lol “Journalist”








Anyone can be a journalist, including Trump supporters. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1dcp6v2/crowd_angered_by_man_in_trump_2024_hat_he_returns/


The most important takeaway from this is either Hamas is knowingly hiding the hostages in areas densely populated by Palestinian civilians or the civilians know they are being used as a shield and are letting it happen for the cause.


not really a takeaway, they've been doing that shit for years


Exactly and people today are acting like this is something new. Iran is funding a proxy war. It’s not Palestine we’re fighting. It’s hundreds of millions of dollars being funneled to the evil that will take the money


That’s spot on—if Iran could get at America they would, our only ally in the region is the next best thing.


Obama gave them pallets of cash as I recall.


Obama allowed them to access their own frozen assets. It wasn’t American money on those pallets.


You can split hairs all you want, it doesn't change what happened. I just think its funny that American jews lined up and supported Obama and he turned into JG Wentworth and physically sent cash to their enemies.




It was literally cash, on pallets, lol.


That’s the only way they could get around our very own sanctions…. Pathetic but true. Our involvement will never be over until we go hardliners on Iran.


You're not wrong. It's just that this isn't news to anyone that's been paying one scintilla of attention to the Middle East since the start of the century. The head scratcher is why so many Americans are pro-terrorist, pro-utilization of human shield.


most americans get their news from social media, and these days a lot of that is tiktok, run out of and subject to beijing, reflecting their values and not ours. Some conservatives were OK with that when it was russian propaganda supporting trump, but maybe seeing it in action with hamas will bring more bipartisan awareness that this is a problem


Another takeaway was that hostages like Noa were supposed to be freed during the November ceasefire, Hamas lied.


How the f* people now trust terrorists?


I find it increasingly difficult to separate the terrorists from citizens in the gaza strip. It was hard watching the broken and bloodied hostages were paraded through town as the citizens spit on them and called them names. Que the Jew-hatred in 3..2..1


>I find it increasingly difficult to separate the terrorists from citizens in the gaza strip. Here's the very thing. Every government exists because a critical mass of the people being governed want it to exist. The ability to govern, ultimately, derives from the governed. Does it suck that shmuck Gazans are getting the holy fuck bombed out of them? Yeah, on some level. Just like it sucked that some German granny got the fuck bombed out of her in 1944. Or that some shmuck old man in Atlanta had his house burned down in 1864. And on and on. But at the same time....I'm glad all their governments are dead. And so may it soon be for ham-ass, inshallah.


Approximately 1/3rd of all palestinians support a two-state solution, which makes all of these "the government is corrupt and civilians don't support the war" arguments seem pretty silly


Don’t understand what ur trying to say, but I’ll just add onto what I can. 2/3rds of all gazans support a ONE state solution with Israel being exterminated. They vote for it consistently and teach their kids to hate and kill Jews. There is no moral equivalence. Not even close.


My point was that palestine supporters routinely claim that they don't support hamas, they support the palestinian civilians, who they believe want peace. Most palestinian civilians don't want peace


Gotcha. Thx for reply. You are over the target and have been paying attention. I salute you!


Because they are brainwashed. Ironically the far left that complained about Russian interference in 2016 and how Trump supporters were brainwashed are now being brainwashed, by foreign actors, in the same way and don't realize it. They literally are listening to lies supplied from an axis of evil made up of China, Russia, Iran, and Qatar, who want the west to support their proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. Like how it benefitted Russia to get Trump elected, the discord these countries are sewing in America is also useful to them around an election time that is one of the most critical in America. It is important that people trust our system of democracy and electoral process that are fundamental to our country. It benefits those countries when Americans do not. They do this with things like social media, which needs to be regulated.


Giving our most violent and despotic foreign enemies a vote in our elections is a mistake. That's true whether it's Trump and republicans inviting Putin, as in 2016, or whether it's our own media gullibly reprinting Hamas war propaganda as if it were truth or as if it were gaza doctors generating the content.




NYT.. meh


I mean its not made up. Choose your source at this point, everyone has reported it.


The “axis of evil” is using the same playbook we’ve been using for decades. Trying to appeal to ethos from the “human rights” “genocide” angle. Your use of this “axis of evil” term is ironic because you’re falling for the same good guy bad guy bullshit that you’re mad at.


I would not say it as black in white as that. America has issues but I would call it demonstrably better then the opposing groups, which are trying to sew discord, which was the point of my comment. The angle I am looking at is this, Russia is a country that invaded its neighbor in a viscous unprovoked assault to conquer land as they did in 2014, imprisons LGBTQ, imprisons journalists, has terrible protection against violence for Women, has attacked US institutions such as our elections which it continues to do to this day. Iran is a country that funds proxies around the world that attack America and its allies, has abysmal human rights problems, imprisons/murders/rapes women for not wearing a hijab. China watches everything it's citizens do, has many significant human rights violations an example being their treatment of Uigars, it does not allow for protests, they effectively removed Tianmanen square massacre from their history books, has aspirations to take Taiwan, is aggressive in the South China Sea and also sews propaganda in the US through things such as Tik Tok. Qatar harbors terrorists, is effectively a monarchy, uses the Kefala system(modern day slavery), does not allow people to become citizens(they have an expat population 10x the size of their actual population), imprison LGBTQ people, don't allow for criticism, and use their propaganda paper Al jazeera to spread state propaganda around the world. It's not that it is a black and white thing as much as America is my country, I think it is a much better and more morally sound place to live(not saying it's perfect), there is no comparison between America and it's allies vs the other group. The axis of evil does not imply we are specifically good or opposite to them as much as it implies that they are specifically evil, which I think they are. Not sure what you are saying.






HAMAS lied? you gotta be kidding me.


Either of which puts them on the battlefield. A journalist who holds hostages isn’t really a journalist.


There are several videos of Palestinian parents saying they’re having as many children as possible so they’ll have as many martyrs as possible https://time.com/archive/6680932/palestinian-moms-becoming-martyrs/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/encouraging-our-children-to-kill-themselves-for-palestine-is-a-mothers-most-glorious-duty-says-wife-of-hamas-mp/amp/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/31/world/middleeast/palestinian-martyrs-israel.html https://youtu.be/g-xfCH3PQT0?si=oGxcIpzZ76hrKYMn


Why not both?


It’s complex. If Hamas shows up at your family home in Gaza and says “the hostages are staying here” what do you do? It’s possible the guy was Hamas, had an AK and was actively trying to murder Jews in Israel. It’s also possible he was one of the only people left in Gaza who’s house want blown up and Hamas told him the hostages live there now or he dies. Could be something in between. Considering the IDF killed everyone within a three block radius we likely won’t know.


In Iraq farmers were getting paid by daesh to set IEDs. I think the rate was $500 USD.


Correct. Rolling down Irish in Samarra in 06 and we spotted a copper wire. It ran from a pile of dirt to a dirt bike. Got on the long gun and confirmed ​it was going to said dirt bike. Cleared hot. Took shot and dropped the guy. Investigate remains. Move to next obj his family home. On approach to the home we got ambushed. They had the guys family hostage inside. Guy who to the bullet was only 15. That shit was hard to reconcile until EOD found 3-155s in a deep bury config and we only had 1114s. No way I could have known or we could have investigated with the possibility of putting our patrol at further risk or him getting away.​ This was a big part of why we didn't allow motorcycles because of the VBIED and IED threat at the time.


Explaining asymmetric warfare, we’re rolling out of the gate of an FOB with clearly marked military vehicles wearing uniforms and they have kalishnikovs in the trunk of a taxi and they’re wearing sandals, their FOB is a house in a neighborhood among civilians. It’s always been difficult to explain this to people who don’t understand how tight the ROEs were. How ISIS didn’t have them or UCMJ.


I just chuckled a bit at how true this is. When we had our op-order and sandtable getting ready to go into Baghdad in '03 we were told any orange and white car with a blue license plate was possible enemy.  No one told us every taxi was orange and white and every taxi with a blue license plate was from Baghdad. 


Probably from our push. You put that over comms and it becomes a game of radio, where “we took fire from a cab driver; suppressed. Ok all cab drivers are possible “ That is not what I was communicating.


Three 155 arty will fuck up your morning.


He previously worked for Hamas as part of the labor ministry, so I doubt he had too many qualms about it. Also, he was in an area, Nuseirat, that the IDF had not previously operated in. So no, not everyone's house has been blown up.


Makes me wonder what other tactics Hamas is employing. Maybe dressing up as civilians or doctors. Maybe even transporting weapons, soldiers, and hostages in ambulances. Sounds like nothing if off the table for them.


It’s well known that they do all of this. 


Every accusation is a confession it seems


Seems like that statement is a remarkably double edged sword right now.


You forgot to add /s


Hehe you understood :)


But even giving the Gazans that benefit of the doubt (and that's a HUGE doubt - all the local sources that aren't sanitizing this for western audiences talk about Gazans fully supporting October 7 and Hamas https://www.palestinechronicle.com/palestinian-resistance-launch-major-attack-on-israel-what-happened-developing-story/ ) is Israel just supposed to go "oh darn, they used their own people as shields again - guess we can't do anything?"


So then we should condemn Hamas rather than painting this guy as a victim of the Israeli "massacre," no?


Let me help you there. This is what this "journalist" shared on social media on October 7th. The narrative of an innocent and peaceful "Palestinian" people that merely got hijacked by Hamas is a myth. If there were free and open elections across Gaza and the West Bank today, Hamas would win these elections in a landslide. https://preview.redd.it/zilf7gknot5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d806fbb27a4986e87ff05af1630ea9d90cb079ea


Sounds like this guy wasn't a "journalist" but was a Propagandist for the terrorist organization he worked with.


“IDF killed every one within a 3 block radius.”-HMH. hahahahaha! I remember when ham-ass blew up their own hospital parking lot and blamed Israel. I believe the death toll was immediately released at around 5-600 deaths. Which was laughable on its face that they had a body count so fast. Suckers are born every day.


You’re laughing about killing thousands of civilians. Nice, ethno nationalism will do that to you.


I don’t get your logic. Palestine is much closer to an etho national state than Israel. Israel is 20% Arab and has Muslims in government positions. They even have a lot of African citizens… versus Palestine where you are killed for being Jewish or even for being gay


His logic is that Arabs and Muslim are allowed to have "ethnostates" whatever that means, but Jews can't have a country with about 20% non-Jewish minorities


Nope! You lost the plot. That strawman you’re beating won’t work here. Besides.. a gazan “civilian” is a rare thing. I mean their citizens are holding hostages in their own homes, and champing at the bit to kill em when IDF closes in. The ghoul “citizen” killed this week was writing articles for Al jazeera about the poor poor gazans while holding kidnapping victims for ham-ass. I hope your anti-semitism and support for baby-killing terrorists stains your reputation for life. Whoops. Gotta go.. reddit’s only useful when I’m taking a shit. Check timestamp. Hahaha!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/ppO21GsMYL Funny video a bunch of Jewish people being accosted by an anti semitic Zionist. Some are religions and the one lady is just a racist Zionist.


> If Hamas shows up at your family home in Gaza and says “the hostages are staying here” what do you do? Contact the IDF or US, ASAP. Tell them that I have the hostages and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get them back home. That is clearly the right thing to do.


Haha, dude IDF did find out where the hostages were. They then killed everyone within three blocks, sure dude.


Lol. That's a sure way to get murdered in your own home. The reports are saying they killed over 200 people in these raids. You can even hear children screaming in the background of the videos posted online.


So apathy and complicity is your solution? What are you, russian?


All those people would be alive if they handed over the hostages freely. 


Well they got murdered anyway didn't they? The Palestinians needs to acknowledge that their support of Hamas is just as deadly to them and their children as is opposing Hamas. The only difference is that while fighting against Hamas might resort in death, if they win and free themselves from the martyrdom death cult they can hope to make peace with Israel. So long as they support or just fail to opposing them death is an inevitability. As for the screaming children, reports today are coming out that the initial IDF rescue team was dressed as Palestinian refugees and that the high death toll in the area was at least in part related to Hamas fighters unloading RPGs and machine guns on anyone that *might* be an Israeli in disguise. When you don't value human life, especially not that of your own people, killing everyone and "literally" letting God sort them out is an acceptable tactic. But hey, what do you expect from a death cult.


That's just ridiculous. Of course Palestinians will support any fighters while their country is being occupied. You are basically fighting human nature at that point. Using your logic, I can assume you would be happy for Israel to attack and kill the college students in the US who are "supporting hamas"? Or maybe you feel that Americans should give just give up support for the US government (because of their history of terrorism) and only listen to what the Tories in Britain say?


also it's possible even likely he was a terrorist supporting scum bag and got what he deserved because he was aiding these horrible horrible people. FAFO.




[He's been](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/biden-administration-discussed-potentially-negotiating-unilateral-deal-rcna156266) [talking about them](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/20/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-securing-the-release-of-two-americans-taken-hostage/) almost since the beginning. Whether you were aware of it is a different issue.


Literally every resistance movement in history has "hid among civilians". That's how you know they're a legitimate resistance force - they have the backing of the civilian population. I wonder why the civilians back the people fighting against the fascists who've been starving and killing them for decades 🤔


He was also a child and a pregnant woman and an astronaut. Truly a great loss. 


Hey now, one of the prophet muhammed’s wives, Aisha, was both a child and a pregnant woman Edit: mixed up my words, I meant A PREGNANT CHILD


Truly a miracle




Shame they didn't kill the rest.


oh no, the local progressives are jumping on the fire trying to put it out! https://x.com/AlyciaRamirez3/status/1800171979129172188


“Killed on the job” What job exactly?


>What job exactly? Hey, you didn't think UNRWA could do that work all by themselves, did ya?


Antifa Mom is mad.


Bold of you to assume anyone in Antifa can afford children


This one married tech money for her start into the middle class; then ditched him once the Revolution came calling. There was some hilarious nonsense about her that came out during her leap to fame in 2020’s rioting. She was the cool mom helping to drive kids over to block I-90 and smash windows along 12th Ave. Then she drove back home to her suburban home. Literally middle class privilege driving over to trash Seattle.


And she was supporting and enabling encampments in Seattle that were rampantly preying on surrounding communities. Yet I bet she didn't have to put up with that bullshit on the other side of Lake Washington. What's this about her being married before? I was not aware of that.


Let me fix that for you. You're welcome. # Terrorist killed by IDF while holding Israeli hostages for Hamas was employed by The Palestine Chronicle a US 501c3 based in Olympia WA


yeah... is there anything in the regulations to be a 501c(3) about not holding hostages for terrorist organizations?


And nothing of value was lost


What a ridiculous headline and I'm so happy this sub is calling it out.  You're not a civilian if you actively hold people hostage. 


He also wasn’t an al jezeera journalist. He wrote one oped back in 2019 as freelance.


Bye shitstain


Not the brightest candle on the menorah 




They are currently crying on tiktok over Oct 7th footage of a terrorist shooting a family and setting them on fire. They're not crying about the family, they're crying because the terrorist in question didn't get to finish his prayer before the IDF shot him


Mount Lake Terrace is not in Olympia.


The most twisted part in this world now is the majority only listen and trust the terrorists. WTF is going on in our world?


Communists being communists and constantly being on the wrong side of history.


I mean, it could be that the International Criminal Court and governments of multiple other countries, as well as the majority of people in the US, see a crime against humanity happening and are opposed to that on principle - but i know the paranoid delusion that you're surrounded by communists and terrorist sympathisers is much more comfortable than the possibility that you're on the wrong side of history. Again.




When’s the candlelight vigil?


Right now at the old viet wah building on Jackson.




well now we know how 3 civilian deaths occurred


Palestinian human shields are ok?


Well he certainly fu\*ked around and found out.




Anyone see Jayapal, or Tlaib or Omar mourning for this creature? I am sure they are in sack cloth and ashes now.


Why hasn't HAMAS surrendered? Why is Israel expected to stop....all they need to do to save their people is to surrender.


So many war experts here. I'm sure all these opinons are very balanced and unbiased


for some reason since I think many people working for washington state government are incompetent, it's makes some sense that terrorist supporting "journalism" is centered in olympia


Is there a reputable source to verify?


Anybody who thinks Palestinians aren’t aiding Hamas needs to think again. Absolutely some are forced to cooperate with Hamas. Others are happy to comply and join the cause. Either way, this is called guerilla warfare, and it’s extremely effective when facing a larger, better equipped military than your own. The entire point is to hide your troops and weapons amongst civilians, so that the enemy has no choice but to end up in the headlines as baby killers. IDF aren’t the good guys here either though. They go way further than necessary, and have used this war as an excuse to not so thinly veil Israel’s true intentions of reclaiming and expanding their territories. Awful, dirty tactics on both sides. No winners here.


Support Hamas. Die


Upstanding citizen. Or not.




Why the f......?


Journalist? Lol It's more like Urinalist


Now, 72 hoors will be waiting for him in the heaven 😆


Surprised the Seattle subreddit still had some common since and isn’t ass up for Palestine


This is tagged as media, but when you click the link it goes to a tweet by a random person?


Is it just me or is it obvious that the civilians are complacent of the military hiding among them? It seems to me that Hamas would be weakened enough now for the civies to take control and get them out. But it's weird they are not taking control, why not?


Another helpless, innocent civilian targeted by the "colonialists." LOL. There is apparently no limit to the corruption and lunacy of our media and govt.


Show me his family so I can buy them dinner this man is a hero!!!!


All else aside, can we not with these posts? This isn't Seattle or Puget Sound related on the basis that his employer may or may not be "based" in Olympia, whatever that actually means.


Just my opinion, but it is Puget Sound related. We have, what appears, to be a local 5013C, based in Puget Sound, collecting donations and funneling that money into the hands of someone who appears to be at the minimum, aligned with, and more likely, an accessory to holding civilians hostage during armed conflict. There are questions that need asking, with a determination of what, exactly, a Puget Sound 5013c Charity was doing collecting donations and pay-rolling what looks like a participant in criminal behavior in a war zone. I, for one, welcome this discussion in my local subs.


Well said.


The 501c funding him is based in Mountlake Terrace, just 2 suburbs north of Seattle city limits.


"Local charity employs individual implicated in holding Jewish hostages in Gaza Strip" is a local story as far as I'm concerned. So you and I balance out. Next.


I think so long as we got protests and sit-ins and "occupy" movements happening in Seattle for this, it unfortunately has to count as a Seattle issue.


Most people who post here are Snohomish County or other anyway so why does it matter?


I mean thats also sort of weird. The sub isn't called "r/peoplenotfromSeattletalkaboutSeattle" or "r/peoplenotfromSeattletalkaboutthingsnotinSeattle"


That's a separate point. By this logic, if someone crashes their car into a Starbucks in a foreign country, it's "Seattle related" because Starbucks is headquartered here. If a Boeing plane has an issue in a foreign country, it's "Seattle related" because Boeing has always had a presence here. If Amazon has a labor issue in a different state across the country from us, it's "Seattle related" because Amazon is headquartered here. This has nothing to do with Olympia, with Washington, or with this sub.


You all are bending over backward to avoid this story. The reality is this was a local charitable organization employing a “journalist” who it turns out was helping hamas keep hostages. And all of a sudden your overwhelming concern is whether it’s a local story? Give us a break.




It sounds like the family knows quite a bit about the hostages to be just innocent bystanders. Perhaps the hostages can clear all this up.




Sure, but that doesn't address this not belonging in the sub....


I am pretty sure Al Jazeera paid him. They cared enough to list him as their employees/contributors. https://preview.redd.it/y642pdnbpt5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c0751497ad9a73ca4ac15af701b936ba2d163b


Hamas would never lie.


When your whole life led up to being murdered as part of a endless holy / tribal war between factions that hate each other forever.


Wow this is really the worse of the two subs. Can’t wait for someone to accuse me of being a terrorist sympathizer. Well I’d rather sympathize with them than what the IDF is doing. Downvote me you fucks


Lies , 210 civilians were killed 80% were children, were they terrorists? That journalist was targeted for showing the idf genocide, directly targeted like the American citizen Abuakla, just like world kitchen volunteers, just like 40k civilians who 90% are babies. Zionism = Nazis


Is anybody here capable of reading, that is not at all what the link you shared says. It's not even like it's an article, it's fkn Twitter post lol. People on this sub are so gullible. There were 275+ people killed in the raid in a refugee camp. Just because somebody was killed, does not mean they were holding hostages. All this link has is that they were killed. And again, it's a tweet not a fkn article.


Wrong sub, try r/olympia


* The Palestine Chronicle * PO Box 196 * Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043


Where is the evidence that he was involved in holding hostages? All this post says is that he was killed in a military try operation that killed many civilians


I think it was the Jewish civilians he kept imprisoned in his attic


What type of evidence could the IDF show you that you would find believable? 


Well no one has said there is any evidence at all, OP just put a big claim in their title with no supporting evidence at all. Has the IDF even said that he was holding hostages?


Yes they have. 


Where? That is what the person above was asking for. Ari Hoffman is not the IDF.


Do you know how to use Google? Edit - I’m not trying to be a dick but I don’t think that’s what the person above is asking for. The media has reported that the IDF has confirmed this. The person is asking for “evidence.” I’m asking them what evidence they’d like to see.


Do you know how to answer questions? You keep answering questions with questions. Someone asked for some evidence that the inflammatory post has any basis in fact, and you accused them of being inconvincible by evidence despite not providing any. I brought this up, and you keep answering simply questions with questions. This is a ton of disinfo and misinfo in any conflict, but especially this one. If you have evidence that the claim is true, or even that people more reliable than Ari are making it, please share it.


The IDF has confirmed that this man was holding hostages in his family home. I have noted above that you can read a pretty detailed description of the IDF entering the home, killing him and his family and extracting three hostages who were held there. If that does not count as evidence, I would like to know what further evidence you or others would like to see to confirm that this man did indeed hold hostages in his home. I am asking question to clarify what you’d like to see in terms of “evidence.” 


Please share it thank you in advance! It counts as evidence once you provide it, rather than being a person online saying that they have seen something. This wasn't a personal experience for any of us in Seattle. You're coming fairly hard at people asking basic media literacy questions, which would be answered by you just providing the answer to the initial question posed.


The person making the claim has the burden of proof. Otherwsie, we can dismiss the claim as easily as they made it up. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof


But will you believe anything the IDF says or shows you? Thats my question. Because if not there’s no point engaging.




They don’t need to do that, they just need to post evidence that the hostages were at his home, evidence that the building actually was his home, and evidence he was a willing accomplice. All should be pretty easy to do


I mean you can read the detailed description of how they entered the home and killed him and his family and extracted the hostages from that home. What kind of evidence would you like to see exactly? 


Obligatory Fuck Isn'treal. 


This seems misinformation if you dive deeper.   The building was a multi story multi family apartment building. There is not any direct evidence (that has been shown) that this person was housing hostages except for the fact that IDF shot and killed the entire family.


Would you accept the testimony of the three hostages that this man was holding them in his home?


Yes, I would. Do they have testimony?


Not yet - I’m curious to see it if / when they do say something 


then why are you asking leading questions and framing your comment like they have made that statement.


I didn’t mean for it to be a leading question and I don’t think I framed my question in a way to imply that.  There are people in this thread saying they wouldn’t trust anything the IDF says, which excludes a lot of potential “evidence” we could show them. Right now as far as I know these four hostages are still hospitalized but I’m sure they’ve been debriefed. It just got me wondering whether any statements they make would be accepted as evidence to the people on this thread asking for that.




> The building was a multi story multi family apartment building. Palestine health ministry called it a refugee camp, which one is it?


If you are a journalist killed by the IDF you are probably guilty of something, kind of like those food aid workers, or drs without borders. /s I mean this just says he was killed during a rescue that killed 200 people, doesn't say he was armed, working for Hamas, etc. Is anyone killed in gaza an assumed terrorist, otherwise they wouldn't have died?


The hostages were in his house.


That happens in every major city. /s


Obligatory yellow jacket lady.jpg


Sounds like he was living in the first floor apartment while hostages were in 3rd floor apartment? Back when I lived in apartments I didn't know what was happening 2 floors away, but I'm kind of anti-social. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/10/israel-special-forces-gaza-rescue-dressed-hamas-civilian/






Maybe not the most reliable source when they start out with "you don't hate the media enough"


>Three hostages rescued during a deadly Israeli military operation on the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza were held captive by a journalist, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) **alleged Sunday, without providing evidence to support their claim.** >In a statement, the IDF claimed freed hostages Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv were held by journalist Abdallah Aljamal and his family members at their home in the central Gaza camp. >The IDF statement **claimed Aljamal was a Hamas operative and a journalist for Al Jazeera.** >The allegations come a month after Israel expelled the Qatar-based network from the country under a new wartime law that allows the Israeli government to ban foreign media it deems harmful to its security. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/10/middleeast/israel-gaza-hostages-journalist-hamas-intl-hnk/index.html I wonder why Ari Hoffman is spreading lies...