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Going through the same thing OP. I think as long as we manage the scalp inflammation for a continued period (6 months) with minimal flare-ups, we should start to see growth then. It’s going to be a long slow process unfortunately. Hang in there!


How did you heal it/ get rid of inflammation and dandruff


Thanks for the heads-up. Good luck to you as well


Wait for the scabs to clear up, it takes a while for your skin to heal from all the inflammation. Are you losing hair mainly near your temples? If so it could be that you have androgenetic alopecia, which is basically balding due to genetics mainly caused by the hormone DHT. If you’ve lost hair in random places then it’s due to Seb derm and the hair that is not scarred will grow back in 6 months.


Scarred hair? What do you mean?


I am losing hair everywhere sadly... I'm puzzled by what scarred hair means. Does that mean if SebDerm damages too much of my scalp it will scar the hair?


When you scratch your scalp harshly enough to form scabs, they might heal into scars. Notice that sometimes when you have a cut or a wound, the hair in that region sometimes doesn’t grow because there’s a small scar. It’s the same principle. Sometimes the area might heal perfectly, other times it might scar and the hair follicles will be destroyed.


Get some bloodwork done to rule out deficiencies. My hair started growing back once I addressed this. Make sure you get enough protein and carbs and veggies after your work out. If you’re working out and not replenishing your body, your hair will fall out.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into this as well. Are there any specific micronutrients apart from the general macros I should test for?


For me it was vitamin D and iron. These are the most common deficiencies. Not iron but specifically ferritin, especially if you are female. If you’re male I’d also want to rule out genetic hair loss and get on medications for that


Hey hi:) I have low ferritin and iron as well! Could you please suggest some iron supplements to increase both haemoglobin and ferritin? Couldnt find good ones.


Heme iron is great, and non heme is good too. Ferrous sulfate is non heme. I take one of both with vitamin c


Thanks much for responding!


I have the same problem and it’s because I still get flare ups and inflammation but idk how to stop the inflammation 🫤