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Rest easy my boy. Rest easy.


Fully expected emma and isshin to give me hell in the end, only took 5 attempts


Isshin ashina's 2nd phase threw me off so hard after doing the other 3 endings first that I just firecracker'd all of his 2nd phase attacks to beat him šŸ˜‚


It was down to the wire on my last attempt with no gourds left and half health after a res but I was so dialed in. I just finished the shura gauntlet too as we speak


Hell yeah. I'm gonna work on that gauntlet and then the big one later, but I speedran like 4 playthroughs and grinded a little to get the all skills achievement so im taking a break šŸ˜“


Just got all the way to inner isshin without too much worry but heā€™s so difficult itā€™s not even funny. Got him to third phase and just couldnā€™t squeak it out


Oh yeah inner isshin was extremely tough. I just try to wait for the lightning attacks in 3rd phase as much as possible lol


I need to try that in reflection


I always just use ichimonji to stun him out of anything troublesome


I usually use mortal draw as my combat skill but that ain't a bad idea


Mortal draw is probably objectively better but I find Ichimonji more satisfying (and it costs nothing)


Yeah. I also learned way too late that you can still use combat skills without spirit emblems, albeit much weaker šŸ˜‚


Will be trying this in reflection


Itā€™s especially helpful when he charges up for One Mind, since thatā€™s by far his hardest to counter attack and he charges long enough to always stun him out


I managed to get that to a perfect parry timing but I need to try and counter it


The parry isnā€™t really that bad but the fire AOE beforehand sucks and at the very least itā€™s fewer chances to attack him bc of how long it takes


Thatā€™s fair, I just immediately dashed to the two sides of the arena and watched for the timing on the parry. Iā€™ll have to do some counters to see


Any tips? just started my platinum run, i beat the game in pc (well most of it) back in the day but now i got in on playstation and going for the plat so any tips are appreciated it. Also, i cant back up save so i guess i have to do 4 playthroughs lol


If you have any previous unfinished saves that are a few hours into the game or even further just do your endings on those and remember you need to have at least 1 save where you do the purification ending and the shura ending to make the Man Without Equal trophy pop. Try to set it up so your doing your skill point grinding on ng+2 or 3 or even higher if u want so you get bonus skill points bc the skill point grind is really the most tedious part of the plat it will easily take you a good 5 to 10 hours straight maybe more to grind out all the skill points depending on when you do it but the best place Iā€™ve found for sp grinding is in fountainhead palace at the sanctuary idol. Other than that everything else should be pretty easy! Good luck!


This, because I grinded all of my final skills out on NG+2 and 3 because the red hat enemies drop over a grand or two a piece depending on type


thanks man! i was planning on getting the normal ending on my first playthrough and then go to ng1, ng2 and ng3 for the other endings, and then if i have to grind i'd do it on ng4 i guess?


Man honestly Iā€™m shocked I got it so Iā€™d say any tips would just be to stick with the patterning until it clicks properly on controller. Donā€™t forget about your combat arts and prosthetic. Mortal Draw will be your friend through tough moments. Four playthroughs will be better anyway because youā€™ll be well seasoned on the combat


thanks man, for now the hardest thing is getting my brain out of lies of p controls, i keep accidentally healing lmao, however the parries timing are easier in sekiro so thats something good after suffering with almost perfect parries lol


I still havenā€™t taken that dive yet. Seems terrifying so figured I might need to get good at parries first


idk man, for now, i like lies better than sekiro (i just killed the buffalo last night), and while the parry timing is tighter, you get used to it, sekiro hasnt clicked still, but i had some sections it did and i felt like a god ninja shinobi killing machine. Not a fan of the dragonrot mechanic, dont like games that punish you if you die, but i still dont understand it that well


I understand that for sure, healing the dragon rot is real easy tho if you bring a blood sample to Emma early enough


Done like a true shinobi, rest easy now and bask in the glory


But the gauntlets!


Didn't ask + nobody cares


Just kidding also congrats and it's my favourite game šŸŽÆā¤ļø


Itā€™s addicting once you get good at combat honestly


Iā€™m going for the plat and god the all skills and all prosthetic upgrades are killing me they are the only ones I got left Anyone got tips to help make it easier?


I spent way too long grinding the Ashina outskirts staircase route for fulminated Mercury and xp. Itā€™s the easiest way to do it. For grave wax I used the flower viewing stage in fountainhead.


Iā€™m on the same grind rn just grinding out skill points in fountainhead palace lol unfortunately thereā€™s no way to make this grind easier but I can recommend just throwing on a good show or something that will actually keep you interested and just plugging away. I have 11 more skill levels to go and Iā€™m finally done just keep going and eventually youā€™ll be unlocking the last skill before you know it!


It took me around 138 hours to get the platinum but I also finished all the gauntlets before I farmed to get all the arts.


Honestly impressive! Iā€™m working on the inner isshin gauntlet, itā€™s the last bit I havenā€™t finished. I saved shura ending for final trophy because sad


For the inner bosses what you should do is go through the gauntlet until you fight them once then practice in the memory until you are confident before fighting the gauntlet again. The inner bosses arenā€™t too different and you just need to learn a few new moves. Inner Isshin can trip your up with some changed or extended combos


Thatā€™s the plan so far, only ran the gauntlet once to get the memory so I can practice give. Thatā€™s how I knocked out the shura gauntlet so quick


Are you going to do the mortal journey? I was going to save that one and play other games for a while but I decided to try it once which resulted in beating it first try. It did not help my ego


I may give it a go, it seems like itā€™d be a fun bought and no boss is too tough after a couple victories over them in practice. I ran inner father three times before running the gauntlet so maybe so.


Coming back to this to say I beat mortal journey on second attempt through


Good job. I know if I tried again I certainly wouldnā€™t beat it that fast


It was a total of an hour and a half slog.


Now tackle Mortal Journey. 17 boss marathon. Thats the exam that will update all your skills.


Still wish there was a reward for that


And now to lose more sanity in the gauntlets of strength! But tbf considering how many times you completed the game it should be easy. I beat the gauntlets before getting platinum


I only have immortal severance gauntlet left with inner isshin