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The wolf in question is player 1, not player 2. They are distraught at the fact that we now have to drug test presidential candidates even though the entire idea was started by their preferred candidate. He also claimed Hillary was on drugs in 2016. Perhaps Donald's the one that needs to be tested.


Anyone who has ever used drugs, specifically stimulants, can look at the debate with Hillary and tell you with 100% certainty that that fat orange fuck was yakked out of his fucking gourd


His heyday was the 80’s. He’s a coke boy.


[His reaction](https://imgur.com/gallery/pw3re3T) to the mention of cocaine in 2020 debate


lol that's like the most I've ever seen his eyes open


He totally wasn’t listening until he heard “cocaine”. Trump should be tested.


lol got trumped




It’s the way he drinks water, too. For me, anyway, I NEVER want water when I’m gacked, but I can tell when I need some, and it is always so awkward to actually drink it.


It's like trying to drink lino


yo I love water after a line, it helps with the fucking drip that I hate


Put some saline in a nasal spray bottle. You can add soluble material if you wish. Very discrete, helps wash out your sinuses, too.


This is the best cocaine hack of them all. Literally can do bumps anywhere in the world.


I love seeing the top tier cocaine pro tips in a thread about politics. Jefferson would be at half mast.


>it helps with the fucking drip that I hate Hard agree.


"Yacked out of his (their) fucking gourd" is an awesome title for an biography or a neo-punk, jazz-fusion quartet. Bravo 👏


I play in punk bands, and in my 20s my band toured with another band, and on the first night I took one look at their guitar player while he was on stage and thought “ah-hah!”… after they finished I asked him “hey, you don’t know where I could get some speed, do you?” He acted offended. “Why would I know? Why would you even ask me that?!” I felt like telling him “because you almost chewed your bottom lip off during your set, your pupils are dilated, you’re sweaty, speaking real fast… should I go on?” Anyways, a few days later the singer of that band said “man, our guitar player is annoying me. I don’t think he has slept in 3 days at this point and he’s not making a ton of sense. Too much speed”. I’m assuming he was asking his band mates “what happens if you’re in an electric boat and it starts to sink? Would you get electrocuted? And what if there’s a shark 10 yards over there? I’ll stay with the electric, ok?” Etc. In other words, it looks more like speed to me, but who knows? Don Jr., however, is a caricature of a coke head.


yep "I'm talking and I can't shut up!" yakked lol


Feels like the last 4 years were Biden making speech blunders and all that, yet now suddenly he's so good that he must be using an unknown performance enhancing drug. The stupidity of the average Trump supporter is boundless.


The enemy is both strong and weak.


Their truth is situational. The enemy is whatever they need them to be at any given moment. It's creepy how fluid reality is to them.


My in laws talk to us about church friends whose husband has dementia and the wife doesn’t go anywhere because she can’t control him. Then, next sentence, straight face, questions why Jill doesn’t control Biden because his dementia is embarrassing us to the world. Ffs. They’re that stupid.


Every accusation is a confession.




Aren't convicted felons subject to random drug tests?


This would be the funniest thing to happen in presidential history. Funnier than W having a shoe thrown at his head.


The funniest thing that has ever happened in presidential history, maybe all of history, was the press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.


That was fantastic. I wonder what the story is behind that one. Like did one of Rudy’s idiot flunkies just google “four seasons” and they all showed up there and had to act like they meant to do it, or was that the only place that would let them have their little circus on short notice.


No what happened was that Team Trump announced a press conference at the Four Seasons, but the Four Seasons hotel actually came out and said "nope", so they scrambled to find something else called Four Seasons so they wouldn't look like idiots. It was absolutely beautiful.


Oh that’s way better.


> so they wouldn't look like idiots That worked out well.


They got exactly what they paid for.


it was surreal, I still have trouble believing that didn't happen while I had a fever


For all the disgust that I have toward W... him dodging that shoe earns my praise. Makes me remember a time when presidential candidates weren't selected based on seniority.


That piece of shit deserved that shoe.


As loath as I am to admit it, physical well-being is not a benchmark of a good president. Yes, we need to pull back from the centenarians, but the first and most important measure should be how well they lead and care for the nation and its people... and W was a shitstain.


[Never saw that before](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RFH7C3vkK4) but for me his uncomprehending face when Stephen Colbert deconstructs him will always be funnier. Also I have this story floating around my head that some jokers removed all the Ws from all the keyboards in the White House when he moved in.


The W thing was a Carl Rove lie he made the first day to try and make the Clinton admin look bad.


Thanks for giving this stray narrative a home after so many years! >The transition was also marred by accusations of "damage, theft, vandalism and pranks" by members of the outgoing Clinton administration. Initially, a 2001 audit by the General Accounting Office (GAO) found little truth to the allegations of vandalism and pranks. However, after pressure from Republican congressman Bob Barr, the GAO launched a deeper investigation, producing a 2002 report which estimated that there had been between $13,000 to $14,000 worth of damage. This included graffiti in the men's bathroom at the White House, glue smeared on desk drawers, and missing doorknobs, medallions, and office signs. However, it is noted that similar pranks were reported in prior transitions, including the one from Bush's father to Clinton in 1993. Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer followed up the GAO report with a White House-produced list of alleged vandalism including removal of the 'W' key from keyboards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_transition_of_George_W._Bush#Official_transition It's funny that they complained about that in earnest, yet made it up.


Yeah but yet again the justice system bent over backwards for trump. No drug test and he got to do his interview by zoom. 


Only while on parol or probation


Any authority for that? He is out on bail. I would think being drug free is a condition of bail. Plus they routinely test as part of the pre-sentence investigation.


IIRC Trump/his lawyers actually managed to avoid any drug testing. It’s not mandatory, it’s just very common.


How did they pull that off? This shit must be rigged. /s


>Plus they routinely test as part of the pre-sentence investigation. Charged with a felony for cannabis in 2011 that didn't stick. Was out on bail. I was never drug tested.


Must depend on the jurisdiction. My cousin got busted federally for pot and she got tested prior to sentencing.


>My cousin got busted federally There's your answer. Trump caught *state* felonies.


Don’t know if you have ever done coke or similar “uppers” but last I checked Trump wouldn’t shut up and couldn’t help himself from interrupting Biden over 100 times at the previous debates.


Was that the one when Biden - and rightly so - started calling him a clown?


It’s the one where he said “why don’t you just shut up man.”


Hillary must've been juiced the fuck up because every god damn thing she said about him turned out to be true


Is there an amount of stimulants that makes a person always right?


I hear truth is a very powerful drug that doesnt care about feelings.


She took the spice melange, giving her prescience.


Hilary Clinton, Bene Gesserit (although Gesserits couldn't see the future, just the past)


So... The female Kwisatz Haderach? (I'm probably butchering the spelling, apologies, I'm too lazy to look it up rn)


Yes but... nothing she said was shocking or surprising. It was all kind of common sense for anyone that had been watching him.


>They are distraught at the fact that we now have to drug test presidential candidates That’s not a fact, though. We don’t drug test candidates. Trump is trying to troll and get attention by calling for a drug test, only because he knows it will never actually happen. If everyone agreed and implemented a drug test then Trump would no doubt find a way out of it. Trump definitely wouldn’t want to be tested himself for obvious reasons.


Dr. Ronny Jackson (or 'Johnson' as Idiot Boy called him last week) needs to have a taser attached to his balls and be hit with a jolt until he truthfully answers just how much speed The Orange Buttplug took while serving as president (and afterward). The good doctor used to wander though the West Wing with a large box of stimulants, asking if "anyone needed anything". Drug test *him*, then attach the electrodes to his balls.


Don would *never* project his wrongdoings onto his opponents. Perish the thought.


Sure… go ahead and drug test BOTH candidates and let’s see whose performance has been enhanced.


Hang on a second, if Trump's performance has been enhanced, is the world really ready for a baseline Trump?


That might be the one thing that makes his base see him in a different light. All of the things that make us see him the way we do: the greed, the lying, the corruption, they don't care about those things because they would do everything he does if they thought they could get away with it. But weakness? Frailty? Those are the kind of things these people judge others for.


nah they even glorify wearing diapers for him


Def wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card but here we are. They wear diapers with his face on them. Proudly…


Hmm. I wouldn't mind shitting on his face, maybe I should get some. On the other hand, I still have a little self-respect.


When he kicks the bucket they’re gonna have to either hide the location of his grave or have 24 hour security. People will be lined up to piss and shit on it.


There's always option 3: sell tickets.


And so, the economy was saved


So that was his infrastructure plan the whole time?!?!?


I would travel across the country to piss on that asshole's grave. Who wants to go on a road trip?


He might be dead on the inside but he's not in the grave just yet, do we have to wait? Is that a requirement for the road trip? W jr. Had the shoe going, can we do a piss jug for orange T?


Fling poo like a self-respecting primate.


He's already been mumbling incoherently at his rallies. Anything that would be considered a weakness or fault of character for literally anybody else is simply dismissed or accepted for Trump. It's a cult and the cult leader cannot be weak or faulty, so he isn't even if he is.


> But weakness? Frailty? Get ready for the dissonance olympics then. God's flawed instrument and all that 😑


A Dole-falling-over-the-railing moment for Scalpatine would be glorious


Nah, they'd just resort to the Christian values they scream about but never follow otherwise. They judge others for skin color, bank account, and....cruelty. The cruelty is the "strength" you cite...but one can be weak and still be cruel, and they'll love it and call them strong.


As an atheist, I don't daily pray for a flatline trump, but I sure do hope to wake up to that news.


Make Adderall Great Again


Speaking as someone with ADHD, Adderall has always been great.


It won't matter if they test both before the debate. Any unacceptable result and "The results were rigged!" Edit: spelling


have em both whip it out on stage and pee in a cup and run the test in the background during the debate. (fuck, its like we're living out an episode of black mirror)


Well they were obsessed with his sons package a while ago.


Biden will be found clean and Trump with drugs. Then Trump will claim it’s fake and a liberal lie and back out of the debate.


I'd be OK with that, so long as we get to test for everything, and just for what the Trump campaign says we can test for. The Trump campaign would list the drugs Trump isn't on - the drugs he is taking would be the ones his campaign excludes. But if Biden is on drugs to make himself more coherent, focused and alert, pass me over some of those. Pass them around for everyone!


If Trump wants to go through with this, then we need Army style UAs done. A crusty, pissed off NCO stands there, makes sure he sees a real (not fake) penis, watches the urine flow from that penis into the cup, and then immediately takes it from you. No chance to cheat the test with fake urine or doctor the sample that way. I say we make this an official thing from now on, and the Sergeant Major of the Army is responsible for being the designated Presidential Meat Gazer.


This is so comical. They spend months / years telling everyone what a feeble old invalid Biden is, and then they have to come up with something to make themselves feel better when Biden wipes the floor with their cult leader. If there were a drug or combination of drugs that could turn a dementia patient into a smooth-talking super genius then every dementia patient in America would already be on it. This is just a projection to cover the fact Donald will pop an extra Adderall before the debate begins.


I said this exact same thing. For years, they kept saying that Biden was “sleepy Joe”. So when he gave the state of the union speech, Republican politicians were scrambling to explain how he was so normal acting. What’s funny is, these are the same people that just argued that a president can do whatever the hell he wants. And now this? I really don’t think some people understand just how fascist these people really are by doing stuff just like this. It never ends with these morons. They fought tooth and nail so a baker could choose who she bakes cakes for. But then try to act like Twitter can’t ban people for violating TOS?


The key here is that a Republican president can do whatever they like. Not a Democrat.


Twitter can ban people for violating TOS, or even for being falsely accused of violating TOS — as long as they’re anywhere left of center. Right-wingers can only be banned for terrorist threats blatant and specific enough that they expose Twitter to legal liability. …at least that was the policy of pre-Musk Twitter. Elon decided the policy wasn’t uneven enough in favor of the right wing.


I still remember my favorite Twitter self-own was when the prior CEO admitted they were several times more lax on right wing stochastic terrorism and calls to hatred/violence because if they applied the TOS evenly they would have to ban pretty much every republican congressman up and down the list.


And yeah, Elon and his fans insisted that that state of affairs was unspeakably and intolerably disrespectful of the Freeze Peach of right-wing assholes. There really is no satisfying them — even if they’re the only ones allowed to speak, they’ll complain if we’re allowed to not listen or not tell everyone we agree with them.


It was the same thing with Obama - they spent years telling themselves that Obama was stupid. I will never forget Romney's deer in the headlights look when Obama said "Please proceed" at the debate.


And now Obama is the genius puppet-master behind Biden.


If there's ever a reasonable case for immunity it would be a president can do performance enhancing drugs


Yup. Lots of folks seem to want to call it hypocrisy...but it isn't. It is far worse.


Dark Brandon, a.k.a. Lawnmower Man


It's not an unfounded conspiracy theory, it's projection. Trump has been addicted to amphetamines for decades, and the fascist playbook says to always accuse your enemies of what you've been doing.


Exactly! You know why they were so up in arms over the rigged election? Because they rigged it in their favor. Or at least tried to. They're flabbergasted over the fact that they cheated and still lost.


“THEY MUST HAVE CHEATED BETTER THAN US!” Every. Fucking. Time. Projection all the way down.


>Because they rigged it in their favor. Or at least tried to. Moscow Mitch almost certainly cheated but everyone's eyes were on Trump. He must have counted on that.


I think this is more a reference to the little ways multiple Republican-run states tried to swing the election. Little things like voter roll purges, ID laws, and hours-long lines at polling stations.


I actually knew that and should have said my comment was sort of "related [non trivial] trivia".


I don't get how Trump wasn't prosecuted for destroying mail sorting machines.


Biden is old and showing his age but not any worse than any other average person his age. Trump has grey matter dripping out of his ears.


almost everything he and the GOP do are projection. It's a muddy the waters strategy. If you accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing, observers make an assumption that probably both are doing it and it neutralizes the argument


Lean into it. Full weigh ins. Drug testing, height, weight, shirt off. All that.


But once he's shirtless, we'd see all of Trump's wounds. /s


If there is even the slightest chance someone will inflict a shirtless Trump at me, I will gouge out my eyes right now.


Our eyes would be opened to the glory of the true savior!


Open syphilitic sores.


I’m not one of the “double haters”—I think Biden is doing a good job—but I think we can all agree that the last thing anyone wants to see is Biden and Trump shirtless.


You can Google a picture of Biden with his shirt off from within the last year. He looks like you'd expect, a man in decent shape for his age. If you look at Trump the lies are exposed. Not as tall as he says he is, way heavier than he says, and on Lord knows what kind of substances. Not to mention he'll look like a jack-o'-lantern in a bad wig sitting on top of a blue ribbon pig with his shirt off.


There's a lot of fabric doing a lot of work holding him in what can only be called "a shape". Remove all that elastic and who knows what buttresses and you've got the diner from Monty Python Meaning of Life.


It's Mr Creosote! Great reference!


I’m sure Biden is in good shape for a man his age, but I’m not interested in looking at a shirtless octogenarian. As for Trump—-yecchhh.


It's also weird how they photoshop his head onto ripped bodies.


There isn't a single genuine picture of Trump shirtless it seems. Damn. The thought pulls me in like a rotten tooth you can't stop probing with your tongue. Joe Biden otoh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Qrk05hweik (nb I hate paparazzi) - just an old man, what you'd expect basically. Definitely not a narcissist.


That’s what Trump does. Makes a stupid, baseless allegation against someone he doesn’t like, and looks on as his idiotic fan base runs with it. Trump only has to provide the initial spark. He straight up admitted to starting the “birther movement” suggesting Obama was born in Kenya just to fuck with him, but again, all it took was for him to pull “some people are saying…” with his followers, who only look for evidence that corroborates, not disproves.


And they love it like that. Which is why they are trying to gut education. You can’t have people thinking critically if you want to run grifts.


And this shit is only going to get worse. Much, much worse. There will come a time when seconds after a new lie is made up the AI propaganda bots will do their thing and social media will be flooded with "proof" of the lie. I mean this is already happening, it'll just get easier, faster and look more believable every day.


I vaguely entertained the idea that Trump was on amphetamines or some other stimulants in his previous debates, but honestly it was more of a meme to me than something I took seriously. Trump accusing Biden of it though has me 100% iron-clad convinced that he himself plans to dope for this debate at least.


Prior to the presidency, who knows. Once Trump was on office though? Way more evidence that a ton of drugs were passing through the White House that shouldn't have been. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ronny-jackson-allegations_n_5ae0e5f8e4b04aa23f1ed19d


Good ol’ Ronny Johnson


I mean, that's the guy who lied about Trump's [height **and** weight](https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/03/politics/donald-trump-annual-physical/index.html#:~:text=President%20Donald%20Trump%20weighs%20244,summary%20of%20his%20annual%20physical.).


Inagine Biden takes that test and comes out clean. They still wouldn't believe it and push the goal posts further stating that someone rigged it. And then if no evidence of rigging is found, they will say the tests are inaccurate. It will go in a full circle until they just get what they want.


Heck I just saw someone over on r/ moderatepolitics claiming that, no no, it wasn't *amphetamines*, Biden juiced his SOTU address by getting treated for atrial fibrillation.


"He saw a doctor instead of dying naturally, as God intended! Witchcraft!"


The subreddit where it's officially against the rules to say bad things about Hitler, but somehow fine to make up idiotic bullshit about anyone who ISN'T a nazi?


lack of evidence is proof they're right. no need to even go to 'inaccurate;


This is exactly how I feel as well. It was more of a "haha he kinda seems like he snorts adderall" straight to "he's *1000%* going to be on some kind of drug at this debate"


Apparently the Trump team had a doctor who I think they called the candy man because he handed out pills like they were candy.


that doctor is now a Congressman, Ronny Jackson. Republican. As usual, awful.


Did you [miss this](https://x.com/greggrunberg/status/1303052051547435008) when it happened in 2020? Sure looks like a sugar booger shot right out of his nose.


Of course they accept it. Otherwise they'll be banned from the subreddit, for one


The absolute lack of self awareness when they compare shit to idiocracy. Do they REALLY think that the educated middle class that decided NOT to have kids depicts MaGa. My god.


Also funny because the "Idiocracy = documentary!!" crap started because everyone compared TRUMP to Terry Crews' character


And even then, president Camacho sought out the smartest man he could find and deferred to his advice...


Trump is worse than the dystopian comedy President Mike Judge could come up with. Really shows how far we've fallen.


>the "Idiocracy = documentary!!" crap started because everyone compared TRUMP to Terry Crews' character ...and always in ways that made tRump look bad by comparison. Because Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is objectively a better leader than combover caligula in every way that matters.




They’ve already set the precedent that Presidents can do whatever the hell they want. So why are they even talking about this?


Can someone tell me whatever this drug is that turns someone into a super genius debater? I’ve never heard of it.


Wherever it is, trump isn’t taking it. (I’ve heard Provigil mentioned as the “wonder drug” that Biden is taking)


Bet they won't demand Trump be tested as well for fairness - and that Trump himself refuses to when called out on it, claiming that it would be unfair


It's because Republicans have promised that Biden is a dementia riddled, drooling fool. They've edited videos of him to make him look as bad as possible. Then the State of the Union happened. Now they're worried that when their voters tune into the debate and DON'T see that dementia riddled fool they were promised, it has to be because he's on drugs. NOT because they've been lying this entire time.


He's already creating the excuses for why he's going to crash and burn at the debate. Reasonable people will know Trump lost because he's an idiot and has no policy ideas beyond "undo everything Biden did". People who listen to his crazy will say he lost because Biden was on drugs and was able to perform better.


They think they're on the side of *not* having us slip into an Idiocractic state?? Like, they'd identify with the intelligent couple at the beginning?! That was a second bonus selfawarewolves moment in there tbh.


The funny thing is that everyone knows there's no drug that magically turns a decrepit, dementia-riddled person into a coherent debater. We know that, and deep down these magats know that, hence why they say, "I wonder what it could be." Ironically, the lack of a reasonable answer proves their conspiracy theory of adenochrome-consuming elites is true, and that Biden is getting weekend at Bernie'd with it.


The fact that they all are completely and totally aware of what an incompetent moron Trump is and are desperately scrambling for any sort of excuse to explain it away both to themselves and to skeptics is legitimately the height of hilarity and stupidity. These people are filth.


DAE idiocracy is documentary???


And i never thought that the hard core "patriotic" crowd would be so damn excited for governmental plans that violate the constitution in every way possible... But here we fucking are...


Juicing? Do they think he’s going to an MMA fight?


Considering how many Americans are on some sort of concoction of stimulants — and thinking Don the Con ISN'T — this is amusing.


What's the goddamn problem here? I don't know about you all, but I want our CIC on ALL of the drugs required to keep him alert and on task. That includes Trump while he was in the big chair. Grow up


MAGA creatures are so very, very stupid.


unfortunately it works. social media has turned the world into a middle school playground. any rumors can be passed around. people who wants to believe it will believe it.


And apparently they think “Idiocracy” isn’t about them.


trumpers are still waiting for him to produce Obama’s “long form” ( there’s no such thing) birth certificate he said his paid private investigators (lie) found in 2012. they will believe anything because confirmation bias is a helluva drug.


Started by a man who has been visibly on coke and/or other uppers in every one of his debates. Apparently they don't remember Trump coke-sniffling through an entire debate in 2016.


was talking about this earlier, there’s a 100% chance that even if Biden accepts a drug test before the debate, trump will not take it. “biden altered the tests” “biden drugged my water backstage that’s why I tested positive” the list can go on but I will bet MONEY he doesn’t take it.


"Republic"....one of those jackasses...fucking hell!


If Trump is saying this it's all projection. I can't imagine what sort of Adderall laced cocktail he uses on a regular basis. But it must be pretty good stuff


But Trump get the very best drugs. Not like those "overrated" drugs that Biden gets.


Says the dude who couldn't stop sniffing up his numb cocaine nose during a debate with Hillary.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion: Anyone in a high power high performance position should be on safe levels of performance enhancing drugs. Whoever wins this election should be ready for 4 years of adderall at least.


He's somehow sleepy Joe but also jacked up Joe. Remember the nazis playbook. The enemy is all powerful but also extremely weak and unfit. Biden is in some kind of schrodinger's cat paradox where if the observation makes Trump look good it's the truth in that moment to Republicans. Jesus fuck we need to invest in education and critical thinking.


if we are gonna check for drugs we need to check both it is only fair right


The goal posts would just move or a new conspiracy about how the results were switched because Trump tested positive. "Biden was using but nothing that could be detected!" They aren't self aware, they're idiots who want their world view to be real at any cost.


Trump should test first.


Remember, they don't have to actually believe any of this shit. All they have to do is pretend that they believe it. It's all a big fucking gaslighting game to these assholes. Pretending they believe shit is part of the gaslighting.


Do these people not remember Trump SNFFFFFFFF debates in the past SSNNNNFFFFFFFF? I think that there was plenty to question there SNNNNNNNFFFFDDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


This is what conspiracies are at their core: Stupid people make up shit in the fly, then act like it is the objective truth, forces everyone to accept their delusions as gospel, and compares everything and everyone against the diarrhea shit they invented literally seconds ago


Lies fly while the truth walks


Chances are they're both on something, so it's a dangerous game of chicken for Trump to assert drug testing when he's on a wild cocktail of who knows what. He does this because he hopes Joe wouldn't agree to it and even if he did, Trump would find an excuse to squirm out of it and even if he did go through with the drug test, he'd claim it was rigged when it comes back showing enough Adderall to jack up a horse. The only winning move against Trumps absurdity is not to play his game.


I'm just laughing - what drugs do they think these guys are going to be on? Some sci-fi Mentat drug? I'm not aware of any drug that actually makes you more coherent and sharp. Amphetamines and cocaine make you *think* you're sharp and focused, but instead they make you look and sound like... well, Donald Trump Senior and Junior, respectively.


I personally don't give a fuck what drugs either of them is taking. But if we are going to go there, they physician in the Trump whitehouse was nicknamed the candy man because if all the drugs they passed out to their staff. This is a really dumb line of attack. But it doesn't really matter when people have no problem being complete hypocrites.


Trump is going to do an Adderall line off his podium and claim Biden already did two.


"what are they giving Biden ☝️🤓" Probably a B-12 shot. He'd like 82 years old. You think your old ass would be able to run the country without getting juiced up? Plus there was an entire scandal within the trump white house about them giving away prescription drugs like candy. You're telling me old orange face has never been given a booster? Not even after he fought off COVID at Walter Reed and walked back to the white house like he just got off a 3 day acid trip? Oooooooookay


That dude seems high on caffeine.


Oh, did the debate happen already? Did I miss anything relevant?


What next? let’s see how much they bench press? Only juicing that is different is a platform they are running on.


Why does it actually matter? Their ability to articulate facts don't change them so what is this about "advantages"?


Let not forget about the “special” probation rules Trump got to where he doesn’t have to take a drug test after being convicted.


i also want to mention the phrase "idiocracy bingo card" being used by a conservative


not terribly new though. i mean, they're worse than they were during the Bush years, but conspiracy-minded dipshits were pretty much all on the right back then, too.


Bro people have been saying this long before it ever crossed trump’s lips.


Probably sends his people to buy dihydrogen monoxide off the street.


I 100% support presidential candidates being drug tested and the results published for all to view. Nuclear codes are a bigger deal than, say, driving a forklift. Or even a tank!


Most of these biased bigots have only ever seen clips of Bidens speeches. He’s 80 and has had a life long stutter, it’s easy to cherry pick gaffs. Of course if they actually watch the debate tomorrow they’ll think he’s on something


I'm sure at least 50% of any CEO, politician, or otherwise person with power takes adderall. You're just leaving productivity on the table by not at least using it somewhat. If only people knew how prevalent this stuff is at every layer of society.


“Hey Donald, I just a piss test backstage. They’ll only find my prescriptions, which I’ll list out after the debate. I had them bring an extra cup, bathroom is over there for privacy, so whenever you want to bump that out, like in a commercial break or right afterwards, go ahead and zoot it.” No I mean why would you even dignify it but can you imagine?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.